IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Twitter Blue」の加入者は最大60分の動画投稿が可能に − 返信の優先表示も開始 |
engadget |
2022-12-25 03:45:48 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
【Kindleストア】講談社の「冬電2023 キャンペーン」で新たなセールを開催中 − エンタメ小説フェアや料理本398円均一セールなど |
amazon |
2022-12-25 03:13:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
16bit版ヒストグラム平坦化処理 |
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2022-12-25 12:38:22 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【完走賞ゲット-25】OpenAI の ChatGPT の API を公式ライブラリの Python版 を venv による仮想環境で試す(使い方を ChatGPT に聞いてみたりも) |
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2022-12-25 12:30:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
USBメモリの空き領域を埋めるPythonプログラム |
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2022-12-25 12:25:13 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Numpy]2次元行列(ndarray)の要素にlistを持たせる方法 |
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js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
"yyプラグイン"の学習効果について |
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2022-12-25 12:40:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
東京ドームが小さく見える。イオンが目指す、東京圏1500万人が使う巨大自販機の作り方。 |
東京ドーム |
2022-12-25 12:14:19 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS CDK v2(TypeScript)でパブリックアクセス可能なEC2を定義する |
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Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
東京ドームが小さく見える。イオンが目指す、東京圏1500万人が使う巨大自販機の作り方。 |
東京ドーム |
2022-12-25 12:14:19 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【iOS】サンタが来るのを子どもがとても楽しみにしていたので、サンタが近づいている感を体感できるアプリを作ってみた |
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技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon CodeCatalyst を使ったので概念などを整理してみた |
uswestoregon |
2022-12-25 03:01:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Create a New Reposiorty on Github |
How to Create a New Reposiorty on GithubIntroductionThere are different means of pushing your project to GitHub it can be done manually on your Github account by dragging and dropping the file to your account or making use of Git Command and there is the advantage of using git to push to your GitHub account But first you must have a Github account that will help you to be able to connect it with your git and you can make use of your terminal or your command prompt as a window user but it is always advisable to use your Git DefinitionWhat is Git Git is software for tracking changes in any set of files usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development Its goals include speed data integrity and support for distributed non linear workflows What is Github GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere This tutorial teaches you GitHub essentials like repositories branches commits and pull requests Personal Experience when I refuse to push my project to GithubAs a developer there is always a need for you to save your project Still funny enough some people will say they have their Hard disk and their external storage to keep their folders and project or probably their flash drive but am sharing this because of the problem I faced some months ago after doing numbers of the project and my hard disk got crashed I was very sad and unhappy but everything I worked for both day and night was gone Still some came back to me that have some of my projects pushed to my Github account I mean I was so glad and happy to continue with my project after a long period But come to think of it sharing my side of the story is just to let you know that saving money in the bank is good and likewise saving pushing your project online Github is very important I like to give you the steps needed to push your project on GitHub with easeLet s GoSteps involved pushing your project on GithubThe following is the command for git on how to push to GitHub The following will guide you on how to push your code to Github by using gitStep Open your Github Account Click on New which will direct you to create a new repositoryStep If you have an existing repository then open that repository otherwise click on the New button to create a repository Step Enter the name and description in which it is optional for the repository Then click on public or private Repository whatsoever you want to change yours to according to the requirement Select the checkbox if you want to initialize the repository with a READMEStep Then Open your Vs code or your terminal or which one you are using but like Gitbash is still advisable for window usersStep On Your Github account there will be some codes on it which you will need to copy and paste onto your terminalStep The Code creating a new repository on the Command Lineecho pushing project gt gt README mdgit initgit add README mdgit commit m first commit git branch M maingit remote add origin git push u origin mainThen For an existing Repositorygit remote add origin git branch M maingit push u origin mainConclusionHope you enjoy it and now understand how to add a new repository to your GitHub account Watch out for my next article very soon hope you learned something new and in my next article I will be discussing how to push your project to your Github using Git a Version control sytem Share with me your idea in the comment below about how this content has really helped you |
2022-12-25 03:19:49 |
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