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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、Intel製プロセッサ搭載した「Mac mini」の販売を終了 https://taisy0.com/2023/01/17/167174.html macmini 2023-01-17 14:58:10
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、発表イベント風の新型「MacBook Pro 14/16インチ」と新型「Mac mini」の紹介動画を公開 https://taisy0.com/2023/01/17/167168.html apple 2023-01-17 14:51:34
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、M2 Pro/M2 Maxチップを搭載した「MacBook Pro 14/16インチ」を発表 − 本日より予約受付開始 https://taisy0.com/2023/01/17/167164.html apple 2023-01-17 14:32:31
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、M2/M2 Proチップを搭載した新型「Mac mini」を発表 − 本日より予約受付開始 https://taisy0.com/2023/01/17/167160.html apple 2023-01-17 14:25:14
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、次世代SoCの「M2 Pro / M2 Max」チップを正式に発表 https://taisy0.com/2023/01/17/167157.html apple 2023-01-17 14:15:53
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 新MacBook Pro登場 「M2 Pro/Max」搭載、メモリは最大96GBに https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/17/news178.html apple 2023-01-17 23:36:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「Mac mini」新型登場、「M2」に加え「M2 Pro」が搭載可能に 8万4800円から https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/17/news177.html apple 2023-01-17 23:23:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【python】bit全探索を実装する3通りの方法 https://qiita.com/_ken_/items/4c219e603e363ecae623 通り 2023-01-17 23:29:52
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita paizaラーニング レベルアップ問題集 スタック・キューメニュー応用編 JavaScript 満員エレベーター https://qiita.com/ZampieriIsa/items/0ad9ec30e71d5b9949bc javascript 2023-01-17 23:57:43
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JavaScript:ES2015】モジュールについて(初学者向け) https://qiita.com/oNas/items/8ab715952221eaeca2a4 javascript 2023-01-17 23:06:22
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseをアップデートしたらomniauthエラーで詰まった https://qiita.com/naocan/items/a232e19703a31cc4833e device 2023-01-17 23:37:06
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita socket.ioを利用したアプリのデプロイをしたい(攻略編) https://qiita.com/ysk-s/items/b6290e55834bdc20f59c socketio 2023-01-17 23:52:36
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GCPサービスの学習メモ https://qiita.com/yoshihiro-shu/items/ad4d803139a32d14c5dc nuxtjsgolangkubernetes 2023-01-17 23:41:28
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita deviseをアップデートしたらomniauthエラーで詰まった https://qiita.com/naocan/items/a232e19703a31cc4833e device 2023-01-17 23:37:06
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS SimSpace Weaverのシミュレーション環境にAmazon Workspaces Graphics G4dnバンドルから接続してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/connecting-to-the-simulation-environment-of-aws-simspace-weaver-from-the-amazon-workspaces-graphics-g4dn-bundle/ amazon 2023-01-17 14:54:50
海外TECH Ars Technica Looming Twitter interest payment leaves Elon Musk with unpalatable options https://arstechnica.com/?p=1910459 interest 2023-01-17 14:11:48
海外TECH Ars Technica The Chevrolet Corvette gets all-wheel drive hybrid power for 2024 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1910292 vette 2023-01-17 14:00:45
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Make This the Year You Actually Meditate Every Day https://www.makeuseof.com/meditate-every-day-make-this-year/ simple 2023-01-17 14:15:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Browse Reddit Anonymously https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-browse-reddit-anonymously/ reddit 2023-01-17 14:05:16
海外TECH DEV Community generate-sitemap 1.9.1 Released https://dev.to/cicirello/generate-sitemap-191-released-29n5 generate sitemap Released TL DRI just released generate sitemap a GitHub Action for generating XML sitemaps for static websites The generate sitemap GitHub Action is implemented in Python and generates an XML sitemap by crawling the GitHub repository containing the html of the site using commit dates to generate lt lastmod gt tags in the sitemap Changelog FixedCase insensitive check for lt meta name robots content noindex gt in head of html files Correct handling of lt meta content noindex name robots gt i e content before name DependenciesBump cicirello pyaction from to More InformationTo learn more see my earlier post about generate sitemap here on DEV Generate an XML Sitemap for a Static Website in GitHub Actions Vincent A Cicirello・Nov ・ min read webdev showdev github programming You can find the source code and documentation for using in a GitHub workflow in the GitHub repository cicirello generate sitemap Generate an XML sitemap for a GitHub Pages site using GitHub Actions generate sitemapCheck out all of our GitHub Actions AboutGitHub Actions Build Status Source Info Support The generate sitemap GitHub action generates a sitemap for a website hosted on GitHubPages and has the following features Support for both xml and txt sitemaps you choose using one of the action s inputs When generating an xml sitemap it uses the last commit date ofeach file to generate the lt lastmod gt tag in the sitemap entry If the filewas created during that workflow run but not yet committed then it instead usesthe current date however we recommend if possible committing newly created files first Supports URLs for html and pdf files in the sitemap and has inputsto control the included file types defaults include both html and pdf files in the sitemap Now also supports including URLs for a user specified list ofadditional file extensions in the sitemap … View on GitHubFor more information on generate sitemap and other actions see this website about the GitHub Actions that I maintain Vincent Cicirello Open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation Features information on several open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation that we have developed to automate parts of the CI CD pipeline and other repetitive tasks The GitHub Actions featured include jacoco badge generator generate sitemap user statistician and javadoc cleanup actions cicirello org Where You Can Find MeFollow me here on DEV Vincent A CicirelloFollow Researcher and educator in A I algorithms evolutionary computation machine learning and swarm intelligence Follow me on GitHub cicirello cicirello My GitHub Profile Vincent A CicirelloSites where you can find me or my workWeb and social media Software development Publications If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile check out the cicirello user statisticianGitHub Action View on GitHubOr visit my website Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science at Stockton University is aresearcher in artificial intelligence evolutionary computation swarm intelligence and computational intelligence with a Ph D in Robotics from Carnegie MellonUniversity He is an ACM Senior Member IEEE Senior Member AAAI Life Member EAI Distinguished Member and SIAM Member cicirello org 2023-01-17 14:44:30
海外TECH DEV Community A glimpse into our 2023 roadmap https://dev.to/medusajs/a-glimpse-into-our-2023-roadmap-21oj A glimpse into our roadmapFor our main mission at Medusa is to ensure our platform provides more extensibility and composability So our roadmap contains features that push our platform towards these goals Although we have many features planned out for this article focuses on features our team has already started on and are guaranteed to be shipped in the upcoming quarters Keep reading to learn about what s in store for future versions of Medusa Planning our RoadmapAt Medusa we strive to implement high quality and advanced features for ecommerce businesses interested in the platform We have a broad vision of the features that we want to implement and the direction we want Medusa to move into This is reflected in our Roadmap We constantly revisit and make additions to our roadmap to match our vision of the platform The features in this article are only a subset of the features we are planning to implement in Medusa Aside from the roadmap we re introducing Rewind Weeks at Medusa in These will allow us to shed light on the features we shipped in a quarter along with projects and tools that our team has built to further improve Medusa We ll share more details on this later Select Features From Our Roadmap Multi Warehouse APIAs businesses expand into new markets and open physical stores supply chains and logistics become much more complex Without the right tools to manage the many moving parts orders can get lost and stock issues start to pile up Medusa already enables great integrations with OMS and IMS systems But we are now adding a more sophisticated inventory layer that allows Medusa to support businesses with multiple distribution centers or retail stores natively Merchants can manage inventory across locations within Medusa and connect locations to sales channels to control stock availability Furthermore we will introduce allocations to ensure safety stock and avoid overselling This will give merchants a clear picture of their inventory at any given point The new feature will enable a wide range of new experiences for customers such as buy online pick up in store or reserve online try in store flows