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海外TECH DEV Community How to reverse a string in Go https://dev.to/mavensingh/how-to-reverse-a-string-in-go-52pb How to reverse a string in GoIn this article you ll learn about how you can reverse a string using multiple ways in Golang as of now in Golang there is no built in method to reverse a string yet so we will create our own function to reverse a string In Golang a string is a sequence of UTF bytes According to the UTF encoding standard ASCII characters are single byte However other characters range between and bytes because of this inconsistency it is nearly impossible to index a specific character inside a string If we want to index a character in Golang we can convert a string to an array or rune A rune is basically a Unicode point A Unicode point refers to a numerical value representing a Unicode character Ways to reverse string in GolangBelow is the all ways to reverse a string in Golang Simply append stringReverse a string ーRune by RuneReverse a String ーSwap Left Rune with RightFrom right sideThese are the all possible implementations you will see in the action below so without taking any extra time let s see the implementations one by one Simply append stringThis example declares an empty string and then starts appending the characters from the end one by one Algorithm Let s go through the approach to solve this problem first Step Define a function that accepts a string as a parameter Step Iterate over the input string and prepend the characters one by one to the resultant string Step Return the resultant string Code Below is the code of the following way package mainimport fmt approach function which takes a string as argument and return the reversed string func reverse s string string var str string for v range s str string v str return str func main s programmingeeksclub fmt Println original string s r reverse s fmt Println reversed string r Explanation Line We created a reverse function The function accepts a string as parameter iterates over it and prepends each character to str variable which is type string At the end of the reverse function it returns the str variable with reversed string Line We declared a string variable named s inside the main function Line We are printing the s variable which is not yet reversed Line We called reverse function and passed s variable to reverse function and we stored the returned value from reverse to r variable Line We output the result of the reversed string on the console Below is the output of the following code go run main gooriginal string programmingeeksclubreversed string bulcskeegnimmargorpReversing a string by character is very similar to the process to reverse an array The difference is that strings are immutable in Go Therefore we must first convert the string to a mutable array of runes rune perform the reverse operation on that and then re cast to a string and return back the reversed string Reverse a string ーRune by RuneThis example first appends the provided string to the rune variable and then declares another variable type rune to store the reversed characters one by one Algorithm Let s go through the approach to solve this problem Step Define a function named reverse that accepts a string as a parameter Step Declare a variable type rune and initialize the parameter value into rune variable like this rune parameter Step Declare another variable of type rune this variable will have our reversed characters and will be used to return reversed string Step Iterate over in reverse on the input runes step and append the characters one by one to the resultant rune variable step Step Convert step rune to string and return the resultant as string Code Below is the code of the following way package mainimport fmt approach function which takes a string as argument and return the reversed string func reverse s string string rune arr rune s var rev rune for i len rune arr i gt i rev append rev rune arr i return string rev func main s programmingeeksclub fmt Println original string s r reverse s fmt Println reversed string r Explanation Line We created a function called reverse The function accepts a string as parameter argument then we declared a rune arr type rune variable and at the same time passed the value of parameter to rune arr in next step we declared rev variable of type rune iterates over rune arr in reverse and appends each character to rev variable which is of type rune At the end of the reverse function and before returns if converts the rev variable into string and then returns with reversed string Line We declared a string variable named s inside the main function Line We are printing the s variable which is not yet reversed Line We called reverse function and passed s variable to reverse function and we stored the returned value from reverse to r variable Line We output the result of the reversed string on the console Below is the output of the following code go run main gooriginal string programmingeeksclubreversed string bulcskeegnimmargorp Reverse a String ーSwap Left Rune with RightThis example simply first appends the provided string to the rune variable and then iterates over the slice of rune and swaps each left index with right characters one by one and returns back the reversed rune as string Algorithm Let s go through the approach to solve this problem Step Define a function named reverse that accepts a string as a parameter Step Declare a variable type rune and initialize the parameter value into rune variable like this rune parameter Step Iterate over on the input runes step and swap the characters one by one with left to right Step Convert step rune to string and return the resultant as string Code Below is the code of the following way package mainimport fmt approach function which takes a string as argument and return the reverse of string func reverse s string string rns rune s for i j len rns i lt j i j i j rns i rns j rns j rns i return string rns func main s fmt Println