IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Xbox Series S」のカーボンブラックモデル、日本では44,578円で明日より予約受付開始 ー 9月8日発売予定 |
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2023-06-12 13:45:44 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft Store、対象のアクセサリが最大20%オフや「Surface Laptop 5」が最大11,000円オフなど複数セールを開催中 |
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2023-06-12 13:35:22 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Nothing Phone (2)」向けケースの画像 |
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2023-06-12 13:12:13 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
TypeScriptでsetattributeを使う時Booleanでも引用符で囲む必要がある |
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2023-06-12 22:43:07 |
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Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Persistence機能を持った Xubuntu Live USBメモリの作成 |
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2023-06-12 22:05:03 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
goのbulk処理 |
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2023-06-12 22:11:49 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GoからBigQueryのトランザクションを使う |
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2023-06-12 22:10:42 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ubuntu環境のVSCodeにgitとgithubを設定してみた |
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2023-06-12 22:54:51 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AWS Pricing Calculatorが過去の見積を過去の価格で表示できるようになり、共有リンクの有効期限が1年になりました |
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2023-06-12 13:05:52 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Ex-Samsung executive alleged to have stolen tech to recreate chip plant in China |
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2023-06-12 13:05:11 |
海外TECH |
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Review: Apple’s 15-inch MacBook Air says what it is and is what it says |
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2023-06-12 13:00:42 |
海外TECH |
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4 Ways to Use Wireless Charging With Your PopSockets Grip |
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2023-06-12 13:26:55 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Can My Phone Be Tracked With Location Services Switched Off? |
services |
2023-06-12 13:15:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Intro to TypeScript |
Intro to TypeScriptTypeScript TS is essentially JavaScript with sugar on top…a Superset of JavaScript JS Because of this whatever code you d write in a JS file would be legit in a TS file JavaScript was created in just days by Brendan Eich an employee of Netscape at the time Yeah days When JavaScript was built its intended purpose was to create small snippets of code that can be embedded into a webpage which still happens of course Today in addition to JS embeds developers and software engineers create full stack web applications that can be written almost entirely in JavaScript The language exponentially outgrew its initial scope and there are more than a few odd quirks and buggy occurrences that may surprise even an experienced developer For example JavaScript s equality operator console log “ logs gt gt true that can t be right JavaScript property accessconst square width height const sqArea square widht square height console log sqArea logs gt gt NaN Ok I m not the best speller NaN really Shouldn t this log an error TypeScript was created to solve these sorts of problems in JavaScript Static Type Checking in TSTypeScript s core benefit is static type checking which simply means it will check for an error in your type values without you having to run your code TS forces JS to act like a statically typed programming language C Example Statically Typed Programming Languages A statically typed programing language like C C or Java requires different types of variables that explicitly define and store each type of value A variable that stores an integer in the programming language C might look like this int num declaring a C variable as an integernumber “x NOPE can t reassign an integer to a string in C In this example the variable num can t be assigned to a string or any other value that is not a whole number in fact the number can t even include a decimal because there s a different type of variable for floating point numbers called double JavaScript Example A Dynamically typed Programming Language In JavaScript variables are dynamic and declared at runtime when the code executes Variables can also change or be reassigned As you already know for example let num declaring a JS variablenum “x OK reassigning a JS variable from a number to a string JS is ok with this Now let s run Math round on our num console log Math round num logs gt gt NaN This result is frustrating when you have dozens or hundreds of lines of code in your codebase You re now chasing down the value for num Again TS is trying to solve potential bugs from the code above Defining Types in TSLet s take advantage of TS static type checking To do so we ll need to define our types explicitly upon declaration like we would in a statically typed programming language A demo perhaps…Below is a side by side comparison of functions One written in JavaScript syntax and the same function in TypeScript where we explicitly define the function s type arguments JavaScript function calcArea radius return radius radius from grade school πr² console log calcArea logs gt gt that s what I expectedconsole log calcArea answer log gt gt NaN again with