Developers will also get an excellent new API that can be used to optimize fulfillment build POS experiences and further push the boundaries of what can be done within digital commerce Payment Processor APIOne of Medusa s core strengths is its composable architecture which allows integrating it with the best in breed tools that accelerate ecommerce growth From the beginning offering the best payment option to your customers at any time has been a core feature of Medusa Medusa already allows merchants to attach as many payment processors ーsuch as Stripe PayPal and Klarna ーas they want and with powerful multi regional logic control which options are shown to the customer at checkout With our new Payment Processor API we will unlock even more capabilities and make it easier for plugin developers to create integrations with payment processors worldwide Simultaneously the new Payment Processor API will enable better support for RMA flows requiring payments We recently released Order Editing which allows merchants to modify orders after they have been placed Edits can result in discrepancies between the order total and paid total and with the new Payment Processor API we are making it simpler to collect payments for differences Nested CategoriesMedusa currently allows merchants to organize their products by Collections to be used in storefronts or for internal business logic For example they can be used for controlling whether discounts can be applied to a group of products In the near future we will introduce an additional way to manage your product hierarchy and create better experiences for your customers Nested Categories will allow you to define category hierarchies like Women s gt Bottoms gt Skirts to better organize product navigation on storefronts Furthermore adding the same product to multiple categories will be possible enabling better merchandising functionality right within the Medusa dashboard As always with Medusa you own your data and can extend and customize the behavior of our APIs This is also the case with Nested Categories enabling developers to create enhanced search and browsing experiences while adding a new powerful reporting dimension to your product catalog EventBus ModulesMedusa emits hundreds of events that plugins use to send transactional emails automate tedious tasks and reliably integrate systems in your stack The existing event system uses Redis with BullMQ to enable Pub Sub functionality Many larger Medusa implementations will however already have an event architecture in place With the new EventBus Modules it will be possible to integrate your existing events architecture directly into Medusa This will enable new EventBus providers like RabbitMQ Kafka or Amazon SQS and improve Medusa s compatibility with microservice architectures Automated API specs and typingMedusa s API reference is automated to ensure that the documentation is always up to date with the core API As part of our dedication to improving our documentation we are enhancing how we document the API with code and simultaneously creating new automations to generate our client library This will remove inconsistencies between server logic documentation and client library support We will furthermore be able to eliminate the current dependency on medusajs medusa in our client library which will help reduce the bundle size of storefront implementations Medusa Admin extensibilityOne of Medusa s principles is to build strong defaults that make it quick and easy to get started and simultaneously offer a fantastic developer experience that enables customizations and extensions to make Medusa your bespoke commerce engine We have followed that principle diligently in our backend implementations until now But our Admin dashboard has long been more locked and harder to customize We are prioritizing changing that very soon Our first step will be to move our admin dashboard to an NPM package that can spin up with your Medusa server This will improve the developer experience when building with Medusa as you will no longer have to clone the admin project merge updates or start it separately from your Medusa server Additionally we will follow semantic versioning of the admin package to avoid version mismatches between the admin application and the core medusa package The next step hereafter will open up extension areas in the admin dashboard to add custom UI elements like buttons cards or entire pages Custom elements can be created in your local project or shipped with plugins to package server and admin functionality easily ConclusionAs mentioned earlier this Roadmap overview includes only the features we started implementing There are more upcoming features and enhancements in our Roadmap which you can check out in our GitHub Discussions What features are you excited for And what features do you think we should include in our Roadmap Should you have any issues or questions related to Medusa then feel free to reach out to the Medusa team via Discord 2023-01-17 14:43:03
海外TECH DEV Community What are AWS credentials? https://dev.to/aws-builders/what-are-aws-credentials-13p1 What are AWS credentials John “Hey Eric I need to access project xyz dev account Can you help me in some way Me “Sure but what kind of access do you need John Dear John there are two kinds of access to AWS via Web Console programmatic Web Console accessThis type of access requires you to log into your AWS account using your preferred browser When I set up my first AWS account I logged into it as a root user using my browser The first thing I did was create a brand new admin IAM User and enable Web Console access for it Why Because managing root user credentials is too dangerous as you can t disable them once stolen…get it So use them to create an admin IAM User store them in your password manager and simply forget about them Let me share with you two docs creating an IAM User in your AWS account signing into the AWS Web Console as an IAM User or root user In AWS introduced AWS Organizations a service that lets you consolidate and centrally manage multiple AWS Accounts It is a best practice to govern access to these accounts through AWS Organizations preferred buddy AWS SSO AWS SSO lets you create and manage a dedicated pool of users unless you want to federate it with an external Identity Provider Users can access the AWS Management Console via the so called Portal URL which looks similar to the following one d dee awsapps com startFor sake of completeness let me add SAML federated access to the previously described ways of accessing an AWS account from the Web Console If you want to dig into SAML federated access to AWS give a look at this blog post by my fellow colleague NicolòMarchesi And now…Ladies amp Gentlement programmatic access Programmatic accessWhen you talk about AWS credentials you probably refer to this kind of access not the Web Console based one Well as you might guess AWS credentials are included in the browser too when accessing an AWS account via Web Console yes through dedicated HTTP cookies What does programmatic access actually mean Programmatic access refers to accessing an AWS account by the means of a client i e an AWS SDK or the AWS CLI These clients rely on AWS credentials to add authentication information to the HTTP calls sent to AWS APIs Without this information AWS won t allow you to access your account In particular the AWS credentials we re referring to are called Access Keys Access KeysSo Access Keys are AWS credentials used by AWS SDKs or by the AWS CLI to add authentication information to programmatic HTTP calls sent to AWS APIs There are two types of Access Keys out there long term and temporary ones Long term credentials are the ones that are bound to a specific IAM User Long term credentials do not expire therefore as a best practice it is warmly recommended to rotate them regularly On the other hand temporary or short term credentials are time limited therefore if they re associated with an IAM permission that is designed with Least Privilege in mind they reduce your AWS account s exposure to attackers Be careful sometimes applying these best practices is not enough to prevent privilege escalation Where can Access Keys be found The answer to this question is quite simple Access Keys can be found in all those places where the clients are programmed to look credentials for These places or sources are mapped into the Credentials Provider Chain as explained in this blog post In your local environment Access Keys are commonly stored in the aws credentials file or exported as Environment Variables As a best practice aws credentials should be used to contain only Access Keys while configuration information should be specified in the aws config file If you re using Environment Variables as the source of the credentials Access Keys are exposed using the following Environment Variables AWS ACCESS KEY ID AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY and for temporary credentials AWS SESSION TOKEN What do they look like A glance into aws credentials fileIf you already had the opportunity to peek at