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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] KDDIが低軌道衛星「Starlink」を活用した携帯電話基地局の運用を開始 初号機は静岡県の「初島」に設置 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2212/01/news191.html itmediamobilekddi 2022-12-01 20:30:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 40代おっさんREST API サーバーレスを学ぶ② https://qiita.com/kou1121/items/3f05f3847080b56cabcd restapi 2022-12-01 20:28:03
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonで中学 比例の計算・グラフを描く方法 https://qiita.com/akiba_burari/items/954f832b408fef353aa3 紹介 2022-12-01 20:55:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Raspberry Pi Pico (micropython) と PC の Python 間をUSB 1本で通信する https://qiita.com/Targoyle/items/46cd7c655231ea062cb3 pberrypipicomicropython 2022-12-01 20:17:21
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita サイト内の「検証ツール」でjQueryが使えないとき https://qiita.com/s_ch1h1r0/items/f018568606b76263b489 chrome 2022-12-01 20:34:08
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Canvas2D RadialGradientのパフォーマンス検証 https://qiita.com/warotarock/items/50320c22fc5c9096ee26 adventcalendar 2022-12-01 20:16:25
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GithubActionsでCloudFormationを使ったIAMユーザを管理する https://qiita.com/takamins/items/63a66bc03eb8f15b87d8 cloudformation 2022-12-01 20:55:29
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Git】誤ったブランチで作業した場合の対処法 https://qiita.com/P-man_Brown/items/39c0ccaf89e8dd34f68b gitstashpopgitstashpush 2022-12-01 20:59:16
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog メルペイ VPoE による2022年の振り返り https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20221130-5b6f9b0a92/ adventcalhellip 2022-12-01 12:00:12
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog 連載企画:メルカードの舞台裏 – Mercard Behind the Scenes – https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20221201-mercard-behind-the-scenes/ hellip 2022-12-01 11:30:07
技術ブログ Developers.IO [セッションレポート] ワーナーBros. DiscoveryはどのようにしてAWSの運用効率を高めたか? (COP201) https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/2022-report-reinvent-cop201/ increasedoperationalef 2022-12-01 11:44:35
海外TECH DEV Community React forms: Formik and Yup intro https://dev.to/hi_iam_chris/react-forms-formik-and-yup-intro-154g React forms Formik and Yup intro IntroductionReact forms are difficult Organizing all events for different input fields around the React lifecycle can be complex But there is Formik One of the very good libraries that helps with this problem and in the rest of this post I will cover the basics of what Formik gives us As a bonus there will be a few details on another amazing library that is often used in combination with Formik Yup FormikIf you worked with react forms before you might remember how complex it was to incorporate all the needed functionality Mess between value default value blur and change handler and then select elements Then on top you have to validate and bind all the values to the state It was a mess Formik makes this task easier by providing us with many needed components and functions out of the but with enough flexibility to add custom stuff All you need to do to start using it is install it with one simple command npm install S formikFrom this point everything is quite straightforward You import the Form component give it the required props and everything inside is under the Formik There are plenty of different props and other components you can check in the documentation Props that declare validation of the form initial values or different handlers like onSubmit which triggers once you submit your form An example of it is below import Formik Form Field ErrorMessage from formik const ExampleForm gt lt div gt lt Formik initialValues firstName lastName validate values gt const errors if values firstName errors firstName Required if values lastName errors lastName Required return errors onSubmit values setSubmitting gt setTimeout gt alert JSON stringify values null setSubmitting false gt isSubmitting gt lt Form gt lt Field type text name firstName gt lt ErrorMessage name firstName component div gt lt Field type text name lastName gt lt ErrorMessage name lastName component div gt lt button type submit disabled isSubmitting gt Submit lt button gt lt Form gt lt Formik gt lt div gt export default ExampleForm Code organization and useFormikContext hookIn this post I will not go deep into all the props and components of the Formik That would be a much longer post But one that I will mention is the useFormikContext hook Forms can grow very large and complex And you might wish to split it into smaller components Passing all the values and functions down the tree might be too messy That is why there is the useFormikContext hook If you call this hook anywhere inside of the form you will get access to all the formic values and methods Yup and validation schemaYup is another library and it is used to parse and validate the value You define the schema of the value and then use it to match or validate its correctness on the client side It is very expressive and easy to use All you need to start is to install it npm install S yupSo where does this library come to use with the Formik