ロボスタ |
NTTの通信品質制御技術とローカル5Gでタイムラグを感じないロボット操作を実現 分身ロボットカフェ「DAWN ver.β」で実証実験 |
2023-01-18 00:00:57 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Twitter、「再生数」アイコンの表示位置を変更(モバイルアプリでも間もなく) |
itmedianewstwitter |
2023-01-18 09:24:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ドンキの「光るスピーカー」はなぜ売れているのか “青い光”が見えてきた |
itmedia |
2023-01-18 09:09:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
エーピーコミュニケーションズ、「データ&AI分析基盤の支援サービス with Databricks」を提供 | IT Leaders |
エーピーコミュニケーションズ、「データampAI分析基盤の支援サービスwithDatabricks」を提供ITLeadersITインフラ自動化などのSIを提供するエーピーコミュニケーションズAPCは年月日、ITコンサルティングSIサービス「データampAI分析基盤の支援サービスwithDatabricks」を発表した。 |
2023-01-18 09:30:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon Location Service を利用した東南アジアでの高品質で費用対効果の高いアプリケーションの構築 |
ycosteffectiveappsinsout |
2023-01-18 00:55:37 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaを使って特定ログを通知する |
awslambda |
2023-01-18 09:22:44 |
デザイン |
コリス |
便利なのが登場! 最近見かけるさまざまなUI要素600種類以上をシンプルなHTMLとCSSで簡単に実装できる -UIverse |
続きを読む |
2023-01-18 00:36:56 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
最強の言語モデルLUKEを固有表現抽出(NER)用にファインチューニングして公開してみた |
namedentityrecognitionner |
2023-01-18 09:48:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonチートシート - List型の使い方一覧 |
PythonチートシートList型の使い方一覧仕事や学習の時に役立つちょっとしたチートシートを作ってみることにしました。 |
2023-01-18 09:36:28 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaを使って特定ログを通知する |
awslambda |
2023-01-18 09:22:44 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Javascriptでクリップボードに文字を格納する方法 |
execcommand |
2023-01-18 09:11:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】AWS 予算の設定やってみた |
costexplorer |
2023-01-18 09:55:12 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaを使って特定ログを通知する |
awslambda |
2023-01-18 09:22:44 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Administrator(AZ-104):Azure での ID とガバナンスの管理「Azureサブスクリプション」 |
azure |
2023-01-18 09:49:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Democratizing DNA Analysis and Shaping the Future of Genetics Research! |
Democratizing DNA Analysis and Shaping the Future of Genetics Research We are thrilled to announce that our revolutionary open source project DNAnalyzer has reached new heights as we are now officially a c nonprofit organization thanks to a fiscal sponsorship from Hack Club thanks to Melanie Smith for getting us set up Our goal has always been to democratize DNA analysis and make it accessible to all and this new status will allow us to amplify our efforts and truly make a game changing impact on the field of genetics We are now able to offer community service hours and U S Presidential Volunteer Service Awards for those who contribute to our project making it possible for even more people to get involved and make a difference We are seeking for both code and non code contributors to join us in our mission to democratize DNA analysis and shape the future of genetics research If you re passionate about making a difference in the field of genetics we invite you to contribute to our project and be a part of something truly impactful Website GitHub |
2023-01-18 00:51:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Package Publishing Reading & Resources |
Package Publishing Reading amp ResourcesI have big plans in the works to overhaul a few projects and to prep for that I ve been doing a lot of reading up on different approaches to publishing JavaScript packages These are a few resources I ve found particularly useful and informative How to Publish an Updated Version of an npm Package Cloud Four I ve used different tools to automate releases in the past but had no idea what they were doing under the hood This article walks through creating a release and publishing to npm and Git with detailed explanations at every step It s a great starting point since understanding the manual process makes evaluating different automated strategies a lot easier Automate npm publishing with GitHub Actions proper changelog and release notes I m looking for a solution that includes independently versioned monorepos so this guide isn t a perfect fit However using GitHub Actions to manually trigger a release and enter the correct version bump major minor patch etc is a really clever approach Release Workflow Yarn Package Manager Yarn s release workflow for monorepos is an experimental feature so I m holding