IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エンタープライズ] アマゾンが倉庫作業を自動化へ 新型ロボットシステムを試験導入 |
itmedia |
2022-12-23 16:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 月額380円──「ねこのサブスク」に批判続出 審査・トライアルなしの譲渡に「命が軽く扱われるのでは」 |
itmedia |
2022-12-23 16:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ベンキュー、有機ELパネルを採用した48型4Kゲーミングディスプレイ |
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2022-12-23 16:10:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
SAP Private Link Service を使用して SAP BTP サービスと AWS サービスを接続する方法 |
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2022-12-23 07:57:09 |
AWS Japan Blog |
コスト配分モデルを用いた組織内のコスト配分の実現 |
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2022-12-23 07:10:47 |
AWS Japan Blog |
クラウドパフォーマンス指標 (KPI) を用いたクラウドバリューの測定方法 |
青木 |
2022-12-23 07:09:53 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python のプログラムから mysqld を run, shutdown してみた (Windows 10) |
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2022-12-23 16:46:43 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
おいしいコーヒーの淹れ方を教えてくれるAlexaスキルの作成に失敗した |
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2022-12-23 16:37:11 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
leetcode5 を解いてみた |
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2022-12-23 16:18:21 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[JavsScript] map, find, filter, forEachの特徴と書き方 + スプレッド構文 |
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Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
個人的docker composeおすすめtips6選 |
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2022-12-23 16:45:19 |
技術ブログ |
KAYAC engineers' blog |
Unityを使い始めた頃に困っていた事、悩んでいた事 |
Unityを触り始めた方でバグに遭遇し解決できずに辞めてしまう人も多い印象があるので、public変数を使わない形から始めるのもいいかもしれないなと思いました。 |
2022-12-23 17:00:00 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Terraform で AWS Control Tower のガードレール/コントロールを管理する |
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2022-12-23 07:40:11 |
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Developers.IO |
【製造業 IoT の第一歩】三菱電機のシーケンサ MELSEC から取得した設備データを AWS に保存するまで |
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2022-12-23 07:37:47 |
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Developers.IO |
[レポート]クロール/ウォーク/ラン: Kong と AWS を使用したクラウドへの移行 (sponsored by Kong) #PRT229 #reinvent |
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2022-12-23 07:20:48 |
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Developers.IO |
Zendeskのお問い合わせフォームのデザインをカスタマイズする方法 |
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2022-12-23 07:02:13 |
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Developers.IO |
Amazon EFS の Elastic Throughput モードと Bursting Throughput モードでファイルの読み書きしてスループットを確認してみた |
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2022-12-23 07:00:49 |
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Hatena::Engineering |
はてなのポッドキャスト Backyard Hatena #19 - 社長とGoogle Apps Script、はてなの2022年(id:chris4403) #byhatena |
backyard |
2022-12-23 17:00:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Will ChatGPT replace human software developers? |
Will ChatGPT replace human software developers I wanted to put ChatGPT to the test and see if I could combine it with Aista Magic Cloud to have it create a complete full stack software system for me and the result might surprise you You can see the entire process in the video below The point of course being that you can ask ChatGPT to create any code for you and it will understand your request implying if you can phrase your request correctly it will deliver code for you that is roughly correct I asked it to create an SQLite SQL DDL script for me that encapsulates a small CRM database Notice it did include some bugs and also didn t entirely get the references and primary keys correctly applied For instance it could have added auto increment for my primary keys but in general this is a better SQL DDL than what of the world s software developers could produce if given the same task Check out what it gave me below CREATE TABLE contacts contact id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY first name TEXT NOT NULL last name TEXT NOT NULL email TEXT NOT NULL phone TEXT NOT NULL company TEXT NOT NULL position TEXT NOT NULL notes TEXT NOT NULL CREATE TABLE companies company id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY name TEXT NOT NULL website TEXT NOT NULL industry TEXT NOT NULL notes TEXT NOT NULL CREATE TABLE deals deal id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY contact id INTEGER NOT NULL company id INTEGER NOT NULL value REAL NOT NULL stage TEXT NOT NULL notes TEXT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY contact id REFERENCES contacts contact id FOREIGN KEY company id REFERENCES companies company id CREATE TABLE tasks task id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY contact id INTEGER NOT NULL company id INTEGER NOT NULL deal id INTEGER NOT NULL subject TEXT NOT NULL due date TEXT NOT NULL status TEXT NOT NULL notes TEXT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY contact id REFERENCES contacts contact id FOREIGN KEY company id REFERENCES companies company id FOREIGN KEY deal id REFERENCES deals deal id CREATE TABLE appointments appointment id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY contact id INTEGER NOT NULL company id INTEGER NOT NULL deal id INTEGER NOT NULL subject TEXT NOT NULL start time TEXT NOT NULL end time TEXT NOT NULL location TEXT NOT NULL notes TEXT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY contact id REFERENCES contacts contact id FOREIGN KEY company id REFERENCES companies company id FOREIGN KEY deal id REFERENCES deals deal id CREATE TABLE emails email id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY