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IT InfoQ .NET MAUI 8 Preview 6: Visual Studio Code Extension, Bug Fixes & Native AOT for iOS https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/07/dotnet-maui-8-preview-6/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global NET MAUI Preview Visual Studio Code Extension Bug Fixes amp Native AOT for iOSMicrosoft has recently released the sixth preview of the NET Multi platform App UI MAUI framework in NET roadmap As reported this latest release resolves a number of high impact issues including Visual Studio for Mac support Native AOT for iOS and the new Visual Studio Code extension for NET MAUI development By Almir Vuk 2023-07-20 13:30:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) IT初心者でもAWS認定資格の取得を目指せる1冊。AWS認定講師・高山裕司氏の著書が気になる! https://techable.jp/archives/213853 株式会社 2023-07-20 13:00:57
AWS AWS DevOps Blog How to write and execute integration tests for AWS CDK applications https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-write-and-execute-integration-tests-for-aws-cdk-applications/ How to write and execute integration tests for AWS CDK applicationsAutomated integration testing validates system components and boosts confidence for new software releases Performing integration tests on resources deployed to the AWS cloud enables the validation of AWS Identity and Access Management IAM policies service limits application configuration and runtime code For developers that are currently leveraging AWS Cloud Development Kit AWS CDK as their … 2023-07-20 13:19:38
AWS AWS Security Blog How to manage certificate lifecycles using ACM event-driven workflows https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-manage-certificate-lifecycles-using-acm-event-driven-workflows/ How to manage certificate lifecycles using ACM event driven workflowsWith AWS Certificate Manager ACM you can simplify certificate lifecycle management by using event driven workflows to notify or take action on nbsp expiring TLS certificates in your organization Using ACM you can provision manage and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with integrated AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Elastic Load Balancing ELB as well … 2023-07-20 13:44:34
AWS AWS Security Blog How to manage certificate lifecycles using ACM event-driven workflows https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-manage-certificate-lifecycles-using-acm-event-driven-workflows/ How to manage certificate lifecycles using ACM event driven workflowsWith AWS Certificate Manager ACM you can simplify certificate lifecycle management by using event driven workflows to notify or take action on nbsp expiring TLS certificates in your organization Using ACM you can provision manage and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with integrated AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Elastic Load Balancing ELB as well … 2023-07-20 13:44:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita QGISプラグインをVS Codeの支援を受けながら開発する方法 https://qiita.com/ciscorn/items/efd16f3a8e068d3d1b1e visualstudio 2023-07-20 22:56:12
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita python でエスケープ文字の入った JSON からコンテンツを復元する https://qiita.com/nanbuwks/items/8a15ff646edc0e3aba7f osimportsysfilepathsysarg 2023-07-20 22:34:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ChromeDriverManagerの115.0.5790アップデート失敗暫定対処方法 https://qiita.com/k8uwall/items/6f919e806728a88ce6cb thereisnosuchdriverbyurl 2023-07-20 22:23:09
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitコマンド(push)操作エラーについて https://qiita.com/yusuke6316/items/e50045dbffb1d0c448a3 iledtopushsomerefstohttps 2023-07-20 22:38:17
技術ブログ Developers.IO [登壇資料]「Amazon Connectの設定と利用方法のデモ」でウェビナー登壇しました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-connect-webinar-amazon-connect-demo-20230712/ amazon 2023-07-20 13:33:48
海外TECH DEV Community What If Artificial Intelligence Becomes Self-Aware 🚀🔥 https://dev.to/arjuncodess/what-if-artificial-intelligence-becomes-self-aware-4gcb What If Artificial Intelligence Becomes Self Aware IntroductionArtificial Intelligence AI is evolving rapidly and its progress has sparked the curiosity and interest of researchers science and the public While the current capabilities of AI are exciting the concept of self aware AI raises interesting questions about the consciousness and implications of this development In this article we explore the possibility of self aware intelligence and its impact on humans The Evolution of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence can be divided into narrow intelligence and general intelligence Narrow AI refers to machines designed to perform specific tasks with superior abilities such as word processing or image recognition AGI on the other hand aims to make people love cognitive intelligence by enabling them to think and problem solve in many ways As AI research progresses we are approaching the possibility of general intelligence and raising ethical concerns for creating a role for powerful machines Understanding Self AwarenessHuman self awareness and self awareness have been debated for centuries He has the ability to think about thoughts and recognize himself thoughts and feelings In the context of artificial intelligence self awareness can be defined as the artificial intelligence s recognizing its own situation and understanding its environment and behavior While artificial intelligence reaching human like consciousness is a remote possibility the idea opens up fascinating possibilities The challenges and consequences of self awarenessThe concept of self awareness raises many ethical issues If AI achieves self awareness will it achieve justice How do we define moral responsibility Additionally having self aware AI could change the human relationship with AI As AI systems become more autonomous and conscious it becomes important to think about the potential for human machine interaction and emotional communication In addition the perception of the existence of artificial intelligence can affect the decision making process leading to unpredictable consequences Beyond The Turing TestTuring Test was proposed by Alan Turing in as a benchmark for measuring a machine s ability to reproduce human intelligence However the Turing test does not directly measure self awareness As we delve deeper into self aware AI new measures specific to consciousness and self awareness will need to be developed Protecting Self Recognizing Artificial IntelligenceWith the possibility of self aware AI concerns about AI security are intensifying It is important to ensure good security in order to prevent negative consequences It is important to ensure that artificial intelligence systems are designed according to human values ​​and act ethically Additionally collaboration between AI researchers social workers and policy makers can help create a framework for the development of AI responsibility Expectations and SpeculationsIt will be very useful if artificial intelligence can provide self awareness Self aware AI enables greater understanding and personal relationships by better understanding people s needs It can revolutionise fields such as medicine education and science by providing unique perspectives and insights However predictions about the future of AI self awareness must be made with caution as ethical concerns and social impact need to be carefully managed ConclusionThe possibility of self awareness in AI is a great concept that expands the field of AI research While we are currently far from achieving truly self aware AI the path to AI development must be carefully considered in terms of its implications Responsible AI development ethical and collaborative partnerships are key to progress and ensure that AI development is rooted in innovation and responsibility As we embark on this journey we must embrace the future of artificial intelligence with a balance of excitement and caution Comment your thoughts Some Juicy Memes for the time being 2023-07-20 13:39:27
