AWS Big Data Blog |
How The Mill Adventure enabled data-driven decision-making in iGaming using Amazon QuickSight |
How The Mill Adventure enabled data driven decision making in iGaming using Amazon QuickSightThis post is co written with Darren Demicoli from The Mill Adventure The Mill Adventure is an iGaming industry enabler offering customizable turnkey solutions to BB partners and custom branding enablement for its BC partners They provide a complete gaming platform including licenses and operations for rapid deployment and success in iGaming and are committed to … |
2022-10-26 15:44:31 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Deploy a machine learning inference data capture solution on AWS Lambda |
Deploy a machine learning inference data capture solution on AWS LambdaMonitoring machine learning ML predictions can help improve the quality of deployed models Capturing the data from inferences made in production can enable you to monitor your deployed models and detect deviations in model quality Early and proactive detection of these deviations enables you to take corrective actions such as retraining models auditing upstream systems … |
2022-10-26 15:54:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python3.11がどれくらい高速化したのか |
機械学習 |
2022-10-27 00:54:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Transit Gateway Multicast とは |
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2022-10-27 00:38:59 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】背景画像を本番環境でも表示させる方法(background-image: image-url)と注意点 |
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2022-10-27 00:21:04 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
検索について、そしてSearch Infra/Platformチームの紹介 |
hellip |
2022-10-26 16:16:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deja de usar "&&" para el Conditional Rendering en React |
Deja de usar quot amp amp quot para el Conditional Rendering en ReactEvita errores al no usar amp amp en los componentes de React Si has visto alguna aplicación de React sabes cómo renderizar condicionalmente partes de un componente según los props y el estado Aunque existen varias formas de representación condicional este artículo se centra en el operador amp amp de JavaScript La razón principal de este énfasis es que el operador amp amp a menudo genera errores en la interfaz de usuario que se pueden evitar fácilmente y a menudo no se mencionan Contenido¿Cómo funciona el operador amp amp ¿Por quéno usar amp amp ¿Quéusar en lugar de amp amp Si en algún momento el contenido que comparto te ha resultado útil puedes nominarme a GitHub Stars en este link Con este pequeño gesto me ayudas a conseguir más apoyo para seguir haciendo lo que hago compartir conocimiento ¿Cómo funciona el operador amp amp Un ejemplo clásico de su uso en React sería function MyComponent condition return lt div gt lt h gt Title lt h gt condition amp amp lt ConditionalComponent gt lt div gt Brevemente resumido si condition es un valor truthy se renderiza lt ConditionalComponent gt si condition es un valor falsy lt ConditionalComponent gt no se renderiza¿Porquées eso No es nada específico de React sino más bien un comportamiento de JavaScript y otros lenguajes de programación llamado short circuit evaluation Es decir si el primer operando condition es falso el operador AND amp amp se detiene y no evalúa el segundo operando lt ConditionalComponent gt Puede intentarlo en su navegador ejecutando el siguiente fragmento de código en la consola This will display an alert box true amp amp alert Hello This won t do anything false amp amp alert Not hello ¿Por quéno usar amp amp A menudo se prefiere la sintaxis corta de amp amp y funciona ¡Pero El hecho de que puedas no significa que debas hacerlo En nuestro caso anterior si la condición se evalúa como true o false obtienes lo que esperas lt ConditionalComponent gt se renderiza o no respectivamente Todo bien hasta ahora Sin embargo si la condición no se evalúa como un booleano puede causar problemas Por ejemplo si condition es se muestra en la interfaz de usuariosi condition es undefined obtendráun error Uncaught Error Error Nothing was returned from render This usually means a return statement is missing Or to render nothing return null ¿Quéusar en lugar de amp amp Para evitar mostrar algo que no desea en la interfaz de usuario como que podría estropear el diseño use el operador ternario de JavaScript en su lugar Es decir condition lt ConditionalComponent gt null ConclusiónPara evitar errores evitables en la interfaz de usuario use el operador ternario de JavaScript para el conditional rendering de los componentes de React en lugar del operador lógico AND Es un hechizo simple pero bastante irrompible ️BADcondition amp amp lt ConditionalComponent gt GOODcondition lt ConditionalComponent gt null P S Si en algún momento el contenido que comparto te ha resultado útil puedes nominarme a GitHub Stars en este link Con este pequeño gesto me ayudas a conseguir más apoyo para seguir haciendo lo que hago compartir conocimiento Muchas gracias ️ |
2022-10-26 15:54:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Patch the Deprecated set-output in GitHub Workflows and in Container Actions |
How to Patch the Deprecated set output in GitHub Workflows and in Container ActionsTL DR There is a new way for GitHub Container Actions as well as workflow steps to produce outputs This post explains how to patch container actions including example Python functions while maintaining backwards compatibility for non upgraded self hosted runners Post also explains the new approach to workflow step outputs using a workflow for a Java library deployment as an example Table of Contents This post is organized as follows IntroductionUpdated Workflow Step OutputsOld WayNew WayExample Version Number for a Java Library DeploymentOutputs from a Container Action Implemented in PythonCase One OutputCase Multiple OutputsCase Multiple Outputs for a GitHub Action Also Usable as a CLI ToolHow to Enable Backwards Compatibility for Self Hosted RunnersRepositories Referenced in ExamplesWhere You Can Find Me IntroductionWithin the last week or so I started noticing deprecation warnings in the logs of my GitHub Actions workflow runs At first I assumed it was just a couple of my repositories perhaps due to an action I was using When I got around to investigating I discovered the issue which affected repositories in different ways GitHub recently deprecated the set output workflow command on October which had been the way for workflow steps as well as for container actions to produce outputs that could be consumed by later steps of a workflow That command will no longer work by the end of May I use GitHub Actions