IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「iOS 15.6.1」と「iPadOS 15.6.1」の「SHSH」の発行を終了 |
apple |
2022-09-20 00:46:53 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Apache ShenYu: Java Responsive API Gateway Announced as Apache Top-Level Project |
Apache ShenYu Java Responsive API Gateway Announced as Apache Top Level ProjectThe Apache Software Foundation ASF has announced that Apache ShenYu an asynchronous high performance and responsive API Gateway for service proxy protocol conversion and API governance has been promoted as a Top Level Project It is written in Java but supports multiple languages such as Python Go and NET By Andrea Messetti |
2022-09-20 00:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「ポケモン」と「ロゴス」のコラボ商品第2弾 キャリーカートやランタンが登場 |
itmedia |
2022-09-20 09:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] グリコ、「アーモンドピーク」がリニューアル 栄養機能食品に進化 |
itmedia |
2022-09-20 09:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「iPhone 14」をiFixitが分解 「数年に1度の大改善」と高評価 |
apple |
2022-09-20 09:03:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
CTC、「脅威インテリジェンスモニタリングサービス」を発表、ダークウェブを含めて脅威を監視/発見 | IT Leaders |
CTC、「脅威インテリジェンスモニタリングサービス」を発表、ダークウェブを含めて脅威を監視発見ITLeaders伊藤忠テクノソリューションズCTCは年月日、「脅威インテリジェンスモニタリングサービス」を発表した。 |
2022-09-20 09:30:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
週刊AWS – 2022/9/12週 |
週刊 |
2022-09-20 00:28:11 |
デザイン |
コリス |
デザインやイラストに使える! さまざまな建築素材のテクスチャ素材を無料でダウンロードできる -Architextures |
続きを読む |
2022-09-20 00:36:14 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】Git・Githubリポジトリ構成とメッセージ管理で参考にした情報 |
fusassy |
2022-09-20 09:59:42 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
個人的「便利だな」と思ったGitコマンド4選 |
gitfetchpp |
2022-09-20 09:31:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Redshift Serverlessを立ち上げるためのVPC付きのCloudFormationのテンプレートを作ってみた |
cloudformation |
2022-09-20 00:30:10 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon SageMaker Studio にて作成された EFS ファイルシステムの確認方法 |
amazonsagemakerstudio |
2022-09-20 00:21:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Built a full feature in 6 hours: My experience on how the right tooling can improve your development velocity |
Built a full feature in hours My experience on how the right tooling can improve your development velocity IntroductionI ve been a Front End Engineer for several years now and have built a wide range of components for a variety of projects In these various projects I used different tooling to build components ranging from just having raw HTML CSS and JavaScript to more modern tooling like React js and the overall JavaScript ecosystem Despite this my development experience remained relatively the same while what mainly grew was the complexity of what I could build That was until I built onboarding experiences for two different projects in the same year Here s how tooling vastly changed my development experience and velocity Building the app opensauced pizza onboarding experienceFor the first project s onboarding experience I was tasked to build something to replace the previous onboarding The previous experience felt more disjointed and it was very easy for users to get lost and so another experience was designed and given to me to implement A lot of the work was developing around the original page as I needed to insert the new experience into the previous page The hardest part of delivering this project was working with the styling because of how the component was built initially and the general structure of the project Styles were not packaged together with components and so understanding which style went with which component and adding new styles took a bit of time It took me a few days and most of the time I spent wrestling with the CSS to get things just right Tools used for app opensauced pizza project Styled Components CSS was written in Styled Components CSS can be tricky to work with including Styled Components because CSS tends to be written in a separate file than the markup you intend to use it in This increases the cognitive load on the developer by forcing them to understand which CSS rules are applied to which component If you were writing raw CSS then selecting the correct HTML element would be required and can also be painful but Styled Components allowed us to create the component with the Styles and just leverage it directly so we don t have to deal with that React js Want to note that this is a React project This doesn t affect the experience directly as the other project I describe also leverages React I wanted to bring this up for full transparency My overall experience working on app opensauced pizza This wasn t that bad of an experience at all just a standard Front End development experience The biggest difficulty was working with the CSS using Styled Components and the locations of the styling Outside of that I d say the experience was okay but uneventful Building the OpenSauced Insights Platform onboarding experienceFor the second project I was building an onboarding feature for a much more greenfield project In this case I was implementing an onboarding feature which was brand new and was independent of any other design for the rest of the project so I had to spin up a new page to build it and so I got to work Started a new page and quickly got to work styling the page The interesting part of this onboarding experience was that the page was split into two where one half would track your progress in onboarding and the other half would change based on which step you were on I remember starting the page at around pm and working through it quickly solving any problem that came up and progressing A few hours later the page was completed A few more hours of tweaking brought the total dev time to around hours Tools used for OpenSauced Insights Platform project Component Driven Design For this project we practiced Component Driven Design A quick synopsis would be that instead of building a page from top