IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Beats、fragment designとコラボしたワイヤレスイヤホン「Beats Fit Pro」の限定モデルを7月7日に発売へ |
beats |
2023-07-03 14:49:24 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ツイート閲覧数制限の影響か、公式クライアントサービスの「TweetDeck」が一部で機能しなくなったと報告される |
tweetdeck |
2023-07-03 14:08:05 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Retain original PDF formatting to view translated documents with Amazon Textract, Amazon Translate, and PDFBox |
Retain original PDF formatting to view translated documents with Amazon Textract Amazon Translate and PDFBoxCompanies across various industries create scan and store large volumes of PDF documents In many cases the content is text heavy and often written in a different language and requires translation To address this you need an automated solution to extract the contents within these PDFs and translate them quickly and cost efficiently Many businesses have diverse … |
2023-07-03 14:30:05 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Auto-labeling module for deep learning-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on AWS |
Auto labeling module for deep learning based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on AWSIn computer vision CV adding tags to identify objects of interest or bounding boxes to locate the objects is called labeling It s one of the prerequisite tasks to prepare training data to train a deep learning model Hundreds of thousands of work hours are spent generating high quality labels from images and videos for various CV … |
2023-07-03 14:24:19 |
AWS Security Blog |
AWS achieves its third ISMAP authorization in Japan |
AWS achieves its third ISMAP authorization in JapanEarning and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment at Amazon Web Services AWS Our customers security requirements drive the scope and portfolio of the compliance reports attestations and certifications that we pursue We re excited to announce that AWS has achieved authorization under the Information System Security Management and Assessment Program ISMAP effective from April … |
2023-07-03 14:13:19 |
AWS Security Blog |
AWS achieves its third ISMAP authorization in Japan |
AWS achieves its third ISMAP authorization in JapanEarning and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment at Amazon Web Services AWS Our customers security requirements drive the scope and portfolio of the compliance reports attestations and certifications that we pursue We re excited to announce that AWS has achieved authorization under the Information System Security Management and Assessment Program ISMAP effective from April … |
2023-07-03 14:13:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PyPIへアップロード時のエラー「The name '???' is too similar to an existing project.」に泣かないために |
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2023-07-03 23:56:53 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新入りだから、挨拶するぜ! |
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2023-07-03 23:51:37 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptのthisについて |
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2023-07-03 23:42:05 |
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Rails 閲覧数 カウント |
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2023-07-03 23:19:26 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsのMVC(Model-View-Controller)の処理の流れ |
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2023-07-03 23:15:29 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails ネストされたリソース |
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2023-07-03 23:11:11 |
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新入りだから、挨拶するぜ! |
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2023-07-03 23:51:37 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Amplifyでアプリを作ろう |
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2023-07-03 23:44:16 |
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コンテナをread-onlyで動かす |
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2023-07-03 23:19:08 |
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Next.js×Rails APIモードのJSONを返すアプリをDockerで環境構築して作ってみた |
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2023-07-03 23:15:39 |
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Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
一旦、他のブランチに移動したい時は git stash コマンドを使う |
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2023-07-03 23:06:05 |
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Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
chatgptにテーブル設計の問題を作ってもらってみた。 |
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2023-07-03 23:52:50 |
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Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails 閲覧数 カウント |
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2023-07-03 23:19:26 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Next.js×Rails APIモードのJSONを返すアプリをDockerで環境構築して作ってみた |
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2023-07-03 23:15:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsのMVC(Model-View-Controller)の処理の流れ |
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2023-07-03 23:15:29 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Valve says Steam games can’t use AI models trained on copyrighted works |
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2023-07-03 14:41:27 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Europe’s venerable Ariane 5 rocket faces a bittersweet ending on Tuesday |
ariane |
2023-07-03 14:22:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Add a comment section to your React project - Bonus: Inline-Styling |
