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AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Announcing the AWS Regional 2022 Partners of the Year for Europe, Middle East, and Africa https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/announcing-the-aws-regional-2022-partners-of-the-year-for-europe-middle-east-and-africa/ Announcing the AWS Regional Partners of the Year for Europe Middle East and AfricaWe re excited to announce our AWS Partners of the year from Europe Middle East and Africa Each year we honor members of the AWS Partner Network APN who are leaders in the channel and play key roles in helping customers drive innovation and build solutions on AWS Announced throughout the year AWS Partner Awards recognize a wide range of born in the cloud and traditional services and software partners whose business models have embraced specialization and collaboration 2022-11-30 19:01:37
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PyTorchで関数を近似し、そのヤコビアンを計算する https://qiita.com/Northnorthwest/items/221729a3c2c61546f348 backpropagation 2022-12-01 04:16:36
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【アップデート】Amazon AppFlow に新規コネクタが追加されました!#reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-appflow-reinvent2022/ amazonappflow 2022-11-30 19:46:23
技術ブログ Developers.IO re:Invent 2022 の Expo会場でパートナー出典をさらっと見てきた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/reinvent-2022-expo/ reinvent 2022-11-30 19:43:29
技術ブログ Developers.IO MacBookのタイムゾーンを現地時間に変更してAWS Eventsのカレンダー表示を適切にする #reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/change-your-devices-time-zone-to-local-time-to-make-it-easier-to-read-the-aws-events-calendar-reinvent/ awsevents 2022-11-30 19:42:22
技術ブログ Developers.IO [速報]AWS Glue Data Quality(プレビュー)が発表されました! #reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/reinvent-2022-glue-data-quality/ awsgluedataquality 2022-11-30 19:29:08
技術ブログ Developers.IO ワールドカップ開催中にラスベガスでフリーキックチャレンジ!#reInvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/freekick-challenge/ caesarsforum 2022-11-30 19:10:25
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS re:Invent 2022 Amazon DataZone のコンソールの操作のデモが公開されました – Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote #reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-reinvent-2022-amazon-datazone-demo-console/ amazondatazone 2022-11-30 19:01:10
技術ブログ Developers.IO [速報] Amazon SageMakerでGeospatial ML(地理空間ML機能)がサポートされました!(プレビュー) #reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/new-sagemaker-geospatial/ amazons 2022-11-30 19:00:38
海外TECH Ars Technica Judge approves $50 million settlement over broken MacBook butterfly keyboards https://arstechnica.com/?p=1900924 specific 2022-11-30 19:08:31
海外TECH DEV Community Deploy a Documentation Website for a Java Library Using GitHub Actions https://dev.to/cicirello/deploy-a-documentation-website-for-a-java-library-using-github-actions-197n Deploy a Documentation Website for a Java Library Using GitHub ActionsThis post continues my series on GitHub Actions workflows for Java projects I maintain a few open source Java libraries that I ve developed from my research projects I use GitHub Actions to automate a variety of tasks I regularly release updates to these libraries to the Maven Central Repository GitHub Packages and JitPack I have a pair of GitHub workflows that automate the deployment process One of these deploys the library s artifacts itself and was covered in an earlier DEV post Deploying Java Artifacts to Multiple Maven Repositories with GitHub Actions Additionally I have a workflow that deploys the API documentation of the library to a website hosted on GitHub Pages My documentation workflow is the subject of this post and includes steps for generating javadoc documentation post processing the output of javadoc to inject canonical links and a few other things into the head of the pages updating an XML sitemap and deploying to GitHub Pages Table of Contents Workflow Step by Step walks you through my documentation deployment workflow one step at a time Complete Workflow Live Example from one of my projects on GitHub Tools Used in the Workflow Where You Can Find Me Workflow Step by StepI m going to walk through the full workflow from beginning to end Workflow EventsI ve designed the workflow to run on several different events although the specific behavior of the workflow depends on the type of event that triggered it to run It runs on push and pull request events to the default branch but for those events the workflow only verifies that the documentation builds without errors or warnings and does not deploy I want to keep the documentation website up to date with the latest release so the deployment related steps are skipped during push and pull request events which you ll see later in the workflow For pull requests this workflow is also used as a required check If the documentation doesn t build without errors or warnings then this workflow will block the merge It also runs on release events specifically when a release is created in which case the full workflow runs including the steps related to deployment I ve also configured it to run on workflow dispatch events so that I have the option to run it manually if necessary such as to force out an important documentation update that applies to the current release name docson push branches master paths java github workflows docs yml pull request branches master release types created workflow dispatch Checking Out the RepositoryThis step is self explanatory and is found at the start of most GitHub workflows jobs docs runs on ubuntu latest steps name Checkout the repo uses actions checkout v Checking Out the gh pages BranchMy documentation deployment workflow includes a second actions checkout step The documentation website is hosted on GitHub Pages and is served from the gh pages branch of the repository This step checks out the gh pages branch to a directory that I ve also named gh pages see the path input to actions checkout nested within the first checkout One of the later steps of the workflow uses a GitHub Action that I ve implemented to generate an XML sitemap for the documentation site That action uses the commit dates of the files to generate lt lastmod gt tags in the sitemap So the step to checkout the gh pages branch uses the input fetch depth of actions checkout to include the complete git history of the gh pages branch name Checkout the gh pages branch uses actions checkout v with fetch depth ref gh pages path gh pages Build the Documentation with JavadocBelow you see the next two workflow steps First I set up the Adoptium distribution of JDK with the actions setup java action This project uses Maven for builds so after setting up Java I run javadoc with mvn compile javadoc javadoc name Set up JDK uses actions setup java v with distribution adopt java version name Build docs with Maven run mvn compile javadoc javadoc Copy the Documentation to Website LocationThis next step is conditional and only runs on release and workflow dispatch events Recall that the workflow also runs on push and pull request events to verify that the documentation builds successfully By using a conditional step here I ensure that the documentation is only deployed to the website when a release is created to keep the documentation site up to date with the current release The next several steps are actually conditional as well for the same reason Also recall that earlier the gh pages branch was checked out to a directory gh pages by a second use of actions checkout At the root of that branch I have a webpage in AMP HTML about the library as well as a few other things such as a sitemap xml a robots txt etc The javadoc documentation is in a subdirectory api So below the first thing I do is delete the contents of the api directory with rm rf gh pages api The purpose is to avoid accidentally leaving any stray obsolete files e g perhaps the release removed a class The cp rf target site apidocs gh pages api then copies the javadocs from Maven s default location to the api directory of the gh pages branch name Copy to Documentation Website Location if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run rm rf gh pages api cp rf target site apidocs gh pages api Post Process the Javadoc OutputThe next step uses a GitHub Action that I ve implemented javadoc cleanup to insert canonical URLs into the head of each javadoc page I also use it to insert a referrer policy of strict origin when cross origin into the head of each javadoc page as well as links to my project s favicon and my web monetization pointer This step is conditional like the previous step and only runs on release and workflow dispatch events I have a recent DEV post about javadoc cleanup if you want to learn more about what you can use it for and how to use it Post Process Javadoc Generated Documentation in GitHub Actions Before Deploying to the Web Vincent A Cicirello・Nov ・ min read java github showdev webdev name Tidy up the javadocs if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch id tidy uses cicirello javadoc cleanup v with base url path path to root gh pages user defined block lt meta name referrer content strict origin when cross origin gt lt meta name monetization content ilp uphold com RHNKxpZeLNE gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x x x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt name Log javadoc cleanup output if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run echo modified count steps tidy outputs modified count Commit the DocumentationJust like the prior steps this next only runs on release and workflow dispatch events Specifically I use a simple shell script to commit the javadoc documentation to the gh pages branch The cd gh pages ensures I m in the directory gh pages where I ve checked out that branch I do the commit as the GitHub Actions bot Note that this step doesn t push yet name Commit documentation changes without pushing yet if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run cd gh pages if git status porcelain then git config global user name github actions git config global user email github actions bot users noreply github com git add A git commit m Automated API website updates fi cd The reason I didn t push yet is because in the next step you ll see how I generate a sitemap This step committing the javadocs is necessary first because the sitemap generation relies on the commit dates to generate lt lastmod gt tags Generate an XML SitemapOn release and workflow dispatch events use the generate sitemap GitHub Action which I maintain to generate an XML sitemap for the documentation website The first step below generates the sitemap and the second one below just logs some information about that action s run to the workflow run s log e g number of URLs in the sitemap and number excluded by either robots txt or noindex directives name Generate the sitemap if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch id sitemap uses cicirello generate sitemap v with base url path path to root gh pages name Output stats if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run echo sitemap path steps sitemap outputs sitemap path echo url count steps sitemap outputs url count echo excluded count steps sitemap outputs excluded count I have a recent DEV post about generate sitemap if you want to learn more about it Generate an XML Sitemap for a Static Website in GitHub Actions Vincent A Cicirello・Nov ・ min read webdev showdev github programming Commit the Sitemap and Push to WebsiteFinally we can commit the sitemap generated above to the gh pages by switching to the gh pages directory where it is checked out committing and then pushing everything name Commit documentation website sitemap and push all commits if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run cd gh pages if git status porcelain then git config global user name github actions git config global user email github actions bot users noreply github com git add A git commit m Automated API website sitemap update fi git push cd The updated documentation has now been deployed to the project s website Complete WorkflowHere s my complete Java library documentation deployment workflow name docson push branches master paths java github workflows docs yml pull request branches master release types created workflow dispatch jobs docs runs on ubuntu latest steps name Checkout the repo uses actions checkout v name Checkout the gh pages branch uses actions checkout v with fetch depth ref gh pages path gh pages name Set up JDK uses actions setup java v with distribution adopt java version name Build docs with Maven run mvn compile javadoc javadoc name Copy to Documentation Website Location if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run rm rf gh pages api cp rf target site apidocs gh pages api name Tidy up the javadocs if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch id tidy uses cicirello javadoc cleanup v with base url path path to root gh pages user defined block lt meta name referrer content strict origin when cross origin gt lt meta name monetization content ilp uphold com RHNKxpZeLNE gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x x x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt lt link rel icon href images favicon png sizes x type image png gt name Log javadoc cleanup output if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run echo modified count steps tidy outputs modified count name Commit documentation changes without pushing yet if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run cd gh pages if git status porcelain then git config global user name github actions git config global user email github actions bot users noreply github com git add A git commit m Automated API website updates fi cd name Generate the sitemap if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch id sitemap uses cicirello generate sitemap v with base url path path to root gh pages name Output stats if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run echo sitemap path steps sitemap outputs sitemap path echo url count steps sitemap outputs url count echo excluded count steps sitemap outputs excluded count name Commit documentation website sitemap and push all commits if github event name release github event name workflow dispatch run cd gh pages if git status porcelain then git config global user name github actions git config global user email github actions bot users noreply github com git add A git commit m Automated API website sitemap update fi git push cd Live ExampleTo see a live example consult the docs yml workflow of one of my projects Here is the GitHub repository cicirello Chips n Salsa A Java library of Customizable Hybridizable Iterative Parallel Stochastic and Self Adaptive Local Search Algorithms Chips n Salsa Copyright C Vincent A Cicirello Website API documentation Publications About the LibraryPackages and Releases Build Status JaCoCo Test Coverage Security DOIOther Information Support How to CiteIf you use this library in your research please cite the following paper Cicirello V A Chips n Salsa A Java Library of Customizable Hybridizable Iterative Parallel Stochastic and Self Adaptive Local Search Algorithms Journal of Open Source Software OverviewChips n Salsa is a Java library of customizable hybridizable iterative parallel stochastic and self adaptive local search algorithms The library includes implementations of several stochastic local search algorithms including simulated annealing hill climbers as well as constructive search algorithms such as stochastic sampling Chips n Salsa now also includes genetic algorithms as well as evolutionary algorithms more generally The library very extensively supports simulated annealing It includes several classes for representing solutions to a variety of optimization problems… View on GitHub Tools Used in the WorkflowMore information about the javadoc cleanup and generate sitemap GitHub Actions is found on a website about the various GitHub Actions that I maintain as well as within the corresponding GitHub repositories Vincent Cicirello Open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation Features information on several open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation that we have developed to automate parts of the CI CD pipeline and other repetitive tasks The GitHub Actions featured include jacoco badge generator generate sitemap user statistician and javadoc cleanup actions cicirello org cicirello javadoc cleanup Create mobile friendly documentation sites by post processing javadocs in GitHub Actions javadoc cleanupCheck out all of our GitHub Actions AboutGitHub Actions Build Status Source Info Support The javadoc cleanup GitHub action is a utility to tidy up javadocs prior to deployment toan API documentation website assumed hosted on GitHub Pages It performs the followingfunctions Improves mobile browsing experience Itinserts lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt within the lt head gt ofeach html file that was generated by javadoc if not already present Beginning with Java javadocproperly defines the viewport whereas prior to Java it does not Strips out any timestamps inserted by javadoc The timestamps cause a variety of version controlissues for documentation sites maintained in git repositories Javadoc has an option notimestamp todirect javadoc not to insert timestamps which we recommend that you also use However at the presenttime there appears to be a bug in OpenJDK s javadoc and possibly other versions … View on GitHub cicirello generate sitemap Generate an XML sitemap for a GitHub Pages site using GitHub Actions generate sitemapCheck out all of our GitHub Actions AboutGitHub Actions Build Status Source Info Support The generate sitemap GitHub action generates a sitemap for a website hosted on GitHubPages and has the following features Support for both xml and txt sitemaps you choose using one of the action s inputs When generating an xml sitemap it uses the last commit date ofeach file to generate the lt lastmod gt tag in the sitemap entry If the filewas created during that workflow run but not yet committed then it instead usesthe current date however we recommend if possible committing newly created files first Supports URLs for html and pdf files in the sitemap and has inputsto control the included file types defaults include both html and pdf files in the sitemap Now also supports including URLs for a user specified list ofadditional file extensions in the sitemap … View on GitHub Where You Can Find MeFollow me here on DEV Vincent A CicirelloFollow Researcher and educator in A I algorithms evolutionary computation machine learning and swarm intelligence Follow me on GitHub cicirello cicirello My GitHub Profile Vincent A CicirelloSites where you can find me or my workWeb and social media Software development Publications If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile check out the cicirello user statisticianGitHub Action View on GitHubOr visit my website Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science at Stockton University is aresearcher in artificial intelligence evolutionary computation swarm intelligence and computational intelligence with a Ph D in Robotics from Carnegie MellonUniversity He is an ACM Senior Member IEEE Senior Member AAAI Life Member EAI Distinguished Member and SIAM Member cicirello org 2022-11-30 19:15:43
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Twitter faces ban in EU over too-loose content moderation https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/30/twitter-faces-ban-in-eu-over-too-loose-content-moderation?utm_medium=rss Twitter faces ban in EU over too loose content moderationThe European Union has warned Elon Musk that it will ban or fine Twitter unless it follows its laws about content moderation that are set to go into effect in The EU has warned Elon MuskThierry Breton the EU s commissioner in charge of implementing the union s digital rules made the warning during a video meeting with Musk on Wednesday The checklist of rules includes aggressively removing disinformation getting rid of Musk s arbitrary approach to reinstating banned users and more Read more 2022-11-30 19:07:14
海外TECH Engadget Twitter claims ‘none of our policies have changed’ as advertisers continue to flee https://www.engadget.com/twitter-blog-post-reassure-advertisers-195429153.html?src=rss Twitter claims none of our policies have changed as advertisers continue to fleeOne month into Elon Musk s chaotic takeover of Twitter the company is once again trying to reassure advertisers and users about the direction of the platform In its first blog post since Musk s acquisition the company attempted to explain what “Twitter means for the company Twitter is right now facing a massive decline in ad revenue as major advertisers have halted spending amid concerns over policy changes instituted by Musk In the blog post though Twitter says that “brand safety is only possible when human safety is the top priority and that “none of our policies have changed However it s difficult to square that claim with the company s recent confirmation that it will stop enforcing its COVID misinformation rules and the recent reinstatements of previously banned accounts “Our approach to policy enforcement will rely more heavily on de amplification of violative content freedom of speech but not freedom of reach the blog post says without elaborating Twitter Same mission Faster innovation More transparency ーTwitter Business TwitterBusiness November Musk has previously said that “negative tweets will be “deboosted and only visible to those searching for them It s not clear if these changes have been implemented Twitter no longer has a communications team The blog post also notes that Twitter s Trust and Safety team “continues its diligent work to keep the platform safe from hateful conduct abusive behavior and any violation of Twitter s rules The post signed by “The Twitter Team comes one day after the company s former head of Trust and Safety said the platform is less safe under Musk s leadership Yoel Roth a longtime policy executive at Twitter who had worked closely with Musk in the days immediately following his takeover said in an interview that Musk ignored warnings from the Trust and Safety team ahead of the disastrous rollout of Twitter Blue s paid verification The blog post is the latest sign of how badly Musk needs to win back Twitter s advertisers The company has already lost at least half of its top advertisers according to a recent report in Media Matters And newsletter Platformer reported Tuesday that ad revenue is down percent in Europe and the Middle East in addition to the mounting losses in the US ad market The Financial Times recently reported that Musk has resorted to personally calling the CEOs of major brands “in order to berate them for pulling back on ad spending Musk has also publicly called out Apple CEO Tim Cook for mostly halting its advertising on the platform Much like Musk s town hall with advertisers earlier this month it s unclear if Twitter s latest statements will be enough reassurance for brands to start spending again In addition to Musk s chaotic policy changes and the Twitter Blue fiasco the mass layoffs and resignations have also gutted the teams that typically work closely with ad agencies and brands which has only further complicated the already strained relationships nbsp 2022-11-30 19:54:29
海外TECH Engadget Fusion power is 'approaching' reality thanks to a magnetic field breakthrough https://www.engadget.com/fusion-power-magnetic-field-ignition-study-195200137.html?src=rss Fusion power is x approaching x reality thanks to a magnetic field breakthroughFusion power may be a more realistic prospect than you think As Motherboardreports researchers at the Energy Department s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have discovered that a new magnetic field setup more than tripled the energy output of the fusion reaction hotspot in experiments approaching the level required for self sustaining ignition in plasmas The field was particularly effective at trapping heat within the hotspot boosting the energy yield The hotspot s creation involved blasting lasers at a fusion fuel pellet made from hydrogen isotopes like deuterium and tritium The resulting X rays made the pellet implode and thus produce the extremely high pressures and heat needed for fusion The team achieved their feat by wrapping a coil around a pellet made using special metals The notion of using magnets to heat the fuel isn t new University of Rochester scientists found they could use magnetism to their advantage in The Lawrence Livermore study was far more effective however producing percent heat and more than three times the energy Practical fusion reactors are still many years away The output is still far less than the energy required to create self sustaining reactions The finding makes ignition considerably more achievable though and that in turn improves the chances of an energy positive fusion system This also isn t the end of the magnetism experiments A future test will use an ice laden cryogenic capsule to help understand fusion physics Even if ignition is still distant the learnings from this study could provide a clearer path to that breakthrough moment 2022-11-30 19:52:00
海外TECH Engadget Elden Ring's score will get the jazz treatment thanks to Kenny Garrett and Takuya Kuroda https://www.engadget.com/elden-ring-jazz-concert-announced-190710478.html?src=rss Elden Ring x s score will get the jazz treatment thanks to Kenny Garrett and Takuya KurodaWith the popularity of video games concerts devoted to the music of franchises like Final Fantasy and Assassin s Creed are a frequent occurrence at music venues worldwide However you rarely see two jazz legends reinterpret your favorite gaming tracks That s what makes the event Elden Ring publisher Bandai Namco announced today so intriguing On December rd former Duke Ellington Orchestra member Kenny Garrett will join trumpeter Takuya Kuroda best known for his album Rising Son to play two shows at The Bourbon Room in Holywood They will play music from FromSoftware s latest action RPG With the official score featuring tracks Kuroda and Garrett have a lot of material they could reinterpret You have to imagine Malenia s theme will make an appearance “If I were to pick one word to describe this project it s epic Kuroda said in a video Bandai Namco released promoting the concert series Garrett meanwhile promised it would be “something different from what he s done in the past Unfortunately there s no free way to watch the event In a chart reminiscent of the one Sega published before the release of Sonic Origins Bandai Namco notes you can watch a VOD of the concert after it s over for Watching the event live over the internet will set you back at least In person tickets meanwhile start at and go all the way up to depending on the extras you want You can find more details on Bandai Namco s site 2022-11-30 19:07:10
海外科学 NYT > Science Deaths From Substance Abuse Rose Sharply Among Older Americans in 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/30/health/deaths-seniors-alcohol-drugs.html death 2022-11-30 19:02:02
海外科学 NYT > Science U. S. to Pay Millions to Move Tribes Threatened by Climate Change https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/30/climate/native-tribes-relocate-climate.html washington 2022-11-30 19:55:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Lady Susan Hussey quits over remarks to charity boss Ngozi Fulani https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63810468?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA consort 2022-11-30 19:05:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Christine McVie, Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter, dies aged 79 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-63812952?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA group 2022-11-30 19:40:29
ニュース BBC News - Home England: Ben White leaves World Cup squad in Qatar for personal reasons https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63808727?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA England Ben White leaves World Cup squad in Qatar for personal reasonsDefender Ben White leaves England s World Cup squad in Qatar to return home for personal reasons and is not expected to return for the remainder of the tournament 2022-11-30 19:10:54
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 キーエンスが営業利益率5割キープで盤石!裏で純利益7割減の「負け組メーカー」は - ダイヤモンド 決算報 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313741 キーエンスが営業利益率割キープで盤石裏で純利益割減の「負け組メーカー」はダイヤモンド決算報行動制限が解除され、入国制限も大きく緩和されるなど、人々の生活は少しずつ「コロナ前」に戻りつつある。 2022-12-01 04:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 FTX破綻で決定的?暗号資産“ブーム終焉”の次に来る「高リスク資産」価格調整 - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313740 金融緩和 2022-12-01 04:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中外製薬は初の売上高1兆円超え間近も、心配な「武田薬品」との奇妙な類似性 - 医薬経済ONLINE https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313686 2022-12-01 04:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 通販で使う宅配会社ランキング、佐川が日本郵便を抜き2位!トップはヤマトで不動 - 物流専門紙カーゴニュース発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313577 2022-12-01 04:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「社会正義」が複雑骨折している欧米の思想状況を理解せよ! - 日々刻々 橘玲 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313649 政治的正しさ 2022-12-01 04:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「日本人のゴミ拾いは世界一」報道から“日本の衰退”を感じてしまうワケ - 情報戦の裏側 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313739 裏側 2022-12-01 04:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 W杯の魔物に食われた日本代表、長友が語るスペイン戦の覚悟と勝機 - ニュース3面鏡 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313738 2022-12-01 04:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 サッカーW杯、中国人が日本を応援する意外な理由 - DOL特別レポート https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313647 中国メディア 2022-12-01 04:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 企業利益が増えても物価上昇でも「上がらない賃金」、日銀は理由の説明を - 野口悠紀雄 新しい経済成長の経路を探る https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313694 企業利益 2022-12-01 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 西友のPB「みなさまのお墨付き」や丸亀製麺は、“上手なパクリ”で成功した - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313483 newsampampanalysis 2022-12-01 04:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン ルクセンブルク「公共交通無料」はどれだけ便利? 乗り物も個性的、風光明媚な車窓が満喫できる | 海外 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/635801?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2022-12-01 04:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog What’s new with Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/inside-google-cloud/whats-new-google-cloud/ What s new with Google CloudWant to know the latest from Google Cloud Find it here in one handy location Check back regularly for our newest updates announcements resources events learning opportunities and more  Tip  Not sure where to find what you re looking for on the Google Cloud blog Start here  Google Cloud blog Full list of topics links and resources Week of Nov Dec Zeotap partnered with Google Cloud to build a next generation customer data platform with focus on Privacy Security and Compliance This blog post describes their journey using Google Data Cloud including BigQuery BI Engine Vertex AI to build customized Audience segments at scale Read more here Week of Nov Nov Apigee has been named aleader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for API Management marking the seventh time in a row we ve earned this recognition We remain the top API Management vendor in our Ability to Execute with a strong product offering customer experience and sales execution Please help us share the good news via Twitter  Facebook and LinkedIn Connected Stories has built an end to end creative management platform on Google Cloud including BigQuery Vertex AI to develop serve and optimize interactive video and display Ads that scale across any channel Read more here Week of Nov Nov Private Marketplace functionality is now available in preview for Google Cloud Marketplace to help organizations scale compliant product discovery Learn more here No cost access to some of our popular training is available on Coursera until December Get hands on experience to enhance your technical skills in the cloud environment for the most in demand job roles Training is available for both technical and non technical professionals and spans foundational to advanced content You ll also earn a shareable certificate Learn more about this training offer today Week of Oct Nov IAM Deny a security guardrail to help Google Cloud customers harden their security posture at scale is now Generally Available GA IAM Deny policies manage access to Google Cloud resources based on principal resource type and permissions they re trying to use It enables administrators to harden their cloud security posture easily and at scale True Fit a data driven personalization platform built on Google Data Cloud describe their data journey to unlock Partner growth True Fit publishes a number of BigQuery dataset for its Retail partners using Analytics Hub Data sharing using Google Cloud has elevated True Fit s business using real world data in real time They achieved this in conjunction with the Built with BigQuery program from Cloud Partner Engineering Read more Google Cloud Workstations is now in public preview Week of Oct Oct Google Cloud and Sibros Technology with their award winning Deep Connected Platform is enabling vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to reach the next level in their use of data to gain valuable insights that should mitigate risks reduce costs add innovative products drive sustainability and introduce value added use cases services in the automotive industry Read more Data Exploration Workbench in Dataplex is now Generally Available it offers a Spark powered serverless data exploration experience with one click access to Spark SQL scripts and Jupyter notebooks With the workbench Data Consumers can spend more time generating insights rather than integrating different tools and platforms Learn moreWeek of Oct Oct Google Cloud Spanner launches Lock insights and transaction insights easily troubleshoot lock contentions using pre built dashboards This is the nd milestone launch for Spanner insights Learn more Google Cloud Migration Center is now in public preview Check out our blog for more information Using Envoy to create cross region replicas for Cloud Memorystore Learn how you can create multi regional deployments with Cloud Memorystore by using the Envoy proxy This blog provides a step by step walkthrough which demonstrates how you can adapt your existing application to serve multiple regions or failover to a secondary region in case of a regional outage Google Cloud Logging s Log Analytics team is hosting an external webinar to talk about Log Analytics powered by BigQuery and how our top customers have adopted them to save time and cost Register here Week of Oct Oct Rapid Vulnerability Detection a zero configuration service in Security Command Center Premium that detects vulnerabilities like exposed admin interfaces weak credentials and incomplete software installations is now available in Public Preview When it comes to advanced log analysis using BigQuery Log Analytics offers a simple cost effective and easy to operate alternative to managing your own log export to BigQuery Use this migration guide to help you write or convert your SQL queries and make switching to Log Analytics easy Week of Sept Sept Google Cloud Logging launches Log Analytics powered by Big Query The feature allows Log users to use the power of BQ within Cloud Logging to perform Analytics on Logs You can update your existing Log Buckets to start using Log Analytics It does not require complex data pipeline configurations to ingest data Learn more BigQuery ML enables Faraday to make predictions for any US consumer brand Faraday ai is a Partner of Google Cloud enabling companies to unlock the patterns hidden in their data using BigQuery ML such as increasing conversion of leads to subscribe customers via personalization allowing scoring of leads spend forecasting and Lon to value ratio identification for customers They achieved this in conjunction with the Built with BigQuery program from Cloud Partner Engineering Week of Sept Sept Cloud Dataflow PerfKit Benchmarker PKB has expanded support for benchmarking your own Dataflow pipelines You can now more easily test your Dataflow pipelines for performance optimization capacity planning regression testing and TCO estimation Watch the Beam Summit talk and demo or read the detailed walkthrough Cloud Deploy now supports the ability to verify your deployment Learn More Google Cloud Learning launches a new dedicated cloud training program to support Ukrainian businesses and IT professionals starting October Learn more Cloud Load Balancing now supports Cross Project Service Referencing with Internal HTTP S Load Balancing and Regional External HTTP S Load Balancing This new capability allows organizations to configure one central load balancer and route traffic to hundreds of services distributed across multiple different projects Organizations can thus optimize the number of load balancers needed to deploy your application and lower manageability operational costs and quota requirements Learn moreDatastream now supports direct replication into BigQuery in public preview Datastream for BigQuery leverages the new BigQuery CDC UPSERT Write API making replication from operational database sources such as AlloyDB PostgreSQL MySQL and Oracle directly into BigQuery seamless Learn more Datastream now supports PostgreSQL as a source in public preview Datastream introduces volume based tiered pricing that makes it more affordable for customers moving larger volumes of data Volume based tiered pricing will be applied automatically based on actual usage And for the next months customers will also receive TB month free backfill Learn more Google Cloud launchesthe Fly Cup Challenge created in partnership with The Drone Racing League DRL and taking place at Next to usher in the new era of tech driven sports Learn more Accelerate migration from self managed object storage to Google Cloud Storage by using Storage Transfer Service It s designed to move s of TB data and offers security simplicity and scale out performance out of the box Read the full blog In addition to sync files from Git repositories Config Sync just brought GitOps to a next level with the support of two new formats OCI artifacts and Helm charts Learn more Cloud CDN now supports dynamic compression using Brotli and gzip algorithms which can reduce data sent over the network by for compressible content Enabling dynamic compression can help you achieve faster page load times speed up playback speed for video content and optimize egress costs Cloud Dataflow PerfKit Benchmarker PKB has expanded support for benchmarking your own Dataflow pipelines You can now more easily test your Dataflow pipelines for performance optimization capacity planning regression testing and TCO estimation Watch the Beam Summit talk and demo or read the detailed walkthrough here Week of Sept Sept Pub Sub monitoring dashboards are now part of the Pub Sub UI in Google Cloud Console Pub Sub users can easily monitor the health of their real time streaming applications by reading charts of insightful metrics Customization on these provided charts and dashboard is also supported Learn more Google Cloud Deploy now supports application delivery to Cloud Run Learn More Artifact Registry now supports store Kubeflow pipeline templates in a Kubeflow Pipelines repository Learn moreGoogle Cloud Deploy has enabled additional regions bringing Cloud Deploy to regional support parity with Cloud Build Learn MoreWeek of Sept Sept We held our biggest storage event of the year on Sept where we announced a number of new product innovations including enhanced optimization and intelligence for Cloud Storage new Filestore capabilities the next generation of Persistent Disk called Hyperdisk and the unveiling of our new Google Cloud Backup and DR service Watch all the sessions on demand or read the full recap Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for moving data from S compatible storage to Cloud Storage This feature builds on recent Cloud Storage launches namely support for Multipart upload and List Object V which makes Cloud Storage suitable for running applications written for the S API With this new feature customers can seamlessly copy data from self managed object storage to Google Cloud Storage For customers moving data from AWS S to Cloud Storage this feature provides an option to control network routes to Google Cloud resulting in considerably lower egress charges See Transfer from S compatible sources for details Kubernetes control plane metrics are now Generally Available for Google Kubernetes Engine You can now configure GKE clusters with control plane version gke or later to export to Cloud Monitoring certain metrics emitted by the Kubernetes API server scheduler and controller manager These metrics are stored in Cloud Monitoring in a Prometheus compatible format They can be queried by sending either a PromQL or MQL query to the Cloud Monitoring API They can also be used anywhere within Cloud Monitoring including in custom dashboards or alerting rules Week of Aug Sept Apigee is introducinga new Pay as you go pricing model to enable customers to unlock Apigee s API management capabilities with no upfront commitment control their own costs and pay only for what they are use This new pricing model is offered as a complement to the existing Subscription plans or the ability to evaluate it for free Learn more  The network that powers Google Cloud grows with our customers and we are committed to providing them with the resilience and performance they need and expect Google is investing alongside regional partners in two additional submarine cables ーIAX andMIST ーwhich will support growing demand in the APAC region We expect these two cables to be ready for service by the end of Week of Aug Aug Join us August th for the “Power your business with modern cloud apps webinar to learn strategies to leverage scalable cloud apps on Google Cloud using products like Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud Run Apigee and Anthos Don t miss this opportunity to discover best practices for Accelerating developer productivityImproving business innovationBoosting resource efficiency while ensuring security and regulatory complianceWhy all retailers should consider leveraging Google Cloud Retail Search Cloud Retail Search part of Discovery Solutions For Retail portfolio helps retailers significantly improve the shopping experience on their digital platform with Google quality search Users now expect the same robust and intuitive search features as are offered by Google com and other popular web platforms who seem to have the uncanny ability to intelligently interpret and yield relevant results to complex search queries Cloud Retail Search offers advanced search capabilities such as better understanding user intent and self learning ranking models that help retailers unlock the full potential of their online experience Learn more Week of Aug Aug Cloud SQL now supports deletion protection for MySQL Postgres and SQL Server instances With the deletion protection flag you can now protect your instance from unintended deletions The flag is enabled by default in the Cloud Console and when enabled delete is blocked and the flag has to be disabled before an instance can be deleted To disable the deletion protection flag the user must have at least Cloud SQL Editor role With the deletion protection flag you now have added protection that will prevent accidental or malicious deletion of databases that can create expensive outages for applications To learn more about deletion protection refer to Cloud SQL documentationGoogle Cloud Deploy the default Skaffold LTS version has been upgraded to Skaffold Release notes Google Cloud Deploy Skaffold DocsWeek of Aug Aug Artifact Registry now supports use of organization policies that can require Customer Managed Encryption Keys CMEK protection and can limit which Cloud Key Management System CryptoKeys can be used for CMEK protection Learn MoreGoogle Cloud Deploy documentation has been re formatted to make it easier to find information being sought DocsGoogle Cloud Deploy new blog post describing many new features and benefits added over the first half of the year BlogGoogle Cloud Deploy new GUI update that surfaces information related to a target s execution environment  Developers can now easily find and confirm where Google Cloud Deploy render and deploy operations take place in addition to worker pool type execution environment service account and artifact storage location Learn More Week of Aug Aug Bigtable BigQuery federation is now Generally Available Query Bigtable directly from BigQuery and combine with other data sources for real time analytical insights No ETL required  Learn moreJoin us August th for the “Power your business with modern cloud apps webinar We will be sharing best practices and strategies for how to simplify streamline and secure your application development using Google Cloud services like GKE Apigee API Anthos and Cloud Run Register today Week of July July Cloud Pub Sub is introducing a new type of subscription called a “BigQuery subscription that writes directly from Cloud Pub Sub to BigQuery You no longer have to write or run your own pipelines for data ingestion from Pub Sub into BigQuery This new extract load and transform ELT path will be able to simplify your event driven architecture Learn more BigLake enables you to maximize the true potential of your data spread across clouds storage formats data lakes and warehouses It is now Generally available and you can use it to build multi cloud data lakes that work across GCP and OSS query engines in a secure and governed manner Learn more Cloud Healthcare API is now available in additional regions allowing customers to serve their own users faster more reliably and securely The Cloud Healthcare API provides a managed solution for storing and accessing healthcare data in Google Cloud providing a critical bridge between existing care systems and applications hosted on Google Cloud Learn More asia southeast Jakarta us east South Carolina  us west Oregon us west Salt Lake City Cloud Deploy You can now view and compare Kubernetes and Skaffold configuration files for releases using Google Cloud Console Learn More Cloud Deploy now offers an Easy Mode option that creates a skaffold yalm file automatically from a Kubernetes manifest  The feature is accessed from the command line by adding from ks manifest FROM KS MANIFEST to the gcloud deploy releases create command The generated skaffold yaml is suitable for onboarding learning and demonstrating Google Cloud Deploy  Learn More Week of July July Launched three major new Dataflow features to General Availability Dataflow Go GA Dataflow Prime GA and Dataflow ML GA  The Data Engineer Spotlight is THIS WEEK Register today to experience four technical sessions expert speakers a q amp a session and tons of on demand content  Speed up your workflow executions by running steps concurrently Workflows now supports parallel steps which can reduce the overall execution time for workflows that include long running operations like HTTP requests and callbacks Our latest codelab shows you how to more quickly process a dataset by parallelizing multiple BigQuery jobs within a workflow Read more in our blog post Google Cloud introduces Batch Batch is a fully managed service which helps you run batch jobs easily reliably and at scale Without additional software Batch dynamically and efficiently manages resource provisioning scheduling queuing and execution freeing up time for you to focus on analyzing results It is free and you only pay for the resources used but you can further reduce cost with Spot VMs and Custom Machine Types Read more in the launch blog  Run your Arm workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine GKE with Tau TA VMs in preview Arm nodes come packed with key GKE features including the ability to run using GKE Autopilot We ve also updated many popular Google Cloud developer tools and partnered with leading CI CD observability and security ISVs to simplify running Arm workloads on GKE Week of July July Cloud Deploy users can now suspend a delivery pipeline Suspending a pipeline is useful for situations when there s a problem with a release and you want to make sure no further actions occur Suspended pipelines also allow teams to pause releases for a defined time period like holidays busy seasons etc Cloud Deploy users can now permanently abandon a release An abandoned release has the following restrictions it cannot be promoted it cannot be rolled back and it cannot be unabandoned Some reasons to abandon a release include a serious bug or bugs in the release a major security issue in the release or the release includes a deprecated feature Week of July July Blue green upgrade mechanism for upgrading GKE node pools is now generally available With blue green upgrades you now have more control over the upgrade process for highly available production workloads GKE creates a new set of nodes moves your workloads and gives you “soak time before committing the upgrade You can also quickly rollback in the event your workloads cannot tolerate the upgrade Get a deep dive into managing traffic fluctuations with Google Cloud European travel group REWE explores the value of Cloud Spanner In mitigating and supporting traffic surges and optimizing the consumer experience during peak travel seasons  Differentiation brings great customer experiences Differentiation achievements help customers select a partner with confidence knowing that Google Cloud has verified their skills and customer success across our products horizontal solutions and key industries Week of June July Time sharing GPUs on GKE are generally available Time sharing allows multiple containers to share a single physical GPU attached to a node This helps achieve greater cost effectiveness by improving GPU Utilization and workload throughput Dual stack networking is now available preview for GKE  With this feature you can now allocate dual stack IPv and IPv addresses for Pods and nodes  For Services you can allocate single stack IPv only or IPv only or dual stack addresses View your GKE costs directly in Cloud Billing Now in preview you can view a detailed breakdown of cluster costs directly in the Google Cloud console or the Cloud Billing export to BigQuery  With this detailed information you can more easily allocate the costs of your GKE clusters and workloads across different teams Cloud Deploy is now available in additional regions improving performance and flexibility  Learn More asia east Hong Kong europe west London europe west Frankfurt us east N Virginia us west Los Angeles Cloud Deploy deployment of containers to Anthos user clusters using Connect gateway is now generally available  Learn more Launched Query Insights for Cloud Spanner a new visualization tool for visualizing Query performance metrics and debugging Query Performance issues in the Cloud console Now in preview BigQuery BI Engine Preferred Tables Preferred tables enable BigQuery customers to prioritize specific tables for acceleration by BI Engine to ensure predictable performance and optimized use of resources Read our blog to learn more MITRE ATT amp CKmappings for Google Cloud security capabilities through our research partnership with the MITRE Engenuity Center for Threat Informed Defense Learn more Launched a new way of accessing billing information ーfrom the Cloud Console mobile app Now with your Android or iOS mobile device you can access not only your resources App Engine Compute Databases Storage or IAM logs incidents errors but also your billing information With these enhanced billing features we are making it easier for you to understand your cloud spend  Eventarc adds support for Firebase Realtime Database Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Realtime Database events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports  PostgreSQL interface for Cloud Spanner is generally available The PostgreSQL interface for Spanner combines the scalability and reliability of Spanner that enterprises trust with the familiarity and portability of PostgreSQL that development teams love Devops teams that have scaled their databases with brittle sharding or complex replication can now simplify their architecture with Spanner using the tools and skills they already have Get started today for as low as USD month Learn more Week of June June Read the latest Cloud Data Hero Story  This edition focuses on Francisco the founder of Direcly a Google Cloud partner Francisco immigrated from Quito Ecuador and founded his company from the ground up without any external funding Now he s finding innovative ways to leverage Google Cloud s products for companies like Royal Caribbean International Week of June June Launched higher reservation limits for BigQuery BI Engine  BigQuery BI Engine now supports a default maximum reservation of GB per project for all customers Previously this was at GB You can still request additional BI Engine reservations for your projects here This is being rolled out in the Google Cloud Console over the next few days to all customers Alternatively all customers can already use DDL statement as follows ALTER BI CAPACITY lt PROJECT ID gt region lt REGION gt default SET OPTIONS size gb Don t miss our first ever Google Cloud Sustainability Summit on June Learn how business and technology leaders are building for the future and get insights to help you enact sustainable change within your organization At this digital event you ll have a chance to explore the latest tools and best practices that can help you solve your most complex challenges And you ll be among the first to find out about product updates across Google Cloud Earth Engine and Google Workspace Register today for this no cost solution packed event On June we are unveiling the winners of this year s Google Cloud Customer Awards We received an unprecedented number of entries and every participant can be proud of what their organization is achieving in the cloud today The second annual Google Cloud Customer Awards celebrates organizations around the world who have continued to flex and adapt to new demands while turning new ideas into interesting realities Read our blog to check out the results The Cloud Digital Leader track is now part of the Google Cloud career readiness program available for eligible faculty preparing their students for a cloud first workforce Students will build cloud literacy and learn the value of Google Cloud in driving digital transformation while also preparing for the Cloud Digital Leader certification exam Learn more Week of June June Artifact Registry Audit logs for Maven npm and Python repositories are now available in Cloud Logging DocumentationCloud Deploy New Region Cloud Deploy is now available in the australia southeast Syndey region Release NotesCloud Deploy Terraform provider support Cloud Deploy declarative resources Delivery Pipeline and Target are now available via the Google Cloud Deploy Terraform Provider DocumentationAnthos on VMware user cluster lifecycle from the Google Cloud Console isin GA now  You will now be able to create delete update and see Anthos on VMware user clusters from the Google Cloud Console To learn more about the feature check out the Anthosdocumentation Granular instance sizing for Cloud Spanner is now generally available Get started for as low as per month and take advantage of availability and scale as needed without downtime With granular instance sizing at a much lower cost you can still get all of the Spanner benefits like transparent replication across zones and regions high availability resilience to different types of failures and the ability to scale up and down as needed without any downtime  Learn more Week of May June Google Cloud Deploy support for Skaffold version has been updated to version which is now the default Skaffold version Skaffold Docs Google Cloud just made it easier to compare the cost of modernization options Want to look at Lift amp Shift vs Containerization options The latest version of our fit assessment now includes cost guidance See the release notes for more details Did you notice the new “Protect tab in Google Kubernetes Engine Protect for GKE automatically scans identifies and suggests fixes for workload configuration risks by comparing your running workload config against industry best practices like the Kubernetes Pod Security Standards Check out the documentation to learn more Google Cloud makes data warehouse migrations even easier with automated SQL translation as part of the BigQuery Migration Service Learn more Google Cloud simplifies customer verification and benefits processing with Document AI for Identity cards now generally available Automate identity verification and fraud detection workflows by extracting information from identity cards with a high degree of accuracy Learn more Week of May May Artifact Registry now is available in more regions Artifact Registry is now available in the following regions europe west Paris France europe southwest Madrid Spain and us east Columbus United States Release Notes Change streams for Cloud Spanner is now generally available With change streams Spanner users are now able to track and stream out changes inserts updates and deletes from their Cloud Spanner database in near real time Learn more Artifact Registry now supports new repository types Apt and Yum repositories are now generally available Release NotesBusiness Messages announces expansion of its partner ecosystem to includeTwilio Genesys and Avaya each widely recognized global platforms for customer care and communications Read how they help businesses implement both AI Bot and Live Agent chat solutions to stay open for conversations and advance customers through the purchase funnel And be sure to check out the new Business Messages partner directory Learn how to set up metrics and alerts to monitor errors in Cloud SQL for SQL Server error log using Google Cloud s Operation Suite with this blog post Week of May May Machine learning is among the most exciting fastest moving technology disciplines Join us June th for Google Cloud Applied ML Summit a digital event that brings together some of the world s leading ML and data science professionals to explore the latest cutting edge AI tools for developing deploying and managing ML models at scale Join us virtually on June nd at the Google Cloud Startup Summit where you ll hear the latest announcements about how we re investing in and supporting the startup ecosystem You ll also learn from technology experts about streamlining your app development and creating better user experiences and get insights from innovative venture capitalists and founders to help your startup grow This event is headlined by our keynote with Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and Dapper Labs Co Founder and CEO Roham Gharegozlou as they discuss the paradigm changes being brought by web and how startups can prepare for this shift Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus introduced a new high usage pricing tierto bring more value for Kubernetes users who want to move all of their metrics operations to the service and dropped the pricing for existing tiers by percent Hear from the SRE teamat Maisons du Monde detail their journey from building open source Prometheus to deciding that Managed Service for Prometheus was the best fit for their organization Google Cloud has launched Autonomic Security Operations ASO for the U S public sector a solution to modernize threat management in line with the objectives of the White House Executive Order and Office of Management and Budget M ASO is a transformational approach to security operations powered by our Chronicle and Siemplify to comprehensively detect and respond to cyber telemetry across an agency while meeting the Event Logging Tier requirements of the EO Week of May May We just published a blog post announcing the latest Google Cloud s STAC Mbenchmark results Following up on our STAC M benchmark audit a redesigned Google Cloud architecture achieved significant improvements Up to x faster Up to x higher throughput and new record in STAC M ßT YRHIBID TIME We also published a whitepaper on how we designed and optimized the cluster for API driven cloud resources Security Command Center SCC released new finding types that alert customers when SCC is either misconfigured or configured in a way that prevents it from operating as expected These findings provide remediation steps to return SCC to an operational state Learn more and see examples Week of May May As part of Anthos release Anthos Clusters on Azure and Anthos Clusters on AWS now support Kubernetes versions gke and gke As a preview feature you can now choose Windows as your node pool image type when you create node pools with Kubernetes version For more information check out the Anthos multi cloud website The Google Cloud Future of Data whitepaper explores why the future of data will involve three key themes unified flexible and accessible Learn about BigQuery BI Engine and how to analyze large and complex datasets interactively with sub second query response time and high concurrency Now generally available Announcing the launch of the second series of the Google Cloud Technical Guides for Startups a video series for technical enablement aimed at helping startups to start build and grow their businesses Solving for food waste with data analytics in Google Cloud Explore why it is so necessary as a retailer to bring your data to the cloud to apply analytics to minimize food waste Mosquitoes get the swat with new Mosquito Forecast built by OFF Insect Repellents and Google Cloud Read how SC Johnson built an app that predicts mosquito outbreaks in your area Week of April April We re excited to announce the general availability of Media CDN ーa content and media distribution platform with unparalleled scale New Google Cloud research shows shoppers are paying closer attention to the values of consumer goods brands and care more about eco friendly products Meditech s cloud EHR gives clinicians time back with patients helping them make better decisions and diagnoses Cloud is supercharging G development transforming every industry along the way How G and Cloud will change every industry including yours Google s Area incubator shares lessons on sustaining innovation at scale Introducing SWIFT on Google Cloud modernize your payments by bringing it to the cloud Advance your technical skills and boost your career by getting hands on practice with Google Cloud projects Discover how the Google Workspace Administrator role has evolved and why certification training is vital for this in demand position Week of April April  Meet the people of Google Cloud Jim Hogan an autistic Googler talks advocacy and inclusion and how it relates to his job as an innovation strategist Announcing the Climate Innovation Challengeーgrants to provide scientists with Google Cloud research credits so they can better address our urgent climate challenge Read more Our first ever Google Workspace Summit  Get the latest on the keynote breakout sessions and product innovations for our first ever Google Workspace Summit on May Here are sessions you don t want to miss Climate scientists rely on cloud based tools like Google Earth Engine to detect changes map trends and quantify differences on the Earth s surface Read how Natural Resources Canada uses Google Earth Engine Urban Outfitter s rental business Nuuly shows how being cloud first also means being sustainability first with the agility and insights going green requires Read how technology is weaving sustainability into the future of retail at Nuuly Clean energy projects begin to power Google data centers Read about investments Google has made toward clean energy projects to power and protect our global data centers are coming online around the world The Cloud Engineer Learning Path is an effective way to prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification and launch your new cloud career Here s how to prepare for Google s Associate Cloud Engineer exam Week of April April  Machine learning company Moloco uses Cloud Bigtable to process million ad bid requests per second Learn how Moloco uses Bigtable to keep up in a speedy market and process ad requests at unmatched speed and scale The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard speeds scientific research with Cloud SQL One of our customers the Broad Institute shares how they used Cloud SQL to accelerate scientific research In this customer story you will learn how the Broad Institute was able to get Google s database services up and running quickly and lower their operational burden by using Cloud SQL Data Cloud Summit recap blog on April Didn t get a chance to watch the Google Data Cloud Summit this year Check out our recap to learn the top five takeaways learn more about product announcements customer speakers partners product demos and check out more resources on your favorite topics The new Professional Cloud Database Engineer certification in beta is here By participating in this beta you will directly influence and enhance the learning and career path for Cloud Database Engineers globally Learn more and sign up today Learn how to use Kubernetes Jobs and cost optimized Spot VMs to run and manage fault tolerant AI ML batch workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine Expanding Eventarc presence to new regionsーasia south australia southeast northamerica northeast southamerica west You can now create Eventarc resources in regions Week of April April  Join us at the Google Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday April at AM PDT  Learn how Google Cloud technologies across AI machine learning analytics and databases have helped organizations such as Exabeam Deutsche Bank and PayPal to break down silos increase agility derive more value from data and innovate faster  Register today for this no cost digital event Announcing the first Data Partner Spotlight on May th We saved you a seat at the table to learn about the Data Cloud Partners in the Google Cloud ecosystem We will spotlight technology partners and deep dive into their solutions so business leaders can make smarter decisions and solve complex data challenges with Google Cloud Register today for this digital eventIntroducing Vertex AI Model Registry a central repository to manage and govern the lifecycle of your ML models Designed to work with any type of model and deployment target including BigQuery ML Vertex AI Model Registry makes it easy to manage and deploy models Learn more about Google s unified data and AI offering Vertex AI Workbenchis now GA bringing together Google Cloud s data and ML systems into a single interface so that teams have a common toolset across data analytics data science and machine learning With native integrations across BigQuery Spark Dataproc and Dataplex data scientists can build train and deploy ML models X faster than traditional notebooks Don t miss this How to session from the Data Cloud Summit Week of Mar April Learn how Google Cloud s network and Network Connectivity Center can transform the private wires used for voice trading Anthos bare metal minor release is available now Containerd is the default runtime in Anthos clusters on bare metal in this release  Examples of the feature enhancements are as below Upgraded Anthos clusters on bare metal to use Kubernetes version AddedEgress Network Address Translation NAT gateway capability to provide persistent deterministic routing for egress traffic from clustersEnabled IPv IPv dual stack supportAdditional enhancements in the release can be found in the the release note hereWeek of Mar Mar Google Cloud s Behnaz Kibria reflects on a recent fireside chat that she moderated with Google Cloud s Phil Moyer and former SEC Commissioner Troy Paredes at FIA Boca The discussion focused on the future of markets and policy the new technologies that are already paving the way for greater speed and transparency and what it will take to ensure greater resiliency performance and security over the longer term Read the blog Eventarc adds support for Firebase Alerts Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Alerts events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports Now you can control how your alerts handle missing data from telemetry data streams using Alert Policies in the Cloud Console or via API In cloud ecosystems there are millions of data sources and often there are pauses or breaks in their telemetry data streams Configure how this missing data influences your open incidents Option Missing data is treated as “above the threshold and your incidents will stay open Option missing data is evaluated as “below the threshold and the incident will close after your retest window period Week of Mar Mar Natural language processing is a critical AI tool for understanding unstructured often technical healthcare information like clinical notes and lab reports See how leading healthcare organizations are exploring NLP to unlock hidden value in their data A handheld lab Read how Cue Health is revolutionizing healthcare diagnostics for COVID and beyondーall from the comfort of home Providing reliable technical support for an increasingly distributed hybrid workforce is becoming all the more crucial and challenging Cloud Customer Care has added a range of new offerings and features for businesses of all sizes to help you find the Google Cloud technical support services that are best for your needs and budget GoogleforGames Dev Summit is NOW LIVE Watch the keynote followed by over product sessions on demand to help you build high quality games and reach audiences around the world Watch →g co gamedevsummitMeeting and ideally exceeding consumer expectations today is often a heavy lift for many companiesーespecially those running modern apps on legacy on premises databases Read how Google Cloud database services provide you the best options for industry leading reliability global scale amp open standards enabling you to make your next big idea a reality Read this blog Week of Mar Mar Learn how Google Cloud Partner Advantage partners help customers solve real world business challenges in retail and ecommerce through data insights Introducing Community Security Analytics an open source repository of queries for self service security analytics Get started analyzing your own Google Cloud logs with BigQuery or Chronicle to detect potential threats to your workloads and to audit usage of your data  Learn more On a mission to accelerate the world s adoption of a modern approach to threat management through Autonomic Security Operations our latest update expands our ASO technology stack with Siemplify offers a solution to the latest White House Executive Order introduces a community based security analytics repository and announces key R amp D initiatives that we re investing in to bolster threat informed defenses worldwide Read more here  Account defender available today in public preview is a feature in reCAPTCHA Enterprise that takes behavioral detection a step further It analyzes the patterns of behavior for an individual account in addition to the patterns of behavior of all user accounts associated with your website Read more here Maximize your Cloud Spanner savings with new committed use discounts Get up to discount on Spanner compute capacity by purchasing committed use discounts Once you make a commitment to spend a certain amount on an hourly basis on Spanner from a billing account you can get discounts on instances in different instance configurations regions and projects associated with that billing account This flexibility helps you achieve a high utilization rate of your commitment across regions and projects without manual intervention saving you time and money Learn more  In many places across the globe March is celebrated as Women s History Month and March th specifically marks the day known around the world as International Women s Day Google Cloud in partnership with Women Techmakers has created an opportunity to bridge the gaps in the credentialing space by offering a certification journey for Ambassadors of the Women Techmakers community Learn more Learn how to accelerate vendor due diligence on Google Cloud by leveraging third party risk management providers Hybrid work should not derail DEI efforts If you re moving to a hybrid work model here s how to make diversity equity and inclusion central to it Learn how Cloud Data Fusion provides scalable data integration pipelines to help consolidate a customer s SAP and non SAP datasets within BigQuery Hong Kong based startup TecPal builds and manages smart hardware and software for household appliances all over the world using Google Cloud Find out how Eventarc adds support for Firebase Remote Config and Test Lab in preview Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Remote Config or Firebase Test Lab events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports  Anthos Service Mesh Dashboard is now available public preview on the Anthos clusters on Bare Metaland Anthos clusters on VMware Customers can now get out of the box telemetry dashboards to see a services first view of their application on the Cloud Console Micro Focus Enterprise Server Google Cloud blueprint performs an automated deployment of Enterprise Server inside a new VPC or existing VPC Learn more Learn how to wire your application logs with more information without adding a single line of code and get more insights with the new version of the Java library Pacemaker Alerts in Google Cloudcluster alerting enables the system administrator to be notified about critical events of the enterprise workloads in GCP like the SAP solutions Week of Feb Mar Announcing the Data Cloud Summit April th ーReady to dive deep into data Join us at the Google Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday April at AM PDT This three hour digital event is packed with content and experiences designed to help you unlock innovation in your organization Learn how Google Cloud technologies across AI machine learning analytics and databases have helped organizations such as Exabeam Deutsche Bank and PayPal to break down silos increase agility derive more value from data and innovate faster  Register today for this no cost digital event Google Cloud addresses concerns about how its customers might be impacted by the invasion of Ukraine Read more Eventarc is now HIPAA compliantーEventarc is covered under the Google Cloud Business Associate Agreement BAA meaning it has achieved HIPAA compliance Healthcare and life sciences organizations can now use Eventarc to send events that require HIPAA compliance Eventarc trigger for Workflows is now available in Preview You can now select Workflows as a destination to events originating from any supported event providerError Reporting automatically captures exceptions found in logs ingested by Cloud Logging from the following languages Go Java Node js PHP Python Ruby and NET aggregates them and then notifies you of their existence Learn moreabout how USAA partnered with Google Cloud to transform their operations by leveraging AI to drive efficiency in vehicle insurance claims estimation Learn how Google Cloud and NetApp s ability to “burst to cloud seamlessly spinning up compute and storage on demand accelerates EDA design testing Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team Google Cloud Easy as Pie Hackathon the results are in VPC Flow Logs Org Policy Constraints allow users to enforce VPC Flow Logs enablement across their organization and impose minimum and maximum sampling rates VPC Flow Logs are used to understand network traffic for troubleshooting optimization and compliance purposes Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is now generally available Get all of the benefits of open source compatible monitoring with the ease of use of Google scale managed services  Google Cloud Deploy now supports Anthos clusters bringing opinionated fully managed continuous delivery for hybrid and multicloud workloads Cloud Deploy provides integrated best practices security and metrics from a centralized control plane Learn Google Workspace s vision for frontline workers and how our Frontline solution innovations can bridge collaboration and productivity across workforce in office and remote Week of Feb Feb Read how Paerpay promotes bigger tabs and faster more pleasant transactions with Google Cloud and the Google for Startups Cloud Program Learn about the advancements we ve released for our Google Cloud Marketplace customers and partners in the last few months BBVA collaborated with Google Cloud to create one of the most successful Google Cloud training programs for employees to date Read how they did it  Google for Games Developer Summit returns March at AM PT  Learn about our latest games solutions and product innovations It s online and open to all Check out the full agenda g co gamedevsummit Build a data mesh on Google Cloud with Dataplex now GA Read how Dataplex enables customers to centrally manage monitor and govern distributed data and makes it securely accessible to a variety of analytics and data science tools While understanding what is happening now has great business value forward thinking companies like Tyson Foods are taking things a step further using real time analytics integrated with artificial intelligence AI and business intelligence BI to answer the question “what might happen in the future Join us for the first Google Cloud Security Talks of happening on March th Modernizing SecOps is a top priority for so many organizations Register to attend and learn how you can enhance your approach to threat detection investigation and response Google Cloud introduces their Data Hero series with a profile on Lynn Langit a data cloud architect educator and developer on GCP Building ML solutions Check out these guidelines for ensuring quality in each process of the MLOps lifecycle Eventarc is now Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS compliant Week of Feb Feb The Google Cloud Retail Digital Pulse Asia Pacificis an ongoing annual assessment carried out in partnership with IDC Retail Insights to understand the maturity of retail digital transformation in the Asia Pacific Region The study covers retailers across eight markets amp sub segments to investigate their digital maturity across five dimensions strategy people data technology and process to arrive at a stage Digital Pulse Index with being the most mature It provides great insights in various stages of digital maturity of asian retailers their drivers for digitisation challenges innovation hotspots and the focus areas with respect to use cases and technologies Deploying Cloud Memorystore for Redis for any scale Learn how you can scale Cloud Memorystore for high volume use cases by leveraging client side sharding This blog provides a step by step walkthrough which demonstrates how you can adapt your existing application to scale to the highest levels with the help of the Envoy Proxy Read our blog to learn more Check out how six SAP customers are driving value with BigQuery This Black History Month we re highlighting Black led startups using Google Cloud to grow their businesses Check out how DOSS and its co founder Bobby Bryant disrupts the real estate industry with voice search tech and analytics on Google Cloud Vimeo leverages managed database services from Google Cloud to serve up billions of views around the world each day Read how it uses Cloud Spanner to deliver a consistent and reliable experience to its users no matter where they are How can serverless best be leveraged Can cloud credits be maximized Are all managed services equal We dive into top questions for startups Google introduces Sustainability value pillar in GCP Active Assist solutionto accelerate our industry leadership in Co reduction and environmental protection efforts Intelligent carbon footprint reduction tool is launched in preview Central States health insurance CIO Pat Moroney shares highs and lows from his career transforming IT Read moreTraffic Director client authorization for proxyless gRPC services is now generally available Combine with managed mTLS credentials in GKE to centrally manage access between workloads using Traffic Director Read more Cloud Functions nd gen is now in public preview The next generation of our Cloud Functions Functions as a Service platform gives you more features control performance scalability and events sources Learn more Week of Feb Feb Now announcing the general availability of the newest instance series in our Compute Optimized family CDーpowered by rd Gen AMD EPYC processors Read how CD provides larger instance types and memory per core configurations ideal for customers with performance intensive workloads Digital health startup expands its impact on healthcare equity and diversity with Google Cloud Platform and the Google for Startups Accelerator for Black Founders Rear more Storage Transfer Service support for agent pools is now generally available GA You can use agent pools to create isolated groups of agents as a source or sink entity in a transfer job This enables you to transfer data from multiple data centers and filesystems concurrently without creating multiple projects for a large transfer spanning multiple filesystems and data centers This option is available via API Console and gcloud transfer CLI The five trends driving healthcare and life sciences in will be powered by accessible data AI and partnerships Learn how COLOPL Minna Bank and Eleven Japan use Cloud Spanner to solve their scalability performance and digital transformation challenges Week of Jan Feb Pub Sub Lite goes regional Pub Sub Lite is a high volume messaging service with ultra low cost that now offers regional Lite topics in addition to existing zonal Lite topics Unlike zonal topics which are located in a single zone regional topics are asynchronously replicated across two zones Multi zone replication protects from zonal failures in the service Read about it here Google Workspace is making it easy for employees to bring modern collaboration to work even if their organizations are still using legacy tools Essentials Starter is a no cost offer designed to help people bring the apps they know and love to use in their personal lives to their work life Learn more We re now offering days free access to role based Google Cloud training with interactive labs and opportunities to earn skill badges to demonstrate your cloud knowledge Learn more Security Command Center SCC Premium adds support for additional compliance benchmarks including CIS Google Cloud Computing Foundations and OWASP Top amp Learn more about how SCC helps manage and improve your cloud security posture Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support transfers from self managed object storage systems via user managed agents With this new feature customers can seamlessly copy PBs of data from cloud or on premise object storage to Google Cloud Storage Object Storage sources must be compatible with Amazon S APIs For customers migrating from AWS S to GCS this feature gives an option to control network routes to Google Cloud Fill this signup form to access this STS feature Week of Jan Jan Learn how Sabre leveraged a year partnership with Google Cloud to power the travel industry with innovative technology As Sabre embarked on a cloud transformation it sought managed database services from Google Cloud that enabled low latency and improved consistency Sabre discovered how the strengths of both Cloud Spanner and Bigtable supported unique use cases and led to high performance solutions Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for moving data between two filesystems and keeping them in sync on a periodic schedule This launch offers a managed way to migrate from a self managed filesystem to Filestore If you have on premises systems generating massive amounts of data that needs to be processed in Google Cloud you can now use Storage Transfer Service to accelerate data transfer from an on prem filesystem to a cloud filesystem See Transfer data between POSIX file systems for details Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for preserving POSIX attributes and symlinks when transferring to from and between POSIX filesystems Attributes include the user ID of the owner the group ID of the owning group the mode or permissions the modification time and the size of the file See Metadata preservation for details Bigtable Autoscaling is Generally Available GA Bigtable Autoscaling automatically adds or removes capacity in response to the changing demand for your applications With autoscaling you only pay for what you need and you can spend more time on your business instead of managing infrastructure  Learn more Week of Jan Jan Sprinklr and Google Cloud join forces to help enterprises reimagine their customer experience management strategies Hear more from Nirav Sheth Nirav Sheth Director of ISV Marketplace amp Partner Sales Firestore Key Visualizer is Generally Available GA Firestore Key Visualizer is an interactive performance monitoring tool that helps customers observe and maximize Firestore s performance Learn more Like many organizations Wayfair faced the challenge of deciding which cloud databases they should migrate to in order to modernize their business and operations Ultimately they chose Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner because of the databases clear path for shifting workloads as well as the flexibility they both provide Learn how Wayfair was able to migrate quickly while still being able to serve production traffic at scale Week of Jan Jan Start your New Year s resolutions by learning at no cost how to use Google Cloud Read more to find how to take advantage of these training opportunities megatrends drive cloud adoptionーand improve security for all Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables explains the eight major megatrends powering cloud adoption and why they ll continue to make the cloud more secure than on prem for the foreseeable future Read more Week of Jan Jan Google Transfer Appliance announces General Availability of online mode Customers collecting data at edge locations e g cameras cars sensors can offload to Transfer Appliance and stream that data to a Cloud Storage bucket Online mode can be toggled to send the data to Cloud Storage over the network or offline by shipping the appliance Customers can monitor their online transfers for appliances from Cloud Console Week of Dec Dec The most read blogs about Google Cloud compute networking storage and physical infrastructure in Read more Top Google Cloud managed container blogs of Four cloud security trends that organizations and practitioners should be planning for in ーand what they should do about them Read more Google Cloud announces the top data analytics stories from including the top three trends and lessons they learned from customers this year Read more Explore Google Cloud s Contact Center AI CCAI and its momentum in Read more An overview of the innovations that Google Workspace delivered in for Google Meet Read more Google Cloud s top artificial intelligence and machine learning posts from Read more How we ve helped break down silos unearth the value of data and apply that data to solve big problems Read more A recap of the year s infrastructure progress from impressive Tau VMs to industry leading storage capabilities to major networking leaps Read more Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team Read more Google Cloud A cloud built for developers ー year in review Read more API management continued to grow in importance in and Apigee continued to innovate capabilities for customers new solutions and partnerships Read more Recapping Google s progress in toward running on carbon free energy by ーand decarbonizing the electricity system as a whole Read more Week of Dec Dec And that s a wrap After engaging in countless customer interviews we re sharing our top lessons learned from our data customers in Learn what customer data journeys inspired our top picks and what made the cut here Cloud SQL now shows you minor version information For more information see our documentation Cloud SQL for MySQL now allows you to select your MySQL minor version when creating an instance and upgrade MySQL minor version For more information see our documentation Cloud SQL for MySQL now supports database auditing Database auditing lets you track specific user actions in the database such as table updates read queries user privilege grants and others To learn more see MySQL database auditing Week of Dec Dec A CRITICAL VULNERABILITY in a widely used logging library Apache s Logj has become a global security incident Security researchers around the globe warn that this could have serious repercussions Two Google Cloud Blog posts describe how Cloud Armorand Cloud IDS both help mitigate the threat Take advantage of these ten no cost trainings before Check them out here Deploy Task Queues alongside your Cloud Application Cloud Tasks is now available in GCP Regions worldwide Read more Managed Anthos Service Mesh support for GKE Autopilot Preview GKE Autopilot with Managed ASM provides ease of use and simplified administration capabilities allowing customers to focus on their application not the infrastructure Customers can now let Google handle the upgrade and lifecycle tasks for both the cluster and the service mesh Configure Managed ASM with asmcli experiment in GKE Autopilot cluster Policy Troubleshooter for BeyondCorp Enterprise is now generally available Using this feature admins can triage access failure events and perform the necessary actions to unblock users quickly Learn more by registering for Google Cloud Security Talks on December and attending the BeyondCorp Enterprise session The event is free to attend and sessions will be available on demand Google Cloud Security Talks Zero Trust Edition This week we hosted our final Google Cloud Security Talks event of the year focused on all things zero trust Google pioneered the implementation of zero trust in the enterprise over a decade ago with our BeyondCorp effort and we continue to lead the way applying this approach to most aspects of our operations Check out our digital sessions on demand to hear the latest updates on Google s vision for a zero trust future and how you can leverage our capabilities to protect your organization in today s challenging threat environment Week of Dec Dec key metrics to measure cloud FinOps impact in and beyond Learn about the key metrics to effectively measure the impact of Cloud FinOps across your organization and leverage the metrics to gain insights prioritize on strategic goals and drive enterprise wide adoption Learn moreWe announced Cloud IDS our new network security offering is now generally available Cloud IDS built with Palo Alto Networks technologies delivers easy to use cloud native managed network based threat detection with industry leading breadth and security efficacy To learn more and request a day trial credit see the Cloud IDS webpage Week of Nov Dec Join Cloud Learn happening from Dec This interactive learning event will have live technical demos Q amp As career development workshops and more covering everything from Google Cloud fundamentals to certification prep Learn more Get a deep dive into BigQuery Administrator Hub With BigQuery Administrator Hub you can better manage BigQuery at scale with Resource Charts and Slot Estimator Administrators Learn more about these tools and just how easy they are to usehere New data and AI in Media blog How data and AI can help media companies better personalize and what to watch out for We interviewed Googlers Gloria Lee Executive Account Director of Media amp Entertainment and John Abel Technical Director for the Office of the CTO to share exclusive insights on how media organizations should think about and ways to make the most out of their data in the new era of direct to consumer Watch our video interview with Gloria and John and read more Datastream is now generally available GA Datastream a serverless change data capture CDC and replication service allows you to synchronize data across heterogeneous databases storage systems and applications reliably and with minimal latency to support real time analytics database replication and event driven architectures Datastream currently supports CDC ingestion from Oracle and MySQL to Cloud Storage with additional sources and destinations coming in the future Datastream integrates with Dataflow and Cloud Data Fusion to deliver real time replication to a wide range of destinations including BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL Learn more Week of Nov Nov Security Command Center SCC launches new mute findings capability We re excited to announce a new “Mute Findings capability in SCC that helps you gain operational efficiencies by effectively managing the findings volume based on your organization s policies and requirements SCC presents potential security risks in your cloud environment as findings across misconfigurations vulnerabilities and threats With the launch of mute findings capability you gain a way to reduce findings volume and focus on the security issues that are highly relevant to you and your organization To learn more read this blog post and watch thisshort demo video Week of Nov Nov Cloud Spanner is our distributed globally scalable SQL database service that decouples compute from storage which makes it possible to scale processing resources separately from storage This means that horizontal upscaling is possible with no downtime for achieving higher performance on dimensions such as operations per second for both reads and writes The distributed scaling nature of Spanner s architecture makes it an ideal solution for unpredictable workloads such as online games Learn how you can get started developing global multiplayer games using Spanner New Dataflow templates for Elasticsearch releasedto help customers process and export Google Cloud data into their Elastic Cloud You can now push data from Pub Sub Cloud Storage or BigQuery into your Elasticsearch deployments in a cloud native fashion Read more for a deep dive on how to set up a Dataflow streaming pipeline to collect and export your Cloud Audit logs into Elasticsearch and analyze them in Kibana UI We re excited to announce the public preview of Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus a new monitoring offering designed for scale and ease of use that maintains compatibility with the open source Prometheus ecosystem While Prometheus works well for many basic deployments managing Prometheus can become challenging at enterprise scale Learn more about the service in our blog and on the website Week of Nov Nov New study on the economics of cloud migration The Total Economic ImpactOf Migrating Expensive Operating Systems and Traditional Software to Google Cloud We worked with Forrester on this study which details the cost savings and benefits you can achieve from migrating and modernizing with Google Cloud especially with respect to expensive operating systems and traditional software Download now New whitepaper on building a successful cloud migration strategy The priority to move into the cloud and achieve a zero data center footprint is becoming top of mind for many CIOs One of the most fundamental changes required to accelerate a move to the cloud is the adoption of a product mindsetーthe shift from an emphasis on project to product Download “Accelerating the journey to the cloud with a product mindset now Week of Nov Nov Time to live TTL reduces storage costs improves query performance and simplifies data retention in Cloud Spanner by automatically removing unneeded data based on user defined policies Unlike custom scripts or