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IT 気になる、記になる… CASETiFY、ブラックフライデーのセールを開催中 − 人気ケースが最大30%オフに https://taisy0.com/2022/11/22/165282.html casetify 2022-11-22 08:53:00
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ROBOT ロボスタ 今年は「Echo Show 5 第2世代」が67%OFF!年末ビッグセール「Amazon ブラックフライデー」カテゴリー別サプライズ日程を公開 https://robotstart.info/2022/11/22/amazon-black-friday-2.html 今年は「EchoShow第世代」がOFF年末ビッグセール「Amazonブラックフライデー」カテゴリー別サプライズ日程を公開シェアツイートはてブAmazonは、月日金時から月日木時分までの日間、お得なビッグセール「Amazonブラックフライデー」を開催する。 2022-11-22 08:02:20
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders NTTデータ、小口決済システム「ことら」への接続を簡易化するサービス | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/24087 NTTデータ、小口決済システム「ことら」への接続を簡易化するサービスITLeadersNTTデータは年月日、「ことらWebViewサービス」を同年月日から提供すると発表した。 2022-11-22 17:24:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 「Pythonで学ぶ音声認識」第3章1節の02prepare_label.pyでUnicodeEncodeErrorになった https://qiita.com/HaruRei_GC/items/447ace6a2babd1c18ee4 openoriginallabelmoder 2022-11-22 17:45:24
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海外TECH DEV Community Senior C# Developer Shows 5 Tips To Master Your C# Level https://dev.to/bytehide/senior-c-developer-shows-how-to-master-your-c-level-1a0p Senior C Developer Shows Tips To Master Your C  LevelWhat if I told you that easy tips from a senior C developer can make you an better coder Would you believe me Most people won t because we tend to assume that skill and experience are innate traits that only the most talented developers are born with While that may be partially true when it comes to being able to develop software most of what makes an exceptional coder doesn t come down to natural talent as much as it does deliberate practice and some critical thinking skills These tips are provided by Stefan Djokic Senior Software Engineer working at EXLRT a digital customer experience agency specializing in retail travel and hospitality working with huge companies such as Adidas IBM or Disneyland Paris I very recommend you to follow him on Linkedin because he is always sharing valuable content about C NET and more Use yield whenever you canIn the first tip revealed by Stefan he comments that developers usually use temporary variables to store collection elements when using loops to create a new collection of elements Let s check his code example List lt int gt tempResult new foreach var item in collection tempResult Add item return tempResult In this case Stefan recommends using yield return as it will provide a statefull and custom iteration “Control is returned to the caller each time the “yield return statement is encountered and executed Followed by this he added “Most importantly with each such call the callee s state information is preserved so that execution can continue immediately after the yield statement when the control returns And his result is as follows Lastly he commented on some notes to always keep in mind in his own words foreach var item in collection yield return item We cannot use the “yield return or the “yield break statements inside anonymous amp unsafe methods The return type of the method where we are using yield should be IEnumerable or IEnumerator We cannot use the yield return statement in a try catch block though we can have it inside a try finally blockKeep this in mind developers Here is the original link to Stefan s tip Use yield whenever you can Get iteration index in foreach loopFor this second tip Stefan talks about best practices for track indices and throws out a question “How to get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop Following this he himself answered this question to clarify the doubts for all of us “The easiest way to track indices is to set the index variable in front of the loop and increase it in each iteration ーjust like working in a while loop And the scenario he proposes is as follows foreach var value i in users Select value u gt value i User value user value int index user i Having made this clear Stefan goes on to pose a scenario in which this is achieved without using a variable This is possible combining the Select LINQ method and ValueTuple but Stefan comments that this is not his favorite way and details the reasons Reduced code readability Worse performance space amp time expenses Difficult to maintain Just why Just why By now I m sure some of you have asked yourself this question That is why Stefan reveals the best way to get the index of an iteration of a foreach loop “ Use for loop if you can Use MoveNext amp Current property Another good tip to improve remember that success is in perseverance Here is the original link to Stefan s tip Get iteration index in foreach loop Don t use string concatenation in loopsLoops in C are the focus of this third tip Stefan warns that it s not good practice use string concatenation This is because a string is immutable as Stefan himself comments “Once we create a string it cannot be changed In order to better understand this this great senior developer has given a practical example We have a new “Test string ーThis string will take up memory space on the Heap We change the original string to “Test for string We will create a new string object on the Heap Instead of modifying the original string at the same memory address The code excerpt looks like this string finalStr foreach var str in stringArray finalStr finalStr str If you are curious to know what happens when you do it this way the main thing is the possible loss of performance Why Because multiple memory allocations would be used when modifying a string multiple times Stefan s favorite solution to this problem is to use StringBuilder As he states “The StringBuilder doesn t create a new object in the memory but dynamically expands memory to accommodate the modified string With your solution in mind the above code example would look flawless as follows StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder foreach var str in stringArray builder Append str string finalStr builder ToString Finally Exlrt s Software Engineer poses a question to all developers Do you have a concatenation in the loop somewhere in the code Have you encountered this problem in a real world situation Both Stefan and I would like to know if this has ever happened to you and if you have personally noticed any problems Here is the original link to Stefan s