AWS Desktop and Application Streaming Blog |
Redirect an Okta SAML app to the Amazon AppStream 2.0 native client |
Redirect an Okta SAML app to the Amazon AppStream native clientCustomers use Amazon AppStream to stream applications and desktops to an HTML capable web browser AppStream through the web browser provides functionality for most users including support for multiple monitors touchscreen devices file transfers and webcams Users can also access AppStream with the native client for additional functionality such as peripheral devices or … |
2022-07-13 19:40:33 |
AWS Management Tools Blog |
Managing AWS account lifecycle in AWS Control Tower using the Account Close API |
Managing AWS account lifecycle in AWS Control Tower using the Account Close APIAWS Control Tower provides the easiest way for you to set up and govern your AWS environment following prescriptive AWS best practices managed on your behalf AWS Control Tower orchestrates multiple AWS services AWS Organizations AWS CloudFormation StackSets Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S AWS Single Sign On AWS Config AWS CloudTrail to build a landing … |
2022-07-13 19:26:01 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Vulnerabilities allowing permanent infections affect 70 Lenovo laptop models |
installation |
2022-07-13 19:44:24 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
EU lawmakers slam “radical proposal“ to let ISPs demand new fees from websites |
applications |
2022-07-13 19:32:01 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Set Up a TFTP Server on Linux |
linux |
2022-07-13 19:45:17 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Fix Logitech Mouse Lag on M1 and M2 Macs |
logitech |
2022-07-13 19:45:18 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
It's Harder to Buy PS3 and Vita Games (But You Still Have Options) |
It x s Harder to Buy PS and Vita Games But You Still Have Options In October Sony limited your options for buying digital PlayStation and PS Vita games Here s how to get around this |
2022-07-13 19:30:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Fix Windows Defender When It Keeps Re-Enabling Itself on Windows 11 |
windows |
2022-07-13 19:16:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Golang, observabilidade e métricas com SigNoz e OpenTelemetry |
Golang observabilidade e métricas com SigNoz e OpenTelemetryQuem nunca passou por um aperto com uma api endpoit serviço ou qualquer coisa em produção e simplesmente não achou o problema ou demorou muito tempo para metrificar e descobrir o gargalo que fazia o sistema cair É aquela hora do dia que o sistema simplesmente ficava inutilizável e ninguém sabia explicar o motivo Se vocênão passou por isso sempre vai ter a primeira vez Brincadeiras a parte hoje veremos como integrar um serviço criado com golang com o SigNoz usando OpenTelemetryBora lá Primeiro passo éter um serviço para metrificar rsrs Vamos criar algo muito simples para não perdermos tempo O foco aqui éa integração com o SigNoz e não uma API completa com Golang Aplicaçãomkdir go signoz otlcd go signoz otlgo mod init github com booscaaa go signoz otlVamos configurar nossa migration de produtos para o exemplo migrate create ext sql dir database migrations seq create product tableNo nosso arquivo database migrations create product table up sqlCREATE TABLE product id serial primary key not null name varchar not null INSERT INTO product name VALUES Cadeira Mesa Toalha Fogão Batedeira Pia Torneira Forno Gaveta Copo Com a migration em mãos bora criar jáde início nosso conector com o postgres usando a lib sqlx adapter postgres connector gopackage postgresimport context log github com golang migrate migrate v github com jmoiron sqlx github com spf viper github com golang migrate migrate v database postgres github com golang migrate migrate v source file github com lib pq GetConnection return connection pool from postgres drive SQLXfunc GetConnection context context Context sqlx DB databaseURL viper GetString database url db err sqlx ConnectContext context postgres databaseURL if err nil log Fatal err return db RunMigrations run scripts on path database migrationsfunc RunMigrations databaseURL viper GetString database url m err migrate New file database migrations databaseURL if err nil log Println err if err m Up err nil log Println err Vamos criar as abstrações e implementações no nosso dominio adapters da aplicação core domain product gopackage domainimport context github com gin gonic gin Product is entity of table product database columntype Product struct ID int json id db id