Techable(テッカブル) |
鳥取県、「メタバース課」設立。日本初のAIアバター自治体職員“八上姫”採用 |
人口減少 |
2023-02-05 07:00:27 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Toyota Programming Contest 2023 Spring Qual A C問題解説(Pythonコード例付) |
atcoder |
2023-02-05 16:53:33 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【UserLAnd】UbuntuでYarnをインストール |
ivandroidosuserlandub |
2023-02-05 16:53:13 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【備忘録】WSL2のインストール手順のメモ |
linux |
2023-02-05 16:50:02 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Api Gateway】CORS有効化実行時にエラーとなる場合の対処法 |
apigateway |
2023-02-05 16:58:14 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのAutoScalingについてまとめ(SAA試験対策) |
aurora |
2023-02-05 16:54:25 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS cloud9 connectingのまま |
awscloudconnecting |
2023-02-05 16:34:33 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
fly.ioリリースにて.envファイル内のAPIキーを適用させるには |
flyio |
2023-02-05 16:23:12 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】論理削除を実装しているモデルに対しては destroy を呼べないようにしたい |
sedestroyisnotallowedfor |
2023-02-05 16:13:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Must-Have Websites for Every Frontend Web Developer |
Must Have Websites for Every Frontend Web Developer Essential Websites for Frontend Web DevelopmentFrontend web development can be a challenging task but it doesn t have to be In this article we ll introduce you to essential websites that will make your frontend web development journey easier faster and more fun CodepenCodepen is a social development environment for frontend developers that allows them to experiment with HTML CSS and JavaScript This platform enables developers to collaborate with one another and share their work with the world The website provides a unique way for developers to test their code snippets in real time and see the results instantly CSS Background PatternsCSS Background Patterns is a website that allows you to generate beautiful Pure CSS background patterns for your websites Add a touch of creativity to your website s background with this easy to use tool CSS GradientCSS Gradient is a free tool that lets you generate gradient backgrounds for your websites In addition to being a CSS gradient generator the site is also full of colorful content about gradients CSS Layout GeneratorCSS Layout Generator allows you to create beautiful layouts for your websites within seconds Say goodbye to complicated CSS grid and flexbox issues and start creating stunning layouts today UnsplashUnsplash A must have for designers Get access to a vast collection of high quality free stock photos to add creativity to your projects With easy navigation and categorization finding the perfect image for your website or logo is a breeze Font AwesomeUnleash your inner designer with Font Awesome a library of scalable vector icons that you can customize to your heart s desire Play around with the size color drop shadow and more to make your website truly stand out Google FontsGoogle Fonts is the ultimate tool for giving your website a unique and stylish font With a library of free open source fonts you can easily integrate CSS and add a touch of personality to your website Say goodbye to boring fonts and hello to a world of endless possibilities Readme soKeep your project s readme organized and attractive with Readme so The simple editor allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project s readme CanIUseCanIUse is the easiest way to know which property to use or not This website provides a simple and straightforward guide to HTML elements and helps you understand everything about links meta and other tags HTML HeadHTML Head is a simple guide to HTML elements Know everything about how to use links meta and other tags within seconds with this comprehensive guide Responsively AppResponsively App is a website that allows you to develop responsive web apps x faster With this website you can create beautiful and responsive web apps in no time Browser FramesBrowser Frames is the easiest way to wrap screenshots in browser frames Supports multiple browsers operating systems and themes making it the perfect tool for frontend web developers These essential websites will make your frontend web development journey smoother faster and more enjoyable Whether you need a tool for creating stunning CSS gradients organizing your project s readme or wrapping screenshots in browser frames these websites have got you covered Happy coding |
2023-02-05 07:23:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laporan Kegiatan PPHB 2023 |