level down we build the components that make up the page first and then put them together like Legos Component Driven Design is best paired with a Design System that gives you a selection of components that you can use to put together pages quickly and make changes quickly Atomic Design Design SystemTo effectively leverage Component Driven Design we used the Atomic Design Design System to break up our components into atoms molecules and organisms allowing us to get the Lego feel of building components and ultimately assembling pages brick by brick Storybook To document our design system we leverage Storybook in our project This allows us to quickly look at what is available in our design system assess what we need and put together components and ultimately pages quickly and easily What we also do with Storybook is that the Storybook environment allows us to build components in isolation Using Storybook we can build components without interfering with the rest of the project and potentially introduce bugs or issues Once we are confident in our components we place them on the page where we need them and add the necessary data to power them Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS makes styling a page quick and easy Just apply the css class that you need and Tailwind classes will take care of the rest Another key part of the benefit of Tailwind CSS is that it keeps your css isolated in the component that relies on it This relieves one of the biggest pain points of CSS accurately selecting and styling ONLY the classes YOU WANT This is especially handy when you are building components in isolation in Storybook and having confidence your CSS won t mess with the rest of the project once implemented TypeScript TypeScript and the intellisense that it gives through the proper use of types is probably the most valuable tools a developer could have when building a project with a very established design system If a component is properly built the component effectively documents itself and depending on your IDE of choice presents that documentation at the most crucial part of development when you are actually implementing the component This saves hours of development time in making sure you re using the component correctly and reducing errors in implementation before it can get to production Next js Our project is built with Next js which allows us to put together a Single Page application quickly with all the tooling needed to make that application functional While this has been invaluable in building the overall project quickly it wasn t a direct benefit in building this particular feature For full transparency our Next project leveraged React My overall experience working on the Insights Platform This was a far better Front End development experience from the time it took for me to complete this to its readability and maintainability While this was a far more complex onboarding experience the amount of code to make it work was comparable It was more lines of code than the previous experience but it was to build a completely new web page from scratch Unlike the previous experience styling wasn t a pain point at all and honestly I can t think of any real pain points on this project Probably the reason why I flew through it so quickly Conclusion Overall I love the dev experience with working with the tooling I am working with currently I do feel I should bring up some caveats that I didn t not cover in this post While the new code I wrote was more lines of code than my previous project there was a lot more knowledge and infrastructure being brought to bear to complete this task that existed previously Setting up that infrastructure and then getting used to that workflow takes time but let this story be an example of what you can accomplish and how quickly you can accomplish it with the right tools in place If you found this article interesting please feel free to heart this article If you re interested in learning more about Front End Engineering follow me here on Dev to and Twitter If you re interested in learning more about OpenSauced follow OpenSauced here on Dev to and on Twitter |
2022-09-20 00:24:09 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
A Rural Doctor Gave Her All. Then Her Heart Broke. |
A Rural Doctor Gave Her All Then Her Heart Broke Physicians suffer one of the highest burnout rates among professionals Dr Kimberly Becher one of two family practitioners in Clay County West Virginia learned the hard way |
2022-09-20 00:02:50 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
EUのデジタル市場法の公布・施行-Contestabilityの確保 |
nbspデジタルセクターの発展に関する調査欧州委員会は条項に定められるCPSのリストに新たに加えるべきサービスがあるかどうかについて検証するため、または競争可能性を制限あるいは不公正であるとされている行為であって、本規則では効果的に対処されていないものを探知するために、市場調査を実施することができる条項。 |
2022-09-20 09:55:37 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
高齢タクシードライバーの増加~本当の「生涯現役社会」を実現するために~ |
ー今後の課題本稿では、高齢化が先行するタクシー業界で、歳前半のドライバーが主軸になり、歳以上の高齢ドライバーが増加していること、統計的なデータは不足しているものの、加齢によって視力等、運転に必要な心身機能が低下することや、現場では高齢タクシードライバーによる自損事故の増加などが報告されていることを説明してきた。 |
2022-09-20 09:32:48 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
関税庁、半導体製造装置など大型装置の分割輸入の運用を緩和 |
関税庁 |
2022-09-20 00:50:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
米国の天然ガス掘削リグ数、新型コロナ禍前の実績上回る、米エネルギー情報局 |
天然ガス |
2022-09-20 00:45:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
No-one forgets meeting the Queen - her tributes show that |
connection |
2022-09-20 00:27:47 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
消費者物価2・8%上昇 8月、7年10カ月ぶり伸び |
全国消費者物価指数 |
2022-09-20 09:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国軍攻撃で子ども6人死亡 ミャンマー、学校標的 |
死亡 |
2022-09-20 09:07:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
MSI、AMD最新チップセットX670Eマザーボードや世界初のヒートパイプ搭載無線LANルーターなどをTGSに展示!【TGS2022】 |
東京ゲームショウ |
2022-09-20 09:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
『えんとつ町のプペル』でブロードウェイを攻略する(西野亮廣)【前編】 |
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2022-09-20 01:00:28 |