this TypeScript function calcArea radius number number return radius radius from grade school πr² console log calcArea logs gt gt again expectedconsole log calcArea answer logs gt gt Error message now that s more like it In TypeScript you can declare any variable types that you could declare in JavaScript and bonus there are a few additional variable types Types in Javascript number string boolean null undefined objectTypescript includes the above and adds any unknown never enum tupleTS with Type Variableslet numeric number type of numberlet words string Typescript type of stringlet blog published boolean true type of booleanlet stringsArray string type of array with stringslet person number string bernie type of tuple array with values flaw with push methodlet anything type any can be any type should rarely be usedfunction calcTax income number function with type of number argumentsreturn income In VSCode you can simply hover on a TS variable or TS function invocation and see what type value is expected before running the function The Typescript compiler catches these type errors before runtime In ConclusionStructure Made for TeamsWhile on the surface it may seem like it will take more time writing your code in TS versus JS Let s imagine the likely scenario where you re working with a team of developers on a project Working on a JavaScript project with a team can sometimes feel like hosting a party where every guest speaks a different language And what if you re working in a codebase you re unfamiliar with and or a large codebase in addition to working with a team This is a situation ripe for miscommunication and misunderstandings i e less effective use of time and more collective time debugging With TS type definitions and clear interfaces TypeScript comes to the party keeping everything nice and tidy AND takes on the role of universal translator TypeScript helps structure your codebase with known values thereby making it easier to maintain Resources TypeScript Docs The best resource usually lies within the core documentation The TypeScript docs are organized in a way that both beginners and experienced developers can find what they re looking for Here is a link to the TypeScript Documentation TS Setup in less than mins I d highly recommend watching Alex Ziskind s YouTube video called TypeScript Set up in VSCode He does a really good job of taking things step by step in less than mins TS Deep Dive in about hour The Programming with Mosh channel from software engineer Mosh Hamedani rarely misses and Mosh does a great job of explaining TypeScript from nuts to bolts in this hour tutorial TypeScript in Hour I hope this was helpful Happy coding |
2023-06-12 13:50:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to create a Kubernetes Operator ? |
How to create a Kubernetes Operator In the first part of this serie about the operator pattern we saw what it is and in which cases it can be highly helpful especially for automation So today we will see how to create a Kubernetes Operator ToolsAs every open source solution if you need to do something a bunch of tools exists with their own specificities If you want to see the list go check the Kubernetes documentation In this serie we will use Operator Framework and KubeBuilder Operator FrameworkA few words about Operator Framework we will use the Go SDK but you need to know that you can also use it with Ansible and Helm Setup HomebrewIf you are using Homebrew you can install the Operator Framework SDK with the following command brew install operator sdk From Github Release Define informations about your platformexport ARCH case uname m in x echo n amd aarch echo n arm echo n uname m esac export OS uname awk print tolower Download the binary for your platformexport OPERATOR SDK DL URL curl LO OPERATOR SDK DL URL operator sdk OS ARCH Install the binarychmod x operator sdk OS ARCH amp amp sudo mv operator sdk OS ARCH usr local bin operator sdk Create our first operator Initialize the projectThe first thing to do is to initialize the project with the following commandoperator sdk init domain YOUR DOMAIN repo YOUR CODE REPOSITORY Exampleoperator sdk init domain adaendra org repo github com adaendra test operatorIt will generate a folder structure like thisYou will be able to find some generic files a lot of common files like the Makefile or Dockerfile and the begining of your Golang project with main go Note By default your namespace is able to watch resources everywhere in the cluster So if you want to limit its vision you can update the definition of the manager to add the Namespace option mgr err ctrl NewManager ctrl GetConfigOrDie ctrl Options Namespace dummy ns For more informations about the scope of an operator please check the SDK documentation Create an API a Controller and a CRDIn a lot of cases when we use an operator we want to create a Custom Resource Definition which will be used as reference for our tasks In this tutorial we will create a custom resource MyProxy in the gateway group which for each instance will deploy a Nginx deployment Command to generate the codeoperator sdk create api group gateway version valpha kind MyProxy resource controllerOnce executed you can see two new folders api and controllers APIIn this folder the only file that will interest us is myproxy types go It s in this file where we will define all the fields that we need in our Spec but it s also here we will define the Status structure For our example we will just define a Name field in MyProxy Spec type MyProxySpec struct Name string json