Name string json name db name ProductService is a contract of http adapter layertype ProductService interface Fetch gin Context ProductUseCase is a contract of business rule layertype ProductUseCase interface Fetch context Context Product error ProductRepository is a contract of database connection adapter layertype ProductRepository interface Fetch context Context Product error core usecase productusecase new gopackage productusecaseimport github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain type usecase struct repository domain ProductRepository New returns contract implementation of ProductUseCasefunc New repository domain ProductRepository domain ProductUseCase return amp usecase repository repository core usecase productusecase fetch gopackage productusecaseimport context github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain func usecase usecase Fetch ctx context Context domain Product error products err usecase repository Fetch ctx if err nil return nil err return products err adapter postgres productrepository new gopackage productrepositoryimport github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain github com jmoiron sqlx type repository struct db sqlx DB New returns contract implementation of ProductRepositoryfunc New db sqlx DB domain ProductRepository return amp repository db db adapter postgres productrepository fetch gopackage productrepositoryimport context github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain func repository repository Fetch ctx context Context domain Product error products domain Product err repository db SelectContext ctx amp products SELECT FROM product if err nil return nil err return amp products nil adapter http productservice new gopackage productserviceimport github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain type service struct usecase domain ProductUseCase New returns contract implementation of ProductServicefunc New usecase domain ProductUseCase domain ProductService return amp service usecase usecase adapter http productservice fetch gopackage productserviceimport net http github com gin gonic gin func service service Fetch c gin Context products err service usecase Fetch c Request Context if err nil c JSON http StatusInternalServerError err return c JSON http StatusOK products di product gopackage diimport github com booscaaa go signoz otl adapter http productservice github com booscaaa go signoz otl adapter postgres productrepository github com booscaaa go signoz otl core domain github com booscaaa go signoz otl core usecase productusecase github com jmoiron sqlx func ConfigProductDI conn sqlx DB domain ProductService productRepository productrepository New conn productUsecase productusecase New productRepository productService productservice New productUsecase return productService adapter http main gopackage mainimport context github com booscaaa go signoz otl adapter postgres github com booscaaa go signoz otl di github com gin gonic gin github com spf viper func init viper SetConfigFile config json err viper ReadInConfig if err nil panic err func main ctx context Background conn postgres GetConnection ctx defer conn Close postgres RunMigrations productService di ConfigProductDI conn router gin Default router GET product productService Fetch router Run config json database url postgres postgres postgres localhost devtodb server port otl service name devto goapp otel exporter otlp endpoint localhost insecure mode true Por fim basta rodar a aplicação e ver se tudo ficou funcionando certinho No primeiro terminal go run adapter http main goNo segundo terminal curl location request GET localhost product SigNozCom a aplicação pronta vamos iniciar as devidas implementações para integrar as métricas com o SigNoz e ver a magia acontecer Primeiro passo então éinstalarmos o SigNoz na nossa máquina para isso usaremos o docker compose git clone b main amp amp cd signoz deploy docker compose f docker clickhouse setup docker compose yaml up dFeito isso basta acessar a o endereço localhost no seu navegador Crie uma conta e acesse o painel do SigNoz No Dashboard inicial ainda não temos nada que nos interesse mas fique a vontade para explorar os dados ja existentes da aplicação Por fim vamos realizar a integração e analisar os dados que serão mostrados no SigNoz Vamos começar alterando o conector com o banco de dados criando um wrapper do sqlx com a lib otelsqlx com isso vamos conseguir captar informações de queries que serão executadas no banco core postgres connector gopackage postgresimport context log github com golang migrate migrate v