Add a comment section to your React project Bonus Inline StylingIn my previous two articles I ve introduced my new library Replyke which helps you integrate a fully functioning comment section in your React app in less than minutes In part I ve showed you how to implement Replyke in your app in the most basic way using Replyke s servers to host our data In part I ve showed you how to add an API backend to work with Replyke so you could store all of your data on your own database rather than on Replyke s DB With these two tutorials you unlock all the power of Replyke as a plug and play comment section for your react app In this shorter tutorial I will show you how you can further customize Replyke s UI in your code rather then in Replyke s design studio Why would you like to do it Maybe you like a certain style but want to make a tiny change somewhere it is implemented instead of having to recreate an entire style again in the studio which would be identical to a style you already have Or maybe you want to quickly make some changes to check before heading to the studio and saving them to your style document For whatever reason you might want to do this I will now show you how Add inline styling to your CommentSectionOur CommentSetion component has more optional props we can use to further customize our comment section s UI Each of the values we can define here exist in the design studio and vice versa Any value we define using these props though would overwrite the values we had defined for our style in the studio the actual style document wouldn t be impacted Note all props and their children are optional The four props and their values are as follows SectionPropsThe values passed to this prop affect some general configuration like how many comments or replies we want to fetch in every call and also some general UI settings which affect the comment section as a whole Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to sectionProps with explanations on what they control How many comments we want to fetch in very call commentChunkSize number How many replies we want to fetch in very call replyChunkSize number The text used to prompt users to load more comments loadMoreText string The color of the text used to prompt users to load more comments loadMoreColor string An array of HEX colors to be used to generate random avatars for users who have no profile picture avatarPlaceholderColors string formPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the container and its children of the form to write a new comment new comment only not a reply Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to formProps I will explain the values of the ones I think might not be self explanatory When an unauthenticated user tries to post a comment we will show them this message loginFirstMessage string When a user tries to post a comment that is too short we will show them this message commentTooShortMessage string Background color for the entire form container backgroundColor string Border radius for the entire form component borderRadius number Border color of the entire form component borderColor string Border style fo the entire form component borderStyle BorderStyles Border width of the entire form component borderWidth number Left padding of the entire form component paddingLeft number Right padding of the entire form component paddingRight number Top padding of the entire form component paddingTop number Bottom padding of the entire form component paddingBottom number Determines if the entire form component has a shadow or not shadow boolean The placeholder text used in the textarea component textareaPlaceholder string The color of the text typed in the textarea component textareaTextColor string The font size of the text typed in the textarea component textareaTextSize number Determines the height of the textarea textareaDefaultRows number The top margin of the post comment button buttonMarginTop number The border radius of the post comment button buttonBorderRadius number The font size of the post comment button buttonFontSize number The font weight of the post comment button buttonFontWeight number The color of text in the post comment button buttonFontColor string The horizontal padding of the post comment button buttonPaddingX number The vertical padding of the post comment button buttonPaddingY number The color of the post comment button buttonColor string The text used for the post comment button buttonText string Determines if the post comment button takes the full width of the container or not buttonFullWidth boolean Determines if the post comment button has a shadow or not buttonShadow boolean statsBarPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the container and its children of the bar under the form presenting the statistics of the article likes comments and the current user s profile Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to statsBarProps with explanations on what they control When an unauthenticated user tries to like an article we will show them this message loginFirstMessage string The text used for the option to sort by newest comments come first newestFirstText string The text used for the option to sort by oldest comments come first oldestFirstText string The text used for the option to sort by popular comments come first popularText string The color of the sort by text sortByButtonTextColor string The font size of the text showing our current sort by setting sortByButtonFontSize number The color of the text of the sort by options sortByItemsTextColor string The font size of the text of the sort by options sortByItemsFontSize number The size of the chevron icon in the sort by dropdown sortByChevronSize number The text used for the button unauthenticated users see loginText string The font size of the login button unauthenticated users see loginFontSize number The font color of the login button unauthenticated users see loginFontColor string The horizontal padding for the entire bar paddingX number The vertical padding for the entire bar paddingY number The size of the icons in the stats bar iconsSize number The bottom margin for the entire stats bar marginBottom number The color of the like icon when it hasn t been clicked likeIconColor string The color of the like icon after it has been clicked likeActiveIconColor string The font size of the text showing how many likes the article has likeCountFontSize number The color of the comments icon commentIconColor string The font size of the text showing how