the aws credentials file I m quite sure you found content similar to the one illustrated in the screenshot above Well there is no need to explain what the aws access key id aws secret access key and aws session token keys refer to…but there are some interesting considerations we can make about aws access key id value ASIAJPYALK… The first four letters of the aws access key id key identify the credentials type The ASIA prefix which you can see in the screenshot tells us that the credentials are temporary ones i e an aws session token is involved These temporary credentials are generated through the AWS Security Token Service If the aws access key id starts with AKIA it means that we re dealing with long term credentials in this case the aws session token is not needed aws credentials is a ini file In the screenshot you can notice a default header before the aws access key id key The string contained in the square brackets defines the Named Profile the Access Keys are wrapped into The Named Profile is a container that groups secrets and configuration information associated with a set of AWS credentials As we said before the credentials file is designed to contain only credentials configuration information associated with the default Named Profile should be specified in the aws config file under the default header as for the credentials file Note you can use multiple Named Profiles at the same time The default Named Profile is the one used by clients if you don t provide them with the Name Profile you want to use For example the AWS CLI will use the default Named Profile if you don t specify the profile flag or if its value corresponds to default Stop wrestling with AWS credentialsIf you re wondering if there is a tool that allows you to stop thinking about AWS credentials and where to store them in the right way give a look at Leapp It takes the responsibility of storing long term credentials in the system vault generating refreshing short term credentials and placing them in the right place for the clients to use them That s all Folks If you re new to AWS credentials I hope you find this blog post a smooth introduction to them If your curiosity is not yet satisfied you can unwrap the next gift 2023-01-17 14:39:16
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to web frameworks https://dev.to/dptechinfo/introduction-to-web-frameworks-3iii Introduction to web frameworksIf you need an intro introduction to any of the following web frameworks React Angular Vue Svelte Express NodeJS ASP NET Core Django Spring Flask Laravel Ruby on Rails FastAPI jQuery Gatsby Symfony Drupal ASP NET AdonisJS Fastify Koa Hapi NestJS FeathersJS LoopBack Sails Lit Stencil Mithril Ember Backbone Polymer NextJS Meteor Nuxt Preact Aurelia Jest Alpine Astro Blitz CodeIgniter please watch my videos on my YouTube playlist “Introduction to web frameworks Introduction to ReactReact also known as React js or ReactJS is a free and open source front end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components It is maintained by Meta formerly Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies React can be used as a base in the development of single page mobile or server rendered applications with frameworks like Next js However React is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM so creating React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for routing as well as certain client side functionality Content source JavaScript library 2023-01-17 14:26:59
海外TECH DEV Community How to Upgrade a Legacy API Integration https://dev.to/ltvengineering/how-to-upgrade-a-legacy-api-integration-178m How to Upgrade a Legacy API Integration In this postWrite tests for your legacy API integrationDocument request response mappings between your legacy and modern API integrationsImplement the modern API integrationEnable the modern API integrationMonitor the modern API integrationRemove your legacy API integrationFinal thoughtsA software application typically has a lot of dependencies These dependencies need to be upgraded in order to keep up with the latest features and security patches This is often difficult to do in a large software application that is constantly changing so some of these dependencies may end up becoming legacy One of the most common types of dependencies is an API integration where the software application makes a request to an external service and the external service returns a response This means that there s a good chance one of your API integrations will become legacy at some point But how exactly do you upgrade a legacy API integration In this article I provide a general guideline to help you along the process This guideline is structured as a series of steps starting with the following Write tests for your legacy API integration Before beginning the actual upgrade make sure that your application has automated tests for your legacy API integration These tests should simulate the API flow by stubbing API calls to send a mock request object and return a mock response object If you don t have any existing tests for your legacy API integration take the time to write some Likewise if your tests make actual API calls take the time to convert them to use mock data This ensures that your existing legacy API integration is working as expected and gives you a nice fallback point in case an issue arises in the upgrade process It also makes the rest of the upgrade process easier since you ll be writing similar tests for your modern API integration in a future step Once the tests are complete we can move on to the second step Document request response mappings between your legacy and modern API integrations When upgrading from a legacy to a modern API integration the request and response structures for the two integrations will likely appear very different In particular certain field names may have been renamed or removed entirely so it s best to document these changes before proceeding with the actual upgrade This is where you want to leverage the online documentation for both your legacy and modern API integrations I like to use a spreadsheet that consists of two sheets with the following structure One sheet is named “Request Mappings and consists of three columns for “Legacy API Field Name “Modern API Field Name and “Notes An example of a full request payload is also documented towards the bottom of the sheet A second sheet is named “Response Mappings and consists of the same three columns for “Legacy API Field Name “Modern API Field Name and “Notes An example of a successful response and another example of an error response are documented towards the bottom of the sheet This approach makes it easy for others to provide feedback because it organizes the changes by each individual data field while still showing the complete picture Once you ve documented all of the changes we can proceed to the third step Implement the modern API integration Now it s finally time to implement the logic for your modern API integration The actual implementation details are specific to your integration but I like to organize them in the following manner class MyAPI USE LEGACY API true def call api if USE LEGACY API call legacy api else call modern api end end private def call legacy api implementation details for legacy api go here … end def call modern api implementation details for modern api go here … endendI ve done a few things here I ve put the implementation details for the legacy and modern APIs into two separate private methods I have a single public method that clients can invoke to trigger a call to the API service There is a USE LEGACY API boolean constant that determines whether to invoke the legacy or the modern API integration Currently it is set to true so we invoke the legacy API integration The USE LEGACY API boolean constant lets us switch back and forth between the legacy and modern API integrations Furthermore it also makes it easier to write tests for your modern API integration If you wrote tests for your legacy API integration back in step of this guide then you can use the same approach to write tests for your modern API integration in this step The key takeaway from this step is that we want to implement all of the business logic and tests for the modern API integration but we do not want any clients to invoke it yet That s why USE LEGACY API is set to true Now we re ready to move on to the fourth step Enable the modern API integration Now we re ready to enable the modern API Integration This can simply be done by changing the USE LEGACY API constant from true to false like so class MyAPI USE LEGACY API false def call api if USE LEGACY API call legacy api else call modern api end end private def call legacy api implementation details for legacy api go here … end def call modern api implementation details for modern api go here … endendAfter this you ll likely want to test the modern API integration in a staging environment Once that looks good you can deploy the change to a production environment and move on to the next step Monitor the modern API integration Now that your modern API Integration is out in production you ll want to monitor it to make sure no issues arise If you do encounter any problems then it s best to fix them as soon as possible If there are too many problems you also have the option of reverting back to using the legacy API integration by switching the USE LEGACY API from false back to true If the modern API integration looks like it works successfully then we can move on to the final step Remove your legacy API integration Once your modern API integration has been running in production without encountering any issues it s time to remove your legacy API integration This includes removing the legacy implementation corresponding tests and the actual legacy library itself from your application The final implementation should look similar to the following class MyAPI def call api call modern api end private def call modern api implementation details for modern api go here … endendAfter all of the legacy pieces are removed you have finally completed the upgrade process Final thoughts Congratulations Upgrading a legacy API integration is a difficult task so I hope this guide helped you succeed Even if that wasn t the case I hope I was able to put you on the right path Interested in working with us Have a look at our careers page and reach out to us if you would like to be a part of our team 2023-01-17 14:22:42