off for now but I hope it pans out The section on deferred versioning and record keeping is especially intriguing Tools Trying to figure out which of these options would best serve my needs semantic release My current tool of choice semantic release depends on commit messages that follow Angular s commit message conventions for versioning Unfortunately it doesn t play nice with monorepos for more details here s a little extra credit reading The chronicles of semantic release and monorepos Auto Intuit Automates releases based on pull request labels I used this at a previous job and appreciated that it didn t require linting commit messages or any extra effort from contributors The downside Lerna is a must for use with monorepos Release It This seems promising A CLI tool that can be used in interactive or continuous integration mode The big appeal for me is a Yarn workspaces specific plugin Finally recommendations are welcome so here s my brief I want to combine multiple packages that currently live in separate repos into a single monorepo using Yarn workspaces Ideally I d like to independently version the packages without adding Lerna and use GitHub Actions for CI CD If you have a similar setup let me know what s worked for you Cover photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash |
2023-01-18 00:43:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Mastodon Streaming to Apache Pulsar via Python |
Mastodon Streaming to Apache Pulsar via Python tspann mastodon streaming to pulsar via python beMastodon Streaming to Pulsar via PythonPython Pulsar Mastodon Streaming Real Time Events FilteringSource Mastodon listener in Python streams to PulsarIdeally the next step is either Apache Flink SQL or Apache Pinot and then some analytics with say Apache SuperSet I am debating what to do with this data I may add a full data pipeline with multiple Pulsar functions or could run some ML in Flink I could stream it to a Pulsar sink that stores it to DeltaLake or Apache Iceberg It would be interesting to run some NLP or ML on it or even feed it to ChatGPT I asked ChatGPT what I should do How should I process Mastodon social feeds with Apache Pulsar Can I stream Mastodon streaming data to Pulsar and then to Flink SQL for real time analytics If so can you build me a SQL application that does that and joins it with another stream that is relevant write an application that streams mastodon streaming events to Apache Pulsar and aggregates of toots with Flink SQLI m sorry I am not able to write a full fledged application as it s beyond the scope of my abilities and it would require a lot of resources and knowledge of your specific use case and environment However I can provide you with a rough skeleton of how such an application could be built Here is a skeleton of a Flink job that streams Mastodon data from Pulsar and aggregates the number of toots using Flink SQL import org apache flink streaming api scala import org apache flink table api EnvironmentSettings Table import org apache flink table api scala object MastodonTootCount def main args Array String Unit val env StreamExecutionEnvironment getExecutionEnvironment val settings EnvironmentSettings newInstance useBlinkPlanner inStreamingMode build val tEnv StreamTableEnvironment create env settings Connect to the Pulsar source consume data from the topic and convert it to a DataStream val mastodonStream DataStream MastodonEvent env addSource new PulsarSource MastodonEvent Convert the DataStream to a Table val mastodonTable Table tEnv fromDataStream mastodonStream Register the table in the TableEnvironment tEnv registerTable mastodon mastodonTable Define the SQL query to aggregate the number of toots val tootCount Table tEnv sqlQuery SELECT COUNT FROM mastodon WHERE event type toot Convert the result to a DataStream and print it val tootCountStream DataStream Long tEnv toRetractStream Long tootCount map tootCountStream print env execute Mastodon Toot Count This is just a skeleton you would need to fill in the details such as Pulsar configuration data mapping and the specific logic for your use case It s important to note that this example uses the Flink Table and SQL API and assumes that the data received from Mastodon is of type MastodonEvent and has an event type field also it only considers toots and doesn t cover other