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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 現場仕事に向いている人 3位「メンタルが強い」、2位「コミュニケーション力がある」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2305/26/news192.html itmedia 2023-05-27 07:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「Standard Products」、北海道・鹿児島に初出店 6月末で全国65店舗に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2305/27/news048.html itmedia 2023-05-27 07:30:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) クリックだけで対応履歴を簡単に確認!営業支援ツール「ネクストSFA」にAI新機能が実装予定 https://techable.jp/archives/208269 chatgpt 2023-05-26 22:00:57
AWS AWS for SAP Migrating SAP HANA-based systems using AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/awsforsap/sap-on-hana-migration-using-aws-migration-hub-orchestrator/ Migrating SAP HANA based systems using AWS Migration Hub OrchestratorWhy use AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator service Thousands of customers worldwide trust AWS to run their mission critical SAP applications For SAP applications that are still on premises many customers are looking for an easier way to migrate to AWS while following AWS and SAP best practices AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator for SAP reduces the time and … 2023-05-26 22:02:49
AWS AWS Unox creates new revenue streams by deliverying smart products using AWS | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KYZfW4-Zrc Unox creates new revenue streams by deliverying smart products using AWS Amazon Web ServicesUNOX an international company headquartered in Italy designs and manufactures professional ovens for food service operators It uses IoT technologies to provide customers with data information and artificial intelligence generated ideas Hear from Gabriele Ballarin CIO at UNOX about how UNOX uses IoT storage and a variety of Amazon Web Services AWS to improve service level requests from customers drive high productivity through AWS training support develop cutting edge data driven cooking apps and increased scalability enabling greater developer innovation Learn more at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster smartmanufacturing smartproducts awsmanufacturing awsindustrial AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2023-05-26 22:17:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Lambda + Amazon SNSで電車遅延情報を毎朝通知 https://qiita.com/mohashi3/items/5094f7bfb7a8968763e8 beaut 2023-05-27 07:32:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS編】Next.js × Go × AWSでJWT認証付きGraphQLアプリとCI/CDを構築してみよう https://qiita.com/WebEngrChild/items/ca93783f8ae6bee7f985 graphql 2023-05-27 07:51:35
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Lambda + Amazon SNSで電車遅延情報を毎朝通知 https://qiita.com/mohashi3/items/5094f7bfb7a8968763e8 beaut 2023-05-27 07:32:49
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Go編】Next.js × Go × AWSでJWT認証付きGraphQLアプリとCI/CDを構築してみよう https://qiita.com/WebEngrChild/items/d9b87944235c5220ae5b graphql 2023-05-27 07:51:15
海外TECH DEV Community How to use Appwrite cloud database in your Nuxt.js app https://dev.to/hackmamba/how-to-use-appwrite-cloud-database-in-your-nuxtjs-app-3e99 How to use Appwrite cloud database in your Nuxt js appAppwrite is an open source and secure backend as a service platform with database functions and other core APIs necessary to build server like applications for web mobile and Flutter developers Appwrite integrates with both client and server side programming languages Appwrite Cloud provides the same services as Appwrite like functions authentication database storage etc Using Appwrite Cloud everything is managed directly from a dedicated URL instead of the local instance running on Docker This tutorial will show you how to build a create read update and delete CRUD application in NuxtJS making use of Appwrite Cloud and Pink Design suitable for frontend developers Project overviewAt the end of this lesson the CRUD application should look something like this GitHub and emoCheck the complete source code for this project in this repo Also try the demo here PrerequisitesThe following are required to complete this tutorial An understanding of JavaScript Vue and CSSNode gt for dependencies installationAccess to an Appwrite Cloud accountJoin and submit a request for Appwrite Cloud here Setting up Appwrite CloudLog in to Appwrite Cloud and create a new project in your cloud instance by clicking the “ Create project button PS make sure to give the project a desired name Create a databaseNavigate into the created project click Databases on the window s left pane and give your database a name Creating collectionsAppwrite uses collections as containers of documents By clicking on the database name created click the Create collection button and give the Collections a name Adding attributesIt is vital to create field parameters as they will hold all the registered data in the database To create attributes navigate to the created Collections and click the Attributes tab For this tutorial the attributes are as follows Attribute KeyAttribute typeSizeDefault valueRequiredtodoString YesNext select the Settings tab within the Collections and update the permissions to manage users access and rights Finally register your web app Click the