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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
ROBOT ロボスタ 【世界初】ドコモ/KDDI/ソフトバンク/楽天モバイル、共同体制で国際規格「O-RAN」試験・認証拠点「Japan OTIC」をYRPに開設 https://robotstart.info/2022/12/23/o-ran-japan-otic.html 2022-12-23 08:20:48
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Skebで障害 「全システム・サーバを別のクラウドサービスに移行」で対応 24日までに復旧見込み https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2212/23/news177.html itmedianewsskeb 2022-12-23 17:45:00
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AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Well-Architected Frameworkの信頼性の柱にある『動作を継続的に行う』と『静的安定性を使用してバイモーダル動作を防止する』の記述がモヤモヤするのでオレオレ解釈してみた https://qiita.com/ohtk79/items/f4b253a01680ae41a4c6 areyouwellarchitected 2022-12-23 17:33:04
技術ブログ Developers.IO เตือนภัย! พบ Aikido Wiper ในซอฟต์แวร์ Anti-virus ที่สามารถทำลายข้อมูลใน PC ของเราได้ https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aikido-wiper-was-found-in-anti-virus-software-that-can-destroy-our-pc-data/ เตือนภัย พบAikido Wiper ในซอฟต์แวร์Anti virus ที่สามารถทำลายข้อมูลในPC ของเราได้บทนำสวัสดีค่ะบล็อกแรกของเดือนนี้แนนจะมาเตือนภัยทุกคนเกี่ยวกับAikido Wiper ช่องโหวสุดอันตรายที่สามารถทำลายข 2022-12-23 08:47:10
海外TECH DEV Community Slack Next-gen Platform - External API Calls https://dev.to/seratch/slack-next-gen-platform-external-api-calls-1i76 Slack Next gen Platform External API CallsIn this tutorial you ll learn how to make external API calls inside your own function that runs on Slack s next generation platform app Specifically you ll build a custom function that translates given text into a different language by leveraging DeepL s text translation API PrerequisitesIf you re new to the platform please read my The Simplest Hello World tutorial first In a nutshell you ll need a paid Slack workspace and permission to use the beta feature in the workspace And then you can connect your Slack CLI with the workspace If all the above are already done you re ready to build your first app Let s get started Create a Blank ProjectWhen you start a new project you can run slack create command In this tutorial you will build an app from scratch So select Blank project from the list slack create Select a template to build from Hello World A simple workflow that sends a greeting Scaffolded project A solid foundational project that uses a Slack datastore gt Blank project A well blank project To see all available samples visit github com slack samples Once the project is generated let s check if slack run command works without any issues This command installs a dev version of your new app into your connected Slack workspace Now your app s bot user is in the workspace and your app has its bot token for API calls cd zealous elk slack run Choose a workspace seratch TEMJU App is not installed to this workspaceUpdating dev app install for workspace Acme Corp ️Outgoing domains No allowed outgoing domains are configured If your function makes network requests you will need to allow the outgoing domains Learn more about upcoming changes to outgoing domains seratch of Acme CorpConnected awaiting eventsIf you see Connected awaiting events log message the app is successfully connected to Slack You can hit Ctrl C to terminate the local app process Create a Workflow and its Link TriggerIn this tutorial I will skip the basics of custom functions If you haven t read my Custom Functions tutorial checking the tutorial in advance is highly recommended In this tutorial s instructions you ll add the following two files to the blank project workflow and trigger ts which defines a workflow and its link triggerfunction ts which defines a custom function that performs external API callsLet s start by creating workflow and trigger ts with the minimum definition as below We will add three function steps to the workflow later on Workflow definition import DefineWorkflow Schema from deno slack sdk mod ts export const workflow DefineWorkflow callback id translator workflow title Translator Workflow input parameters properties The channel to post the translation result channel id type Schema slack types channel id Need this to open a form interactivity type Schema slack types interactivity required channel id interactivity TODO Add function steps to the workflow Trigger Definition import Trigger from deno slack api types ts This trigger starts the workflow when an end user clicks the linkconst trigger Trigger lt typeof workflow definition gt type shortcut name Translator Trigger workflow workflows workflow definition callback id inputs The channel where an end user clicks the link channel id value data channel id This input is required for opening a form within the workflow interactivity value data interactivity As long as the trigger object is default exported you can generate a trigger with this code slack triggers create trigger def workflow and trigger tsexport default trigger Before you forget add the workflow to manifest ts Also since your function will send HTTP requests towards external API endpoints api free deepl com only when you go with their free tier and api deepl com must be added to outgoingDomains as well import Manifest from deno slack sdk mod ts import workflow as TranslatorWorkflow from workflow and trigger ts export default Manifest name zealous elk description Translate text in Slack icon assets default new app icon png Add your workflow to this list workflows TranslatorWorkflow All the domains except slack com must be listed outgoingDomains api free deepl com only for free tier usage api deepl com botScopes commands chat write chat write public After checking if there is no error in slack run outputs you can generate a link trigger by running slack triggers create trigger def workflow and trigger ts You ll see two options on the screen Select the latter one with dev suffix this time slack triggers create trigger def workflow and trigger ts Choose an app Use arrows to move type