tip Don t use string concatenation in loops Sealed ClassesThe frog with legs is the name Stefan has given to the story of his fourth tip You might be wondering since when did a frog have six legs right Well let Stefan tell you the mini story he came up with A Why do you have a MyFrog class when there is a standardized Frog class Also your frog has six legs B Haha so you let me have it A How to B You let me extend your standardized frog with extra legs You allowed me to inherit your class A I should have used the sealed keyword ️If Stefan would make an advanced C book using this kind of mini example stories and his way of explaining things I m sure it would be the best acquisition of my life and the book would be a success in general you know Stefan Back to the tip the main reason among several others that we will see later why using Sealed classes is much more appropriate is to restrict the inheritace feature Alongside this he states “Once we define a class as a sealed class we cannot inherit it anymore Another guideline he adds in this tip is that on a method or property that overrides a virtual method or property in a base class we may also use the sealed keyword This prevents other classes from overriding certain virtual methods or attributes while still enabling them to inherit from the base class And if you are wondering what are the advantages of using sealed classes these are the points mentioned by the Software Engineer Take away the inheritance feature from the class users so they cannot derive a class from it Best when we have a class with static members Can lead to improved performancesLet s look at Stefan s example sealed class Users public string name Stefan Djokic public void GetName Console WriteLine Name name Derived Classpublic class Details users Error public int age public void GetAge Console WriteLine Age age Here is the original link to Stefan s tip Sealed Classes Select vs SelectMany For this fifth tip Stefan has decided to share with us a customer case study To quickly put us in his scenario “The client has requested all the technologies that your employees know …we have a class Employee with the name of the employee and a list of technologies he knows how to work This is how the scenario is presented List lt Employee gt employees new Employee emp new Employee Name Stefan Skills new List lt string gt C C Java Employee emp new Employee Name Karan Skills new List lt string gt SQL Server C ASP NET Employee emp new Employee Name Lalit Skills new List lt string gt C ASP NET MVC Windows Azure SQL Server employees Add emp employees Add emp employees Add emp Now to solve the challenge proposed by his client the Software Engineer has come up with two solutions Select SelectMany First of all Stefan has proposed the supposed scenario with Select IEnumerable lt List lt String gt gt resultSelect employees Select e gt e Skills foreach List lt String gt skillList in resultSelect foreach string skill in skillList Console WriteLine skill Let s quickly see what Stefan tells us about this way of doing it We are using loops The first loop goes through all the employees The second loop goes through all the skills of each employee With this in mind let s see what the assumed scenario would look like if we were to use SelectMany IEnumerable lt string gt resultSelectMany employees SelectMany emp gt emp Skills foreach string skill in resultSelectMany Console WriteLine skill Just at first glance we can see that the resulting code is shorter using SelectMany compared to Select If done with SelectMany as Stefan reports the process varies We are getting the list of the skills immediately The first and only loop goes through the skills of each employee This way we can save loop which will compensate us in terms of performance Finally he adds another small but good option to consider “We can use SelectMany to “flatten a nested or tiered collection into a simple single tier collection Here is the original link to Stefan s tip Select vs SelectMany Thanks again to Stefan Djokic for sharing these tips and bringing value to the great and wonderful community of NET developers If you liked them I would recommend you to follow him on Linkedin because he is always active and uploads a lot of valuable NET content 2022-11-22 08:44:00
海外TECH DEV Community Style your SolidJS website faster with StylifyCSS https://dev.to/machy8/style-your-solidjs-website-faster-with-stylifycss-9oj Style your SolidJS website faster with StylifyCSSStyle your SolidJS app quickly and easily without CSS in JS using Stylify CSS CSS like utilities IntroductionStylify is a library that uses CSS like selectors to generate optimized utility first CSS based on what you write CSS like selectorsNo framework to study Less time spent in docsMangled amp Extremely small CSSNo purge neededComponents Variables Custom selectorsIt can generate multiple CSS bundles InstallationInstall Stylify using cli npm i D stylify unpluginyarn add D stylify unpluginAdd the following configuration into vite config js import defineConfig from vite import stylifyVite from stylify unplugin import solidPlugin from vite plugin solid const stylifyPlugin stylifyVite bundles outputFile src stylify css files src jsx Optional compiler variables variables macros macros components components export default defineConfig plugins stylifyPlugin solidPlugin server port build target esnext Add Stylify CSS in src index js import stylify css UsageStylify syntax is similar to CSS You just write instead of a space and instead of a quote So if we edit the src App jsx function App return lt h class font size px margin px px gt Hello World lt h gt export default App In production you will get optimized CSS and mangled html lt h class p u gt Hello World lt h gt p font size px u margin px px Stackblitz PlaygroundGo ahead and try Stylify CSS SolidJS on Stackblitz ConfigurationThe examples above doesn t include everything Stylify can do Define components Add custom selectorsConfigure own macros like ml px for margin leftDefine custom screensYou can map nested files in the templateAnd a lot moreFeel free to checkout the docs to learn more Let me know what you think I will be happy for any feedback The Stylify is still a new Library and there is a lot of space for improvement 2022-11-22 08:21:40
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