技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CloudFormation の CommaDelimitedList でも AllowedValues と AllowedPattern が使えるようになりました |
allowedpattern |
2022-12-27 23:08:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS Budgets: Update alert thresholds unlimitedly with Lambda |
AWS Budgets Update alert thresholds unlimitedly with Lambda MotivationWhen I use AWS Budgets I can receive notifications when the billing is above a threshold The facts are that We can set only alert thresholds for one budget Two budgets are free but we are charged for using more budgets For personal use usually I m not charged so much around USD per month I want to be notified every USD but there is a limitation of alerts like above fact I this post I share how to update the alert threshold incremently when AWS Budgets triggers ArchitectureEventBridge triggers Lambda setBudget at the st of months This Lambda delete and re create the budget to initialize for a month and create alert thresholds USD thresholds for example When the billing is above the threshold the user is notified via SNS email At the same time the second Lambda function is triggered and updates the threshold If the triggered threshold is USD the Lambda function update the threshold to USD CloudFormation templateDeploy from the Console Create stack gt Upload a template gt Choose this file Enter Stack name and parameters budget name email increment Leave the rest default Choose Next Next check IAM acknowledge and Submit When starting in the middle of the month manually run the SetBudgetHandler Lambda function Note that you ll get notified of all alerts of the current used cost AWSTemplateFormatVersion Description Increment alert threshold of AWS Budgets Parameters budgetname Type String Default increment notification increment Type String Default email Type String AllowedPattern a zA Z a zA Z a zA Z ConstraintDescription Must be a valid email address Resources MyTopic Type AWS SNS Topic MyTopicTokenSubscription Type AWS SNS Subscription Properties Protocol email TopicArn Ref MyTopic Endpoint Ref email MyTopicPolicy Type AWS SNS TopicPolicy Properties PolicyDocument Statement Action sns Publish Effect Allow Principal Service budgets amazonaws com Resource Ref MyTopic Sid Version Topics Ref MyTopic UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRole Type AWS IAM Role Properties AssumeRolePolicyDocument Statement Action sts AssumeRole Effect Allow Principal Service lambda amazonaws com Version ManagedPolicyArns arn aws iam aws policy service role AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy Type AWS IAM Policy Properties PolicyDocument Statement Action budgets Effect Allow Resource Version PolicyName UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy Roles Ref UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRole UpdateBudgetHandler Type AWS Lambda Function Properties Code ZipFile import os import re import boto budget name os environ BUDGET NAME increment os environ INCREMENT def handler event context print event client boto client budgets account id context invoked function arn split print account id account id message event Records Sns Message print message message catch from Alert Threshold gt match re search r Alert Threshold gt d message if not match print No Budget Notification Exit return current value str match groups print current value current value str current value int current value str next value current value int increment response client update notification AccountId account id BudgetName budget name OldNotification NotificationType ACTUAL ComparisonOperator GREATER THAN Threshold current value ThresholdType ABSOLUTE VALUE NewNotification NotificationType ACTUAL ComparisonOperator GREATER THAN Threshold next value ThresholdType ABSOLUTE VALUE Role GetAtt UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRole Arn Environment Variables BUDGET NAME Ref budgetname INCREMENT Ref increment Handler index handler Runtime python Timeout DependsOn UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy UpdateBudgetHandlerServiceRole UpdateBudgetHandlerEventInvokeConfig Type AWS Lambda EventInvokeConfig Properties FunctionName Ref UpdateBudgetHandler Qualifier LATEST MaximumRetryAttempts UpdateBudgetHandlerAllowInvokeStackMyTopic Type AWS Lambda Permission Properties Action lambda InvokeFunction FunctionName GetAtt UpdateBudgetHandler Arn Principal sns amazonaws com SourceArn Ref MyTopic UpdateBudgetHandlerMyTopic Type AWS SNS Subscription Properties Protocol lambda TopicArn Ref MyTopic Endpoint GetAtt UpdateBudgetHandler Arn SetBudgetHandlerServiceRole Type AWS IAM Role Properties AssumeRolePolicyDocument Statement Action sts AssumeRole Effect Allow Principal Service lambda amazonaws com Version ManagedPolicyArns arn aws iam aws policy service role AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole SetBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy Type AWS IAM Policy Properties PolicyDocument Statement Action budgets Effect Allow Resource Version PolicyName SetBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy Roles Ref SetBudgetHandlerServiceRole SetBudgetHandler Type AWS Lambda Function Properties Code ZipFile import os import boto budget name os environ BUDGET NAME sns arn os environ SNS ARN increment os environ INCREMENT client boto client budgets def handler event context account id context invoked function arn split Delete if the budget exists try client delete budget AccountId account id BudgetName budget name print Deleted the old budget except client exceptions NotFoundException pass Create new budget client create budget AccountId account id Budget BudgetName budget name BudgetLimit Amount Unit USD CostTypes IncludeTax True IncludeSubscription True UseBlended False IncludeRefund False IncludeCredit False IncludeUpfront True IncludeRecurring True IncludeOtherSubscription True IncludeSupport True IncludeDiscount True UseAmortized False TimeUnit MONTHLY BudgetType COST NotificationsWithSubscribers Notification NotificationType ACTUAL ComparisonOperator GREATER THAN Threshold threshold ThresholdType ABSOLUTE VALUE NotificationState OK Subscribers SubscriptionType SNS Address sns arn for threshold in range int increment int increment print Created a new budget Role GetAtt SetBudgetHandlerServiceRole Arn Environment Variables BUDGET NAME Ref budgetname SNS ARN Ref MyTopic INCREMENT Ref increment Handler index handler Runtime python Timeout DependsOn SetBudgetHandlerServiceRoleDefaultPolicy SetBudgetHandlerServiceRole SetBudgetHandlerEventInvokeConfig Type AWS Lambda EventInvokeConfig Properties FunctionName Ref SetBudgetHandler Qualifier LATEST MaximumRetryAttempts ScheduleRule Type AWS Events Rule Properties ScheduleExpression cron State ENABLED Targets Arn GetAtt SetBudgetHandler Arn Id Target ScheduleRuleAllowEventRuleStackSetBudgetHandler Type AWS Lambda Permission Properties Action lambda InvokeFunction FunctionName GetAtt SetBudgetHandler Arn Principal events amazonaws com SourceArn GetAtt ScheduleRule Arn SummaryI ve shared how to update AWS Budgets threshold incrementally |
2022-12-27 23:21:29 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
FX Daily(12月26日)~海外勢不在で方向感出ず |
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2022-12-28 08:50:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fresh appeal for Lyla Lake, 13, missing over Christmas |
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2022-12-27 23:25:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Manchester United 3-0 Nottingham Forest: Erik Ten Hag wants more goals |
Manchester United Nottingham Forest Erik Ten Hag wants more goalsManchester United manager Erik Ten Hag believes his team are capable of increasing the number of goals they score in games having seen them beat Nottingham Forest |
2022-12-27 23:19:37 |
ビジネス |
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米FDA、大麻成分CBD入り食品・サプリの規制検討 - WSJ発 |
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2022-12-28 08:27:00 |
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米ハイテク労働者、失業でも短期間で再就職=調査 - WSJ発 |
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2022-12-28 08:12:00 |
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ネトフリのパスワード共有近く終了 課題は - WSJ発 |
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2022-12-28 08:01:00 |
マーケティング |
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2022-12-28 00:00:06 |