to filter seratch TEMJU App is not installed to this workspace gt seratch dev TEMJU zealous elk dev ADHVMPFIf everything goes well you will get a link trigger to start your demo workflow slack triggers create trigger def workflow and trigger ts Choose an app seratch dev TEMJU zealous elk dev ADHVMPFTrigger created Trigger ID FtDEBXXXX Trigger Type shortcut Trigger Name Translator Trigger URL You can share the link in the connected Slack workspace by posting a message with the URL You ll see a button to click as the attachment of the message Add Three Functions to the WorkflowYour workflow and its link trigger are now ready for running However the workflow does not have any meaningful functions It s time to add three functions including your custom one to the workflow Add the built in OpenForm to collect an end user s inputs the original text and the language to translate into Add your custom function translate which translates the given textAdd the built in SendMessage to post the result in the channelThe built in ones are already available to use The last remaining task is to add the custom translate function Create a new file named function ts with the following content import DefineFunction Schema SlackFunction from deno slack sdk mod ts import FunctionSourceFile from mod ts The metadata definition for the translator functionexport const def DefineFunction callback id translate title Translate description Translate text using DeepL s API This example code uses a rd party module deno slack source file resolver to automatically resolve the relative path of this source file source file FunctionSourceFile import meta url input parameters properties text type Schema types string source lang type Schema types string optional target lang type Schema types string required text target lang output parameters properties translated text type Schema types string required translated text export default SlackFunction def async inputs env gt When running a dev version of your app placing env file with variables is the way to configure env As for the deployed prod one you need to run slack env add DEEPL AUTH KEY value before running the app s workflow const authKey env DEEPL AUTH KEY if authKey Since it s impossible to continue in this case this function returns an error const error DEEPL AUTH KEY env value is missing Please add env file for slack run If you ve already deployed this app slack env add DEEPL AUTH KEY value command configures the env variable for you return error Build an HTTP request towards DeepL s text translation API const subdomain authKey endsWith fx api free api const deeplApiUrl https subdomain deepl com v translate const body new URLSearchParams body append auth key authKey body append text inputs text if inputs source lang this input is optional body append source lang inputs source lang toUpperCase body append target lang inputs target lang toUpperCase When there is no Deno library to perform external API calls simply using the built in fetch function is recommended const response await fetch deeplApiUrl method POST headers content type application x www form urlencoded charset utf body const status response status if status const body await response text const error DeepL API error status status body body return error When the translation succeeds the response body is JSON data const result await response json if result result translations length const error Translation failed JSON stringify result return error When it s successful the outputs must include translated text as it s required return outputs translated text result translations text This function uses a valid DeepL API auth key If you don t have a DeepL developer account yet note that a developer account is different from the typical user account visit their registration page to create a new one Once your account is activated you can get your Authentication Key for DeepL API at the account page You may desire to write the auth key in the code as it s so easy but we don t recommend hard coding it in the source code from a security perspective Alternatively you can use env variables to pass credentials and confidential information When you run a dev version of your app using slack run command you can use env file placed in your project s root directory Create env file and save the following content in it DEEPL AUTH KEY your auth key here When you deploy the prod version of this app you can run slack deploy command As for the prod app you don t use env anymore Instead you can run slack env add DEEPL AUTH KEY your auth key here right after the deployment Next add the function steps to the workflow Open workflow and trigger ts again and add the following code Receive the original text and which language to translate intoconst formStep workflow addStep Schema slack functions OpenForm title Run DeepL Translator To use this built in function either a preceding function or the trigger of workflow must provide interactivity in inputs interactivity workflow inputs interactivity submit label Translate The fields are similar to Block Kit but some differences exist Refer to type parameters for details fields elements name text title Original Text type Schema types string name target lang title Target Language type Schema types string description Select the language to translate into enum English Japanese Korean Chinese Italian French Spanish choices value en title English value ja title Japanese value kr title Korean value zh title Chinese value it title Italian value fr title French value es title Spanish default en required text target lang Import your translator function and add it to this workflowimport def as translate from function ts const translateStep workflow addStep translate text formStep outputs fields text target lang formStep outputs fields target lang Post the translation result using the built in message functionworkflow addStep Schema slack functions SendMessage channel id