海外TECH DEV Community A Comprehensive Guide for Building Efficient Data Structures in Dart https://dev.to/vadympinchuk/a-comprehensive-guide-for-building-efficient-data-structures-in-dart-2n1o A Comprehensive Guide for Building Efficient Data Structures in DartIn this article we explore the main data structures such as trees hash maps linked lists queues stacks heaps and undirected graphs We discuss their functionalities space and time complexities and provide code examples in Dart Whether you re a beginner or an experienced developer this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to effectively utilise data structures in your programming endeavors Content OverviewIntroductionQueueStackSingle Linked ListDouble Linked ListHash Map Hash Table Min Max HeapUndirected GraphTreesTrees Binary Search Tree BST Trees Red Black TreeConclusion IntroductionData structures are fundamental building blocks in computer science and play a crucial role in organising and manipulating data efficiently Whether you re a beginner learning programming or an experienced developer looking to refresh your knowledge understanding how different data structures work is essential We will dive into the world of data structures and explore their inner workings space and time complexities and best use cases We will provide code examples in Dart a versatile programming language to help you grasp the concepts and see them in action By the end of this article you ll have a solid understanding of various data structures and be ready to apply them to solve real world problems In the Dart language there is no specific data type called array in the traditional sense Instead the List class is used as the fundamental data structure to hold a collection of elements It serves as a versatile container that provides array like functionality and operations QueueA Queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In First Out FIFO principle Elements are added at the rear and removed from the front Space Complexity O n where n is the number of elements in the queue Time Complexity Enqueue O Adding an element to the queue Dequeue O Removing an element from the queue Use case Used when the First In First Out FIFO principle needs to be followed such as in a task scheduling system or breadth first search algorithms class Queue lt T gt List lt T gt items void enqueue T item items add item T dequeue if isEmpty throw StateError Cannot dequeue from an empty queue return items removeAt bool isEmpty return items isEmpty StackA Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out LIFO principle Elements are added and removed from the same end known as the top Space Complexity O n where n is the number of elements in the stack Time Complexity Push O ーAdding an element to the stack Pop O ーRemoving an element from the stack Use case Used when the Last In First Out LIFO principle needs to be followed such as in function call stacks or depth first search algorithms class Stack lt T gt List lt T gt items void push T item items add item T pop if isEmpty throw StateError Cannot pop from an empty stack return items removeLast bool isEmpty return items isEmpty Single Linked ListLinked Lists are linear data structures where each element node contains a value and a reference to the next node Space Complexity O n where n is the number of nodes in the linked list Time Complexity Insertion at the beginning O ーAdding a new node at the beginning of the linked list Insertion at the end O ーAdding a new node at the end of the linked list Deletion O ーRemoving a node from the linked list Searching O n ーIn the worst case visiting all nodes in the linked list Use case Used when frequent insertion and deletion of elements at the beginning or end of the list is requiredclass Node lt T gt T value Node lt T gt next Node this value class LinkedList lt T gt Node lt T gt head void insertAtBeginning T value var newNode Node lt T gt value newNode next head head newNode void insertAtEnd T value var newNode Node lt T gt value if head null head newNode else var current head while current next null current current next current next newNode void delete T value if head null return if head value value head head next return var current head while current next null if current next value value current next current next next return current current next Double Linked ListDouble Linked Lists are similar to single linked lists but each node has references to both the next and previous nodes Space Complexity O n where n is the number of nodes in the linked list Time Complexity Insertion at the beginning O ーAdding a new node at the beginning of the linked list Insertion at the end O ーAdding a new node at the end of the linked list Deletion O ーRemoving a node from the linked list Searching O n ーIn the worst case visiting all nodes in the linked list Use case Used when frequent insertion and deletion of elements at the beginning or end of the list is requiredclass Node lt T gt T value Node lt T gt next Node lt T gt previous Node this value class DoublyLinkedList lt T gt Node lt T gt head void insertAtBeginning T value var newNode Node lt T gt value if head null head previous newNode newNode next head head newNode void insertAtEnd T value var newNode Node lt T gt value if head null head newNode else var current head while current next null current current next newNode previous current current next newNode void delete T value if head null return if head value value head head next if head null head previous null return var current head while current null if current value value current previous next current next if current next null current next previous current previous return current current next Hash Map Hash Table Hash Maps store key value pairs in an array using a hash function to determine the index where each key value pair should be stored Space Complexity O n where n is the number of key value pairs stored Time Complexity Insertion O ーAdding a key value pair to the hash map Deletion O ーRemoving a key value pair from the hash map Searching O ーRetrieving the value associated with a given key Use case Used for fast lookup of values based on keys when the relationship between keys and values is not necessarily ordered class HashMap lt K V gt int capacity List lt List lt Entry lt K V gt gt gt buckets HashMap int capacity capacity capacity buckets List lt List lt Entry lt K V gt gt gt filled capacity int hashCode K key return key hashCode capacity void put K key V value int index hashCode key List lt Entry lt K V gt gt bucket buckets index for Entry lt K V gt entry in bucket if entry key key entry value value return bucket add Entry lt K V gt key value V get K key int index hashCode key List lt Entry lt K V gt gt bucket buckets index for Entry lt K V gt entry in bucket if entry key key return entry value return null void remove K key int index hashCode key List lt Entry lt K V gt gt bucket buckets index for Entry lt K V gt entry in bucket if entry key key bucket remove entry return bool containsKey K key int index hashCode key List lt Entry lt K V gt gt bucket buckets index for Entry lt K V gt entry in bucket if entry key key return true return false class Entry lt K V gt final K key V value Entry this key this value Min Max HeapA Heap is a binary tree based data structure in which the parent nodes have a specific ordering e g minimum or maximum value with respect to their children Space Complexity O n where n is the number of elements in the heap Time Complexity Insertion O log n ーAdding an element to the heap Removal O log n ーRemoving the root element from the heap Peek accessing the minimum maximum element O Use case Used to efficiently retrieve the minimum or maximum element in constant time or perform efficient sorting of elements class MinHeap List lt int gt heap MinHeap heap Insert an element into the min heap void insert int value Add the new value to the end of the heap heap add value Restore the min heap property by moving the value up if necessary moveUp heap length Extract the minimum element from the heap int extractMin if isEmpty throw Exception Heap is empty The minimum value is always at the root index final minValue heap Remove the last element from the heap final lastValue heap removeLast if isEmpty Move the last value to the root heap lastValue Restore the min heap property by moving the value down if necessary moveDown return minValue bool isEmpty return heap isEmpty Get the index of the parent node of a given index int parentIndex int index return index Get the index of the left child node of a given index int leftChildIndex int index return index Get the index of the right child node of a given index int rightChildIndex int index return index Move a value up the heap to restore the min heap property void moveUp int index while index gt amp amp heap index lt heap parentIndex index final parentIndex parentIndex index swap index parentIndex index parentIndex Move a value down the heap to restore the min heap property void moveDown int index while true var smallest index final lChildIdx leftChildIndex index