many comments the article has commentCountFontSize number The width of the bottom border of the stats bar borderBottomWidth number The color of the bottom border of the stats bar borderBottomColor string The style of the bottom border of the stats bar borderBottomStyle BorderStyles The avatar size of logged in users avatarSize number The avatar s border radius avatarBorderRadius number The font size of the username usernameFontSize number The font weight of the username usernameFontWeight number The font color of the username usernameFontColor string How wide is the gap between the likes info and the comments info itemsGap number commentElementsPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the container and its children of the comment item This prop is divided into sub items containerProps headerProps menuProps actionBarProps replyBoxProps editProps removeProps I will go over each separately explaining its purpose and the values each holds CommentElementsProps containerPropsThe values passed to this prop affect general UI settings of the comment Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to containerProps with explanations on what they control How far in do replies get pushed in relation to their parent element replyIndent number The top margin of the comment body affecng the space between the text and the comment header containing the user details date menu headerBodySpacing number Width of the border separating top level comments threadsSeperatorWidth number Color of the border separating top level comments threadsSeperatorColor string Style of the border separating top level comments threadsSeperatorStyle BorderStyles The padding between the top border and the rest of the comment threadsSeperatorTopPadding number Bottom margin for each comment marginBottom number Horizontal padding for the entire comment element paddingX number Vertical padding for the entire comment element paddingY number Font size of the comment body commentFontSize number Color of the comment body commentFontColor string The text used to prompt users to load more replies loadMoreText string The color of the text used to prompt users to load more replies loadMoreColor string The width of the vertical line on the side of replies repliesSideBorderWidth number The border style of the vertical line on the side of replies repliesSideBorderStyle BorderStyles The color of the vertical line on the side of replies repliesSideBorderColor string The message presented to unauthenticated users when they try to like an article loginToLikeMessage string CommentElementsProps headerPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the top part of the comment element containing the author avatar amp and date the comment was posted Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to headerProps with explanations on what they control Color of the text for the author name authorNameColor string Font size of the text for the author name authorNameFontSize number Size in pixels for he author s avatar authorAvatarSize number Border radius of the author s avatar authorAvatarBorderRadius number Font size of the text for the date the comment was posted dateFontSize number Color of the text for the date the comment was posted dateFontColor string CommentElementsProps menuPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the UI of the comment s menu button and menu options Edit amp Delete Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to menuProps with explanations on what they control The padding in the container of the three dots icon buttonPadding number The background color of the container of the three dots icon buttonBackgroundColor string The border radius of the container of the three dots icon buttonBorderRadius number The color of the three dots icon buttonIconColor string The width of the menu container when opened containerWidth number The background color of the menu container when opened containerBackgroundColor string Controls if the opened menu container has a shadow containerShadow boolean The border radius of the opened menu container containerBorderRadius number The color of the divider between menu items containerDividerColor TailwindColors The horizonal padding inside the menu items container containerPaddingX number The vertical padding inside the menu items container containerPaddingY number The font size of the menu items itemsFontSize number The text color of the menu items itemsTextColor string The horizonal padding for the menu items itemsPaddingX number The vertical padding inside the menu items container itemsPaddingY number The text used for the edit option on the menu editText string The text used for the remove option on the menu removeText string CommentElementsProps actionBarPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the bottom part of the comment element containing the like button and comment statistics and also the Reply CTA Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to actionBarProps with explanations on what they control The color of the like icon if it hasn t been clicked likeIconColor string The color of the like icon when it has been clicked likeActiveIconColor string The color of the comment icon commentIconColor string The text by the comment icon repliesText string The text by the comment icon for when replies are visible hideRepliesText string The text used for the button calling users to reply replyCtaText string The color of the text used for the button calling users to reply replyCtaColor string The font size of the text used for the button calling users to reply replyCtaFontSize number When an unauthenticated user tries to like a comment we will show them this message loginFirstMessage string CommentElementsProps replyBoxPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the form that is opened when a user wants to reply to a comment Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to replyBoxProps with explanations on what they control When an unauthenticated user tries to post a reply we will show them this message loginFirstMessage string When