海外TECH DEV Community Mais do que armazenamento de código: 5 features do GitHub que você não conhece https://dev.to/github/mais-do-que-armazenamento-de-codigo-5-features-do-github-que-voce-nao-conhece-409a Mais do que armazenamento de código features do GitHub que vocênão conheceO Github éa maior comunidade de pessoas desenvolvedoras do mundo mas quando perguntamos para essas pessoas o que éGitHub a maioria delas responde que éuma plataforma de armazenamento de código O que não estáerrado mas o GitHub émuito mais do que isso Por isso no post de hoje vou falar um pouquinho sobre outras features e produtos super úteis que o Github oferece PackagesCodespacesSecurityDiscussionsProjects PackagesNo seu perfil do Github existe uma aba chamada Packages onde vocêpode ir para aprender a publicar e consumir Packages com segurança além de armazenar seus Packages junto com o seu código e compartilhá los de forma privada com seu time ou publicamente com a comunidade Open Source Vocêtambém pode publicar um Package diretamente de dentro de um repositório vocêencontra esse opção na coluna direita do repo abaixo de Releases Mais informações no Guia de Início CodespacesSeu IDE na nuvem o Codespaces éum editor de código online que te permite criar ambientes de desenvolvimento totalmente customizáveis diretamente do seu navegador Vocêpode usar o Codespaces diretamente de qualquer repositório no GitHub basta clicar no botão verde escrito “code na página principal do repo para que vocêconsiga codar diretamente do seu navegador no seu ambiente personalizado Semana passada eu publiquei um artigo falando sobre Porque GitHub Codespaces éa melhor ferramenta para seu Workshop de programação vocêpoder ler aqui Outra opção éusar os templates prontos ou criar um novo codespace e vocêpode fazer isso clicando aqui Com a sua conta gratuita do GitHub vocêtem acesso a até horas grátis por mês e pode aprender um pouco mais lendo os docs disponíveis em português SecurityO GitHub Security segurança éuma feature que permite com que vocêsaiba rapidamente de qualquer quebra de segurança dos seus projetos Algumas das ferramentas dessas features são automaticamente incluídas nos seus repositórios e outras tem que ser ativadas e personalizadas na aba Security Problemas de segurança aparecem nos PRs como parte do seu processo de Code Review prevenindo que vulnerabilidades vão parar na main DiscussionsEu adoro o Discussions Essa éuma ferramenta que traz para seus projetos mais chance de se conectar com comunidade e oportunidades de cooperação Em resumo o discussions éum fórum que vocêpode ativar dentro do seu repositório ou organização aprenda como aqui O legal éque vocêpode fazer perguntas compartilhar ideias e se comunicar na mesma plataforma em que o código se encontra nesse espaço dedicado a conversas E se a conversa gerar ideias boas vocêpode converter o post em uma issue ProjectsO Projects éuma ótima maneira de se manter organizada sem sair do GitHub que te permite criar tabelas boards e listas to do e conectá los a suas issues and pull requests Vocêpode criar projetos dentro da sua organização ou projetos como user e essa éuma ferramenta totalmente customizada Eu por exemplo uso uma tabela para anotar minhas ideias de conteúdos novos a serem criados como mostrado na imagem abaixo Mas vocêtambém tem a opção de criar boards muito mais detalhados como no exemplo abaixo Essas são algumas das ferramentas que o Github oferece para facilitar o seu dia a dia de organização e segurança para os seus projetos E aí vocêconhecia quantas dessas Como vocês devem ter notado eu não me aprofundei em nenhuma dessas features para não estender muito o post mas se vocêquiser conhecer alguma delas em mais detalhe comenta aqui Obrigada por ler atée sigam o GitHub Brasil das redes sociais para ficar por dentro de novidades lt GitHub Brasil Twitter GitHub Brasil no LinkedIn GitHub Brasil na Twitch 2023-01-17 14:21:44
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to databases https://dev.to/dptechinfo/introduction-to-databases-5cpo Introduction to databasesIf you need an intro introduction to any of the following databases SQL Server MySQL PostgreSQL Redis SQLite MongoDB MariaDB Oracle Cassandra Couchbase Firebase databases ElasticSearch DynamoDB ArangoDB OrientDB Neoj CouchDB PouchDB Cloudant Cosmos DB CockroachDB RavenDB Riak TerminusDB YugabyteDB InfluxDB TimescaleDB Memcached Hazelcast Ignite HBase Bigtable SimpleDB RestDB Aiven Amazon RDS Aurora Redshift please watch my videos on my YouTube playlist “Introduction to databases Introduction to SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft As a database server it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications ーwhich may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network including the Internet Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single machine applications to large Internet facing applications with many concurrent users Content source 2023-01-17 14:17:41
海外TECH DEV Community Auto Sliding Carousel with Javascript https://dev.to/shubhamtiwari909/auto-sliding-carousel-with-javascript-5h47 Auto Sliding Carousel with JavascriptHello everyone in this tutorial I ll show you how to use HTML CSS and Javascript to make a basic auto sliding carousel I ll outline all the logics and provide the complete code for the Codepen example Let s get started Overview HTML lt div class carousel container gt lt div class carousel items gt lt div class carousel item item gt lt p class carousel text gt Image lt p gt lt div gt lt div class carousel item item gt lt p class carousel text gt Image lt p gt lt div gt lt div class carousel item item gt lt p class carousel text gt Image lt p gt lt div gt lt div class carousel item item gt lt p class carousel text gt Image lt p gt lt div gt lt div class carousel item item gt lt p class carousel text gt Image lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt I ve placed the carousel pieces with some text inside the main container which will be shown at the bottom centre CSS The CSS is compiled from SASS margin padding carousel items display flex wrap nowrap overflow hidden carousel item position relative min width height vh transition all s linear background repeat no repeat background size cover background attachment fixed carousel text position absolute bottom left transform translate padding rem rem border radius px background color rgba color white text shadow px px black font size calc rem vw font weight bolder item background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q item background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q item background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxzZWFyYhMzRfHNwYWNlfGVufDBfDBfA D D amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q item background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxzZWFyYhOHxQUlZWMHxMHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q item background image url ixid MnwxMjAfDBMHxwaGbywYWdlfHxfGVufDBfHx amp auto format amp fit crop amp w amp q We created a flexible container then we set the container s wrap value to nowrap to arrange the carousel items in a single row with overflow hidden hiding the remaining items in the row When the carousel item s min width is set to the other items will be hidden and will occupy the entire width In order to position the carousel text at the bottom center I adjusted its position to absolute with relative to carousel items Set a different background picture for each carousel item by using the item class name for each item independently Javascript const carouselItems document querySelectorAll carousel item let i setInterval gt Accessing All the carousel Items Array from carouselItems forEach item index gt if i lt carouselItems length item style transform translateX i if i lt carouselItems length i else i Using setInterval the condition is run every two seconds If the value of i is fewer than the number of carousel items then all of the carousel items should be moved to the left Increase the value of i by one if it is less than the number of items on the carousel In the event that it exceeds the number of carousel elements set the value of i to THANK YOU FOR CHECKING THIS POSTYou can contact me on Instagram LinkedIn Email shubhmtiwri gmail com You can help me with some donation at the link below Thank you gt lt Also check these posts as well 2023-01-17 14:17:23