possible events It would be beneficial to have a more detailed understanding of Mastodon s streaming API Pulsar s features and Flink s SQL capabilities before proceeding For now I am happy to get and stream the data as it streams through Mastondon social As a test I am publishing content that meets my simple filter It will be posted here PaaSDevI saw an example of using NodeJS to stream Mastodon from Aiven and thought that looked fun I wanted to do this in Python as that is a good language for Data Processing Machine Learning Pulsar Kafka Spark and other things Perhaps next time I will use JavaScript Go C or Java If you have a suggestion drop it in a comment Let s look at the Python JSon Schema I setup for Pulsar class mastodondata Record language String created at String ts Float uuid String uri String url String favourites count Integer replies count Integer reblogs count Integer content String username String accountname String displayname String note String followers count Integer statuses count Integer An example result consumed with the command line client in Apache Pulsar I should use Pulsar Shell next time got message key fae df dd b ebf properties content language en created at ts uuid fae df dd b ebf uri url PaaSDev favourites count replies count reblogs count content lt p gt I am working on an Apache Pulsar streaming application in Python to ingest mastodon messages lt a href target blank rel nofollow noopener noreferrer gt lt span class invisible gt https lt span gt lt span class ellipsis gt github com tspannhw pulsar mas lt span gt lt span class invisible gt todon sink lt span gt lt a gt lt p gt username PaaSDev accountname PaaSDev displayname note followers count statuses count Let s run the final application python stream py INFO xecb HandlerBase persistent public default mastodon partition Getting connection from pool INFO xecb ProducerImpl persistent public default mastodon partition Created producer on broker gt The Python code is below import mastodonfrom mastodon import Mastodonfrom pprint import pprintimport requestsfrom bs import BeautifulSoupimport pulsarfrom pulsar schema import import timeimport sysimport datetimeimport subprocessimport sysimport osfrom subprocess import PIPE Popenimport tracebackimport mathimport baseimport jsonfrom time import gmtime strftimeimport random stringimport psutilimport uuidimport jsonimport socket import loggingfrom jsonpath ng import jsonpath parseimport re Apache PulsarpulsarClient pulsar Client pulsar localhost Schema Recordclass mastodondata Record language String created at String ts Float uuid String uri String url String favourites count Integer replies count Integer reblogs count Integer content String username String accountname String displayname String note String followers count Integer statuses count Integer Keywords to matchkeywordList apache spark Apache Spark Apache Pinot flink Flink Apache Flink kafka Kafka Apache Kafka pulsar Pulsar datapipeline real time real time streaming StreamNative Confluent RedPandaData Apache Pulsar streaming Streaming big data Big Data Build our Regexwords re re compile join keywordList Listener for Mastodon eventsclass Listener mastodon StreamListener def on update self status if words re search status content pulsarProducer pulsarClient create producer topic persistent public default mastodon schema JsonSchema mastodondata properties producer name mastodon py strean producer id mastodon producer mastodonRec mastodondata uuid key format strftime Y m d H M S gmtime uuid uuid mastodonRec language status language mastodonRec created at str status created at mastodonRec ts float strftime Y m d H M S gmtime mastodonRec uuid uuid key mastodonRec uri status uri mastodonRec url status url mastodonRec favourites count status favourites count mastodonRec replies count status replies count mastodonRec reblogs count status reblogs count mastodonRec content status content mastodonRec username status account username mastodonRec accountname status account acct mastodonRec displayname status account display name mastodonRec note status account note mastodonRec followers count status account followers count mastodonRec statuses count status account statuses count print mastodonRec ts pulsarProducer send mastodonRec partition key str uuid key pulsarProducer flush producer send rp kafka