Overview tab on the left pane and Add the web app platform The Hostname with the asterisk ensures access during development otherwise if not set cross origin resource sharing CORS may prevent access to the site data thereby throwing errors Scaffolding a Nuxt appNuxt is a progressive open source framework built on top of Vue Let s scaffold a new Nuxt application using the following command npx nuxi init todoFollow the instructions and run the provided commands like yarn install This command will install all the required dependencies Next navigate to the project directory then todos and start the development server in the terminal cd todos amp amp yarn dev Installing dependenciesAs mentioned earlier you need these two dependencies in the Nuxt app Appwrite and Appwrite Pink Design In your terminal run this command yarn add appwrite yarn add appwrite io pink Including Appwrite Pink in the projectBefore you see the action of Appwrite CSS and its icons let s create a pages folder in the app s root directory After that create a file index vue and add the following code pages index vue lt template gt lt p class heading level gt Add tooodooos lt p gt lt template gt lt script setup lang ts gt import appwrite io pink import appwrite io pink icons lt script gt Next in the entry point of the project app vue change the component NuxtWelcome to NuxtPage like this app vue lt template gt lt NuxtPage gt lt template gt Here s the result to confirm that the Appwrite CSS library is working The project tree directory should look something like this ├ーpages │└ーindex vue ├ーpublic ├ーpackage json ├ーtsconfig json ├ーyarn lock ├ーREADME md ├ーnuxt config js └ーapp vue Building the UIThe user interface for the todos app will showcase all the todos created using an input field and list all of them with an edit and a delete icon Now let s update the app directory with a new directory called components which will include the following files AboutTodo vue Header vue ListTodo vue and Todos vue Also create another file within the pages folder called about vue The updated project tree directory ├ーcomponents │├ーAboutTodo vue │├ーHeader vue │├ーListTodo vue │└ーTodos vue ├ーpages │├ーabout vue │└ーindex vue ├ーpublic ├ーpackage json ├ーtsconfig json ├ーyarn lock ├ーREADME md ├ーnuxt config js └ーapp vueInclude the following code in the file components components AboutTodo vue lt template gt lt div class container gt lt h class eyebrow heading gt About Tooodooos lt h gt lt p class text style margin top rem gt Using Appwrite functions and Appwrite Cloud adding todos have become simpler for anyone wanting to create their own Appwrite as a tool is a backend as a service platform lt p gt lt p class text style margin top rem gt The technology used to build this app is Nuxt Appwrite Pink for the design system and integrating Appwrite of course lt p gt lt div gt lt template gt The AboutTodo component will display the info about the project on navigating to the about page when clicked in the navigation bar The code above centers the content of the About page using Appwrite Pink Design Also included within this component are Vue style bindings in the lt p gt element which sets a top margin of rem components Header vue lt template gt lt header class u flex u main space between u cross center u position sticky style inset block start auto gt lt NuxtLink to class u bold gt Tooodooos lt NuxtLink gt lt ul class list gt lt li class list item gt lt span class text gt lt NuxtLink to about gt About lt NuxtLink gt lt span gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt header gt lt template gt The code snippet above uses Appwrite s Pink Display and List element to style the navigation bar The NuxtLink component is also included for navigation to the home and about pages respectively components ListTodo vue lt template gt lt div class u flex u main space between u cross center u width full line gt lt span class text gt item lt span gt lt div class u cursor pointer gt lt span class icon pencil aria hidden true style margin right space em gt lt span gt lt span class icon trash aria hidden true gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt const props defineProps item String const space ref lt script gt The code above displays the todo list item from the props array and the pencil and trash icon from Pink Design components Todos vue lt template gt lt div class container gt lt Header gt lt h class heading level style margin top rem gt name lt h gt lt form class form u width full line u max width u flex u main center style margin top em gt lt ul class form list gt lt li class form item gt lt label class label gt Todo lt label gt lt div class input text wrapper gt lt input class input text type text placeholder add new todo v model input todo gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt button class button style margin top em gt lt span class text gt Add todo lt span gt lt button gt lt form gt lt div style margin top marginTop em gt lt ul class list gt lt li class list item gt lt list todo item Create API documentation gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt const name ref Add tooodooos const marginTop ref const input reactive todo lt script gt The following occurs in the code snippet above In the script section