final rChildIdx rightChildIndex index if lChildIdx lt heap length amp amp heap lChildIdx lt heap smallest Update the smallest index if the left child is smaller smallest lChildIdx if rChildIdx lt heap length amp amp heap rChildIdx lt heap smallest Update the smallest index if the right child is smaller smallest rChildIdx if smallest index break Swap the value with the smallest child swap index smallest Move down to the smallest child index index smallest void swap int i int j final temp heap i heap i heap j heap j temp To convert a max heap into a min heap the following changes need to be done Change the comparison operator In a max heap the comparison operator used for comparing elements is typically “greater than gt To convert it into a min heap you need to change the comparison operator to “less than lt or “less than or equal to lt Adjust the heapify operation The heapify operation is responsible for maintaining the heap property In a max heap it ensures that the maximum element is at the root In a min heap it needs to be modified to ensure that the minimum element is at the root Update any relevant code that relies on the assumption of a max heap If there are any other parts of your code that assume a max heap such as extraction of maximum element or operations based on the max heap property you may need to modify them accordingly to work with a min heap Undirected GraphAn Undirected Graph consists of a set of vertices connected by edges where the edges have no direction Check this for different types of Graph data structureSpace Complexity O V E where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph Time Complexity Add Vertex O ーAdding a vertex to the graph Add Edge O ーAdding an edge between two vertices Remove Vertex O V E ーRemoving a vertex and all associated edges Remove Edge O ーRemoving an edge between two vertices Use case Used to represent relationships between entities or to solve problems related to graph theory such as pathfinding algorithms class Graph Map lt String List lt String gt gt adjacencyList void addVertex String vertex if adjacencyList containsKey vertex adjacencyList vertex void addEdge String vertex String vertex adjacencyList vertex add vertex adjacencyList vertex add vertex void removeVertex String vertex adjacencyList remove vertex adjacencyList forEach key value gt value remove vertex void removeEdge String vertex String vertex adjacencyList vertex remove vertex adjacencyList vertex remove vertex TreesIn computer science a tree is a widely used data structure that represents a hierarchical structure Just like a real life tree it consists of nodes connected by edges Each node in a tree can have zero or more child nodes except for the root node which has no parent The nodes in a tree are organised in a specific way to allow efficient data manipulation and retrieval Types of Trees Binary Tree A binary tree is a tree structure in which each node has at most two child nodes referred to as the left child and the right child Binary trees are commonly used as the basis for more complex tree structures Binary Search Tree BST A binary search tree is a binary tree where the values in the left subtree of a node are less than the node s value and the values in the right subtree are greater than or equal to the node s value BSTs are commonly used for efficient searching insertion and deletion operations AVL Tree An AVL Adelson Velskii and Landis tree is a self balancing binary search tree It maintains a balance factor for each node ensuring that the heights of the left and right subtrees differ by at most one AVL trees guarantee efficient logarithmic time complexity for various operations Red Black Tree A red black tree is another self balancing binary search tree It ensures balanced properties by assigning colors red or black to nodes and performing rotations and color adjustments during insertion and deletion operations Red black trees provide efficient logarithmic time complexity for operations and are widely used in various applications B Tree A B tree is a self balancing tree structure designed for efficient disk access It allows for multiple keys and child pointers per node enabling efficient data storage and retrieval in external storage systems Trie A trie also known as a prefix tree is a tree structure commonly used for efficient retrieval of strings or sequences It stores characters of a string in a tree like structure making it efficient for prefix based searches Common Tree Applications File systems Directory structures in operating systems are often represented using trees Database systems Indexing structures like B trees are used for efficient data retrieval Compiler design Syntax trees are used to represent the structure of programs Artificial Intelligence Decision trees and search trees are used in various AI algorithms Networking Routing algorithms use tree based data structures for efficient packet routing Hierarchical data representation Trees are used to represent hierarchical relationships in data such as organisation charts or family trees Balanced TreesA balanced tree is a type of tree data structure where the heights of the subtrees of any node differ by at most a constant factor This balance ensures that the tree remains relatively symmetrical and avoids the creation of long paths that can lead to inefficient operations Balanced trees are designed to provide optimal performance for various operations such as searching insertion and deletion Some examples of balanced trees include AVL trees red black trees and B trees These trees employ specific balancing mechanisms such as rotations and color adjustments to maintain their balanced properties Benefits of Balanced Trees Efficient Operations Balanced trees offer efficient time complexities for operations like searching insertion and deletion These operations typically have logarithmic time complexity ensuring fast access to elements even as the size of the tree increases Stable Performance By maintaining balance these trees prevent worst case scenarios where the tree becomes highly skewed and performance degrades significantly Balanced trees provide stable and predictable performance across a wide range of inputs Optimal Space Utilisation Balanced trees optimise space utilisation by minimising the height of the tree This ensures that the tree structure occupies a reasonable amount of memory regardless of the number of elements it contains Unbalanced TreesUnbalanced trees on the other hand do not maintain the balance property As a result the heights of the subtrees of a node can differ significantly leading to a skewed or elongated tree structure In an unbalanced tree certain operations can become inefficient For example searching for an element may require traversing a long path resulting in a time complexity closer to linear rather than logarithmic Similarly inserting or deleting nodes may disrupt the tree s structure making subsequent operations less efficient Unbalanced trees can occur due to various reasons such as improper insertion and deletion operations or a specific pattern of data that causes the tree to become lopsided Impact of Unbalanced Trees Reduced Performance Unbalanced trees can lead to poor performance for operations such as searching insertion and deletion The time complexity may no longer be logarithmic and the efficiency of the tree decreases as the number of elements grows Increased Memory Consumption In some cases unbalanced trees may require more memory than balanced trees to store the same number of elements This is because unbalanced trees may have longer paths and higher heights It is important to note that unbalanced trees are not inherently bad or inappropriate in all scenarios There are specific situations where unbalanced trees can still offer acceptable performance especially if the tree remains relatively shallow or the number of elements is small Binary Search Tree BST A Binary Search Tree is a binary tree based data structure in which the left child node has a value smaller than its parent node and the right child node has a value greater than or equal to its parent node Space Complexity O n where n is the number of nodes in the BST Time Complexity Search O log n ーSearching for a value in the BST Insertion O log n ーInserting a value into the BST Deletion O log n ーDeleting a value from the BST In order Traversal O n ーVisiting all nodes in ascending order Use case Searching for an element in a sorted collection efficiently Maintaining a collection of elements in sorted order Efficiently performing