python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VSCodeでPython書いてる人はとりあえずこれやっとけ〜 |
vscode |
2022-07-28 21:56:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【図解】ニューラルネットワークって?Part02【初心者向け】 |
youtube |
2022-07-28 21:11:46 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Cloud Functions のローカル環境開発(Pub/Subからの受信) |
cloudfunctions |
2022-07-28 21:04:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CO2センサー(MG-812)を買ったので、CO2濃度測ってみた |
秋月電子通商 |
2022-07-28 21:01:27 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ローカル環境にgcloudをインストール |
tinstallyapttransporthttp |
2022-07-28 21:10:41 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WorkSpacesにエプリクスをダウンロードする方法 |
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2022-07-28 21:14:50 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クラウドなんでもLT会#6 |
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2022-07-28 21:10:33 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Cloud Functionsの関数作成時の構造 |
cloudfunctions |
2022-07-28 21:29:54 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ローカル環境にgcloudをインストール |
tinstallyapttransporthttp |
2022-07-28 21:10:41 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Cloud Functions のローカル環境開発(Pub/Subからの受信) |
cloudfunctions |
2022-07-28 21:04:09 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
クラウドなんでもLT会#6 |
awscdk |
2022-07-28 21:10:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[Amazon Connect]Contact Lens for Amazon ConnectでオペレーターがNGワードを発言した時に検知する仕組みを構築する |
conta |
2022-07-28 12:26:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to render a 3D model in your React application with Three.js |
How to render a D model in your React application with Three jsIn this article we ll cover how to put a D model in the React application with Three js We ll also cover how to configure the D model with Blender So you will able to render a D object glb on your application D model sourcing and configurationFirst of all we can find our favourite d model from sketchfab com and I would like to use D model with dae format Then we can import it to Blender and apply the texture on the model Eventually convert it from fbx format to glb format Please find the keyboard model here For applying texture on different parts of the model Select every objects of the model and it will show orange when selected the objectClick Material Properties icon on right hand side panelChoose the Image Texture for Base Color of SurfaceSelect the corresponding texture image files under textures directory of the downloaded folderNote Select viewport shading icon at the top right corner to display the texture of the modelsOnce we applied the textures we could export the model to glb format Render the D model in React appTime to code now we can start from installing the required packages npm install react three drei react three fiber three There is a super awesome snippet gltfjsx can turn GLTFs into React component We can leverage this with following command and it will generate the JSX component automatically npx gltfjsx model gltWe can create the container component to display the model import React Suspense from react import Canvas from react three fiber import OrbitControls from react three drei import Model from Model export default function App return lt Canvas camera position fov style backgroundColor a width vw height vh gt lt ambientLight intensity gt lt ambientLight intensity gt lt directionalLight intensity gt lt Suspense fallback null gt lt Model position gt lt Suspense gt lt OrbitControls autoRotate gt lt Canvas gt Hope you enjoy this article and can t wait to see mor interesting D object popping up |
2022-07-28 12:33:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Use workflow to handle distributed transactions |
Use workflow to handle distributed transactionsIn the world of microservices a transaction is now distributed to multiple services that are called in a sequence to complete the entire transaction With the advent of microservice architecture we are losing the ACID nature of databases Transactions may now span multiple microservices and therefore databases To address the problems of distributed transactions the following list of approaches have been described Two Phase Commit XAEventual Consistency and Compensation SAGATry Confirm Cancel TCC In classic solutions the developers should choose one of the three patterns to handle distributed transactions But in this article we introduce a workflow pattern in github com dtm labs dtm Under this pattern a mixture of XA SAGA and TCC can be applied to different branches in a single distributed transactions allowing users to customize most of the contents of a distributed transaction providing great flexibility workflow exampleIn Workflow mode of DTM both HTTP and gRPC protocols can be used The following is an example of the gRPC protocol which is divided into the following steps Initialize the SDKRegister workflowExecute workflow Initialize the SDKFirst you need to Initialize the SDK s workflow before you can use it import github com dtm labs dtmgrpc workflow Initialize the workflow SDK with three parameters the first parameter the dtm server address the second parameter the business server address The third parameter grpcServer workflow needs to receive the dtm server callback from the business server address grpcServer workflow InitGrpc dtmGrpcServer busi BusiGrpc gsvr Register workflowThen you need to register workflow s handler function The following is a saga workflow to do cross bank transfer wfName wf saga err workflow Register wfName func wf workflow Workflow data byte error req MustUnmarshalReqGrpc data wf NewBranch OnRollback func bb dtmcli BranchBarrier error err busi BusiCli TransOutRevert wf Context req return err err busi BusiCli TransOut wf Context req if err nil return err wf NewBranch OnRollback func bb dtmcli BranchBarrier error err busi BusiCli TransInRevert wf Context req return err err busi BusiCli