contact id INTEGER NOT NULL company id INTEGER NOT NULL deal id INTEGER NOT NULL subject TEXT NOT NULL sender TEXT NOT NULL recipient TEXT NOT NULL date sent TEXT NOT NULL body TEXT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY contact id REFERENCES contacts contact id FOREIGN KEY company id REFERENCES companies company id Then I created a cloudlet and simply executed the above SQL Which gave me the following database I asked it to create between and tables and it only gave me However I could have continued asking it questions correcting it to refine the result Something I did not do I simply used the first iteration it gave me and manually fixed the bugs Then I used our CRUD API generator to generate an API which gave me the following endpoints Finally I generated a frontend wrapping my API using our frontend data grid CRUD generator Below is the final result Approximately lines of code LOC entirely created by combining AI with Low Code and software development automation Effectively eliminating some approximately of our professional software developers with something that s a million times faster than a human being …As to if it will steal our jobs the answer is “not yet It needs to be refined a bit since currently it doesn t for instance understand it cannot use CREATE DATABASE for an SQLite database etc But in general it produces code that s times better than most software developers I have worked with in my professional life However if you re a mediocre software developer you should be very very afraid I d rather hire this thing in fact than most human software developers I ve ever worked with in my entire life The difference being of course that this thing is free and delivers x quality in of the time In fact most software developers I have worked with wouldn t be able to produce the above quality at gunpoint It still needs a “human touch though However …Following Moore s law a couple of more years down the rabbit hole implies it will replace everything Not only software developers but lawyers doctors teachers EVERYTHING And I LAJK it … |
2022-12-23 07:31:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
GPT-Powered chatbot over the phone - Try it, and see how it was built |
GPT Powered chatbot over the phone Try it and see how it was builtChatGPT has sent the internet into a frenzy For developers it s just the tip of the iceberg OpenAI s API allows us to leverage the power of the GPT Models in as many ways as we can imagine Today I hacked together a cutting edge AI chatbot that you can call from any phone anywhere in the world What s more you can try it yourself See the end of the article for more details ArchitectureAmazon Connect is a powerful solution that lets us set up a phone number build contact flows support call centre agents and everything in between It s not exactly a leader in this space but it s smooth integration with other AWS Services makes it a breeze for this scenario Amazon Lex AWS s natural language conversational AI service With Amazon Connect it seamlessly leverages Amazon Transcribe to understand what is being said speech to text and Amazon Polly to provide the verbal response text to speech We aren t really using the Natural Language powers of Lex but it has other uses for us AWS Lambda handles the call to OpenAI s API The function itself is quite simple although the supporting Lambda Layer was significantly larger Since OpenAI s API costs money I ve leveraged AWS Secrets Manager to keep my API Key secure To make debugging less nightmarish we ll see why Amazon CloudWatch provides a simple way to store my basic log files and Amazon API Gateway gives an ability to retrieve them Deep Dive into ServicesKnowing the architecture is great but it doesn t help build everything out in detail Let s dive into some of those services in some more depth ️Amazon ConnectConnect is a powerful service but it can feel counter intuitive if you ve never managed a virtual contact centre before lucky you Like Quicksight and a few other services Amazon Connect has its own control panels outside the AWS Management Console First you need to setup your Amazon Connect instance in your chosen region You ll need to setup a DID number Direct In dial number fancy word for your inbound phone number for a country of your choice but make sure it s available in your region on the Connect Pricing page and that you meet any necessary regulations Building your Contact Flow is the cool stuff happens You can use the editor to build out a workflow that meets your needs in a huge number of works including logic prompts and an ability to trigger Lambda functions making it hugely extensible Amazon LexLex v is an immensely powerful service for building natural language experiences The name isn t a coincidence either since it also powers Amazon Alexa But we aren t using any of those features it s just a convenient way of handling the processing between text and speech with our Lambda function Lex developers look away now After we create our bot we need to configure it Normally we would create multiple intents with their respective utterances Instead I create a single intent I called it campingInTents because childish humour with a random utterance pancakes I was hungry Neither mattered in this case since both the created intent and the default FallbackIntent are going to be doing the same thing After enabling the Lambda code hooks for initialization and configuring the bot to use my Lambda function it will always behave the same sending the message through to OpenAI regardless of what s been said This is an incredibly hacky way of doing it and I m sure there are many better ways But I m a hacky dev building a hacky solution today AWS LambdaLambda