As mentioned before one of the props for Formik is the validation function But writing those functions can be a bit tedious job With the complexity of the form the complexity of such function grows That is why there is another prop you could use called validationSchema and as value for it you can pass yup schema object import Formik Form Field ErrorMessage from formik import as yup from yup const validationSchema yup object shape firstName yup string required Required lastName yup string required Required const ExampleForm gt lt div gt lt Formik initialValues firstName lastName validationSchema validationSchema onSubmit values setSubmitting gt setTimeout gt alert JSON stringify values null setSubmitting false gt isSubmitting gt lt Form gt lt Field type text name firstName gt lt ErrorMessage name firstName component div gt lt Field type text name lastName gt lt ErrorMessage name lastName component div gt lt button type submit disabled isSubmitting gt Submit lt button gt lt Form gt lt Formik gt lt div gt export default ExampleForm Wrap upBoth Formik and Yup are amazing libraries and are quite commonly used with React forms However I often see less experienced members not being aware of them or more importantly using them without knowing what they do I do hope you got the idea of it from this introduction post and that with it you can be more comfortable around React forms For more you can follow me on Twitter LinkedIn GitHub or Instagram 2022-12-01 11:35:00
海外TECH DEV Community Awesome time-saving tools for developers https://dev.to/documatic/awesome-time-saving-tools-for-developers-1df5 Awesome time saving tools for developers IntroductionTime is money is what we heard from our childhood As we grow we realized more about it Being a developer is not easy to save that as every task takes time But there are tools that will help you in reducing the task time So today we are going to look into some of such tools Let s get started DocumaticA search engine for your codebase Ask Documatic a question and find relevant code and insights in secondsIt is a codesearch tool with more features Most of our time takes to understand any codebase before actually adding valuable code to it Documatic helps in understanding different codebases with its codesearch Connect your repository from repository hosting tools such as GitHub Then make search your queries as your ask your manager You don t have to be technically brilliant to make any search It easily understands the natural language Along with codesearch there is a dependency map to help you in visualizing the interaction in your infrastructure All these features really speed up the process of understanding a new codebase Organizations can use it while onboarding new developers to the project Open Source developers can use it while understanding new repositories for contribution TabnineWhether you re part of a team or a developer working on your own Tabnine will help you write code faster all in your favorite IDEIt can become your coding buddy easily It acts as an AI assistant for coding It will suggest code according to your code file and project The suggestions are quite good It supports all the major code editors Setting up tabnine is easy I use VS Code it comes as an extension It will start suggesting your code instantly after installation You can check the support for your code editor here LottieFilesEffortlessly bring the smallest free ready to use motion graphics for the web app social and designs Create edit test collaborate and ship Lottie animations in no time Get free animation for your development project You can customize the layer color to suit your color palette It has support for a variety of tools from development such as WordPress HTML and Webflow to illustration tools such as Canva You can get a code to add to your website for quickly adding the animation to your webpage This will come in handy in UI UX design with already created beautiful animation It can be used in creating a quick website with awesome animation REST ClientREST Client for Visual Studio CodeIt is a VS Code extension that lets you send HTTP requests directly from your code editor It s easy to use and can perform all kinds of requests such as GET POST PUT and others You can add headers and a body to the request too You won t need to switch applications for getting data from the endpoint For using the extension you just need to add the URL with the request method Use shortcut Ctrl Alt R or Click F and search for Rest Client Send Request to make a request to the URL endpoint CSS PeeperExtract CSS and build beautiful styleguides It is a Google Chrome extension for viewing the CSS of a website in a better way You can view the CSS of every component such as text images paragraphs and other components The CSS peeper card will show properties of CSS like font family color margin padding and other mentioned CSS style It can be very useful in taking finding the code of the awesome website in a beautiful card This will help in saving your time by getting CSS and presenting in a better way for understanding Connect With MeTwitterLinkedIn ConclusionI am recommending you try each of them to find what s best fit in your workflow Each of the tools is quite brilliant in its own way in proving value to you and saving time I hope the articles has provided you with some value Thanks for reading the blog post 2022-12-01 11:30:00