application code TTL is fully managed and designed for minimal impact on other workloads TTL is generally available today in Spanner at no additional cost Read more New whitepaper available Migrating to NET Core on Google Cloud This free whitepaper written for NET developers and software architects who want to modernize their NET Framework applications outlines the benefits and things to consider when migrating NET Framework apps to NET Core running on Google Cloud It also offers a framework with suggestions to help you build a strategy for migrating to a fully managed Kubernetes offering or to Google serverless Download the free whitepaper Export from Google Cloud Storage Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for exporting data from Cloud Storage to any POSIX file system You can use this bidirectional data movement capability to move data in and out of Cloud Storage on premises clusters and edge locations including Google Distributed Cloud The service provides built in capabilities such as scheduling bandwidth management retries and data integrity checks that simplifies the data transfer workflow For more information see Download data from Cloud Storage Document Translation is now GA Translate documents in real time in languages and retain document formatting Learn more about new features and see a demo on how Eli Lilly translates content globally Announcing the general availability of Cloud Asset Inventory console We re excited to announce the general availability of the new Cloud Asset Inventory user interface In addition to all the capabilities announced earlier in Public Preview the general availability release provides powerful search and easy filtering capabilities These capabilities enable you to view details of resources and IAM policies machine type and policy statistics and insights into your overall cloud footprint Learn more about these new capabilities by using the searching resources and searching IAM policies guides You can get more information about Cloud Asset Inventory using our product documentation Week of Oct Oct BigQuery table snapshots are now generally available A table snapshot is a low cost read only copy of a table s data as it was at a particular time By establishing a robust value measurement approach to track and monitor the business value metrics toward business goals we are bringing technology finance and business leaders together through the discipline of Cloud FinOps to show how digital transformation is enabling the organization to create new innovative capabilities and generate top line revenue Learn more We ve announced BigQuery Omni a new multicloud analytics service that allows data teams to perform cross cloud analytics across AWS Azure and Google Cloud all from one viewpoint Learn how BigQuery Omni works and what data and business challenges it solves here Week of Oct Oct Available now are our newest TD VMs family based on rd Generation AMD EPYC processors Learn more In case you missed it ーtop AI announcements from Google Cloud Next Catch up on what s new see demos and hear from our customers about how Google Cloud is making AI more accessible more focused on business outcomes and fast tracking the time to value Too much to take in at Google Cloud Next No worries here s a breakdown of the biggest announcements at the day event Check out the second revision of Architecture Framework Google Cloud s collection of canonical best practices Week of Oct Oct We re excited to announce Google Cloud s new goal of equipping more than million people with Google Cloud skills To help achieve this goal we re offering no cost access to all our training content this month Find out more here  Support for language repositories in Artifact Registry is now generally available Artifact Registry allows you to store all your language specific artifacts in one place Supported package types include Java Node and Python Additionally support for Linux packages is in public preview Learn more Want to know what s the latest with Google ML Powered intelligence service Active Assist and how to learn more about it at Next Check out this blog Week of Sept Oct Announcing the launch of Speaker ID In customer preference for voice calls increased by percentage points to and was by far the most preferred service channel But most callers still need to pass through archaic authentication processes which slows down the time to resolution and burns through valuable agent time Speaker ID from Google Cloud brings ML based speaker identification directly to customers and contact center partners allowing callers to authenticate over the phone using their own voice  Learn more Your guide to all things AI amp ML at Google Cloud Next Google Cloud Next is coming October and if you re interested in AI amp ML we ve got you covered Tune in to hear about real use cases from companies like Twitter Eli Lilly Wayfair and more We re also excited to share exciting product news and hands on AI learning opportunities  Learn more about AI at Next and register for free today It is now simple to use Terraform to configure Anthos features on your GKE clusters Check out part two of this series which explores adding Policy Controller audits to our Config Sync managed cluster  Learn more Week of Sept Sept Announcing the webinar Powering market data through cloud and AI ML  We re sponsoring a Coalition Greenwich webinar on September rd where we ll discuss the findings of our upcoming study on how market data delivery and consumption is being transformed by cloud and AI Moderated by Coalition Greenwich the panel will feature Trey Berre from CME Group Brad Levy from Symphony and Ulku Rowe representing Google Cloud  Register here New research from Google Cloud reveals five innovation trends for market data Together with Coalition Greenwich we surveyed exchanges trading systems data aggregators data producers asset managers hedge funds and investment banks to examine both the distribution and consumption of market data and trading infrastructure in the cloud Learn more about our findings here If you are looking for a more automated way to manage quotas over a high number of projects we are excited to introduce a Quota Monitoring Solution from Google Cloud Professional Services This solution benefits customers who have many projects or organizations and are looking for an easy way to monitor the quota usage in a single dashboard and use default alerting capabilities across all quotas Week of Sept Sept New storage features help ensure data is never lost  We are announcing extensions to our popular Cloud Storage offering and introducing two new services Filestore Enterprise and Backup for Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Together these new capabilities will make it easier for you to protect your data out of the box across a wide variety of applications and use cases Read the full article API management powers sustainable resource management Water waste and energy solutions company Veolia uses APIs and API Management platform Apigee to build apps and help their customers build their own apps too Learn from their digital and API first approach here To support our expanding customer base in Canada we re excited to announce that the new Google Cloud Platform region in Toronto is now open Toronto is the th Google Cloud region connected via our high performance network helping customers better serve their users and customers throughout the globe In combination with Montreal customers now benefit from improved business continuity planning with distributed secure infrastructure needed to meet IT and business requirements for disaster recovery while maintaining data sovereignty Cloud SQL now supports custom formatting controls for CSVs When performing admin exports and imports users can now select custom characters for field delimiters quotes escapes and other characters For more information see our documentation Week of Sept Sept Hear how Lowe s SRE was able to reduce their Mean Time to Recovery MTTR by over after adopting Google s Site Reliability Engineering practices and Google Cloud s operations suite Week of  Aug Sept A what s new blog in the what s new blog Yes you read that correctly Google Cloud data engineers are always hard at work maintaining the hundreds of dataset pipelines that feed into our public datasets repository but they re also regularly bringing new ones into the mix Check out our newest featured datasets and catch a few best practices in our living blog What are the newest datasets in Google Cloud Migration success with Operational Health Reviews from Google Cloud s Professional Service Organization Learn how Google Cloud s Professional Services Org is proactively and strategically guiding customers to operate effectively and efficiently in the Cloud both during and after their migration process Learn how we simplified monitoring for Google Cloud VMware Engine and Google Cloud operations suite Read more Week of Aug Aug Google Transfer Appliance announces preview of online mode Customers are increasingly collecting data that needs to quickly be transferred to the cloud Transfer Appliances are being used to quickly offload data from sources e g cameras cars sensors and can now stream that data to a Cloud Storage bucket Online mode can be toggled as data is copied into the appliance and either send the data offline by shipping the appliance to Google or copy data to Cloud Storage over the network Read more Topic retention for Cloud Pub Sub is now Generally Available Topic retention is the most comprehensive and flexible way available to retain Pub Sub messages for message replay In addition to backing up all subscriptions connected to the topic new subscriptions can now be initialized from a timestamp in the past Learn more about the feature here Vertex Predictions now supports private endpoints for online prediction Through VPC Peering Private Endpoints provide increased security and lower latency when serving ML models Read more Week of Aug Aug Look for us to take security one step further by adding authorization features for service to service communications for gRPC proxyless services as well as to support other deployment models where proxyless gRPC services are running somewhere other than GKE for example Compute Engine We hope you ll join us and check out the setup guide and give us feedback Cloud Run now supports VPC Service Controls You can now protect your Cloud Run services against data exfiltration by using VPC Service Controls in conjunction with Cloud Run s ingress and egress settings Read more Read how retailers are leveraging Google Cloud VMware Engine to move their on premises applications to the cloud where they can achieve the scale intelligence and speed required to stay relevant and competitive Read more A series of new features for BeyondCorp Enterprise our zero trust offering We now offer native support for client certificates for eight types of VPC SC resources We are also announcing general availability of the on prem connector which allows users to secure HTTP or HTTPS based on premises applications outside of Google Cloud Additionally three new BeyondCorp attributes are available in Access Context Manager as part of a public preview Customers can configure custom access policies based on time and date credential strength and or Chrome browser attributes Read more about these announcements here We are excited to announce that Google Cloud working with its partners NAG and DDN demonstrated the highest performing Lustre file system on the IO ranking of the fastest HPC storage systems ーquite a feat considering Lustre is one of the most widely deployed HPC file systems in the world  Read the full article The Storage Transfer Service for on premises data API is now available in Preview Now you can use RESTful APIs to automate your on prem to cloud transfer workflows  Storage Transfer Service is a software service to transfer data over a network The service provides built in capabilities such as scheduling bandwidth management retries and data integrity checks that simplifies the data transfer workflow It is now simple to use Terraform to configure Anthos features on your GKE clusters This is the first part of the part series that describes using Terraform to enable Config Sync  For platform administrators  this natural IaC approach improves auditability and transparency and reduces risk of misconfigurations or security gaps Read more In this commissioned study “Modernize With AIOps To Maximize Your Impact Forrester Consulting surveyed organizations worldwide to better understand how they re approaching artificial intelligence for IT operations AIOps in their cloud environments and what kind of benefits they re seeing Read more If your organization or development environment has strict security policies which don t allow for external IPs it can be difficult to set up a connection between a Private Cloud SQL instance and a Private IP VM This article contains clear instructions on how to set up a connection from a private Compute Engine VM to a private Cloud SQL instance using a private service connection and the mysqlsh command line tool Week of Aug Aug Compute Engine users have a new updated set of VM level “in context metrics charts and logs to correlate signals for common troubleshooting scenarios across CPU Disk Memory Networking and live Processes  This brings the best of Google Cloud s operations suite directly to the Compute Engine UI Learn more ​​Pub Sub to Splunk Dataflow template has been updatedto address multiple enterprise customer asks from improved compatibility with Splunk Add on for Google Cloud Platform to more extensibility with user defined functions UDFs and general pipeline reliability enhancements to tolerate failures like transient network issues when delivering data to Splunk Read more to learn about how to take advantage of these latest features Read more Google Cloud and NVIDIA have teamed up to make VR AR workloads easier faster to create and tetherless Read more Register for the Google Cloud Startup Summit September at goo gle StartupSummit for a digital event filled with inspiration learning and discussion This event will bring together our startup and VC community to discuss the latest trends and insights headlined by a keynote by Astro Teller Captain of Moonshots at X the moonshot factory Additionally learn from a variety of technical and business sessions to help take your startup to the next level Google Cloud and Harris Poll healthcare research reveals COVID impacts on healthcare technology Learn more Partial SSO is now available for public preview If you use a rd party identity provider to single sign on into Google services Partial SSO allows you to identify a subset of your users to use Google Cloud Identity as your SAML SSO identity provider short video and demo Week of Aug Aug Gartner named Google Cloud a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services formerly Infrastructure as a Service Learn more Private Service Connect is now generally available Private Service Connect lets you create private and secure connections to Google Cloud and third party services with service endpoints in your VPCs  Read more migration guides designed to help you identify the best ways to migrate which include meeting common organizational goals like minimizing time and risk during your migration identifying the most enterprise grade infrastructure for your workloads picking a cloud that aligns with your organization s sustainability goals and more Read more Week of Jul Jul This week we hosting our Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit a digital event dedicated to helping leading retailers and brands digitally transform their business Read more about our consumer packaged goods strategy and a guide to key summit content for brands in this blog from Giusy Buonfantino Google Cloud s Vice President of CPG We re hosting our Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit a digital event dedicated to helping leading retailers and brands digitally transform their business Read more See how IKEA uses Recommendations AI to provide customers with more relevant product information  Read more ​​Google Cloud launches a career program for people with autism designed to hire and support more talented people with autism in the rapidly growing cloud industry  Learn moreGoogle Cloud follows new API stability tenets that work to minimize unexpected deprecations to our Enterprise APIs  Read more Week of Jul Jul Register and join us for Google Cloud Next October at g co CloudNext for a fresh approach to digital transformation as well as a few surprises Next will be a fully customizable digital adventure for a more personalized learning journey Find the tools and training you need to succeed From live interactive Q amp As and informative breakout sessions to educational demos and real life applications of the latest tech from Google Cloud Get ready to plug into your cloud community get informed and be inspired Together we can tackle today s greatest business challenges and start solving for what s next Application Innovation takes a front row seat this year To stay ahead of rising customer expectations and the digital and in person hybrid landscape enterprises must know what application innovation means and how to deliver this type of innovation with a small piece of technology that might surprise you Learn more about the three pillars of app innovation here We announced Cloud IDS our new network security offering which is now available in preview Cloud IDS delivers easy to use cloud native managed network based threat detection With Cloud IDS customers can enjoy a Google Cloud integrated experience built with Palo Alto Networks industry leading threat detection technologies to provide high levels of security efficacy Learn more Key Visualizer for Cloud Spanner is now generally available Key Visualizer is a new interactive monitoring tool that lets developers and administrators analyze usage patterns in Spanner It reveals trends and outliers in key performance and resource metrics for databases of any size helping to optimize queries and reduce infrastructure costs See it in action The market for healthcare cloud is projected to grow This means a need for better tech infrastructure digital transformation amp Cloud tools Learn how Google Cloud Partner Advantage partners help customers solve business challenges in healthcare Week of Jul Jul Simplify VM migrations with Migrate for Compute Engine as a Service delivers a Google managed cloud service that enables simple frictionless and large scale enterprise migrations of virtual machines to Google Compute Engine with minimal downtime and risk API driven and integrated into your Google Cloud console for ease of use this service uses agent less replication to copy data without manual intervention and without VPN requirements It also enables you to launch non disruptive validations of your VMs prior to cutover  Rapidly migrate a single application or execute a sprint with hundred systems using migration groups with confidence Read more here The Google Cloud region in Delhi NCR is now open for business ready to host your workloads Learn more and watch the region launch event here Introducing Quilkin the open source game server proxy Developed in collaboration with Embark Studios Quilkin is an open source UDP proxy tailor made for high performance real time multiplayer games Read more We re making Google Glass on Meet available to a wider network of global customers Learn more Transfer Appliance supports Google Managed Encryption Keys ーWe re announcing the support for Google Managed Encryption Keys with Transfer Appliance this is in addition to the currently available Customer Managed Encryption Keys feature Customers have asked for the Transfer Appliance service to create and manage encryption keys for transfer sessions to improve usability and maintain security The Transfer Appliance Service can now manage the encryption keys for the customers who do not wish to handle a key themselves Learn more about Using Google Managed Encryption Keys UCLA builds a campus wide API program With Google Cloud s API management platform Apigee UCLA created a unified and strong API foundation that removes data friction that students faculty and administrators alike face This foundation not only simplifies how various personas connect to data but also encourages more innovations in the future Learn their story An enhanced region picker makes it easy to choose a Google Cloud region with the lowest CO output  Learn more Amwell and Google Cloud explore five ways telehealth can help democratize access to healthcare  Read more Major League Baseball and Kaggle launch ML competition to learn about fan engagement  Batter up We re rolling out general support of Brand Indicators for Message Identification BIMI in Gmail within Google Workspace Learn more Learn how DeNA Sports Business created an operational status visualization system that helps determine whether live event attendees have correctly installed Japan s coronavirus contact tracing app COCOA Google Cloud CAS provides a highly scalable and available private CA to address the unprecedented growth in certificates in the digital world Read more about CAS Week of Jul Jul Google Cloud and Call of Duty League launch ActivStat to bring fans players and commentators the power of competitive statistics in real time Read more Building applications is a heavy lift due to the technical complexity which includes the complexity of backend services that are used to manage and store data Firestore alters this by having Google Cloud manage your backend complexity through a complete backend as a service Learn more Google Cloud s new Native App Development skills challenge lets you earn badges that demonstrate your ability to create cloud native apps Read more and sign up Week of Jun Jul Storage Transfer Service now offers preview support for Integration with AWS Security Token Service Security conscious customers can now use Storage Transfer Service to perform transfers from AWS S without passing any security credentials This release will alleviate the security burden associated with passing long term AWS S credentials which have to be rotated or explicitly revoked when they are no longer needed Read more The most popular and surging Google Search terms are now available in BigQuery as a public dataset View the Top and Top rising queries from Google Trends from the past days including years of historical data across the Designated Market Areas DMAs in the US Learn more A new predictive autoscaling capability lets you add additional Compute Engine VMs in anticipation of forecasted demand Predictive autoscaling is generally available across all Google Cloud regions Read more or consult the documentation for more information on how to configure simulate and monitor predictive autoscaling Messages by Google is now the default messaging app for all AT amp T customers using Android phones in the United States Read more TPU v Pods will soon be available on Google Cloud providing the most powerful publicly available computing platform for machine learning training Learn more Cloud SQL for SQL Server has addressed multiple enterprise customer asks with the GA releases of both SQL Server and Active Directory integration as well as the Preview release of Cross Region Replicas  This set of releases work in concert to allow customers to set up a more scalable and secure managed SQL Server environment to address their workloads needs Read more Week of Jun Jun Simplified return to office with no code technology We ve just released a solution to your most common return to office headaches make a no code app customized to solve your business specific challenges Learn how to create an automated app where employees can see office room occupancy check what desks are reserved or open review disinfection schedules and more in this blog tutorial New technical validation whitepaper for running ecommerce applicationsーEnterprise Strategy Group s analyst outlines the challenges of organizations running ecommerce applications and how Google Cloud helps to mitigate those challenges and handle changing demands with global infrastructure solutions Download the whitepaper The fullagendafor Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th is now available A free digital event with announcements from teams including Stadia Google Ads AdMob Android Google Play Firebase Chrome YouTube and Google Cloud Hear more about how Google Cloud technology creates opportunities for gaming companies to make lasting enhancements for players and creatives Register at g co gamedevsummitBigQuery row level security is now generally available giving customers a way to control access to subsets of data in the same table for different groups of users Row level security RLS extends the principle of least privilege access and enables fine grained access control policies in BigQuery tables BigQuery currently supports access controls at the project dataset table and column level Adding RLS to the portfolio of access controls now enables customers to filter and define access to specific rows in a table based on qualifying user conditionsーproviding much needed peace of mind for data professionals Transfer from Azure ADLS Gen Storage Transfer Service offers Preview support for transferring data from Azure ADLS Gen to Google Cloud Storage Take advantage of a scalable serverless service to handle data transfer Read more reCAPTCHA V and V customers can now migrate site keys to reCAPTCHA Enterprise in under minutes and without making any code changes Watch our Webinar to learn more  Bot attacks are the biggest threat to your business that you probably haven t addressed yet Check out our Forbes article to see what you can do about it Week of Jun Jun A new VM family for scale out workloadsーNew AMD based Tau VMs offer higher absolute performance and higher price performance compared to general purpose VMs from any of the leading public cloud vendors Learn more New whitepaper helps customers plot their cloud migrationsーOur new whitepaper distills the conversations we ve had with CIOs CTOs and their technical staff into several frameworks that can help cut through the hype and the technical complexity to help devise the strategy that empowers both the business and IT Read more or download the whitepaper Ubuntu Pro lands on Google CloudーThe general availability of Ubuntu Pro images on Google Cloud gives customers an improved Ubuntu experience expanded security coverage and integration with critical Google Cloud features Read more Navigating hybrid work with a single connected experience in Google WorkspaceーNew additions to Google Workspace help businesses navigate the challenges of hybrid work such as Companion Mode for Google Meet calls Read more Arab Bank embraces Google Cloud technologyーThis Middle Eastern bank now offers innovative apps and services to their customers and employees with Apigee and Anthos In fact Arab Bank reports over of their new to bank customers are using their mobile apps Learn more Google Workspace for the Public Sector Sector eventsーThis June learn about Google Workspace tips and tricks to help you get things done Join us for one or more of our learning events tailored for government and higher education users Learn more Week of Jun Jun The top cloud capabilities industry leaders want for sustained innovationーMulticloud and hybrid cloud approaches coupled with open source technology adoption enable IT teams to take full advantage of the best cloud has to offer Our recent study with IDG shows just how much of a priority this has become for business leaders Read more or download the report Announcing the Firmina subsea cableーPlanned to run from the East Coast of the United States to Las Toninas Argentina with additional landings in Praia Grande Brazil and Punta del Este Uruguay Firmina will be the longest open subsea cable in the world capable of running entirely from a single power source at one end of the cable if its other power source s become temporarily unavailableーa resilience boost at a time when reliable connectivity is more important than ever Read more New research reveals what s needed for AI acceleration in manufacturingーAccording to our data which polled more than senior manufacturing executives across seven countries have turned to digital enablers and disruptive technologies due to the pandemic such as data and analytics cloud and artificial intelligence AI And of manufacturers who use AI in their day to day operations report that their reliance on AI is increasing Read more or download the report Cloud SQL offers even faster maintenanceーCloud SQL maintenance is zippier than ever MySQL and PostgreSQL planned maintenance typically lasts less than seconds and SQL Server maintenance typically lasts less than seconds You can learn more about maintenance here Simplifying Transfer Appliance configuration with Cloud Setup ApplicationーWe re announcing the availability of the Transfer Appliance Cloud Setup Application This will use the information you provide through simple prompts and configure your Google Cloud permissions preferred Cloud Storage bucket and Cloud KMS key for your transfer Several cloud console based manual steps are now simplified with a command line experience Read more  Google Cloud VMware Engine is now HIPAA compliantーAs of April Google Cloud VMware Engine is covered under the Google Cloud Business Associate Agreement BAA meaning it has achieved HIPAA compliance Healthcare organizations can now migrate and run their HIPAA compliant VMware workloads in a fully compatible VMware Cloud Verified stack running natively in Google Cloud with Google Cloud VMware Engine without changes or re architecture to tools processes or applications Read more Introducing container native Cloud DNSーKubernetes networking almost always starts with a DNS request DNS has broad impacts on your application and cluster performance scalability and resilience That is why we are excited to announce the release of container native Cloud DNSーthe native integration of Cloud DNS with Google Kubernetes Engine GKE to provide in cluster Service DNS resolution with Cloud DNS our scalable and full featured DNS service Read more Welcoming the EU s new Standard Contractual Clauses for cross border data transfersーLearn how we re incorporating the new Standard Contractual Clauses SCCs into our contracts to help protect our customers data and meet the requirements of European privacy legislation Read more Lowe s meets customer demand with Google SRE practicesーLearn how Low s has been able to increase the number of releases they can support by adopting Google s Site Reliability Engineering SRE framework and leveraging their partnership with Google Cloud Read more What s next for SAP on Google Cloud at SAPPHIRE NOW and beyondーAs SAP s SAPPHIRE conference begins this week we believe businesses have a more significant opportunity than ever to build for their next decade of growth and beyond Learn more on how we re working together with our customers SAP and our partners to support this transformation Read more Support for Node js Python and Java repositories for Artifact Registrynow in Preview With today s announcement you can not only use Artifact Registry to secure and distribute container images but also manage and secure your other software artifacts Read more What s next for SAP on Google Cloud at SAPPHIRE NOW and beyondーAs SAP s SAPPHIRE conference begins this week we believe businesses have a more significant opportunity than ever to build for their next decade of growth and beyond Learn more on how we re working together with our customers SAP and our partners to support this transformation Read more Google named a Leader in The Forrester Wave Streaming Analytics Q report Learn about the criteria where Google Dataflow was rated out and why this matters for our customers here Applied ML Summit this Thursday June Watch our keynote to learn about predictions for machine learning over the next decade Engage with distinguished researchers leading practitioners and Kaggle Grandmasters during our live Ask Me Anything session Take part in our modeling workshops to learn how you can iterate faster and deploy and manage your models with confidence no matter your level of formal computer science training Learn how to develop and apply your professional skills grow your abilities at the pace of innovation and take your career to the next level  Register now Week of May Jun Security Command Center now supports CIS benchmarks and granular access control Security Command Center SCC now supports CIS benchmarks for Google Cloud Platform Foundation v enabling you to monitor and address compliance violations against industry best practices in your Google Cloud environment Additionally SCC now supports fine grained access control for administrators that allows you to easily adhere to the principles of least privilegeーrestricting access based on roles and responsibilities to reduce risk and enabling broader team engagement to address security Read more Zero trust managed security for services with Traffic Director We created Traffic Director to bring to you a fully managed service mesh product that includes load balancing traffic management and service discovery And now we re happy to announce the availability of a fully managed zero trust security solution using Traffic Director with Google Kubernetes Engine GKE and Certificate Authority CA Service Read more How one business modernized their data warehouse for customer success PedidosYa migrated from their old data warehouse to Google Cloud s BigQuery Now with BigQuery the Latin American online food ordering company has reduced the total cost per query by x Learn more Announcing new Cloud TPU VMs New Cloud TPU VMs make it easier to use our industry leading TPU hardware by providing direct access to TPU host machines offering a new and improved user experience to develop and deploy TensorFlow PyTorch and JAX on Cloud TPUs Read more Introducing logical replication and decoding for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL We re announcing the public preview of logical replication and decoding for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL By releasing those capabilities and enabling change data capture CDC from Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL we strengthen our commitment to building an open database platform that meets critical application requirements and integrates seamlessly with the PostgreSQL ecosystem Read more How businesses are transforming with SAP on Google Cloud Thousands of organizations globally rely on SAP for their most mission critical workloads And for many Google Cloud customers part of a broader digital transformation journey has included accelerating the migration of these essential SAP workloads to Google Cloud for greater agility elasticity and uptime Read six of their stories Week of May May Google Cloud for financial services driving your transformation cloud journey As we welcome the industry to our Financial Services Summit we re sharing more on how Google Cloud accelerates a financial organization s digital transformation through app and infrastructure modernization data democratization people connections and trusted transactions Read more or watch the summit on demand Introducing Datashare solution for financial services We announced the general availability of Datashare for financial services a new Google Cloud solution that brings together the entire capital markets ecosystemーdata publishers and data consumersーto exchange market data securely and easily Read more Announcing Datastream in Preview Datastream a serverless change data capture CDC and replication service allows enterprises to synchronize data across heterogeneous databases storage systems and applications reliably and with minimal latency to support real time analytics database replication and event driven architectures Read more Introducing Dataplex An intelligent data fabric for analytics at scale Dataplex provides a way to centrally manage monitor and govern your data across data lakes data warehouses and data marts and make this data securely accessible to a variety of analytics and data science tools Read more  Announcing Dataflow Prime Available in Preview in Q Dataflow Prime is a new platform based on a serverless no ops auto tuning architecture built to bring unparalleled resource utilization and radical operational simplicity to big data processing Dataflow Prime builds on Dataflow and brings new user benefits with innovations in resource utilization and distributed diagnostics The new capabilities in Dataflow significantly reduce the time spent on infrastructure sizing and tuning tasks as well as time spent diagnosing data freshness problems Read more Secure and scalable sharing for data and analytics with Analytics Hub With Analytics Hub available in Preview in Q organizations get a rich data ecosystem by publishing and subscribing to analytics ready datasets control and monitoring over how their data is being used a self service way to access valuable and trusted data assets and an easy way to monetize their data assets without the overhead of building and managing the infrastructure Read more Cloud Spanner trims entry cost by Coming soon to Preview granular instance sizing in Spanner lets organizations run workloads at as low as th the cost of regular instances equating to approximately month Read more Cloud Bigtable lifts SLA and adds new security features for regulated industries Bigtable instances with a multi cluster routing policy across or more regions are now covered by a monthly uptime percentage under the new SLA In addition new Data Access audit logs can help determine whether sensitive customer information has been accessed in the event of a security incident and if so when and by whom Read more Build a no code journaling app In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month Google Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet demonstrates how you can build a journaling app complete with titles time stamps mood entries and more Learn how with this blog and video here New features in Security Command CenterーOn May th Security Command Center Premium launched the general availability of granular access controls at project and folder level and Center for Internet Security CIS benchmarks for Google Cloud Platform Foundation These new capabilities enable organizations to improve their security posture and efficiently manage risk for their Google Cloud environment Learn more Simplified API operations with AI Google Cloud s API management platform Apigee applies Google s industry leading ML and AI to your API metadata Understand how it works with anomaly detection here This week Data Cloud and Financial Services Summits Our Google Cloud Summit series begins this week with the Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday May Global At this half day event you ll learn how leading companies like PayPal Workday Equifax and many others are driving competitive differentiation using Google Cloud technologies to build their data clouds and transform data into value that drives innovation The following day Thursday May Global amp EMEA at the Financial Services Summit discover how Google Cloud is helping financial institutions such as PayPal Global Payments HSBC Credit Suisse AXA Switzerland and more unlock new possibilities and accelerate business through innovation Read more and explore the entire summit series Announcing the Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th With a surge of new gamers and an increase in time spent playing games in the last year it s more important than ever for game developers to delight and engage players To help developers with this opportunity the games teams at Google are back to announce the return of the Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th  Hear from experts across Google about new game solutions they re building to make it easier for you to continue creating great games connecting with players and scaling your business  Registration is free and open to all game developers  Register for the free online event at g co gamedevsummit to get more details in the coming weeks We can t wait to share our latest innovations with the developer community  Learn more Week of May May Best practices to protect your organization against ransomware threats For more than years Google has been operating securely in the cloud using our modern technology stack to provide a more defensible environment that we can protect at scale While the threat of ransomware isn t new our responsibility to help protect you from existing or emerging threats never changes In our recent blog post we shared guidance on how organizations can increase their resilience to ransomware and how some of our Cloud products and services can help Read more Forrester names Google Cloud a Leader in Unstructured Data Security Platforms Forrester Research has named Google Cloud a Leader in The Forrester Wave Unstructured Data Security Platforms Q report and rated Google Cloud highest in the current offering category among the providers evaluated Read more or download the report Introducing Vertex AI One platform every ML tool you need Vertex AI is a managed machine learning ML platform that allows companies to accelerate the deployment and maintenance of artificial intelligence AI models Read more Transforming collaboration in Google Workspace We re launching smart canvas  a new product experience that delivers the next evolution of collaboration for Google Workspace Between now and the end of the year we re rolling out innovations that make it easier for people to stay connected focus their time and attention and transform their ideas into impact Read more Developing next generation geothermal power At I O this week we announced a first of its kind next generation geothermal project with clean energy startup Fervo that will soon begin adding carbon free energy to the electric grid that serves our data centers and infrastructure throughout Nevada including our Cloud region in Las Vegas Read more Contributing to an environment of trust and transparency in Europe Google Cloud was one of the first cloud providers to support and adopt the EU GDPR Cloud Code of Conduct  CoC The CoC is a mechanism for cloud providers to demonstrate how they offer sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures as data processors under the GDPR  This week the Belgian Data Protection Authority based on a positive opinion by the European Data Protection Board  EDPB  approved the CoC a product of years of constructive collaboration between the cloud computing community the European Commission and European data protection authorities We are proud to say that Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace already adhere to these provisions Learn more Announcing Google Cloud datasets solutions We re adding commercial synthetic and first party data to our Google Cloud Public Datasets Program to help organizations increase the value of their analytics and AI initiatives and we re making available an open source reference architecture for a more streamlined data onboarding process to the program Read more Introducing custom samples in Cloud Code With new custom samples in Cloud Code  developers can quickly access your enterprise s best code samples via a versioned Git repository directly from their IDEs Read more Retention settings for Cloud SQL Cloud SQL now allows you to configure backup retention settings to protect against data loss You can retain between and days worth of automated backups and between and days worth of transaction logs for point in time recovery See the details here Cloud developer s guide to Google I O Google I O may look a little different this year but don t worry you ll still get the same first hand look at the newest launches and projects coming from Google Best of all it s free and available to all virtually on May Read more Week of May May APIs and Apigee power modern day due diligence With APIs and Google Cloud s Apigee business due diligence company DueDil revolutionized the way they harness and share their Big Information Graph B I G with partners and customers Get the full story Cloud CISO Perspectives May It s been a busy month here at Google Cloud since our inaugural CISO perspectives blog post in April Here VP and CISO of Google Cloud Phil Venables recaps our cloud security and industry highlights a sneak peak of what s ahead from Google at RSA and more Read more new features to secure your Cloud Run services We announced several new ways to secure Cloud Run environments to make developing and deploying containerized applications easier for developers Read more Maximize your Cloud Run investments with new committed use discounts We re introducing self service spend based committed use discounts for Cloud Run which let you commit for a year to spending a certain amount on Cloud Run and benefiting from a discount on the amount you committed Read more Google Cloud Armor Managed Protection Plus is now generally available Cloud Armor our Distributed Denial of Service DDoS protection and Web Application Firewall WAF service on Google Cloud leverages the same infrastructure network and technology that has protected Google s internet facing properties from some of the largest attacks ever reported These same tools protect customers infrastructure from DDoS attacks which are increasing in both magnitude and complexity every year Deployed at the very edge of our network Cloud Armor absorbs malicious network and protocol based volumetric attacks while mitigating the OWASP Top risks and maintaining the availability of protected services Read more Announcing Document Translation for Translation API Advanced in preview Translation is critical to many developers and localization providers whether you re releasing a document a piece of software training materials or a website in multiple languages With Document Translation now you can directly translate documents in languages and formats such as Docx PPTx XLSx and PDF while preserving document formatting Read more Introducing BeyondCorp Enterprise protected profiles Protected profiles enable users to securely access corporate resources from an unmanaged device with the same threat and data protections available in BeyondCorp Enterprise all from the Chrome Browser Read more How reCAPTCHA Enterprise protects unemployment and COVID vaccination portals With so many people visiting government websites to learn more about the COVID vaccine make vaccine appointments or file for unemployment these web pages have become prime targets for bot attacks and other abusive activities But reCAPTCHA Enterprise has helped state governments protect COVID vaccine registration portals and unemployment claims portals from abusive activities Learn more Day one with Anthos Here are ideas for how to get started Once you have your new application platform in place there are some things you can do to immediately get value and gain momentum Here are six things you can do to get you started Read more The era of the transformation cloud is here Google Cloud s president Rob Enslin shares how the era of the transformation cloud has seen organizations move beyond data centers to change not only where their business is done but more importantly how it is done Read more Week of May May Transforming hard disk drive maintenance with predictive ML In collaboration with Seagate we developed a machine learning system that can forecast the probability of a recurring failing diskーa disk that fails or has experienced three or more problems in days Learn how we did it Agent Assist for Chat is now in public preview Agent Assist provides your human agents with continuous support during their calls and now chats by identifying the customers intent and providing them with real time recommendations such as articles and FAQs as well as responses to customer messages to more effectively resolve the conversation Read more New Google Cloud AWS and Azure product map Our updated product map