name omitempty Important This file is used as base to build numerous yaml files for your operator So every modification in this file execute both commands make manifests amp make generate ControllerIn this folder you will find every controllers related to your Custom Resources like myproxy controller go that we generated earlier This folder is the central place about operations that your operator can do In every controller file you will find two methods that we must update Reconcile and SetupWithManager SetupWithManager SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager func r MyProxyReconciler SetupWithManager mgr ctrl Manager error return ctrl NewControllerManagedBy mgr For amp gatewayvalpha MyProxy Owns amp appsv Deployment Complete r In this example which is also our implementation we can see ctrl NewControllerManagedBy mgr which creates a new controller with basic options It s in this method where you can personalize your controller options like the number of reconciliations max you want in parallel For amp gatewayvalpha MyProxy will declare that we want the reconciliation to be triggered if a add update delete event happen on a specific kind of resource Here MyProxy You can use it for each kind of resource you want to watch Useful if you want to expose dynamically all the deployments through a Nginx for example Owns amp appsv Deployment is quite similar as For so it will declare that we want the reconciliation to be triggered if a add update delete event happen But it will also add a filter because the reconciliation will only be triggered if the operator own the resource with the event So if you update another deployment nothing will happend in your operator ReconcileThis method is the heart of your operator and is the one which will be executed every time a reconciliation will be triggered But before dive into the function there is an important thing to see before Above the method you can see some comments starting with kubebuilder This comments defines the rights for your operator So it s really important to define them correctly In our case we need to add some rights to our operator to be able to read create and update Deployments Each comment is defined as follow kubebuiler rbac groups group of the resource resources resources name verbs verbs The group of the resource must be only one value but for resources name and verbs you can define multiple values at once joining all the values with kubebuilder rbac groups gateway adaendra org resources myproxies verbs get list watch create update patch delete kubebuilder rbac groups gateway adaendra org resources myproxies status verbs get update patch kubebuilder rbac groups gateway adaendra org resources myproxies finalizers verbs update kubebuilder rbac groups apps resources deployments verbs get list watch create update patch delete Now we can dive into the function code As said earlier this function will be called each time a reconciliation is triggered As a result we must be careful about what we are doing here For example if we want to create resources we must be sure that they are not already existing on the cluster And if it already exists we must check it and do some updates if required Retrieve our custom resourceSo the first step is to try to retrieve an instance of our custom resource here an instance of MyProxy We need it to get its spec and being able to update its status Retrieve the resource myProxy amp gatewayvalpha MyProxy err r Get ctx req NamespacedName myProxy if err nil If we have an error and this error said not found we ignore the error if errors IsNotFound err log Info Resource not found Error ignored as the resource must have been deleted return ctrl Result nil If it s another error we return it log Error err Error while retrieving MyProxy instance return ctrl Result err Retrieve resources managed by the operatorNow that we have our parent resource we are go retrieve our child resources In our case it s a deployment its name is defined with the field Name from MyProxy and must be in the namespace test ns found amp appsv Deployment err r Get ctx types NamespacedName Name myProxy Spec Name Namespace test ns found Check if the resource existsThe following step consists to check what we get at the previous step If the variable err is a not found error we know that the resource doesn t exist so we can create it If it contains another error we return it Our implementation will look like thisif err nil amp amp errors IsNotFound err Define a new deployment dep r deploymentForExample myProxy log Info Creating a new Deployment Deployment Namespace dep Namespace Deployment Name dep Name err r Create ctx dep if err nil log Error err Failed to create new Deployment Deployment Namespace dep Namespace Deployment Name dep Name return ctrl Result err Deployment created successfully return and requeue return ctrl Result Requeue true nil else if err nil log Error err Failed to get Deployment return ctrl Result err Here is a really simple example of deploymentForExamplefunc r MyProxyReconciler deploymentForExample myproxy gatewayvalpha MyProxy appsv Deployment dep amp appsv Deployment dep Namespace test ns dep Name myproxy Spec Name var replicas int labels map string string test label myproxy Spec Name dep Spec appsv DeploymentSpec Replicas amp replicas Template corev PodTemplateSpec Spec corev PodSpec Containers corev Container Name nginx Image nginx dep Labels labels dep Spec Template Labels labels return dep Update the resourceIf we don t get an error while trying to retrieve the resource it means that