workflow inputs channel id message gt formStep outputs fields text n translateStep outputs translated text You may still be unfamiliar with the built in OpenForm function Don t worry about it for now Using the form as an end user should be intuitive When you build different types of forms there are a few things to learn So I ll publish another article on how to create forms soon Stay tuned Now that the workflow is complete let s start with the link trigger When you click it you ll see a popup modal form like the one below If you re a non English speaker write a sentence in a different language and select English as the target language as I do here If you use English only you can write an English sentence and select a different language in the select menu Once you submit the original text and the target language the translation result will be posted shortly If nothing happens double check that you have an active slack run command session Also you may receive a DM from Slackbot if the workflow fails for some reason More Sophisticated Translator AppIf you re looking for a more sophisticated translator app take a look at the official sample app I ve recently published How does it work When an end user adds a national flag emoji reaction to a channel message the app translates the text into the language associated with the emoji and posts the results in its thread I do understand there may be different opinions on the relations between national flags and languages If that s the case for you changing the emoji mapping rules is possible by adjusting the relevant source code in the app Wrapping UpYou ve learned the following points with this hands on tutorial Create a function that performs external API callsEnable external domain accesses in manifest tsAdd env variables for workflows and functionsThe complete project is available at I hope you enjoy this tutorial As always if you have any comments or feedback please feel free to let me know on Twitter seratch or elsewhere I can check out Happy hacking with Slack s next generation platform 2022-12-23 08:26:31
海外TECH DEV Community CSS Guide: Basics of CSS https://dev.to/anujnegi_/css-guide-basics-of-css-5g34 CSS Guide Basics of CSSEver come across a website with a design so captivating it left you in awe Meet CSS the magic behind those intricate designs and layouts Short for cascading style sheets CSS allows web developers to customize the styles of their web pages CSS brings web pages to life from the overall design to the layout and display variants for different devices And the fun doesn t stop there the possibilities for creating visually stunning and user friendly websites with CSS are endless So next time you re admiring a website s design remember that CSS is likely the secret ingredient that made it all come together Introduction to CSS and its purposeCSS or cascading style sheets allows web developers to apply styles to HTML elements like text images and buttons to create visually appealing and user friendly web pages But its purpose goes beyond just making things look pretty CSS separates the content HTML from the presentation design and layout making it easier for developers to focus on creating the structure and content of a website while leaving the styling to CSS This means that styles can be reused across multiple web pages saving time and effort in the development process And with the rise of mobile devices and different screen sizes CSS ensures that a website looks and functions appropriately on different devices So next time you re admiring a website s design remember to thank CSS for bringing it all together and making it look effortless In short CSS is an essential tool for web developers that helps them create beautiful and functional websites without the hassle of styling each element individually So the next time you re in awe of a website s design you know who to thank for making it all possible Understanding the CSS syntax and structureThe basic syntax of CSS consists of a selector followed by a declaration block The selector specifies which HTML element s the style should be applied to and the declaration block contains one or more declarations that define the style for the selector Here s an example to give you a better idea h color red font size px font family Arial In this example the h selector specifies that the style should be applied to all h elements on the page The declaration block contains three declarations color font size and font family Each declaration consists of a property and a value separated by a colon CSS also has various ways to group and organize styles such as using class and id selectors as well as the use of nested selectors Here s an example of a class selector red text color red In this example the red text class can be applied to any HTML element by using the class attribute Here s an example of how to use the class in an HTML element lt p class red text gt This text will be red lt p gt Understanding the syntax and structure of CSS is crucial for web developers to effectively style their websites and create visually appealing and user friendly web Working with colors and backgroundsOne of the most exciting aspects of web development is the ability to add color and visual interest to a website And with CSS it s easy to do just that CSS allows web developers to customize the colors and backgrounds of their web pages adding a personal touch and bringing their designs to life Working with colors in CSS is simple all you have to do is specify the color property and assign it a value There are various ways to specify a color such as using a named color a hexadecimal code or an RGB value For example p color blue named color button color ff hexadecimal code div color rgb RGB value In addition to colors CSS also allows web developers to customize the background of an element This can include setting a solid color adding an image or even adding a gradient Here s an