IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] povo2.0、auかんたん決済の利用で最大1GBのデータ容量がもらえるキャンペーン 1月31日まで |
itmediamobilepovo |
2023-01-16 11:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] auでんき、太陽光発電の買取開始 au PAY残高受取りで単価1円アップ、東京だと9.5円 |
aupay |
2023-01-16 11:23:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 美容液を噴霧するヘアドライヤー、4月発売 パナソニックとミルボンが共同開発、5万5000円 |
itmedia |
2023-01-16 11:05:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
数千人規模のボイスチャットが可能なメタバースTeleXus、通信最適化で実現 |
critelexus |
2023-01-16 02:47:10 |
AWS Japan Blog |
週刊AWS – 2023/1/9週 |
週刊 |
2023-01-16 02:22:52 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python 3.10 の導入 on Windows |
binary |
2023-01-16 11:55:20 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
メモ |
Detail Nothing |
2023-01-16 11:42:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python 3.8 の導入 on Windows |
finalregularbugfixrelease |
2023-01-16 11:06:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
タブの連携動作で、複数のグルーピングについて検討しています。 |
拡張機能 |
2023-01-16 11:32:52 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
C9環境で1年越しにaws-cdkを使用したらスタック作成時にruntimeエラーで詰まった |
resourcehandlerretu |
2023-01-16 11:33:30 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[Looker22.20新機能]グラフ上の特定の箇所だけズームして表示できる機能を試してみた #looker |
looker |
2023-01-16 02:02:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How working/install Spark with Notebooks? |
How working install Spark with Notebooks Basic commands to work with Spark in Notebooks like a Standalone cluster Related content You can find post related in Google Collab You can find video related in YouTube You can find repo related in GitHub You can connect with me in LinkedIn Resume I will install Spark program and will use a library of Python to write a job that answer the question how many row exists by each rating Before start we setup environment to run Spark Standalone Cluster st Mount Google Drive We will mount Google Drive to can use it files I use following script from google colab import drivedrive mount content gdrive nd Install Spark Later got a Colab notebook up to get Spark running you have to run the following script I apologize for how ugly it is I use following script bashapt get install openjdk jdk headless qq gt dev null if d spark bin hadoop tgz then echo Spark hasn t been installed Downloading and installing wget q tar xf spark bin hadoop tgz rm f spark bin hadoop tgzfipip install q findsparkYou would can get other version if you need in and later replace it in the before command rd Setting environment variables I use following command import osos environ JAVA HOME usr lib jvm java openjdk amd os environ SPARK HOME content spark bin hadoop import findsparkfindspark init th Configuring a SparkSession I use following command from pyspark sql import SparkSessionspark SparkSession builder master local set up like master using all threads appName BLOG XLMRIOSX a generic name getOrCreate sc spark sparkContextscLater of execute this we can use many data strcuture to manage data like RDD and Dataframe Spark and Pandas Exists one more but only exists in Scala and it is Dataset th Getting a dataset to anlyze with Spark I use a dataset from grouplens You can get other in This time I use movieslens and you can download it using wget To use data extract files I extract files in path later of d in command unzip content ml k zip d content ml k folder th Configuring data to analyze We create a variable called data where put path where data is like data content ml k folder ml k u data Later define a variable called df spark where put information of data df spark spark read csv data inferSchema True header True We can inspect type of variable df spark like print type df spark We can inspect data frame of variable df spark like df spark show We can see format is incorrect so we will fix that where we configure format of data by following way df spark spark read csv data inferSchema True header False sep t th Making a query To make this we need know format of data so I infer the following structure First column reference to userID Second column reference to movieID Third column reference to rating Fourth column reference to timestamp I will answer the question how many movies by each rating exists th Making a query with SQL syntax First create a table with dataframe df spark createOrReplaceTempView table Second can make query to answer question sql spark sql SELECT c COUNT FROM table GROUP BY c To see results sql show th Making a query with Dataframe It s so easy make this query with dataframe dataframe groupBy c count show th Making a query with RDD First we transform dataframe to rdd type rdd df spark rddSecond make query with RDD functions rdd groupBy lambda x x mapValues lambda values len set values collect th Say thanks give like and share if this has been of help interest Related content You can find post related in Google Collab You can find video related in YouTube You can find repo related in GitHub You can connect with me in LinkedIn |
2023-01-16 02:05:59 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
英国におけるソルベンシーIIのレビューを巡る動向(その6)-財務省による対応結果の公表等- |
欧州の保険業界団体であるInsuranceEuropeも、正式な意見表明は行っていないが、今回の英国政府による改革を歓迎しており、同様の問題を抱えているソルベンシーIIにおいても、現在検討されているソルベンシーIIのレビューにおいて、長期保険契約の提供と持続可能な投資の提供という保険会社の役割を果たす上で必要な改革が行われていくことを期待している、との姿勢を示している。 |
2023-01-16 11:42:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Mursal Nabizada: Gunmen kill former Afghan MP at home in Kabul |
august |
2023-01-16 02:51:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Australian Open: Emma Raducanu beats Tamara Korpatsch in Melbourne |
Australian Open Emma Raducanu beats Tamara Korpatsch in MelbourneBritish number one Emma Raducanu makes a positive return to court after an ankle injury moving into the Australian Open second round with a straight set win |
2023-01-16 02:10:32 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
ベラルーシ版ワグネル「ガルドセルビス」とは?──ひしひし伝わるプーチンからの強い「圧」 |
ベラルーシ版ワグネル「ガルドセルビス」とはーひしひし伝わるプーチンからの強い「圧」ついにあの国がウクライナ戦争に参戦する日が近づいているのだろうか。 |
2023-01-16 11:37:59 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「ほっともっと」人気の中華あんかけシリーズ第2弾! エビ・イカ・ホタテでちょっと贅沢な「海鮮中華あんかけ」登場 |
贅沢 |
2023-01-16 11:20:00 |