海外TECH DEV Community Microsoft .NET Maze: Understand .NET Core Vs .NET Framework Vs ASP.NET https://dev.to/karanjrawal/microsoft-net-maze-understand-net-core-vs-net-framework-vs-aspnet-3h71 Microsoft NET Maze Understand NET Core Vs NET Framework Vs ASP NETMicrosoft consistently invests in its technology stack allowing developers to build safe and secure software products that enable companies to better serve their customers ever changing needs This post explains the complete differences between Microsoft NET Core vs NET Framework vs ASP NET based on historical and current trends What is NET Core The most recent version of the NET Framework known as NET Core was first introduced in June as NET Core Since then several subsequent versions have been made available the most recent of which is NET which was made public on November The NET Core framework is a reusable design platform for software systems that support code libraries and several scripting languages The framework is cross platform and compatible with Windows Mac OS Linux and Docker Applications for mobile desktop web cloud IoT machine learning microservices games and more can be made with the NET Core Framework Since NET Core is written from scratch it is a modular light fast and cross platform framework What is NET Framework The NET framework was first released in and since then Microsoft has evolved Microsoft s Net Framework a platform for creating and running Windows apps The NET framework consists of developer tools programming languages and libraries used to create desktop and web applications Games web services and websites can also be built using the NET framework The framework has been designed such that it can be used with any of these common languages c c Visual Basic JScript Cobol etc Also more than programming languages are supported by the NET Framework of which were created and developed by Microsoft What is ASP NET ASP NET is a server side web application framework designed to provide dynamic web pages for web development It was developed by Microsoft to enable programmers to build dynamic websites applications and software ASP NET stands for Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies ASP NET was first released in as a way to build dynamic web pages and web applications using the NET Framework It was a replacement for ASP now known as Classic ASP because ASP was rushed to market in the late s and lacked a lot of needed features ASP NET Core is a new framework that has been built from the ground up to be more responsive scalable and cross platform than its predecessors ASP NET and Classic ASP For enterprises that care about speed and reliability ASP NET is one of the fastest frameworks in existence It s the th most loved web framework by devs according to StackOverflow Using NET you can create a minimal web API with a single file with LOC There are a lot of websites currently using legacy ASP NET that are migrating to modern ASP NET Core and getting performance increases of immediately The most recent release NET had over core new features and enhancements you need to know Technical Comparison NET Core Vs NET Framework Vs ASP NET Cross Platform NET Core Create once run anywhere Compatible with the platforms like Windows Linux and MacOS NET Framework Compatible with Windows operating system only ASP NET Compatible with Windows operating system Application Model NET Core Application model includes ASP NET and Windows Universal Apps NET Framework The application model includes WinForms ASP NET and WPFASP NET The Application Model includes ASP NET Web Forms ASP NET MVC and ASP NET Web Page Microservices Support NET Core Microservices are supported by NET Core which also provides a variety of technologies that can be minimized for each microservice NET Framework It is not possible to build and deploy microservices in several languages ASP NET ASP NET comes with built in support for developing and deploying your microservices using docker container REST Services Support NET Core The WCF Windows Communication Foundation services are not supported by NET Core A REST API would always be required NET Framework The NET Framework is a great option for WCF Windows Communication Foundation services Additionally it supports RESTful services ASP NET Although WCF offers some support for developing REST style services ASP NET Web API offers more comprehensive REST support and all future additions to REST features will be implemented in ASP NET Web API Programming Language NET Core It supports C F and Visual Basic programming languages NET Framework The programming can be done using any language with CIL Common Intermediate Language compilerASP NET The programming can be done using NET Compliant language When To Choose NET Core Vs NET Framework Vs ASP NET Keep reading here ー Understand NET Core Vs NET Framework Vs ASP NET This post explains the complete differences between Microsoft NET Core vs