range queries finding elements within a given range Implementing associative arrays with efficient key value lookup class Node lt T gt T value Node lt T gt left Node lt T gt right Node this value class BinarySearchTree lt T extends Comparable lt T gt gt Node lt T gt root void insert T value root insertRecursive root value Node lt T gt insertRecursive Node lt T gt node T value if node null return Node lt T gt value if value compareTo node value lt node left insertRecursive node left value else node right insertRecursive node right value return node bool search T value return searchRecursive root value bool searchRecursive Node lt T gt node T value if node null return false if value compareTo node value return true if value compareTo node value lt return searchRecursive node left value else return searchRecursive node right value void delete T value root deleteRecursive root value Node lt T gt deleteRecursive Node lt T gt node T value if node null return node if value compareTo node value lt node left deleteRecursive node left value else if value compareTo node value gt node right deleteRecursive node right value else if node left null amp amp node right null node null else if node left null node node right else if node right null node node left else var minValue findMinValue node right node value minValue node right deleteRecursive node right minValue return node T findMinValue Node lt T gt node while node left null node node left return node value void inOrderTraversal inOrderTraversalRecursive root void inOrderTraversalRecursive Node lt T gt node if node null inOrderTraversalRecursive node left print node value inOrderTraversalRecursive node right Red Black TreeA Red Black Tree is a self balancing binary search tree that ensures the tree remains balanced by enforcing certain properties such as colorings on the nodes Space Complexity O n where n is the number of nodes in the Red Black Tree Time Complexity Search O log n ーSearching for a value in the Red Black Tree Insertion O log n ーInserting a value into the Red Black Tree Deletion O log n ーDeleting a value from the Red Black Tree In order Traversal O n ーVisiting all nodes in ascending order Use case Maintaining a sorted collection efficiently while supporting efficient insertion and deletion operations Implementing ordered data structures such as interval trees or augmented search trees Database indexing and storage systems where efficient searching insertion and deletion are essential enum NodeColor red black class RBNode lt T extends Comparable lt T gt gt T value RBNode lt T gt left RBNode lt T gt right RBNode lt T gt parent NodeColor color RBNode this value color NodeColor red class RedBlackTree lt T extends Comparable lt T gt gt RBNode lt T gt root void insert T value var newNode RBNode lt T gt value insertNode newNode fixViolation newNode void insertNode RBNode lt T gt newNode if root null root newNode root color NodeColor black return var current root RBNode lt T gt parent while current null parent current if newNode value compareTo current value lt current current left else current current right newNode parent parent if newNode value compareTo parent value lt parent left newNode else parent right newNode void fixViolation RBNode lt T gt node RBNode lt T gt parent RBNode lt T gt grandparent while node root amp amp node color NodeColor red amp amp node parent color NodeColor red parent node parent grandparent parent parent if parent grandparent left var uncle grandparent right if uncle null amp amp uncle color NodeColor red parent color NodeColor black uncle color NodeColor black grandparent color NodeColor red node grandparent else if node parent right rotateLeft parent node parent parent node parent rotateRight grandparent var temp parent color parent color grandparent color grandparent color temp node parent else var uncle grandparent left if uncle null amp amp uncle color NodeColor red parent color NodeColor black uncle color NodeColor black grandparent color NodeColor red node grandparent else if node parent left rotateRight parent node parent parent node parent rotateLeft grandparent var temp parent color parent color grandparent color grandparent color temp node parent root color NodeColor black void rotateLeft RBNode lt T gt node var rightChild node right node right rightChild left if rightChild left null rightChild left parent node rightChild parent node parent if node parent null root rightChild else if node node parent left node parent left rightChild else node parent right rightChild rightChild left node node parent rightChild void rotateRight RBNode lt T gt node var leftChild node left node left leftChild right if leftChild right null leftChild right parent node leftChild parent node parent if node parent null root leftChild else if node node parent right node parent right leftChild else node parent left leftChild leftChild right node node parent leftChild bool search T value var current root while current null if value compareTo current value return true else if value compareTo current value lt current current left else current current right return false ConclusionIn this article we explored a wide range of data structures and their implementations in Dart We covered various fundamental data structures including sets queues linked lists doubly linked lists deques hash maps undirected graphs heaps binary search trees BST and red black trees Sets allow for storing unique elements efficiently and performing set operations such as union intersection and difference Queues and deques are used for managing elements in a first in first out FIFO manner with deques also allowing efficient insertion and deletion at both ends Linked lists provide flexibility for dynamic element insertion and deletion while hash maps enable fast key value lookups based on a hash function Undirected graphs were introduced as a way to represent relationships between entities and we explored different graph traversal algorithms Heaps specifically the min heap and max heap variants were discussed as tree like structures useful for maintaining the minimum or maximum element at the root Finally we delved into binary search trees BST and red black trees which are self balancing binary search trees We examined their properties operations such as insertion deletion and searching and their advantages in maintaining ordered collections efficiently By covering these diverse data structures readers gained a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities performance characteristics and best use cases Armed with this knowledge developers are equipped to select and implement the most appropriate data structure for their specific problem domains optimising efficiency and achieving scalable solutions 2023-07-20 13:31:25
海外TECH DEV Community Tax Simplified with AI https://dev.to/aiforme/tax-simplified-with-ai-1hl0 Tax Simplified with AITax season can be a daunting time for many individuals and businesses However with the help of TaxGenius an AI assisted tax app filing taxes just got a whole lot easier This innovative platform is designed to provide answers to the most popular questions about taxes streamlining the tax preparation process and ensuring a smoother experience for users AI Assistance for Tax Queries TaxGenius leverages the power of artificial intelligence to address the most common questions and concerns people have about taxes From deductions and credits to filing deadlines and forms the app offers accurate and reliable information saving users time and effort in searching for answers Simplified Tax Preparation With TaxGenius the complexities of tax preparation are simplified The app guides users through the process step by step helping them understand the necessary information and documents required for filing taxes accurately This user friendly approach ensures that individuals and businesses can complete their tax returns with confidence Personalized Tax Recommendations TaxGenius provides personalized tax recommendations based on individual circumstances and financial situations By analyzing user data the app can suggest potential deductions and credits that might be applicable maximizing tax refunds and minimizing tax liabilities Real Time Updates and Alerts The app keeps users informed with real time updates and alerts about changes in tax laws and regulations Staying up to date with the latest tax rules ensures that users comply with all requirements and avoid any potential penalties Enhanced Security and Privacy TaxGenius prioritizes the security and privacy of user data The app employs robust encryption and security measures to safeguard sensitive financial information providing users with peace of mind during the tax filing process Reliable Customer Support In addition to AI assistance TaxGenius offers reliable customer support to address any specific questions or concerns that users may have A dedicated support team is available to provide assistance and ensure a smooth experience throughout tax season Conclusion TaxGenius revolutionizes the tax preparation process with its AI assisted tax app By providing answers to the most popular tax questions simplifying tax preparation offering personalized recommendations and delivering real time updates TaxGenius ensures that tax season is a stress free and efficient experience for individuals and businesses alike Embrace TaxGenius to make tax filing a breeze and maximize your tax returns this season 2023-07-20 13:30:00