a user tries to post a reply that is too short we will show them this message replyTooShortMessage string The background color of the entrie container backgroundColor string The top margin of the entire container marginTop number The border radius of the entire container borderRadius number The container s border color borderColor string The container s border style borderStyle BorderStyles The container s border width borderWidth number The container s left padding paddingLeft number The container s right padding paddingRight number The container s top padding paddingTop number The container s bottom padding paddingBottom number Controls whether the container has a shadow or not shadow boolean The textarea s placeholder text textareaPlaceholder string The color of the textarea input text textareaTextColor string The font size of the textarea input text textareaTextSize number Controls the default height of the textarea textareaDefaultRows number The text used for the cancel button cancelButtonText string The font size of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontSize number The font weight of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontWeight number The font color of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontColor string The text used for the reply button replyButtonText string The color of the Reply button replyButtonColor string The border radius of the Reply button replyButtonBorderRadius number The font size of the Reply button text replyButtonFontSize number The font weight of the Reply button text replyButtonFontWeight number The color of the Reply button text replyButtonFontColor string The horizontal padding of the Reply button replyButtonPaddingX number The vertical padding of the Reply button replyButtonPaddingY number Controls if Reply button has a shadow or not replyButtonShadow boolean CommentElementsProps editPropsThe values passed to this prop affect the form that is opened when a user wants to edit one of their comments replies Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to editProps with explanations on what they control The top margin for the entire edit container marginTop number The background color for the entire edit container backgroundColor string The border radius for the entire edit container borderRadius number The color of the container s border borderColor string The style of the container s border borderStyle BorderStyles The width of the container s border borderWidth number The container s left padding paddingLeft number The container s right padding paddingRight number The container s top padding paddingTop number The container s bottom padding paddingBottom number Controls if the container has a shadow or not shadow boolean The placeholder text if the user deleted the entire content of their comment textareaPlaceholder string The color of the textarea input text textareaTextColor string The font size of the textarea input text textareaTextSize number Controls the default height of the container textareaDefaultRows number The text used for the cancel button cancelButtonText string The font color of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontColor string The font size of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontSize number The text used for the save button saveButtonText string The color of the Save button saveButtonColor string The border radius of the Save button saveButtonBorderRadius number The font size of the Save button text saveButtonFontSize number The font weight of the Save button text saveButtonFontWeight number The font color of the Save button text saveButtonFontColor string The horizontal padding of the Save button saveButtonPaddingX number The vertical padding of the Save button saveButtonPaddingY number Controls if the Save button has a shadow or not saveButtonShadow boolean CommentElementsProps removePropsThe values passed to this prop affect the box that opens when a user wants to delete their comment reply Here is the complete object with all the values we can pass to removeProps with explanations on what they control The text displayed to user asking them if they are sure about deleting their comment promptText string The color of the prompt text promptTextColor string The font size of the prompt text promptTextFontSize number The text for the cancel button cancelButtonText string The font size of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontSize number The font weight of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontWeight number The font color of the Cancel button text cancelButtonFontColor string The text for the confirm button confirmButtonText string The color of the confirm button confirmButtonColor string The border radius of the confirm button confirmButtonBorderRadius number The font siz of the Confirm button text confirmButtonFontSize number The font weight of the Confirm button text confirmButtonFontWeight number The font color of the Confirm button text confirmButtonFontColor string The horizontal padding of the Confirm button confirmButtonPaddingX number The vertical padding of the Confirm button confirmButtonPaddingY number Controls if the Confirm button has a shadow or not confirmButtonShadow boolean Closing noteAnd that is it With these properties you can further customize your comment section without having to head to Replyke s studio Using inline styling your comment section component would look like this lt CommentSection appKey YOUR APP KEY articleId UNIQUE ARTICLE ID styleId STYLE ID callbacks loginClickCallback LOGIN CALLBACK commentAuthorClickCallback COMMENT AUTHOR CLICK CALLBACK currentUserClickCallback CURRENT USER CLICK CALLBACK currentUser user id USER ID name USER NAME img USER IMAGE undefined sectionProps sectionProps formProps formProps statsBarProps statsBarProps commentElementsProps containerProps containerProps headerProps headerProps menuProps menuProps actionBarProps actionBarProps replyBoxProps replyBoxProps editProps editProps removeProps removeProps gt And with this you now have all the information needed to add Replyke to your app style it in the studio host your own data and further customize the UI in your code I hope this helps you complete your projects If you find this project helpful I d be happy to hear about it and get any feedback I can Thank you for reading |
