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IT 気になる、記になる… mineo、明日から「iPhone SE (第3世代)」を取扱開始 https://taisy0.com/2023/07/20/174302.html iphone 2023-07-20 03:02:44
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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita iPhoneのLiDARで撮影した複数の点群データをPythonで位置合わせ(し、ボクセル化する) https://qiita.com/nokonoko_1203/items/0a3d67938dab5e2b5421 httpsdemo 2023-07-20 12:57:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita trocco®のETL設定にChatGPT使ってみた https://qiita.com/suguru_y_zdh/items/42ff4fe510e9bcda5f53 chatgpt 2023-07-20 12:42:24
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海外TECH DEV Community Setting Up a Local WAX Development Environment https://dev.to/idmontie/setting-up-a-local-wax-development-environment-1cik Setting Up a Local WAX Development Environment IntroductionIn this section we will go over the prerequisites we will need to start writing Smart Contracts and interacting with the WAX blockchain We will use Docker and using the official WAX development image to create a container Then we ll go over setting up a local WAX blockchain The purpose of this is to create a local blockchain that we can use to deploy Smart Contracts to without having to deploy to a testnet or the mainnet blockchain Installing DockerWAX makes it easy to get started with contract development by offering a few Docker Images that we can use Docker is a container platform similar to virtual machines It lets you run software applications and other operating systems in an isolated environment on your computer Throughout this class we will be using Docker to develop our smart contracts If you don t have Docker installed go to www docker com Get Started and download Docker Desktop for your operating system Once installed we can continue Setting up a WAX Development ContainerI will also be using the Mac terminal to run commands most commands should translate to to Windows but I will make notes where they might be different First let s open a terminal and set up our workspace For this tutorial I m just going to create a folder called wax workspace that I will be working in mkdir wax workspacecd wax workspaceFor Windows use the bash terminal and you should be able to create a folder and change directories to it using the same commands as above Let s pull the WAX development image docker pull waxteam devOnce we have the image we can run it docker run it name wax tutorial publish v pwd wax waxteam dev bashThis command will start the Docker image creating a container It also will change our terminal s context to be within the container From here if we run a command it will run in the isolated environment that has software already installed for us to develop WAX apps Creating a Local BlockchainIn this section we will set up our local WAX Container with a wallet account and a local blockchain The WAX development Docker image already has the tools we need to use installed on it The first tool is keosd which is a key manager service for storing private keys and signing digital messages We need to run this to store and use our keys for our wallet Let s start keosd in our docker container keosd amp The next tool we ll use is nodeos the core service that runs our WAX node It can be configured to process smart contracts validate transactions and produce blocks nodeos e p eosio plugin eosio producer plugin plugin eosio chain api plugin plugin eosio http plugin access control allow origin contracts console http validate host false http server address verbose http errors gt gt nodeos log gt amp amp The above command initializes all the basic plugins sets the server address and adds contract debugging and logging One other command we will be using is cleos This is a command line tool that interfaces with the REST API exposed by nodeos which we just started We can test that our WAX node is running correctly by pinging it from a new terminal outside of the context of our docker image curl request POST url v chain get info header content type application x www form urlencoded charset UTF We have a local WAX blockchain running at this point Creating a Local WalletNow that our key service is running and our node is running we can create a wallet to store our public private key pairs that we will use later to deploy smart contracts and interact with them First let s create a wallet cleos wallet create n testwallet file secretsFor simplicity we write the password out to a file secrets Never share this file Next let s open our wallet Wallets start closed by default and need to be opened to interact with them cleos wallet open n testwalletWe can close our wallet with cleos wallet close n testwalletBut let s keep our wallet open for the section section Now that our wallet is open let s unlock the wallet cleos wallet unlock n testwallet password cat secrets Before being able to interact with your wallet you will frequently need to unlock it Keep this command handy Creating a Local AccountWe are going to create a local account for our local blockchain To continue we are first going to import a special default system user into our local blockchain wallet cleos wallet import private key KQwrPbwdLPhXujxWFSSQZJiwsSTcqQzDeyXtPzkvFDThis special default system user will let us create accounts and deploy smart contracts to our local blockchain without having to worry about staking any WAX Let s create a local user next cleos create account eosio guestbook EOSMRyAjQqudhVNYcfnVPJqcVpscNSoBhtHuGYqETGDWCVYou can verify that the account was successfully created with cleos get account guestbookExample output One last thing we need to do is add the add code permission to our account This will let us deploy and run Smart Contracts to this account cleos set account permission guestbook active add code ConclusionIn this section we went over creating a local blockchain development environment using Docker and the official WAX development image In a container using that image we started our local blockchain created a local wallet and set up an account on our local blockchain In the next section we ll go over using the WAX testnet Coming soon WAX Testnet Setup gt gt Additional LinksPhoto by freestocks on Unsplash 2023-07-20 03:32:44