example of setting a background color body background color ffcc solid color With CSS the possibilities for adding color and visual interest to a website are endless So next time you want to add some pizazz to your web pages remember to use CSS to your advantage Using font styles and sizesFont styles and sizes are a simple way to add personality and flair to your website Whether you want to make a bold statement with large attention grabbing text or create a more subtle refined look with smaller elegant fonts CSS has you covered To change the font style of your text you can use the font family property This property allows you to specify the type of font you want to use such as Arial Times New Roman or even custom fonts like Google Fonts To change the size of your text you can use the font size property This property allows you to specify the size of your text in pixels ems or even percentages But it s not just about aesthetics using the right font style and size can also improve the user experience on your website Large easy to read fonts can make your website more accessible for people with vision impairments while smaller more subtle fonts can add a touch of sophistication to your design So don t be afraid to play around with font styles and sizes in your CSS It s a simple way to give your website a fresh new look and make it stand out from the crowd Example of creating a visual hierarchy and grabbing the attention of the user by using the right font style and size Adding margins padding and bordersMargins are the space around an element while the padding is the space inside an element Both of these can be adjusted using the following CSS code element margin px padding px You can also specify different margins and padding for each side of the element using the following code element margin top px margin right px margin bottom px margin left px padding top px padding right px padding bottom px padding left px Borders can be added to elements to give them definition and separation from other elements The border property can be used to add a border to all sides of an element or you can specify a border for each side individually element border px solid black element border top px solid black border right px solid black border bottom px solid black border left px solid black By playing around with margins padding and borders you can give your website the structure and visual appeal it needs to stand out Positioning elements on the pagePositioning elements on the page is an important part of web design It allows us to control the placement of elements on the page ensuring that they are displayed in the desired location There are several different methods for positioning elements each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks One way to position elements is through the use of the float property This allows us to float an element to the left or right of the page allowing other elements to flow around it Here s an example of how to float an element to the right myElement float right Another method for positioning elements is through the use of the position property This allows us to specify the position of an element in relation to the parent element or the page itself Several different values can be used with the position property including absolute relative and fixed Here s an example of how to position an element absolutely myElement position absolute top px right px This will position the element pixels from the top and pixels from the right of the parent element Positioning elements on the page can be a powerful tool for creating visually appealing and user friendly websites Whether you re floating elements to the side or positioning them absolutely the options are endless and can help bring your website to life Working with floats and clearsFloats and clears are an essential part of web design and understanding how they work is crucial for creating beautiful and functional websites Floats allow us to take an element and float it to the left or right of the page allowing other elements to flow around it This is often used to create columns or to position an element next to another element Here s an example of how to float an element to the left myElement float left However when we float an element it can sometimes cause issues with other elements on the page This is where the clear property comes in The clear property allows us to specify that an element should not be floated next to a floated element Here s an example of how to clear an element myElement clear both This will ensure that the element is not floated next to any floated elements on the page Floats and clears help us create complex and visually appealing layouts Whether you re floating an element to the side or clearing it to prevent issues understanding how these properties work is crucial for creating great websites Creating basic layouts with CSSCreating basic layouts with CSS is an essential part of web design It allows us to control the layout of our pages ensuring that they are displayed in a visually appealing and user friendly manner There are several different methods for creating basic layouts with CSS including floats flexbox and grid Floats allow us to take an element and float it to the left or right of the page allowing other elements to flow around it This is often used to create columns or to position an element next to another element Here s an example of how to create a two column layout using floats leftColumn float left width rightColumn float right width Flexbox is another method for creating layouts It allows us to create flexible responsive layouts that adjust to the size of the screen Here s an example of how to create a simple flexbox layout container display flex flex direction row item flex Finally we can use the CSS grid to create complex and flexible layouts The grid allows us to create rows and columns and position elements within them Here s an example