to automate a variety of things in nearly all of my repositories such as running a build and tests during pull requests and pushes deploying artifacts to Maven Central etc for my Java libraries or to PyPI for a couple Python projects building my personal website with my custom static site generator among a variety of other tasks In addition to using GitHub Actions for workflow automation I also develop and maintain a few Actions all implemented in Python including jacoco badge generator user statistician javadoc cleanup and generate sitemap All five GitHub Actions that I maintain were using the set output workflow command mainly for reporting status which means that all users of those Actions would have begun to see these deprecation notices if they were to inspect the logs of their workflow runs And one of those Actions has almost users jacoco badge generator And in another of my repositories I was using the set output workflow command in workflows as a way of passing information from one step to later steps For example in the deployment workflows for my Java libraries I have a step that extracts the version from the release tag setting an output with the version number that is then accessed by subsequent steps I patched all of these last week starting with the five GitHub Actions that I maintain since those affect others In this post I explain my approach including how I ve maintained backwards compatibility for users of my actions that use self hosted runners that still require set output for action outputs For the cases where I was using set output in workflows the fix is exactly as indicated in GitHub s blog post announcing the deprecation However I had to adapt this a bit for the five Actions that I maintain The updated examples in the container action documentation assumes a shell script but these actions are implemented in Python Later in this post I also include Python functions that implement GitHub s replacement for the deprecated set output The first version of these strictly replaces the deprecated command But then later I show my trick to maintain backwards compatibility Updated Workflow Step OutputsI m going to begin with the simpler case of patching workflows since that applies to more people essentially anyone that uses GitHub Actions regardless of whether or not they develop and maintain any Actions If you are more interested in how to patch the deprecated command in container actions that you maintain jump to the section Outputs from a Container Action Implemented in Python A step of a job in a GitHub Actions workflow can produce outputs that can later be consumed by other steps in the workflow Old WayThe old way that is now deprecated involved doing something like this first one is almost directly from GitHub s blog post but I ve added a step id which is needed to actually use the output later name Set output id stepid run echo set output name name value A more specific example is the following which would set an output named count to name Set output id stepid run echo set output name count Later steps of the workflow can then access the value of the output provided the step has an id as above with the following name Use prior output run echo The count was steps stepid outputs count New WayThe replacement for the old set output workflow command involves appending to a file whose path is specified in an environment variable GITHUB OUTPUT The earlier example of setting an output named count to becomes the following name Set output id stepid run echo count gt gt GITHUB OUTPUTLater steps access it in the same way as before with name Use prior output run echo The count was steps stepid outputs count Example Version Number for a Java Library DeploymentIn my deployment workflows for my Java libraries I previously had a step that generated a Maven version string from the release tag by removing the v from the release tag That step looked like the following name Get the release version id get version run echo set output name VERSION GITHUB REF refs tags v To deal with the deprecation of set output I ve updated it to the following name Get the release version id get version run echo VERSION GITHUB REF refs tags v gt gt GITHUB OUTPUTWhat do I use this for Well there are a couple steps later in the workflow that use it For example one of the steps prior to the actual deployment injects the version for the release into the Maven pom xml with name Update package version run mvn versions set DnewVersion steps get version outputs VERSION And near the end of the workflow after the actual deployment to Maven Central and GitHub Packages I use the GitHub CLI to attach the jar files to the GitHub Release Having the version available in this way makes it easy to determine the filename of the jar name Upload jar files to release as release assets run TAG GITHUB REF refs tags gh release upload TAG target env artifact name steps get version outputs VERSION jar env GITHUB TOKEN secrets GITHUB TOKEN The complete workflow file that this example is derived from is maven publish yml Outputs from a Container Action Implemented in PythonThere are two primary ways of implementing a GitHub Action JavaScript Actions and Container Actions The latter of which enables implementing Actions in any language via a Docker container My language of choice for implementing GitHub Actions is Python The purpose of most of these actions is to produce files e g jacoco badge generator produces test coverage badges as SVGs and generate sitemap produces an XML sitemap or to edit files in some way e g javadoc cleanup can insert canonical links and other user defined elements into the head of javadoc pages However all of these also produce workflow step outputs For example generate sitemap has outputs for the number of pages in the sitemap and the number of pages excluded from the sitemap due to noindex or robots txt exclusions and jacoco badge generator has workflow step outputs for the coverage and branches coverage percentages if a user had some reason to use those in later steps of their workflow Here are three variations depending upon the specifics of what you want to do All three require that we ve imported os with the following so that we can access environment variables import os Case One OutputThe simplest case is if you have a single output for your Action The following Python function accomplishes this Notice that we ll need to open the relevant file for appending If the Action is run outside of GitHub Actions this function will do nothing since the relevant environment variable with the path to the relevant file for the outputs won t exist in that case def set action output output name value Sets the GitHub Action output