NET Framework vs ASP NET based on historical and current trends aceinfoway com In a nutshellEach software product from Microsoft has a lifecycle When a product is released the life cycle starts and it ends when it is no longer supported Knowing important dates in this lifecycle might help you decide when to upgrade or make other software changes With ASP NET Web Forms ASPX for web applications and ASP NET Web Service ASMX for web services ASP NET was first made available in along with the NET Framework Web Forms was replaced by ASP NET MVC when it was introduced in ASP NET MVC offered a more minimal layer of abstraction over the web than Web Forms which attempted to replicate the creation of classic Windows applications A complete revamp of ASP NET is ASP NET Core which was released in For more details on important dates for software changes you can check out Microsoft Article source ー Understand NET Core Vs NET Framework Vs ASP NET This post explains the complete differences between Microsoft NET Core vs NET Framework vs ASP NET based on historical and current trends aceinfoway com 2022-12-01 11:29:30
海外TECH DEV Community Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray https://dev.to/aws-builders/serverless-spy-vs-spy-chapter-1-x-ray-361h Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter X rayThere are several ways to perform espionage activities in the life of a serverless app which all battle for your attention Time for the advent of counterintelligence We want answers And CDK Source examples of how to use it Here we go Serverless spy vs spy in four chapters each post published after you light the next candle SeriesX ray Getting started with X Ray on Lambda with TypeScript Python GoADOT AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry LambdaOTEL Using Open Telemetry in LambdaAWS Lambda Telemetry API Connecting Telemetry Systems with Lambda Service Serverless observability conceptsThis concept map shows the observability domain With practical examples I will explore the concepts one by one Starting with X Ray The X Ray Service and the X Ray SDKIn serverless development we have the problem of the missing cloud profiler We cannot look into the distributed Lambda Function services to see where performance bottlenecks are Let s assume we have a Function which is calling another Service We test the function and get results how long it takes REPORT RequestId ceb fd b f cfdb Duration ms Billed Duration ms Memory Size MB Max Memory Used MB Init Duration msWe know about warm cold start and call again REPORT RequestId bc d f bed b Duration ms Billed Duration ms Memory Size MB Max Memory Used MB The part whole problemWhat we do not know is how much time was spent in segment A and how much is spent in segment B We only know A B So this is your espionage order The distribution problemWe could do some logging But another problem comes into mind The duration of each lambda call is statistically distributed That means the value for a single call could be way off So we have to look at a bunch of calls The every single service problemNow assume we are working with several AWS service calls With logging we had to log before and after each call After solving all the problems we have to create some software for analysis To solve this with logging alone you need correlation IDs in each log and have to search all logs events The correlation ID is called TraceID And tracing gets all information about a request aggregated by request In doing this you can trace the call of a single session through all services X Ray is the tracing solution on AWS How X Ray works The part whole solutionIn X Ray we have segments and sub segments We see A B and A B segments The distribution solutionAll services must send data about their communication to a central tracing service so we also have an overview of what is happening The every single service problemWith the AWS SDK the X Ray SDK hooks itself into all AWS service calls So we do not have to decorate each call it is done automatically for you Getting startedWe use a modified simple lambda application from tecRacer serverless sample application Get the modified source for this post from github xraystarter and leave a star The simple architecture of the base serverless application The client uploads a file to an S bucket The Lambda function gets an event The Lambda service and the Lambda function write logs The Lambda function writes the key of the file to dynamodbAs the examples are for three Lambda functions TypeScript Python and GO we change the architecture a bit I will walk you through deploying the application to see some X Ray traces Prerequisite AWS CDK TaskColima for Mac or Docker desktopTerminal with AWS credentialsYou have to have the tools installed With these tools on a mac the steps are automated AWS CDKThis is the Infrastructure as Code tool TaskThis is the better makefile to allow you to deploy the example ColimaWe need a Docker daemon as the Python and the TypeScript Lambda functions need more tools installed to be built This is simplified with Docker and the use of the CDK Constructs NodejsFunction and PythonFunction The GO Lambda just needs