TransIn wf Context req return err This registration operation needs to be executed after the business service is started because when the process crashes dtm will call back to the business server to continue the unfinished taskThe above code NewBranch will create a transaction branch one that will include a forward action and a callback on global transaction commit rollbackOnRollback OnCommit will register a callback on global transaction rollback commit for the current transaction branch in the above code only OnRollback is specified so it is in Saga modeThe busi BusiCli in the above code needs to add a workflow interceptor which will automatically record the results of the rpc request to dtm as followsconn err grpc Dial busi BusiGrpc grpc WithUnaryInterceptor workflow Interceptor nossl busi BusiCli busi NewBusiClient conn You can of course add workflow Interceptor to all gRPC clients this middleware will only handle requests under wf Context and wf NewBranchContext When the workflow function returns nil ErrFailure the global transaction enters the Commit Rollback phase calling the operations registered in OnCommit OnRollback inside the function in reverse order Execute workflowFinally the workflow is executedreq amp busi ReqGrpc Amount err workflow Execute wfName shortuuid New dtmgimp MustProtoMarshal req When the result of Execute is nil ErrFailure the global transaction has succeeded been rolled back When the result of Execute is other values the dtm server will subsequently call back this workflow task to retry Principle of workflowHow does workflow ensure data consistency in distributed transactions When a business process has a crash or other problem the dtm server will find that this workflow global transaction has timed out and not completed then the dtm server will use an exponential retreat algorithm and retry the workflow transaction When the workflow retry request reaches the business service the SDK will query the progress of the global transaction from the dtm server and for the completed branch it will take the previously saved result and return the branch result directly through an interceptor such as gRPC HTTP Eventually the workflow will complete successfully Workflow functions need to be idempotent i e the first call or subsequent retries should get the same result Saga in WorkflowThe core idea of the Saga pattern derived from this paper SAGAS is that long transactions are split into short transactions coordinated by the Saga transaction coordinator and if each short transaction operation successfully completes then the global transaction completes normally and if a step fails the compensating operations are invoked one at a time in reverse order In Workflow mode you can call the function for the operation directly in the function and then write the compensation operation to OnRollback of the branch and then the compensation operation will be called automatically achieving the effect of Saga mode Tcc under WorkflowThe Tcc pattern is derived from this paper Life beyond Distributed Transactions an Apostate s Opinion he divides a large transaction into multiple smaller transactions each of which has three operations Try phase attempts to execute completes all business checks set aside enough business resourcesConfirm phase if the Try operation succeeds on all branches it goes to the Confirm phase which actually executes the transaction without any business checks using only the business resources set aside in the Try phaseCancel phase If one of the Try operations from all branches fails we go to the Cancel phase which releases the business resources reserved in the Try phase For our scenario of an inter bank transfer from A to B if SAGA is used and the balance is adjusted in the forward operation and is adjusted reversely in the compensating operation then the following scenario would occur A deducts the money successfullyA sees the balance decrease and tells BThe transfer of the amount to B fails and the whole transaction is rolled backB never receives the fundsThis causes great distress to both ABs This situation cannot be avoided in SAGA but it can be resolved by TCC with the following design technique Introduce a trading balance field in addition to the balance field in the accountTry phase to check if the account is frozen check if the account balance trading balance is sufficient and then adjust the trading balance i e the funds frozen for business purposes Confirm phase adjust balance adjust trading balance i e unfrozen funds for the business Cancel phase adjust trading balance i e unfrozen funds on the business In this case once end user A sees his balance deducted then B must be able to receive the fundsIn Workflow mode you can call the Try operation directly in the function then register the Confirm operation to OnCommit in the branch and register the Cancel operation to OnRollback in the branch achieving the effect of the Tcc mode XA under WorkflowXA is a specification for distributed transactions proposed by the X Open organization The XA specification essentially defines the interface between a global Transaction Manager TM and a local Resource Manager RM Local databases such as mysql play the RM role in the XAXA is divided into two phases Phase prepare i e all participants RM prepare to execute the transaction and lock the required resources When the participants are ready they report to TM that they are ready Phase commit rollback When the transaction manager TM confirms that all participants RMs are ready it sends a commit command to all participants Currently all major databases support XA transactions including mysql oracle sqlserver postgresIn Workflow mode you can call NewBranch DoXa in the workflow function to open your XA transaction branch Mixing multiple modesIn Workflow mode Saga Tcc and XA as described above are all patterns of branching transactions so you can use one pattern for some branches and another pattern for