海外TECH DEV Community Exploring the Power of TypeScript Decorators: Extending and Modifying Code with Ease https://dev.to/rajrathod/exploring-the-power-of-typescript-decorators-extending-and-modifying-code-with-ease-424l Exploring the Power of TypeScript Decorators Extending and Modifying Code with Ease TypeScript DecoratorsDecorators in TypeScript are a feature that allows you to modify or annotate classes methods properties or parameters at design time They provide a way to add metadata or behavior to your code using a declarative approach Decorators are denoted by the symbol followed by the decorator function or expression Here are some examples of decorators in TypeScript Class Decorator A class decorator is applied to a class declaration and can be used to modify the class or its constructor behavior It receives the constructor function of the class as its target Class Decorator Parameters target The target parameter represents the constructor function of the class being decorated If the class is decorated target will be the constructor function of that class It allows you to access and modify the class constructor or its prototype Example function myClassDecorator target any Modify the class behavior or prototype here target prototype customMethod function console log This is a custom method added by the decorator myClassDecoratorclass MyClass Class implementation const instance new MyClass instance customMethod Output This is a custom method added by the decorator Use Case A common use case for class decorators is to add functionality or metadata to classes like logging access control or creating singleton instances Method Decorator A method decorator is applied to a method within a class and allows you to modify the behavior of that method It receives either the constructor of the class if the method is static or the prototype of the class if the method is an instance method as its target Method Decorator Parameters target The prototype of the class if the method is an instance method or the constructor function of the class if the method is a static method propertyKey The name of the method being decorated descriptor A PropertyDescriptor object containing the attributes of the method e g value writable enumerable configurable Example function myMethodDecorator target any propertyKey string descriptor PropertyDescriptor const originalMethod descriptor value descriptor value function args any console log Calling method propertyKey with arguments args const result originalMethod apply this args return result class ExampleClass myMethodDecorator sayHello name string console log Hello name const instance new ExampleClass instance sayHello John Output Calling method sayHello with arguments John followed by Hello John Use Case Method decorators are useful for implementing cross cutting concerns like logging measuring execution time caching or authentication checks Property Decorator A property decorator is applied to a property within a class and allows you to modify the behavior of that property It receives either the constructor of the class if the property is static or the prototype of the class if the property is an instance property as its target Property Decorator Parameters target The prototype of the class if the property is an instance property or the constructor function of the class if the property is a static property propertyKey The name of the property being decorated Example function myPropertyDecorator target any propertyKey string const privateKey propertyKey Object defineProperty target propertyKey get function return this privateKey set function value this privateKey value toUpperCase enumerable true configurable true class ExampleClass myPropertyDecorator name string const instance new ExampleClass instance name John console log instance name Output JOHN Use Case Property decorators can be used for validation formatting or other transformations on class properties before their values are accessed or set Parameter Decorator A parameter decorator is applied to a parameter of a method or constructor within a class It allows you to modify the behavior of that specific parameter Parameter Decorator Parameters target The prototype of the class if the decorator is applied to an instance method or the constructor function if the decorator is applied to a static method propertyKey The name of the method if the decorator is applied to an instance method or undefined if applied to a constructor parameterIndex The index of the parameter within the method or constructor s parameter list Example function myParameterDecorator target any propertyKey string parameterIndex number console log Parameter parameterIndex of method propertyKey in class target constructor name is decorated class ExampleClass sayHello myParameterDecorator name string console log Hello name const instance new ExampleClass instance sayHello John Output Parameter of method sayHello in class ExampleClass is decorated followed by Hello John Use Case Parameter decorators can be used for logging validation or to provide additional context information for methods Real life Use Case of Decorators in TypeScript Suppose you are building an Express js web application and want to implement an authentication middleware that checks if a user is authorized to access certain routes You can use decorators to achieve this Define an authentication decoratorfunction authMiddleware target any propertyKey string descriptor PropertyDescriptor const originalMethod descriptor value descriptor value function req any res any args any Check authentication logic here const isAuthenticated checkIfUserIsAuthenticated req if isAuthenticated return originalMethod apply this req res args else res status json error Unauthorized class UserController authMiddleware getUserInfo req any res any This route will only be accessible if the user is authenticated const userInfo getUserInfoFromDatabase req userId res json userInfo Express js route setup simplified app get user req res gt const userController new UserController userController getUserInfo req res In this example the authMiddleware decorator checks if the user is authenticated before allowing access to the getUserInfo method This helps keep the authentication logic separate and reusable making the code more maintainable Decorators provide a way to extend and modify the behavior of classes methods properties or parameters in a declarative manner They can be used for various purposes like logging validation dependency injection and more TypeScript decorators are powerful tools that enhance code readability reusability and maintainability Thank You Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post I hope you found it helpful and informative Your support and engagement mean a lot to me If you have any questions or feedback please don t hesitate to reach out I appreciate your continued interest and look forward to sharing more valuable content in the future Thank you once again 2023-07-20 03:02:05
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