helps you understand similar offerings from Google Cloud AWS and Azure and you can easily filter the list by product name or other common keywords Read more or view the map Join our Google Cloud Security Talks on May th We ll share expert insights into how we re working to be your most trusted cloud Find the list of topics we ll cover here Databricks is now GA on Google Cloud Deploy or migrate Databricks Lakehouse to Google Cloud to combine the benefits of an open data cloud platform with greater analytics flexibility unified infrastructure management and optimized performance Read more HPC VM image is now GA The CentOS based HPC VM image makes it quick and easy to create HPC ready VMs on Google Cloud that are pre tuned for optimal performance Check out our documentation and quickstart guide to start creating instances using the HPC VM image today Take the State of DevOps survey Help us shape the future of DevOps and make your voice heard by completing the State of DevOps survey before June Read more or take the survey OpenTelemetry Trace is now available OpenTelemetry has reached a key milestone the OpenTelemetry Tracing Specification has reached version API and SDK release candidates are available for Java Erlang Python Go Node js and Net Additional languages will follow over the next few weeks Read more New blueprint helps secure confidential data in AI Platform Notebooks We re adding to our portfolio of blueprints with the publication of our Protecting confidential data in AI Platform Notebooks blueprint guide and deployable blueprint which can help you apply data governance and security policies that protect your AI Platform Notebooks containing confidential data Read more The Liquibase Cloud Spanner extension is now GA Liquibase an open source library that works with a wide variety of databases can be used for tracking managing and automating database schema changes By providing the ability to integrate databases into your CI CD process Liquibase helps you more fully adopt DevOps practices The Liquibase Cloud Spanner extension allows developers to use Liquibase s open source database library to manage and automate schema changes in Cloud Spanner Read more Cloud computing Frequently asked questions There are a number of terms and concepts in cloud computing and not everyone is familiar with all of them To help we ve put together a list of common questions and the meanings of a few of those acronyms Read more Week of Apr Apr Announcing the GKE Gateway controller in Preview GKE Gateway controller Google Cloud s implementation of the Gateway API manages internal and external HTTP S load balancing for a GKE cluster or a fleet of GKE clusters and provides multi tenant sharing of load balancer infrastructure with centralized admin policy and control Read more See Network Performance for Google Cloud in Performance Dashboard The Google Cloud performance view part of the Network Intelligence Center provides packet loss and latency metrics for traffic on Google Cloud It allows users to do informed planning of their deployment architecture as well as determine in real time the answer to the most common troubleshooting question Is it Google or is it me The Google Cloud performance view is now open for all Google Cloud customers as a public preview  Check it out Optimizing data in Google Sheets allows users to create no code apps Format columns and tables in Google Sheets to best position your data to transform into a fully customized successful app no coding necessary Read our four best Google Sheets tips Automation bots with AppSheet Automation AppSheet recently released AppSheet Automation infusing Google AI capabilities to AppSheet s trusted no code app development platform Learn step by step how to build your first automation bot on AppSheet here Google Cloud announces a new region in Israel Our new region in Israel will make it easier for customers to serve their own users faster more reliably and securely Read more New multi instance NVIDIA GPUs on GKE We re launching support for multi instance GPUs in GKE currently in Preview which will help you drive better value from your GPU investments Read more Partnering with NSF to advance networking innovation We announced our partnership with the U S National Science Foundation NSF joining other industry partners and federal agencies as part of a combined million investment in academic research for Resilient and Intelligent Next Generation NextG Systems or RINGS Read more Creating a policy contract with Configuration as Data Configuration as Data is an emerging cloud infrastructure management paradigm that allows developers to declare the desired state of their applications and infrastructure without specifying the precise actions or steps for how to achieve it However declaring a configuration is only half the battle you also want policy that defines how a configuration is to be used This post shows you how Google Cloud products deliver real time data solutions Seven Eleven Japan built Seven Central its new platform for digital transformation on Google Cloud Powered by BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Apigee API management Seven Central presents easy to understand data ultimately allowing for quickly informed decisions Read their story here Week of Apr Apr Extreme PD is now GA On April th Google Cloud s Persistent Disk launched general availability of Extreme PD a high performance block storage volume with provisioned IOPS and up to GB s of throughput  Learn more Research How data analytics and intelligence tools to play a key role post COVID A recent Google commissioned study by IDG highlighted the role of data analytics and intelligent solutions when it comes to helping businesses separate from their competition The survey of IT leaders across the globe reinforced the notion that the ability to derive insights from data will go a long way towards determining which companies win in this new era  Learn more or download the study Introducing PHP on Cloud Functions We re bringing support for PHP a popular general purpose programming language to Cloud Functions With the Functions Framework for PHP you can write idiomatic PHP functions to build business critical applications and integration layers And with Cloud Functions for PHP now available in Preview you can deploy functions in a fully managed PHP environment complete with access to resources in a private VPC network  Learn more Delivering our CCAG pooled audit As our customers increased their use of cloud services to meet the demands of teleworking and aid in COVID recovery we ve worked hard to meet our commitment to being the industry s most trusted cloud despite the global pandemic We re proud to announce that Google Cloud completed an annual pooled audit with the CCAG in a completely remote setting and were the only cloud service provider to do so in  Learn more Anthos now available We recently released Anthos our run anywhere Kubernetes platform that s connected to Google Cloud delivering an array of capabilities that make multicloud more accessible and sustainable  Learn more New Redis Enterprise for Anthos and GKE We re making Redis Enterprise for Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine GKE available in the Google Cloud Marketplace in private preview  Learn more Updates to Google Meet We introduced a refreshed user interface UI enhanced reliability features powered by the latest Google AI and tools that make meetings more engagingーeven funーfor everyone involved  Learn more DocAI solutions now generally available Document Doc AI platform  Lending DocAI and Procurement DocAI built on decades of AI innovation at Google bring powerful and useful solutions across lending insurance government and other industries  Learn more Four consecutive years of renewable energy In Google again matched percent of its global electricity use with purchases of renewable energy All told we ve signed agreements to buy power from more than renewable energy projects with a combined capacity of gigawatts about the same as a million solar rooftops  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud region picker The Google Cloud region picker lets you assess key inputs like price latency to your end users and carbon footprint to help you choose which Google Cloud region to run on  Learn more Google Cloud launches new security solution WAAP WebApp and API Protection WAAP combines Google Cloud Armor Apigee and reCAPTCHA Enterprise to deliver improved threat protection consolidated visibility and greater operational efficiencies across clouds and on premises environments Learn more about WAAP here New in no code As discussed in our recent article no code hackathons are trending among innovative organizations Since then we ve outlined how you can host one yourself specifically designed for your unique business innovation outcomes Learn how here Google Cloud Referral Program now availableーNow you can share the power of Google Cloud and earn product credit for every new paying customer you refer Once you join the program you ll get a unique referral link that you can share with friends clients or others Whenever someone signs up with your link they ll get a product creditーthat s more than the standard trial credit When they become a paying customer we ll reward you with a product credit in your Google Cloud account Available in the United States Canada Brazil and Japan  Apply for the Google Cloud Referral Program Week of Apr Apr Announcing the Data Cloud Summit May At this half day event you ll learn how leading companies like PayPal Workday Equifax Zebra Technologies Commonwealth Care Alliance and many others are driving competitive differentiation using Google Cloud technologies to build their data clouds and transform data into value that drives innovation  Learn more and register at no cost Announcing the Financial Services Summit May In this hour event you ll learn how Google Cloud is helping financial institutions including PayPal Global Payments HSBC Credit Suisse and more unlock new possibilities and accelerate business through innovation and better customer experiences  Learn more and register for free  Global  amp  EMEA How Google Cloud is enabling vaccine equity In our latest update we share more on how we re working with US state governments to help produce equitable vaccination strategies at scale  Learn more The new Google Cloud region in Warsaw is open The Google Cloud region in Warsaw is now ready for business opening doors for organizations in Central and Eastern Europe  Learn more AppSheet Automation is now GA Google Cloud s AppSheet launches general availability of AppSheet Automation a unified development experience for citizen and professional developers alike to build custom applications with automated processes all without coding Learn how companies and employees are reclaiming their time and talent with AppSheet Automation here Introducing SAP Integration with Cloud Data Fusion Google Cloud native data integration platform Cloud Data Fusion now offers the capability to seamlessly get data out of SAP Business Suite SAP ERP and S HANA  Learn more Week of Apr Apr New Certificate Authority Service CAS whitepaper “How to deploy a secure and reliable public key infrastructure with Google Cloud Certificate Authority Service written by Mark Cooper of PKI Solutions and Anoosh Saboori of Google Cloud covers security and architectural recommendations for the use of the Google Cloud CAS by organizations and describes critical concepts for securing and deploying a PKI based on CAS  Learn more or read the whitepaper Active Assist s new feature  predictive autoscaling helps improve response times for your applications When you enable predictive autoscaling Compute Engine forecasts future load based on your Managed Instance Group s MIG history and scales it out in advance of predicted load so that new instances are ready to serve when the load arrives Without predictive autoscaling an autoscaler can only scale a group reactively based on observed changes in load in real time With predictive autoscaling enabled the autoscaler works with real time data as well as with historical data to cover both the current and forecasted load That makes predictive autoscaling ideal for those apps with long initialization times and whose workloads vary predictably with daily or weekly cycles For more information see How predictive autoscaling works or check if predictive autoscaling is suitable for your workload and to learn more about other intelligent features check out Active Assist Introducing Dataprep BigQuery pushdown BigQuery pushdown gives you the flexibility to run jobs using either BigQuery or Dataflow If you select BigQuery then Dataprep can automatically determine if data pipelines can be partially or fully translated in a BigQuery SQL statement Any portions of the pipeline that cannot be run in BigQuery are executed in Dataflow Utilizing the power of BigQuery results in highly efficient data transformations especially for manipulations such as filters joins unions and aggregations This leads to better performance optimized costs and increased security with IAM and OAuth support  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit The Google Cloud Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit brings together technology and business insights the key ingredients for any transformation Whether you re responsible for IT data analytics supply chains or marketing please join Building connections and sharing perspectives cross functionally is important to reimagining yourself your organization or the world  Learn more or register for free New IDC whitepaper assesses multicloud as a risk mitigation strategy To better understand the benefits and challenges associated with a multicloud approach we supported IDC s new whitepaper that investigates how multicloud can help regulated organizations mitigate the risks of using a single cloud vendor The whitepaper looks at different approaches to multi vendor and hybrid clouds taken by European organizations and how these strategies can help organizations address concentration risk and vendor lock in improve their compliance posture and demonstrate an exit strategy  Learn more or download the paper Introducing request priorities for Cloud Spanner APIs You can now specify request priorities for some Cloud Spanner APIs By assigning a HIGH MEDIUM or LOW priority to a specific request you can now convey the relative importance of workloads to better align resource usage with performance objectives  Learn more How we re working with governments on climate goals Google Sustainability Officer Kate Brandt shares more on how we re partnering with governments around the world to provide our technology and insights to drive progress in sustainability efforts  Learn more Week of Mar Apr Why Google Cloud is the ideal platform for Block one and other DLT companies Late last year Google Cloud joined the EOS community a leading open source platform for blockchain innovation and performance and is taking steps to support the EOS Public Blockchain by becoming a block producer  BP At the time we outlined how our planned participation underscores the importance of blockchain to the future of business government and society We re sharing more on why Google Cloud is uniquely positioned to be an excellent partner for Block one and other distributed ledger technology DLT companies  Learn more New whitepaper Scaling certificate management with Certificate Authority Service As Google Cloud s Certificate Authority Service CAS approaches general availability we want to help customers understand the service better Customers have asked us how CAS fits into our larger security story and how CAS works for various use cases Our new white paper answers these questions and more  Learn more and download the paper Build a consistent approach for API consumers Learn the differences between REST and GraphQL as well as how to apply REST based practices to GraphQL No matter the approach discover how to manage and treat both options as API products here Apigee X makes it simple to apply Cloud CDN to APIs With Apigee X and Cloud CDN organizations can expand their API programs global reach Learn how to deploy APIs across regions and zones here Enabling data migration with Transfer Appliances in APACーWe re announcing the general availability of Transfer Appliances TA TA in Singapore Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with Transfer Appliances globally in the US EU and APAC Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Windows Authentication is now supported on Cloud SQL for SQL Server in public previewーWe ve launched seamless integration with Google Cloud s Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory AD This capability is a critical requirement to simplify identity management and streamline the migration of existing SQL Server workloads that rely on AD for access control  Learn more or get started Using Cloud AI to whip up new treats with Mars MaltesersーMaltesers a popular British candy made by Mars teamed up with our own AI baker and ML engineer extraordinaire  Sara Robinson to create a brand new dessert recipe with Google Cloud AI  Find out what happened  recipe included Simplifying data lake management with Dataproc Metastore now GAーDataproc Metastore a fully managed serverless technical metadata repository based on the Apache Hive metastore is now generally available Enterprises building and migrating open source data lakes to Google Cloud now have a central and persistent metastore for their open source data analytics frameworks  Learn more Introducing the Echo subsea cableーWe announced our investment in Echo the first ever cable to directly connect the U S to Singapore with direct fiber pairs over an express route Echo will run from Eureka California to Singapore with a stop over in Guam and plans to also land in Indonesia Additional landings are possible in the future  Learn more Week of Mar Mar new videos bring Google Cloud to lifeーThe Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel s latest video series explains cloud tools for technical practitioners in about minutes each  Learn more BigQuery named a Leader in the Forrester Wave Cloud Data Warehouse Q reportーForrester gave BigQuery a score of out of across different criteria Learn more in our blog post or download the report Charting the future of custom compute at GoogleーTo meet users performance needs at low power we re doubling down on custom chips that use System on a Chip SoC designs  Learn more Introducing Network Connectivity CenterーWe announced Network Connectivity Center which provides a single management experience to easily create connect and manage heterogeneous on prem and cloud networks leveraging Google s global infrastructure Network Connectivity Center serves as a vantage point to seamlessly connect VPNs partner and dedicated interconnects as well as third party routers and Software Defined WANs helping you optimize connectivity reduce operational burden and lower costsーwherever your applications or users may be  Learn more Making it easier to get Compute Engine resources for batch processingーWe announced a new method of obtaining Compute Engine instances for batch processing that accounts for availability of resources in zones of a region Now available in preview for regional managed instance groups you can do this simply by specifying the ANY value in the API  Learn more Next gen virtual automotive showrooms are here thanks to Google Cloud Unreal Engine and NVIDIAーWe teamed up with Unreal Engine the open and advanced real time D creation game engine and NVIDIA inventor of the GPU to launch new virtual showroom experiences for automakers Taking advantage of the NVIDIA RTX platform on Google Cloud these showrooms provide interactive D experiences photorealistic materials and environments and up to K cloud streaming on mobile and connected devices Today in collaboration with MHP the Porsche IT consulting firm and MONKEYWAY a real time D streaming solution provider you can see our first virtual showroom the Pagani Immersive Experience Platform  Learn more Troubleshoot network connectivity with Dynamic Verification public preview ーYou can now check packet loss rate and one way network latency between two VMs on GCP This capability is an addition to existing Network Intelligence Center Connectivity Tests which verify reachability by analyzing network configuration in your VPCs  See more in our documentation Helping U S states get the COVID vaccine to more peopleーIn February we announced our Intelligent Vaccine Impact solution IVIs  to help communities rise to the challenge of getting vaccines to more people quickly and effectively Many states have deployed IVIs and have found it able to meet demand and easily integrate with their existing technology infrastructures Google Cloud is proud to partner with a number of states across the U S including Arizona the Commonwealth of Massachusetts North Carolina Oregon and the Commonwealth of Virginia to support vaccination efforts at scale  Learn more Week of Mar Mar A VMs now GA The largest GPU cloud instances with NVIDIA A GPUsーWe re announcing the general availability of A VMs based on the NVIDIA Ampere A Tensor Core GPUs in Compute Engine This means customers around the world can now run their NVIDIA CUDA enabled machine learning ML and high performance computing HPC scale out and scale up workloads more efficiently and at a lower cost  Learn more Earn the new Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge for freeーWe ve added a new skill badge this month Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine GKE which you can earn for free when you sign up for the Kubernetes track of the skills challenge The skills challenge provides days free access to Google Cloud labs and gives you the opportunity to earn skill badges to showcase different cloud competencies to employers Learn more Now available carbon free energy percentages for our Google Cloud regionsーGoogle first achieved carbon neutrality in and since we ve purchased enough solar and wind energy to match of our global electricity consumption Now we re building on that progress to target a new sustainability goal running our business on carbon free energy everywhere by Beginning this week we re sharing data about how we are performing against that objective so our customers can select Google Cloud regions based on the carbon free energy supplying them Learn more Increasing bandwidth to C and N VMsーWe announced the public preview of and Gbps high bandwidth network configurations for General Purpose N and Compute Optimized C Compute Engine VM families as part of continuous efforts to optimize our Andromeda host networking stack This means we can now offer higher bandwidth options on existing VM families when using the Google Virtual NIC gVNIC These VMs were previously limited to Gbps Learn more New research on how COVID changed the nature of ITーTo learn more about the impact of COVID and the resulting implications to IT Google commissioned a study by IDG to better understand how organizations are shifting their priorities in the wake of the pandemic  Learn more and download the report New in API securityーGoogle Cloud Apigee API management platform s latest release  Apigee X works with Cloud Armor to protect your APIs with advanced security technology including DDoS protection geo fencing OAuth and API keys Learn more about our integrated security enhancements here Troubleshoot errors more quickly with Cloud LoggingーThe Logs Explorer now automatically breaks down your log results by severity making it easy to spot spikes in errors at specific times Learn more about our new histogram functionality here Week of Mar Mar Introducing AskGoogleCloud on Twitter and YouTubeーOur first segment on March th features Developer Advocates Stephanie Wong Martin Omander and James Ward to answer questions on the best workloads for serverless the differences between “serverless and “cloud native how to accurately estimate costs for using Cloud Run and much more  Learn more Learn about the value of no code hackathonsーGoogle Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet helps to facilitate hackathons for “non technical employees with no coding necessary to compete Learn about Globe Telecom s no code hackathon as well as their winning AppSheet app here Introducing Cloud Code Secret Manager IntegrationーSecret Manager provides a central place and single source of truth to manage access and audit secrets across Google Cloud Integrating Cloud Code with Secret Manager brings the powerful capabilities of both these tools together so you can create and manage your secrets right from within your preferred IDE whether that be VS Code IntelliJ or Cloud Shell Editor  Learn more Flexible instance configurations in Cloud SQLーCloud SQL for MySQL now supports flexible instance configurations which offer you the extra freedom to configure your instance with the specific number of vCPUs and GB of RAM that fits your workload To set up a new instance with a flexible instance configuration see our documentation here The Cloud Healthcare Consent Management API is now generally availableーThe Healthcare Consent Management API is now GA giving customers the ability to greatly scale the management of consents to meet increasing need particularly amidst the emerging task of managing health data for new care and research scenarios  Learn more Week of Mar Mar Cloud Run is now available in all Google Cloud regions  Learn more Introducing Apache Spark Structured Streaming connector for Pub Sub LiteーWe re announcing the release of an open source connector to read streams of messages from Pub Sub Lite into Apache Spark The connector works in all Apache Spark X distributions including Dataproc Databricks or manual Spark installations  Learn more Google Cloud Next is October ーJoin us and learn how the most successful companies have transformed their businesses with Google Cloud Sign up at g co cloudnext for updates  Learn more Hierarchical firewall policies now GAーHierarchical firewalls provide a means to enforce firewall rules at the organization and folder levels in the GCP Resource Hierarchy This allows security administrators at different levels in the hierarchy to define and deploy consistent firewall rules across a number of projects so they re applied to all VMs in currently existing and yet to be created projects  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud Born Digital SummitーOver this half day event we ll highlight proven best practice approaches to data architecture diversity amp inclusion and growth with Google Cloud solutions  Learn more and register for free Google Cloud products in words or less edition ーOur popular “ words or less Google Cloud developer s cheat sheet is back and updated for  Learn more Gartner names Google a leader in its Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services reportーWe believe this recognition is based on Gartner s evaluation of Google Cloud s language vision conversational and structured data services and solutions for developers  Learn more Announcing the Risk Protection ProgramーThe Risk Protection Program offers customers peace of mind through the technology to secure their data the tools to monitor the security of that data and an industry first cyber policy offered by leading insurers  Learn more Building the future of workーWe re introducing new innovations in Google Workspace to help people collaborate and find more time and focus wherever and however they work  Learn more Assured Controls and expanded Data RegionsーWe ve added new information governance features in Google Workspace to help customers control their data based on their business goals  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Google Cloud tools explained in minutesーNeed a quick overview of Google Cloud core technologies Quickly learn these Google Cloud productsーeach explained in under two minutes  Learn more BigQuery materialized views now GAーMaterialized views MV s are precomputed views that periodically cache results of a query to provide customers increased performance and efficiency  Learn more New in BigQuery BI EngineーWe re extending BigQuery BI Engine to work with any BI or custom dashboarding applications that require sub second query response times In this preview BI Engine will work seamlessly with Looker and other popular BI tools such as Tableau and Power BI without requiring any change to the BI tools  Learn more Dataproc now supports Shielded VMsーAll Dataproc clusters created using Debian or Ubuntu operating systems now use Shielded VMs by default and customers can provide their own configurations for secure boot vTPM and Integrity Monitoring This feature is just one of the many ways customers that have migrated their Hadoop and Spark clusters to GCP experience continued improvements to their security postures without any additional cost New Cloud Security Podcast by GoogleーOur new podcast brings you stories and insights on security in the cloud delivering security from the cloud and of course on what we re doing at Google Cloud to help keep customer data safe and workloads secure  Learn more New in Conversational AI and Apigee technologyーAustralian retailer Woolworths provides seamless customer experiences with their virtual agent Olive Apigee API Management and Dialogflow technology allows customers to talk to Olive through voice and chat  Learn more Introducing GKE AutopilotーGKE already offers an industry leading level of automation that makes setting up and operating a Kubernetes cluster easier and more cost effective than do it yourself and other managed offerings Autopilot represents a significant leap forward In addition to the fully managed control plane that GKE has always provided using the Autopilot mode of operation automatically applies industry best practices and can eliminate all node management operations maximizing your cluster efficiency and helping to provide a stronger security posture  Learn more Partnering with Intel to accelerate cloud native GーAs we continue to grow cloud native services for the telecommunications industry we re excited to announce a collaboration with Intel to develop reference architectures and integrated solutions for communications service providers to accelerate their deployment of G and edge network solutions  Learn more Veeam Backup for Google Cloud now availableーVeeam Backup for Google Cloud automates Google native snapshots to securely protect VMs across projects and regions with ultra low RPOs and RTOs and store backups in Google Object Storage to enhance data protection while ensuring lower costs for long term retention Migrate for Anthos GAーWith Migrate for Anthos customers and partners can automatically migrate and modernize traditional application workloads running in VMs into containers running on Anthos or GKE Included in this new release  In place modernization for Anthos on AWS Public Preview to help customers accelerate on boarding to Anthos AWS while leveraging their existing investment in AWS data sources projects VPCs and IAM controls Additional Docker registries and artifacts repositories support GA including AWS ECR basic auth docker registries and AWS S storage to provide further flexibility for customers using Anthos Anywhere on prem AWS etc  HTTPS Proxy support GA to enable MA functionality access to external image repos and other services where a proxy is used to control external access Week of Feb Feb Introducing Cloud Domains in previewーCloud Domains simplify domain registration and management within Google Cloud improve the custom domain experience for developers increase security and support stronger integrations around DNS and SSL  Learn more Announcing Databricks on Google CloudーOur partnership with Databricks enables customers to accelerate Databricks implementations by simplifying their data access by jointly giving them powerful ways to analyze their data and by leveraging our combined AI and ML capabilities to impact business outcomes  Learn more Service Directory is GAーAs the number and diversity of services grows it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain an inventory of all of the services across an organization Last year we launched Service Directory to help simplify the problem of service management Today it s generally available  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Introducing Bare Metal Solution for SAP workloadsーWe ve expanded our Bare Metal Solutionーdedicated single tenant systems designed specifically to run workloads that are too large or otherwise unsuitable for standard virtualized environmentsーto include SAP certified hardware options giving SAP customers great options for modernizing their biggest and most challenging workloads  Learn more TB SSDs bring ultimate IOPS to Compute Engine VMsーYou can now attach TB and TB Local SSD to second generation general purpose N Compute Engine VMs for great IOPS per dollar  Learn more Supporting the Python ecosystemーAs part of our longstanding support for the Python ecosystem we are happy to increase our support for the Python Software Foundation the non profit behind the Python programming language ecosystem and community  Learn more  Migrate to regional backend services for Network Load BalancingーWe now support backend services with Network Load Balancingーa significant enhancement over the prior approach target pools providing a common unified data model for all our load balancing family members and accelerating the delivery of exciting features on Network Load Balancing  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Apigee launches Apigee XーApigee celebrates its year anniversary with Apigee X a new release of the Apigee API management platform Apigee X harnesses the best of Google technologies to accelerate and globalize your API powered digital initiatives Learn more about Apigee X and digital excellence here Celebrating the success of Black founders with Google Cloud during Black History MonthーFebruary is Black History Month a time for us to come together to celebrate and remember the important people and history of the African heritage Over the next four weeks we will highlight four Black led startups and how they use Google Cloud to grow their businesses Our first feature highlights TQIntelligence and its founder Yared Week of Jan Jan BeyondCorp Enterprise now generally availableーBeyondCorp Enterprise is a zero trust solution built on Google s global network which provides customers with simple and secure access to applications and cloud resources and offers integrated threat and data protection To learn more read the blog post visit our product homepage  and register for our upcoming webinar Week of Jan Jan Cloud Operations Sandbox now availableーCloud Operations Sandbox is an open source tool that helps you learn SRE practices from Google and apply them on cloud services using Google Cloud s operations suite formerly Stackdriver with everything you need to get started in one click You can read our blog post or get started by visiting cloud ops sandbox dev exploring the project repo and following along in the user guide  New data security strategy whitepaperーOur new whitepaper shares our best practices for how to deploy a modern and effective data security program in the cloud Read the blog post or download the paper    WebSockets HTTP and gRPC bidirectional streams come to Cloud RunーWith these capabilities you can deploy new kinds of applications to Cloud Run that were not previously supported while taking advantage of serverless infrastructure These features are now available in public preview for all Cloud Run locations Read the blog post or check out the WebSockets demo app or the sample hc server app New tutorial Build a no code workout app in stepsーLooking to crush your new year s resolutions Using AppSheet Google Cloud s no code app development platform you can build a custom fitness app that can do things like record your sets reps and weights log your workouts and show you how you re progressing Learn how Week of Jan Jan State of API Economy Report now availableーGoogle Cloud details the changing role of APIs in amidst the COVID pandemic informed by a comprehensive study of Apigee API usage behavior across industry geography enterprise size and more Discover these trends along with a projection of what to expect from APIs in Read our blog post here or download and read the report here New in the state of no codeーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet looks back at the key no code application development themes of AppSheet contends the rising number of citizen developer app creators will ultimately change the state of no code in Read more here Week of Jan Jan Last year s most popular API postsーIn an arduous year thoughtful API design and strategy is critical to empowering developers and companies to use technology for global good Google Cloud looks back at the must read API posts in Read it here Week of Dec Dec A look back at the year across Google CloudーLooking for some holiday reading We ve published recaps of our year across databases serverless data analytics and no code development Or take a look at our most popular posts of Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis enables TLS encryption support Preview ーWith this release you can now use Memorystore for applications requiring sensitive data to be encrypted between the client and the Memorystore instance Read more here Monitoring Query Language MQL for Cloud Monitoring is now generally availableーMonitoring Query language provides developers and operators on IT and development teams powerful metric querying analysis charting and alerting capabilities This functionality is needed for Monitoring use cases that include troubleshooting outages root cause analysis custom SLI SLO creation reporting and analytics complex alert logic and more Learn more Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis now supports Redis AUTHーWith this release you can now use OSS Redis AUTH feature with Memorystore for Redis instances Read more here New in serverless computingーGoogle Cloud API Gateway and its service first approach to developing serverless APIs helps organizations accelerate innovation by eliminating scalability and security bottlenecks for their APIs Discover more benefits here Environmental Dynamics Inc makes a big move to no codeーThe environmental consulting company EDI built and deployed business apps with no coding skills necessary with Google Cloud s AppSheet This no code effort not only empowered field workers but also saved employees over hours a year Get the full story here Introducing Google Workspace for GovernmentーGoogle Workspace for Government is an offering that brings the best of Google Cloud s collaboration and communication tools to the government with pricing that meets the needs of the public sector Whether it s powering social care visits employment support or virtual courts Google Workspace helps governments meet the unique challenges they face as they work to provide better services in an increasingly virtual world Learn more Week of Nov Dec Google enters agreement to acquire ActifioーActifio a leader in backup and disaster recovery DR offers customers the opportunity to protect virtual copies of data in their native format manage these copies throughout their entire lifecycle and use these copies for scenarios like development and test This planned acquisition further demonstrates Google Cloud s commitment to helping enterprises protect workloads on premises and in the cloud Learn more Traffic Director can now send traffic to services and gateways hosted outside of Google CloudーTraffic Director support for Hybrid Connectivity Network Endpoint Groups NEGs now generally available enables services in your VPC network to interoperate more seamlessly with services in other environments It also enables you to build advanced solutions based on Google Cloud s portfolio of networking products such as Cloud Armor protection for your private on prem services Learn more Google Cloud launches the Healthcare Interoperability Readiness ProgramーThis program powered by APIs and Google Cloud s Apigee helps patients doctors researchers and healthcare technologists alike by making patient data and healthcare data more accessible and secure Learn more here Container Threat Detection in Security Command CenterーWe announced the general availability of Container Threat Detection a built in service in Security Command Center This release includes multiple detection capabilities to help you monitor and secure your container deployments in Google Cloud Read more here Anthos on bare metal now GAーAnthos on bare metal opens up new possibilities for how you run your workloads and where You can run Anthos on your existing virtualized infrastructure or eliminate the dependency on a hypervisor layer to modernize applications while reducing costs Learn more Week of Nov Tuning control support in Cloud SQL for MySQLーWe ve made all flags that were previously in preview now generally available GA empowering you with the controls you need to optimize your databases See the full list here New in BigQuery MLーWe announced the general availability of boosted trees using XGBoost deep neural networks DNNs using TensorFlow and model export for online prediction Learn more New AI ML in retail reportーWe recently commissioned a survey of global retail executives to better understand which AI ML use cases across the retail value chain drive the highest value and returns in retail and what retailers need to keep in mind when going after these opportunities Learn more  or read the report Week of Nov New whitepaper on how AI helps the patent industryーOur new paper outlines a methodology to train a BERT bidirectional encoder representation from transformers model on over million patent publications from the U S and other countries using open source tooling Learn more or read the whitepaper Google Cloud support for NET ーLearn more about our support of NET as well as how to deploy it to Cloud Run NET Core now on Cloud FunctionsーWith this integration you can write cloud functions using your favorite NET Core runtime with our Functions Framework for NET for an idiomatic developer experience Learn more Filestore Backups in previewーWe announced the availability of the Filestore Backups preview in all regions making it easier to migrate your business continuity disaster recovery and backup strategy for your file systems in Google Cloud Learn more Introducing Voucher a service to help secure the container supply chainーDeveloped by the Software Supply Chain Security team at Shopify to work with Google Cloud tools Voucher evaluates container images created by CI CD pipelines and signs those images if they meet certain predefined security criteria Binary Authorization then validates these signatures at deploy time ensuring that only explicitly authorized code that meets your organizational policy and compliance requirements can be deployed to production Learn more most watched from Google Cloud Next OnAirーTake a stroll through the sessions that were most popular from Next OnAir covering everything from data analytics to cloud migration to no code development  Read the blog Artifact Registry is now GAーWith support for container images Maven npm packages and additional formats coming soon Artifact Registry helps your organization benefit from scale security and standardization across your software supply chain  Read the blog Week of Nov Introducing the Anthos Developer SandboxーThe Anthos Developer Sandbox gives you an easy way to learn to develop on Anthos at no cost available to anyone with a Google account Read the blog Database Migration Service now available in previewーDatabase Migration Service DMS makes migrations to Cloud SQL simple and reliable DMS supports migrations of self hosted MySQL databasesーeither on premises or in the cloud as well as managed databases from other cloudsーto Cloud SQL for MySQL Support for PostgreSQL is currently available for limited customers in preview with SQL Server coming soon Learn more Troubleshoot deployments or production issues more quickly with new logs tailingーWe ve added support for a new API to tail logs with low latency Using gcloud it allows you the convenience of tail f with the powerful query language and centralized logging solution of Cloud Logging Learn more about this preview feature Regionalized log storage now available in new regions in previewーYou can now select where your logs are stored from one of five regions in addition to globalーasia east europe west us central us east and us west When you create a logs bucket you can set the region in which you want to store your logs data Get started with this guide Week of Nov Cloud SQL adds support for PostgreSQL ーShortly after its community GA Cloud SQL has added support for PostgreSQL You get access to the latest features of PostgreSQL while Cloud SQL handles the heavy operational lifting so your team can focus on accelerating application delivery Read more here Apigee creates value for businesses running on SAPーGoogle Cloud s API Management platform Apigee is optimized for data insights and data monetization helping businesses running on SAP innovate faster without fear of SAP specific challenges to modernization Read more here Document AI platform is liveーThe new Document AI DocAI platform a unified console for document processing is now available in preview You can quickly access all parsers tools and solutions e g Lending DocAI Procurement DocAI with a unified API enabling an end to end document solution from evaluation to deployment Read the full story here or check it out in your Google Cloudconsole Accelerating data migration with Transfer Appliances TA and TAーWe re announcing the general availability of new Transfer Appliances Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with next generation Transfer Appliances Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Week of Oct B H Inc accelerates digital transformationーThe Utah based contracting and construction company BHI eliminated IT backlog when non technical employees were empowered to build equipment inspection productivity and other custom apps by choosing Google Workspace and the no code app development platform AppSheet Read the full story here Globe Telecom embraces no code developmentーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet empowers Globe Telecom employees to do more innovating with less code The global communications company kickstarted their no code journey by combining the power of AppSheet with a unique adoption strategy As a result AppSheet helped Globe Telecom employees build business apps in just weeks Get the full story Cloud Logging now allows you to control access to logs via Log ViewsーBuilding on the control offered via Log Buckets  blog post you can now configure who has access to logs based on the source project resource type or log name all using standard IAM controls Logs views currently in Preview can help you build a system using the principle of least privilege limiting sensitive logs to only users who need this information  Learn more about Log Views Document AI is HIPAA compliantーDocument AI now enables HIPAA compliance Now Healthcare and Life Science customers such as health care providers health plans and life science organizations can unlock insights by quickly extracting structured data from medical documents while safeguarding individuals protected health information PHI Learn more about Google Cloud s nearly products that support HIPAA compliance Week of Oct Improved security and governance in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQLーCloud SQL for PostgreSQL now integrates with Cloud IAM preview to provide simplified and consistent authentication and authorization Cloud SQL has also enabled PostgreSQL Audit Extension preview for more granular audit logging Read the blog Announcing the AI in Financial Crime Compliance webinarーOur executive digital forum will feature industry executives academics and former regulators who will discuss how AI is transforming financial crime compliance on November Register now Transforming retail with AI MLーNew research provides insights on high value AI ML use cases for food drug mass merchant and speciality retail that can drive significant value and build resilience for your business Learn what the top use cases are for your sub segment and read real world success stories Download the ebook here and view this companion webinar which also features insights from Zulily New release of Migrate for AnthosーWe re introducing two important new capabilities in the release of Migrate for Anthos Google Cloud s solution to easily migrate and modernize applications currently running on VMs so that they instead run on containers in Google Kubernetes Engine or Anthos The first is GA support for modernizing IIS apps running on Windows Server VMs The second is a new utility that helps you identify which VMs in your existing environment are the best targets for modernization to containers Start migrating or check out the assessment tool documentation Linux Windows New Compute Engine autoscaler controlsーNew scale in controls in Compute Engine let you limit the VM deletion rate by preventing the autoscaler from reducing a MIG s size by more VM instances than your workload can tolerate to lose Read the blog Lending DocAI in previewーLending DocAI is a specialized solution in our Document AI portfolio for the mortgage industry that processes borrowers income and asset documents to speed up loan applications Read the blog or check out the product demo Week of Oct New maintenance controls for Cloud SQLーCloud SQL now offers maintenance deny period controls which allow you to prevent automatic maintenance from occurring during a day time period Read the blog Trends in volumetric DDoS attacksーThis week we published a deep dive into DDoS threats detailing the trends we re seeing and giving you a closer look at how we prepare for multi terabit attacks so your sites stay up and running Read the blog New in BigQueryーWe shared a number of updates this week including new SQL capabilities more granular control over your partitions with time unit partitioning the general availability of Table ACLs and BigQuery System Tables Reports a solution that aims to help you monitor BigQuery flat rate slot and reservation utilization by leveraging BigQuery s underlying INFORMATION SCHEMA views Read the blog Cloud Code makes YAML easy for hundreds of popular Kubernetes CRDsーWe announced authoring support for more than popular Kubernetes CRDs out of the box any existing CRDs in your Kubernetes cluster and any CRDs you add from your local machine or a URL Read the blog Google Cloud s data privacy commitments for the AI eraーWe ve outlined how our AI ML Privacy Commitment reflects our belief that customers should have both the highest level of security and the highest level of control over data stored in the cloud Read the blog New lower pricing for Cloud CDNーWe ve reduced the price of cache fill content fetched from your origin charges across the board by up to along with our recent introduction of a new set of flexible caching capabilities to make it even easier to use Cloud CDN to optimize the performance of your applications Read the blog Expanding the BeyondCorp AllianceーLast year we announced our BeyondCorp Alliance with partners that share our Zero Trust vision Today we re announcing new partners to this alliance Read the blog New data analytics training opportunitiesーThroughout October and November we re offering a number of no cost ways to learn data analytics with trainings for beginners to advanced users Learn more New BigQuery blog seriesーBigQuery Explained provides overviews on storage data ingestion queries joins and more Read the series Week of Oct Introducing the Google Cloud Healthcare Consent Management APIーThis API gives healthcare application developers and clinical researchers a simple way to manage individuals consent of their health data particularly important given the new and emerging virtual care and research scenarios related to COVID Read the blog Announcing Google Cloud buildpacksーBased on the CNCF buildpacks v specification these buildpacks produce container images that follow best practices and are suitable for running on all of our container platforms Cloud Run fully managed Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Read the blog Providing open access to the Genome Aggregation Database gnomAD ーOur collaboration with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard provides free access to one of the world s most comprehensive public genomic datasets Read the blog Introducing HTTP gRPC server streaming for Cloud RunーServer side HTTP streaming for your serverless applications running on Cloud Run fully managed is now available This means your Cloud Run services can serve larger responses or stream partial responses to clients during the span of a single request enabling quicker server response times for your applications Read the blog New security and privacy features in Google WorkspaceーAlongside the announcement of Google Workspace we also shared more information on new security features that help facilitate safe communication and give admins increased visibility and control for their organizations Read the blog Introducing Google WorkspaceーGoogle Workspace includes all of the productivity apps you know and use at home at work or in the classroomーGmail Calendar Drive Docs Sheets Slides Meet Chat and moreーnow more thoughtfully connected Read the blog New in Cloud Functions languages availability portability and moreーWe extended Cloud Functionsーour scalable pay as you go Functions as a Service FaaS platform that runs your code with zero server managementーso you can now use it to build end to end solutions for several key use cases Read the blog Announcing the Google Cloud Public Sector Summit Dec ーOur upcoming two day virtual event will offer thought provoking panels keynotes customer stories and more on the future of digital service in the public sector Register at no cost 2022-11-30 21:00:00