declare the variables using the composition APIPass these values in the lt template gt Import the Header and list todo componentsUsed the classes from Pink Design and defined style bindings to the elementsPass the item props to the list todo componentpages about vue lt template gt lt div class container gt lt Header gt lt about todo gt lt div gt lt template gt The code is responsible for importing the Header and about todo components to display the content of the about page Creating environment variablesAs the deployed project is publicly available on GitHub creating a local file env that will include all your secret keys and constants is advisable Check out this guide on creating environment variables in a Nuxt js app Posting a new todo to Appwrite CloudThe create operation in create read update and delete CRUD will use the HTTP protocol method POST which could mean creating a new list task or post This action will send this request to the database Appwrite Cloud Now update the Todos component with the following code components Todos vue lt template gt lt div class container gt lt Header gt lt h class heading level style margin top rem gt name lt h gt lt form class form u width full line u max width u flex u main center style margin top em submit prevent handleInputChange gt lt ul class form list gt lt li class form item gt lt label class label gt Todo lt label gt lt div class input text wrapper gt lt input class input text type text placeholder inputError please enter a todo add new todo v model input todo gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt button class button style margin top em gt lt span class text gt Add todo lt span gt lt button gt lt form gt lt div style margin top marginTop em gt lt ul class list gt lt li class list item gt lt list todo item Create API documentation gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt import Client Databases ID from appwrite const client new Client const databases new Databases client const runtimeConfig useRuntimeConfig client setEndpoint runtimeConfig public API ENDPOINT setProject runtimeConfig public PROJECT ID const name ref Add tooodooos const marginTop ref const input reactive todo const inputError ref false const create data gt databases createDocument runtimeConfig public DATABASE ID runtimeConfig public COLLECTION ID ID unique data const handleInputChange gt if input todo return inputError value true create todo input todo then function response window location reload function error console log error lt script gt The following occurs in this code snippet Import the Appwrite package and initialize a new instance of the web SDKUsing the useRuntimeConfig you can access the environment variablesThe inputError variable set to false is helpful for error checking when the user tries to send an empty input field by binding the placeholder attributeThe create function with the parameter data is to connect the attribute key todo in Appwrite Cloud with the value passed in the lt input gt element using the directive v modelThe function handleInputChange passed to the lt form gt using the submit prevent directive will send the typed value in the input field to the Appwrite serverWith every new todo added the pages refresh with the window location reload function Displaying all the todos listThis section shows the list of todos from the server onto the application s client side using the read operation Again update the Todos component with this code components Todos vue lt template gt lt div class container gt lt Header gt lt h class heading level style margin top rem gt name lt h gt lt form class form u width full line u max width u flex u main center style margin top em submit prevent handleInputChange gt lt ul class form list gt lt li class form item gt lt label class label gt Todo lt label gt lt div class input text wrapper gt lt input class input text type text placeholder inputError please enter a todo add new todo v model input todo gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt button class button style margin top em gt lt span class text gt Add todo lt span gt lt button gt lt form gt lt div style margin top marginTop em gt lt ul class list gt lt li class list item v for item in todos key item id gt lt list todo item item gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt const todos ref null const getTodo databases listDocuments runtimeConfig public DATABASE ID runtimeConfig public COLLECTION ID onMounted gt getTodo then function response todos value response documents function error console log error lt script gt The code above is responsible for the following The getTodo function is responsible for listing all of the todo items in the app within the onMounted lifecycle hookLooping through the array using the v for directive on the element and replacing the previous item props with the v bind item or item attribute on the list todo component Updating a todo itemCorrecting your list items todos is crucial for any CRUD app using the UPDATE operation Copy paste this updated code components ListTodo vue lt template gt lt div class u flex u main space between u cross center u width full line gt lt span class text gt item todo lt span gt lt div class u cursor pointer gt lt span class icon pencil