github com jmoiron sqlx github com spf viper github com uptrace opentelemetry go extra otelsql github com uptrace opentelemetry go extra otelsqlx semconv go opentelemetry io otel semconv v github com golang migrate migrate v database postgres github com golang migrate migrate v source file github com lib pq sdktrace go opentelemetry io otel sdk trace GetConnection return connection pool from postgres drive SQLXfunc GetConnection context context Context provider sdktrace TracerProvider sqlx DB databaseURL viper GetString database url db err otelsqlx ConnectContext context postgres databaseURL otelsql WithAttributes semconv DBSystemPostgreSQL otelsql WithTracerProvider provider if err nil log Fatal err return db RunMigrations run scripts on path database migrationsfunc RunMigrations databaseURL viper GetString database url m err migrate New file database migrations databaseURL if err nil log Println err if err m Up err nil log Println err Feito isso criaremos o arquivo util tracer go para inicializar a captura das informações package utilimport context log github com spf viper go opentelemetry io otel go opentelemetry io otel attribute go opentelemetry io otel exporters otlp otlptrace go opentelemetry io otel exporters otlp otlptrace otlptracegrpc go opentelemetry io otel sdk resource google golang org grpc credentials sdktrace go opentelemetry io otel sdk trace var ServiceName CollectorURL Insecure false func InitTracer sdktrace TracerProvider ServiceName viper GetString otl service name CollectorURL viper GetString otl otel exporter otlp endpoint Insecure viper GetBool otl insecure mode secureOption otlptracegrpc WithTLSCredentials credentials NewClientTLSFromCert nil if Insecure secureOption otlptracegrpc WithInsecure ctx context Background exporter err otlptrace New ctx otlptracegrpc NewClient secureOption otlptracegrpc WithEndpoint CollectorURL if err nil log Fatal err resources err resource New ctx resource WithAttributes attribute String service name ServiceName attribute String library language go if err nil log Printf Could not set resources v err provider sdktrace NewTracerProvider sdktrace WithSampler sdktrace AlwaysSample sdktrace WithBatcher exporter sdktrace WithResource resources otel SetTracerProvider provider return provider E por último mas não menos importante vamos configurar o middleware para o gin no arquivo adapter http main gopackage mainimport context github com booscaaa go signoz otl adapter postgres github com booscaaa go signoz otl di github com booscaaa go signoz otl util go opentelemetry io contrib instrumentation github com gin gonic gin otelgin github com gin gonic gin github com spf viper func init viper SetConfigFile config json err viper ReadInConfig if err nil panic err func main tracerProvider util InitTracer ctx context Background conn postgres GetConnection ctx tracerProvider defer conn Close postgres RunMigrations productService di ConfigProductDI conn router gin Default router Use otelgin Middleware util ServiceName router GET product productService Fetch router Run Vamos rodar novamente a aplicação e criar um script para realizar diversas chamadas na api No primeiro terminal go run adapter http main goNo segundo terminal while do curl location request GET localhost product doneVoltando para o painel do SigNoz basta esperar a aplicação aparecer no dashboard Clicando no app que acabou de aparecer jáconseguimos analisar dados muito importantes como Media de tempo de cada request Quantidade de requests por segundo Qual o endpoint mais acessado da aplicação Porcentagem de erros que ocorreram E ao clicar em uma request que por ventura demorou muito para retornar ou deu erro chegaremos a uma nova tela onde épossivel analisar o tempo interno de cada camada além de ver exatamente a query que pode estar causando problemas na aplicação |
2022-07-13 19:36:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Moose facts |