Keyword arguments output name The name of the output value The value of the output if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f print format output name value file f Case Multiple OutputsA couple of my GitHub Actions produce multiple outputs Although I could use the above function and just call it multiple times I instead use the following to avoid unnecessarily opening the environment file multiple times In this version the function is passed a Python dictionary with the names of the outputs as keys along with the corresponding values def set action outputs output pairs Sets the GitHub Action outputs Keyword arguments output pairs Dictionary of outputs with values if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f for key value in output pairs items print format key value file f Case Multiple Outputs for a GitHub Action Also Usable as a CLI ToolOne of the GitHub Actions that I maintain the jacoco badge generator can also be used as a CLI tool outside of the Actions framework Before GitHub deprecated the set output the CLI mode would output the coverage percentages to the console in addition to generating the badges That prior behavior was really a side effect of GitHub s old approach to Action outputs e g printing a specially formatted message to standard out In revising to address the deprecation I decided to keep a variation of that behavior If running as a GitHub Action the outputs are set via an approach much like the above example But if running in CLI mode it instead simply outputs them to the console It uses a simple check of whether an environment variable named GITHUB OUTPUT exists to detect whether running as an Action Below is my first attempt at accomplishing this def set action outputs output pairs Sets the GitHub Action outputs if running as a GitHub Action and otherwise logs these to terminal if running in CLI mode Note that if the CLI mode is used within a GitHub Actions workflow it will be treated the same as GitHub Actions mode Keyword arguments output pairs Dictionary of outputs with values if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f for key value in output pairs items print format key value file f else for key value in output pairs items print format key value The above seemed to work fine until I discovered via a report from a user of the Action that some self hosted runners may not support the new approach to outputs yet I should have noticed this since GitHub s blog post about the deprecation does explicitly state the following If you are using self hosted runners make sure they are updated to version or greater In the next section I explain my trick to maintain backwards compatibility for these users How to Enable Backwards Compatibility for Self Hosted RunnersIn the above section you saw my initial fix Those Python functions will suffice if you only want to support those using your Actions directly on GitHub If they are using self hosted runners then whether the above will work depends upon whether your users have upgraded their runners to a version with the new environment file If you want to avoid breaking things for those users of your Actions who haven t upgraded their runners one option might be to delay patching and just deal with deprecation warnings However it is actually relatively straightforward to include backwards compatibility to support self hosted runners Here is the approach I ve ended up with for the jacoco badge generator I really have three cases to support GitHub Actions with the new GITHUB OUTPUT environment file when running on GitHub or newer self hosted runners GitHub Actions on not yet upgraded self hosted runners and those using the CLI mode of the utility such as on their local system I added a parameter to my set action outputs function to specify if in GitHub Actions mode and then check for the GITHUB OUTPUT environment variable to determine support for the new approach It falls back to the deprecated set output workflow command if GITHUB OUTPUT doesn t exist def set action outputs output pairs gh actions mode Sets the GitHub Action outputs if running as a GitHub Action and otherwise logs these to terminal if running in CLI mode Note that if the CLI mode is used within a GitHub Actions workflow it will be treated the same as GitHub Actions mode Keyword arguments output pairs Dictionary of outputs with values gh actions mode True if running as a GitHub Action otherwise pass False if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f for key value in output pairs items print format key value file f else output template set output name if gh actions mode else for key value in output pairs items print output template format key value If your GitHub Action is strictly a GitHub Action then you can simplify the above First you won t need the parameter gh actions mode Simply assume that it is running within GitHub Actions and use the existence of GITHUB OUTPUT to check if the new approach is supported on the runner Fall back to set output otherwise def set action outputs output pairs Sets the GitHub Action outputs with backwards compatibility for self hosted runners without a GITHUB OUTPUT environment file Keyword arguments output pairs Dictionary of outputs with values if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f for key value in output pairs items print format key value file f else for key value in output pairs items print set output name format key value And if your Action only has a single output you can use something like def set action output output name value Sets the GitHub Action output with backwards compatibility for self hosted runners without a GITHUB OUTPUT environment file Keyword arguments output name The name of the output value The value of the output if GITHUB OUTPUT in os environ with open os environ GITHUB OUTPUT a as f print format output name value file f else print set output name format output name value Repositories Referenced in ExamplesThe Python functions implementing the new approach to GitHub Action outputs along with backwards compatible support for old runners from this post are derived from a few different GitHub Actions that I maintain The most elaborate example for the case of an Action that is designed to also be used outside of Actions as a CLI tool is from the following cicirello jacoco badge generator Coverage badges and pull request coverage checks from JaCoCo reports in GitHub Actions jacoco badge generatorCheck out all of our GitHub Actions AboutGitHub Actions Command Line Utility Build Status SecuritySource Info Support The jacoco badge generator can be used in one of two ways as a GitHub Action or as a command lineutility e g such as part of a local build script