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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Centrally manage access and permissions for Amazon Redshift data sharing with AWS Lake Formation https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/centrally-manage-access-and-permissions-for-amazon-redshift-data-sharing-with-aws-lake-formation/ Centrally manage access and permissions for Amazon Redshift data sharing with AWS Lake FormationToday s global data driven organizations treat data as an asset and use it across different lines of business LOBs to drive timely insights and better business decisions Amazon Redshift data sharing allows you to securely share live transactionally consistent data in one Amazon Redshift data warehouse with another Amazon Redshift data warehouse within the same AWS … 2022-11-30 20:10:52
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Data: The genesis for modern invention https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/data-the-genesis-for-modern-invention/ Data The genesis for modern inventionIt only takes one groundbreaking inventionーone iconic idea that solves a widespread pain point for customersーto create or transform an industry forever From the invention of the telegraph to the discovery of GPS to the earliest cloud computing services history is filled with examples of these “eureka moments that continue to have long lasting impacts on … 2022-11-30 20:02:02
AWS AWS DevOps Blog Journey to adopt Cloud-Native DevOps platform Series #1: OfferUp modernized DevOps platform with Amazon EKS and Flagger to accelerate time to market https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/journey-to-adopt-cloud-native-devops-platform-series-1-offerup-modernized-devops-platform-with-amazon-eks-and-flagger-to-accelerate-time-to-market/ Journey to adopt Cloud Native DevOps platform Series OfferUp modernized DevOps platform with Amazon EKS and Flagger to accelerate time to marketIn this two part series we discuss the challenges faced by OfferUp a Digital Native customer to meet business growth and time to market Their journey involved modernizing their existing DevOps platform from the traditional monolith virtual machine VM based architecture to modern containerized architecture and running cloud native applications for secured progressive delivery to accelerate time to … 2022-11-30 20:56:32
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog How to import migrated Amazon EC2 instances into infrastructure code https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/how-to-import-migrated-amazon-ec2-instances-into-infrastructure-code/ How to import migrated Amazon EC instances into infrastructure codeModeling Infrastructure as Code IaC enables you to automate the lifecycle of AWS resources However the timing for IaC adoption can vary AWS customers often move quickly in the beginning by performing block level replication of their servers to the cloud This is suitable when hundreds or thousands of servers need to exit their data center … 2022-11-30 20:50:48
AWS AWS Amazon VPC Lattice | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUU_j-Di4aQ Amazon VPC Lattice Amazon Web ServicesAmazon VPC Lattice provides a consistent way to connect monitor and secure communication between your services improving your productivity by letting you focus on building features that matter to your business VPC Lattice allows you to define policies for network access traffic management and monitoring so you can connect applications in a simple and consistent way across any AWS compute service Learn more at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-11-30 20:33:23
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海外TECH Ars Technica Apple tries to improve iPhone 14’s crash detection with iOS 16.1.2 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1900987 update 2022-11-30 20:19:45
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Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Zens 4-in-1 Modular Charging Station review: Room for an iPad but a bit expensive https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/30/zens-4-in-1-modular-charging-station-review-room-for-an-ipad-but-a-bit-expensive?utm_medium=rss Zens in Modular Charging Station review Room for an iPad but a bit expensiveThe new Zens in Modular Charging Station can charge your iPhone iPad AirPods and Apple Watch in one accessory ーbut cost and looks may be a deterrent Zens in Modular Charging StationMulti device chargers generally focus on smaller products such as iPhones Apple Watch and AirPods But the new in Modular Charging Station from Zens has a place to charge an iPad a welcome addition that could make it the sole charger for a room or household Read more 2022-11-30 20:19:10
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Amazon's Black Friday $1,599 MacBook Pro 14-inch deal is back https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/30/amazons-black-friday-1599-macbook-pro-14-inch-deal-is-back?utm_medium=rss Amazon x s Black Friday MacBook Pro inch deal is backAmazon s best MacBook Pro inch deals have returned for Cyber Week with prices as low as and savings up to off Apple s MacBook Pro inch is up to off Black Friday deals are back Read more 2022-11-30 20:07:52
海外TECH Engadget The best gaming laptops for 2022 https://www.engadget.com/best-gaming-laptops-172033838.html?src=rss The best gaming laptops for For a few years now gaming laptops have been some of the most intriguing PCs around They ve gotten thinner and lighter naturally ーbut they ve also become vastly more powerful and efficient making them suitable for both work and play They ve adopted some bold innovations like rotating hinges and near desktop like customizability Gaming laptops are where PC makers can get adventurous If you re a professional in the market for a beefy new computer and you like to play a few rounds of Apex Legends on occasion it may make more sense to go for a gaming notebook instead of a MacBook Pro like workstation You ll still get plenty of power for video encoding and D rendering plus you may end up paying less We ll help you figure out which is the best gaming laptop for you from budget options like the Dell G to premium notebooks like the Razer Blade and everything in between Engadget s picksBest overall ASUS ROG Zephyrus GBest budget Dell GBest premium gaming laptop Razer Blade Another good option Acer Predator Triton SEBest large gaming laptop Razer Blade Best with a dual screen ASUS ROG Zephyrus Duo Devindra Hardawar Engadget What s your budget nbsp Your laptop buying journey starts and ends with the amount of money you re willing to spend No surprise there The good news There are plenty of options for gamers of every budget In particular we re seeing some great PC gaming choices under like Dell s G lineup A cheap gaming laptop in this price range will definitely feel a bit flimsier than pricier models and they ll likely skimp on RAM storage and overall power But they should be able to handle most games in p at frames per second which is the bare minimum you d want from any system Things get interesting when you start looking at the best laptops in the mid range space with prices at and higher At that point you ll start finding PCs like the ASUS Zephyrus ROG G one of our favorite gaming notebooks In general you can look forward to far better build quality than budget laptops metal cases improved graphics power and enough RAM and storage space to handle the most demanding games These are the notebooks we d recommend for most people as they ll keep you gaming and working for years before you need to worry about an upgrade If you re willing to spend around or more you can start considering more premium options like Razer s Blade Expect impeccably polished cases the fastest hardware on the market and ridiculously thin designs The sky s the limit here Alienware s uber customizable Area m is an enormous beast that can cost up to Few people need a machine that pricey but if you re a gamer with extra cash to burn it may be worth taking a close look at some of these pricier systems What kind of CPU and GPU do you want The answer to this question used to be relatively simple Just get an Intel chip with an NVIDIA GPU But over the last few years AMD came out swinging with its Ryzen notebook processors which are better suited for juggling multiple tasks at once like streaming to Twitch while blasting fools in Fortnite Intel responded with its impressive th gen chips but it s nice to have decent AMD alternatives available especially since they re often cheaper than comparable Intel models When it comes to video cards though AMD is still catching up Its Radeon RX M GPU has been a fantastic performer in notebooks like ASUS s ROG Strix G but it still lags behind NVIDIA when it comes to newer features like ray tracing But at least a Radeon powered notebook ht can approach the general gaming performance of NVIDIA s RTX and GPU If you want to future proof your purchase or you re just eager to see how much better ray tracing can make your games look you re probably better off with an NVIDIA video card They re in far more systems and it s clear that NVIDIA has better optimized ray tracing technology RTX GPUs also feature the company s DLSS technology which uses AI to upscale games to higher resolutions That ll let you play a game like Destiny in K with faster frame rates That s useful if you re trying to take advantage of a high refresh rate monitor NVIDIA s RTX is a decent entry point but we think you d be better off with at least an RTX for solid p and p performance The RTX meanwhile is the best balance of price and gaming performance It ll be able to run many games in K with the help of DLSS and it can even tackle demanding titles like Control NVIDIA s RTX and Ti are the king of the hill you ll pay a premium for any machine that includes them It s worth noting that NVIDIA s mobile GPUs aren t directly comparable to its more powerful desktop hardware PC makers can also tweak voltages to make it perform better in a thinner case Basically don t be surprised if you see notebooks that perform very differently even if they re all equipped with the same GPU What kind of screen do you want Screen size is a good place to start when judging gaming notebooks In general inch laptops will be the best balance of immersion and portability while larger inch models are heftier but naturally give you more screen real estate There are some inch gaming notebooks like the Razer Blade Stealth but paradoxically you ll often end up paying more for those than slightly larger inch options We re also seeing plenty of inch options like the Zephyrus G and Blade which are generally beefier than inch laptops while still being relatively portable But these days there is plenty to consider beyond screen size For one refresh rates Most monitors refresh their screens vertically times per second or at Hz That s a standard in use since black and white NTSC TVs But over the past few years displays have evolved considerably Now Hz p screens are the bare minimum you d want in any gaming notebook ーand there are faster Hz Hz and even Hz panels All of this is in the service of one thing making everything on your display look as smooth as possible Steve Dent Engadget For games higher refresh rates also help eliminate screen tearing and other artifacts that could get in the way of your frag fest And for everything else it just leads to a better viewing experience Even scrolling a web page on a Hz or faster monitor is starkly different from a Hz screen Instead of seeing a jittery wall of text and pictures everything moves seamlessly as if you re unwinding a glossy paper magazine Going beyond Hz makes gameplay look even more responsive which to some players gives them a slight advantage Not to make things more complicated but you should also keep an eye out for NVIDIA s G SYNC and AMD s FreeSync They re both adaptive sync technologies that can match your screen s refresh rate with the framerate of your game That also helps to reduce screen tearing and make gameplay smoother Consider them nice bonuses on top of a high refresh rate monitor they re not necessary but they can still offer a slight visual improvement One more thing Most of these suggestions are related to LCD screens not OLEDs While OLED makes a phenomenal choice for TVs it s a bit more complicated when it comes to gaming laptops They re mostly limited to Hz though some models offer Hz Still you won t see the smoothness of a Hz or Hz screen OLEDs also typically come as K or K panels you ll need a ton of GPU power to run games natively at that resolution They look incredible with the best black levels and contrast on the market but we think most gamers would be better off with an LCD Devindra Hardawar Engadget A few other takeaways Get at least GB of RAM And if you re planning to do a ton of multitasking while streaming GB is worth considering Storage is still a huge concern These days I d recommend aiming for a TB M SSD which should be enough space to juggle a few large titles like Destiny Some laptops also have room for standard SATA drives which are far cheaper than M s and can hold more data Normally we d recommend getting your hands on a system before you buy but that s tough as we re in the midst of a pandemic I d recommend snagging your preferred system from a retailer with a simple return policy like Amazon or Best Buy If you don t like it you can always ship it back easily Don t forget about accessories You ll need a good mouse keyboard and headphones Best overall ASUS ROG Zephyrus GIf you can t tell by now we really like the Zephyrus G It s shockingly compact at just pounds and features AMD s new Ryzen chips paired together with its Radeon M graphics we d recommend the Ryzen model with an RX M for While its inch screen is a bit smaller than our other recommendations it looks great and features a fast Hz refresh rate We also like its retro future design some configurations have tiny LEDs on its rear panel for extra flair While the G has jumped in price since it debuted it s still one of the best gaming notebooks around especially since ASUS has finally added a built in webcam Best budget Dell GWe ve been fans of Dell s G line ever since it first appeared a few years ago Now dubbed the G it starts at under and features all of the latest hardware like Intel s th generation CPUs and NVIDIA s RTX series cards You can also find AMD Ryzen chips in some models This budget gaming laptop is a bit heavy weighing over five pounds but it s a solid notebook otherwise And you can even bring it into mid range gaming territory if you spec up to the RTX Best premium gaming laptop Razer Blade Razer continues to do a stellar job of delivering bleeding edge hardware in a sleek package that would make Mac users jealous The Blade has just about everything you d want including NVIDIA s fastest mobile GPU the RTX Ti as well as Intel s th gen CPUs and speedy quad HD screens Our recommendation Consider the model with a Quad HD Hz screen and an RTX GPU for You can easily save some cash by going for a cheaper notebook but they won t feel nearly as polished as the Blade Another good option Acer Predator Triton SEWhile we ve seen some wilder concepts from Acer like its degree hinge equipped Triton the Triton is a more affordable bread and butter option This year it s bumped up to a inch display giving you more of an immersive gaming experience It s relatively thin weighs just over five pounds and it can be equipped with Intel s th gen CPUs and NVIDIA s RTX series GPUs Acer s build quality is as sturdy as ever and it has most of the standard features you d need in a gaming notebook Best large gaming laptop Razer Blade Take everything we loved about the Razer Blade scale it up to a larger inch screen and you re pretty much in gamer paradise If you can live with its six pound weight the Blade will deliver the most desktop like gaming experience you can find in a notebook It s relatively slim and it s perfect for binging Netflix in bed The Blade is also a smart choice if you re editing media as its larger screen space makes it perfect for diving into larger timelines It s not for everyone but sometimes you just have to go big or go home right Best with a dual screen ASUS ROG Zephyrus Duo You know if you actually need a dual screen laptop Maybe a single inch screen isn t enough or you want a mobile setup that s closer to a multi monitor desktop If that s the case the Zephyrus Duo is made for you It s powerful and its extra inch screen can easily let you multitask while gaming dutifully working It also has all of the latest hardware you d want like AMD s new Ryzen chips and NVIDIA s RTX GPUs Sure it s nowhere near portable but a true multitasker won t mind 2022-11-30 20:45:05
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Embedding Native (Windows and Linux) Views/Controls/Applications into Avalonia Applications in Easy Samples https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5348155/Embedding-Native-Windows-and-Linux-Views-Controls Embedding Native Windows and Linux Views Controls Applications into Avalonia Applications in Easy SamplesThis article describes embedding native Windows and Linux control into an Avalonia application 2022-11-30 20:49:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: Julian Alvarez doubles Argentina's lead with 'brilliant' goal https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/63816518?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA World Cup Julian Alvarez doubles Argentina x s lead with x brilliant x goalJulian Alvarez doubles Argentina s lead with a brilliant goal to put them against Poland in their Group C match at the World Cup 2022-11-30 20:49:22
ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: Wojciech Szczesny makes brilliant save to stop Lionel Messi's penalty https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/63815271?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA World Cup Wojciech Szczesny makes brilliant save to stop Lionel Messi x s penaltyWatch the moment Poland goal keeper Wojciech Szczęsny makes a superb save and denies Lionel Messi a penalty for Argentina at the World Cup 2022-11-30 20:08:01
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日本電産「大株主70社リスト」初公開!三井住友、野村…永守氏の暴走許す応援団の顔ぶれ - 日本電産 永守帝国の自壊 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/313406 日本電産「大株主社リスト」初公開三井住友、野村…永守氏の暴走許す応援団の顔ぶれ日本電産永守帝国の自壊日本電産の永守重信会長が希代の名経営者であることは間違いない。 2022-12-01 05:25:00
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GCP Cloud Blog What’s new with Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/inside-google-cloud/whats-new-google-cloud/ What s new with Google CloudWant to know the latest from Google Cloud Find it here in one handy location Check back regularly for our newest updates announcements resources events learning opportunities and more  Tip  Not sure where to find what you re looking for on the Google Cloud blog Start here  Google Cloud blog Full list of topics links and resources Week of Nov Dec Zeotap partnered with Google Cloud to build a next generation customer data platform with focus on Privacy Security and Compliance This blog post describes their journey using Google Data Cloud including BigQuery BI Engine Vertex AI to build customized Audience segments at scale Read more here Week of Nov Nov Apigee has been named aleader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for API Management marking the seventh time in a row we ve earned this recognition We remain the top API Management vendor in our Ability to Execute with a strong product offering customer experience and sales execution Please help us share the good news via Twitter  Facebook and LinkedIn Connected Stories has built an end to end creative management platform on Google Cloud including BigQuery Vertex AI to develop serve and optimize interactive video and display Ads that scale across any channel Read more here Week of Nov Nov Private Marketplace functionality is now available in preview for Google Cloud Marketplace to help organizations scale compliant product discovery Learn more here No cost access to some of our popular training is available on Coursera until December Get hands on experience to enhance your technical skills in the cloud environment for the most in demand job roles Training is available for both technical and non technical professionals and spans foundational to advanced content You ll also earn a shareable certificate Learn more about this training offer today Week of Oct Nov IAM Deny a security guardrail to help Google Cloud customers harden their security posture at scale is now Generally Available GA IAM Deny policies manage access to Google Cloud resources based on principal resource type and permissions they re trying to use It enables administrators to harden their cloud security posture easily and at scale True Fit a data driven personalization platform built on Google Data Cloud describe their data journey to unlock Partner growth True Fit publishes a number of BigQuery dataset for its Retail partners using Analytics Hub Data sharing using Google Cloud has elevated True Fit s business using real world data in real time They achieved this in conjunction with the Built with BigQuery program from Cloud Partner Engineering Read more Google Cloud Workstations is now in public preview Week of Oct Oct Google Cloud and Sibros Technology with their award winning Deep Connected Platform is enabling vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to reach the next level in their use of data to gain valuable insights that should mitigate risks reduce costs add innovative products drive sustainability and introduce value added use cases services in the automotive industry Read more Data Exploration Workbench in Dataplex is now Generally Available it offers a Spark powered serverless data exploration experience with one click access to Spark SQL scripts and Jupyter notebooks With the workbench Data Consumers can spend more time generating insights rather than integrating different tools and platforms Learn moreWeek of Oct Oct Google Cloud Spanner launches Lock insights and transaction insights easily troubleshoot lock contentions using pre built dashboards This is the nd milestone launch for Spanner insights Learn more Google Cloud Migration Center is now in public preview Check out our blog for more information Using Envoy to create cross region replicas for Cloud Memorystore Learn how you can create multi regional deployments with Cloud Memorystore by using the Envoy proxy This blog provides a step by step walkthrough which demonstrates how you can adapt your existing application to serve multiple regions or failover to a secondary region in case of a regional outage Google Cloud Logging s Log Analytics team is hosting an external webinar to talk about Log Analytics powered by BigQuery and how our top customers have adopted them to save time and cost Register here Week of Oct Oct Rapid Vulnerability Detection a zero configuration service in Security Command Center Premium that detects vulnerabilities like exposed admin interfaces weak credentials and incomplete software installations is now available in Public Preview When it comes to advanced log analysis using BigQuery Log Analytics offers a simple cost effective and easy to operate alternative to managing your own log export to BigQuery Use this migration guide to help you write or convert your SQL queries and make switching to Log Analytics easy Week of Sept Sept Google Cloud Logging launches Log Analytics powered by Big Query The feature allows Log users to use the power of BQ within Cloud Logging to perform Analytics on Logs You can update your existing Log Buckets to start using Log Analytics It does not require complex data pipeline configurations to ingest data Learn more BigQuery ML enables Faraday to make predictions for any US consumer brand Faraday ai is a Partner of Google Cloud enabling companies to unlock the patterns hidden in their data using BigQuery ML such as increasing conversion of leads to subscribe customers via personalization allowing scoring of leads spend forecasting and Lon to value ratio identification for customers They achieved this in conjunction with the Built with BigQuery program from Cloud Partner Engineering Week of Sept Sept Cloud Dataflow PerfKit Benchmarker PKB has expanded support for benchmarking your own Dataflow pipelines You can now more easily test your Dataflow pipelines for performance optimization capacity planning regression testing and TCO estimation Watch the Beam Summit talk and demo or read the detailed walkthrough Cloud Deploy now supports the ability to verify your deployment Learn More Google Cloud Learning launches a new dedicated cloud training program to support Ukrainian businesses and IT professionals starting October Learn more Cloud Load Balancing now supports Cross Project Service Referencing with Internal HTTP S Load Balancing and Regional External HTTP S Load Balancing This new capability allows organizations to configure one central load balancer and route traffic to hundreds of services distributed across multiple different projects Organizations can thus optimize the number of load balancers needed to deploy your application and lower manageability operational costs and quota requirements Learn moreDatastream now supports direct replication into BigQuery in public preview Datastream for BigQuery leverages the new BigQuery CDC UPSERT Write API making replication from operational database sources such as AlloyDB PostgreSQL MySQL and Oracle directly into BigQuery seamless Learn more Datastream now supports PostgreSQL as a source in public preview Datastream introduces volume based tiered pricing that makes it more affordable for customers moving larger volumes of data Volume based tiered pricing will be applied automatically based on actual usage And for the next months customers will also receive TB month free backfill Learn more Google Cloud launchesthe Fly Cup Challenge created in partnership with The Drone Racing League DRL and taking place at Next to usher in the new era of tech driven sports Learn more Accelerate migration from self managed object storage to Google Cloud Storage by using Storage Transfer Service It s designed to move s of TB data and offers security simplicity and scale out performance out of the box Read the full blog In addition to sync files from Git repositories Config Sync just brought GitOps to a next level with the support of two new formats OCI artifacts and Helm charts Learn more Cloud CDN now supports dynamic compression using Brotli and gzip algorithms which can reduce data sent over the network by for compressible content Enabling dynamic compression can help you achieve faster page load times speed up playback speed for video content and optimize egress costs Cloud Dataflow PerfKit Benchmarker PKB has expanded support for benchmarking your own Dataflow pipelines You can now more easily test your Dataflow pipelines for performance optimization capacity planning regression testing and TCO estimation Watch the Beam Summit talk and demo or read the detailed walkthrough here Week of Sept Sept Pub Sub monitoring dashboards are now part of the Pub Sub UI in Google Cloud Console Pub Sub users can easily monitor the health of their real time streaming applications by reading charts of insightful metrics Customization on these provided charts and dashboard is also supported Learn more Google Cloud Deploy now supports application delivery to Cloud Run Learn More Artifact Registry now supports store Kubeflow pipeline templates in a Kubeflow Pipelines repository Learn moreGoogle Cloud Deploy has enabled additional regions bringing Cloud Deploy to regional support parity with Cloud Build Learn MoreWeek of Sept Sept We held our biggest storage event of the year on Sept where we announced a number of new product innovations including enhanced optimization and intelligence for Cloud Storage new Filestore capabilities the next generation of Persistent Disk called Hyperdisk and the unveiling of our new Google Cloud Backup and DR service Watch all the sessions on demand or read the full recap Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for moving data from S compatible storage to Cloud Storage This feature builds on recent Cloud Storage launches namely support for Multipart upload and List Object V which makes Cloud Storage suitable for running applications written for the S API With this new feature customers can seamlessly copy data from self managed object storage to Google Cloud Storage For customers moving data from AWS S to Cloud Storage this feature provides an option to control network routes to Google Cloud resulting in considerably lower egress charges See Transfer from S compatible sources for details Kubernetes control plane metrics are now Generally Available for Google Kubernetes Engine You can now configure GKE clusters with control plane version gke or later to export to Cloud Monitoring certain metrics emitted by the Kubernetes API server scheduler and controller manager These metrics are stored in Cloud Monitoring in a Prometheus compatible format They can be queried by sending either a PromQL or MQL query to the Cloud Monitoring API They can also be used anywhere within Cloud Monitoring including in custom dashboards or alerting rules Week of Aug Sept Apigee is introducinga new Pay as you go pricing model to enable customers to unlock Apigee s API management capabilities with no upfront commitment control their own costs and pay only for what they are use This new pricing model is offered as a complement to the existing Subscription plans or the ability to evaluate it for free Learn more  The network that powers Google Cloud grows with our customers and we are committed to providing them with the resilience and performance they need and expect Google is investing alongside regional partners in two additional submarine cables ーIAX andMIST ーwhich will support growing demand in the APAC region We expect these two cables to be ready for service by the end of Week of Aug Aug Join us August th for the “Power your business with modern cloud apps webinar to learn strategies to leverage scalable cloud apps on Google Cloud using products like Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud Run Apigee and Anthos Don t miss this opportunity to discover best practices for Accelerating developer productivityImproving business innovationBoosting resource efficiency while ensuring security and regulatory complianceWhy all retailers should consider leveraging Google Cloud Retail Search Cloud Retail Search part of Discovery Solutions For Retail portfolio helps retailers significantly improve the shopping experience on their digital platform with Google quality search Users now expect the same robust and intuitive search features as are offered by Google com and other popular web platforms who seem to have the uncanny ability to intelligently interpret and yield relevant results to complex search queries Cloud Retail Search offers advanced search capabilities such as better understanding user intent and self learning ranking models that help retailers unlock the full potential of their online experience Learn more Week of Aug Aug Cloud SQL now supports deletion protection for MySQL Postgres and SQL Server instances With the deletion protection flag you can now protect your instance from unintended deletions The flag is enabled by default in the Cloud Console and when enabled delete is blocked and the flag has to be disabled before an instance can be deleted To disable the deletion protection flag the user must have at least Cloud SQL Editor role With the deletion protection flag you now have added protection that will prevent accidental or malicious deletion of databases that can create expensive outages for applications To learn more about deletion protection refer to Cloud SQL documentationGoogle Cloud Deploy the default Skaffold LTS version has been upgraded to Skaffold Release notes Google Cloud Deploy Skaffold DocsWeek of Aug Aug Artifact Registry now supports use of organization policies that can require Customer Managed Encryption Keys CMEK protection and can limit which Cloud Key Management System CryptoKeys can be used for CMEK protection Learn MoreGoogle Cloud Deploy documentation has been re formatted to make it easier to find information being sought DocsGoogle Cloud Deploy new blog post describing many new features and benefits added over the first half of the year BlogGoogle Cloud Deploy new GUI update that surfaces information related to a target s execution environment  Developers can now easily find and confirm where Google Cloud Deploy render and deploy operations take place in addition to worker pool type execution environment service account and artifact storage location Learn More Week of Aug Aug Bigtable BigQuery federation is now Generally Available Query Bigtable directly from BigQuery and combine with other data sources for real time analytical insights No ETL required  Learn moreJoin us August th for the “Power your business with modern cloud apps webinar We will be sharing best practices and strategies for how to simplify streamline and secure your application development using Google Cloud services like GKE Apigee API Anthos and Cloud Run Register today Week of July July Cloud Pub Sub is introducing a new type of subscription called a “BigQuery subscription that writes directly from Cloud Pub Sub to BigQuery You no longer have to write or run your own pipelines for data ingestion from Pub Sub into BigQuery This new extract load and transform ELT path will be able to simplify your event driven architecture Learn more BigLake enables you to maximize the true potential of your data spread across clouds storage formats data lakes and warehouses It is now Generally available and you can use it to build multi cloud data lakes that work across GCP and OSS query engines in a secure and governed manner Learn more Cloud Healthcare API is now available in additional regions allowing customers to serve their own users faster more reliably and securely The Cloud Healthcare API provides a managed solution for storing and accessing healthcare data in Google Cloud providing a critical bridge between existing care systems and applications hosted on Google Cloud Learn More asia southeast Jakarta us east South Carolina  us west Oregon us west Salt Lake City Cloud Deploy You can now view and compare Kubernetes and Skaffold configuration files for releases using Google Cloud Console Learn More Cloud Deploy now offers an Easy Mode option that creates a skaffold yalm file automatically from a Kubernetes manifest  The feature is accessed from the command line by adding from ks manifest FROM KS MANIFEST to the gcloud deploy releases create command The generated skaffold yaml is suitable for onboarding learning and demonstrating Google Cloud Deploy  Learn More Week of July July Launched three major new Dataflow features to General Availability Dataflow Go GA Dataflow Prime GA and Dataflow ML GA  The Data Engineer Spotlight is THIS WEEK Register today to experience four technical sessions expert speakers a q amp a session and tons of on demand content  Speed up your workflow executions by running steps concurrently Workflows now supports parallel steps which can reduce the overall execution time for workflows that include long running operations like HTTP requests and callbacks Our latest codelab shows you how to more quickly process a dataset by parallelizing multiple BigQuery jobs within a workflow Read more in our blog post Google Cloud introduces Batch Batch is a fully managed service which helps you run batch jobs easily reliably and at scale Without additional software Batch dynamically and efficiently manages resource provisioning scheduling queuing and execution freeing up time for you to focus on analyzing results It is free and you only pay for the resources used but you can further reduce cost with Spot VMs and Custom Machine Types Read more in the launch blog  Run your Arm workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine GKE with Tau TA VMs in preview Arm nodes come packed with key GKE features including the ability to run using GKE Autopilot We ve also updated many popular Google Cloud developer tools and partnered with leading CI CD observability and security ISVs to simplify running Arm workloads on GKE Week of July July Cloud Deploy users can now suspend a delivery pipeline Suspending a pipeline is useful for situations when there s a problem with a release and you want to make sure no further actions occur Suspended pipelines also allow teams to pause releases for a defined time period like holidays busy seasons etc Cloud Deploy users can now permanently abandon a release An abandoned release has the following restrictions it cannot be promoted it cannot be rolled back and it cannot be unabandoned Some reasons to abandon a release include a serious bug or bugs in the release a major security issue in the release or the release includes a deprecated feature Week of July July Blue green upgrade mechanism for upgrading GKE node pools is now generally available With blue green upgrades you now have more control over the upgrade process for highly available production workloads GKE creates a new set of nodes moves your workloads and gives you “soak time before committing the upgrade You can also quickly rollback in the event your workloads cannot tolerate the upgrade Get a deep dive into managing traffic fluctuations with Google Cloud European travel group REWE explores the value of Cloud Spanner In mitigating and supporting traffic surges and optimizing the consumer experience during peak travel seasons  Differentiation brings great customer experiences Differentiation achievements help customers select a partner with confidence knowing that Google Cloud has verified their skills and customer success across our products horizontal solutions and key industries Week of June July Time sharing GPUs on GKE are generally available Time sharing allows multiple containers to share a single physical GPU attached to a node This helps achieve greater cost effectiveness by improving GPU Utilization and workload throughput Dual stack networking is now available preview for GKE  With this feature you can now allocate dual stack IPv and IPv addresses for Pods and nodes  For Services you can allocate single stack IPv only or IPv only or dual stack addresses View your GKE costs directly in Cloud Billing Now in preview you can view a detailed breakdown of cluster costs directly in the Google Cloud console or the Cloud Billing export to BigQuery  With this detailed information you can more easily allocate the costs of your GKE clusters and workloads across different teams Cloud Deploy is now available in additional regions improving performance and flexibility  Learn More asia east Hong Kong europe west London europe west Frankfurt us east N Virginia us west Los Angeles Cloud Deploy deployment of containers to Anthos user clusters using Connect gateway is now generally available  Learn more Launched Query Insights for Cloud Spanner a new visualization tool for visualizing Query performance metrics and debugging Query Performance issues in the Cloud console Now in preview BigQuery BI Engine Preferred Tables Preferred tables enable BigQuery customers to prioritize specific tables for acceleration by BI Engine to ensure predictable performance and optimized use of resources Read our blog to learn more MITRE ATT amp CKmappings for Google Cloud security capabilities through our research partnership with the MITRE Engenuity Center for Threat Informed Defense Learn more Launched a new way of accessing billing information ーfrom the Cloud Console mobile app Now with your Android or iOS mobile device you can access not only your resources App Engine Compute Databases Storage or IAM logs incidents errors but also your billing information With these enhanced billing features we are making it easier for you to understand your cloud spend  Eventarc adds support for Firebase Realtime Database Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Realtime Database events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports  PostgreSQL interface for Cloud Spanner is generally available The PostgreSQL interface for Spanner combines the scalability and reliability of Spanner that enterprises trust with the familiarity and portability of PostgreSQL that development teams love Devops teams that have scaled their databases with brittle sharding or complex replication can now simplify their architecture with Spanner using the tools and skills they already have Get started today for as low as USD month Learn more Week of June June Read the latest Cloud Data Hero Story  This edition focuses on Francisco the founder of Direcly a Google Cloud partner Francisco immigrated from Quito Ecuador and founded his company from the ground up without any external funding Now he s finding innovative ways to leverage Google Cloud s products for companies like Royal Caribbean International Week of June June Launched higher reservation limits for BigQuery BI Engine  BigQuery BI Engine now supports a default maximum reservation of GB per project for all customers Previously this was at GB You can still request additional BI Engine reservations for your projects here This is being rolled out in the Google Cloud Console over the next few days to all customers Alternatively all customers can already use DDL statement as follows ALTER BI CAPACITY lt PROJECT ID gt region lt REGION gt default SET OPTIONS size gb Don t miss our first ever Google Cloud Sustainability Summit on June Learn how business and technology leaders are building for the future and get insights to help you enact sustainable change within your organization At this digital event you ll have a chance to explore the latest tools and best practices that can help you solve your most complex challenges And you ll be among the first to find out about product updates across Google Cloud Earth Engine and Google Workspace