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[ITmedia Mobile] 「マイナポイント第2弾」のカード申請期限が延長される 2022年12月末まで |
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海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Plug & Play Auto Scaling of Redis Cloud |
Plug amp Play Auto Scaling of Redis Cloud Table of contentA Lesson from HistoryThe WhyThe WhatThe HowSetup GuideThe LearningsLife After A Lesson from HistoryHave you ever felt like you just needed another “You to get everything done in time That s how we at Carnot felt when our customer base increased at a rate way beyond our expectation It was like taking on a sea swimming challenge just after finishing your first lessons with floaters For the backend team it meant having to support times more traffic without impacting customer experience in any way It was a challenge and it did not help the fact that our entire backend team consisted of only three people But you know what they say ー“No pressure no diamonds We learned a lot of empowering lessons from those demanding times One such lesson was ーAuto Scaling which is arguably the most important cloud management tool The WhyIn the early days when we knew little about handling traffic peaks we had a monolithic architecture A socket server would allow our IoT devices to connect amp send data which was then queued in a Redis cache until it got processed by our main server As our clients increased the entire cloud pipeline was affected by the slowest component The Redis cache which was used only for queuing soon had a large queue and ran out of memory At that time not upgrading the cache for better memory specification would have meant losing valuable customer data Hence we selected the Redis plan so as to support data retention in the queue even during the peak traffic time The system was stable with this The only problem was that we were paying a lot more than what we were utilizing On deeper analysis we found that the so called “peak traffic would occur only during certain hours of the day of the time the extra memory opted was unused But we were still paying for it Our top reasons to have a system an auto scaling feature on all our Redis instances were Dynamic Load Management Helps to cater to the dynamic load on your application Scales in accordance to the load amp demand Avoid Data Drop Helps to ensure timely scaling to avoid redis data drop Scales prematurely by monitoring key metrics and mitigates data drop of new incoming informationAvoid Downtime Helps to avoid downtime on your application Monitors key metrics to ensure your redis is always accessible Cost Saving Finally saves cost by scaling down in low load scenarios The WhatFrankly “auto scaling was a buzz word for us at that time We had read a lot about it and understood that it helps to automatically detect your traffic amp scale your cloud components We knew that we absolutely needed this But we could not find an easy plug and play solution for our scenario ーRedis scaling on the Heroku platform So we decided to do what we do best at Carnot ーStart from basics and build your own in house systemWhat we needed was a mechanism toMonitor the key metrics for Redis health checkDetect incoming traffic or load on serversCreate a cost function to get the cheapest possible plan for current trafficChange the plan as detected by the cost functionWell that s what we built for one Redis then the other and another until we created a standalone plug and play solution of our own ーfor any Redis on Heroku The HowTo monitor the Redis health we selected two most critical metrics Memory consumptionClients connectedWe designed a metric collector that would connect to the concerned Redis and collect these metrics periodically using INFO command The frequency of metrics collection was kept configurable with minimum of sec and could be selected as per the expected rate of traffic change The metric collector would store these metrics in a connected database We also pre defined scaling thresholds for the Redis that needed monitoring amp scaling The traffic detector would actually store these thresholds in database and would compare the metrics collected by metric collector against the thresholds to decide whether scaling was needed Example if a threshold of is set on memory consumption and current consumed memory has been above for a while scale up decision would be given For our cost function we had all the available Redis plans stored in database along with details like maximum offered memory maximum offered client connections cost etc To save cost we needed to scale down the Redis without causing too frequent back to back scale up scale down decisions This is why we addedCertain wait period between consecutive scaling decisionsAdditional buffer on top of configured threshold for scale down decisionCheck of memory consumption percentage on the lower plan before deciding to scale down Example if a threshold of is set on memory consumption and the current consumed memory has been less than of the memory offered by lower plan scale down action was decided The actual scaling was done using stored details of the Redis and the Heroku Platform APIs We have made this entire system open source If you are facing a similar issue feel free to set it up in your account and share your experience Any issues