we were able to correctly get a resource So we can check it s parameters and update it if some values has been changed var size int if found Spec Replicas size found Spec Replicas amp size err r Update ctx found if err nil log Error err Failed to update Deployment Deployment Namespace found Namespace Deployment Name found Name return ctrl Result err Spec updated return and requeue return ctrl Result Requeue true nil In our example we will check that the number of pods is still equal to If it s not the case we will try to update the resource and manage the error if we get one Update generated filesOnce we finished to update our controller it s really important to execute the following command make manifestsWe saw earlier that we can find some comments that defines RBAC rights for our controller So we need to execute this command to at least generate RBAC definitions files Operator buildNow that our operator is ready to be used we can build it before deploy it Before the buildBy default the built image will be named controller latest and can be push to example com tmpoperator As you can imagine it can generate some issues So if you want to update these informations you must update variables IMG and IMAGE TAG BASE in the Makefileupdate the image name in config manager manager yaml BuildTo execute the build use this commandmake docker buildAnd this one if you want to push the image to a remote docker registrymake docker push DeploymentTo deploy your operator you must execute commands to deploy all your Custom Resource Definitions on your clustermake installto deploy your operatormake deploy TestWhen everything above is done you can try to deploy an instance of MyProxy and you should see a nginx deployment appear Example of a MyProxy instance definitionapiVersion gateway example com valpha kind MyProxy metadata labels app kubernetes io name myproxy app kubernetes io instance myproxy sample app kubernetes io part of tmpoperator app kubernetes io managed by kustomize app kubernetes io created by tmpoperator name myproxy sample spec name totoThis part was quite long but it was necessary to show you how to create an operator and see what we can do with In the next part of this serie we will see advanced configurations and features to help your operator to be more efficient I hope it will help you and if you have any questions there are not dumb questions or some points are not clear for you don t hesitate to add your question in the comments or to contact me directly on LinkedIn You want to support me |
2023-06-12 13:21:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10+ AWS services explained! |
AWS services explained IntroductionAmazon Web Services AWS is a cloud computing platform with a humongous shelve of featured services that provide businesses customers startups and developers with access to cloud infrastructures and software AWS includes the mixture of Infrascture as a services IAAS Platform as a services IAAS and Software as a services SAAS AWS offers many different solutions and tools that enable their customers to become more agile and innovate faster In this article I will give you an overview of the following services and help you understand them better ECLoad BalancerCloud watchECSLambdaDynamoDBCognitoNotificationsCloudFormationAmplifyS Elastic Compute Cloud EC Elastic Compute Cloud allows you to create a virtual computer in the cloud Elastic cloud compute EC is a very flexible and highly customizable service and allows you to configure a compute service that best suits your needs With a pay as you go plan you only pay for EC servers instances running EC s best use case is for hosting applications and can be configured to autoscale in or out to fit demand Elastic Load Balancing ELB As your app grows and the amount of traffic increases you probably need to add more servers to keep up with demand A load balancer acts as a single point of contact for all incoming web traffic to your group of servers These requests route to the load balancer first Then are spread across multiple instances Elastic Load Balancing is a service that automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple resources Cloud WatchCloudWatch takes the stress out of maintaining your cloud on premises environment by constantly collecting logs metrics and event data It gives you real time insights into the health and performance of your applications But CloudWatch doesn t stop at monitoring It also gives you the ability to set alarms and configure automated actions to be fired when certain conditions are met A common use case is autoscaling based on the amount of traffic in your application ECSElastic Containerized Service ECS is a fully managed containerized orchestration service that helps you manage containerized applications more efficiently and effortlessly ECS is like a powerhouse manager for your containerized applications effortlessly orchestrating and scaling containers to meet your needs without breaking a sweat It provides you with a flexible and scalable platform where you can easily package your applications into containers enabling you to build deploy and run them with utmost simplicity LambdaLambda is a serverless cloud compute service that allows to run code without the need to provision or manage servers Lambda provides a function as a service faas and can automatically scale in or out if needed With Lambda it is easier to write a microservice while AWS takes care of infrastructure management scaling and availability DynamoDBAmazon DynamoDB is a database service provided