aria hidden true click prevent showModal showModal style margin right space em gt lt span gt lt span class icon trash aria hidden true gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div v if showModal class u z index u padding style position fixed top right left bottom background color rgba height vh gt lt form class form u width full line u max width u flex u main center submit prevent handleUpdateTodo gt lt ul class form list gt lt li class form item gt lt label class label style color white gt Edit todo lt label gt lt div class input text wrapper gt lt input class input text type text v model item todo gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt button class button style margin top em gt lt span class text gt Update todo lt span gt lt button gt lt form gt lt div class u cursor pointer gt lt span class icon x u font size click prevent showModal showModal aria hidden true style position absolute top right em color fff gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt import Client Databases from appwrite const client new Client const databases new Databases client const runtimeConfig useRuntimeConfig client setEndpoint runtimeConfig public API ENDPOINT setProject runtimeConfig public PROJECT ID const props defineProps item Object const space ref const showModal ref false const updateTodo database id collection id document id data gt databases updateDocument database id collection id document id data const handleUpdateTodo gt updateTodo props item databaseId props item collectionId props item id todo props item todo then function response console log props item todo successfully updated in DB function error console log Error updating the document error message lt script gt This code snippet aims to update a document with its unique ID Using the patch method it updates only the partial data The variable showModal populates the modal with a click on the pencil iconWithin the handleUpdateTodo function passing the object with a key todo and the value passed in the to show the exact data using the directive v model Deleting a todo listThe last operation for this CRUD app is to use the delete method to delete the data from the client side and the server Let s update the ListTodo component with this code components ListTodo vue lt template gt lt div class u flex u main space between u cross center u width full line gt lt span class text gt item todo lt span gt lt div class u cursor pointer gt lt span class icon pencil aria hidden true click prevent showModal showModal style margin right space em gt lt span gt lt span class icon trash aria hidden true click prevent handleDeleteTodo gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div v if showModal class u z index u padding style position fixed top right left bottom background color rgba height vh gt lt form class form u width full line u max width u flex u main center submit prevent handleUpdateTodo gt lt ul class form list gt lt li class form item gt lt label class label style color white gt Edit todo lt label gt lt div class input text wrapper gt lt input class input text type text v model item todo gt lt div gt lt li gt lt ul gt lt button class button style margin top em gt lt span class text gt Update todo lt span gt lt button gt lt form gt lt div class u cursor pointer gt lt span class icon x u font size click prevent showModal showModal aria hidden true style position absolute top right em color fff gt lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script setup gt const deleteTodo database id collection id document id gt databases deleteDocument database id collection id document id const handleDeleteTodo gt deleteTodo props item databaseId props item collectionId props item id then function response window location reload function error console log error lt script gt The handleDeleteTodo function deletes a todo item with a unique ID from both the client side and the server with the click event on the lt span gt delete icon At this point the UI will look like this ConclusionThis tutorial showed you how to build a todo CRUD application and pair its functionalities with Appwrite Cloud to create store update and delete data from the client and server ResourcesAppwriteAppwrite CloudAppwrite Databases API 2023-05-26 22:32:40
海外TECH DEV Community It's been a year. Time to make an app https://dev.to/xarop_pa_toss/its-been-a-year-time-to-make-an-app-3hak It x s been a year Time to make an appLast post was around May right when I started working where I am now a small IT company focusing on implementing anything other small companies need I ve had some practice with installing and configuring networks providing remote and physical tech support with various things like servers SQL databases VPNs Office and email etc I also had the chance to program several code libraries in both C and VBA to provide extended functionality to the Primavera ERP Unfortunately as the sole programmer I haven t had much chances to implement methodologies and have a senior guide me So now after finishing the fantastic CS course from Harvard I ve decided to start a web app to learn about and practice the fundamentals that will serve as a basis to future career endeavours The app a simple calisthenics workout tracker will be built with ASP NET and I want to implement a database to support it I ll be using GPT to guide me through the steps since I have basically no knowledge of web development and proper project planning and implementation And that s it for now I ll use DEV to log my progress Even if no one reads it it ll help me organize my ideas 2023-05-26 22:29:25