others The flexibility offered by this mixture of patterns allows for sub patterns to be chosen according to the characteristics of the branch transaction so the following is recommended XA If the business has no row lock contention and the global transaction will not last long then XA can be used This pattern requires less additional development and Commit Rollback is done automatically by the database For example this pattern is suitable for order creation business where different orders lock different order rows and have no effect on concurrency between each other it is not suitable for deducting inventory because orders involving the same item will all compete for the row lock of this item which will lead to low concurrency Saga common business that is not suitable for XA can use this model this model has less extra development than Tcc only need to develop forward operation and compensation operationTcc suitable for high consistency requirements such as the transfer described earlier this pattern has the most additional development and requires the development of operations including Try Confirm Cancel Idempotency RequirementsIn the Workflow pattern when a crash occurs a retry is performed so the individual operations are required to support idempotency i e the result of the first call is the same as the next tries returning the same result In business the unique key of the database is usually used to achieve idempotency specifically insert ignore unique key if the insert fails it means that this operation has been completed this time directly ignored to return if the insert succeeds it means that this is the first operation continue with the subsequent business operations If your business itself is idempotent then you can operate your business directly if your business does not provides idempotent functionality then dtm provides a BranchBarrier helper class based on the above unique key principle which can easily help developers implement idempotent operations for Mysql Mongo Redis Please note that the following two are typical non idempotent operations Timeout rollback If you have an operation in your business that may take a long time and you want your global transaction to roll back after waiting for the timeout to return a failure Then this is not an idempotent operation because in the extreme case of two processes calling the operation at the same time one returns a timeout failure and the other a success resulting in different resultsRollback after reaching the retry limit the analysis process is the same as above Workflow mode does not support the above timeout rollback and retry limit rollback at the moment if you have a relevant scenario please send us the specific scenario we will actively consider whether to add this kind of support Branch Operation ResultsBranching operations will return the following results Success the branch operation returns HTTP gRPC nilBusiness failure the branch operation returns HTTP gRPC Aborted no more retries and the global transaction needs to be rolled backIn progress branch operation returns HTTP gRPC FailPrecondition this result indicates that the transaction is in progress normally and requires the dtm to retry not with the exponential retreat algorithm but with fixed interval retriesUnknown error the branch operation returns other results indicating an unknown error and dtm will retry this workflow using the exponential retreat algorithmIf your existing service has a different result to the above then you can customise this part of the result with workflow Options HTTPRespDtmError GRPCErrorDtmErrorSaga s Compensation operation and Tcc s Confirm Cancel operation are not allowed to return business failures according to the Saga and Tcc protocols because when in the second stage of the workflow Commit Rollback is neither successful nor allowed to retry then the global transaction cannot be completed so please take care to avoid this when designing Transaction Completion NotificationSome business scenarios where you want to be notified of the completion of a transaction can be achieved by setting an OnFinish callback on the first transaction branch By the time the callback is called all business operations have been performed and the global transaction is therefore substantially complete The callback function can determine whether the global transaction has finally been committed or rolled back based on the isCommit passed in One thing to note is that when the OnFinish callback is called the state of the transaction has not yet been modified to final state on the dtm server so if you use a mixture of transaction completion notifications and querying global transaction results the results of the two may not be consistent and it is recommended that users use only one of these methods rather than a mixture ConclusionWe introduce a workflow pattern to support the mixed usage of Saga XA and Tcc This pattern also support HTTP gRPC and local transactions We also illustrate the usage of workflow in Golang with runnable examples You are welcome to visit |
2022-07-28 12:13:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My portfolio |
portfoliovisit |
2022-07-28 12:11:00 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
What to expect from Apple's Q3 2022 earnings report on July 28 |
What to expect from Apple x s Q earnings report on July Apple s June earnings are coming and the company has already warned about up to an billion revenue hit from various factors Here s what to expect to hear during Thursday s earnings report Apple moneyThe company will report its fiscal results for its thirds quarter which corresponds to the second calendar quarter of the year on July before conducting a call with analysts Apple CEO Tim Cook and CFO Luca Maestri will offer color on the results and expectations for the future Read more |
2022-07-28 12:44:02 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's Mumbai store is again delayed over pandemic issues |