by Amazon Web Services AWS It is designed for applications that require low latency and seamless scalability With DynamoDB you can bid farewell to the traditional hassles of setting up and managing databases It s a fully managed NoSQL database service that takes care of all the heavy lifting for you CognitoIf you have ever tried to set up user authentication from scratch you know it can be quite a complex and time consuming task But fear not AWS Cognito comes to the rescue like a trusty guide off offering you a smooth and hassle free experience Cognito is a fully managed service that empowers you with the ability to set up user authentication It provides pre built authentication workflows supporting popular identity providers like Google Facebook and Amazon as well as the option to create custom user directories NotificationsAWS offers a notification service called Amazon Simple Notification Service SNS SNS is a fully managed messaging service that enables you to send messages to distributed systems and services including mobile devices email and other AWS services It provides a scalable flexible and reliable approach to send notifications and messages AWS SNS can publish messages to many different endpoints such as Amazon SQS queues AWS Lambda functions HTTP S endpoints email addresses SMS messages and mobile push notification services like Apple Push Notification Service APNS and others Simple Storage ServiceAmazon Simple Storage Service S is a scalable and reliable object storage service It allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web S is designed to provide high availability durability and performance for a wide range of use cases Common use cases for S include backup and restore data archiving content storage and distribution log and data analytics data lakes and static website hosting AmplifyAWS Amplify is a development platform that simplifies the process of building full stack applications for both web and mobile platforms Amplify offers a combination of tools packages and services that accelerate your development process Amplify simplifies the development process by providing a set of abstractions and pre configured services that handle the backend infrastructure authentication data storage and deployment aspects of your application This allows developers to focus more on building features and user experiences reducing the time and effort required to build robust and scalable applications CloudFormationAWS CloudFormation is a powerful service that allows you to provision and manage your AWS resources using infrastructure as code With CloudFormation you can define your desired infrastructure in a declarative template which is a text file written in JSON or YAML This template describes the resources their configurations and any dependencies between them Once you ve created your template CloudFormation takes care of all the heavy lifting provisioning and managing your resources consistently and reliably ConclusionAmazon Web Services AWS offers a wide range of cloud services for scalable and secure application development With services spanning compute storage databases and more It is very important to understand any AWS service and billing before stepping on it Because the only thing faster than their servers is how quickly they empty your wallet Happy Coding |
2023-06-12 13:08:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
15-inch MacBook Air review roundup: Big screen, big value |
inch MacBook Air review roundup Big screen big valueThe first reviews for the inch MacBook Air have started to come in with the general consensus being that offers a much wanted larger display without breaking the bank inch MacBook AirApple introduced its inch MacBook Air during the WWDC keynote to much acclaim from observers As a notebook it offers all of the utility of the inch MacBook Air complete with the M chip but with a much larger display Read more |
2023-06-12 13:49:51 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
macOS Sonoma beta review: Few major updates, but very welcome |
macOS Sonoma beta review Few major updates but very welcomeIn its initial beta version the new macOS Sonoma only presents a few significant features ーsuch as Presenter Overlay and desktop widgets ーbut they re well done and they will make you want to update Just don t update your macOS yet As well as Apple making the new macOS seem like the best thing in the world ever it has also this year made it much easier to get an early copy Read more |
2023-06-12 13:59:09 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Automation giant ABB acquires smart home device maker Eve |
Automation giant ABB acquires smart home device maker EveEve Systems the maker of numerous smart home devices that support HomeKit has been acquired by automation and electrification firm ABB Eve MotionConfirmed by ABB on Monday the purchase of the German Eve Systems brings the company under the ownership of the Swedish Swiss ABB based in Switzerland Read more |
2023-06-12 13:19:49 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google, OpenAI will share AI models with the UK government |