functions are best when kept simple This one sends the request to OpenAI outputs some information for logging and passes the information back to Lex More info about the code down below Since it relies on an external API call it does take a while to execute seconds on average which is very inefficient and despite throwing Lambda Power Tuning at the problem it s purely an external dependency issue and can t be resolved by resources You could make it more cost effective using AWS Step Functions to handle the OpenAI API call asyncrhonously but I didn t worry for this project The openai python library makes interacting with the API a breeze Although at MB fully installed including requests numpy and pandas it s pretty beefy Consolidating it into a Lambda Layer made it simple and easy to manage numpy didn t appreciate running in Lambda after being loaded for my Windows machine so you may need to specify the right package before building the layer After some incredibly nonsensical replies to my queries I added some basic logging which is output to CloudWatch logs The reason is that Amazon Transcribe is awful still leaving a lot to be desired especially with my accent So I wanted to capture what Transcribe thought I d said leading to some interesting insights This has to be my favourite What I said What s the key difference between Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar OpenAI s Response The key difference between Alexander the Great and Reseda is that Alexander the Great was a Macedonian king and conqueror who reigned from BC while Reseda is a city in Los Angeles California What Transcribe thought I said What s the key difference between alexander great enjoy reseda How much coding For a fully fledged chatbot which comes close to passing the Turing Test powered by some of the most incredible AI models in the modern age that runs on the worlds most ubiquitous communication medium surely there d be some pretty significant coding required Just lines of code That s all of the Python code including comments which I had to write for Lambda to make this work all available on GitHub Everything else was configuring the existing services In fact it can be compacted down into less than lines of code though substantially harder to read Modern solutions built around cloud computing microservices and API s means you can leverage a surprising amount of power by simply tying solutions together Reading the code there s virtually no custom logic involved except for the prompt Everything else is arguably just glue code On the pricing dimension it costs all of cents per invocation which is pretty impressive Try it for yourself Here we go the US phone number that hosts the chatbot OpenAI is expensive so this will disappear eventually when either it runs out of credits or gets excessively misused Give it a try but be reasonable It does take several seconds for the API to return the response so don t be surprised if it takes a little while Stay safe over the holiday season and best wishes towards |
2022-12-23 07:18:21 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
後発薬の安定供給を診療報酬の特例で後押し-来年4-12月末、中医協答申 |
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2022-12-23 16:40:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
世界の消費者は生保加入にあたりインターネットをどう利用するのか-インターネット利用状況の国際比較- |
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2022-12-23 16:35:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Scotland gender reforms: UK ministers may block law |
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2022-12-23 07:28:53 |
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BBC News - Home |
US man uses 'intuition' to win lottery six times |
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2022-12-23 07:17:32 |
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BBC News - Home |
Antarctic post office: A home for Christmas among the penguins |
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2022-12-23 07:21:28 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
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2022-12-23 07:31:39 |
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筑邦銀行が取立不能のおそれ、取引先「司建装」破産で - 不景気com |
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昭和パックスが取立不能のおそれ、取引先の支払留保で - 不景気com |
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2022-12-23 07:12:35 |
北海道 |
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逃走中クレカ利用、即通報 警視庁、全国初の取り組み |
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2022-12-23 16:47:00 |
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世界のビール消費、2年ぶり増加 21年、日本は減少で8位 |
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2022-12-23 16:21:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
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2022-12-23 16:30:50 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ほっともっとグリル、野菜が摂れる具だくさんポトフ2品! チキンとベーコン/あさりとホタテ |
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2022-12-23 16:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
エアリア、4.7~7.2型のスマホに対応した自転車用スマホホルダー「BikeTieConnectKit2」を発売 |
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2022-12-23 16:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
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2022-12-23 16:40:00 |
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2022-12-23 16:30:00 |
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2022-12-23 16:30:00 |
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Win版『大戦略SSB』で無料追加マップ「新ハワイ作戦」を配信! |
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2022-12-23 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
サーティワン、王道の3フレーバーがひとつになった「ブラン ニュー デイ」日本上陸50周年を記念 |
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2022-12-23 16:25:00 |