Register today for this no cost solution packed event On June we are unveiling the winners of this year s Google Cloud Customer Awards We received an unprecedented number of entries and every participant can be proud of what their organization is achieving in the cloud today The second annual Google Cloud Customer Awards celebrates organizations around the world who have continued to flex and adapt to new demands while turning new ideas into interesting realities Read our blog to check out the results The Cloud Digital Leader track is now part of the Google Cloud career readiness program available for eligible faculty preparing their students for a cloud first workforce Students will build cloud literacy and learn the value of Google Cloud in driving digital transformation while also preparing for the Cloud Digital Leader certification exam Learn more Week of June June Artifact Registry Audit logs for Maven npm and Python repositories are now available in Cloud Logging DocumentationCloud Deploy New Region Cloud Deploy is now available in the australia southeast Syndey region Release NotesCloud Deploy Terraform provider support Cloud Deploy declarative resources Delivery Pipeline and Target are now available via the Google Cloud Deploy Terraform Provider DocumentationAnthos on VMware user cluster lifecycle from the Google Cloud Console isin GA now  You will now be able to create delete update and see Anthos on VMware user clusters from the Google Cloud Console To learn more about the feature check out the Anthosdocumentation Granular instance sizing for Cloud Spanner is now generally available Get started for as low as per month and take advantage of availability and scale as needed without downtime With granular instance sizing at a much lower cost you can still get all of the Spanner benefits like transparent replication across zones and regions high availability resilience to different types of failures and the ability to scale up and down as needed without any downtime  Learn more Week of May June Google Cloud Deploy support for Skaffold version has been updated to version which is now the default Skaffold version Skaffold Docs Google Cloud just made it easier to compare the cost of modernization options Want to look at Lift amp Shift vs Containerization options The latest version of our fit assessment now includes cost guidance See the release notes for more details Did you notice the new “Protect tab in Google Kubernetes Engine Protect for GKE automatically scans identifies and suggests fixes for workload configuration risks by comparing your running workload config against industry best practices like the Kubernetes Pod Security Standards Check out the documentation to learn more Google Cloud makes data warehouse migrations even easier with automated SQL translation as part of the BigQuery Migration Service Learn more Google Cloud simplifies customer verification and benefits processing with Document AI for Identity cards now generally available Automate identity verification and fraud detection workflows by extracting information from identity cards with a high degree of accuracy Learn more Week of May May Artifact Registry now is available in more regions Artifact Registry is now available in the following regions europe west Paris France europe southwest Madrid Spain and us east Columbus United States Release Notes Change streams for Cloud Spanner is now generally available With change streams Spanner users are now able to track and stream out changes inserts updates and deletes from their Cloud Spanner database in near real time Learn more Artifact Registry now supports new repository types Apt and Yum repositories are now generally available Release NotesBusiness Messages announces expansion of its partner ecosystem to includeTwilio Genesys and Avaya each widely recognized global platforms for customer care and communications Read how they help businesses implement both AI Bot and Live Agent chat solutions to stay open for conversations and advance customers through the purchase funnel And be sure to check out the new Business Messages partner directory Learn how to set up metrics and alerts to monitor errors in Cloud SQL for SQL Server error log using Google Cloud s Operation Suite with this blog post Week of May May Machine learning is among the most exciting fastest moving technology disciplines Join us June th for Google Cloud Applied ML Summit a digital event that brings together some of the world s leading ML and data science professionals to explore the latest cutting edge AI tools for developing deploying and managing ML models at scale Join us virtually on June nd at the Google Cloud Startup Summit where you ll hear the latest announcements about how we re investing in and supporting the startup ecosystem You ll also learn from technology experts about streamlining your app development and creating better user experiences and get insights from innovative venture capitalists and founders to help your startup grow This event is headlined by our keynote with Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and Dapper Labs Co Founder and CEO Roham Gharegozlou as they discuss the paradigm changes being brought by web and how startups can prepare for this shift Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus introduced a new high usage pricing tierto bring more value for Kubernetes users who want to move all of their metrics operations to the service and dropped the pricing for existing tiers by percent Hear from the SRE teamat Maisons du Monde detail their journey from building open source Prometheus to deciding that Managed Service for Prometheus was the best fit for their organization Google Cloud has launched Autonomic Security Operations ASO for the U S public sector a solution to modernize threat management in line with the objectives of the White House Executive Order and Office of Management and Budget M ASO is a transformational approach to security operations powered by our Chronicle and Siemplify to comprehensively detect and respond to cyber telemetry across an agency while meeting the Event Logging Tier requirements of the EO Week of May May We just published a blog post announcing the latest Google Cloud s STAC Mbenchmark results Following up on our STAC M benchmark audit a redesigned Google Cloud architecture achieved significant improvements Up to x faster Up to x higher throughput and new record in STAC M ßT YRHIBID TIME We also published a whitepaper on how we designed and optimized the cluster for API driven cloud resources Security Command Center SCC released new finding types that alert customers when SCC is either misconfigured or configured in a way that prevents it from operating as expected These findings provide remediation steps to return SCC to an operational state Learn more and see examples Week of May May As part of Anthos release Anthos Clusters on Azure and Anthos Clusters on AWS now support Kubernetes versions gke and gke As a preview feature you can now choose Windows as your node pool image type when you create node pools with Kubernetes version For more information check out the Anthos multi cloud website The Google Cloud Future of Data whitepaper explores why the future of data will involve three key themes unified flexible and accessible Learn about BigQuery BI Engine and how to analyze large and complex datasets interactively with sub second query response time and high concurrency Now generally available Announcing the launch of the second series of the Google Cloud Technical Guides for Startups a video series for technical enablement aimed at helping startups to start build and grow their businesses Solving for food waste with data analytics in Google Cloud Explore why it is so necessary as a retailer to bring your data to the cloud to apply analytics to minimize food waste Mosquitoes get the swat with new Mosquito Forecast built by OFF Insect Repellents and Google Cloud Read how SC Johnson built an app that predicts mosquito outbreaks in your area Week of April April We re excited to announce the general availability of Media CDN ーa content and media distribution platform with unparalleled scale New Google Cloud research shows shoppers are paying closer attention to the values of consumer goods brands and care more about eco friendly products Meditech s cloud EHR gives clinicians time back with patients helping them make better decisions and diagnoses Cloud is supercharging G development transforming every industry along the way How G and Cloud will change every industry including yours Google s Area incubator shares lessons on sustaining innovation at scale Introducing SWIFT on Google Cloud modernize your payments by bringing it to the cloud Advance your technical skills and boost your career by getting hands on practice with Google Cloud projects Discover how the Google Workspace Administrator role has evolved and why certification training is vital for this in demand position Week of April April  Meet the people of Google Cloud Jim Hogan an autistic Googler talks advocacy and inclusion and how it relates to his job as an innovation strategist Announcing the Climate Innovation Challengeーgrants to provide scientists with Google Cloud research credits so they can better address our urgent climate challenge Read more Our first ever Google Workspace Summit  Get the latest on the keynote breakout sessions and product innovations for our first ever Google Workspace Summit on May Here are sessions you don t want to miss Climate scientists rely on cloud based tools like Google Earth Engine to detect changes map trends and quantify differences on the Earth s surface Read how Natural Resources Canada uses Google Earth Engine Urban Outfitter s rental business Nuuly shows how being cloud first also means being sustainability first with the agility and insights going green requires Read how technology is weaving sustainability into the future of retail at Nuuly Clean energy projects begin to power Google data centers Read about investments Google has made toward clean energy projects to power and protect our global data centers are coming online around the world The Cloud Engineer Learning Path is an effective way to prepare for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification and launch your new cloud career Here s how to prepare for Google s Associate Cloud Engineer exam Week of April April  Machine learning company Moloco uses Cloud Bigtable to process million ad bid requests per second Learn how Moloco uses Bigtable to keep up in a speedy market and process ad requests at unmatched speed and scale The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard speeds scientific research with Cloud SQL One of our customers the Broad Institute shares how they used Cloud SQL to accelerate scientific research In this customer story you will learn how the Broad Institute was able to get Google s database services up and running quickly and lower their operational burden by using Cloud SQL Data Cloud Summit recap blog on April Didn t get a chance to watch the Google Data Cloud Summit this year Check out our recap to learn the top five takeaways learn more about product announcements customer speakers partners product demos and check out more resources on your favorite topics The new Professional Cloud Database Engineer certification in beta is here By participating in this beta you will directly influence and enhance the learning and career path for Cloud Database Engineers globally Learn more and sign up today Learn how to use Kubernetes Jobs and cost optimized Spot VMs to run and manage fault tolerant AI ML batch workloads on Google Kubernetes Engine Expanding Eventarc presence to new regionsーasia south australia southeast northamerica northeast southamerica west You can now create Eventarc resources in regions Week of April April  Join us at the Google Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday April at AM PDT  Learn how Google Cloud technologies across AI machine learning analytics and databases have helped organizations such as Exabeam Deutsche Bank and PayPal to break down silos increase agility derive more value from data and innovate faster  Register today for this no cost digital event Announcing the first Data Partner Spotlight on May th We saved you a seat at the table to learn about the Data Cloud Partners in the Google Cloud ecosystem We will spotlight technology partners and deep dive into their solutions so business leaders can make smarter decisions and solve complex data challenges with Google Cloud Register today for this digital eventIntroducing Vertex AI Model Registry a central repository to manage and govern the lifecycle of your ML models Designed to work with any type of model and deployment target including BigQuery ML Vertex AI Model Registry makes it easy to manage and deploy models Learn more about Google s unified data and AI offering Vertex AI Workbenchis now GA bringing together Google Cloud s data and ML systems into a single interface so that teams have a common toolset across data analytics data science and machine learning With native integrations across BigQuery Spark Dataproc and Dataplex data scientists can build train and deploy ML models X faster than traditional notebooks Don t miss this How to session from the Data Cloud Summit Week of Mar April Learn how Google Cloud s network and Network Connectivity Center can transform the private wires used for voice trading Anthos bare metal minor release is available now Containerd is the default runtime in Anthos clusters on bare metal in this release  Examples of the feature enhancements are as below Upgraded Anthos clusters on bare metal to use Kubernetes version AddedEgress Network Address Translation NAT gateway capability to provide persistent deterministic routing for egress traffic from clustersEnabled IPv IPv dual stack supportAdditional enhancements in the release can be found in the the release note hereWeek of Mar Mar Google Cloud s Behnaz Kibria reflects on a recent fireside chat that she moderated with Google Cloud s Phil Moyer and former SEC Commissioner Troy Paredes at FIA Boca The discussion focused on the future of markets and policy the new technologies that are already paving the way for greater speed and transparency and what it will take to ensure greater resiliency performance and security over the longer term Read the blog Eventarc adds support for Firebase Alerts Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Alerts events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports Now you can control how your alerts handle missing data from telemetry data streams using Alert Policies in the Cloud Console or via API In cloud ecosystems there are millions of data sources and often there are pauses or breaks in their telemetry data streams Configure how this missing data influences your open incidents Option Missing data is treated as “above the threshold and your incidents will stay open Option missing data is evaluated as “below the threshold and the incident will close after your retest window period Week of Mar Mar Natural language processing is a critical AI tool for understanding unstructured often technical healthcare information like clinical notes and lab reports See how leading healthcare organizations are exploring NLP to unlock hidden value in their data A handheld lab Read how Cue Health is revolutionizing healthcare diagnostics for COVID and beyondーall from the comfort of home Providing reliable technical support for an increasingly distributed hybrid workforce is becoming all the more crucial and challenging Cloud Customer Care has added a range of new offerings and features for businesses of all sizes to help you find the Google Cloud technical support services that are best for your needs and budget GoogleforGames Dev Summit is NOW LIVE Watch the keynote followed by over product sessions on demand to help you build high quality games and reach audiences around the world Watch →g co gamedevsummitMeeting and ideally exceeding consumer expectations today is often a heavy lift for many companiesーespecially those running modern apps on legacy on premises databases Read how Google Cloud database services provide you the best options for industry leading reliability global scale amp open standards enabling you to make your next big idea a reality Read this blog Week of Mar Mar Learn how Google Cloud Partner Advantage partners help customers solve real world business challenges in retail and ecommerce through data insights Introducing Community Security Analytics an open source repository of queries for self service security analytics Get started analyzing your own Google Cloud logs with BigQuery or Chronicle to detect potential threats to your workloads and to audit usage of your data  Learn more On a mission to accelerate the world s adoption of a modern approach to threat management through Autonomic Security Operations our latest update expands our ASO technology stack with Siemplify offers a solution to the latest White House Executive Order introduces a community based security analytics repository and announces key R amp D initiatives that we re investing in to bolster threat informed defenses worldwide Read more here  Account defender available today in public preview is a feature in reCAPTCHA Enterprise that takes behavioral detection a step further It analyzes the patterns of behavior for an individual account in addition to the patterns of behavior of all user accounts associated with your website Read more here Maximize your Cloud Spanner savings with new committed use discounts Get up to discount on Spanner compute capacity by purchasing committed use discounts Once you make a commitment to spend a certain amount on an hourly basis on Spanner from a billing account you can get discounts on instances in different instance configurations regions and projects associated with that billing account This flexibility helps you achieve a high utilization rate of your commitment across regions and projects without manual intervention saving you time and money Learn more  In many places across the globe March is celebrated as Women s History Month and March th specifically marks the day known around the world as International Women s Day Google Cloud in partnership with Women Techmakers has created an opportunity to bridge the gaps in the credentialing space by offering a certification journey for Ambassadors of the Women Techmakers community Learn more Learn how to accelerate vendor due diligence on Google Cloud by leveraging third party risk management providers Hybrid work should not derail DEI efforts If you re moving to a hybrid work model here s how to make diversity equity and inclusion central to it Learn how Cloud Data Fusion provides scalable data integration pipelines to help consolidate a customer s SAP and non SAP datasets within BigQuery Hong Kong based startup TecPal builds and manages smart hardware and software for household appliances all over the world using Google Cloud Find out how Eventarc adds support for Firebase Remote Config and Test Lab in preview Now you can create Eventarc triggers to send Firebase Remote Config or Firebase Test Lab events to your favorite destinations that Eventarc supports  Anthos Service Mesh Dashboard is now available public preview on the Anthos clusters on Bare Metaland Anthos clusters on VMware Customers can now get out of the box telemetry dashboards to see a services first view of their application on the Cloud Console Micro Focus Enterprise Server Google Cloud blueprint performs an automated deployment of Enterprise Server inside a new VPC or existing VPC Learn more Learn how to wire your application logs with more information without adding a single line of code and get more insights with the new version of the Java library Pacemaker Alerts in Google Cloudcluster alerting enables the system administrator to be notified about critical events of the enterprise workloads in GCP like the SAP solutions Week of Feb Mar Announcing the Data Cloud Summit April th ーReady to dive deep into data Join us at the Google Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday April at AM PDT This three hour digital event is packed with content and experiences designed to help you unlock innovation in your organization Learn how Google Cloud technologies across AI machine learning analytics and databases have helped organizations such as Exabeam Deutsche Bank and PayPal to break down silos increase agility derive more value from data and innovate faster  Register today for this no cost digital event Google Cloud addresses concerns about how its customers might be impacted by the invasion of Ukraine Read more Eventarc is now HIPAA compliantーEventarc is covered under the Google Cloud Business Associate Agreement BAA meaning it has achieved HIPAA compliance Healthcare and life sciences organizations can now use Eventarc to send events that require HIPAA compliance Eventarc trigger for Workflows is now available in Preview You can now select Workflows as a destination to events originating from any supported event providerError Reporting automatically captures exceptions found in logs ingested by Cloud Logging from the following languages Go Java Node js PHP Python Ruby and NET aggregates them and then notifies you of their existence Learn moreabout how USAA partnered with Google Cloud to transform their operations by leveraging AI to drive efficiency in vehicle insurance claims estimation Learn how Google Cloud and NetApp s ability to “burst to cloud seamlessly spinning up compute and storage on demand accelerates EDA design testing Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team Google Cloud Easy as Pie Hackathon the results are in VPC Flow Logs Org Policy Constraints allow users to enforce VPC Flow Logs enablement across their organization and impose minimum and maximum sampling rates VPC Flow Logs are used to understand network traffic for troubleshooting optimization and compliance purposes Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is now generally available Get all of the benefits of open source compatible monitoring with the ease of use of Google scale managed services  Google Cloud Deploy now supports Anthos clusters bringing opinionated fully managed continuous delivery for hybrid and multicloud workloads Cloud Deploy provides integrated best practices security and metrics from a centralized control plane Learn Google Workspace s vision for frontline workers and how our Frontline solution innovations can bridge collaboration and productivity across workforce in office and remote Week of Feb Feb Read how Paerpay promotes bigger tabs and faster more pleasant transactions with Google Cloud and the Google for Startups Cloud Program Learn about the advancements we ve released for our Google Cloud Marketplace customers and partners in the last few months BBVA collaborated with Google Cloud to create one of the most successful Google Cloud training programs for employees to date Read how they did it  Google for Games Developer Summit returns March at AM PT  Learn about our latest games solutions and product innovations It s online and open to all Check out the full agenda g co gamedevsummit Build a data mesh on Google Cloud with Dataplex now GA Read how Dataplex enables customers to centrally manage monitor and govern distributed data and makes it securely accessible to a variety of analytics and data science tools While understanding what is happening now has great business value forward thinking companies like Tyson Foods are taking things a step further using real time analytics integrated with artificial intelligence AI and business intelligence BI to answer the question “what might happen in the future Join us for the first Google Cloud Security Talks of happening on March th Modernizing SecOps is a top priority for so many organizations Register to attend and learn how you can enhance your approach to threat detection investigation and response Google Cloud introduces their Data Hero series with a profile on Lynn Langit a data cloud architect educator and developer on GCP Building ML solutions Check out these guidelines for ensuring quality in each process of the MLOps lifecycle Eventarc is now Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS compliant Week of Feb Feb The Google Cloud Retail Digital Pulse Asia Pacificis an ongoing annual assessment carried out in partnership with IDC Retail Insights to understand the maturity of retail digital transformation in the Asia Pacific Region The study covers retailers across eight markets amp sub segments to investigate their digital maturity across five dimensions strategy people data technology and process to arrive at a stage Digital Pulse Index with being the most mature It provides great insights in various stages of digital maturity of asian retailers their drivers for digitisation challenges innovation hotspots and the focus areas with respect to use cases and technologies Deploying Cloud Memorystore for Redis for any scale Learn how you can scale Cloud Memorystore for high volume use cases by leveraging client side sharding This blog provides a step by step walkthrough which demonstrates how you can adapt your existing application to scale to the highest levels with the help of the Envoy Proxy Read our blog to learn more Check out how six SAP customers are driving value with BigQuery This Black History Month we re highlighting Black led startups using Google Cloud to grow their businesses Check out how DOSS and its co founder Bobby Bryant disrupts the real estate industry with voice search tech and analytics on Google Cloud Vimeo leverages managed database services from Google Cloud to serve up billions of views around the world each day Read how it uses Cloud Spanner to deliver a consistent and reliable experience to its users no matter where they are How can serverless best be leveraged Can cloud credits be maximized Are all managed services equal We dive into top questions for startups Google introduces Sustainability value pillar in GCP Active Assist solutionto accelerate our industry leadership in Co reduction and environmental protection efforts Intelligent carbon footprint reduction tool is launched in preview Central States health insurance CIO Pat Moroney shares highs and lows from his career transforming IT Read moreTraffic Director client authorization for proxyless gRPC services is now generally available Combine with managed mTLS credentials in GKE to centrally manage access between workloads using Traffic Director Read more Cloud Functions nd gen is now in public preview The next generation of our Cloud Functions Functions as a Service platform gives you more features control performance scalability and events sources Learn more Week of Feb Feb Now announcing the general availability of the newest instance series in our Compute Optimized family CDーpowered by rd Gen AMD EPYC processors Read how CD provides larger instance types and memory per core configurations ideal for customers with performance intensive workloads Digital health startup expands its impact on healthcare equity and diversity with Google Cloud Platform and the Google for Startups Accelerator for Black Founders Rear more Storage Transfer Service support for agent pools is now generally available GA You can use agent pools to create isolated groups of agents as a source or sink entity in a transfer job This enables you to transfer data from multiple data centers and filesystems concurrently without creating multiple projects for a large transfer spanning multiple filesystems and data centers This option is available via API Console and gcloud transfer CLI The five trends driving healthcare and life sciences in will be powered by accessible data AI and partnerships Learn how COLOPL Minna Bank and Eleven Japan use Cloud Spanner to solve their scalability performance and digital transformation challenges Week of Jan Feb Pub Sub Lite goes regional Pub Sub Lite is a high volume messaging service with ultra low cost that now offers regional Lite topics in addition to existing zonal Lite topics Unlike zonal topics which are located in a single zone regional topics are asynchronously replicated across two zones Multi zone replication protects from zonal failures in the service Read about it here Google Workspace is making it easy for employees to bring modern collaboration to work even if their organizations are still using legacy tools Essentials Starter is a no cost offer designed to help people bring the apps they know and love to use in their personal lives to their work life Learn more We re now offering days free access to role based Google Cloud training with interactive labs and opportunities to earn skill badges to demonstrate your cloud knowledge Learn more Security Command Center SCC Premium adds support for additional compliance benchmarks including CIS Google Cloud Computing Foundations and OWASP Top amp Learn more about how SCC helps manage and improve your cloud security posture Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support transfers from self managed object storage systems via user managed agents With this new feature customers can seamlessly copy PBs of data from cloud or on premise object storage to Google Cloud Storage Object Storage sources must be compatible with Amazon S APIs For customers migrating from AWS S to GCS this feature gives an option to control network routes to Google Cloud Fill this signup form to access this STS feature Week of Jan Jan Learn how Sabre leveraged a year partnership with Google Cloud to power the travel industry with innovative technology As Sabre embarked on a cloud transformation it sought managed database services from Google Cloud that enabled low latency and improved consistency Sabre discovered how the strengths of both Cloud Spanner and Bigtable supported unique use cases and led to high performance solutions Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for moving data between two filesystems and keeping them in sync on a periodic schedule This launch offers a managed way to migrate from a self managed filesystem to Filestore If you have on premises systems generating massive amounts of data that needs to be processed in Google Cloud you can now use Storage Transfer Service to accelerate data transfer from an on prem filesystem to a cloud filesystem See Transfer data between POSIX file systems for details Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for preserving POSIX attributes and symlinks when transferring to from and between POSIX filesystems Attributes include the user ID of the owner the group ID of the owning group the mode or permissions the modification time and the size of the file See Metadata preservation for details Bigtable Autoscaling is Generally Available GA Bigtable Autoscaling automatically adds or removes capacity in response to the changing demand for your applications With autoscaling you only pay for what you need and you can spend more time on your business instead of managing infrastructure  Learn more Week of Jan Jan Sprinklr and Google Cloud join forces to help enterprises reimagine their customer experience management strategies Hear more from Nirav Sheth Nirav Sheth Director of ISV Marketplace amp Partner Sales Firestore Key Visualizer is Generally Available GA Firestore Key Visualizer is an interactive performance monitoring tool that helps customers observe and maximize Firestore s performance Learn more Like many organizations Wayfair faced the challenge of deciding which cloud databases they should migrate to in order to modernize their business and operations Ultimately they chose Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner because of the databases clear path for shifting workloads as well as the flexibility they both provide Learn how Wayfair was able to migrate quickly while still being able to serve production traffic at scale Week of Jan Jan Start your New Year s resolutions by learning at no cost how to use Google Cloud Read more to find how to take advantage of these training opportunities megatrends drive cloud adoptionーand improve security for all Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables explains the eight major megatrends powering cloud adoption and why they ll continue to make the cloud more secure than on prem for the foreseeable future Read more Week of Jan Jan Google Transfer Appliance announces General Availability of online mode Customers collecting data at edge locations e g cameras cars sensors can offload to Transfer Appliance and stream that data to a Cloud Storage bucket Online mode can be toggled to send the data to Cloud Storage over the network or offline by shipping the appliance Customers can monitor their online transfers for appliances from Cloud Console Week of Dec Dec The most read blogs about Google Cloud compute networking storage and physical infrastructure in Read more Top Google Cloud managed container blogs of Four cloud security trends that organizations and practitioners should be planning for in ーand what they should do about them Read more Google Cloud announces the top data analytics stories from including the top three trends and lessons they learned from customers this year Read more Explore Google Cloud s Contact Center AI CCAI and its momentum in Read more An overview of the innovations that Google Workspace delivered in for Google Meet Read more Google Cloud s top artificial intelligence and machine learning posts from Read more How we ve helped break down silos unearth the value of data and apply that data to solve big problems Read more A recap of the year s infrastructure progress from impressive Tau VMs to industry leading storage capabilities to major networking leaps Read more Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team Read more Google Cloud A cloud built for developers ー year in review Read more API management continued to grow in importance in and Apigee continued to innovate capabilities for customers new solutions and partnerships Read more Recapping Google s progress in toward running on carbon free energy by ーand decarbonizing the electricity system as a whole Read more Week of Dec Dec And that s a wrap After engaging in countless customer interviews we re sharing our top lessons learned from our data customers in Learn what customer data journeys inspired our top picks and what made the cut here Cloud SQL now shows you minor version information For more information see our documentation Cloud SQL for MySQL now allows you to select your MySQL minor version when creating an instance and upgrade MySQL minor version For more information see our documentation Cloud SQL for MySQL now supports database auditing Database auditing lets you track specific user actions in the database such as table updates read queries user privilege grants and others To learn more see MySQL database auditing Week of Dec Dec A CRITICAL VULNERABILITY in a widely used logging library Apache s Logj has become a global security incident Security researchers around the globe warn that this could have serious repercussions Two Google Cloud Blog posts describe how Cloud Armorand Cloud IDS both help mitigate the threat Take advantage of these ten no cost trainings before Check them out here Deploy Task Queues alongside your Cloud Application Cloud Tasks is now available in GCP Regions worldwide Read more Managed Anthos Service Mesh support for GKE Autopilot Preview GKE Autopilot with Managed ASM provides ease of use and simplified administration capabilities allowing customers to focus on their application not the infrastructure Customers can now let Google handle the upgrade and lifecycle tasks for both the cluster and the service mesh Configure Managed ASM with asmcli experiment in GKE Autopilot cluster Policy Troubleshooter for BeyondCorp Enterprise is now generally available Using this feature admins can triage access failure events and perform the necessary actions to unblock users quickly Learn more by registering for Google Cloud Security Talks on December and attending the BeyondCorp Enterprise session The event is free to attend and sessions will be available on demand Google Cloud Security Talks Zero Trust Edition This week we hosted our final Google Cloud Security Talks event of the year focused on all things zero trust Google pioneered the implementation of zero trust in the enterprise over a decade ago with our BeyondCorp effort and we continue to lead the way applying this approach to most aspects of our operations Check out our digital sessions on demand to hear the latest updates on Google s vision for a zero trust future and how you can leverage our capabilities to protect your organization in today s challenging threat environment Week of Dec Dec key metrics to measure cloud FinOps impact in and beyond Learn about the key metrics to effectively measure the impact of Cloud FinOps across your organization and leverage the metrics to gain insights prioritize on strategic goals and drive enterprise wide adoption Learn moreWe announced Cloud IDS our new network security offering is now generally available Cloud IDS built with Palo Alto Networks technologies delivers easy to use cloud native managed network based threat detection with industry leading breadth and security efficacy To learn more and request a day trial credit see the Cloud IDS webpage Week of Nov Dec Join Cloud Learn happening from Dec This interactive learning event will have live technical demos Q amp As career development workshops and more covering everything from Google Cloud fundamentals to certification prep Learn more Get a deep dive into BigQuery Administrator Hub With BigQuery Administrator Hub you can better manage BigQuery at scale with Resource Charts and Slot Estimator Administrators Learn more about these tools and just how easy they are to usehere New data and AI in Media blog How data and AI can help media companies better personalize and what to watch out for We interviewed Googlers Gloria Lee Executive Account Director of Media amp Entertainment and John Abel Technical Director for the Office of the CTO to share exclusive insights on how media organizations should think about and ways to make the most out of their data in the new era of direct to consumer Watch our video interview with Gloria and John and read more Datastream is now generally available GA Datastream a serverless change data capture CDC and replication service allows you to synchronize data across heterogeneous databases storage systems and applications reliably and with minimal latency to support real time analytics database replication and event driven architectures Datastream currently supports CDC ingestion from Oracle and MySQL to Cloud Storage with additional sources and destinations coming in the future Datastream integrates with Dataflow and Cloud Data Fusion to deliver real time replication to a wide range of destinations including BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL Learn more Week of Nov Nov Security Command Center SCC launches new mute findings capability We re excited to announce a new “Mute Findings capability in SCC that helps you gain operational efficiencies by effectively managing the findings volume based on your organization s policies and requirements SCC presents potential security risks in your cloud environment as findings across misconfigurations vulnerabilities and threats With the launch of mute findings capability you gain a way to reduce findings volume and focus on the security issues that are highly relevant to you and your organization To learn more read this blog post and watch thisshort demo video Week of Nov Nov Cloud Spanner is our distributed globally scalable SQL database service that decouples compute from storage which makes it possible to scale processing resources separately from storage This means that horizontal upscaling is possible with no downtime for achieving higher performance on dimensions such as operations per second for both reads and writes The distributed scaling nature of Spanner s architecture makes it an ideal solution for unpredictable workloads such as online games Learn how you can get started developing global multiplayer games using Spanner New Dataflow templates for Elasticsearch releasedto help customers process and export Google Cloud data into their Elastic Cloud You can now push data from Pub Sub Cloud Storage or BigQuery into your Elasticsearch deployments in a cloud native fashion Read more for a deep dive on how to set up a Dataflow streaming pipeline to collect and export your Cloud Audit logs into Elasticsearch and analyze them in Kibana UI We re excited to announce the public preview of Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus a new monitoring offering designed for scale and ease of use that maintains compatibility with the open source Prometheus ecosystem While Prometheus works well for many basic deployments managing Prometheus can become challenging at enterprise scale Learn more about the service in our blog and on the website Week of Nov Nov New study on the economics of cloud migration The Total Economic ImpactOf Migrating Expensive Operating Systems and Traditional Software to Google Cloud We worked with Forrester on this study which details the cost savings and benefits you can achieve from migrating and modernizing with Google Cloud especially with respect to expensive operating systems and traditional software Download now New whitepaper on building a successful cloud migration strategy The priority to move into the cloud and achieve a zero data center footprint is becoming top of mind for many CIOs One of the most fundamental changes required to accelerate a move to the cloud is the adoption of a product mindsetーthe shift from an emphasis on project to product Download “Accelerating the journey to the cloud with a product mindset now Week of Nov Nov Time to live TTL reduces storage costs improves query performance and simplifies data retention in Cloud Spanner by automatically removing unneeded data based on user defined policies Unlike custom scripts or application code TTL is fully managed and designed for minimal impact on other workloads TTL is generally available today in Spanner at no additional cost Read more New whitepaper available Migrating to NET Core on Google Cloud This free whitepaper written for NET developers and software architects who want to modernize their NET Framework applications outlines the benefits and things to consider when migrating NET Framework apps to NET Core running on Google Cloud It also offers a framework with suggestions to help you build a strategy for migrating to a fully managed Kubernetes offering or to Google serverless Download the free whitepaper Export from Google Cloud Storage Storage Transfer Service now offers Preview support for exporting data from Cloud Storage to any POSIX file system You can use this bidirectional data movement capability to move data in and out of Cloud Storage on premises clusters and edge locations including Google Distributed Cloud The service provides built in capabilities such as scheduling bandwidth management retries and data integrity checks that simplifies the data transfer workflow For more information see Download data from Cloud Storage Document Translation is now GA Translate documents in real time in languages and retain document formatting Learn more about new features and see a demo on how Eli Lilly translates content globally Announcing the general availability of Cloud Asset Inventory console We re excited to announce the general availability of the new Cloud Asset Inventory user interface In addition to all the capabilities announced earlier in Public Preview the general availability release provides powerful search and easy filtering capabilities These capabilities enable you to view details of resources and IAM policies machine type and policy statistics and insights into your overall cloud footprint Learn more about these new capabilities by using the searching resources and searching IAM policies guides You can get more information about Cloud Asset Inventory using our product documentation Week of Oct Oct BigQuery table snapshots are now generally available A table snapshot is a low cost read only copy of a table s data as it was at a particular time By establishing a robust value measurement approach to track and monitor the business value metrics toward business goals we are bringing technology finance and business leaders together through the discipline of Cloud FinOps to show how digital transformation is enabling the organization to create new innovative capabilities and generate top line revenue Learn more We ve announced BigQuery Omni a new multicloud analytics service that allows data teams to perform cross cloud analytics across AWS Azure and Google Cloud all from one viewpoint Learn how BigQuery Omni works and what data and business challenges it solves here Week of Oct Oct Available now are our newest TD VMs family based on rd Generation AMD EPYC processors Learn more In case you missed it ーtop AI announcements from Google Cloud Next Catch up on what s new see demos and hear from our customers about how Google Cloud is making AI more accessible more focused on business outcomes and fast tracking the time to value Too much to take in at Google Cloud Next No worries here s a breakdown of the biggest announcements at the day event Check out the second revision of Architecture Framework Google Cloud s collection of canonical best practices Week of Oct Oct We re excited to announce Google Cloud s new goal of equipping more than million people with Google Cloud skills To help achieve this goal we re offering no cost access to all our training content this month Find out more here  Support for language repositories in Artifact Registry is now generally available Artifact Registry allows you to store all your language specific artifacts in one place Supported package types include Java Node and Python Additionally support for Linux packages is in public preview Learn more Want to know what s the latest with Google ML Powered intelligence service Active Assist and how to learn more about it at Next Check out this blog Week of Sept Oct Announcing the launch of Speaker ID In customer preference for voice calls increased by percentage points to and was by far the most preferred service channel But most callers still need to pass through archaic authentication processes which slows down the time to resolution and burns through valuable agent time Speaker ID from Google Cloud brings ML based speaker identification directly to customers and contact center partners allowing callers to authenticate over the phone using their own voice  Learn more Your guide to all things AI amp ML at Google Cloud Next Google Cloud Next is coming October and if you re interested in AI amp ML we ve got you covered Tune in to hear about real use cases from companies like Twitter Eli Lilly Wayfair and more We re also excited to share exciting product news and hands on AI learning opportunities  Learn more about AI at Next and register for free today It is now simple to use Terraform to configure Anthos features on your GKE clusters Check out part two of this series which explores adding Policy Controller audits to our Config Sync managed cluster  Learn more Week of Sept Sept Announcing the webinar Powering market data through cloud and AI ML  We re sponsoring a Coalition Greenwich webinar on September rd where we ll discuss the findings of our upcoming study on how market data delivery and consumption is being transformed by cloud and AI Moderated by Coalition Greenwich the panel will feature Trey Berre from CME Group Brad Levy from Symphony and Ulku Rowe representing Google Cloud  Register here New research from Google Cloud reveals five innovation trends for market data Together with Coalition Greenwich we surveyed exchanges trading systems data aggregators data producers asset managers hedge funds and investment banks to examine both the distribution and consumption of market data and trading infrastructure in the cloud Learn more about our findings