original string s r reverse s fmt Println reversed string r Explanation Line We created a reverse function The function accepts a string as parameter declares a rns type rune variable and at the same time passes the value of parameter to rns iterates over it and swaps characters one by one At the end of the reverse function it returns the rns variable but before we re converting a slice of rune back to string then returning with reversed string Line We declared a string variable named s inside the main function Line We are printing the s variable which is not yet reversed Line We called reverse function and passed s variable to reverse function and we stored the returned value from reverse to r variable Line We output the result of the reversed string on the console Below is the output of the following code go run main gooriginal string reversed string moc bulcskeegnimmargorp sptth From right sideThis example declares an empty string and then starts appending the characters from the last index one by one Algorithm Let s go through the approach to solve this problem first Step Define a function that accepts a string as a parameter Step Declare a string builder type variable to hold the reversed string Step Iterate over the input string and prepend the characters one by one from last index to first into the resultant string Step Return the resultant string Code Below is the code of the following way package mainimport fmt strings approach function which takes a string as argument and return the reverse of string func reverse s string string var str strings Builder str Grow len s for idx range s str Write byte s len s idx return str String func main s fmt Println original string s r reverse s fmt Println reversed string r Now one thing comes in mind why i used strings Builder type here instead of string well strings Builder do concatenation faster than using for string Explanation Line We created a reverse function The function accepts a string as parameter iterates over it and appends each character to str variable which is type strings Builder At the end of the reverse function it returns the str variable with reversed string Line We declared a string variable named s inside the main function Line We are printing the s variable which is not yet reversed Line We called reverse function and passed s variable to reverse function and we stored the returned value from reverse to r variable Line We output the result of the reversed string on the console Below is the output of the following code go run main gooriginal string reversed string moc bulcskeegnimmargorp swenyliad sptthThere are many more ways to reverse a string in Golang I ll leave other on you write some code you can send your code to us as well if you want your code to be feature in this article what you have to do is just write your code and explain in the way I have done in this article Now let s see some benchmark results of the mentioned ways which one is the fastest one to use in your production code BenchmarkCreate a file called main test go and paste the following code in it package mainimport strings testing func SimpleReverse s string string var str string for v range s str string v str return str Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkSimpleReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc SwapReverse s string string rns rune s for i j len rns i lt j i j i j rns i rns j rns j rns i return string rns Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkSwapReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc UsingStrBuilderToReverse s string string var str strings Builder str Grow len s for idx range s str Write byte s len s idx return str String Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkUsingStrBuilderToReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc RunesReverse s string string rune arr rune s var rev rune for i len rune arr i gt i rev append rev rune arr i return string rev Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkRunesReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc ReadFromRightReverse s string string r make byte len s for i i lt len s i r i s len s i return string r Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkReadFromRightReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc ReadFromRightBytesReverse s string string var byte strings Builder byte Grow len s for i len s i gt i byte WriteByte s i return byte String Benchmark goos windows goarch amd pkg reverse string cpu Intel R Core TM i F CPU GHz BenchmarkReadFromRightBytesReverse ns op B op allocs opfunc BenchmarkSimpleReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s SimpleReverse s func BenchmarkSwapReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s SwapReverse s func BenchmarkUsingStrBuilderToReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s UsingStrBuilderToReverse s func BenchmarkRunesReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s RunesReverse s func BenchmarkReadFromRightReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s ReadFromRightReverse s func BenchmarkReadFromRightBytesReverse b testing B for i i lt b N i s ReadFromRightBytesReverse s Now run the go test bench command As you can see the fastest reverse string way took the ns and while the lowest took ns Fastest WayBelow is the fastest way between all mentioned ways func ReadFromRightReverse s string string r make byte len s for i i lt len s i r i s len s i return string r This article is originally posted on programmingeeksclub comMy Personal Blogging Website Programming Geeks ClubMy Facebook Page Programming Geeks ClubMy Telegram Channel Programming Geeks ClubMy Twitter Account Kuldeep SinghMy Youtube Channel Programming Geeks Club How to reverse a string in Golang Programming Geeks Club In this article you ll learn about how you can reverse a string using multiple ways in Golang as Golang doesn t have any built in function programmingeeksclub com 2022-11-22 09:41:19
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