Laporan Kegiatan PPHB Nama Nurul Khofifa AenunKelas XI TJKT No Absen Perusahaan Job Fair LPK BAKTI KENCANA JAYA MULYAMerupakan Lembaga Penyaluran Kerja yang memiliki program yaitu PROGRAM IM JAPANPersyaratanTinggi Badan Laki Laki min cmPerempuan min cmPendidikan SMK SMA Sederajat Semua JurusanUsiaMin TahunMax TahunMata Tidak Buta Warna amp MinusPROGRAM TOKUIEI GINOU TG PersyaratanTinggi Badan Laki Laki min cmPerempuan min cmPendidikan SMK SMA Sederajat Semua JurusanUsia Min TahunMax TahunMata Tidak Buta Warna amp MinusPROGRAM G TO G KOREAPersyaratanLaki LakiPerempuanPendidikan Min SMPUsia Min TahunMax TahunMata Tidak Buta WarnaCONTAC PERSON LPK YASUI ABADIPROGRAM MAGANG KERJA KE JEPANGPERSYARATAN IM JAPAN PERAWAT amp SOMagang Jepang Im Japan Manufaktur Lulusan SMK atau sederajatJurusan teknik minimal usia tahun non teknik tahun bulanGigi depan atas bawah lengkapTidak bertatoTidak patah tulangTidak bertindik bagi laki laki Tinggi badan cm bagi laki lakiBerat badan kg bagi laki lakiMax usia tahunMata sehat tidak berkacamata dan tidak buta warnaSehat jasmani dan rohaniMendapatkan izin orang tua istriSiap mengikuti pelatihan sebelum berangkatMagang Jepang Im Japan Carewoker Perawat Panti Jompo Lulusan SMK keperawatan usia tahunLulusan SMK non keperawatan usia tahun bulanTidak bertatoTidak patah tulangTidak bertindik bagi laki laki Tinggi badan cm perempuanMax usia tahunMata sehat tidak berkacamata dan tidak buta warnaSehat jasmani dan rohaniMendapatkan izin orang tua suamiSiap mengikuti pelatihan sebelum berangkatMagang Jepang So Sending Organization Swasta Lulusan SMK keperawatan usia tahunLulusan SMK non keperawatan usia tahun bulanTidak bertatoTidak patah tulangTidak bertindik bagi laki laki Tinggi badan cm laki laki cm perempuan Berat badan kg bagi laki lakiMaksimal usia tahunMata sehat dan tidak berkacamata dan buta warna menit dan rohaniPendapatan izin orang tua istriSiap mengikuti pelatihan sebelum berangkatALUR PROGRAM HINGGA KEBERANGKATANPendaftaranTes RekrutmenPra MedikalPelatihan LPK ISeleksi IM JapanPelatihan LPK IITes Bahasa JepangMedikal chek UP MCUPelatihan Tahap I Daerah Pelatihan Tahap II Pusat KeberangkatanALUR KHUSUS PROGRAM SOPendaftaranTes RekrutmenPra MedikalPelatihan LPK I N Praktek Kerja LapanganWawancara PerusahaanMedikal chek UP MCUPelatihan LPK IIKeberangkatanPROSEDUR PENDAFTARANMendaftar isi formulir MCUPendidikanTes atau seleksi job Pendidikan TerbangProses kurang lebih bulanCONTAC PERSON PT KARYA MITRA SEJATIMerupakan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Wanita dan Pria di Negara Malaysia di sector Formal Industri dengan system RBA Syarat Pendaftaran Wanita Pria tahunIJAZAH SLTP SLTA sederajatE KTPKartu KeluargaKartu kuningAkte KelahiranFasilitas Gaji Min RMAsuransiJaminan kesehatanLembur NormativeKantin halal amp bersihAsrama Aman amp NyamanPos Keamanan asrama jamTunjangan DLLCONTAC PERSON HP BANK BTPN SYARIAHPersyaratan Perempuan usia tahunPendidikan minimal SMA sederajatSenang bepergian dan bertemu orangBisa mengendarai sepeda motor manual Memiliki simBenefit dan Fasilitas Pendapatan tetap THR dan insentifJaminan kesehatan lengkap BPJS Asuransi Rawat Inap Fasilitas tas tempat tinggal dan kendaraan kerjaPelatihan dan pengembangan diri kesempatan beasiswasarjana SILINK PENDAFTARAN CONTAC PERSON Hub PELUANG KERJA KE KOREASyarat Pendaftaran Pria WanitaUsia tahunPendidikan SMA SMKSehat Jasmani amp RohaniTidak Buta WarnaTidak cacat jariTahap Pelatihan Modul dasar Bahasa KoreaModul Textbook Standar EPS TopikLatihan soal EPS TopikTRYOUT amp PemantapanSimulasi UjianTahapan Proses Tes EPS TopikSending dataKontrak kerjaPreliminary educationPenerbitan visaTerbangSektor Kerja Manufaktor Otomotif Elektronik Textile Makanan amp minuman DLL Perikanan Budi daya ikan Penangkapan ikanFasilitas Cuti tahunanMakan amp asramaGaji juta perbulanMendapat pesangon lebih dari jutaAsuransi kesehatan dan kecelakaan kerjaKontrak kerja tahun dan bisa BE ENTRYCONTAC PERSON |
2023-02-05 07:00:51 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
After U.S. downing of suspected spy balloon, can Sino-American ties can be stabilized? |
After U S downing of suspected spy balloon can Sino American ties can be stabilized Washington s dramatic decision to shoot down the balloon has highlighted the growing trust gap between the two superpowers and raised fresh questions about the trajectory |
2023-02-05 16:23:42 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Pakistan’s Pervez Musharraf, military ruler who allied with the U.S. and promoted moderate Islam, dies at 79 |
Pakistan s Pervez Musharraf military ruler who allied with the U S and promoted moderate Islam dies at The four star general who ruled Pakistan for nearly a decade after seizing power in attempted to usher in socially liberal values in the conservative |
2023-02-05 16:03:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's ex-president, dies aged 79 |
assassination |
2023-02-05 07:42:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nicola Bulley: Witness comes forward in search for missing mum |
january |
2023-02-05 07:41:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Adoption: Son finally meets birth mum after 58 years |
mother |
2023-02-05 07:38:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Davis Cup 2023: Great Britain reach Finals as Cameron Norrie seals victory over Colombia |
Davis Cup Great Britain reach Finals as Cameron Norrie seals victory over ColombiaCameron Norrie confirms Great Britain s place in September s Davis Cup Finals group stage by beating Colombia s Nicolas Mejia in straight sets |
2023-02-05 07:16:13 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
食べて生産地を応援!生産量日本一の高知“ゆず”を使った「ゆず蜜レアチーズアイスバー」ファミマで発売中 |
課題解決 |
2023-02-05 16:30:00 |