suggestions to improve the system are most welcome Setup GuideFollow below guidelines to quickly set this auto scaling module on your heroku account Heroku applicationEnvironment Configuration HEROKU API KEY API key for your heroku accountEMAIL HOST Host name for your email EMAIL PORT Port for your emailEMAIL HOST PASSWORD Host passwordEMAIL HOST USER Host usernameSERVER EMAIL Server emailRECIPIENTS Comma separated emails of notification recipientsENABLE EMAILS A global flag to enable disable all types of mailsEMAIL PREFIX Email subject prefix for possible filter additionN RETENTION DAYS Number of days to retain metrics logs InitializePost deployment initialize sh is run from console This does things Applies all DB migrationsCreates superuser for django admin panelAdds static info to database Redis ConfigurationRun python add redis mon py from consoleThis will prompt you for all information related to redis instance for which auto scaling needs to be enabled General Configuration Name An identifier name for your redis insatnce Can be alphanumericHeroku App Name This is the name of heroku application to which your redis instance is attachedRedis Heroku Name This is the URL name by which your heroku application identifies the redis Example REDISCLOUD ORANGE URL or HEROKU REDIS BLANK URL Metrics Configuration Metric Rate Choose rate of metrics collection from given options Select a faster rate only if your application demands a quick action Avg memory percentage Choose the avg memory usage percentage you wish to maintain for you redis instanceAvg connection percentage Choose the avg number of client connections you wish to maintain with the redis instanceScaling Configuration Scaling Enable If set auto scaling action would be taken to maintain the avg metric percentagesMin Plan Choose lower plan limit for scaling If not set lowest available plan will be selectedMax Plan Choose upper plan limit for scaling If not set highest available plan will be selectedScaling Rate Choose rate at which scaling check should be performedNotification Configuration Threshold Breach Email notification to configured recipients whenever any threshold is crossedScaling Success Email notification whenever a successful scaling action is performedScaling Failure Email notification whenever there is a failure in scaling actionTo setup the project locally follow this reference guide The LearningsWhile working so much with Redis caching queuing and more specifically with Redis auto scaling we realized that Redis Cloud was the best suited solution for our used case With other service providers we observed one of these problems Slowed plan update the upgrade or downgrade of Redis plan would take a long time to execute compared to what our application could tolerate This used to make Redis unreachable during command execution and would cause bottlenecks in our pipelines Redis URL change with some service providers the Redis URL creds would change and this would impact some of our internal applications that had used URL to connect to Redis The Redis would not be accessible to these applications causing them to crash Cost many of the service providers that offered faster plan update were expensiveOverall we found that Redis service by Redis Cloud would scale quickly while maintaining all the data We ended up migrating all our caches to Redis Cloud Life AfterAfter sugar spice amp everything nice and an accidental chemical X we are now capable of supporting over a million IoT nodes We have definitely come a long way from those early times and learned a lot along the way As we grew most of our systems moved away from Heroku to AWS in order to save costs But for any start ups developers out there who are dealing with around thousand client nodes and use Heroku as their preferred choice of platform for its obvious ease of set up we hope this blog would be helpful We are trying to fix some broken benches in the Indian agriculture ecosystem through technology to improve farmers income If you share the same passion join us in the pursuit or simply drop us a line on report carnot co inThis post is in collaboration with Redis Learn more Try Redis Cloud for freeWatch this video on the benefits of Redis Cloud over other Redis providersRedis Developer Hub tools guides and tutorials about RedisRedisInsight Desktop GUI |
2022-09-20 05:04:06 |
金融 |
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まとめると、今回の宝くじは、「等前後賞合わせて億円」をはじめとした、高額当せん金狙いのハロウィンジャンボ。 |
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2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
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日本銀行:RSS |
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Detail Nothing |
2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
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2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
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Detail Nothing |
2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
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Fernando Alonso will be x challenging x for Aston Martin says team boss Mike KrackIn an exclusive interview with BBC Sport Aston Martin team boss Mike Krack says signing Fernando Alonso was the right step |
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