python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VirtualBox7.0のhost only adapterの仕様変更について |
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2023-02-05 21:21:59 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【実装メモ】pandas基礎レベル |
dfnamed |
2023-02-05 21:17:59 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
未経験からAWS認定を取得した話 |
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2023-02-05 21:12:17 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerでのenv.ファイル記述場所について |
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2023-02-05 21:36:54 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ChatGPT にお願いして、PowerShell でGitからソースコードを取得してZip化&treeっぽいテキストファイルを作ってもらった |
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2023-02-05 21:22:24 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Vanpowers City Vanture e-bike review: Sleek, streamlined, and hard to define |
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2023-02-05 12:00:42 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Activate Quiet Mode on Instagram |
quiet |
2023-02-05 12:46:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laporan Kegiatan PPHB 2023 ( Campus Expo ) |
Laporan Kegiatan PPHB Campus Expo Nama Nurul Khofifa AenunKelas XI TJKT No Absen Perguruan Tinggi Campus Expo UNIVERSITAS BINA SARANA INFORMATIKAFakultas Fakultas Teknik amp Informatika•Teknologi Informasi S •Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak S •Ilmu Komputer S •Sistem Informasi S amp D •Sistem Informasi Akuntansi D •Teknologi Komputer D •Teknik Elektro S •Teknik Industri S Fakultas Komunikasi amp Bahasa•Ilmu Komunikasi S •Hubungan Masyarakat Publik Relations D •Penyiar Broadcasting D •Periklanan Advertising D •Sastra Inggris S •Bahasa Inggris D Fakultas ekonomi amp bisnis•Manajemen S •Akuntansi S amp D •Administrasi Perkantoran D •Administrasi Bisnis D •Manajemen Pajak D •Perhotelan D Alur Pendaftaran Pendaftaran Registrasi amp Isi Form PendaftaranPembayaran Biaya FormulirUjian Saringan Ikuti Ujian Saringan Secara OnlineBayar Kuliah Pembayaran Biaya Kuliah Sesuai Dengan KetentuanDaftar Ulang Online Daftar ulang dengan mengisi semua semua persyaratan untuk mendapatkan kelasDownload E KTMOrientasi Akademik amp Seminar MotivasiSelamat Bergabung Menjadi Mahasiswa Universitas BSIPilihan PendaftaranPendaftaran melalui via website Pendaftaran melalui AplikasiBiaya KuliahBiaya Kuliah Program Sarjana Rp semesterPembayaran bisa melalui Payment Virtual Account dan CicilanContac Person SEKOLAH TINGGI MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA amp KOMPUTERProgram StudiSistem Informasi Business Intelligence Teknik Informatika Intelligence system Beasiswa Pendidikan Beasiswa Yayasan Beasiswa KIP Kemdikbudristek Beasiswa KIP Usulan Masyarakat Beasiswa Bidikmisi PemdaBiaya Kuliah Rp bulanPendaftaran secara onlinepmb stmik tegal ac idContac Person UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN JAYAProgram Studi S AkuntansiManajemenIlmu KomunikasiPsikologiDesain Komunikasi VisualDesain ProdukInformatikaSistem InformasiTeknik sipilArsitekturJenis Beasiswa beserta Syarat dan KetentuanOSIS Melampirkan surat keterangan tim inti di OSIS MPK selama minimal satu periode ASAK Melampirkan surat keterangan dari ASAK Khusus Agama Katolik KIP KULIAH Pembukaan beasiswa mengikuti acuan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Akademik melampirkan surat keterangan peringkat paralel dari satu angkatan Olahraga Sains Seni amp Budaya Melampirkan bukti surat keterangan dari sekolah dan bukti pendukung sertifikat piagam atau piala Pendaftaran Secara Onlinepmb upj ac idContac Person UNIVERSITAS PGRI SEMARANG Program Sarjana S ManajemenBisnis DigitalHukumTeknik Sipil Teknik Mesin Teknik Elektro Arsitektur Teknologi Pangan InformatikaBimbingan amp KonselingPendidikan Guru SDPendidikan Guru PAUDPendidikan Matematikapendidikan BiologiPendidikan FisikaPendidikan Teknologi InformasiPendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan amp RekreasiPendidikan EkonomiPPKnPendidikan Bahasa amp Sastra IndonesiaPendidikan Bahasa InggrisPendidikan Bahasa amp Sastra DaerahProgram Pascasarjana S Manajemen PendidikanPendidikan Bahasa amp Sastra IndonesiaPendidikan Bahasa InggrisPendidikan IPAPendidikan DasarPendidikan Profesi Guru PPG Jalur PendataranPRESTASI November April REGULER RPL amp KARIAWAN Gelombang I November Mei Gelombang II Mei Agustus Gelombang III Agustus September KIP KULIAH November Agustus Pilihan Pendaftaran One Day ServiceMelakukan pendaftaran langsung ke sekretariat PMB UPGRIS di Gedung Pusat Lt Jalan Sidodadi Timur Dr Cipto no Karangtempel SemarangOnlineMelakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui laman pmb upgris ac idFasilitas Ruang kuliah nyamanAsrama mahasiswaRuang terbuka hijauGedung perkuliahan modern Laboratorium praktik perkuliahan Free fasilitas olah ragaContac Person POLITEKNIK KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI JALANProgam Studi •D IV Manajemen Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan MKTJ D IV Rekayasa Sistem Transportasi Jalan RSTJ Terakreditasi B•D IV Teknologi Keselamatan Otomotif TKO D IV Teknologi Rekayasa Otomotif TRO Terakreditasi B•D III Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor PKB D III Teknologi Otomotif TO Terakreditasi BPersyaratan Pendidikan •D IV MKTJ RSTJSMA IPAMadrasah Aliyah MA IPA SMK Teknik Mesin amp OtomotifKomputerTeknologi amp InformatikaListrikElektro dan Sipil BangunanMekatronia •D IV TKO TROSMA IPAMadrasah Aliyah MA IPA SMK Teknik Mesin amp OtomotifKomputerTeknologi amp InformatikaListrik dan ElektroMekatronia •D III PKB TOSMA IPAMadrasah Aliyah MA IPA SMK Teknik Mesin amp OtomotifKomputerTeknologi amp InformatikaListrik dan ElektroMekatronia Syarat PendaftaranUsia maksimum tahun pada bulan September Jenis Kelamin Pria WanitaBelum menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataanTinggi badan minimal pria cm wanita cmMelampirkan pas photo terbaru ukuran berwarna dengan latar belakang merah ijazah STTB nilai UN Akta Kelahiran Surat Keterangan Lahir dan Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah dari Kelurahan DesaBagi yang masih duduk di kelas XII SLTA dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah sebagai peserta UNSehat jasmani dan rohani tidak buta warnaMembayar biaya pendaftaran sesuai dengan ketentuan dan akan disampaikan melalui pengumuman SIPENCATARLokasiKampus I Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan No Tegal Kampus II Jl Abdul Syukur No Margadana Kota TegalPendaftaran dilakukan online pada situswww sipencatar dephub go idContac Person |
2023-02-05 12:10:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Pandas is no longer the DataFrame King |
Pandas is no longer the DataFrame KingData analysis is a crucial aspect of many industries including finance healthcare and technology With the increasing amount of data generated every day it s essential to have tools that can handle and manipulate large datasets with ease That s where dataframe libraries come in handy Two of the most popular dataframe libraries in Python are Pandas and PyPolars In this article we will compare the two and highlight the advantages of using PyPolars particularly in terms of its higher read and write speed and lower RAM usage Pandas is a well established library that has been around for more than a decade It has a rich set of functionalities that make it a popular choice for data analysis On the other hand PyPolars is a relatively new library that was created to address some of the limitations of Pandas PyPolars is designed to handle large datasets with much higher speed and efficiency making it an attractive option for big data applications Recently I was involved in a project that required refactoring the existing ETL pipelines and statistical models from Pandas to PyPolars This was a significant project that involved dealing with large datasets and required efficient memory usage After the refactor I was blown away by the performance increases we saw with PyPolars The read and write speeds were much faster and the processing time for large datasets was significantly reduced This was a major win for our team as it allowed us to complete the project within the tight deadline we had However the most significant difference I noticed was the decrease in RAM usage Pandas has always been known to consume a lot of memory and this was the main reason for the refactor PyPolars uses a column based data structure which makes it possible to handle large datasets without consuming too much memory In our tests PyPolars used x less RAM than Pandas which was a massive improvement This not only made our pipelines more efficient but also reduced the costs associated with running them In terms of functionality PyPolars is just as capable as Pandas It offers a wide range of functionalities including filtering grouping merging and using the apply function among others This made it possible for us to complete the project without any significant changes to our existing code I set up a little Streamlit app to showcase how similar most of the syntax is Here are some code snippets from the app iris pd read csv iris polars pl read csv st write Pandas DataFrame Shape iris shape st write PyPolars DataFrame Shape iris polars shape st header DataFrame Operations st write We will perform some common dataframe operations on both Pandas and PyPolars dataframes st write Pandas head st write iris head st write PyPolars head st write iris polars head st write Pandas describe st write iris describe st write PyPolars describe st write iris polars describe st header Groupby Operations st write We will perform a groupby operation on both Pandas and PyPolars dataframes st write Pandas groupby mean st write iris groupby species mean st write PyPolars groupby mean st write iris polars groupby species mean I only had to slightly change the filter the rest of the syntax is nearly identical if you are familiar with writing SQL queries you will feel write at home using polars In conclusion my experience with PyPolars has been overwhelmingly positive The massive performance increases and reduced RAM usage have made it a game changer for our team If you re looking for a dataframe library that can handle large datasets efficiently I highly recommend PyPolars I hope you enjoyed my article if you did be sure to like it and maybe check us out at BLST Star our Github repo and join the discussion in our Discord channel Test your API for free now at BLST |
2023-02-05 12:09:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Vile theories hurt missing mum's family, says friend |
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BBC News - Home |
Union boss Sharon Graham calls on Sunak to intervene on NHS pay |
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BBC News - Home |
Balloon saga deflates efforts to mend US-China relations |
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2023-02-05 12:14:30 |
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BBC News - Home |
Matt Dawson column: Steve Borthwick has boxed himself in with Owen Farrell |
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2023-02-05 12:07:48 |