海外TECH DEV Community 8 Passive Income Ideas for Software Developers https://dev.to/paypro_global/8-passive-income-ideas-for-software-developers-3c66 Passive Income Ideas for Software DevelopersAs a software developer your skills are in high demand in many companies With the wide range of skills applications there are many ways to earn money as a developer But often software developers believe they already sell their souls working day and night building someone else s business vision But if you re looking for more freedom and the ability to make a living without having to clock in and out creating passive income streams may be something to consider In case you re interested we ve laid out some of the best options to earn extra money across various categories What exactly is Passive Income Passive income is different from earning money from a traditional salary When you work full time or as a freelancer or contractor you re trading your time for money and typically you re paid a fixed rate once the work has been completed However when you earn a passive income you do the work but get paid later automatically even if you aren t working on the product or project anymore Once a product becomes well established it ll increase your annual revenue without you spending any more work hours on that project and achieve even more financial freedom What to Consider Before Looking to Earn Passive IncomeThere is a common misconception that generating passive income is something simple that requires little effort While this can be true in rare cases most of the time you ll only be able to make decent money if you invest significant time and effort working on the product So it isn t always simple nor is it easy Therefore careful consideration should be given to ensure you re comfortable investing time or money in any such endeavor Remember there may be a minimal upfront reward but the value it ll bring will increase over time For example many bloggers and YouTubers spend a few years creating content and gaining popularity before their activity starts to generate passive income Once they do they can reduce the frequency of content creation and the pre existing content will continue to bring in revenue Their passive income strategy pays off and it continues to bring more money Characteristics To Aim for In Good Passive Income ProjectsBe warned some ideas sound good but they might not be practical and therefore wouldn t create passive income not a substantial one in any case Before launching a new endeavor you ll need to ensure your idea checks several boxes to feel confident that it has the potential for success Consider these questions to make sure your idea has traction Is your project orientated for businesses and or websites that earn revenue You want it to be able to integrate into other popular software which already has paying customers How many project updates and demanding tasks will be required every year If the answer is many it will need more active time and effort from you Are the problems your product is looking to solve long term problems so your solution will be relevant to your target audience for several years Will the demand for this product cover your expenses Does it have the capability to generate recurring payments which you can reinvest into improving the project Is it easy to use and install for customers who aren t tech savvy Can you limit support requests Will this project eventually require minimal time from you Passive Income Ideas for Software DevelopersFortunately there are various ways in which you can use your expertise to earn money with minimal effort all while keeping your day job Play to your strengths and it is possible to significantly improve your monthly income Keeping in mind some of the factors for a profitable passive income project we ve put together eight ideas to inspire your thinking Become a Content Creator and Monetize Your CreationsCreate a Blog One of the most popular freelance projects to earn money as a software developer is to create a blog But this can t be just any blog it should be explicitly geared toward making money As an example focus on content that teaches programming or developing software Many aspiring developers want practical information on the topic to learn more about the challenges innovations and solutions to real world problems They are hungry for programming knowledge so write about what you know and work towards building an audience setting yourself up as an expert Create a weekly blog post and monetize your blog with ad revenue affiliate products a monthly membership reading time or even the sale of eBooks These are all excellent ways to create a reliable revenue stream that can build over time Write eBooks An eBook is a digital asset that can generate revenue for you You could write one where you give programming tips and guidelines for developers or talk about more specific topics relevant to your expertise Use digital platforms to launch your eBook and then make passive income for as long as it sells If this is something you enjoy doing it s an easy way to build your reputation as an industry expert Film Video Tutorials Video is the number source of information for of people globally Sharing your knowledge on a video streaming platform is the way of the future A YouTube channel is a regular passive income stream for many people Although some of the most demanding tasks are involved in creating good video content it still qualifies as passive income Once you have enough subscribers you only need to post once a week It is important to make sure you choose the right demographic for your content and specialty For example does your content cover the fundamentals of software development or is it focused on more complex ideas You ll need to attract followers so think these things through carefully With a platform like YouTube there is a partner program where if you meet specific goals you can start to earn money purely off views Besides this affiliate marketing and ads have proven to be reliable ways to generate money through video content In addition to YouTube Udemy and Skillshare are also great for earning money from creating video tutorials Create a Niche Membership Site We don t know what it is but people love exclusivity They seem to want access to niche sites and content that few others can consume Therefore an educational membership website containing articles podcasts and videos can be an attractive option to many Set yourself up as an expert and once you ve created high quality content start charging recurring fees to people for accessing it with little effort required on your part Record Podcasts The podcast industry continues to grow in popularity and is an increasingly robust one There are million podcast listeners globally People love interesting conversations and are looking for something to occupy their time while they walk commute work or just need to relax Monetizing your podcasts works in similar ways as a YouTube channel using ads paid promotions and affiliate marketing If you re an overnight success charging a monthly or yearly subscription is also possible Build an Educational Course Another great way to make a passive income is to use your software development skills to teach programming elements online through a pre recorded course Platforms like Udemy make creating and selling online courses elementary to create In terms of pricing your offering you can charge a one time fee for a course or consider pricing it as a subscription model Another consideration is to develop a tiered payment system where users pay for more advanced course material In this vast market the possibilities are growing along with the number of people interested in using these platforms Build a Micro SaaSWhile this is a popular way of earning a passive income it isn t necessarily an easy way due to the initial effort required But create and manage an effective SaaS product that solves a niche problem and you could earn tens of thousands of dollars or more from it Look at our comprehensive guide with tips on starting your own micro SaaS business and see if it is a good fit for you Discover all passive income ideas for software developers on PayPro Global s Blog 2023-01-17 14:10:19