here If you are looking for a more automated way to manage quotas over a high number of projects we are excited to introduce a Quota Monitoring Solution from Google Cloud Professional Services This solution benefits customers who have many projects or organizations and are looking for an easy way to monitor the quota usage in a single dashboard and use default alerting capabilities across all quotas Week of Sept Sept New storage features help ensure data is never lost  We are announcing extensions to our popular Cloud Storage offering and introducing two new services Filestore Enterprise and Backup for Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Together these new capabilities will make it easier for you to protect your data out of the box across a wide variety of applications and use cases Read the full article API management powers sustainable resource management Water waste and energy solutions company Veolia uses APIs and API Management platform Apigee to build apps and help their customers build their own apps too Learn from their digital and API first approach here To support our expanding customer base in Canada we re excited to announce that the new Google Cloud Platform region in Toronto is now open Toronto is the th Google Cloud region connected via our high performance network helping customers better serve their users and customers throughout the globe In combination with Montreal customers now benefit from improved business continuity planning with distributed secure infrastructure needed to meet IT and business requirements for disaster recovery while maintaining data sovereignty Cloud SQL now supports custom formatting controls for CSVs When performing admin exports and imports users can now select custom characters for field delimiters quotes escapes and other characters For more information see our documentation Week of Sept Sept Hear how Lowe s SRE was able to reduce their Mean Time to Recovery MTTR by over after adopting Google s Site Reliability Engineering practices and Google Cloud s operations suite Week of  Aug Sept A what s new blog in the what s new blog Yes you read that correctly Google Cloud data engineers are always hard at work maintaining the hundreds of dataset pipelines that feed into our public datasets repository but they re also regularly bringing new ones into the mix Check out our newest featured datasets and catch a few best practices in our living blog What are the newest datasets in Google Cloud Migration success with Operational Health Reviews from Google Cloud s Professional Service Organization Learn how Google Cloud s Professional Services Org is proactively and strategically guiding customers to operate effectively and efficiently in the Cloud both during and after their migration process Learn how we simplified monitoring for Google Cloud VMware Engine and Google Cloud operations suite Read more Week of Aug Aug Google Transfer Appliance announces preview of online mode Customers are increasingly collecting data that needs to quickly be transferred to the cloud Transfer Appliances are being used to quickly offload data from sources e g cameras cars sensors and can now stream that data to a Cloud Storage bucket Online mode can be toggled as data is copied into the appliance and either send the data offline by shipping the appliance to Google or copy data to Cloud Storage over the network Read more Topic retention for Cloud Pub Sub is now Generally Available Topic retention is the most comprehensive and flexible way available to retain Pub Sub messages for message replay In addition to backing up all subscriptions connected to the topic new subscriptions can now be initialized from a timestamp in the past Learn more about the feature here Vertex Predictions now supports private endpoints for online prediction Through VPC Peering Private Endpoints provide increased security and lower latency when serving ML models Read more Week of Aug Aug Look for us to take security one step further by adding authorization features for service to service communications for gRPC proxyless services as well as to support other deployment models where proxyless gRPC services are running somewhere other than GKE for example Compute Engine We hope you ll join us and check out the setup guide and give us feedback Cloud Run now supports VPC Service Controls You can now protect your Cloud Run services against data exfiltration by using VPC Service Controls in conjunction with Cloud Run s ingress and egress settings Read more Read how retailers are leveraging Google Cloud VMware Engine to move their on premises applications to the cloud where they can achieve the scale intelligence and speed required to stay relevant and competitive Read more A series of new features for BeyondCorp Enterprise our zero trust offering We now offer native support for client certificates for eight types of VPC SC resources We are also announcing general availability of the on prem connector which allows users to secure HTTP or HTTPS based on premises applications outside of Google Cloud Additionally three new BeyondCorp attributes are available in Access Context Manager as part of a public preview Customers can configure custom access policies based on time and date credential strength and or Chrome browser attributes Read more about these announcements here We are excited to announce that Google Cloud working with its partners NAG and DDN demonstrated the highest performing Lustre file system on the IO ranking of the fastest HPC storage systems ーquite a feat considering Lustre is one of the most widely deployed HPC file systems in the world  Read the full article The Storage Transfer Service for on premises data API is now available in Preview Now you can use RESTful APIs to automate your on prem to cloud transfer workflows  Storage Transfer Service is a software service to transfer data over a network The service provides built in capabilities such as scheduling bandwidth management retries and data integrity checks that simplifies the data transfer workflow It is now simple to use Terraform to configure Anthos features on your GKE clusters This is the first part of the part series that describes using Terraform to enable Config Sync  For platform administrators  this natural IaC approach improves auditability and transparency and reduces risk of misconfigurations or security gaps Read more In this commissioned study “Modernize With AIOps To Maximize Your Impact Forrester Consulting surveyed organizations worldwide to better understand how they re approaching artificial intelligence for IT operations AIOps in their cloud environments and what kind of benefits they re seeing Read more If your organization or development environment has strict security policies which don t allow for external IPs it can be difficult to set up a connection between a Private Cloud SQL instance and a Private IP VM This article contains clear instructions on how to set up a connection from a private Compute Engine VM to a private Cloud SQL instance using a private service connection and the mysqlsh command line tool Week of Aug Aug Compute Engine users have a new updated set of VM level “in context metrics charts and logs to correlate signals for common troubleshooting scenarios across CPU Disk Memory Networking and live Processes  This brings the best of Google Cloud s operations suite directly to the Compute Engine UI Learn more ​​Pub Sub to Splunk Dataflow template has been updatedto address multiple enterprise customer asks from improved compatibility with Splunk Add on for Google Cloud Platform to more extensibility with user defined functions UDFs and general pipeline reliability enhancements to tolerate failures like transient network issues when delivering data to Splunk Read more to learn about how to take advantage of these latest features Read more Google Cloud and NVIDIA have teamed up to make VR AR workloads easier faster to create and tetherless Read more Register for the Google Cloud Startup Summit September at goo gle StartupSummit for a digital event filled with inspiration learning and discussion This event will bring together our startup and VC community to discuss the latest trends and insights headlined by a keynote by Astro Teller Captain of Moonshots at X the moonshot factory Additionally learn from a variety of technical and business sessions to help take your startup to the next level Google Cloud and Harris Poll healthcare research reveals COVID impacts on healthcare technology Learn more Partial SSO is now available for public preview If you use a rd party identity provider to single sign on into Google services Partial SSO allows you to identify a subset of your users to use Google Cloud Identity as your SAML SSO identity provider short video and demo Week of Aug Aug Gartner named Google Cloud a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services formerly Infrastructure as a Service Learn more Private Service Connect is now generally available Private Service Connect lets you create private and secure connections to Google Cloud and third party services with service endpoints in your VPCs  Read more migration guides designed to help you identify the best ways to migrate which include meeting common organizational goals like minimizing time and risk during your migration identifying the most enterprise grade infrastructure for your workloads picking a cloud that aligns with your organization s sustainability goals and more Read more Week of Jul Jul This week we hosting our Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit a digital event dedicated to helping leading retailers and brands digitally transform their business Read more about our consumer packaged goods strategy and a guide to key summit content for brands in this blog from Giusy Buonfantino Google Cloud s Vice President of CPG We re hosting our Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit a digital event dedicated to helping leading retailers and brands digitally transform their business Read more See how IKEA uses Recommendations AI to provide customers with more relevant product information  Read more ​​Google Cloud launches a career program for people with autism designed to hire and support more talented people with autism in the rapidly growing cloud industry  Learn moreGoogle Cloud follows new API stability tenets that work to minimize unexpected deprecations to our Enterprise APIs  Read more Week of Jul Jul Register and join us for Google Cloud Next October at g co CloudNext for a fresh approach to digital transformation as well as a few surprises Next will be a fully customizable digital adventure for a more personalized learning journey Find the tools and training you need to succeed From live interactive Q amp As and informative breakout sessions to educational demos and real life applications of the latest tech from Google Cloud Get ready to plug into your cloud community get informed and be inspired Together we can tackle today s greatest business challenges and start solving for what s next Application Innovation takes a front row seat this year To stay ahead of rising customer expectations and the digital and in person hybrid landscape enterprises must know what application innovation means and how to deliver this type of innovation with a small piece of technology that might surprise you Learn more about the three pillars of app innovation here We announced Cloud IDS our new network security offering which is now available in preview Cloud IDS delivers easy to use cloud native managed network based threat detection With Cloud IDS customers can enjoy a Google Cloud integrated experience built with Palo Alto Networks industry leading threat detection technologies to provide high levels of security efficacy Learn more Key Visualizer for Cloud Spanner is now generally available Key Visualizer is a new interactive monitoring tool that lets developers and administrators analyze usage patterns in Spanner It reveals trends and outliers in key performance and resource metrics for databases of any size helping to optimize queries and reduce infrastructure costs See it in action The market for healthcare cloud is projected to grow This means a need for better tech infrastructure digital transformation amp Cloud tools Learn how Google Cloud Partner Advantage partners help customers solve business challenges in healthcare Week of Jul Jul Simplify VM migrations with Migrate for Compute Engine as a Service delivers a Google managed cloud service that enables simple frictionless and large scale enterprise migrations of virtual machines to Google Compute Engine with minimal downtime and risk API driven and integrated into your Google Cloud console for ease of use this service uses agent less replication to copy data without manual intervention and without VPN requirements It also enables you to launch non disruptive validations of your VMs prior to cutover  Rapidly migrate a single application or execute a sprint with hundred systems using migration groups with confidence Read more here The Google Cloud region in Delhi NCR is now open for business ready to host your workloads Learn more and watch the region launch event here Introducing Quilkin the open source game server proxy Developed in collaboration with Embark Studios Quilkin is an open source UDP proxy tailor made for high performance real time multiplayer games Read more We re making Google Glass on Meet available to a wider network of global customers Learn more Transfer Appliance supports Google Managed Encryption Keys ーWe re announcing the support for Google Managed Encryption Keys with Transfer Appliance this is in addition to the currently available Customer Managed Encryption Keys feature Customers have asked for the Transfer Appliance service to create and manage encryption keys for transfer sessions to improve usability and maintain security The Transfer Appliance Service can now manage the encryption keys for the customers who do not wish to handle a key themselves Learn more about Using Google Managed Encryption Keys UCLA builds a campus wide API program With Google Cloud s API management platform Apigee UCLA created a unified and strong API foundation that removes data friction that students faculty and administrators alike face This foundation not only simplifies how various personas connect to data but also encourages more innovations in the future Learn their story An enhanced region picker makes it easy to choose a Google Cloud region with the lowest CO output  Learn more Amwell and Google Cloud explore five ways telehealth can help democratize access to healthcare  Read more Major League Baseball and Kaggle launch ML competition to learn about fan engagement  Batter up We re rolling out general support of Brand Indicators for Message Identification BIMI in Gmail within Google Workspace Learn more Learn how DeNA Sports Business created an operational status visualization system that helps determine whether live event attendees have correctly installed Japan s coronavirus contact tracing app COCOA Google Cloud CAS provides a highly scalable and available private CA to address the unprecedented growth in certificates in the digital world Read more about CAS Week of Jul Jul Google Cloud and Call of Duty League launch ActivStat to bring fans players and commentators the power of competitive statistics in real time Read more Building applications is a heavy lift due to the technical complexity which includes the complexity of backend services that are used to manage and store data Firestore alters this by having Google Cloud manage your backend complexity through a complete backend as a service Learn more Google Cloud s new Native App Development skills challenge lets you earn badges that demonstrate your ability to create cloud native apps Read more and sign up Week of Jun Jul Storage Transfer Service now offers preview support for Integration with AWS Security Token Service Security conscious customers can now use Storage Transfer Service to perform transfers from AWS S without passing any security credentials This release will alleviate the security burden associated with passing long term AWS S credentials which have to be rotated or explicitly revoked when they are no longer needed Read more The most popular and surging Google Search terms are now available in BigQuery as a public dataset View the Top and Top rising queries from Google Trends from the past days including years of historical data across the Designated Market Areas DMAs in the US Learn more A new predictive autoscaling capability lets you add additional Compute Engine VMs in anticipation of forecasted demand Predictive autoscaling is generally available across all Google Cloud regions Read more or consult the documentation for more information on how to configure simulate and monitor predictive autoscaling Messages by Google is now the default messaging app for all AT amp T customers using Android phones in the United States Read more TPU v Pods will soon be available on Google Cloud providing the most powerful publicly available computing platform for machine learning training Learn more Cloud SQL for SQL Server has addressed multiple enterprise customer asks with the GA releases of both SQL Server and Active Directory integration as well as the Preview release of Cross Region Replicas  This set of releases work in concert to allow customers to set up a more scalable and secure managed SQL Server environment to address their workloads needs Read more Week of Jun Jun Simplified return to office with no code technology We ve just released a solution to your most common return to office headaches make a no code app customized to solve your business specific challenges Learn how to create an automated app where employees can see office room occupancy check what desks are reserved or open review disinfection schedules and more in this blog tutorial New technical validation whitepaper for running ecommerce applicationsーEnterprise Strategy Group s analyst outlines the challenges of organizations running ecommerce applications and how Google Cloud helps to mitigate those challenges and handle changing demands with global infrastructure solutions Download the whitepaper The fullagendafor Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th is now available A free digital event with announcements from teams including Stadia Google Ads AdMob Android Google Play Firebase Chrome YouTube and Google Cloud Hear more about how Google Cloud technology creates opportunities for gaming companies to make lasting enhancements for players and creatives Register at g co gamedevsummitBigQuery row level security is now generally available giving customers a way to control access to subsets of data in the same table for different groups of users Row level security RLS extends the principle of least privilege access and enables fine grained access control policies in BigQuery tables BigQuery currently supports access controls at the project dataset table and column level Adding RLS to the portfolio of access controls now enables customers to filter and define access to specific rows in a table based on qualifying user conditionsーproviding much needed peace of mind for data professionals Transfer from Azure ADLS Gen Storage Transfer Service offers Preview support for transferring data from Azure ADLS Gen to Google Cloud Storage Take advantage of a scalable serverless service to handle data transfer Read more reCAPTCHA V and V customers can now migrate site keys to reCAPTCHA Enterprise in under minutes and without making any code changes Watch our Webinar to learn more  Bot attacks are the biggest threat to your business that you probably haven t addressed yet Check out our Forbes article to see what you can do about it Week of Jun Jun A new VM family for scale out workloadsーNew AMD based Tau VMs offer higher absolute performance and higher price performance compared to general purpose VMs from any of the leading public cloud vendors Learn more New whitepaper helps customers plot their cloud migrationsーOur new whitepaper distills the conversations we ve had with CIOs CTOs and their technical staff into several frameworks that can help cut through the hype and the technical complexity to help devise the strategy that empowers both the business and IT Read more or download the whitepaper Ubuntu Pro lands on Google CloudーThe general availability of Ubuntu Pro images on Google Cloud gives customers an improved Ubuntu experience expanded security coverage and integration with critical Google Cloud features Read more Navigating hybrid work with a single connected experience in Google WorkspaceーNew additions to Google Workspace help businesses navigate the challenges of hybrid work such as Companion Mode for Google Meet calls Read more Arab Bank embraces Google Cloud technologyーThis Middle Eastern bank now offers innovative apps and services to their customers and employees with Apigee and Anthos In fact Arab Bank reports over of their new to bank customers are using their mobile apps Learn more Google Workspace for the Public Sector Sector eventsーThis June learn about Google Workspace tips and tricks to help you get things done Join us for one or more of our learning events tailored for government and higher education users Learn more Week of Jun Jun The top cloud capabilities industry leaders want for sustained innovationーMulticloud and hybrid cloud approaches coupled with open source technology adoption enable IT teams to take full advantage of the best cloud has to offer Our recent study with IDG shows just how much of a priority this has become for business leaders Read more or download the report Announcing the Firmina subsea cableーPlanned to run from the East Coast of the United States to Las Toninas Argentina with additional landings in Praia Grande Brazil and Punta del Este Uruguay Firmina will be the longest open subsea cable in the world capable of running entirely from a single power source at one end of the cable if its other power source s become temporarily unavailableーa resilience boost at a time when reliable connectivity is more important than ever Read more New research reveals what s needed for AI acceleration in manufacturingーAccording to our data which polled more than senior manufacturing executives across seven countries have turned to digital enablers and disruptive technologies due to the pandemic such as data and analytics cloud and artificial intelligence AI And of manufacturers who use AI in their day to day operations report that their reliance on AI is increasing Read more or download the report Cloud SQL offers even faster maintenanceーCloud SQL maintenance is zippier than ever MySQL and PostgreSQL planned maintenance typically lasts less than seconds and SQL Server maintenance typically lasts less than seconds You can learn more about maintenance here Simplifying Transfer Appliance configuration with Cloud Setup ApplicationーWe re announcing the availability of the Transfer Appliance Cloud Setup Application This will use the information you provide through simple prompts and configure your Google Cloud permissions preferred Cloud Storage bucket and Cloud KMS key for your transfer Several cloud console based manual steps are now simplified with a command line experience Read more  Google Cloud VMware Engine is now HIPAA compliantーAs of April Google Cloud VMware Engine is covered under the Google Cloud Business Associate Agreement BAA meaning it has achieved HIPAA compliance Healthcare organizations can now migrate and run their HIPAA compliant VMware workloads in a fully compatible VMware Cloud Verified stack running natively in Google Cloud with Google Cloud VMware Engine without changes or re architecture to tools processes or applications Read more Introducing container native Cloud DNSーKubernetes networking almost always starts with a DNS request DNS has broad impacts on your application and cluster performance scalability and resilience That is why we are excited to announce the release of container native Cloud DNSーthe native integration of Cloud DNS with Google Kubernetes Engine GKE to provide in cluster Service DNS resolution with Cloud DNS our scalable and full featured DNS service Read more Welcoming the EU s new Standard Contractual Clauses for cross border data transfersーLearn how we re incorporating the new Standard Contractual Clauses SCCs into our contracts to help protect our customers data and meet the requirements of European privacy legislation Read more Lowe s meets customer demand with Google SRE practicesーLearn how Low s has been able to increase the number of releases they can support by adopting Google s Site Reliability Engineering SRE framework and leveraging their partnership with Google Cloud Read more What s next for SAP on Google Cloud at SAPPHIRE NOW and beyondーAs SAP s SAPPHIRE conference begins this week we believe businesses have a more significant opportunity than ever to build for their next decade of growth and beyond Learn more on how we re working together with our customers SAP and our partners to support this transformation Read more Support for Node js Python and Java repositories for Artifact Registrynow in Preview With today s announcement you can not only use Artifact Registry to secure and distribute container images but also manage and secure your other software artifacts Read more What s next for SAP on Google Cloud at SAPPHIRE NOW and beyondーAs SAP s SAPPHIRE conference begins this week we believe businesses have a more significant opportunity than ever to build for their next decade of growth and beyond Learn more on how we re working together with our customers SAP and our partners to support this transformation Read more Google named a Leader in The Forrester Wave Streaming Analytics Q report Learn about the criteria where Google Dataflow was rated out and why this matters for our customers here Applied ML Summit this Thursday June Watch our keynote to learn about predictions for machine learning over the next decade Engage with distinguished researchers leading practitioners and Kaggle Grandmasters during our live Ask Me Anything session Take part in our modeling workshops to learn how you can iterate faster and deploy and manage your models with confidence no matter your level of formal computer science training Learn how to develop and apply your professional skills grow your abilities at the pace of innovation and take your career to the next level  Register now Week of May Jun Security Command Center now supports CIS benchmarks and granular access control Security Command Center SCC now supports CIS benchmarks for Google Cloud Platform Foundation v enabling you to monitor and address compliance violations against industry best practices in your Google Cloud environment Additionally SCC now supports fine grained access control for administrators that allows you to easily adhere to the principles of least privilegeーrestricting access based on roles and responsibilities to reduce risk and enabling broader team engagement to address security Read more Zero trust managed security for services with Traffic Director We created Traffic Director to bring to you a fully managed service mesh product that includes load balancing traffic management and service discovery And now we re happy to announce the availability of a fully managed zero trust security solution using Traffic Director with Google Kubernetes Engine GKE and Certificate Authority CA Service Read more How one business modernized their data warehouse for customer success PedidosYa migrated from their old data warehouse to Google Cloud s BigQuery Now with BigQuery the Latin American online food ordering company has reduced the total cost per query by x Learn more Announcing new Cloud TPU VMs New Cloud TPU VMs make it easier to use our industry leading TPU hardware by providing direct access to TPU host machines offering a new and improved user experience to develop and deploy TensorFlow PyTorch and JAX on Cloud TPUs Read more Introducing logical replication and decoding for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL We re announcing the public preview of logical replication and decoding for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL By releasing those capabilities and enabling change data capture CDC from Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL we strengthen our commitment to building an open database platform that meets critical application requirements and integrates seamlessly with the PostgreSQL ecosystem Read more How businesses are transforming with SAP on Google Cloud Thousands of organizations globally rely on SAP for their most mission critical workloads And for many Google Cloud customers part of a broader digital transformation journey has included accelerating the migration of these essential SAP workloads to Google Cloud for greater agility elasticity and uptime Read six of their stories Week of May May Google Cloud for financial services driving your transformation cloud journey As we welcome the industry to our Financial Services Summit we re sharing more on how Google Cloud accelerates a financial organization s digital transformation through app and infrastructure modernization data democratization people connections and trusted transactions Read more or watch the summit on demand Introducing Datashare solution for financial services We announced the general availability of Datashare for financial services a new Google Cloud solution that brings together the entire capital markets ecosystemーdata publishers and data consumersーto exchange market data securely and easily Read more Announcing Datastream in Preview Datastream a serverless change data capture CDC and replication service allows enterprises to synchronize data across heterogeneous databases storage systems and applications reliably and with minimal latency to support real time analytics database replication and event driven architectures Read more Introducing Dataplex An intelligent data fabric for analytics at scale Dataplex provides a way to centrally manage monitor and govern your data across data lakes data warehouses and data marts and make this data securely accessible to a variety of analytics and data science tools Read more  Announcing Dataflow Prime Available in Preview in Q Dataflow Prime is a new platform based on a serverless no ops auto tuning architecture built to bring unparalleled resource utilization and radical operational simplicity to big data processing Dataflow Prime builds on Dataflow and brings new user benefits with innovations in resource utilization and distributed diagnostics The new capabilities in Dataflow significantly reduce the time spent on infrastructure sizing and tuning tasks as well as time spent diagnosing data freshness problems Read more Secure and scalable sharing for data and analytics with Analytics Hub With Analytics Hub available in Preview in Q organizations get a rich data ecosystem by publishing and subscribing to analytics ready datasets control and monitoring over how their data is being used a self service way to access valuable and trusted data assets and an easy way to monetize their data assets without the overhead of building and managing the infrastructure Read more Cloud Spanner trims entry cost by Coming soon to Preview granular instance sizing in Spanner lets organizations run workloads at as low as th the cost of regular instances equating to approximately month Read more Cloud Bigtable lifts SLA and adds new security features for regulated industries Bigtable instances with a multi cluster routing policy across or more regions are now covered by a monthly uptime percentage under the new SLA In addition new Data Access audit logs can help determine whether sensitive customer information has been accessed in the event of a security incident and if so when and by whom Read more Build a no code journaling app In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month Google Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet demonstrates how you can build a journaling app complete with titles time stamps mood entries and more Learn how with this blog and video here New features in Security Command CenterーOn May th Security Command Center Premium launched the general availability of granular access controls at project and folder level and Center for Internet Security CIS benchmarks for Google Cloud Platform Foundation These new capabilities enable organizations to improve their security posture and efficiently manage risk for their Google Cloud environment Learn more Simplified API operations with AI Google Cloud s API management platform Apigee applies Google s industry leading ML and AI to your API metadata Understand how it works with anomaly detection here This week Data Cloud and Financial Services Summits Our Google Cloud Summit series begins this week with the Data Cloud Summit on Wednesday May Global At this half day event you ll learn how leading companies like PayPal Workday Equifax and many others are driving competitive differentiation using Google Cloud technologies to build their data clouds and transform data into value that drives innovation The following day Thursday May Global amp EMEA at the Financial Services Summit discover how Google Cloud is helping financial institutions such as PayPal Global Payments HSBC Credit Suisse AXA Switzerland and more unlock new possibilities and accelerate business through innovation Read more and explore the entire summit series Announcing the Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th With a surge of new gamers and an increase in time spent playing games in the last year it s more important than ever for game developers to delight and engage players To help developers with this opportunity the games teams at Google are back to announce the return of the Google for Games Developer Summit on July th th  Hear from experts across Google about new game solutions they re building to make it easier for you to continue creating great games connecting with players and scaling your business  Registration is free and open to all game developers  Register for the free online event at g co gamedevsummit to get more details in the coming weeks We can t wait to share our latest innovations with the developer community  Learn more Week of May May Best practices to protect your organization against ransomware threats For more than years Google has been operating securely in the cloud using our modern technology stack to provide a more defensible environment that we can protect at scale While the threat of ransomware isn t new our responsibility to help protect you from existing or emerging threats never changes In our recent blog post we shared guidance on how organizations can increase their resilience to ransomware and how some of our Cloud products and services can help Read more Forrester names Google Cloud a Leader in Unstructured Data Security Platforms Forrester Research has named Google Cloud a Leader in The Forrester Wave Unstructured Data Security Platforms Q report and rated Google Cloud highest in the current offering category among the providers evaluated Read more or download the report Introducing Vertex AI One platform every ML tool you need Vertex AI is a managed machine learning ML platform that allows companies to accelerate the deployment and maintenance of artificial intelligence AI models Read more Transforming collaboration in Google Workspace We re launching smart canvas  a new product experience that delivers the next evolution of collaboration for Google Workspace Between now and the end of the year we re rolling out innovations that make it easier for people to stay connected focus their time and attention and transform their ideas into impact Read more Developing next generation geothermal power At I O this week we announced a first of its kind next generation geothermal project with clean energy startup Fervo that will soon begin adding carbon free energy to the electric grid that serves our data centers and infrastructure throughout Nevada including our Cloud region in Las Vegas Read more Contributing to an environment of trust and transparency in Europe Google Cloud was one of the first cloud providers to support and adopt the EU GDPR Cloud Code of Conduct  CoC The CoC is a mechanism for cloud providers to demonstrate how they offer sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures as data processors under the GDPR  This week the Belgian Data Protection Authority based on a positive opinion by the European Data Protection Board  EDPB  approved the CoC a product of years of constructive collaboration between the cloud computing community the European Commission and European data protection authorities We are proud to say that Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace already adhere to these provisions Learn more Announcing Google Cloud datasets solutions We re adding commercial synthetic and first party data to our Google Cloud Public Datasets Program to help organizations increase the value of their analytics and AI initiatives and we re making available an open source reference architecture for a more streamlined data onboarding process to the program Read more Introducing custom samples in Cloud Code With new custom samples in Cloud Code  developers can quickly access your enterprise s best code samples via a versioned Git repository directly from their IDEs Read more Retention settings for Cloud SQL Cloud SQL now allows you to configure backup retention settings to protect against data loss You can retain between and days worth of automated backups and between and days worth of transaction logs for point in time recovery See the details here Cloud developer s guide to Google I O Google I O may look a little different this year but don t worry you ll still get the same first hand look at the newest launches and projects coming from Google Best of all it s free and available to all virtually on May Read more Week of May May APIs and Apigee power modern day due diligence With APIs and Google Cloud s Apigee business due diligence company DueDil revolutionized the way they harness and share their Big Information Graph B I G with partners and customers Get the full story Cloud CISO Perspectives May It s been a busy month here at Google Cloud since our inaugural CISO perspectives blog post in April Here VP and CISO of Google Cloud Phil Venables recaps our cloud security and industry highlights a sneak peak of what s ahead from Google at RSA and more Read more new features to secure your Cloud Run services We announced several new ways to secure Cloud Run environments to make developing and deploying containerized applications easier for developers Read more Maximize your Cloud Run investments with new committed use discounts We re introducing self service spend based committed use discounts for Cloud Run which let you commit for a year to spending a certain amount on Cloud Run and benefiting from a discount on the amount you committed Read more Google Cloud Armor Managed Protection Plus is now generally available Cloud Armor our Distributed Denial of Service DDoS protection and Web Application Firewall WAF service on Google Cloud leverages the same infrastructure network and technology that has protected Google s internet facing properties from some of the largest attacks ever reported These same tools protect customers infrastructure from DDoS attacks which are increasing in both magnitude and complexity every year Deployed at the very edge of our network Cloud Armor absorbs malicious network and protocol based volumetric attacks while mitigating the OWASP Top risks and maintaining the availability of protected services Read more Announcing Document Translation for Translation API Advanced in preview Translation is critical to many developers and localization providers whether you re releasing a document a piece of software training materials or a website in multiple languages With Document Translation now you can directly translate documents in languages and formats such as Docx PPTx XLSx and PDF while preserving document formatting Read more Introducing BeyondCorp Enterprise protected profiles Protected profiles enable users to securely access corporate resources from an unmanaged device with the same threat and data protections available in BeyondCorp Enterprise all from the Chrome Browser Read more How reCAPTCHA Enterprise protects unemployment and COVID vaccination portals With so many people visiting government websites to learn more about the COVID vaccine make vaccine appointments or file for unemployment these web pages have become prime targets for bot attacks and other abusive activities But reCAPTCHA Enterprise has helped state governments protect COVID vaccine registration portals and unemployment claims portals from abusive activities Learn more Day one with Anthos Here are ideas for how to get started Once you have your new application platform in place there are some things you can do to immediately get value and gain momentum Here are six things you can do to get you started Read more The era of the transformation cloud is here Google Cloud s president Rob Enslin shares how the era of the transformation cloud has seen organizations move beyond data centers to change not only where their business is done but more importantly how it is done Read more Week of May May Transforming hard disk drive maintenance with predictive ML In collaboration with Seagate we developed a machine learning system that can forecast the probability of a recurring failing diskーa disk that fails or has experienced three or more problems in days Learn how we did it Agent Assist for Chat is now in public preview Agent Assist provides your human agents with continuous support during their calls and now chats by identifying the customers intent and providing them with real time recommendations such as articles and FAQs as well as responses to customer messages to more effectively resolve the conversation Read more New Google Cloud AWS and Azure product map Our updated product map helps you understand similar offerings from Google Cloud AWS and Azure and you can easily filter the list by product name or other common keywords Read more or view the map Join our Google Cloud Security Talks on May th We ll share expert insights into how we re working to be your most trusted cloud Find the list of topics we ll cover here Databricks is now GA on Google Cloud Deploy or migrate Databricks Lakehouse to Google Cloud to combine the benefits of an open data cloud platform with greater analytics flexibility unified infrastructure management and optimized performance Read more HPC VM image is now GA The CentOS based HPC VM image makes it quick and easy to create HPC ready VMs on Google Cloud that are pre tuned for optimal performance Check out our documentation and quickstart guide to start creating instances using the HPC VM image today Take the State of DevOps survey Help us shape the future of DevOps and make your voice heard by completing the State of DevOps survey before June Read more or take the survey OpenTelemetry Trace is now available OpenTelemetry has reached a key milestone the OpenTelemetry Tracing Specification has reached version API and SDK release candidates are available for Java Erlang Python Go Node js and Net Additional languages will follow over the next few weeks Read more New blueprint helps secure confidential data in AI Platform Notebooks We re adding to our portfolio of blueprints with the publication of our Protecting confidential data in AI Platform Notebooks blueprint guide and deployable blueprint which can help you apply data governance and security policies that protect your AI Platform Notebooks containing confidential data Read more The Liquibase Cloud Spanner extension is now GA Liquibase an open source library that works with a wide variety of databases can be used for tracking managing and automating database schema changes By providing the ability to integrate databases into your CI CD process Liquibase helps you more fully adopt DevOps practices The Liquibase Cloud Spanner extension allows developers to use Liquibase s open source database library to manage and automate schema changes in Cloud Spanner Read more Cloud computing Frequently asked questions There are a number of terms and concepts in cloud computing and not everyone is familiar with all of them To help we ve put together a list of common questions and the meanings of a few of those acronyms Read more Week of Apr Apr Announcing the GKE Gateway controller in Preview GKE Gateway controller Google Cloud s implementation of the Gateway API manages internal and external HTTP S load balancing for a GKE cluster or a fleet of GKE clusters and provides multi tenant sharing of load balancer infrastructure with centralized admin policy and control Read more See Network Performance for Google Cloud in Performance Dashboard The Google Cloud performance view part of the Network Intelligence Center provides packet loss and latency metrics for traffic on Google Cloud It allows users to do informed planning of their deployment architecture as well as determine in real time the answer to the most common troubleshooting question Is it Google or is it me The Google Cloud performance view is now open for all Google Cloud customers as a public preview  Check it out Optimizing data in Google Sheets allows users to create no code apps Format columns and tables in Google Sheets to best position your data to transform into a fully customized successful app no coding necessary Read our four best Google Sheets tips Automation bots with AppSheet Automation AppSheet recently released AppSheet Automation infusing Google AI capabilities to AppSheet s trusted no code app development platform Learn step by step how to build your first automation bot on AppSheet here Google Cloud announces a new region in Israel Our new region in Israel will make it easier for customers to serve their own users faster more reliably and securely Read more New multi instance NVIDIA GPUs on GKE We re launching support for multi instance GPUs in GKE currently in Preview which will help you drive better value from your GPU investments Read more Partnering with NSF to advance networking innovation We announced our partnership with the U S National Science Foundation NSF joining other industry partners and federal agencies as part of a combined million investment in academic research for Resilient and Intelligent Next Generation NextG Systems or RINGS Read more Creating a policy contract with Configuration as Data Configuration as Data is an emerging cloud infrastructure management paradigm that allows developers to declare the desired state of their applications and infrastructure without specifying the precise actions or steps for how to achieve it However declaring a configuration is only half the battle you also want policy that defines how a configuration is to be used This post shows you how Google Cloud products deliver real time data solutions Seven Eleven Japan built Seven Central its new platform for digital transformation on Google Cloud Powered by BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Apigee API management Seven Central presents easy to understand data ultimately allowing for quickly informed decisions Read their story here Week of Apr Apr Extreme PD is now GA On April th Google Cloud s Persistent Disk launched general availability of Extreme PD a high performance block storage volume with provisioned IOPS and up to GB s of throughput  Learn more Research How data analytics and intelligence tools to play a key role post COVID A recent Google commissioned study by IDG highlighted the role of data analytics and intelligent solutions when it comes to helping businesses separate from their competition The survey of IT leaders across the globe reinforced the notion that the ability to derive insights from data will go a long way towards determining which companies win in this new era  Learn more or download the study Introducing PHP on Cloud Functions We re bringing support for PHP a popular general purpose programming