IT |
気になる、記になる… |
半透明でLEDが光るデザインが話題の「Nothing Phone (1)」、ディスプレイに関する不具合が複数報告される |
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2022-07-18 23:02:50 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エグゼクティブ] 「100万円台で気球宇宙旅行」目指す札幌市の岩谷技研 |
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2022-07-19 08:29:00 |
IT |
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事例で解説!Twitterでイベント実況を成功へ導く3つのステップ |
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2022-07-18 23:30:58 |
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Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Image-Adaptive-3DLUTをトレーニングする |
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2022-07-19 09:00:05 |
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2022-07-19 08:25:18 |
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2022-07-19 08:23:36 |
Ruby |
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2022-07-19 08:12:11 |
技術ブログ |
MonotaRO Tech Blog |
MonotaROのMLOps〜バンディットアルゴリズムの効果を最大化するリアルタイムデータパイプライン〜 |
MonotaROのMLOpsバンディットアルゴリズムの効果を最大化するリアルタイムデータパイプラインはじめに皆さん、こんにちは。 |
2022-07-19 09:00:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tutorial: communication between sibling components using state, and controlled forms |
Tutorial communication between sibling components using state and controlled formsComponent hierarchy Parent Component App js Child component ExampleForm js Child component SubmittedFormInfo js GoalI have an example form in the child component ExampleForm to receive input on a name image url and a price for a new item I want this information to immediately be displayed in another child component SubmittedFormInfo without the need to refresh the page Both of these components are children of App but information cannot be directly passed between sibling components such as these How can we take the information from the form and then immediately display that information in the other component WalkthroughThis issue depends on the use of state and setter functions passed down as props to each of the components Since information cannot be directly passed between sibling components we need to make use of state in the parent component which will pass down information to each of the two components so that the data can be displayed App componentBegin by utilizing the useState hook in the App component and use an initial value of an empty object which will eventually contain the information from our example form function App const newItem setNewItem useState We are not too concerned with the actual value of newItem just yet Instead begin by passing down the setter function setNewItem to the ExampleForm component The first goal here is that we want to change the value of newItem upon form submission using the setter function passed down lt ExampleForm setNewItem setNewItem gt function ExampleForm setNewItem ExampleForm componentBefore going further we need to use a controlled form to keep track of the data submitted by the user For simplicity declare three initial values as empty strings for each input field on the form using the useState hook function ExampleForm setNewItem const name setName useState const image setImage useState const price setPrice useState These will be used as values for each input in the example form as follows lt form gt lt input type text name name placeholder Name value name gt lt input type text name image placeholder Image URL value image gt lt input type number name price placeholder Price value price gt lt button type submit gt Add Item lt button gt lt form gt For controlled forms every change that the user makes to the input field should update state to keep track on the information entered by the user This is especially useful for immediately making use of the information such as when you want matching items to display in the DOM using a search bar as the user types Even though we only need this information upon submission it is still helpful to use a controlled form To make this form controlled begin by declaring three separate functions to handle a change to each of the input fields Within each function we want to make use of the setName setImage and setPrice setter functions from the state in this component Each function should update state using the event object to access data on each letter entered to the form function handleNameChange event setName event target value function handleImageChange event setImage event target value function handlePriceChange event setPrice event target value To call these functions when the user inputs data use these functions