GO to be build If you want to change it to a standard CDK Lambda Function you can do a task fastdeploy in the Lambda directories to update just the Lambda Function code lambda├ーgo│  ├ーTaskfile yml│  ├ーdist│  ├ーgo mod│  ├ーgo sum│  └ーmain├ーpy│  ├ーTaskfile yml│  ├ー init py│  ├ーapp py│  ├ーdist│  ├ーpackage│  └ーrequirements txt└ーts ├ーTaskfile yml ├ーdist ├ーindex ts ├ーnode modules ├ーpackage lock json ├ーpackage json ├ーtest └ーtsconfig json Start DockerBecause of the Docker Desktop policies I replace Docker Desktop with Colima Do task colimaThe Output is like logtask colima colima startINFO starting colima INFO starting context dockerINFO done Boostrap Account for cdkIf you use AWS CDK for the first time Do task bootstrapOutput like logtask bootstrap npx cdk bootstrapSending build context to Docker daemon kBStep ARG IMAGE public ecr aws sam build nodejs x Bootstrapping environment aws eu central Environment aws eu central bootstrapped Deploy applicationDo task deployOutput like logStep ARG IMAGE public ecr aws sam build nodejs xxraystarterDeployment time sOutputs xraystarter BucketName xraystarter incomingb hxjqfdxxraystarter LambdaNameGo xraystarter goxraystarter LambdaNamePy xraystarter pyxraystarter LambdaNameTS xraystarter tsxraystarter TableName itemsStack ARN arn aws cloudformation eu central stack xraystarter cf ea ed af ffdfbTotal time s Now we are ready to use the application Generate TrafficDo test traffic shThis puts files on the S bucket and the Lambda Functions are triggered Stop after cycles A Look at X Ray X Ray Service MapThe first thing I look at is the Service Map You get there in the AWS Console choosing Cloudwatch gt X Ray traces gt Service Map The map for all three lambdas first looked like this Spy on an error A Python Problem EspionageWe see at first glance that the python Function xraystarter py has a Problem Now we can use the traces and the logs to find the cause of the problem You see that the invocation itself got an error A click leads us to View in CloudWatch Logs insights With problems inside the application you get all log events here But because this is an problem before the function is executed the error is published by the Lambda service and does not have an ID in the log event Therefore we find the whole log stream itself With the requestId bd you find the log stream in Lambda recent invocations In the log itself you find ERROR Runtime ImportModuleError Unable to import module app No module named aws xray sdk Traceback most recent call last Looks like the CDK construct from aws lambda python alpha did not include the X Ray library Well its alpha so OK import PythonFunction from aws cdk aws lambda python alpha SolutionIn the directory of the Python Lambda function we have a task fastdeploy which updates just the function code but with all libraries cd lambda pytask fastdeployWhat it does Create a complete zip with the X Ray sdk pip install target package r requirements txt cd package amp amp zip r my deployment package zip zip my deployment package zip app py mv my deployment package zip dist app zip Update the function code vars FN sh aws cloudformation list exports query Exports Name xraystarter py name Value output text cmds aws lambda update function code function name FN zip file fileb dist app zipThe name of the Lambda Function is exported so we get it with cloudformation list exports See the lambda py Taskfile yml for the code Run againWe wait mins so that the old data is not shown if we filter on that time range Then again create traffic Do test traffic shOutput So Nov CETupload readme md to s xraystarter incomingb hxjqfdx test So Nov CETupload readme md to s xraystarter incomingb hxjqfdx test Cleared Service MapThe xraystarter py has zero errors and writes to the items table Node and Python SDK propagate the table name to X Ray and the GO X Ray SDK behaves differently But all Lambda Functions write to the same table How to instrument X Ray on LambdaThe XRay SDKs contains all function to send tracing information from the Lambda Function to the X Ray server Witch activated X Ray the Lambda Service sends information too Step Create Lambda Services with Y Ray supportSee lib xraystarter stack ts for details Typescriptconst fnTS new NodejsFunction this xraystarter ts tracing aws lambda Tracing ACTIVE Pythontsconst fnPy new PythonFunction this xraystarter py tracing aws lambda Tracing ACTIVE Goconst fnGO new aws lambda Function this xraystarter go tracing aws lambda Tracing ACTIVE Step Load the X Ray SDK Typescriptimport as AWSXRay from aws xray sdk Pythonfrom aws xray sdk core import xray recorderfrom aws xray sdk core import patch all Go goimport github com aws aws xray sdk go instrumentation awsv github com aws aws xray sdk go xray Step bind aws calls to xray TypescriptIn Ts you create a constant which replaces the normal creation of a client import as AWS from aws sdk const dynamodb new AWS DynamoDB Patch AWS variable with const AWS AWSXRay captureAWS require aws sdk You see in the node xrays sdk that each AWS service is customized with the captureAWSRequest function which is responsible for the X Ray calls for var prop in awssdk if awssdk prop serviceIdentifier var