Moose factsI started watching the show Alone on Netflix recently and I saw a swimming moose and I was surprised thinking about how the moose was just chugging along swimming and started looking up moose and now I am obsessed with moose This is not a blog about coding This is a blog about moose The state animal of Maine I don t have a blog on non development platforms so this is where it will live It s time for moose facts Moose are freakin bigThe average female often called a cow weighs lbs and the average male often called a bull weighs lbs and they can get up to lbs A bull moose s antlers can spread up to feet from end to end and they shed their antlers every year Just giant stick things on their head gone Wow The antlers also weigh like lbs Huge Moose eat all kinds of vegetation and require around calories per day They eat about lbs daily in the winter and lbs in the summer That s so many plants In the Algonquin language moose means eater of twigs and it s a pretty apt name They eat more food than black bears Also they don t have upper front teeth I just picture them inhaling plants and going om num nom num very loudly Say that out loud right now in a low voice so you can get a visual Moose are a part of the deer family and they are the largest of all the deer species They re also the tallest mammal in North America That s huge Look at these moose fighting Look at them compared to the cars Holy crap Moose can freakin diveA moose can dive feet underwater and stay down there for a minute READ THAT AGAIN They just go down underwater they can physically close their nostrils and eat the vegetation at the bottom of the body of water These GIANT CREATURES just act like they re hungry fish They dive so much that orcas as in literal killer whales are a regular predator of moose You know in that classic Drew Barrymore movie Ever After where she s like a bird may love a fish but where would they live I am now doing my own variation a moose may love a whale but where will they live In the whale s stomach Moose swim a lot more than I thought in general They can swim up to mph and are born knowing how to swim Who knew Not me They hang out in the water to ease the pressure on their bones because again they re huge to cool off and to avoid predators sneaking up on them Except whales of course Moose are freakin lonersMoose are very solitary animals and don t travel in packs They re just shy They meet up for mating season but that s about it Calves will follow their mothers for about a year and then go off on their own I think that s a big reason why you don t really see them in zoos they probably wouldn t do well there given their size and temperament They do live for up to years though and prefer cold climates Lots of time for contemplation and literally chilling Their hair is hollow and gets darker over time so you can tell how old a moose is by how dark its hair is kinda Moose will freakin destroy youOkay a moose probably won t fight you just because They re mostly peaceful except during mating season where the bull moose try to assert dominance with their antlers If you see a moose a bull moose will take any movement towards them as aggression and a mama moose will immediately try to fight you if she thinks you re threatening her young Just get out of their line of sight and you should be pretty good Their eyesight isn t that great in general and they have blind spots like horses do because their eyes are on the sides of their heads THAT BEING SAID A moose can outrun a person by the time they re days old When a human is days old they just sit there not knowing how to do anything We are inferior beings When they re more than days old they get even faster and can travel up to mph Imagine a lb monster running at you at that speed They d be like you re like a deer in the headlights hahaha except UNO REVERSE SUCKER And you might be thinking oh I just have to avoid the antlers but no it s the HOOVES They can kick their front legs in ANY direction When they re about to fight they lick their lips and bend their ears back I just imagine a moose charging with legs like helicopters as they lick their lips and chase me I m a goner The moose has won it is unlikely that a moose fights this way but one cannot be too safe The endJust kidding one more fun fact in Latin the word for elk is alces and thus the scientific name is alces alces or elk elk Moose are elk elk Thank you for your time I will not be sharing my sources because there are too many You can google all of this There s also comics Goodbye elk elks |
2022-07-13 19:22:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Where did the plist go? |