Apple x s Mumbai store is again delayed over pandemic issuesApple has postponed the opening of its flagship store in Mumbai until following problems with supplies as India continues to recover from the coronavirus pandemic Apple s first ever store in India was originally due to be opened in By August Apple confirmed to Indian press that COVID had delayed that opening No specific later date was given then but Apple has now said that there has been a further delay According to the Economic Times of India this second delay means Apple expects to open in Q Read more |
2022-07-28 12:34:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Mass email from iTunes Connect about banking info was sent in error |
Mass email from iTunes Connect about banking info was sent in errorAn unknown but large number of Apple users were mistakenly sent emails about iTunes Connect billing or banking details ーeven if they are not iTunes Connect users Over a span of a few hours on July the incorrect iTunes Connect emails were sent out en masse All users who received one should then have also received an apology but AppleInsider staff have seen inconsistencies with different accounts getting apologies from those that got the error In the emails sent to AppleInsider the iTunes Connect warning concerned banking details Users were being told that they had to update their banking details in order to get payments from iTunes Connect Read more |
2022-07-28 12:20:16 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple hires veteran Lamborghini executive to work on 'Apple Car' team |
Apple hires veteran Lamborghini executive to work on x Apple Car x teamApple has hired a former Lamborghini executive to help lead the design of its rumored Apple Car signaling that the company is still moving ahead with the project Apple Car conceptThe iPhone maker has hired Luigi Taraborrelli a year veteran of Lamborghini who oversaw chassis and vehicle dynamics at the carmaker Bloomberg reported Wednesday Read more |
2022-07-28 12:46:04 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The PS5 finally gets 1440p support |
The PS finally gets p supportThe PlayStation now supports p at least for gamers with access to its beta software While the console has supported p and K output from the start p support is still a much requested feature by players who use monitors instead of TVs It provides a middle ground between full HD and K after all and is a popular choice for gamers who also play on their PCs Testers who get the latest beta software for the PS will now see a p HDMI video output option as an additional visual setting when they use the console with a compatible monitor Obviously they can enjoy the full benefits of p rendering if the game they re playing supports the resolution But if they re playing a game that supports K they could also benefit from the feature because the option downsamples the visuals for p output and that leads to sharper images As VG notes though Variable Refresh Rate VRR which rolled out for the console in April is only available for p and p VRR gives the screen the ability to sync its refresh rate with that of the game for a smoother experience and it s not quite clear why it s not available for p output nbsp In addition to p support the latest beta software also gives users a way to create gamelists in their Game Library so that they can better organize all the titles they own Players can create up to gamelists with games each Their in progress activities will now be shown prominently at the top of the game hub when they resume a game as well and they can now request party members to share their screens so that they can watch their gameplay Plus when they enter a party and a member is playing game they can join they ll now receive an alert and then join the game directly from that notification Sony has introduced more experimental features with the new beta and has listed them all on the PlayStation blog |
2022-07-28 12:19:47 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® ShenYu™ as a Top-Level Project |
The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache amp reg ShenYu amp trade as a Top Level ProjectWilmington DE July The Apache Software Foundation ASF the all volunteer developers stewards and incubators of more than open source projects and initiatives announced today ApacheShenYuas a Top Level Project TLP |
2022-07-28 12:58:34 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Portable, Accelerated Image Processing with the oneAPI Image Processing Library |
gaussian |
2022-07-28 12:25:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
NHS to close Tavistock child gender identity clinic |
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2022-07-28 12:46:58 |
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BBC News - Home |
Cardiff dad and son's funeral held after Bangladesh 'poisoning' |
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2022-07-28 12:12:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sebastian Vettel: Four-time world champion to retire from Formula 1 at end of 2022 season |
current |
2022-07-28 12:51:46 |
北海道 |
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「貨物新幹線」検討へ 生鮮品など大量輸送目指す 国交省、22年度中に協議開始 |
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北海道 |
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上川管内518人感染 新型コロナ |
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道内でクラスター9件 2人死亡 新型コロナ |
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2022-07-28 21:33:00 |
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釧路市民に広がる危機感 日本・千島海溝地震、道の被害想定「最大死者8万4千人」 医療機関、行政の連携に課題も |
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2022-07-28 21:09:46 |
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2022-07-28 21:05:00 |
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Newsweek |
シュモクザメが他のサメを捕食する空撮映像が話題に |
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2022-07-28 21:50:00 |