Google OpenAI will share AI models with the UK governmentThe UK s AI oversight will include chances to directly study some companies technology In a speech at London Tech Week Prime Minister Rishi Sunak revealed that Google DeepMind OpenAI and Anthropic have pledged to provide quot early or priority access quot to AI models for the sake of research and safety This will ideally improve inspections of these models and help the government recognize the quot opportunities and risks quot Sunak says It s not clear just what data the tech firms will share with the UK government We ve asked Google OpenAI and Anthropic for comment The announcement comes weeks after officials said they would conduct an initial assessment of AI model accountability safety transparency and other ethical concerns The country s Competition and Markets Authority is expected to play a key role The UK has also committed to spending an initial £ million about million to create a Foundation Model Taskforce that will develop quot sovereign quot AI meant to grow the British economy while minimizing ethical and technical problems Industry leaders and experts have called for a temporary halt to AI development over worries creators are pressing forward without enough consideration for safety Generative AI models like OpenAI s GPT and Anthropic s Claude have been praised for their potential but have also raised concerns about inaccuracies misinformation and abuses like cheating The UK s move theoretically limits these issues and catches problematic models before they ve done much damage This doesn t necessarily give the UK complete access to these models and the underlying code Likewise there are no guarantees the government will catch every major issue The access may provide relevant insights though If nothing else the effort promises increased transparency for AI at a time when the long term impact of these systems isn t entirely clear This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-06-12 13:43:18 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Immortals of Aveum' first look: A little more magic and this might be wonderful |
x Immortals of Aveum x first look A little more magic and this might be wonderfulWhen I saw the announcement trailer for Immortals of Aveum in the winter of I was surprised by my own interest in the game Immortals came from an unproven studio founded four years prior by Bret Robbins a AAA creative director who most recently built a trio of Call of Duty titles Modern Warfare Advanced Warfare and WWII Ascendant Studios his independent venture was partnering with EA on its debut game a first person shooter in a militaristic fantasy world On the surface it didn t sound like something I d be drawn to But Immortals of Aveum caught my eye Its cinematics were beautiful and the trailer showcased frenetic combat with bright beams of magic all while actors Gina Torres Firefly and Darren Barnet Never Have I Ever narrated an epic story of rebellion political sabotage and dragons From a first person perspective the protagonist s hand movements were quick and sharp and they looked like a satisfying build up to powerful attacks With a few months of hindsight I remain interested in Immortals of Aveum and I think I ve figured out why There aren t a ton of first person action games that rely on mechanics other than guns ーDishonored Ghostwire Tokyo and Hexen come to mind but it s a small field overall That might be one reason Immortals of Aveum stands out as something fresh but it s also nice to see a new AAA level game that s single player and narrative driven with a contained campaign rather than an open world of live service features Learning more about Ascendant helped too Robbins was also the creative director of the original Dead Space and his team included former Telltale Games members lending weight to the assertation that Immortals of Aveum would center a dense storyline I played a demo of Immortals of Aveum at Summer Game Fest and it was gorgeous Its cinematics were particularly impressive The motion capture was smooth and the character models were finely detailed with delicate eye markings and layers of gear The clarity of the cutscenes made it easier to get lost in the dialogue and the ravaged fantasy world of Aveum even in a short period of time Gameplaywise I had access to the blue type of magic which granted me two abilities a whip that pulled enemies toward me and a burst of balled up energy spammable as fast as my finger could press R I also used the Animate ability on a giant rock hand using a telekinesis type power to manipulate its fingers and bridge a gap between two cliffside landings Playing with a gamepad on PC I found the mechanics to be almost too smooth with my reticle often sliding beyond my intended targets but this is something I think I d get used to after minutes longer with the game Even with the hyper lubricated controls I appreciated the lack of a noticeable aim assist EAI didn t encounter the sheer number of enemies that Ascendant has shown off in trailers for Immortals of Aveum my hordes maxed out at about eight But by the end of my play time I felt like I d started to learn the rhythm of the game s combat and I can see it becoming frenzied ーin a great way ーwith the addition of new magical powers And sure some more enemies The most jarring part of the demo was actually traversing the terrain ーthere were plenty of craggy mountainsides and rock walls that looked perfectly climbable by modern action adventure standards but they weren t Maybe I needed to spend more time learning the intricacies of gap jumping and ledge grabbing but I found my character to be slightly less spry than I wanted unwilling to fully double jump or pull himself onto platforms However the movement restrictions seemed purposeful and the game wasn t sluggish by any means Immortals of Aveum felt more like a puzzle game than a climbing adventure with a series of locked stone doors and multicolored gems