The jacoco badge generator parses a jacoco csvfrom a JaCoCo coverage report computes coverage percentagesfrom JaCoCo s Instructions and Branches counters andgenerates badges for one or both of these user configurable to provide an easyto read visual summary of the code coverage of your test cases The default behavior directlygenerates the badges internally with no external calls but the action also provides an optionto instead generate Shields JSON endpoints It supportsboth the basic case of a single jacoco csv as well as multi module projects in whichcase the action can produce coverage badges from the combination of… View on GitHubThe workflow examples where I use step outputs to pass the release version to later steps is a technique I use in several Java library repositories The one I specifically referenced in this post is the following if you d like to see the full workflow cicirello Chips n Salsa A Java library of Customizable Hybridizable Iterative Parallel Stochastic and Self Adaptive Local Search Algorithms Chips n Salsa Copyright C Vincent A Cicirello Website API documentation Publications About the LibraryPackages and Releases Build Status JaCoCo Test Coverage Security DOILicenseSupport How to CiteIf you use this library in your research please cite the following paper Cicirello V A Chips n Salsa A Java Library of Customizable Hybridizable Iterative Parallel Stochastic and Self Adaptive Local Search Algorithms Journal of Open Source Software OverviewChips n Salsa is a Java library of customizable hybridizable iterative parallel stochastic and self adaptive local search algorithms The library includes implementations of several stochastic local search algorithms including simulated annealing hill climbers as well as constructive search algorithms such as stochastic sampling Chips n Salsa now also includes genetic algorithms as well as evolutionary algorithms more generally The library very extensively supports simulated annealing It includes several classes for representing solutions to a variety of optimization problems For… View on GitHub Where You Can Find MeFollow me here on DEV Vincent A CicirelloFollow Researcher and educator in A I algorithms evolutionary computation machine learning and swarm intelligence Follow me on GitHub cicirello cicirello My GitHub Profile Vincent A CicirelloSites where you can find me or my workWeb and social media Software development Publications If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile check out the cicirello user statisticianGitHub Action View on GitHubOr visit my website Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science at Stockton University is aresearcher in artificial intelligence evolutionary computation swarm intelligence and computational intelligence with a Ph D in Robotics from Carnegie MellonUniversity He is an ACM Senior Member IEEE Senior Member AAAI Life Member EAI Distinguished Member and SIAM Member cicirello org |
2022-10-26 15:17:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Developing FINNoco and why we at FINN love using NocoDB |
Developing FINNoco and why we at FINN love using NocoDBAt FINN we re big users of open source Airtable alternative NocoDB We ve even developed our own version which we re calling FINNoco So how did our journey with NocoDB all get started and where are we at now How FINN got started with NocoDBLet s go back to the gloomy days of July At that time at FINN we still had everything on Airtable But we were growing so fast and so we ran into many many limitations There were API limitations Everything was super slow Even the UI was slow sometimes On some occasions Airtable would just be unresponsive for ages These problems made us realise we had to look for a solution We had to move away from Airtable But how And where to While I wasn t part of the conversation at the time I know we considered a range of alternativesーincluding Baserow which is also a no similar to Airtable But when one of my colleagues Alex Yasnogor discovered NocoDB we realised we had what looked like a promising alternative At this point NocoDB itself had been developed only very recently Initially it started as a pet project of Naveen Rudrappa called xmysql which would create APIs on a MySQL database When Naveen realised that people got interested he added the UI layer And then slowly xmysql became NocoDB I guess jumping in with a new project so early could have brought some uncertainties But given our pain points with Airtable we were ready to take the plunge What was crucial for us is that with NocoDB you can connect your own SQL database and make it into a no code or low code database Yes we wanted to have a user interface UI layer For example with no code or low code tools such as Make formerly known as Integromat and Retool we will connect things through NocoDB But at the same time we also wanted to have the freedom to connect directly to our Postgres database which we usually do in services and microservices Such a setup works well for non technical people who get the UI layer And the technical team has a proper SQL database so developers are also happy too It gives us flexibility How FINN currently uses NocoDBOur current setup with NocoDB differs for our operations in Germany and those in the USA For Germany because we started with Airtable today we still have both Airtable and NocoDB as data sources So we write data to Airtable sync that data in Postgres and NocoDB and then we re reading the data from NocoDB All of this mainly to reduce the APIs usage of Airtable We currently have two major migration projects ongoing to move away from Airtableーwhich we ve named Green Dragon and Blue Dragon because they re such huge beasts to tackleーin which we use Postgres as the data source and have NocoDB on top of it just for reading the data In the USA however we could make a fresh start Because we d learnt about Airtable s limitations we decided not to use it in the US at all Instead in the US we ve started using NocoDB right from the start and NocoDB is getting used as the only data source Here we re using the NocoDB UI to read add and manipulate the data And we re also using it directly with our APIs The current situation of using both Airtable and NocoDB will likely still continue for another year or so as we still have some important projects on Airtable But once we finish this whole transition to the new architecture we will stop using Airtable completely FINNoco and contributing back to NocoDBAnother nice thing about going all in with NocoDB is that we ve now developed our own version called FINNoco a name suggested by our CTO Andreas Wixler Initially I personally wasn t much involved with this but when the