language to Cloud Functions With the Functions Framework for PHP you can write idiomatic PHP functions to build business critical applications and integration layers And with Cloud Functions for PHP now available in Preview you can deploy functions in a fully managed PHP environment complete with access to resources in a private VPC network  Learn more Delivering our CCAG pooled audit As our customers increased their use of cloud services to meet the demands of teleworking and aid in COVID recovery we ve worked hard to meet our commitment to being the industry s most trusted cloud despite the global pandemic We re proud to announce that Google Cloud completed an annual pooled audit with the CCAG in a completely remote setting and were the only cloud service provider to do so in  Learn more Anthos now available We recently released Anthos our run anywhere Kubernetes platform that s connected to Google Cloud delivering an array of capabilities that make multicloud more accessible and sustainable  Learn more New Redis Enterprise for Anthos and GKE We re making Redis Enterprise for Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine GKE available in the Google Cloud Marketplace in private preview  Learn more Updates to Google Meet We introduced a refreshed user interface UI enhanced reliability features powered by the latest Google AI and tools that make meetings more engagingーeven funーfor everyone involved  Learn more DocAI solutions now generally available Document Doc AI platform  Lending DocAI and Procurement DocAI built on decades of AI innovation at Google bring powerful and useful solutions across lending insurance government and other industries  Learn more Four consecutive years of renewable energy In Google again matched percent of its global electricity use with purchases of renewable energy All told we ve signed agreements to buy power from more than renewable energy projects with a combined capacity of gigawatts about the same as a million solar rooftops  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud region picker The Google Cloud region picker lets you assess key inputs like price latency to your end users and carbon footprint to help you choose which Google Cloud region to run on  Learn more Google Cloud launches new security solution WAAP WebApp and API Protection WAAP combines Google Cloud Armor Apigee and reCAPTCHA Enterprise to deliver improved threat protection consolidated visibility and greater operational efficiencies across clouds and on premises environments Learn more about WAAP here New in no code As discussed in our recent article no code hackathons are trending among innovative organizations Since then we ve outlined how you can host one yourself specifically designed for your unique business innovation outcomes Learn how here Google Cloud Referral Program now availableーNow you can share the power of Google Cloud and earn product credit for every new paying customer you refer Once you join the program you ll get a unique referral link that you can share with friends clients or others Whenever someone signs up with your link they ll get a product creditーthat s more than the standard trial credit When they become a paying customer we ll reward you with a product credit in your Google Cloud account Available in the United States Canada Brazil and Japan  Apply for the Google Cloud Referral Program Week of Apr Apr Announcing the Data Cloud Summit May At this half day event you ll learn how leading companies like PayPal Workday Equifax Zebra Technologies Commonwealth Care Alliance and many others are driving competitive differentiation using Google Cloud technologies to build their data clouds and transform data into value that drives innovation  Learn more and register at no cost Announcing the Financial Services Summit May In this hour event you ll learn how Google Cloud is helping financial institutions including PayPal Global Payments HSBC Credit Suisse and more unlock new possibilities and accelerate business through innovation and better customer experiences  Learn more and register for free  Global  amp  EMEA How Google Cloud is enabling vaccine equity In our latest update we share more on how we re working with US state governments to help produce equitable vaccination strategies at scale  Learn more The new Google Cloud region in Warsaw is open The Google Cloud region in Warsaw is now ready for business opening doors for organizations in Central and Eastern Europe  Learn more AppSheet Automation is now GA Google Cloud s AppSheet launches general availability of AppSheet Automation a unified development experience for citizen and professional developers alike to build custom applications with automated processes all without coding Learn how companies and employees are reclaiming their time and talent with AppSheet Automation here Introducing SAP Integration with Cloud Data Fusion Google Cloud native data integration platform Cloud Data Fusion now offers the capability to seamlessly get data out of SAP Business Suite SAP ERP and S HANA  Learn more Week of Apr Apr New Certificate Authority Service CAS whitepaper “How to deploy a secure and reliable public key infrastructure with Google Cloud Certificate Authority Service written by Mark Cooper of PKI Solutions and Anoosh Saboori of Google Cloud covers security and architectural recommendations for the use of the Google Cloud CAS by organizations and describes critical concepts for securing and deploying a PKI based on CAS  Learn more or read the whitepaper Active Assist s new feature  predictive autoscaling helps improve response times for your applications When you enable predictive autoscaling Compute Engine forecasts future load based on your Managed Instance Group s MIG history and scales it out in advance of predicted load so that new instances are ready to serve when the load arrives Without predictive autoscaling an autoscaler can only scale a group reactively based on observed changes in load in real time With predictive autoscaling enabled the autoscaler works with real time data as well as with historical data to cover both the current and forecasted load That makes predictive autoscaling ideal for those apps with long initialization times and whose workloads vary predictably with daily or weekly cycles For more information see How predictive autoscaling works or check if predictive autoscaling is suitable for your workload and to learn more about other intelligent features check out Active Assist Introducing Dataprep BigQuery pushdown BigQuery pushdown gives you the flexibility to run jobs using either BigQuery or Dataflow If you select BigQuery then Dataprep can automatically determine if data pipelines can be partially or fully translated in a BigQuery SQL statement Any portions of the pipeline that cannot be run in BigQuery are executed in Dataflow Utilizing the power of BigQuery results in highly efficient data transformations especially for manipulations such as filters joins unions and aggregations This leads to better performance optimized costs and increased security with IAM and OAuth support  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit The Google Cloud Retail amp Consumer Goods Summit brings together technology and business insights the key ingredients for any transformation Whether you re responsible for IT data analytics supply chains or marketing please join Building connections and sharing perspectives cross functionally is important to reimagining yourself your organization or the world  Learn more or register for free New IDC whitepaper assesses multicloud as a risk mitigation strategy To better understand the benefits and challenges associated with a multicloud approach we supported IDC s new whitepaper that investigates how multicloud can help regulated organizations mitigate the risks of using a single cloud vendor The whitepaper looks at different approaches to multi vendor and hybrid clouds taken by European organizations and how these strategies can help organizations address concentration risk and vendor lock in improve their compliance posture and demonstrate an exit strategy  Learn more or download the paper Introducing request priorities for Cloud Spanner APIs You can now specify request priorities for some Cloud Spanner APIs By assigning a HIGH MEDIUM or LOW priority to a specific request you can now convey the relative importance of workloads to better align resource usage with performance objectives  Learn more How we re working with governments on climate goals Google Sustainability Officer Kate Brandt shares more on how we re partnering with governments around the world to provide our technology and insights to drive progress in sustainability efforts  Learn more Week of Mar Apr Why Google Cloud is the ideal platform for Block one and other DLT companies Late last year Google Cloud joined the EOS community a leading open source platform for blockchain innovation and performance and is taking steps to support the EOS Public Blockchain by becoming a block producer  BP At the time we outlined how our planned participation underscores the importance of blockchain to the future of business government and society We re sharing more on why Google Cloud is uniquely positioned to be an excellent partner for Block one and other distributed ledger technology DLT companies  Learn more New whitepaper Scaling certificate management with Certificate Authority Service As Google Cloud s Certificate Authority Service CAS approaches general availability we want to help customers understand the service better Customers have asked us how CAS fits into our larger security story and how CAS works for various use cases Our new white paper answers these questions and more  Learn more and download the paper Build a consistent approach for API consumers Learn the differences between REST and GraphQL as well as how to apply REST based practices to GraphQL No matter the approach discover how to manage and treat both options as API products here Apigee X makes it simple to apply Cloud CDN to APIs With Apigee X and Cloud CDN organizations can expand their API programs global reach Learn how to deploy APIs across regions and zones here Enabling data migration with Transfer Appliances in APACーWe re announcing the general availability of Transfer Appliances TA TA in Singapore Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with Transfer Appliances globally in the US EU and APAC Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Windows Authentication is now supported on Cloud SQL for SQL Server in public previewーWe ve launched seamless integration with Google Cloud s Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory AD This capability is a critical requirement to simplify identity management and streamline the migration of existing SQL Server workloads that rely on AD for access control  Learn more or get started Using Cloud AI to whip up new treats with Mars MaltesersーMaltesers a popular British candy made by Mars teamed up with our own AI baker and ML engineer extraordinaire  Sara Robinson to create a brand new dessert recipe with Google Cloud AI  Find out what happened  recipe included Simplifying data lake management with Dataproc Metastore now GAーDataproc Metastore a fully managed serverless technical metadata repository based on the Apache Hive metastore is now generally available Enterprises building and migrating open source data lakes to Google Cloud now have a central and persistent metastore for their open source data analytics frameworks  Learn more Introducing the Echo subsea cableーWe announced our investment in Echo the first ever cable to directly connect the U S to Singapore with direct fiber pairs over an express route Echo will run from Eureka California to Singapore with a stop over in Guam and plans to also land in Indonesia Additional landings are possible in the future  Learn more Week of Mar Mar new videos bring Google Cloud to lifeーThe Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel s latest video series explains cloud tools for technical practitioners in about minutes each  Learn more BigQuery named a Leader in the Forrester Wave Cloud Data Warehouse Q reportーForrester gave BigQuery a score of out of across different criteria Learn more in our blog post or download the report Charting the future of custom compute at GoogleーTo meet users performance needs at low power we re doubling down on custom chips that use System on a Chip SoC designs  Learn more Introducing Network Connectivity CenterーWe announced Network Connectivity Center which provides a single management experience to easily create connect and manage heterogeneous on prem and cloud networks leveraging Google s global infrastructure Network Connectivity Center serves as a vantage point to seamlessly connect VPNs partner and dedicated interconnects as well as third party routers and Software Defined WANs helping you optimize connectivity reduce operational burden and lower costsーwherever your applications or users may be  Learn more Making it easier to get Compute Engine resources for batch processingーWe announced a new method of obtaining Compute Engine instances for batch processing that accounts for availability of resources in zones of a region Now available in preview for regional managed instance groups you can do this simply by specifying the ANY value in the API  Learn more Next gen virtual automotive showrooms are here thanks to Google Cloud Unreal Engine and NVIDIAーWe teamed up with Unreal Engine the open and advanced real time D creation game engine and NVIDIA inventor of the GPU to launch new virtual showroom experiences for automakers Taking advantage of the NVIDIA RTX platform on Google Cloud these showrooms provide interactive D experiences photorealistic materials and environments and up to K cloud streaming on mobile and connected devices Today in collaboration with MHP the Porsche IT consulting firm and MONKEYWAY a real time D streaming solution provider you can see our first virtual showroom the Pagani Immersive Experience Platform  Learn more Troubleshoot network connectivity with Dynamic Verification public preview ーYou can now check packet loss rate and one way network latency between two VMs on GCP This capability is an addition to existing Network Intelligence Center Connectivity Tests which verify reachability by analyzing network configuration in your VPCs  See more in our documentation Helping U S states get the COVID vaccine to more peopleーIn February we announced our Intelligent Vaccine Impact solution IVIs  to help communities rise to the challenge of getting vaccines to more people quickly and effectively Many states have deployed IVIs and have found it able to meet demand and easily integrate with their existing technology infrastructures Google Cloud is proud to partner with a number of states across the U S including Arizona the Commonwealth of Massachusetts North Carolina Oregon and the Commonwealth of Virginia to support vaccination efforts at scale  Learn more Week of Mar Mar A VMs now GA The largest GPU cloud instances with NVIDIA A GPUsーWe re announcing the general availability of A VMs based on the NVIDIA Ampere A Tensor Core GPUs in Compute Engine This means customers around the world can now run their NVIDIA CUDA enabled machine learning ML and high performance computing HPC scale out and scale up workloads more efficiently and at a lower cost  Learn more Earn the new Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge for freeーWe ve added a new skill badge this month Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine GKE which you can earn for free when you sign up for the Kubernetes track of the skills challenge The skills challenge provides days free access to Google Cloud labs and gives you the opportunity to earn skill badges to showcase different cloud competencies to employers Learn more Now available carbon free energy percentages for our Google Cloud regionsーGoogle first achieved carbon neutrality in and since we ve purchased enough solar and wind energy to match of our global electricity consumption Now we re building on that progress to target a new sustainability goal running our business on carbon free energy everywhere by Beginning this week we re sharing data about how we are performing against that objective so our customers can select Google Cloud regions based on the carbon free energy supplying them Learn more Increasing bandwidth to C and N VMsーWe announced the public preview of and Gbps high bandwidth network configurations for General Purpose N and Compute Optimized C Compute Engine VM families as part of continuous efforts to optimize our Andromeda host networking stack This means we can now offer higher bandwidth options on existing VM families when using the Google Virtual NIC gVNIC These VMs were previously limited to Gbps Learn more New research on how COVID changed the nature of ITーTo learn more about the impact of COVID and the resulting implications to IT Google commissioned a study by IDG to better understand how organizations are shifting their priorities in the wake of the pandemic  Learn more and download the report New in API securityーGoogle Cloud Apigee API management platform s latest release  Apigee X works with Cloud Armor to protect your APIs with advanced security technology including DDoS protection geo fencing OAuth and API keys Learn more about our integrated security enhancements here Troubleshoot errors more quickly with Cloud LoggingーThe Logs Explorer now automatically breaks down your log results by severity making it easy to spot spikes in errors at specific times Learn more about our new histogram functionality here Week of Mar Mar Introducing AskGoogleCloud on Twitter and YouTubeーOur first segment on March th features Developer Advocates Stephanie Wong Martin Omander and James Ward to answer questions on the best workloads for serverless the differences between “serverless and “cloud native how to accurately estimate costs for using Cloud Run and much more  Learn more Learn about the value of no code hackathonsーGoogle Cloud s no code application development platform AppSheet helps to facilitate hackathons for “non technical employees with no coding necessary to compete Learn about Globe Telecom s no code hackathon as well as their winning AppSheet app here Introducing Cloud Code Secret Manager IntegrationーSecret Manager provides a central place and single source of truth to manage access and audit secrets across Google Cloud Integrating Cloud Code with Secret Manager brings the powerful capabilities of both these tools together so you can create and manage your secrets right from within your preferred IDE whether that be VS Code IntelliJ or Cloud Shell Editor  Learn more Flexible instance configurations in Cloud SQLーCloud SQL for MySQL now supports flexible instance configurations which offer you the extra freedom to configure your instance with the specific number of vCPUs and GB of RAM that fits your workload To set up a new instance with a flexible instance configuration see our documentation here The Cloud Healthcare Consent Management API is now generally availableーThe Healthcare Consent Management API is now GA giving customers the ability to greatly scale the management of consents to meet increasing need particularly amidst the emerging task of managing health data for new care and research scenarios  Learn more Week of Mar Mar Cloud Run is now available in all Google Cloud regions  Learn more Introducing Apache Spark Structured Streaming connector for Pub Sub LiteーWe re announcing the release of an open source connector to read streams of messages from Pub Sub Lite into Apache Spark The connector works in all Apache Spark X distributions including Dataproc Databricks or manual Spark installations  Learn more Google Cloud Next is October ーJoin us and learn how the most successful companies have transformed their businesses with Google Cloud Sign up at g co cloudnext for updates  Learn more Hierarchical firewall policies now GAーHierarchical firewalls provide a means to enforce firewall rules at the organization and folder levels in the GCP Resource Hierarchy This allows security administrators at different levels in the hierarchy to define and deploy consistent firewall rules across a number of projects so they re applied to all VMs in currently existing and yet to be created projects  Learn more Announcing the Google Cloud Born Digital SummitーOver this half day event we ll highlight proven best practice approaches to data architecture diversity amp inclusion and growth with Google Cloud solutions  Learn more and register for free Google Cloud products in words or less edition ーOur popular “ words or less Google Cloud developer s cheat sheet is back and updated for  Learn more Gartner names Google a leader in its Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services reportーWe believe this recognition is based on Gartner s evaluation of Google Cloud s language vision conversational and structured data services and solutions for developers  Learn more Announcing the Risk Protection ProgramーThe Risk Protection Program offers customers peace of mind through the technology to secure their data the tools to monitor the security of that data and an industry first cyber policy offered by leading insurers  Learn more Building the future of workーWe re introducing new innovations in Google Workspace to help people collaborate and find more time and focus wherever and however they work  Learn more Assured Controls and expanded Data RegionsーWe ve added new information governance features in Google Workspace to help customers control their data based on their business goals  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Google Cloud tools explained in minutesーNeed a quick overview of Google Cloud core technologies Quickly learn these Google Cloud productsーeach explained in under two minutes  Learn more BigQuery materialized views now GAーMaterialized views MV s are precomputed views that periodically cache results of a query to provide customers increased performance and efficiency  Learn more New in BigQuery BI EngineーWe re extending BigQuery BI Engine to work with any BI or custom dashboarding applications that require sub second query response times In this preview BI Engine will work seamlessly with Looker and other popular BI tools such as Tableau and Power BI without requiring any change to the BI tools  Learn more Dataproc now supports Shielded VMsーAll Dataproc clusters created using Debian or Ubuntu operating systems now use Shielded VMs by default and customers can provide their own configurations for secure boot vTPM and Integrity Monitoring This feature is just one of the many ways customers that have migrated their Hadoop and Spark clusters to GCP experience continued improvements to their security postures without any additional cost New Cloud Security Podcast by GoogleーOur new podcast brings you stories and insights on security in the cloud delivering security from the cloud and of course on what we re doing at Google Cloud to help keep customer data safe and workloads secure  Learn more New in Conversational AI and Apigee technologyーAustralian retailer Woolworths provides seamless customer experiences with their virtual agent Olive Apigee API Management and Dialogflow technology allows customers to talk to Olive through voice and chat  Learn more Introducing GKE AutopilotーGKE already offers an industry leading level of automation that makes setting up and operating a Kubernetes cluster easier and more cost effective than do it yourself and other managed offerings Autopilot represents a significant leap forward In addition to the fully managed control plane that GKE has always provided using the Autopilot mode of operation automatically applies industry best practices and can eliminate all node management operations maximizing your cluster efficiency and helping to provide a stronger security posture  Learn more Partnering with Intel to accelerate cloud native GーAs we continue to grow cloud native services for the telecommunications industry we re excited to announce a collaboration with Intel to develop reference architectures and integrated solutions for communications service providers to accelerate their deployment of G and edge network solutions  Learn more Veeam Backup for Google Cloud now availableーVeeam Backup for Google Cloud automates Google native snapshots to securely protect VMs across projects and regions with ultra low RPOs and RTOs and store backups in Google Object Storage to enhance data protection while ensuring lower costs for long term retention Migrate for Anthos GAーWith Migrate for Anthos customers and partners can automatically migrate and modernize traditional application workloads running in VMs into containers running on Anthos or GKE Included in this new release  In place modernization for Anthos on AWS Public Preview to help customers accelerate on boarding to Anthos AWS while leveraging their existing investment in AWS data sources projects VPCs and IAM controls Additional Docker registries and artifacts repositories support GA including AWS ECR basic auth docker registries and AWS S storage to provide further flexibility for customers using Anthos Anywhere on prem AWS etc  HTTPS Proxy support GA to enable MA functionality access to external image repos and other services where a proxy is used to control external access Week of Feb Feb Introducing Cloud Domains in previewーCloud Domains simplify domain registration and management within Google Cloud improve the custom domain experience for developers increase security and support stronger integrations around DNS and SSL  Learn more Announcing Databricks on Google CloudーOur partnership with Databricks enables customers to accelerate Databricks implementations by simplifying their data access by jointly giving them powerful ways to analyze their data and by leveraging our combined AI and ML capabilities to impact business outcomes  Learn more Service Directory is GAーAs the number and diversity of services grows it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain an inventory of all of the services across an organization Last year we launched Service Directory to help simplify the problem of service management Today it s generally available  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Introducing Bare Metal Solution for SAP workloadsーWe ve expanded our Bare Metal Solutionーdedicated single tenant systems designed specifically to run workloads that are too large or otherwise unsuitable for standard virtualized environmentsーto include SAP certified hardware options giving SAP customers great options for modernizing their biggest and most challenging workloads  Learn more TB SSDs bring ultimate IOPS to Compute Engine VMsーYou can now attach TB and TB Local SSD to second generation general purpose N Compute Engine VMs for great IOPS per dollar  Learn more Supporting the Python ecosystemーAs part of our longstanding support for the Python ecosystem we are happy to increase our support for the Python Software Foundation the non profit behind the Python programming language ecosystem and community  Learn more  Migrate to regional backend services for Network Load BalancingーWe now support backend services with Network Load Balancingーa significant enhancement over the prior approach target pools providing a common unified data model for all our load balancing family members and accelerating the delivery of exciting features on Network Load Balancing  Learn more Week of Feb Feb Apigee launches Apigee XーApigee celebrates its year anniversary with Apigee X a new release of the Apigee API management platform Apigee X harnesses the best of Google technologies to accelerate and globalize your API powered digital initiatives Learn more about Apigee X and digital excellence here Celebrating the success of Black founders with Google Cloud during Black History MonthーFebruary is Black History Month a time for us to come together to celebrate and remember the important people and history of the African heritage Over the next four weeks we will highlight four Black led startups and how they use Google Cloud to grow their businesses Our first feature highlights TQIntelligence and its founder Yared Week of Jan Jan BeyondCorp Enterprise now generally availableーBeyondCorp Enterprise is a zero trust solution built on Google s global network which provides customers with simple and secure access to applications and cloud resources and offers integrated threat and data protection To learn more read the blog post visit our product homepage  and register for our upcoming webinar Week of Jan Jan Cloud Operations Sandbox now availableーCloud Operations Sandbox is an open source tool that helps you learn SRE practices from Google and apply them on cloud services using Google Cloud s operations suite formerly Stackdriver with everything you need to get started in one click You can read our blog post or get started by visiting cloud ops sandbox dev exploring the project repo and following along in the user guide  New data security strategy whitepaperーOur new whitepaper shares our best practices for how to deploy a modern and effective data security program in the cloud Read the blog post or download the paper    WebSockets HTTP and gRPC bidirectional streams come to Cloud RunーWith these capabilities you can deploy new kinds of applications to Cloud Run that were not previously supported while taking advantage of serverless infrastructure These features are now available in public preview for all Cloud Run locations Read the blog post or check out the WebSockets demo app or the sample hc server app New tutorial Build a no code workout app in stepsーLooking to crush your new year s resolutions Using AppSheet Google Cloud s no code app development platform you can build a custom fitness app that can do things like record your sets reps and weights log your workouts and show you how you re progressing Learn how Week of Jan Jan State of API Economy Report now availableーGoogle Cloud details the changing role of APIs in amidst the COVID pandemic informed by a comprehensive study of Apigee API usage behavior across industry geography enterprise size and more Discover these trends along with a projection of what to expect from APIs in Read our blog post here or download and read the report here New in the state of no codeーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet looks back at the key no code application development themes of AppSheet contends the rising number of citizen developer app creators will ultimately change the state of no code in Read more here Week of Jan Jan Last year s most popular API postsーIn an arduous year thoughtful API design and strategy is critical to empowering developers and companies to use technology for global good Google Cloud looks back at the must read API posts in Read it here Week of Dec Dec A look back at the year across Google CloudーLooking for some holiday reading We ve published recaps of our year across databases serverless data analytics and no code development Or take a look at our most popular posts of Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis enables TLS encryption support Preview ーWith this release you can now use Memorystore for applications requiring sensitive data to be encrypted between the client and the Memorystore instance Read more here Monitoring Query Language MQL for Cloud Monitoring is now generally availableーMonitoring Query language provides developers and operators on IT and development teams powerful metric querying analysis charting and alerting capabilities This functionality is needed for Monitoring use cases that include troubleshooting outages root cause analysis custom SLI SLO creation reporting and analytics complex alert logic and more Learn more Week of Dec Dec Memorystore for Redis now supports Redis AUTHーWith this release you can now use OSS Redis AUTH feature with Memorystore for Redis instances Read more here New in serverless computingーGoogle Cloud API Gateway and its service first approach to developing serverless APIs helps organizations accelerate innovation by eliminating scalability and security bottlenecks for their APIs Discover more benefits here Environmental Dynamics Inc makes a big move to no codeーThe environmental consulting company EDI built and deployed business apps with no coding skills necessary with Google Cloud s AppSheet This no code effort not only empowered field workers but also saved employees over hours a year Get the full story here Introducing Google Workspace for GovernmentーGoogle Workspace for Government is an offering that brings the best of Google Cloud s collaboration and communication tools to the government with pricing that meets the needs of the public sector Whether it s powering social care visits employment support or virtual courts Google Workspace helps governments meet the unique challenges they face as they work to provide better services in an increasingly virtual world Learn more Week of Nov Dec Google enters agreement to acquire ActifioーActifio a leader in backup and disaster recovery DR offers customers the opportunity to protect virtual copies of data in their native format manage these copies throughout their entire lifecycle and use these copies for scenarios like development and test This planned acquisition further demonstrates Google Cloud s commitment to helping enterprises protect workloads on premises and in the cloud Learn more Traffic Director can now send traffic to services and gateways hosted outside of Google CloudーTraffic Director support for Hybrid Connectivity Network Endpoint Groups NEGs now generally available enables services in your VPC network to interoperate more seamlessly with services in other environments It also enables you to build advanced solutions based on Google Cloud s portfolio of networking products such as Cloud Armor protection for your private on prem services Learn more Google Cloud launches the Healthcare Interoperability Readiness ProgramーThis program powered by APIs and Google Cloud s Apigee helps patients doctors researchers and healthcare technologists alike by making patient data and healthcare data more accessible and secure Learn more here Container Threat Detection in Security Command CenterーWe announced the general availability of Container Threat Detection a built in service in Security Command Center This release includes multiple detection capabilities to help you monitor and secure your container deployments in Google Cloud Read more here Anthos on bare metal now GAーAnthos on bare metal opens up new possibilities for how you run your workloads and where You can run Anthos on your existing virtualized infrastructure or eliminate the dependency on a hypervisor layer to modernize applications while reducing costs Learn more Week of Nov Tuning control support in Cloud SQL for MySQLーWe ve made all flags that were previously in preview now generally available GA empowering you with the controls you need to optimize your databases See the full list here New in BigQuery MLーWe announced the general availability of boosted trees using XGBoost deep neural networks DNNs using TensorFlow and model export for online prediction Learn more New AI ML in retail reportーWe recently commissioned a survey of global retail executives to better understand which AI ML use cases across the retail value chain drive the highest value and returns in retail and what retailers need to keep in mind when going after these opportunities Learn more  or read the report Week of Nov New whitepaper on how AI helps the patent industryーOur new paper outlines a methodology to train a BERT bidirectional encoder representation from transformers model on over million patent publications from the U S and other countries using open source tooling Learn more or read the whitepaper Google Cloud support for NET ーLearn more about our support of NET as well as how to deploy it to Cloud Run NET Core now on Cloud FunctionsーWith this integration you can write cloud functions using your favorite NET Core runtime with our Functions Framework for NET for an idiomatic developer experience Learn more Filestore Backups in previewーWe announced the availability of the Filestore Backups preview in all regions making it easier to migrate your business continuity disaster recovery and backup strategy for your file systems in Google Cloud Learn more Introducing Voucher a service to help secure the container supply chainーDeveloped by the Software Supply Chain Security team at Shopify to work with Google Cloud tools Voucher evaluates container images created by CI CD pipelines and signs those images if they meet certain predefined security criteria Binary Authorization then validates these signatures at deploy time ensuring that only explicitly authorized code that meets your organizational policy and compliance requirements can be deployed to production Learn more most watched from Google Cloud Next OnAirーTake a stroll through the sessions that were most popular from Next OnAir covering everything from data analytics to cloud migration to no code development  Read the blog Artifact Registry is now GAーWith support for container images Maven npm packages and additional formats coming soon Artifact Registry helps your organization benefit from scale security and standardization across your software supply chain  Read the blog Week of Nov Introducing the Anthos Developer SandboxーThe Anthos Developer Sandbox gives you an easy way to learn to develop on Anthos at no cost available to anyone with a Google account Read the blog Database Migration Service now available in previewーDatabase Migration Service DMS makes migrations to Cloud SQL simple and reliable DMS supports migrations of self hosted MySQL databasesーeither on premises or in the cloud as well as managed databases from other cloudsーto Cloud SQL for MySQL Support for PostgreSQL is currently available for limited customers in preview with SQL Server coming soon Learn more Troubleshoot deployments or production issues more quickly with new logs tailingーWe ve added support for a new API to tail logs with low latency Using gcloud it allows you the convenience of tail f with the powerful query language and centralized logging solution of Cloud Logging Learn more about this preview feature Regionalized log storage now available in new regions in previewーYou can now select where your logs are stored from one of five regions in addition to globalーasia east europe west us central us east and us west When you create a logs bucket you can set the region in which you want to store your logs data Get started with this guide Week of Nov Cloud SQL adds support for PostgreSQL ーShortly after its community GA Cloud SQL has added support for PostgreSQL You get access to the latest features of PostgreSQL while Cloud SQL handles the heavy operational lifting so your team can focus on accelerating application delivery Read more here Apigee creates value for businesses running on SAPーGoogle Cloud s API Management platform Apigee is optimized for data insights and data monetization helping businesses running on SAP innovate faster without fear of SAP specific challenges to modernization Read more here Document AI platform is liveーThe new Document AI DocAI platform a unified console for document processing is now available in preview You can quickly access all parsers tools and solutions e g Lending DocAI Procurement DocAI with a unified API enabling an end to end document solution from evaluation to deployment Read the full story here or check it out in your Google Cloudconsole Accelerating data migration with Transfer Appliances TA and TAーWe re announcing the general availability of new Transfer Appliances Customers are looking for fast secure and easy to use options to migrate their workloads to Google Cloud and we are addressing their needs with next generation Transfer Appliances Learn more about Transfer Appliances TA and TA Week of Oct B H Inc accelerates digital transformationーThe Utah based contracting and construction company BHI eliminated IT backlog when non technical employees were empowered to build equipment inspection productivity and other custom apps by choosing Google Workspace and the no code app development platform AppSheet Read the full story here Globe Telecom embraces no code developmentーGoogle Cloud s AppSheet empowers Globe Telecom employees to do more innovating with less code The global communications company kickstarted their no code journey by combining the power of AppSheet with a unique adoption strategy As a result AppSheet helped Globe Telecom employees build business apps in just weeks Get the full story Cloud Logging now allows you to control access to logs via Log ViewsーBuilding on the control offered via Log Buckets  blog post you can now configure who has access to logs based on the source project resource type or log name all using standard IAM controls Logs views currently in Preview can help you build a system using the principle of least privilege limiting sensitive logs to only users who need this information  Learn more about Log Views Document AI is HIPAA compliantーDocument AI now enables HIPAA compliance Now Healthcare and Life Science customers such as health care providers health plans and life science organizations can unlock insights by quickly extracting structured data from medical documents while safeguarding individuals protected health information PHI Learn more about Google Cloud s nearly products that support HIPAA compliance Week of Oct Improved security and governance in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQLーCloud SQL for PostgreSQL now integrates with Cloud IAM preview to provide simplified and consistent authentication and authorization Cloud SQL has also enabled PostgreSQL Audit Extension preview for more granular audit logging Read the blog Announcing the AI in Financial Crime Compliance webinarーOur executive digital forum will feature industry executives academics and former regulators who will discuss how AI is transforming financial crime compliance on November Register now Transforming retail with AI MLーNew research provides insights on high value AI ML use cases for food drug mass merchant and speciality retail that can drive significant value and build resilience for your business Learn what the top use cases are for your sub segment and read real world success stories Download the ebook here and view this companion webinar which also features insights from Zulily New release of Migrate for AnthosーWe re introducing two important new capabilities in the release of Migrate for Anthos Google Cloud s solution to easily migrate and modernize applications currently running on VMs so that they instead run on containers in Google Kubernetes Engine or Anthos The first is GA support for modernizing IIS apps running on Windows Server VMs The second is a new utility that helps you identify which VMs in your existing environment are the best targets for modernization to containers Start migrating or check out the assessment tool documentation Linux Windows New Compute Engine autoscaler controlsーNew scale in controls in Compute Engine let you limit the VM deletion rate by preventing the autoscaler from reducing a MIG s size by more VM instances than your workload can tolerate to lose Read the blog Lending DocAI in previewーLending DocAI is a specialized solution in our Document AI portfolio for the mortgage industry that processes borrowers income and asset documents to speed up loan applications Read the blog or check out the product demo Week of Oct New maintenance controls for Cloud SQLーCloud SQL now offers maintenance deny period controls which allow you to prevent automatic maintenance from occurring during a day time period Read the blog Trends in volumetric DDoS attacksーThis week we published a deep dive into DDoS threats detailing the trends we re seeing and giving you a closer look at how we prepare for multi terabit attacks so your sites stay up and running Read the blog New in BigQueryーWe shared a number of updates this week including new SQL capabilities more granular control over your partitions with time unit partitioning the general availability of Table ACLs and BigQuery System Tables Reports a solution that aims to help you monitor BigQuery flat rate slot and reservation utilization by leveraging BigQuery s underlying INFORMATION SCHEMA views Read the blog Cloud Code makes YAML easy for hundreds of popular Kubernetes CRDsーWe announced authoring support for more than popular Kubernetes CRDs out of the box any existing CRDs in your Kubernetes cluster and any CRDs you add from your local machine or a URL Read the blog Google Cloud s data privacy commitments for the AI eraーWe ve outlined how our AI ML Privacy Commitment reflects our belief that customers should have both the highest level of security and the highest level of control over data stored in the cloud Read the blog New lower pricing for Cloud CDNーWe ve reduced the price of cache fill content fetched from your origin charges across the board by up to along with our recent introduction of a new set of flexible caching capabilities to make it even easier to use Cloud CDN to optimize the performance of your applications Read the blog Expanding the BeyondCorp AllianceーLast year we announced our BeyondCorp Alliance with partners that share our Zero Trust vision Today we re announcing new partners to this alliance Read the blog New data analytics training opportunitiesーThroughout October and November we re offering a number of no cost ways to learn data analytics with trainings for beginners to advanced users Learn more New BigQuery blog seriesーBigQuery Explained provides overviews on storage data ingestion queries joins and more Read the series Week of Oct Introducing the Google Cloud Healthcare Consent Management APIーThis API gives healthcare application developers and clinical researchers a simple way to manage individuals consent of their health data particularly important given the new and emerging virtual care and research scenarios related to COVID Read the blog Announcing Google Cloud buildpacksーBased on the CNCF buildpacks v specification these buildpacks produce container images that follow best practices and are suitable for running on all of our container platforms Cloud Run fully managed Anthos and Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Read the blog Providing open access to the Genome Aggregation Database gnomAD ーOur collaboration with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard provides free access to one of the world s most comprehensive public genomic datasets Read the blog Introducing HTTP gRPC server streaming for Cloud RunーServer side HTTP streaming for your serverless applications running on Cloud Run fully managed is now available This means your Cloud Run services can serve larger responses or stream partial responses to clients during the span of a single request enabling quicker server response times for your applications Read the blog New security and privacy features in Google WorkspaceーAlongside the announcement of Google Workspace we also shared more information on new security features that help facilitate safe communication and give admins increased visibility and control for their organizations Read the blog Introducing Google WorkspaceーGoogle Workspace includes all of the productivity apps you know and use at home at work or in the classroomーGmail Calendar Drive Docs Sheets Slides Meet Chat and moreーnow more thoughtfully connected Read the blog New in Cloud Functions languages availability portability and moreーWe extended Cloud Functionsーour scalable pay as you go Functions as a Service FaaS platform that runs your code with zero server managementーso you can now use it to build end to end solutions for several key use cases Read the blog Announcing the Google Cloud Public Sector Summit Dec ーOur upcoming two day virtual event will offer thought provoking panels keynotes customer stories and more on the future of digital service in the public sector Register at no cost 2022-11-30 21:00:00



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