as callbacks for onChange events in each of the form input fields lt form gt lt input type text name name placeholder Name value name onChange handleNameChange gt lt input type text name image placeholder Image URL value image onChange handleImageChange gt lt input type number name price placeholder Price value price onChange handlePriceChange gt lt button type submit gt Add Item lt button gt lt form gt The general idea is that as the user types each of these functions will be called to update state Since we are using state variables as the input values in the form the form values will update as the state updates with the use of the handle functions Once the user finishes typing we will have complete information available to use in each of the name image and price state variables When the user submits the form we want to change the value of newItem declared in App using the information entered by the user We can do this by calling the setter function setNewItem which was passed down as a prop to the form component Begin by declaring a handleSubmit function which should be called when the user submits the form using onSubmit in the opening form tag In the handleSubmit function we want to create a new object specifying key value pairs using state variables as each value as so const formData name name image image price parseInt price Then call setNewItem using the formData object as the specified value setNewItem formData Optionally we can prevent a refresh of the page and set the form values back to empty strings to receive new data from the user The final handleSubmit function should look something similar to this function handleSubmit event event preventDefault const formData name name image image price parseInt price setNewItem formData setName setImage setPrice The primary line of code to focus on here is setNewItem formData This updates state in the parent App component which allows us to then pass that form data to SubmittedFormInfo as a child of App SubmittedFormInfo componentTo finally display the form data in our application in the App component pass down newItem as a prop to SubmittedFormInfo lt SubmittedFormInfo newItem newItem gt newItem now contains an object with the name image url and price of the item added by the user Have SubmittedFormInfo receive the prop and optionally destructure newItem to more easily use the information contained in the newItem object function SubmittedFormInfo newItem const name image price newItemAll that is left to do is display the name image and price variables in the DOM return lt header gt lt h gt Submitted Form Data lt h gt lt p gt Name name lt p gt lt p gt Image url image lt p gt lt p gt Price price lt p gt lt header gt With this addition once the user submits the form the information entered by the user should now display automatically in the DOM This occurs because of state updates Since SubmittedFormInfo depends on the variable newItem in state once the value of newItem updates this will cause the SubmittedFormInfo component to re render immediately displaying the information entered by the user ConclusionWe used newItem and its setter function to update the application We began by passing down setNewItem to ExampleForm which was called when the user submitted the form As the user typed state in the form component updated keeping track of the values entered by the user Upon submission we set the value of newItem to the data entered by the user This caused a state update for newItem which was passed down to our display container as a prop This component then re rendered upon submission displaying the information entered by the user immediately below the form with no need to refresh the page |
2022-07-18 23:06:29 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
物価高と消費者の暮らし向き-子育て世帯で徹底的に支出減、安価な製品への乗り換えも |
目次ーはじめに消費者物価は台へ、年後も物価上昇と考える消費者は割超、以上は割ー暮らし向きコロナ禍前より悪化、年後はシニアで悪化・若者でやや改善だが従来からの特徴全体の状況コロナ禍前より悪化、年後は現在とあまり変わらないが先行き不透明感も性年代やライフステージ別の状況年後はシニアで悪化、若者でやや改善だが従来からの特徴職業や個人年収、世帯年収別の状況高年収層もコロナ禍前より悪化傾向だが半数以上はゆとりありー暮らし向きにゆとりがなくなった理由シニアを中心に生活費負担増、現役世代では収入減も全体の状況生活必需品や光熱費、ガソリン代の値上がりが圧倒的で割強、コロナ禍による収入減も性年代やライフステージ別の状況シニアは生活費負担増、子育て世帯は収入減や教育費負担増職業別の状況自営業や正規雇用者は収入減、専業主婦や無職は生活費負担増個人年収や世帯年収別の状況現役世代の多い年収帯は収入減、シニアが多いと生活費負担増などーゆとりがなくなって取った行動シニアは購入控えや貯蓄切り崩し、子育て世帯は徹底的に支出減全体の状況必需性の低い消費を控え、ポイント活用や安価な製品への乗り換えなど支出抑制の工夫性年代やライフステージ別の状況子育て世帯で徹底的に支出減、安価な製品への乗り換えも個人年収や世帯年収別の状況現役世代の多い年収帯は家計の見直しや支出減ーおわりに月の個人消費はコロナ禍前の水準に戻らず、家計支援策と消費刺激策両面の必要性先の参院選の最大の争点が物価高対策であったように、エネルギー価格の上昇や原材料高、円安の進行によって消費者物価は上昇し続けている図表。 |
2022-07-19 08:43:07 |
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