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AWS | AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | AWS Dev Day 2023 Tokyo 忘備録(個人メモ) | https://qiita.com/yoshiokaCB/items/bc694bdd04da8c6abcfa | awsdevdaytokyo | 2023-06-25 15:57:33 |
AWS | AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | AWS Fault Injection Simulatorを使った障害試験を試してみる(その1:アクション概要とおためし実行) | https://qiita.com/sakai00kou/items/9908c1ec1c44c1799c11 | awsfis | 2023-06-25 15:42:39 |
AWS | AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | Serverlessアーキテクチャと付き合うときの所感 | https://qiita.com/yamamotodin/items/a9cb1bea4e2b1f9ad128 | serverless | 2023-06-25 15:13:07 |
golang | Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | 抽象メソッドと具象メソッドの継承をGo言語で再現するぞ! | https://qiita.com/SDTakeuchi/items/b9de1e56051f7ff5ec6a | factorymethod | 2023-06-25 15:18:35 |
Azure | Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | Azure Arc Jumpstartを触ってみた -Azure Arc 基盤準備編- | https://qiita.com/gKhdrt_chan/items/93cdf48290f7ad3d72f9 | azure | 2023-06-25 15:12:36 |
Ruby | Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | ActiveStorage::InvariableErrorが出た時の対処法と画像以外のファイルが投稿されない様にする技 | https://qiita.com/uenomoto/items/e45a7e73060bc2223955 | active | 2023-06-25 15:57:10 |
技術ブログ | Developers.IO | Zendesk Exploreで最初から用意されているダッシュボードについてまとめてみる(Support 編) | https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/zendesk-explore-default-dashboard-support/ | support | 2023-06-25 06:11:01 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | 7 More JavaScript Web APIs to Build Futuristic Websites you didn't Know 🤯 | https://dev.to/ruppysuppy/7-more-javascript-web-apis-to-build-futuristic-websites-you-didnt-know-50bg | More JavaScript Web APIs to Build Futuristic Websites you didn x t Know Welcome back to the future This is the second article on futuristic JavaScript Web APIs so if you haven t read the first one you are recommended to do so hereHere are the more cutting edge JavaScript Web APIs to add an enchanting touch to your projects to make users part with their money Web SpeechThe Web Speech API enables you to incorporate voice data into web apps The Web Speech API has two parts SpeechSynthesis Text to Speech and SpeechRecognition Asynchronous Speech Recognition Speech Synthesisconst synth window speechSynthesis const utterance new SpeechSynthesisUtterance Hello World synth speak utterance Speech Recognitionconst SpeechRecognition window SpeechRecognition window webkitSpeechRecognition const recognition new SpeechRecognition recognition start recognition onresult event gt const speechToText event results transcript console log speechToText NOTESEven though Speech Synthesis is supported by all major browsers with coverage Speech Recognition is still a bit early to use in production with only coverage The API CANNOT be used without the user interaction eg click keypress etc Page VisibilityThe Page Visibility API allows you to check if the page is visible to the user or not This is useful when you want to pause a video There are methods to perform this check Method document addEventListener visibilitychange gt if document visibilityState visible document title Visible return document title Not Visible Method window addEventListener blur gt document title Not Visible window addEventListener focus gt document title Visible The difference between the two methods is that the second one will be triggered if you switch over to another app OR a different tab while the first one will be triggered only if you switch over to another tab AccelerometerThe Accelerometer API allows you to access the acceleration data from the device This can be used to create games that use the device s motion control or add interaction if the user shakes the device the possibilities are endless const acl new Accelerometer frequency acl addEventListener reading gt const vector acl x acl y acl z const magnitude Math sqrt vector reduce s v gt s v v if magnitude gt THRESHOLD console log I feel dizzy acl start You can ask for Accelerometer permission using navigator permissions query name accelerometer then result gt if result state granted now you can use accelerometer api Geo locationThe Geolocation API allows you to access the user s location This can be extremely useful if you are building anything related to maps or location based services navigator geolocation getCurrentPosition coords gt console log coords latitude coords longitude You can ask for Geolocation permission using navigator permissions query name geolocation then result gt if result state granted now you can use geolocation api Web workerWeb Workers makes it possible to run a script operation in a background thread separate from the main execution thread of a web application The advantage of this is that laborious processing can be performed in a separate thread allowing the main usually the UI thread to run without being blocked slowed down main jsconst worker new Worker worker js worker onmessage e gt console log e data worker postMessage worker jsonmessage e gt const a b e data postMessage a b Resize ObserverThe Resize Observer API allows you to observe the size of an element and handle the changes with ease It is exceptionally useful when you have a resizable sidebar const sidebar document querySelector sidebar const observer new ResizeObserver entries gt const sidebar entries Do something with the element s new dimensions observer observe sidebar NotificationAh Notifications The annoying little popups or bubbles of dopamine based on where you lie on the spectrum The Notification API just as the name suggests allows you to send notifications to annoy users bundle it with the Page Visibility API to annoy them even more Notification requestPermission then permission gt if permission granted new Notification Hi there body Notification body icon Side NoteSome of the APIs mentioned above are still in the experimental stage and are not supported by all browsers So if you want to use them in production you should check if the browser supports themFor example if SpeechRecognition in window webkitSpeechRecognition in window Speech Recognition is supported That s all folks Thanks for readingNeed a Top Rated Front End Development Freelancer to chop away your development woes Contact me on UpworkWant to see what I am working on Check out my Personal Website and GitHubWant to connect Reach out to me on LinkedInFollow me on Instagram to check out what I am up to recently Follow my blogs for bi weekly new Tidbits on DevFAQThese are a few commonly asked questions I get So I hope this FAQ section solves your issues I am a beginner how should I learn Front End Web Dev Look into the following articles Front End Development RoadmapFront End Project IdeasWould you mentor me Sorry I am already under a lot of workload and would not have the time to mentor anyone | 2023-06-25 06:36:57 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Bioluminescent plankton: 'It's the northern lights of the ocean' | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-65984861?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | bioluminescent | 2023-06-25 06:20:57 |
IT | 週刊アスキー | 【安楽亭】税込500円で肉丼+スープ! コスパランチがさらに充実 | https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/142/4142366/ | 販売 | 2023-06-25 15:30:00 |