of how to create a grid layout container display grid grid template columns repeat fr grid template rows repeat px item grid column grid row Creating basic layouts with CSS is an important part of web design and there are many different methods to choose from Whether you re using floats flexbox or the grid understanding how these properties work is crucial for creating great websites Responsive design and media queriesResponsive design is an essential part of web design in today s world where people are accessing the internet from a variety of different devices with varying screen sizes Responsive design allows us to create websites that adapt to the size of the screen ensuring that they are easy to use and look great on any device One of the key tools for implementing responsive design is the use of media queries Media queries allow us to specify different styles for different screen sizes ensuring that our website looks great on any device Here s an example of a simple media query media screen and max width px myElement display none This media query will hide the element with the class myElement on screens with a width of pixels or less Responsive design is essential for creating great websites that are easy to use on any device By using media queries we can ensure that our website looks great on any screen size and provides a great user experience Tips and best practices for writing clean and efficient CSS codeHere are some tips and best practices for writing clean and efficient CSS code Use a consistent naming convention Choose a naming convention such as BEM or SMACSS and stick with it throughout your project This will help keep your code organized and easy to read Avoid using overly specific selectors Using overly specific selectors can make your code difficult to maintain and can lead to problems down the line Instead try to use more general selectors whenever possible Use shorthand properties Many CSS properties have shorthand versions which allow you to specify multiple values in a single line of code For example instead of writing the whole set of properties for margin in different lines we can just write it in a single line very long method of writing properties myElement margin top px margin right px margin bottom px margin left px shorthand version of the same css myElement top right bottom left margin px px px px Use CSS preprocessors CSS preprocessors such as Sass or Less allow you to write more efficient and organized code by adding features such as variables and mixins Use a CSS reset A CSS reset is a set of styles that helps to ensure that all elements on the page have a consistent look and feel regardless of the browser they are being viewed in This can help prevent issues with browser specific styles Here s an example of a simple CSS reset margin padding box sizing border box By following these best practices you can write clean and efficient CSS code that is easy to maintain and will help your website look and function its best ConclusionThat s a wrap on my CSS basics blog In this blog we covered everything from creating styles and applying them to elements to using selectors to target specific elements on the page But don t worry we re not finished yet In my next blog I ll be exploring some more advanced CSS topics such as transforms masking animations and working with CSS preprocessors I hope this blog on the basics of CSS was helpful to you If you enjoyed it don t forget to give it a like and share it with your friends I d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on mastering CSS I ll see you in the next blog 2022-12-23 08:20:13
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北海道 北海道新聞 高安「年6場所で優勝したい」 元大関、賜杯を渇望 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779772/ 三つどもえ 2022-12-23 17:48:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道教委、教職員30人分の個人情報書類紛失 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779757/ 個人情報 2022-12-23 17:41:00
北海道 北海道新聞 高校総体、合同チーム出場を検討 少子化で部員減、9競技 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779750/ 体育大会 2022-12-23 17:22:01
北海道 北海道新聞 釧路信組元支店長が1835万円着服 懲戒解雇 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779755/ 懲戒解雇 2022-12-23 17:33:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日航、受験に「滑らない」お守り 航空機の車輪止めを再利用 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779756/ 東京都大田区 2022-12-23 17:33:00
北海道 北海道新聞 開発局、五輪汚職で1社指名停止 広告大手ADKマーケティング・ソリューションズ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779753/ 指名停止 2022-12-23 17:25:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小中学生の体力、過去最低 コロナで運動の機会減少 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779752/ 小中学生 2022-12-23 17:24:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日本ハム・金子千尋投手が現役引退表明 米にコーチ留学へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/779681/ 金子千尋 2022-12-23 17:03:36
ニュース Newsweek 還暦のトム・クルーズ、断崖絶壁からバイクごと谷底へ 『M:I』最新作の舞台裏映像が「理解不能」と話題に https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/culture/2022/12/post-100444.php 2022-12-23 17:45:00
ニュース Newsweek クジラの死骸を食む空腹のホホジロザメが撮影される https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2022/12/post-100448.php クジラの死骸を食む空腹のホホジロザメが撮影されるオーストラリアの海上でクジラの巨大な死体から肉片を食いちぎるホホジロザメの姿が撮影された。 2022-12-23 17:35:00
ニュース Newsweek 「脱・三日坊主」には、努力は「逆効果」...来年こそ、新しい習慣を身につけるには? https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/business/2022/12/post-100430.php さて、あなたが新たに始めたい習慣はなんですか「あれも、これも」と取り入れたい習慣を頭の中でリストアップしつつ、まずは要約をチェックしましょう『性格タイプ別習慣術』著者古川武士出版社ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン要約を読む最後にご紹介するのは、習慣化コンサルタントの古川武士氏による『性格タイプ別習慣術』です。 2022-12-23 17:12:00
IT 週刊アスキー GitHub、「secret scanning」の機能をアップデート https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/118/4118678/ github 2022-12-23 17:50:00
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マーケティング AdverTimes ウェルビーイング推進を調査、パーパス浸透企業の4割が実施 https://www.advertimes.com/20221223/article407470/ profuture 2022-12-23 08:32:25
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