2023-07-03 14:23:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Harmonizing Go and Rust in a Single Application: A Weird Symbiotic Dance |
Harmonizing Go and Rust in a Single Application A Weird Symbiotic DanceIt s no secret that the world of software development is both vast and diverse brimming with a multitude of languages each with their unique strengths Among the more recent ones that have gained significant traction are Go and Rust Go known for its simplicity and speed is loved by developers for creating scalable and efficient software On the other hand Rust with its focus on memory safety without sacrificing performance offers a great deal of control and predictability The question that naturally arises then is Can these two powerful languages coexist within a single application Can we leverage the strengths of both while mitigating their weaknesses The answer quite excitingly is yes And this blog post is dedicated to explaining how it can be achieved The Intersection of Go and RustGo and Rust though distinct have overlapping areas of proficiency Both are system level languages with low level capabilities and are well suited for tasks such as building web servers working with databases or creating powerful APIs But they each shine in different scenarios Go is excellent for rapid development and straightforward concurrency making it great for high performance web servers Rust meanwhile shines when it comes to handling complex logic requiring intense computational resources or where strict memory safety is required But how does one harness the power of both within a single project This is where Foreign Function Interfaces FFI come into play Foreign Function Interface FFI A Foreign Function Interface FFI is a mechanism that allows programming languages to interoperate with code written in different languages It provides a way for programs written in one language to call functions or use data structures defined in another language Rust provides a well documented FFI that allows it to interface with other languages like C and by extension Go The primary purpose of an FFI is to enable seamless integration between different programming languages allowing developers to leverage existing libraries frameworks or components written in a different language within their codebase An FFI provides a standardized interface that defines how to call functions or work with data across language boundaries It enables communication and data exchange between different programming languages such as C C Python Java or Rust The FFI allows you to call functions written in a different language from your code It typically involves providing function prototypes or bindings that describe the function signature parameter types and return values The FFI mechanism handles the low level details of marshaling data between languages In addition to function calls an FFI allows you to exchange data between languages This includes passing data structures primitive types arrays or complex objects across language boundaries The FFI handles the conversion of data representations to ensure compatibility between languages Depending on the FFI implementation the level of abstraction provided can vary Some FFIs offer a low level interface that requires manual memory management and direct interaction with the foreign language s runtime Others provide higher level abstractions that automate memory management and provide a more idiomatic integration with the host language Different programming languages have their own FFI implementations or libraries For example in C C you can use tools like extern declarations header files or libraries like ctypes in Python JNI Java Native Interface in Java or CFFI in Python for interacting with C code When using an FFI it s important to consider performance implications Crossing language boundaries can introduce overhead due to data marshaling context switching or other factors Optimizations like minimizing the number of FFI calls or using techniques like just in time compilation can help mitigate performance issues FFIs are widely used to leverage existing codebases access system libraries or improve performance by writing performance critical code in lower level languages They offer flexibility and extendibility by enabling software components from different languages to work together seamlessly Here s a general step by step guide to creating a Rust library and integrating it with a Go application Step Writing the Rust LibraryFirst we ll create a Rust library that performs a memory intensive operation no mangle pub extern C fn process data input const c char gt mut c char Process the data Remember to ensure memory safety let output result of computation CString new output unwrap into raw Here the no mangle attribute is crucial as it tells Rust not to mangle the function name during compilation allowing it to be called from our Go code Step Building the Rust LibraryWe compile the Rust code into a shared library so file for Linux or dll file for Windows rustc crate type cdylib o output so input rs Step Calling Rust from GoWith the shared library built we can now call our Rust function from Go using the cgo tool cgo LDFLAGS L loutput include lt stdlib h gt extern char process data char input import C import unsafe func ProcessData input string string c input C CString input defer C free unsafe Pointer c input c output C process data c input defer C free unsafe Pointer c output return C GoString c output In the Go code C CString is used to convert the Go string to a C string a null terminated array of characters After we re done with it we use C free to deallocate the memory preventing a leak While this combination can bring substantial benefits to a project there are also points to consider There are performance implications when crossing the