developer who previously worked on NocoDB left I had the opportunity to take it over NocoDB is open source so this is a great way to get some wider recognition for your work as a developer Our process in developing FINNoco is that we work on the things we need to and when there are important fixes or improvements we ll contribute those back to the source NocoDB This is beneficial all round we at FINN get recognition for our contributions and the community can benefit from our work A new release of FINNocoFINN currently is among the biggest users of NocoDB And precisely for that reason we also regularly find some improvements or bugs that the NocoDB core team may miss Contributing back fixes to the source NocoDB project improves the product a lot The types of contributions we make vary Often it s bug fixes or improvements but sometimes we also contribute features For example there is an attachment column in NocoDB where you can upload a file In source NocoDB the file is always public But in FINNoco you can mark the file as private as well for security reasons This is crucial when you re dealing with confidential information We re planning to contribute this feature back to the source NocoDB soon As a result of FINN s extensive use of NocoDB we have a close relationship with the founder and the core team too We frequently call and have a joint Slack channel where we can talk directly Plus the NocoDB team also seeks advice from our side For instance they re currently planning to roll out an enterprise version So then they ask us for example what hardware we have at FINN for FINNoco so that they can baseline their enterprise and what pricing they apply Future visions for the FINN NocoDB connectionNocoDB is definitely going to be part of our future operations In terms of FINN s plans we re actually already moving toward our desired picture Rapid prototyping We want to use NocoDB wherever we do rapid prototyping For example if tomorrow we decide to introduce our car subscription model in another country then NocoDB would be the go to tool again as it was for us when we launched in the USA It can help us build things fast NocoDB APIs We also want to use more of NocoDB s APIs and use the UI only for viewing the data rather than for data manipulation In the future we would ideally use interfaces such as Retool or some dedicated services to do the data manipulation Right now the APIs available from NocoDB are simple CRUD create read update and delete APIs But there are also some APIs where you can count the number of rows or which can help you read related table data We d like to use more of those Release FINN NocoDB app At FINN we have developed our own private NocoDB app for use in Make which we will be releasing for public use in a few weeks That s another contribution to the community that we re very much looking forward to making A further change I would like to see is for people to use NocoDB APIs instead of connecting directly to a Postgres database When current limitations to these APIs have been removed then I would expect our use of NocoDB to grow even further |
2022-10-26 15:12:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Centralized Operations on AWS by using AWS System Manager - Part 2 |
Centralized Operations on AWS by using AWS System Manager Part In this article you ll get started with Centralized Operations Management by using the capabilities of the system manager such asFleet ManagerPatch ManagerState ManagerAutomation runbooks The article focuses on managing EC instances at scale patching operations on the managed fleet and using Automation runbooks to simplify maintenance tasks Set up AWS Systems Manager using Quick Setup Quick SetupQuick setup is a feature of the Systems Manager that can be used to quickly set up security roles on your Amazon EC instances Quick setup can be used in an individual account or across multiple accounts The minimum required permission to get started is provided by these capabilities which help you manage and monitor the health of your instances To get started with Quick Setup you need to choose a home region and onboard with it Quick Setup creates the resources that are used to deploy your configurations in the home region IAM roles and permissionsPermissions and roles are part of the IAM Quick setup creates the following IAM roles on your behalf AWS QuickSetup StackSet Local ExecutionRoleAWS QuickSetup StackSet Local AdministrationRoleIf you re setting up a management account Quick Setup creates the following roles on your behalf AWS QuickSetup SSM RoleForEnablingExplorerAWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSMAWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM AccountDiscovereyLaunch Amazon EC Instances to manage with AWS Systems ManagerKindly watch the below video to launch Amazon EC Instances to manage with AWS Systems Manager We used the Quick Setup feature of the Systems Manager to get started We now have the necessary roles and permissions set up so that we can leverage the power of the Systems Manager Patch Nodes Managed By AWS Systems ManagerThe process of patching managed nodes with both security related and other types of updates can be done with the help of Patch Manager Patch ManagerPatch Manager can be used to apply patches Patch Manager uses patch baselines which include rules for auto approving patches within days of their release as well as a list of approved and rejected patches Scheduling patching to run as a Systems Manager State Manager association will allow you to install patches on a regular basis We will use a patch baseline to quickly learn how to use Patch Manager Kindly watch the below video to Patch your managed nodes using Patch Manager We ran a simple patching operation on our managed instances after establishing a default patch baseline We can schedule patching operations by creating a patching configuration that will allow us to perform patching during a defined window Resize an EC instance using Systems Manager AutomationCommon maintenance deployment and remediation tasks can be simplified with the help of automation Kindly watch the below video on how to use an automation runbook to resize EC instances We explored the power of Systems Manager Automation runbooks by resizing our instances to the desired instance type The Systems Manager Automation runbook reference can be used to get started working with runbooks We explored the power of Systems Manager Automation runbooks by resizing our instances to the desired instance type The Systems Manager Automation runbook reference can be used to get started working with runbooks Gratitude for perusing my article till the end I hope you realized something unique today If you enjoyed this article then please share it with your buddies and if you have suggestions or thoughts to share with me then please write in the comment box Follow me and share your thoughts GitHubLinkedInTwitterThe above blog is submitted under Devtron Hacktoberfest conducted by Devtron Check out their Github repo and give it a star ️if you like it Follow Devtron on LinkedIn Twitter |