海外TECH DEV Community Day 115 of Coding: Improving Authentication and Exploring Nested Data Structures https://dev.to/arashjangali/day-115-of-coding-improving-authentication-and-exploring-nested-data-structures-2jpn Day of Coding Improving Authentication and Exploring Nested Data StructuresHello everyone Today was day of my DaysOfCode and day of my DaysOfPython I ve been making steady progress on my ongoing project and continuing my learning journey with Python In my project I focused on refining the authentication process My goal was to make the user experience more specific and relevant depending on the user type I realized that even though a user has a valid authtoken it doesn t necessarily mean they should have access to all authenticated pages For example a freelancer doesn t need to view the authenticated pages intended for clients Meanwhile in my Python course I spent time working with nested dictionaries and lists This topic may seem complex initially but understanding it is crucial for managing advanced data structures Working with these nested data structures is indeed a good mental exercise It allows me to better handle and organize complex data an essential skill in Python programming 2023-05-26 22:15:42
海外TECH DEV Community From Twitter Spaces to Independent Artists: Leading Org-Based Innovation https://dev.to/linearb/from-twitter-spaces-to-independent-artists-leading-org-based-innovation-2pnk From Twitter Spaces to Independent Artists Leading Org Based InnovationImagine a future where anyone can be a musician Now ask yourself what that has in common with building Twitter Spaces The answer Org based innovation On this week s episode of Dev Interrupted we re joined by the talented Pablo Jablonski the engineer responsible for leading the team behind Spaces Today Pablo is reshaping the music industry as the VP of Engineering at United Masters In this free flowing conversation we unravel the intricacies of building Spaces discuss Twitter s pivotal role in public discourse and break down some of the historic challenges faced by Twitter s engineering team Pablo also explores how United Masters is bridging the gap between artists and their dreams empowering them to take control of their own destinies Taking cues from his time at Twitter Pablo and his team are building a platform that aims to dismantle the music industry s traditional hierarchies Episode Highlights Building Periscope amp Spaces at Twitter Twitter s Rules for Communication The impact of modeling behaviors Twitter today United Masters Applying lessons learned at Twitter Any problem can be interesting Future of the music industryRead full episode transcription here While you re here check out this video from our YouTube channel and be sure to like and subscribe when you do A part Summer Workshop Series for Engineering ExecutivesEngineering executives register now for LinearB s part workshop series designed to improve your team s business outcomes Learn the three essential steps used by elite software engineering organizations to decrease cycle time by on average and deliver better results Benchmark Automate and Improve Don t miss this opportunity to take your team to the next level save your seat today 2023-05-26 22:15:03
海外TECH Engadget Company responsible for 7.5 billion robocalls sued by nearly every Attorney General https://www.engadget.com/company-responsible-for-75-billion-robocalls-sued-by-nearly-every-attorney-general-220050450.html?src=rss Company responsible for billion robocalls sued by nearly every Attorney GeneralWe can all agree that robocalls are the worst While there might never be a way to get rid of them entirely though agencies are certainly working on it one the most prolific sources of these intrusions is finally getting hauled into court CBS News reports that Attorneys General from states as well as DC are coming together to file a bipartisan lawsuit against Arizona based Avid Telecom its owner Michael D Lansky and vice president Stacey S Reeves The page suit claims that the company illegally made over billion calls to people on the National Do Not Call Registry Arizona Attorney General Kris Meyes claims that nearly million robocalls were made to phone numbers in her state over a five year period between December and January The lawsuit says that Avid Telecom spoofed phone numbers including million that appeared to be coming from the government or law enforcement and others disguised as originating from Amazon DirecTV and many more The suit alleges that Avid Telecom violated the Telephone and Consumer Act the Telemarketing Sales Rule and several other telemarketing and consumer laws nbsp The AGs are asking the court to enjoin Avid Telecom from making illegal robocalls and to pay damages and restitution to the people it called illegally They re also pursuing several statutory avenues to make Avid cough of money on a per violation basis which