mastodonRec encode utf producer flush def on notification self notification print f on notification notification print notification Mastodon create app streamreader api base url mastodon Mastodon api base url mastodon stream public Listener Timothy Spann PaaSDev mastodon social Posts Following Followers ·Developer Advocate for Streamingmastodon socialIn the follow up I will decide what to do with this data where it should go and if it needs additional data fields I think I may add some TCP IP status data and perhaps join in some other streams in Flink I think depending on the result of our NLP and Sentiment analytics we could add other data lookups dynamically Pulsar Commandspulsar admin topics create persistent public default mastodonpulsar admin schemas get persistent public default mastodonpulsar client consume persistent public default mastodon s mreader n ReferencesGitHub tspannhw FLiP Pi Iceberg Thermal Apache Iceberg Apache Pulsar Thermal Sensor Data…Apache Iceberg Apache Pulsar Thermal Sensor Data from a Raspberry Pi Run Apache Pulsar standalone docker…github comGitHub tspannhw pulsar mastodon sink Mastodon data streamingMastodon data streaming Contribute to tspannhw pulsar mastodon sink development by creating an account on GitHub github comGitHub halcy Mastodon py Python wrapper for the Mastodon …Python wrapper for the Mastodon API Feature complete for public API as of…github comGetting Started with Mastodon API in PythonWith what s happening in Twitter many people are considering moving to Mastodon Like Twitter Mastodon also has an…martinheinz devGitHub tspannhw FLiPN Py Stocks finnhub stocksfinnhub stocks Contribute to tspannhw FLiPN Py Stocks development by creating an account on GitHub github comGitHub tspannhw pulsar thermal pinot Apache Pulsar Apache Pinot Thermal Sensor DataApache Pulsar Apache Pinot Thermal Sensor Data…github comGitHub tspannhw FLiP Current LetsMonitorAllTheThings Let s Monitor The Conditions at the…Session Time am pm Session Date Wednesday October Session Type In Person Location Ballroom G…github compulsar transit function NLPService java at main ·tspannhw pulsar transit functionYou can t perform that action at this time You signed in with another tab or window You signed out in another tab or…github comApache PulsarChatgptOpen SourcePythonMastodon |
2023-01-18 00:40:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
大学の不動産戦略(1)~保有施設とキャンパスの整備方針について~ |
また、本調査では、「キャンパス移転や拡充、サテライトキャンパス設置」との回答がを占めた。 |
2023-01-18 09:59:18 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
全国旅行支援の利用状況-「第11回 新型コロナによる暮らしの変化に関する調査」より |
目次ーはじめに政府による観光需要の喚起策「全国旅行支援」の利用状況はー「全国旅行支援」の利用状況い利用率は約割、時間や経済的な余裕のある層で利用が多い全体の状況年末までの利用率は、うちが複数回利用の積極層「GoToトラベル」利用経験別の状況「GoToトラベル」利用者のが「全国旅行支援」を利用性年代やライフステージ別の状況時間に余裕のある未就学児の子育て世帯や高齢層で利用が多い職業別や年収別の状況経済的に比較的余裕のある管理職層や年収万円以上などで利用が多いコロナ禍の不安別の状況経済的に不安のない層で利用が多い、感染不安による大きな差異はなしー「全国旅行支援」を利用した理由お得感は子育て世帯で強く、高収入層の旅行需要の後押しにも全体の状況最多は割引額の魅力で過半数、次いでクーポン、そろそろ旅行へ行きたかったも割超性年代やライフステージ別の状況子育て世帯は割引額の魅力を強く感じ、高齢層は目的地も重視職業や年収別の状況高収入層は割引がきっかけというより、もともと旅行需要があり、施策が後押しー「全国旅行支援」を利用していない理由経済的余裕のなさ、高齢層は感染不安、雇用者等は日程全体の状況最多は「経済的な余裕がないから」で、次いで感染不安が約割性年代やライフステージ別の状況高齢層は感染不安、子育て世帯は経済的余裕のなさと日程あわず職業や年収別の状況低収入層は経済的余裕のなさ、高収入層は希望なし、雇用者等は日程あわずーおわりに動かせる消費を動かし雇用改善させ日本経済を活性化、賃上げ重要昨年月から、政府は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で需要が低迷した観光業の需要喚起策として、利用額の一部を負担する「全国旅行支援」を実施している。 |
2023-01-18 09:57:26 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
三次分配と保険(中国) |
それは、対象としている保険が市政府と民間保険会社が協働で運営する医療保険であること、共同富裕民間企業の寄付の一環で、社会的弱者に提供していること、プラットフォーマーが金融商品における、人と商品の「仲介」というコアコンピタンスを活かした運営をしていること、である。 |
2023-01-18 09:38:31 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
総裁記者会見ライブ配信(1月18日15時30分予定) |
記者会見 |
2023-01-18 09:30:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Greta Thunberg detained at German coal protest |
activist |
2023-01-18 00:23:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Church of England bishops refuse to back gay marriage |
bishops |
2023-01-18 00:48:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
2023年、私たちの挑戦(EC事業者編) |
amazonadsjapan |
2023-01-18 09:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
今日から実践できる!企画力につながるインプット術 |
人材育成 |
2023-01-18 00:06:16 |
デザイン |
Webクリエイターボックス |
懐かしのmarquee?テキストを自動スクロールさせる方法と実装例 |
懐かしのmarqueeテキストを自動スクロールさせる方法と実装例最近のWebサイトギャラリー見てたら、懐かしい動きを目にする機会が増えてきました。 |
2023-01-18 00:00:52 |