2022-10-26 15:08:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Centralized Operations on AWS by using AWS System Manager - Part 1 |
Centralized Operations on AWS by using AWS System Manager Part IntroductionYou can manage your applications and infrastructure in the cloud with the help of the Systems Manager Systems Manager simplifies application and resource management shortens the time to detect and resolve operational problems and helps you manage your resources securely at scale How Systems Manager worksImage SourceThe Systems Manager will verify that your user group or role has permission to perform the action you specified If the target of your action is a managed node the Systems Manager Agent will perform the action The systems Manager SSM Agent and other services performed an action on behalf of the Systems Manager report status If configured the Systems Manager can send status details to other services If enabled Systems Manager operations management capabilities such as Explorer OpsCenter and Incident Manager aggregate operations data or create artifacts in response to events or errors with your resources The artifacts include operational work items Systems Manager operations management capabilities give operational insight into your applications and resources Features of AWS System ManagerThere are four core feature groups that make up the operations hub for your AWS applications and resources Operations Management ExplorerExplorer is a dashboard that shows information about your resources There is an aggregated view of operations data for your accounts in explorer OpsCenterOperations engineers and IT professionals can view investigate and resolve operational work items in a central location It is designed to reduce the mean time to resolve issues Systems Manager Automation runbooks can be used to resolve issues You can specify the data you want for each item You can see the reports by status and source Incident ManagerUsers can mitigate and recover from incidents affecting their applications with the help of the Incident Manager Incident Manager increases incident resolution by notifying responders of impact highlighting relevant data and providing collaboration tools to get services back up and running The incident manager can automate response plans Application Management Application ManagerApplication Manager helps engineers investigate and fix issues with their resources in the context of their applications and clusters AppConfigAppConfig can help you create manage and deploy application configurations AppConfig can be used to deploy applications of any size Parameter StoreParameter Store has storage for configuration data and secrets Change Management AutomationCommon maintenance and deployment tasks can be automated Change ManagerChange Manager is an enterprise change management framework for requesting approving implementing and reporting on operational changes to your application configuration and infrastructure Maintenance WindowsThe maintenance Window can be used to set up recurring schedules for managed instances to run administrative tasks Node Management Fleet ManagerFleet Manager is a UI experience that allows you to remotely manage your nodes Session ManagerSession Manager can be used to manage edge devices and Amazon EC instances Patch ManagerPatch Manager can be used to automate the patching process of your managed nodes Use casesAggregate data in a single console and gain actionable insights across services It s possible to resolve application issues automatically Use operational data to easily manage applications and identify issues Proactive processes such as patching and resource changes can be automated to diagnose and fix operational issues before they affect users Gratitude for perusing my article till the end I hope you realized something unique today If you enjoyed this article then please share it with your buddies and if you have suggestions or thoughts to share with me then please write in the comment box Follow me and share your thoughts GitHubLinkedInTwitterThe above blog is submitted under Devtron Hacktoberfest conducted by Devtron Check out their Github repo and give it a star ️if you like it Follow Devtron on LinkedIn Twitter |
2022-10-26 15:01:28 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Final season of Apple TV+ thriller 'Servant' premieres January 13 |
Final season of Apple TV thriller x Servant x premieres January M Night Shyamalan s creepy thriller Servant returns for its final season on Apple TV on January Servant returns for its final season Servant is a psychological thriller about a family dealing with the ramifications of losing their child The series is veiled in mystery as cultists terrorize the family with seemingly supernatural powers Read more |
2022-10-26 15:20:56 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Covid-19 sweeping through Foxconn's main iPhone factory |
Covid sweeping through Foxconn x s main iPhone factoryDespite enhanced precautions and frequent screening for COVID prevention Foxconn s main iPhone production facility is dealing with an outbreak FoxconnIn central China s Henan province Zhengzhou was affected by a new wave of Covid in October A small outbreak occurred in a Foxconn factory in the area the world s largest assembly plant for iPhone production Read more |
2022-10-26 15:03:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Malwarebytes crippled by macOS Ventura update |
Malwarebytes crippled by macOS Ventura updateThe new macOS Ventura release has killed the real time protection feature in Malwarebytes but the company has a solution MalwarebytesA bug in macOS Ventura is affecting security apps that rely on Full Disk Access such as antivirus programs The setting allows apps to access protected user data such as mail messages Safari files and more needed for software such as antivirus apps Read more |
2022-10-26 15:39:59 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple expands learning program for US educators |