to throw magic at in specific patterns EAMy demo broke once when a bug prevented a stone door from opening and a developer had to get me back on track I was assured that the game will be in full working condition by launch day in about six weeks Ascendant Studios is independent but it s marketed as a AAA team and it has about employees Immortals of Aveum certainly looks like a big budget game it s built in Unreal Engine and heading to PlayStation Xbox Series X S and PC on July th I remain intrigued I m excited to get my hands on a few more magical powers and see where this world of high fantasy politics leads Catch up on all of the news from Summer Game Fest right here This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-06-12 13:30:34 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple MacBook Air 15-inch review: A bigger screen makes a surprising difference |
Apple MacBook Air inch review A bigger screen makes a surprising differenceWhen Apple announced the inch MacBook Air last week it was exactly what you d expect Apple simply took the design and internals of the M powered Air it announced a year ago and stuck it in a bigger case with a bigger screen Done and done As such I went into this review thinking it would be a simple assignment “It s a MacBook Air but bigger But that undersells the actual experience of using the inch MacBook Air See for a long time a inch Mac was my ideal computer from the days of the first titanium clad PowerBook G through the inch MacBook Pro Apple sold a decade ago Those laptops were powerful and had a screen big enough to use all day but they were also compact enough to take anywhere In recent years though Apple really leaned into the “Pro designation with the price skyrocketing well above making it cost prohibitive for most people But the M powered inch Air brings me back to those days I could easily see using this laptop as my only computer Like the inch model it s powerful has long battery life and a high quality if not cutting edge display It s also surprisingly thin and light another hallmark of the Air lineup And with a starting price of it s significantly more affordable than any laptop that Apple has offered with this size screen There are only a few things that the MacBook Air doesn t have in common with its smaller sibling Most obvious is the inch display with a x resolution That works out to pixels per inch the same as the inch Air It s one of Apple s “Liquid Retina displays which has nits of brightness support for the P “wide color gamut and a modest Hz refresh rate It s missing the niceties you ll find in the mini LED displays on the and inch MacBook Pro including a much more dramatic contrast ratio support for HDR slightly more pixels per inch and a Hz max refresh rate But Apple s standard displays are still very nice and the MacBook Air s screen is bright sharp and entirely pleasant to look at for extended periods of time I use a MacBook Pro as my daily driver and while I noticed the lower refresh rate at first I mostly forgot about it after a short while Photo by Nathan Ingraham EngadgetThe rest of the differences between the two Air models are minor The base inch model comes with the core GPU variant of the M to power the bigger display s extra pixels the inch has an core GPU by default The other internal specs are similar for both base models GB of RAM and GB of storage The model I m testing has GB of RAM and GB of storage a configuration that costs The inch Air also has a six speaker sound system with “force canceling woofers for improved bass compared to a four speaker setup in the smaller model Apple has been making surprisingly excellent laptop speakers for a few years now and these also sound very lively and full when playing back music or movies They re not nearly as good as the ones in the inch MacBook Pro but that laptop is significantly thicker and heavier than the Air that extra space surely helps with resonance and bass But the speakers in the Air still sound lively and fun to listen to Cranking the volume up to the max reveals the lack of bass but I was happy to listen to music at mid range volume all day long Beyond those things the inch Air is just a slightly bigger version of the inch model It has the same relatively meager port selection just two USB C ports MagSafe for power and a headphone jack The laptop comes in the same four colors or more accurately shades of gray The keyboard large trackpad and Touch ID sensor are all excellent which is true of all Mac laptops at this point The butterfly keyboard debacle is fortunately a distant memory Photo by Nathan Ingraham EngadgetUnsurprisingly it sports the same design language that Apple first unveiled with the MacBook Pro refresh a few years ago and then carried over to the Air last year That means the Air s formerly iconic wedge shape is gone replaced with a uniform thickness of less than half an inch noticeably thinner than the inch MacBook Pro and about identical to the inch Air Naturally the inch Air is heavier and bigger in other dimensions but it still feels extremely thin and also far more portable than either of the MacBook Pro models There s also a notch in the display for the p webcam ーagain the same one we ve seen on other recent MacBooks It s much better than the old camera Apple was using until recently and I don t mind trading the notch for an improved webcam The bezels around the display are otherwise nice and thin not quite as thin as those on the MacBook Pro but not thick enough for me to give them a second thought Performance wise