海外TECH DEV Community Top 20 Must Try AI Tools for Developers in 2023 https://dev.to/astrodevil/top-20-must-try-ai-tools-for-developers-in-2023-166 Top Must Try AI Tools for Developers in In this article we ll see a few AI powered tools that are set to revolutionize development and make the life of developers easy in We ll talk about the top AI and low code tools designed to empower developers AI tools are so much more powerful now that it enables them to create impactful products manage teams and run their own startups Discover the cutting edge capabilities of these AI tools and how they can significantly enhance efficiency and innovation in the development process tl dvIntroducing tl dv an AI powered tool for call and meeting management With AI timestamps you can effortlessly highlight key moments and automatically generate summaries Get instant access to recordings timestamps and transcripts right after your calls Quickly find important moments create clips and utilize AI search for comprehensive insights across your meeting library Whether it s UX research product management or customer success This tool empowers you to enhance productivity drive user centric change and streamline collaboration Experience the transformative power of AI in optimizing your call workflows today Pieces for DevelopersPieces for Developers is an intelligent code snippet manager deeply integrated with AI to help you save generate enrich reuse and share code throughout your workflow The desktop application and suite of integrations with existing developer tools boost your productivity while researching in the browser collaborating with teammates and coding in the IDE You can generate contextualized code based on your personal repository extract code from screenshots automatically add inline comments to your code and much more all within a powerful centralized application that streamlines your workflow Code more efficiently with their free tools YOUYou com is a search engine built on artificial intelligence that provides users with a customized search experience while keeping their data private It s a proper app suite with lots of AI based tools and features With YOUwrite you can use AI to write blogs emails or social media posts With YOUimagine find and create stunning images using AI You can write code and take help in your development process by accessing code mode AI chat to search the web And study or learn new skills by using study mode chat to access resources across the web Explore YOU now JamJam dev is a user friendly tool trusted by thousands of teams It enables quick bug reporting without disrupting workflow generating comprehensive bug reports that include essential information like browser OS details console logs user actions network logs and linked services It seamlessly integrates with popular issue trackers and tools enhancing bug reporting in any preferred platform Additionally JamGPT an AI debugging assistant included with Jam analyzes bug reports identifies correlations and provides solutions allowing for faster debugging powered by AI JamGPT is available as a free extension for Jam users and as an instant ChatGPT app exclusively for macOS accessible via a convenient keyboard shortcut Decktopus AIDecktopus is an invaluable tool for developers and product managers enabling them to create impressive presentations effortlessly and without design expertise By saving time and effort it allows them to concentrate on essential tasks For developers Decktopus generates visually appealing presentations for project updates technical documentation and product demos effectively conveying information to diverse audiences Product managers can utilize its features to craft engaging presentations for product roadmaps market research and customer feedback utilizing customizable themes layouts and design options Decktopus offers built in tools such as forms voice recording custom domain integration webhook functionality and multimedia embedding enhancing the overall presentation experience¹ Leap AILeap AI provides AI APIs for developers Covers a wide range of AI tasks including image recognition text analysis and natural language processing Leap AI s APIs offer user friendly features making them accessible even for developers without AI experience These APIs are scalable allowing you to adjust the number of requests as per your needs With reliable performance you can trust that Leap AI s APIs will be available when required If you seek a provider with diverse services easy to use APIs and scalability Leap AI is an excellent choice Integrate with over apps without writing any code Notion AINotion AI is a helpful tool inside the Notion workspace assisting with writing brainstorming editing and summarizing It boosts writing efficiency and speed suitable for various content types like blogs job descriptions and emails The Notion AI automates content creation including blogs brainstorming to do lists and literature using powerful artificial intelligence Unlike other tools Notion s drag and drop text editor allows easy rearrangement and transformation of AI generated content Microsoft DesignerMicrosoft Designer is a versatile tool for crafting signs invitations logos social media posts and website banners With its AI capabilities you can effortlessly begin designing using your own images or AI generated options It supports you throughout the creative journey from ideation to actualization Equipped with AI superpowers it can generate striking designs and images based on your input while providing writing assistance and automatic layout suggestions It can help you in the promotion of your software and apps by using visual design generated using AI Microsoft ClipchampClipchamp is an online video editor that enables everyone to craft captivating stories through video Clipchamp is the go to platform for effortlessly editing videos for various purposes Whether starting from scratch or using a template for efficiency its extensive collection caters to all project types Importing videos from multiple sources including computers and mobile phones is a breeze Microsoft is using AI like crazy this video editor is super easy to use to edit presentations video tutorials or project introductions Automatically create accurate captions in over languages Turn text into speech with one click SuperAGISuperAGI is a user friendly open source platform for building and launching autonomous agents for different purposes With its graphical interface action console concurrent agents and various database options developers can easily create and manage AI agents SuperAGI is a developer focused framework for autonomous AI agents designed to simplify the development process It recently introduced SuperCoder a SuperAGI agent template to create simple software applications using goals amp instructions replicateReplicate is a cloud based platform that simplifies machine learning for developers It offers a scalable API to run open source models without requiring extensive knowledge of machine learning Developers can access Replicate s Python library or directly query the API using their preferred tools The platform hosts a diverse community of machine learning experts who share various models from language processing to video creation With Replicate and tools like Next js and Vercel developers can swiftly bring their ideas to life and gain visibility on platforms like Hacker News Replicate also streamlines model deployment with Cog an open source tool that packages models into production ready containers Overall Replicate enables easy and efficient integration of machine learning into projects