Apple expands learning program for US educatorsTeachers coaches and other educators in the US are now invited to apply for Apple s newest additions to its Apple Learning Coach program Apple first launched its Apple Learning Coach program in early with self paced lessons and virtual workshop sessions for educators Now it s taking applications in the US for much wider version of the program For more than four decades Apple has worked alongside educators to help enable students to create problem solve and express themselves in new ways Susan Prescott Apple s vice president of Education and Enterprise Marketing said in a statement We designed Apple Learning Coach to support educators using technology in the classroom Read more |
2022-10-26 15:01:59 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony's high-resolution A7R V mirrorless camera now shoots 8K video |
Sony x s high resolution AR V mirrorless camera now shoots K videoSony has launched the AR V its latest mirrorless camera designed to shoot portraits landscapes and other subjects that require as much resolution as possible The new model carries the same megapixel resolution as the AR IV but has a much more powerful new Bionz XR processor that allows for improved AI autofocus better shake reduction and K p video nbsp The key improvement is in the autofocus as the AR V is Sony s first camera to introduced something called human pose estimation The system can see different points in the human body and and thus figure out where the eye is supposed to be That allows it to accurately track someone who might be moving and turning away from the camera and keep tracking them even if they disappear from view for a moment On top of that it can now pick out different subjects like cars trains plains animals and insects Though the AR V is primarily targeted at photographers it s much better at video than ever too Where the AR IV was limited to bit K at fps with either cropping or line skipping the AR V now shoots K video at up to fps along with K without line skipping or pixel binning With the same heatsink as the AS III it allows for unlimited K recording and up to minutes of K capture It can also handle supersampled bit K video using the entire sensor width at up to fps or at fps with a x crop You can also capture bit RAW video to external recorders at up to K p nbsp Sony has upgraded to the in body stabilization IBS system from to stops now matching what Canon can do with its similarly priced EOS R And in lieu of the tilting display used in the AR IV the new model has a fully articulating screen that makes it more useful for high angle shooting video and more nbsp The AR V shoots at the same fps speeds as before which is impressive for such a high resolution camera However it can now shoot compressed RAW files rather than just uncompressed as before The buffer can also handle up to shots letting you shoot for a large amount of time in a burst nbsp SonyIt has a long list of other attractive features including a class leading million dot electronic viewfinder EVF and dual card slots that accept either speedy but expensive CFexpress Type A or UHS II cards Another new feature is pixel shift multishot tripod use only for compositing shots into one megapixel image using AI processing to automatically detect and correct movement between frames nbsp The list continues with AI powered white balance focus stacking of up to frames for increased depth of field Sony s Cinetone color profile for a more film like look an updated body with dials and controls similar to the A IV USB C charging with Power Delivery and native webcam compatibility The Sony AR V is set to arrive in December for nbsp Sony |
2022-10-26 15:20:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'The Witcher' is getting an Unreal Engine 5 remake |
x The Witcher x is getting an Unreal Engine remakeCD Projekt Red recently announced a whole bunch of projects it has in the pipeline including multiple entries in The Witcher series One of those had the codename Canis Majoris and it was then confirmed to be a full fledged Witcher game developed in Unreal Engine by an external studio Now CDPR has shed more light on the project As it turns out Canis Majoris is actually a remake of the first title in the series Polish studio Fool s Theory is remaking The Witcher under CDPR s supervision It s in the early stages of development so the game is likely at least a couple of years away CDPR says it will be a while before it starts talking about the project in more detail However it confirmed that Fool s Theory is rebuilding The Witcher Remake from the ground up using the same toolset that CDPR is utilizing for other games in the series For what it s worth the Fool s Theory team includes developers who worked on The Witcher Assassins of Kings and The Witcher Wild Hunt We re thrilled to reveal that together with Fools Theory we re working on remaking The Witcher using Unreal Engine codename Canis Majoris We want to do this right so please be patient ーit s gonna be a while until we can share more details ️pic twitter com ERFOXQrUEPーThe Witcher witchergame October Going back to where it all began for CDPR makes a lot of sense The Witcher came out in and while it was fairly well received it arguably wasn t until The Witcher and the Netflix show based on the source novels that the franchise reached a much higher level of popularity It s not a stretch to imagine that players who came into the series later would be curious about Geralt of Rivia s earlier adventures What s more The Witcher was only released for PC and Mac While PS and Xbox versions were announced at one point they never came to fruition It seems unlikely that CDPR wouldn t release console versions this time given the larger audience of players it can tap into Meanwhile the current gen version of The Witcher is slated to arrive by the end of the year |
2022-10-26 15:10:43 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'The Callisto Protocol' hands-on: Think Dead Space, but grosser |