the inch Air is also essentially identical to the smaller model Geekbench scores were almost the same as those we got when testing both the inch Air and inch MacBook Pro both of which also use the M chip nbsp The same goes for Cinebench R and a few others we tried It s worth noting that while single core performance is similar to the inch MacBook Pro with an M Max chip multi core and graphics performance is where the M can t quite keep up That said for most users there s plenty of power here nbsp ModelGeekbench CPUGeekbench ComputeCinebench RMacBook Air M inch MacBook Air M inch MacBook Pro M Max inch Dell XPS Intel i H RTX Ti Performance wise the inch Air is also essentially identical to the smaller model Geekbench scores were almost the same as those we got when testing both the inch Air and inch MacBook Pro both of which also use the M chip The inch MacBook Pro left next to the inch MacBook Air right Photo by Nathan Ingraham EngadgetBeyond the benchmarks the inch Air is just as capable as the smaller model we reviewed last year ーit can handle most computing tasks without breaking a sweat and despite having no fans I never really noticed it getting warm Of course that changes a bit if you re running games or doing more intense tasks like video editing But my workflow which consists of dozens of tabs open across multiple Safari windows along with apps like Mail Slack Music Trello Todoist Bear and Lightroom didn t cause any hiccups To be fair these aren t taxing apps but dipping into Lightroom to edit some large RAW photos didn t tax the computer either My only concern is that this brand new Air is running a chip that s already about a year old It s so powerful that this shouldn t be a problem for the Air s target audience but it s still something worth considering If you re going to spend more than on a laptop that you ll likely own for years the ideal situation is to start out with the newest fastest most future proof tech that you can afford The M as capable as it is has been around for a while already If you want bleeding edge Apple silicon you might be better served with a MacBook Pro or waiting for the next Air refresh But given that Apple just released this computer with the M chip inside it s fair to say the company is in no hurry to release an M All of the Apple silicon laptops I ve tried have had outstanding battery life and the inch Air is no exception It exceeded the hours that Apple claims for video playback by about an hour before eventually running out of juice And while the battery didn t quite last as long during my normal work routine I still got about hours before I needed a charger I easily got through the work day and still some power left for some couch browsing and messaging I think it s safe to say most people can charge overnight and then not worry about plugging in again until their day is over One thing to note on battery though Apple offers a compact W dual port charger which is handy if you want to have your computer charger and another cable right at hand But after using more powerful chargers for the last few years this one definitely felt pokey ーwhile I was using the Air it took about two hours to charge from percent to full while in use Since Apple gives you the option of swapping in a single port W for no extra charge I d recommend that if charging speeds are at all important to you On the other hand the battery lasts so long that just charging it more slowly overnight when speed doesn t matter is also a fine option As usual Apple dropped a lot of hyperbole about how the inch Air compares to the “most popular inch Windows laptop running an Intel i chip The claims are that the Air is much faster the screen is better the battery is longer while the laptop itself is thinner and lighter Apple is being very deliberate about these claims but the MacBook Air does stack up well compared to some of the most popular inch laptops available Dell s XPS is one of the best overall laptops out there and the base model has double the RAM and storage of the Air You can also get one with a discrete graphics card which can make a big difference in more demanding tasks But it s also much thicker a pound heavier and has a lower resolution display and webcam Microsoft s Surface Laptop is probably a closer comparison for the Air it s a little bit thicker and heavier but more svelte than the XPS and has a higher resolution screen But it doesn t have the newest Intel and the M bests the th generation chip that it does offer Photo by Nathan Ingraham EngadgetAs you re surely aware the inch MacBook Air is little more than a bigger version of the computer that Apple released a year ago But that s damming it with faint praise when actually this is one of the best Apple laptops I ve used in a long time It does everything the inch MacBook Air does with a noticeably larger screen and only a modest price increase The only real catch is that I think the RAM and storage in the base model is rather stingy not an unusual tactic for Apple The M smokes even with only GB of RAM but consider adding more if you want your computer to remain speedy for years to come If you travel a lot or value portability above all else by all means get the inch model But if I were in the market for a new laptop right now I think the inch Air would be at the top of my list It s fast light and extremely pleasant to use And getting a big screen in a compact package is just icing on the cake This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
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