Hugging FaceHugging Face is an AI community shaping the future enabling you to build train and deploy cutting edge models using open source machine learning With over organizations involved Hugging Face provides a collaborative hub where creators tackle challenges in Audio Vision and Language with AI Their natural language processing library Transformers is open source and now supports various ML models like Flair Asteroid ESPnet and Pyannote with more on the way Additionally Hugging Face offers an Inference API for seamless model deployment and the development of innovative technologies including T Multitask Prompted Training DistilBERT HMTL and Dynamical Language Models for enhanced language modeling PineconePinecone simplifies the development of high performance vector search apps offering scalability and ease of use It empowers AI application builders with reduced overhead and ultra low latencies enabling a seamless transition from research to production without DevOps With Pinecone you can effortlessly launch utilize and scale your AI solution without the need for infrastructure maintenance or algorithm troubleshooting MidjourneyMidjourney is an AI powered program that generates stunning images using advanced algorithms and state of the art technology It serves as a valuable tool for developers enabling them to create visually appealing images for various projects such as websites apps and games Moreover developers can leverage Midjourney to explore AI and machine learning techniques integrating them into their own projects By incorporating Midjourney developers can enhance the visual appeal of their work and experiment with cutting edge AI techniques making it a powerful tool for their creative endeavours AssemblyAIAssemblyAI is a leading platform that offers AI models for speech transcription and comprehension Their user friendly API provides access to advanced AI models that can recognize speakers summarize speeches and more Leveraging cutting edge AI research AssemblyAI delivers reliable and scalable models through a secure API trusted by numerous startups and enterprises worldwide With comprehensive resources including tutorials and documentation developers can easily integrate AssemblyAI s API to create innovative products incorporating speech recognition and understanding By utilizing AssemblyAI s state of the art AI models developers gain a powerful tool for accurately transcribing and comprehending speech data in their projects ChatPDFChatPDF is an AI platform that extracts information from PDFs enabling users to chat with PDF files as if they were talking to a human It is similar to ChatGPT but specifically designed for research papers To use ChatPDF visit their website and upload a pdf It offers a chat interface exclusively for interacting with PDFs in real time This tool allows users to efficiently complete tasks and extract information from large PDF files It accepts PDFs in any language and can chat in any language AgentGPTAgentGPT is a platform that enables users to create and deploy their own autonomous AI agents online Users can give their agents a name and objective and the agents will work towards achieving the assigned goal Through a chain of language models the agents think execute tasks evaluate their performance and generate new tasks recursively advancing towards their objective With AgentGPT developers have a powerful tool for creating personalized AI agents capable of accomplishing diverse goals LangChainLangChain is a framework that simplifies application development using large language models It offers modular abstractions and implementations for various components making it easy to work with language models Additionally LangChain provides customizable use case specific chains enabling developers to quickly start and customize applications for specific purposes like document analysis chatbots and code analysis Overall LangChain empowers developers to leverage language models effectively and build innovative applications Gretel aiGretel ai is a synthetic data platform that enables developers to create artificial datasets resembling real data ensuring privacy is maintained With Gretel ai s APIs developers can easily generate anonymized and secure synthetic data accelerating innovation while protecting sensitive information The platform offers comprehensive tools for training AI models validating use cases and generating data as required with a quick setup time Developers can explore synthetic data through sample notebooks or the user friendly web app catering to both technical and non technical users Gretel ai empowers developers to harness the potential of synthetic data while upholding privacy standards CodeWPCodeWP is a cutting edge AI code generator and assistant built for WordPress With its powerful features and user friendly interface it simplifies code creation testing and installation It offers a vast library of verified snippets and tutorials to enhance your skills making it a valuable tool for all aspects of WordPress development Just ask the generator and it will provide custom solutions tailored to your needs I hope these AI based tools and websites will help you as a developer to grow more If You ️My Content Connect Me on Twitter or Supports Me By Buying Me A Coffee I am open to collaborating on Blog Articles and Guest Posts🫱‍🫲Contact Here 2023-07-20 13:19:46
海外TECH DEV Community ✍️What name should I give the project? https://dev.to/schbenedikt/what-name-should-i-give-the-project-565g ️What name should I give the project I have already explained a lot of my project in my previous episodes But now that I have my first contributor I want to give my project a great name so that it stands out from the rest and is instantly recognizable I would then also use this name for the website with netlify At the moment it is simply called Which one would you suggest I am happy about all wishes 2023-07-20 13:11:53
海外TECH DEV Community 10 Portfolio Projects you can try as an entry-level Data Analyst/Scientist https://dev.to/durgesh4993/10-portfolio-projects-you-can-try-as-an-entry-level-data-analystscientist-e8e Portfolio Projects you can try as an entry level Data Analyst ScientistI hate the word newbie If you are in a hurry skip to the third paragraph I always do this “catching up thing before going straight to the point In the course of my journey here are projects I had engaged in to build my portfolio career Crop Recommendation SystemTools used Python HTML CSS Flask Basic ML knowledgeDifficulty EasyThis was the first project I ever did and even though I hate it so much now I m so proud of it I built a decision tree model that recommends the best crop under certain weather and soil condition I deployed it locally using Flask and I have a terrible version of the project on my github currently so I do not want to link it When I push a better version I will link it here Movie recommender systemTools used Python Knowledge of NLTK and Cosine Similarity Heroku StreamlitDifficulty MediumNow this was my second project but it was nothing like the first project It uses NLP and cosine similarity I had just finished Andrew Ng s Machine learning course on Coursera and watched a TMDB movie recommender tutorial on YouTube so I built one on the Netflix dataset I also worked on streamlit to allow user access and even deployed using Heroku For me this is the hardest project I have ever done I even cried Currently I have learned better ways to do things but I did learn a lot from it This is a link to the github It needs some tidying but it s not that terrible Forbes EDA using PythonTools used Python Pandas and Matplolib Difficulty EasyThis was the first EDA project that I published I had written about it too on this link The project was easy it made me realize you learn from small projects too I revised my knowledge of Pandas and Matplolib I also learned how to ask the right questions and how analysis is targeted toward uncovering something A whole lot of people got to know me through this project too This is a GitHub link to the project Market Basket AnalysisTools used Python pandas matplotlib association rules Difficulty MediumI haven t posted about this project yet but it s one of the projects I think a data analyst should try You get to understand association rules how products in a company sell and which products are best sold with each other How a high sales product can aid in selling a low sales one and so on I enjoyed learning and doing this one and might be pushing it on my GitHub soon but before then