海外TECH DEV Community CSS tutorial series: CSS Units and Sizing https://dev.to/fullstackjo/css-tutorial-series-css-units-and-sizing-b4l CSS tutorial series CSS Units and SizingToday s post will discuss length units which you may have encountered in the previous post padding px while working on the challenge CSS uses absolute and relative units which are the two sorts of units that are normally used for length and size What are Absolute units In general absolute units are thought to be the same size at all times There might be some exceptions Depending on the size and quality of your screen or browser settings The most commonly used absolute length unit in CSS is pixels px UnitDescriptionpxpixels px th of in ptpoints pt of in pcpicas pc pt cmcentimetersmmmillimetersininches in px cm QQuarter millimeters Q th of cm What are relative units Relative length units are defined in relation to another length property such as parent element s font size Relative length units scale more effectively on the pageUnitDescription with reference relative to the parent elementremrelative to the font size of the root element which is by default px rem pxeminherits the font size from its parent element meaning em font size of parent elementvwview width is relative to the viewport s widthvhview height is relative to the viewport s heightexrelative to x height distance between baseline and mean line of a lowercase letter or of emvminvmin is of the viewport s smallest dimensionvmaxvmax is of the viewport s largest dimension Let s use examples to further clarify the ex vh vw vmin and vmax relative units vmin amp vmaxIf the viewport is pixels wide and pixels high the vmin will be pixels and the vmax will be pixels vmin vmin pixels vmax vmax pixels ex Unitsource StackoverflowAs mentioned in the table ex is the distance between baseline and mean line of a lowercase letter vh amp vwA web page s viewport is the portion that the user can see On a mobile phone as compared to a computer screen the viewport is smaller because it varies depending on the device Relative units are the most frequently used when creating a single webpage or in significant real world projects Using relative units for your layout maintain its stability making it less likely to break 2023-01-17 14:08:54
海外TECH DEV Community Understanding Browser Rendering and Performance Optimization https://dev.to/omerwow/understanding-browser-rendering-and-performance-optimization-5f81 Understanding Browser Rendering and Performance Optimization What is the rendering process The rendering process begins when the browser loads HTML and CSS files The browser then parses these files and renders the content on the screen The process of loading and rendering content is known as the critical rendering path To optimize the rendering of a page developers need to understand how the browser processes HTML and CSS and how to optimize the loading and rendering of resources How can I optimize my website s rendering performance The first step in optimizing the rendering process is to minimize the number of HTTP requests The more requests a browser has to make the longer it will take to render the page One way to reduce the number of HTTP requests is to use a content delivery network CDN A CDN is a network of servers that deliver content to users based on their geographic location By using a CDN you can ensure that users will receive content from the server closest to them which will minimize the number of HTTP requests and improve page load times Another way to reduce the number of HTTP requests is to use CSS sprites A CSS sprite is a single image that contains all of the images used on a web page By using a CSS sprite you can reduce the number of HTTP requests because the browser only has to load one image file The second step in optimizing the rendering process is to minimize the size of HTML CSS and JavaScript files The larger these files are the longer it will take for them to be downloaded and parsed by the browser One way to reduce file size is to minify HTML CSS and JavaScript files Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters from code such as whitespace comments and newlines Minifying HTML CSS and JavaScript files can reduce file size by up to The third step in optimizing the rendering process is to optimize images Images are often one of the largest resources on a web page and they can take a long time to download There are several ways to optimize images Use lossless compression Lossless compression reduces file size without reducing image quality Lossless compression algorithms include PNGOUT and Deflate Inflate Use lossy compression Lossy compression reduces image quality in order to reduce file size Lossy compression algorithms include JPEG and WebP Resize images Resizing images before they are loaded can reduce download time and improve page performance Use responsive images Responsive images are images that are sized based on the width of the user s device or screen This ensures that users only download images that are appropriate for their device or screen size which improves performance What are some common rendering issues Page flickering is caused by the browser redrawing the page too frequently This can happen when the page is constantly changing such as when a user is scrolling through a feed Jank is similar to flickering but it occurs when the browser doesn t redraw the page fast enough This can cause the page to appear laggy and can make it difficult to interact with Forced synchronous layout is when the browser has to wait for all resources to load before it can render the page This can cause a significant delay especially on slow connections There are a few things that can be done to avoid these issues First make sure that only necessary elements are being updated frequently Second use CSS animations instead of JavaScript for any animations that need to be performed Finally use preloading and caching strategies to improve performance How do I troubleshoot rendering issues Rendering issues can be caused by a variety of factors Sometimes the problem is with the website itself and can be resolved by clearing your cache and cookies or using a different browser Other times the problem may be with your computer or internet connection If you re having trouble troubleshooting the issue contact your website administrator or the person who designed your website for help If you re looking to improve your website s rendering and performance there s a lot to learn but it s worth it By understanding how browsers work and what they need to render a webpage you can make sure your site is fast efficient and looking its best Check out our website at BLSTJoin the discussion in our Discord channelTest your API for free now at BLST 2023-01-17 14:07:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Mac Pro is Apple's last Intel computer standing https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/17/mac-pro-is-apples-last-intel-computer-standing?utm_medium=rss Mac Pro is Apple x s last Intel computer standingAlongside the launch of the new M Mac mini Apple has discontinued the Intel version meaning that solely the Mac Pro remains available without Apple Silicon Apple s MacBook Pro and MacBook Air lineup had already transitioned to Apple Silicon but despite there being an M Mac mini there remained an Intel Mac mini model until today This leaves the Mac Pro as the sole Mac can that be bought with an Intel processor At present that Mac Pro has no Apple Silicon option at all Read more 2023-01-17 14:57:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily Deals Jan. 17: 39% off AirPods Max, $269 iPad, Amazon Fire HD 10 Plus tablet $145 & more https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/17/daily-deals-jan-17-39-off-airpods-max-269-ipad-amazon-fire-hd-10-plus-tablet-145-more?utm_medium=rss Daily Deals Jan off AirPods Max iPad Amazon Fire HD Plus tablet amp moreThe most valuable deals we found today include Apple s iPad th Generation for off an LG Sound Bar with Dolby Atmos Google Assistant off a Samsung Neo QLED K Smart TV and off a wireless Bluetooth speaker Get a inch iPad for The team at AppleInsider scours the internet for discounts at online stores to develop an amazing list of deals on the best tech items including deals on Apple products TVs accessories and other gadgets We share our best finds in our Daily Deals list to help our readers save money Read more 2023-01-17 14:46:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple updates Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro chip options https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/17/apples-updates-mac-mini-with-m2-and-m2-pro-chip-options?utm_medium=rss Apple updates Mac mini with M and M Pro chip optionsApple has updated the Mac mini with the second generation Apple Silicon model now including M and M Pro chip options Announced as part of Apple s January launch event the newest Apple Silicon Mac mini has undergone a spec bump with an internal upgrade giving it more performance and more chip options The main change is that Apple has upgraded the chip from an M to the choice of an M or M Pro giving users the choice to go for a higher performance version of the compact Mac Read more 2023-01-17 14:41:27