language boundary Function calls via FFI can be slower due to additional overhead Therefore it s a good strategy to minimize the number of calls across this boundary For example if you have a loop in Go where each iteration requires a Rust function it might be better to move the loop into Rust and make a single FFI call Furthermore error handling between the two languages can get tricky Rust s Result type doesn t translate directly to Go Therefore you ll need to implement a mechanism to translate Rust errors into a format that Go can understand and properly handle By enabling communication between Go and Rust we can build applications that leverage Go s simplicity and rapid development while benefiting from Rust s memory safety and control over system resources It s like having the best of both worlds This cooperation however comes with its own set of challenges including function call overhead and error handling which must be thoughtfully considered when structuring your application But the rewards can be enormous leading to applications that are faster safer and more efficient The fusion of Go and Rust in a single application showcases the power and versatility of modern software development the ability to pick the right tool for each part of the job and the means to make those parts work harmoniously together It s a testament to the ever evolving and exciting world of programming |
2023-07-03 14:01:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Personal Voice in iOS 17 and how it compares to an actual voice |
How to use Personal Voice in iOS and how it compares to an actual voiceStarting in iOS Apple allows users to create a Personal Voice that when used in conjunction with Live Speech can help users communicate with others by reading text and phrases Here s how to set it up and how it worked for us Setup and use Personal Voice with iOS Personal Voice is nothing short of amazing After only minutes of dictation your iPhone can create a digital version of your voice processed locally and encrypted Read more |
2023-07-03 14:15:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best cameras for 2023 |
The best cameras for It s a strange and wonderful time to buy a digital camera Since smartphones have gutted the casual photography market manufacturers are focusing on building technological marvels designed for very specific uses Mirrorless cameras continue to improve in terms of autofocus video and more Action cams provide sharp fluid video compact cameras are targeted to both tourists and vloggers and DSLRs are available at some of the best prices we ve seen With so many different types of digital cameras though you may need some guidance to find just the right one and that s where we come in Whether you re a creator looking for just the right vlogging camera an aspiring wildlife photographer or a sports enthusiast we ll help you find the perfect model to match your budget and needs Best mirrorless cameras under Best mirrorless cameras over Best action camerasBest compact camerasBest DSLR camerasWhat to consider before choosing a cameraThere are a lot of reasons to choose a camera over a smartphone The larger image sensors in mirrorless cameras let more light in and you have a wide choice of lenses from wide angle to telephoto lenses with far superior optics Where smartphones have one f stop cameras have many which gives you more exposure control You also get natural and not AI generated bokeh quicker shooting a physical shutter more professional video results and so on With that extra quality comes a lot of extra factors to consider however The first thing is sensor size In general the larger the sensor size the better and usually more expensive the camera Full frame is available on models like Sony s new ZV E the Canon EOS R II and Panasonic S II At a size equivalent to mm film x mm it offers the best performance in terms of image quality low light capability and depth of field It s also the most expensive and finicky While bokeh looks incredible at f the depth of field is so razor thin that your subject s nose might be in focus but not their eyes This can also make video shooting difficult The next size category is APS C around x mm for most models and x mm for Canon offered on Fujifilm s X Series lineup Canon s R and R and the Nikon Z It s cheaper than full frame both for the camera body and lenses but still brings most of the advantages like decent bokeh high ISOs for low light shooting and relatively high resolution With a sensor size the same as movie cameras it s ideal for shooting video and it s easier to hold focus than with full frame cameras Micro Four Thirds x mm a format shared by Panasonic and Olympus is the next step down in sensor size It offers less bokeh and light gathering capability than APS C and full frame but allows for smaller and lighter cameras and lenses For video you can still get reasonably tight depth of field with good prime lenses but focus is easier to control The other common sensor size is Type inch which is actually smaller than one inch at x mm That s used mostly by compact models like Sony s ZV vlogging camera Finally action cameras like the GoPro Hero and DJI s Osmo have even smaller sensors and size respectively For photographers another key factor is autofocus AF speed and accuracy Most modern mirrorless cameras have hybrid phase detect AF systems that allow for rapid focus and fast burst speeds The majority also feature AI smarts like eye detect AF for people and animals However some models are just a bit faster and more reactive than others The electronic viewfinder EVF and rear display are also key The best models have the sharpest and brightest EVFs that let you best judge a shot before taking it For things like street photography it s best to have as bright and sharp a rear display as possible You may also want a screen that flips out rather than just tilting DSLRs and mirrorless cameras let you change lenses but you re stuck with what s built into a compact camera While that s great for portability a single lens means you re going to sacrifice