Where did the plist go If you ve recently fired up XCode and created a new SwiftUI app you ll soon realize that Info plist has gone missing For some swift veterans that might bring up flashbacks of the missing AppDelegate that surfaced in a prior XCode release No worries it s a feature not a bug According to the XCode release notes Projects created from several templates no longer require configuration files such as entitlements and Info plist files Configure common fields in the target s Info tab and build settings in the project editor These files are added to the project when additional fields are used While it s still possible to include the plist moving forward most Swift developers will find that it s much easier to work with There is a new info section within the build settings So just select the project s info tab and add the appropriate keys as you had previously had done with the plist The info section and plist is generally used to provision additonal capibility for your application Most common usage is setting the privacy messages a user sees when accessing the camera or microphone for the first time So when you re building your next Dolby io Communications or Streaming app with Swift you ll need remember to set the Camera and Microphone Privacy keys in the info section of the build settings exactly the same way you ve been doing it with the plist for years It s important to be crystal clear about your intended use of those features and failing to do so may end up as delays or rejections of your app during Apple s review process Once again these changes are part of Apple s Less is More design philosophy makes the developer experince better with fewer files to manage With each new release of Xcode It s easy to forget that the tools also evolve and it s highly recommended and best practice to review the latest release notes for such nuggets of information |
2022-07-13 19:04:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Prime Day deals: save 30% on Jackery portable generators & solar panels |
Prime Day deals save on Jackery portable generators amp solar panelsJackery portable generators and solar panels are heavily discounted for Prime members with the deals ending tonight Jackery portable power stations and solar panels are up to for Prime Day Numerous Jackery products are off during Amazon Prime Day with the deals ending at midnight PT Read more |
2022-07-13 19:32:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'Ferrari' series based on the life of Enzo Ferrari coming to Apple TV+ |
x Ferrari x series based on the life of Enzo Ferrari coming to Apple TV Apple TV has given a straight to series order to Ferrari which will focus on a five year period in Enzo Ferrari s life Ferrari GT Berlinetta Passo Corto Image credit FerrariThe new series is inspired by the biography Ferrari Rex by Luca Dal Monte It captures the dramatic era between and when Enzo Ferrari rebuilt his racing team from scratch amidst family tragedy Read more |
2022-07-13 19:16:20 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
watchOS 9 preview: A hearty upgrade for workout and sleep tracking |
watchOS preview A hearty upgrade for workout and sleep trackingApple may have the best smartwatch around but there are still some areas where it lags the competition particularly in exercise and sleep tracking With watchOS the company is bringing a robust slate of Workout updates alongside new watch faces redesigned apps and the ability to detect sleep zones Now that the public beta is here we can get a first look at whether the company can close those gaps To install the watchOS beta you ll need to have an Apple Watch Series or newer as well as an iPhone running the iOS beta That means if you don t want to risk losing your data you might want to wait until an official release before updating Hearty changes in WorkoutsSome of the most impactful updates are in workouts Apple added pages that present more data when you re logging an activity so you can easily keep track of things like your segments and splits or elevations Of these new screens my favorite is the Cardio Zones view while I found the Activity Rings page the least helpful It was satisfying to see where my heart rate was during a minute HIIT session and the Apple Watch displayed that information clearly There were five zones in different colors on screen and the one I was in was highlighted Afterwards I learned through the Fitness app s new summary page that I had spent most of the time about minutes in Zone and Apple also helpfully displays the heart rate range for each zone ScreenshotsThe Cardio view is supposed to be available for all workouts but I didn t see it in activities like Yoga Dance or Cooldown They do all support the new custom workout feature though which lets you create specific goals to focus on during your session This is much more useful in distance or endurance related activities like running cycling rowing or HIIT where Apple offers suggested templates like x m repeats mile repeats or min of sec sec You ll get haptic and audio alerts when you hit your target heart rate distance calories or time You can scroll all the way down to set up your own but this experience is