Service awssdk prop Service prototype customizeRequests captureAWSRequest PythonIn python you just call a function to do the patching patch all The nested magic is happening in the patcher py function of the SDK A def patch func parent func name func modifier lambda x x calls a setattr setattr parent func name modifier xray recorder capture name capture name func GoIn GO you intercept the middleware In GO SDK V you can change the client request pipeline directly This way you can add behaviour before or after each step of an AWS api call cfg err config LoadDefaultConfig context TODO if err nil panic unable to load SDK config err Error Using the Config value create the DynamoDB client awsv AWSVInstrumentor amp cfg APIOptions Client dynamodb NewFromConfig cfg When you look at the GO X Ray SDK you can see in func initializeMiddlewareAfter stack middleware Stack how the calls to X Ray are generated The call to X Ray happens in the deserialize step Back to espionage order Query traces Query Traces of a single serviceIn CloudWatch gt Traces we now run a query for each service Set filter Run query TypeScriptQuery service id name xraystarter ts type AWS Lambda Segments Timeline PythonQuery service id name xraystarter py type AWS Lambda Segments Timeline GOQuery service id name xraystarter go type AWS Lambda Segments Timeline Analyze traces Dwell TimeA surprise is a time spent in the Lambda service which is ms The next subsegment is a dwell time which only appears if the lambda is called via SNS S You can optimize your Function code but that would not affect the dwell time Calling the Function directly from the console gives a trace with no dwell time DynamoDBBecause the X Ray trace is sent within the Lambda Function you do not only measure the response time from DynamoDB but also the performance of the Function and the development language But don t take these times seriously because the execution time is also not constant An example for the GO Lambda TraceId Call Dynamodb Time fbfcddc Cold start with event  ms ceabeeaaca Warm start with same event  ms d bcfd Warm start with new event  ms fedcafe Warm start with same event   msAnd the same for Python LambdaTraceId Call Dynamodb Time c adfcbbbbcbfe Cold start with event ms c cadfe Warm start with same event ms d aefabfbfc Warm start with new event  ms d faadafbada Warm start with same event  ms ConclusionWith X Ray you can have traceability and connect them to logs easily As you dig deeper you see additional overhead like the initialization or the dwell time With the service map you get a quick overview and the references from traces to CloudWatch logs via Insights can help understand the whole microservice application This application is simple so you can get X Ray up and running and develop your own applications which will be more complex But the principle is the same If you need consulting for your serverless project don t hesitate to contact the sponsor of this blog tecRacer For more AWS development stuff follow me on dev See alsoCode on github xraystarterAWS GO SDK V MiddlewareAWS Lambda X Ray documentationOne Observability Workshop Thanks toSpy vs Spy Comics which not everybody gets 2022-12-01 11:27:58
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Deploying Full Stack ASP.NET Core with API and SQL Server Databases to Docker Containers https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5348430/Deploying-Full-Stack-ASP-NET-Core-with-API-and-SQL docker 2022-12-01 11:56:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 医療のばらつきDXで可視化、民間議員提案-諮問会議で、「標準的なサービスの特定を」 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221201203500 十倉雅和 2022-12-01 21:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Ngozi Fulani: Lady Susan Hussey's race comments were abuse, says charity boss https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63819482?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hussey 2022-12-01 11:39:25
ニュース BBC News - Home William and Kate in Boston after palace race row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63815461?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA black 2022-12-01 11:11:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Ian Blackford to stand down as SNP leader at Westminster https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-63821836?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA group 2022-12-01 11:46:23
ニュース BBC News - Home House prices see biggest fall for two years, says Nationwide https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63818942?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA nationwide 2022-12-01 11:10:53
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ニュース BBC News - Home World Cup 2022: Declan Rice - England should be feared https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63818819?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA knockout 2022-12-01 11:22:53
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IT 週刊アスキー 新作アーケード用音楽体感演奏ゲーム『MUSIC DIVER』が本日より順次稼働開始! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/115/4115745/ musicdiver 2022-12-01 20:25:00



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