something Fujifilm s XV for instance has a fast but fixed mm equivalent f lens and no zoom Sony s RX V has a mm zoom but it s slower at the telephoto end f and less sharp than a prime lens When it comes to video there are other factors to consider Does your camera do “pixel binning for video recording or read out the entire sensor Better cameras tend to do the latter Another key factor is sensor speed as slower sensors tend to have more rolling shutter that can create a “jello effect that skews video In addition how s the battery life How do you like the handling and feel How long can you shoot video before the camera heats up or stops Does it support bit HDR video Is there a microphone and or a headphone jack if you do a lot of interviews it s preferable to have both How s the video autofocus All of these things play a part in your decision so now let s take a look at the best models The best camerasBest mirrorless camerasMirrorless is far and away the biggest category of cameras for these days so it s the best way to go if you want the best camera for photography with the most advanced features Both Canon and Nikon recently announced they re discontinuing development of new DSLRs simply because most of the advantages of that category are gone as I detailed in a recent video The biggest selling feature of a mirrorless camera is the ability to change lenses depending on the type of shooting you want to do The key features are sensor size resolution autofocus shooting speeds and video specs If you re primarily focused on sports photography or outdoor photography you ll likely want fast shooting speeds and accurate autofocus Portrait and landscape shooters will likely favor large sensors and high resolution to maximize image quality And content creators will want to look for things like flip out displays high end video specifications and good in body stabilization Price point is of course a major factor as well Mirrorless cameras under Best mirrorless camera under Canon EOS RMy top budget camera pick is Canon s brand new megapixel R which is one of the best cameras for photography and content creators will love it It can shoot bursts at up to fps in electronic shutter mode and offers K bit at up to p with supersampling and no crop It has a fully articulating display and unlike other cameras in this price range an electronic viewfinder It uses Canon s Dual Pixel AF with subject recognition mode and even has a popup flash The only drawback is the lack of decent quality lens that s as affordable as the camera itself and a lack of in body stabilization Autofocus Dual Pixel CMOS AF II with pointsMax shutter speed fpsWiFi YesBluetooth YesRunner up Canon EOS RFull frame cameras generally used to start at and up but Canon s brand new EOS R is priced at just It offers Canon s excellent Dual Pixel AF with subject recognition AI and can shoot bursts at up to fps It s equally strong with video supporting oversampled bit K at up to fps The R also offers a flip out display making it great for vloggers The main drawback is a lack of in body stabilization Another good option Panasonic Lumix S IIContent creators should take a hard look at Panasonic s full frame S II It s the company s first camera with hybrid phase detect AF designed to make focus quot wobble quot and other issues a thing of the past You can shoot sharp K p video downsampled from the full sensor width or K p from an APS C cropped size all in bit color It even offers K p capture along with RAW K external output to an Atomos recorder You also get a flip out screen for vlogging and updated five axis in body stabilization that s the best in the industry Photo quality is also good thanks to the dual gain megapixel sensor The main drawback is the slowish burst speeds Read our full review of the Panasonic Lumix S IIMirrorless cameras over Best mirrorless camera over Sony ZV EEquipped with the same backside illuminated BSI megapixel sensor as the AS III Sony s ZV E offers excellent low light performance K at up to p and a host of new AI features like auto framing making it one of the best cameras for photography and videography It also comes with an updated in body image stabilization system aimed at vloggers that can smooth out even jolting movements like footsteps The price tag makes it enticing for vloggers as it offers features found on the AS III for considerably less money Autofocus pointsMax shutter speed fpsWiFi NoBluetooth YesRunner up Fujifilm X HSIf you re OK with a smaller APS C sensor check out the Fujifilm X HS It has an incredibly fast stacked backside illuminated megapixel sensor that allows for rapid burst shooting speeds of fps along with K p video with minimal rolling shutter It can capture ProRes bit video internally has stops of in body stabilization and a class leading EVF Yes it s expensive for an APS C camera but on the other hand it s the cheapest stacked sensor camera overall The other downside is AF that s not quite up to Canon and Sony s level Read our full review of the Fujifilm X HSAnother good option Sony AR VFor the ultimate high resolution camera check out Sony s AR V With a megapixel sensor it shoots sharp and beautiful images at a very respectable speed for such a high resolution model fps It has an equally fast and reliable autofocus system the sharpest viewfinder on the market and in body stabilization that s much improved over the AR IV Video has even improved with K and bit options now on tap albeit with significant rolling shutter If you don t need the video features however Sony s AR IVa does mostly the same job photo wise and costs a few hundred dollars less Read our full review of the Sony AR VBest action cameraThe most important features to look for in an action cam are image quality stabilization and battery life GoPro has easily been beating all rivals over the last few years in all those areas but DJI made some strides last year with the Osmo Action At the same time GoPro s latest models are more expensive than rivals Best action camera GoPro Hero BlackGoPro didn t change the design on its latest model but