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple upgrades 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro with M2 Pro, M2 Max https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/17/apple-upgrades-14-inch-and-16-inch-macbook-pro-with-m2-pro-m2-max?utm_medium=rss Apple upgrades inch and inch MacBook Pro with M Pro M MaxApple has updated its inch MacBook Pro and inch MacBook Pro with the main change being an upgrade of chips from the M series to the M Pro and M Max M Pro and M Max in MacBook ProIntroduced as one of a pair of surprise January press releases the refresh of the inch MacBook Pro and inch MacBook Pro models are relatively straightforward with it chiefly consisting of an internal spec bump Read more 2023-01-17 14:48:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPhone 15 Pro Max will get periscope folding zoom camera, rumor claims https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/17/iphone-15-pro-max-will-get-periscope-folding-zoom-camera-rumor-claims?utm_medium=rss iPhone Pro Max will get periscope folding zoom camera rumor claimsNew supply chain reports reiterate that Apple will incorporate a folding lens camera in the iPhone range but that it will initially be included only in the top end iPhone model Apple was previously expected to include a folding zoom camera system in the iPhone range Now unspecified industry sources have told The Elec that LG Innotek and Jahwa Electronics will both be providing the system for the iPhone Pro Max A folding zoom system would not make a visible difference to the exterior of the iPhone and would not necessarily reduce the camera bump Instead it would use a mirror or prism that would work like a periscope allowing the system to use the length and width of the iPhone s whole body Read more 2023-01-17 14:41:24
海外TECH Engadget Uber drivers in Europe can soon rent Polestar and Tesla EVs https://www.engadget.com/uber-ev-rental-europe-hertz-143945585.html?src=rss Uber drivers in Europe can soon rent Polestar and Tesla EVsUber is expanding its electric car rentals to Europe The ridesharing service has expanded its deal with Hertz to provide up to EVs to European capital cities by including those from Polestar and Tesla The rollout will begin in London this month and will reach hubs like Amsterdam and Paris as soon as Rates and other details will be available in due course Uber says The companies first teamed up in late when Hertz pledged to offer up to Tesla rental EVs to Uber drivers in the US Last spring Hertz said it would add as many as Polestar EVs to its fleet within five years The rental car agency claims its Uber partnership in North America has been successful ーalmost drivers have rented Tesla vehicles so far Both firms see the European expansion as key to furthering their goals Uber says it plans to be a zero emissions platform in London by and completely electric in Europe and North America by Hertz meanwhile has set out to offer one of the largest EV fleets worldwide Neither brand may have much choice however The UK and European Union intend to ban sales of new fossil fuel cars by and the EU agreement also demands cutting new car emissions by percent from Many automakers operating in Europe like Ford and Volvo expect to drop combustion engines by Uber and Hertz will have to adopt EVs in the next several years and these rentals could help ease the transition for drivers who can t justify buying the technology at this stage 2023-01-17 14:39:45
海外TECH Engadget Apple's M2 Pro and M2 Max chips finally arrive for MacBook Pro and Mac mini https://www.engadget.com/apple-updates-its-mac-book-pros-with-m-2-pro-and-max-chips-143848558.html?src=rss Apple x s M Pro and M Max chips finally arrive for MacBook Pro and Mac miniAs rumored Apple has unveiled is new M Pro and M Max chips that will arrive very soon in new and inch MacBook Pro and Mac mini computers The new models will be up to percent faster than before and better still they re now available to order and will start shipping next week The new entry level chip processor is the M Pro which offers or core core CPUs including eight high performance cores and four high efficiency cores boosting performance by up to percent over the core M Pro CPU The GPU meanwhile goes up from to cores promising faster processing for content creation apps like Photoshop or compiling in Xcode AppleMeanwhile Apple calls the M Max the world s most powerful and efficient chip for a pro laptop with the same cores as the M Pro but an increase from to GPU cores More impressively it supports up to GB of fast unified memory With all that Apple is processing graphic speeds up to percent higher than the M Max chip for chores like visual effects machine learning and more nbsp The new MacBook Pro and inch models have the same designs as before but offer considerably more performance plus up to an incredible GB of unified memory in the M Max model Apple is promising up to a percent boost in graphics performance with the M Max model and a more modest boost on the M Pro nbsp One of the main benefits though is battery life as the MacBook Pro can now run up to hours ーthe longest ever on a Mac Apple claims And as rumored it now supports WiFi E which offers up to twice the speed of the previous generation Another new feature is an HDMI port that supports K for the first time nbsp The models have similar designs the late M Pro Max versions so you get features like a MagSafe power connector and Liquid Retina XDR displays The rumored touchscreens are not on these models but expected to come in a couple of years The new MacBook Pro models are now available to preorder starting at for the MacBook Pro with M Pro and for the inch MacBook Pro with M Pro Shipping will start on January th nbsp These chips will also appear in Apple s new Mac mini which comes with either an M or M Pro chip giving potential buyers a budget option Apple is promising considerably faster graphics processing and AI speeds for content creation gaming music and more nbsp AppleThe M version comes with up to GB of unified memory and GB s of bandwidth boosting image editing speeds in Photoshop by up to percent for example It can also simultaneously play up to two streams of K ProRes video at fps or up to streams of K ProRes video at fps Apple says The faster M Pro version meanwhile supports up to GB of unified memory and offers GB s of memory bandwidth That delivers up to x faster graphics performance in Affinity Photo faster ProRes transcode in Final Cut Pro and x faster gameplay in Resident Evil Village the company claims As before it offers two Thunderbolt ports with support for up to two displays and can support a single K display ーa first for a Mac It also comes with two USB A ports an HDMI port A gigabit ethernet port with a GB option and an upgraded headphone jack that supports high impedance headphones As with the MacBook Pro they also offer WiFi E connectivity along with Bluetooth nbsp nbsp The new Mac mini starts at with the M chip or with the M Pro and is now available on preorder with shipping set to start on January th 2023-01-17 14:38:48
海外TECH Engadget The best cheap Windows laptops for 2023 https://www.engadget.com/best-affordable-windows-laptops-123000512.html?src=rss The best cheap Windows laptops for If you re a regular Engadget reader you probably don t think of cheap Windows laptops when you think of daily drivers But it would be a big mistake to ignore these devices ーif not for yourself for others you may know There s a reason why companies like Acer ASUS Dell and the like make Windows devices under ーlots of people have strict budgets to adhere to and others just don t need the power that comes with a flagship laptop Affordable Windows notebooks are great options for people that only use a computer to check email shop online or post on Facebook Hello mom and dad They re also good for kids who have no business putting their sticky little hands on a gaming rig And depending on what you need them for these devices can be decent daily drivers too What about Chromebooks and tablets Now you may be inclined to recommend a Chromebook or a tablet to all of the people listed above Those instincts aren t wrong but Chromebooks and tablets aren t the best buy for everyone Tablets will only work for the most mobile competent users like kids who have been grabbing smartphones out of their parents hands since they ve been dexterous enough to do so Tablets can also be just as expensive as some of the cheapest Windows laptops and that s without a mouse or keyboard Chromebooks are a good alternative for those that basically live in a browser However there are some who just don t want to give up the “traditional desktop And Chrome OS is more limited than Windows when it comes to the programs you can install and run What Windows laptops do wellWachiwit via Getty ImagesSo what can you realistically accomplish on a cheap Windows laptop Quite a bit especially if you re doing one thing or a limited number of things at a time They re great for web browsing checking email video streaming and more ーbut yes all of those things can be done on Chromebooks as well Windows laptops have a big advantage though in