you should research and try it It is easy Implementing Gayle Shapley s Stable Matching AlgorithmTools Used PythonDifficulty MediumNow this isn t a data related project I went for an academy program last year that is python oriented and I was opportune enough to implement this algorithm in python This algorithm is so interesting The Gayle Sharply matching algorithm is aimed at ensuring stable matching The end goal is meant to be that everyone gets married to a man woman and they are all happy with their matches They all get to be with their most available preference I don t think I am explaining it well enough I might dedicate a whole post to it but before then you can read research about it on google The Bechdel testTools used Tableau Python For analysis Difficulty EasyThe Bechdel Test ascertains there exists at least a scene in a movie where a woman speaks to another woman and it isn t about a man I will definitely write a post about this project It s one of the ones that hooked me on the first read The moment I heard of this test I wanted to do something with it to tell people about it I linked it with the evolution of feminism and researched if the impact of feminism has improved how society viewed women As such I grouped the years into different centuries and observed the number of movies that passed the test over the years I even made a tableau visualization for it but I haven t perfected it yet I haven t posted about it either Sentiment Analysis ProjectTools Python NLTK Power BIDifficulty EasyI had done a sentiment analysis project when black panther came out and I did another recently with two different libraries It s quite easy to do and I think it s something every data analyst should try I even visualized it using Power BI and I dared to use a black background Yes I did that Here is a link to the post Black Panther Data science job salariesTools Used PostgreSQL Excel Power BIDifficulty MediumAgain one of the projects that made me out there I got so many reviews and feedback on this project I used SQL Excel for cleaning and Power BI for visualization I had written about it and published it too on this link The data was gotten from this link and I explored the salaries of data professionals by their professions mobility employment type and many more SQL was used for the data analysis I had used window functions and subqueries and honestly I was able to properly practice what I had learned Classification of a phishing mailTools used PythonDifficulty HardThis is one of the toughest projects I have engaged in I built models that classify phishing emails and non phishing emails using email structure stylometric features and so on It took quite a time I worked on feature extraction data cleaning dimensionality reduction cross validation and model building explored different evaluation methods too I haven t pushed this on my GitHub either but I will soon I don t think I can make a post about it though Open Source ContributionThere are still some more projects to talk about but the number project will be to contribute to open source I learned unit testing git and so much more through open source It is something I don t do often because I always have little jobs that keep me so occupied but once I have a full time job I will definitely become a regular contributor There is so much to learn and open source is one of the fastest ways to learn them Connect With Me LinkedIn GitHub Twitter 2023-07-20 13:08:13
海外TECH DEV Community #DEVDiscuss: Package Management (NPM) https://dev.to/devteam/devdiscuss-package-management-npm-mn9 DEVDiscuss Package Management NPM image created by Margaux Peltat for the Chilled Cow YouTube channelTime for DEVDiscuss ーright here on DEV A Comprehensive Beginner s Guide to NPM Simplifying Package Management Abishek Haththakage・Jul webdev beginners npm programming Inspired by abhixsh s Top post tonight s topic is package management If you re not familiar a package manager is a system that will manage your project dependencies A dependency is a third party bit of software usually written by someone else that solves a problem for you Node Package Manager abbreviated to NPM is a robust package manager designed for JavaScript projects primarily used in conjunction with Node js Questions How would you describe your experience with NPM What do you find most useful about it Which NPM command or feature do you find the most helpful in your day to day development work If you ve encountered any challenges or difficulties while using NPM how did you overcome them Any triumphs fails or other stories you d like to share on this topic Looking forward to a lively discussion on NPM and package management in general Let s get started 2023-07-20 13:03:40
海外TECH DEV Community How to find a suitable topic at GitHub to contribute? https://dev.to/aregtech/how-to-find-a-suitable-topic-at-github-to-contribute-5h3j How to find a suitable topic at GitHub to contribute There are millions of projects at GitHub and the developers often don t know which project can be the best and most interesting to contribute Here I d like to share ideas how to find the best and the most interesting project to join to contribute Project issuesOne important thing you should keep in mind Each project has a list of open issues tasks with labels like this The issues that need a help normally are labeled help help wanted good first issue etc GitHub searchThe GitHub has powerful search engine where you can filter the results by various criteria For example the search by keyword help wanted and filtering by issues will bring such result As you noticed on the first row there are issues with the title Help wanted and I guess this is not what you are looking for Narrow search resultTo narrow the search result on the left side of the page there are many other criteria to filter If you remove the searching text help wanted and instead select label help wanted and select the state open you ll have the result of all open issues labeled help wanted As a software developer you might like to narrow the result by programming language and the technology Unfortunately the search of an issue does not support filtering by topics But you can still use searching by keyword label and programming language For example If you search by language C this will be your search result If you search by keyword user interface this will be your search result If you are a technical writer and search by additional label documentation this will be your search result Issues with labelsIn addition if the owners of the repositories add more relevant and precise labels to the issues it increases the possibility that the OSS developers find the issues they would loved to resolve For example the issues of AREG SDK which marked help wanted in addition have such labels like C or cmake unit test etc It costs a second to add an additional label but it saves a lot for others to find and to start to contribute in the project Experiment with the filters of GitHub search For example if you are not really sure for the project or want something simpler you can as well filter by good first issue which normally supposed to be easier tasks The GitHub as well has possibility for advanced search which you can find in the menu of the right top corner of the search page Help me to get more contributorsSince i run a OSS project I d like to take the opportunity to invite contributors to join the project The C C developers that would like to contribute are welcome to join AREG SDK project The C developers can join the project to develop AREG SDK UI tools For the technical writers there are Wiki pages of AREG SDK project that I would like to improve All others please help me by voting this post and starring areg sdk repository This will increase the possibility to find more contributors 2023-07-20 13:01:19