it has a larger sensor that enables a couple of cool features Horizon Lock stabilization and Full Frame mode that makes it easier to shoot for say TikTok and YouTube at the same time It also offers a new wider though slightly distorted Hyperview field of view Otherwise the Hero Black offers better video quality than ever up to K p Hypersmooth stabilization that s still the best in the business by far battery life that s improved by percent over the last model and more It s easily the best action camera on the market but you pay for that it s with a one year subscription without it compared to for the DJI Osmo Action and for the Insta RS K bundle If you re serious about filming extreme sports though it s worth it WiFi YesBluetooth YesRead our full review of the GoPro Hero Runner up DJI Osmo Action After experimenting with an oddball modular design on the Action design has gone back to a more classic action cam design on the Osmo Action It also comes with a slick new magnetic quick release mount that lets you connect the camera directly to a GoPro style mount with or without the case Video quality and stabilization are quite good but fall short of the Hero Black the Action tops out at K p resolution compared to K p on the GoPro While it s not quite as good as the Hero it s considerably cheaper Read our full review of the DJI Osmo Action Best compact cameraThis category has fewer cameras than it did even a few years ago and many models are older as manufacturers focus instead on mirrorless models However I m still a big believer in compact cameras This type of camera is a big step up from smartphones quality wise and a lot of people will take a compact traveling or to events when they d never bother with the hassle of a DSLR or mirrorless camera Compacts largely have type inch sensors but a few offer larger options particularly Fujifilm s XF V Another popular model Sony s XV is primarily aimed at content creators looking to step up In any case desirable qualities include image quality a fast lens relatively long zoom flip out display good battery life a high quality EVF decent video and good pocketability Best compact camera Fujifilm XVThe XV is the latest in Fujifilm s famous fixed lens X camera series Like other models in the lineup it has an APS C sensor and a mm f lens equivalent to mm on a full frame sensor You also get the same hybrid optical electronic viewfinder mechanical dials film simulations and good looks as before But the XV is the most significant advancement in the series history It has Fujifilm s latest megapixel X Trans CMOS sensor compared to megapixels on the last model and a new sharper lens to handle that extra resolution A new tilting rear display makes quot shooting from the hip quot street photography much easier as does the fast fps fps shooting speeds in mechanical silent shutter modes You also get a better hybrid phase and contrast detect autofocus AF system with more AF points along with face and eye detection Finally it now has the same K video shooting features as the X T It doesn t come cheap but the XV is the ultimate camera if you re into street photography assuming you can find one Max shutter speed fpsWiFi YesBluetooth YesRead our full review of the Fujifilm XVRunner up Sony ZV The ZV is Sony s first RX series camera designed specifically for vlogging It does that job well thanks to a lightweight body built in high quality microphone flip out display best in class autofocus and excellent image quality The mm lens is sharp but it needs to be wider because of the percent crop when using electronic stabilization It also lacks a true touch display and a headphone port That nitpicking aside if you re looking to step up from a smartphone or just want something simple it does the job nearly perfectly Read our full review of the Sony ZV Another good option Panasonic ZS For a value compact camera the best option is Panasonic s megapixel ZS It offers a lot of features for the price like a inch megapixel sensor axis stabilization K fps video and more Its main claim to fame though is the x lens that offers incredible reach for travel and more Though it dates back to it s actually one of the more recent compact models Best DSLR cameraWith mirrorless cameras taking over the interchangeable lens market DSLRs still give you the ability to change lenses at relatively cheap prices The defining feature is the reflex mirror that lets you look directly through the lens at your subject with no electronics in between Most also have very fast autofocus thanks to a dedicated phase detect sensor and very fast battery life However many lack features you d expect on modern mirrorless cameras like subject tracking eye detection and more Best DSLR camera Nikon DNikon s full frame FX D is the best deal on a high end camera and arguably the best camera for photography With a megapixel sensor and max ISO it gives you the best quality for the money whether mirrorless or DSLR It can also shoot fast at up to fps which is very good for such a high res camera In addition the battery life shots on a charge puts any mirrorless option to shame and there s a massive number of FX Nikkor lens options to choose from Nikon has upped its video game as well with the D by introducing K internal recording If you d still rather have a live optical rather than an electronic view the D is the best option available Autofocus pointsMax shutter speed fpsWiFi YesBluetooth YesRunner up Canon EOS Rebel SLAnother one of the best cameras for photography is Canon s megapixel APS C EOS Rebel SL which has a great blend of features build quality and value It offers features like a vari angle touchscreen K video albeit with a crop and Dual Pixel autofocus technology in live mode You get shooting speeds of up to fps shots on a charge and an ISO range up to expanded It also offers guided screen options for beginners Best of all it offers excellent picture quality for the price thanks to Canon s skin friendly color science This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
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