pretty inconsistent across different workout types For some activities you ll have plenty of options like Pacer Distance Calories or Time For others like Open Water Swim or Rower you ll only see Calories and Time along with a Custom option that lets you set specific periods of work and recovery Not every activity is going to be compatible with distance or pace so this inconsistency is understandable Just don t expect the custom workouts feature to behave the same way for all your exercises ScreenshotsRunners will find a lot of the watchOS tools helpful though Apple also added new running form metrics like stride length ground contact time vertical oscillation and something it calls Power That last one measures your responsive energy demand and is displayed as a number of watts These new metrics are automatically calculated and are only available during Outdoor Run workouts You ll need to be using an Apple Watch Series Watch SE or newer too If you tend to run or bike along the same routes watchOS can also let you race against yourself in the new Race Route feature When you complete Outdoor Run Outdoor Cycle or Wheelchair Run Pace workouts your iPhone will use on device processing to group similar routes The next time you start one of these activities the Route view will tell you if you re ahead or behind your typical time how much distance is left and alert you if you go off your usual path Apple also added a new Pacer mode that lets you set a target time to complete a distance you specify and will then guide you to hit the required pace to meet that goal Garmin and Samsung watches have similar features so Apple isn t breaking new ground here but it s nice to see come to watchOS I don t usually bike swim and run within one session but for triathletes the new Multisport workout mode makes it easier to switch between the three activities so you don t have to fiddle with your watch Apple also added support for Kickboard as a stroke type and swimmers can see a SWOLF efficiency score on their summaries New watch faces and interfaceOne of the nicer things about each watchOS update is the new faces which offer a way to refresh your device This time Apple not only added the ability to change the background color of existing options like Modular and X Large it s also introducing new Playtime Metropolitan and Lunar designs The company redesigned the Astronomy screen too and it s similar to the iPhone version where you can choose between views of the earth moon or the solar system Meanwhile Lunar lets you pick from the Chinese Hebrew or Islamic calendars to display around the clock ScreenshotsI never knew how much I d appreciate having the Chinese Lunar calendar within reach until I added this face It has Mandarin characters telling me it s currently the fifteenth day of the sixth month and I can use this to count how far we are from the next Lunar New Year or my grandmother s birthday which my family bases on the Chinese calendar Apple also redesigned the calendar app making it easier to add new events from your wrist Siri also no longer takes over your whole screen when triggered instead appearing as an orb floating over the clock Because I had set up Medications on my iPhone on the iOS preview I also received an alert on watchOS when it came time to take my supplement I could easily log that I had taken my meds skipped them or snooze the reminder Sleep zones and other updatesSpeaking of snoozing Apple also added sleep stage detection to watchOS using data from the accelerometer and heart rate monitor It ll detect when you re awake and distinguish between zones like REM Core or Deep sleep This feature is way overdue considering Fitbit has long been able to do this with even its midrange trackers But while I didn t get around to testing Apple s system in time for this preview I look forward to seeing how it compares when I do a full review Screenshot EngadgetThere are some other updates I d like to spend more time with too like the additional metrics when doing a Fitness workout So far my experience with the watchOS beta has been smooth and honestly the cardio zones workout view alone has made the installation worthwhile for a gym fiend like me anyway If you re comfortable with the risk involved in running beta software and can t wait till a stable release to get these new features you ll likely enjoy what Apple has to offer today |
2022-07-13 19:31:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Netflix partners with Microsoft for upcoming ad-supported subscription tier |