Microsoft Office While yes there is a browser based version the native desktop apps are considered a must have for many and will run smoothly on even the most bare bones budget laptop The only caveat is that you may run into some slowdown on low powered devices if you re working with large data sets in Excel or a lot of photos and graphics in Powerpoint When it comes to specs a bright spot for Windows laptops is storage Even the most affordable devices tend to have at least GB SSDs That will come in handy if you prefer to keep your most important files saved locally on your laptop In contrast cheaper Chromebooks often have less storage because they re built on the assumption that you ll save all of your documents in the cloud Not only is that less convenient when you need to work offline but it also limits the size of programs and files that you can download So not great for hoarding Netflix shows before a long trip or using a Chromebook as a gaming laptop Windows also has thousands of apps that you can download from its app store Chromebooks have some Chrome apps numerous browser extensions and the ability to download Android apps but quality control is…inconsistent Android apps in particular often haven t been optimized for Chrome OS which makes for a wonky user experience Windows may not have as many apps as Android but at least the experience is fairly standard across the board Windows also gives you the ability to download and use programs from other sources like direct from the developer You can run things like Adobe Creative Suite certain VPNs and programs like GIMP Audacity and ClipMate on a Windows device which just isn t possible on Chrome OS Chromebooks limit you to the apps and programs in The Play Store and the Chrome Extensions store reducing any others to unusable space sucking icons in your Downloads folder What to look for in a cheap Windows laptopWhile you can do a lot even when spending little on a Windows laptop you must set your expectations accordingly The biggest downside when purchasing a budget laptop of any kind really is limited power Many Windows laptops under run on Intel Celeron or Pentium processors but you can find some with Core i i and AMD Ryzen CPUs at the higher end of the price spectrum Specs to look for in a sub Windows laptopIntel Core i or AMD Ryzen processorsGB of RAMAn SSD with at least GB of spacep displayMostly metal designsWe recommend getting the most powerful CPU you can afford because it will dictate how fast the computer will feel overall RAM is also important because the more you have the easier it will be for the laptop to manage things like a dozen browser tabs while you edit a Word document and stream music in the background However with sub laptops you re better off getting the best CPU you can afford rather than a laptop with a ton of RAM because the CPU will have enough power to handle most tasks that cheap laptops are designed for If you re editing RAW images or K video you ll want to invest in more RAM…and a laptop well above When it comes to storage consider how much you want to save locally If you primarily work in Google Docs or save most things in the cloud you may not need a machine with a ton of onboard storage Just remember that your digital space will also be taken up by apps so it may be worth getting a little extra storage than you think you need if you know you ll be downloading big programs A final side note SSDs are ubiquitous at this point not to mention faster and more efficient than HDDs so we recommend getting a laptop with that type of storage You also don t have to settle for an entirely plastic notebook either There are options in the sub price range that are made at least in part with metals like aluminum Those will not only be more attractive but also more durable As for screens there s a healthy mix of HD and FHD options in this price range and we recommend springing for a notebook with a p display if you can Touchscreens aren t as common in the under space as standard panels but you ll only really miss one if you get a in laptop A final note before we get to our picks The best cheap laptop models change all the time Unlike more expensive flagship machines these notebooks can be updated a couple times each year That can make it hard to track down a specific model at Amazon Best Buy Walmart or any given retailer We ve listed some of our current favorite models below but if you can t find any of them available near you just keep in mind our list of specs to look for in a cheap laptop they ll guide you to the best machines available at the moment Acer Aspire Acer s Aspire series has been a reliable pick for quite some time now Most recently we tested out the A V which has a inch p display and runs on an th gen Intel Core i processor GB of RAM and GB of storage Performance was similar to the previous Aspire model that we tested but you will find some design differences on the A V Namely it s a inch machine not a inch one and it doesn t have a full number pad on the right side of the keyboard It still has an aluminum top cover which gives it a more premium feel but Acer removed the backlight on the keyboard on this one which is a bummer Thankfully though the keyboard is just as comfortable to use as the one on the previous model In addition to new WiFi support the latest Acer Aspire has an additional crucial USB C port This was lacking on the previous model we tested so we re happy to see it included on this version And it accompanies the ports that were already present three USB A connections one HDMI socket a headphone jack a lock slot and a drop jaw Ethernet port As promised Acer increased the average battery life on this model to hours On the previous model we were clocking in roughly six hours of battery life so this is a much needed improvement Lenovo IdeaPad Flex Lenovo s Flex is a good alternative if you want a more portable cheap laptop with a battery life that will keep you going all day long It runs on an AMD Ryzen processor with GB of RAM and a GB SSD and it s accompanied by a inch p IPS display and an array of ports that includes one USB C connection If you care about future proofing that USB C port will be critical You may not have a lot of USB C accessories right now but that will most certainly change in the coming years The typing experience is also top notch while it doesn t have a number pad its keys have that rounded bottom shape that s similar to keys on Lenovo s ThinkPad machines They make a satisfying clicking sound while you re typing but they re not loud enough to bother those around you And despite being a budget laptop the Lenovo Flex isn t flimsy The palm rests don t creak under pressure and it s easy to carry this machine one handed around a room I also appreciate its convertible design which gives you more flexibility And like most Lenovo machines the Flex has a webcam that you can cover with a physical shutter The Flex also has the upper hand over the Aspire when it comes to battery life The former lasted about hours in our testing whereas Acer s machine lasted roughly hours That makes the Lenovo option the clear winner if you re looking for a laptop that can last all day and then some Surface Laptop Go We d be remiss if we didn t mention Microsoft s new Surface Laptop Go here even though it starts at It s certainly a decent option to consider if you re really into the Surface Go line Undoubtedly the Laptop Go has one of the best designs you ll find on any cheap Windows notebook with a minimalist aesthetic thin bezels surrounding its display and a relatively like pound weight It s inch PixelSense touchscreen has x resolution and it s still pretty crisp despite not being an FHD panel You re also getting a p webcam a fairly comfortable keyboard albeit with no backlight and a port array that includes one USB A connection one USB C socket a headphone jack and a power slot In addition to the attractive design another reason why you may want to spring for the Microsoft Surface Laptop Go is that even the base model runs on an th gen Intel Core i processor We found it to provide snappy performance and you ll probably notice a difference if you re coming from a machine with a Core i processor or something even less powerful We were also impressed by the Laptop Go s battery life it lasted nearly hours in our testing and since Microsoft improved the interior thermal system you shouldn t hear excessive fan noise when you re using it There are two big downsides to the Laptop Go the higher starting price and the base model s GB of RAM You ll pay for a machine with a Core i processor GB of RAM and a GB SSD and while those specs aren t terrible we usually recommend spring for a machine with at least GB of RAM It ll make multitasking much easier and more efficient thereby improving your experience using the notebook in the long run You ll have to spend to get that amount of memory in the Laptop Go which is still cheaper than flagship notebooks but not as affordable when compared with the other laptop computers we picked 2023-01-17 14:15:09
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