given the enormous volume of calls it has made could add up quickly Sumco Panama which was responsible for a comparatively smaller billion robocalls was fined nearly million by the FCC late last year Earlier this month it was reported that XCast Labs is being sued by the U S Federal Trade Commission over allegedly helping other companies call those on the National Do Not Call Registry In Dish reached a settlement that cost them million The company allegedly made millions of calls in an attempt to sell and promote its satellite TV service Dish ultimately had to pay a million civil fine to the US government and million to residents in California Illinois North Carolina and Ohio Hopefully we ll see a similar result with Avid Telecom This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-05-26 22:00:50
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 FX Daily(5月25日)~半年ぶりの140円台 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539074/?rss fxdaily 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 主要中央銀行による中央銀行デジタル通貨(CBDC)の活用可能性を評価するためのグループが報告書「中央銀行デジタル通貨:現段階における公共政策上の視座」を公表 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539076/?rss 中央銀行 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 日銀を揺さぶる円安 そして今年の円安は違う:経済の舞台裏 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539081/?rss 第一生命経済研究所 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 インドネシア中銀、景気減速リスクを警戒しつつ、金利据え置きを継続~投資鈍化が景気の重石となることに懸念、外部環境や政府の政策運営とのバランスに苦慮しよう:Asia Trends http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539082/?rss asiatrends 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 米国の金融を不安定にしているのは金融当局? http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539084/?rss 大和総研 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 DC普及で進める女性の資産形成~金融知識の習得に関心が高い女性にDC投資教育機会の充実を:資産運用・投資主体 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539085/?rss 大和総研 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 「通貨と銀⾏の将来を考える研究会」(第3フェーズ最終取纏め)~中央銀⾏デジタル通貨の利⽤のシーンと各々に必要となるインフラやサービスのイメージ http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539090/?rss 野村総合研究所 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ネオマーケティング(東証スタンダード)~生活者視点のマーケティング支援サービスをトータルで提供。クライアント企業数の増加による23年9月期の増収増益見込みに変更なし:アナリストレポート http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539105/?rss 増収増益 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 絞られる米銀の商業用不動産向け融資~中小米銀の商業用不動産向け融資にリスク...:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539139/?rss lobaleconomypolicyinsight 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 内外経済とマーケットの注目点(2023/5/26)~日本では5月のPMIがサービス業・製造業とも上昇した:金融・証券市場・資金調達 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539140/?rss 大和総研 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 著名経済学者から金融政策への警鐘~岸田首相・植田総裁へのメッセージ:Economic Trends http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539142/?rss economictrends 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 トルコリラは「行くも地獄、戻るも地獄」の様相を呈する可能性~決選投票でいずれの候補が勝利した場合も、リラ相場にとっての好材料は見出しにくいのが実情:Asia Trends http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539146/?rss asiatrends 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 これからの生保業界における営業変革の方向性~デジタルとリアルの融合で真の消費者ニーズと向き合う http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539151/?rss pwcjapan 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 「JPXプライム150指数」の構成銘柄及び算出要領の公表について http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539152/?rss 日本取引所グループ 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ESG四半期レポート 2023年第1四半期~エンゲージメント・ブループリントの更新... http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539155/?rss 発表 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 お金の預け方の基本 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539162/?rss 日本fp協会 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 2023年6月の注目イベント~FOMCで利上げ停止となるか、日本は株主総会に注目 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539163/?rss 三井住友 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 アナリストの眼:PBR1倍割れ企業への投資戦略 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539164/?rss 投資戦略 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 週刊!投資環境(2023年5月26日号)~米国債務上限問題の「Xデー」 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539165/?rss 週刊 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 投資環境見通し(2023年6月号)~長期的には楽観・短期的には慎重 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/539166/?rss 長期的 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【注目検索キーワード】ペロブスカイト太陽電池 http://search.keizaireport.com/search.php/-/keyword=ペロブスカイト太陽電池/?rss 検索キーワード 2023-05-27 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【お薦め書籍】1300万件のクチコミでわかった超優良企業 https://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4492534628/keizaireport-22/ 転職 2023-05-27 00:00:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 日本人の「給料安すぎ問題」超シンプルな根本原因 すべては「30年間の労働生産性の停滞」に帰結 | 国内経済 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/674402?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 労働生産性 2023-05-27 07:30:00
ニュース THE BRIDGE 教育を変えるジェネレーティブAI、ソクラテスの時代は再来するか?【ゲスト寄稿】 https://thebridge.jp/2023/05/cherubic-ventures-ai-assistants-can-be-students-personal-socrates 教育を変えるジェネレーティブAI、ソクラテスの時代は再来するか【ゲスト寄稿】本稿は、CherubicVentures心元資本によるものだ。 2023-05-26 22:00:51



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