x The Callisto Protocol x hands on Think Dead Space but grosserIt s a strange feeling The Callisto Protocol is a new game from a studio with zero releases to its name but playing it feels like coming home Its mechanics environments and monsters are deeply familiar unapologetically feeding off the immersive sci fi horror concepts of Dead Space While playing a preview of The Callisto Protocol on PlayStation I was reminded of that scene from Wayne s World where the boys are looking down on a film set that looks like Wayne s basement but it s not actually Wayne s basement and Garth says Isn t that weird They all agree it is Playing The Callisto Protocol I found myself trapped in a world between old and new Like I said it was strange However once the weirdness wore off playing The Callisto Protocol just felt good Callisto is the first game out of Striking Distance Studios a team led by Dead Space co creator Greg Schofield ーso yeah all the references are coming straight from the source And there are plenty of similarities to go around Callisto stars a lone space dude fighting through rooms of mutated humans headshots are less effective than shooting extremities and tentacles there s no UI and the protagonist s health is displayed on the back of his neck stomping enemies is the best way to ensure they re dead there s a gravity gun that functions like a kinesis ability and the death screens are particularly gruesome One early level even has a vignette with the phrase shoot the tentacles scrawled across the wall in blood riffing on the classic Dead Space blood tag that read cut off their limbs Striking Distance StudiosI had the luxury of playing the Callisto Protocol preview just a week after trying out Motive Studio s Dead Space remake so the similarities stung sharply ーbut so did the differences The Callisto Protocol does some things that Dead Space couldn t and it s clearly a bigger game in a more complex world Where the USG Ishimura in Dead Space often felt claustrophobic the dead moon prison colony in The Callisto Protocol feels vast and mazelike with ladders vents long hallways tight corridors and open laboratories with multiple access points for enemies all of it overgrown with alien life The early game features a variety of enemy types ーrushing monsters tall spitters leather daddy tanks and invisible beasts with too many legs to name a few ーand they re each difficult to kill in their own special ways The twist is that all of the infected humans or Biophage will mutate in front of the player s eyes when they re not killed quickly enough growing stronger in their evolved form Enemy spawn points are not randomized a fact that I discovered after dying a few times in a row in a single room The death screens are numerous and reach Mortal Kombat levels of brutality in the best possible way All of these details result in a rich sense of strategy with explodables ammo drops and escape routes secreted around each combat area Callisto is a video game for video game people offering little actual direction while relying on the environment to communicate escape and attack opportunities ーa suspiciously red canister in the middle of a long walkway a ladder rung dangling just within reach a box barely big enough to duck behind Each detail blends smoothly into the futuristic surroundings only standing out when a horde of Biophage are breathing down your neck TheCallisto Protocol is a fully formed concept executed with proficiency The Striking Distance crew clearly know how to make a game feel tense and horrific and satisfying and with Callisto they re just showing off Only one segment of my playthrough sticks out negatively in my mind The protagonist essentially finds himself on a water slide and players have to navigate the concrete pillars and other obstacles in his path It isn t a terrible concept but personally I don t need any more on rails sequences in my games Overall though the preview was a haze of sci fi gore action and surprise and I m excited to play the full game when it comes out on December nd To be honest I almost expected more out of The Callisto Protocol ーmore growth since Dead Space a new perspective on horror a stronger attempt to be different than that iconic game Instead Callisto leans into Dead Space s original ideas and competes with them directly even down to the release timing ーthe Dead Space remake is due out just eight weeks after Callisto Something about that feels personal like The Callisto Protocol is shoving something in Dead Space s face as if more than a decade later Schofield is trying to prove something to EA That s not based on any conversations with developers it s just a gut feeling I have Striking Distance StudiosConspiracy theories aside it s fortunate that Dead Space provides such a timeless foundation for The Callisto Protocol s playground The original ideas ーimmersive UI strategic combat horrific killscreens tight metal corridors ーremain effective today and modern hardware only provides more room for these mechanics to breathe The Callisto Protocol contains a few fresh concepts but its most satisfying mechanics are the familiar ones spit shined for a new generation That said The Callisto Protocol s success isn t guaranteed just because it s riffing on proven ideas ーthe game still has to run smoothly and look beautiful Luckily it seems Striking Distance got it right in these areas too Playing for an hour on PS the game is perfectly polished terrifying and gruesome Somehow The Callisto Protocol is entirely new yet exactly as I remember |
2022-10-26 15:00:55 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Leveraging ISA/IEC 62443 to secure industrial operations is easier than you think |
Leveraging ISA IEC to secure industrial operations is easier than you thinkIndustrial networks and critical infrastructures have become the new playground for cyber criminals Learn about the ISA IEC OT security standard and how to easily implement it with our detailed white paper and series of webinars |
2022-10-26 15:02:57 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
COP27: Prioritise climate or face catastrophe - UN chief |
catastrophe |
2022-10-26 15:41:59 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2022-10-26 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
東海地区における株主コミュニティ制度の活性化について(名古屋証券取引所との連携) |
名古屋証券取引所 |
2022-10-26 15:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融審議会「事業性に着目した融資実務を支える制度のあり方等に関するワーキング・グループ」(第1回)を開催します。 |
金融審議会 |
2022-10-26 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融審議会「ディスクロージャーワーキング・グループ」(第2回)を開催します。 |
金融審議会 |
2022-10-26 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Putin watches first Russian nuclear drill since invasion of Ukraine |
dirty |
2022-10-26 15:15:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rugby League World Cup: Ex-footballer Stuart Pearce inspires England before Greece match |
Rugby League World Cup Ex footballer Stuart Pearce inspires England before Greece matchEngland head coach Shaun Wane brings in former international footballer Stuart Pearce to inspire the players before Saturday s match against Greece |
2022-10-26 15:13:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pound rises after delay to economic plan |
recent |
2022-10-26 15:26:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rishi Sunak’s cabinet: Who is in the prime minister’s top team? |
faces |
2022-10-26 15:51:14 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
九州ラーメン 六五六@三国ヶ丘(大阪府) 「チャンポン」 |
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2022-10-26 16:01:56 |
北海道 |
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2022-10-27 00:04:23 |