Netflix partners with Microsoft for upcoming ad supported subscription tierNetflix has found a partner for its upcoming ad supported tier On Wednesday the company announced it plans to work with Microsoft on the effort In a blog post published by Microsoft the tech giant said it would provide Netflix with technological and sales expertise nbsp As recently as last month The Wall Street Journal suggested Google and Comcast were among the leading candidates to help Netflix build out an ad supported tier On Wednesday Netflix said it selected Microsoft for the tech giant s quot proven ability quot to support its customers quot Microsoft offered the flexibility to innovate over time on both the technology and sales side as well as strong privacy protections for our members quot said Netflix Chief Operating Officer Greg Peters Not mentioned is the fact that Microsoft doesn t operate a competing streaming service nbsp Netflix co CEO Reed Hasting first revealed the company was exploring cheaper plans this past April The admission came after Netflix announced that it had lost subscribers in the first quarter of At the time Hastings said the company planned to finalize the details of its plans quot over the next year or two quot Netflix is scheduled to announce its second quarter earnings on Tuesday According to CNBC the company recently warned Wall Street it may have lost as many as two million subscribers over the past three months nbsp |
2022-07-13 19:14:02 |
海外TECH |
The 63 Best Prime Day Deals if You Work (and Play) From Home |
keyboards |
2022-07-13 19:37:00 |
海外TECH |
11 Prime Day Deals on Apple Devices |
apple |
2022-07-13 19:12:55 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
検査説明全てロボットが対応、看護師の業務効率向上へ-【病院の未来】神奈川県ロボット実装支援からの展望(上) |
事業報告 |
2022-07-14 05:00:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
あいおいニッセイ同和損保、中小企業に「業種別SDGs経営簡易診断サービス」を提供開始 |
あいおいニッセイ同和損保、中小企業に「業種別SDGs経営簡易診断サービス」を提供開始月から製造業など業種に追加提供あいおいニッセイ同和損保は月日、「業種別SDGs経営簡易診断サービス」を、月から、これまでの業種に加え「製造業」「飲食業」などの業種に追加提供すると発表した。 |
2022-07-14 05:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson: The inside story of the prime minister's downfall |
minister |
2022-07-13 19:34:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine round-up: Claims of forced deportations and grain talks take place |
korea |
2022-07-13 19:52:20 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アベノミクス後の難題は「全能の神」化した日銀の権能奉還 - 政策・マーケットラボ |
中央銀行 |
2022-07-14 05:00:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
売上高が大きい会社ランキング2022【トップ5】ホンダ、三菱商事、NTTの序列は? - ニッポンなんでもランキング! |
三菱商事 |
2022-07-14 04:57:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
売上高が大きい会社ランキング2022【1000社完全版】 - DIAMONDランキング&データ |
diamond |
2022-07-14 04:57:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「不動産会社界のホテル王」に挑戦状!大和ハウス・積水ハウス・ヒューリック三者三様の戦略 - ホテルの新・覇者 |
三井不動産 |
2022-07-14 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
上司が絶対にやってはいけない部下の「評価方法」とは?【動画】 - 結果を出すリーダー 5つの鉄則 |
鉄則 |
2022-07-14 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
MIT経営大学院上級講師・ピーター・センゲ氏自らが解説、人の進化と「システム思考」 - 進化する組織 |
物理学者 |
2022-07-14 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ファイザー日本法人で「大量リストラ計画」密かに浮上!コロナ薬バブルでも - 医薬経済ONLINE |
医薬情報担当者 |
2022-07-14 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
国産ボールペンの輸出が数量・金額とも激増、デジタル時代に絶好調のなぜ - 物流専門紙カーゴニュース発 |
金額 |
2022-07-14 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ウクライナの独立に奔走した 「赤い大公・ヴィリー」の生涯 [後編]ハプスブルク家と神聖ローマ帝国 - 日々刻々 橘玲 |
ウクライナの独立に奔走した「赤い大公・ヴィリー」の生涯後編ハプスブルク家と神聖ローマ帝国日々刻々橘玲年にウクライナの首都キーウキエフを訪れた。 |
2022-07-14 04:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
宗教団体を恨んで安倍氏狙う不条理…犯人は「ヘイトクライム」思考の典型だ - 情報戦の裏側 |
宗教団体を恨んで安倍氏狙う不条理…犯人は「ヘイトクライム」思考の典型だ情報戦の裏側宗教団体を憎んでいるはずの山上容疑者の頭の中では、なぜか教団よりも安倍氏の方を自分の人生を狂わせた「主犯」として強い殺意を抱いていた。 |
2022-07-14 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
安倍氏銃撃事件で露呈した「固定観念の罠」、動機・銃撃能力・警備体制… - 田岡俊次の戦略目からウロコ |
浮き彫り |
2022-07-14 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日銀の6月国債購入「過去最大」の異常、長期金利抑制は財政に望ましいか - 野口悠紀雄 新しい経済成長の経路を探る |
国債市場 |
2022-07-14 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
安倍元首相の下で自民党は「左傾化」、左派野党が壊滅した今の対抗勢力は? - 上久保誠人のクリティカル・アナリティクス |
安倍元首相の下で自民党は「左傾化」、左派野党が壊滅した今の対抗勢力は上久保誠人のクリティカル・アナリティクス安倍晋三元首相が銃撃されて亡くなった。 |
2022-07-14 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「購入満足度が高い」マンションの4条件とは?1万人調査で判明 - ビッグデータで解明!「物件選び」の新常識 |
「購入満足度が高い」マンションの条件とは万人調査で判明ビッグデータで解明「物件選び」の新常識筆者が運営するサイト「住まいサーフィン」では、分譲マンションの入居者にアンケート調査を実施しており、サンプル数は、のべ万人にも及ぶ。 |
2022-07-14 04:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
東武鬼怒川線、「ほぼ毎日走るSL」が秘める可能性 沿線住民が花を植え、列車に手を振ってくれる | トラベル最前線 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東武鬼怒川線 |
2022-07-14 04:30:00 |