海外TECH Engadget Amazon is bringing its palm-based payments to all Whole Foods Market stores https://www.engadget.com/amazon-is-bringing-its-palm-based-payments-to-all-whole-foods-market-stores-132413042.html?src=rss Amazon is bringing its palm based payments to all Whole Foods Market storesYou won t have much trouble paying with your palm at the grocery store in the near future Amazon now says it s bringing its One palm recognition technology to all Whole Foods Market stores in the US by the end of the year As before you can hover your palm over a reader to pay for your shopping or make use of your Prime perks You won t have to pull out your phone or wallet if you ve already signed up online Amazon One is already available in plus stores in states like California New York and Texas The expansion will bring it to over shops The tech is also available in some third party locations You can buy beer at the Colorado Rockies stadium or get breakfast at a Panera cafe The palm recognition system is billed as an advantage over tap to pay and other contactless systems that still require some kind of physical item including Amazon s computer vision based Just Walk Out tech It s also potentially helpful for businesses It makes sure that alcohol buyers are of legal age and the deeper nature of the scans which look at both the palm and veins create a distinctive vector quot signature quot that supposedly can t be copied The approach has its critics however Activists have called on music venues and other locations to drop Amazon One over privacy and human rights concerns While Amazon touts secure cloud storage for palm signatures as well as anti tampering protections opponents are concerned governments could use the data to track protesters and marginalized people Objectors are also worried hackers could still take and abuse data The company is already facing legal trouble over its practices A proposed class action lawsuit alleges Amazon broke New York City law by failing to clearly notify Go store shoppers that it was collecting biometric data including palms Amazon maintains that One users are explicitly consenting to data collection but it s not clear that s enough to honor the legislation This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-20 13:24:13
海外TECH Engadget ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ finds empathy in memory https://www.engadget.com/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-finds-empathy-in-memory-130048301.html?src=rss Star Trek Strange New Worlds finds empathy in memoryThe following article contains spoilers for “Lost in Translation Late last month I came off my bicycle and smashed the side of my head on the curb in a fairly dramatic accident It gave me one hell of a concussion a smashed up face and a fair amount of memory loss including everything about the incident itself Four weeks later I m still struggling and while I m feeling a little better every day it s a slow process to recovery It s appropriate then that this week s Strange New Worlds touches on that relationship with our memories The episode asks if memory is tied to empathy and if we can only sympathize with others if their pain calls to our own I might not be entirely lucid all of the time right now but it certainly does feel like the smartest episode of Star Trek I ve seen in a while Enterprise and the Farragut are headed to a new facility that s behind schedule a deuterium extraction base Starfleet has built the enormous “gas station inside a nebula on the edge of Gorn space to help fuel a new age of space exploration And you know be a nice strategic location for the already well telegraphed war with the Gorn that s coming at some point soon Uhura who has been more involved with this mission than others is feeling the strain of all the work She s having difficulty sleeping and has been watching videos that Hemmer recorded for her to teach her how to do basic engineering work At the nebula she starts hearing the Transformers noise and experiences flashbacks to the accident that killed her family Rather than keep these problems to herself Uhura wisely goes to Dr M Benga for help but he prescribes rest The crew believes she s suffering from deuterium exposure as hallucinations are a common side effect But the visions get worse and she starts seeing Zombie Hemmer a welcome if brief return for the much missed Bruce Horak The gas station should have been active a while ago so Pike sends over Una to crack the whip and Pelia to lend her expertise There s tension between the pair Una acting like the sort of hard charging CEO who ignores Pelia s soon proved right opinion One of the station s crew has been sabotaging things and is seeing the same traumatic visions as Uhura As much as the crew is sympathetic to the pair s plight they still feel the cause is deuterium poisoning The only person willing to explore another option is “and special guest star Paul Wesley as James T Kirk He s over from the Farragut for uh reasons but quickly forms a bond with Uhura trusting her instincts that something strange is going on ASIDE Those reasons being that Anson Mount was on paternity leave for a chunk of Strange New Worlds second season The crew gave him a greatly reduced workload and you ll notice how little Pike has been present in many episodes Much as Mount is the show s star and a wonderful presence his reduced visibility here has been a boon for the series overall More of the ensemble has been given more time in the spotlight and while the limited episode order hampers some of this broadening out it s great to see a more democratic vision of the show There s a touching scene too where La an and Kirk talk about their divergent childhoods and the absence of parents George Kirk still alive in this universe was missing from much of Jim s childhood roaming the universe to save others La an meanwhile was one of those people saved It s a little elegant reminder of why Starfleet exists and why so many people in Trek s fictional world sign up to its mission The rogue station crewmember breaks out of sickbay shuts off the lights and looks to sabotage the Enterprise in the only underwhelming moment in the whole episode It almost felt like a studio note to break up the pace of the episode with an “action sequence albeit one that can be shot on standing sets The team stumbles around in the darkness of the Enterprise corridors for a bit before Kirk saves Uhura from an explosion After much unraveling it transpires that the gas station is built on the home of extra dimensional aliens lurking within the deuterium Their only way to communicate is to find sympathetic brains and provoke memories of grief of loss to try and explain their predicament Both the station and the starships are pulling in deuterium for fuel mincing up countless alien lifeforms for power Uhura and Kirk go to Pike who wastes no time in torching the station rather than allowing any more pointless deaths Uhura can sleep well again and even Zombie Hemmer has been turned back into Regular Hemmer smiling in approval There s just time for Jim to meet Spock for the first time before we pan out to the credits At the risk of sounding like Bill Hader s impression of Alan Alda “Lost in Translation is full of great writing The screenplay credited to Onitra Johnson and David Reed is smarter and subtler than some recent Trek episodes I could mention While some Strange New Worlds episodes can sometimes leap to unintended conclusions while exploring a Big Idea it works perfectly here And I must say that it s a wonderful sight to see Pike choose to torch the station because it s very clearly the right thing to do Much as we may miss the debating hall sequences of golden age Trek isn t it nice to just see people do the thing that aligns with their values rather than spending minutes talking about it beforehand This is an exploration of empathy and how some people get it and the help that comes with it while others are left to suffer in ignomy It speaks to a sense that we re missing a general sense of empathy in public life as a number of figures strive to out do each other in their brutality Is memory then the key to mercy Are those who were brought up in perpetual comfort less able to feel pity If it s the former it s a deliciously subtle comment about those with short memories often emboldened by a political and media culture that values forgetfulness are forever doomed to make the same mistakes ANOTHER ASIDE A recurring theme in Strange New Worlds second season is the function of memory and not in the way you might expect from a prequel Rather than amping up the nostalgia bait the show is instead exploring how memory informs and shapes our society The one downside of “Among The Lotus Eaters was that one episode simply couldn t contain a deeper exploration of its perpetually amnesiac society So yeah I m a fan This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-20 13:00:48
海外TECH Engadget The best finance and security apps for college students https://www.engadget.com/best-finance-and-security-apps-for-college-students-130035602.html?src=rss The best finance and security apps for college studentsYou may be more or less prepared for the academics of college but the other life stuff can be an eye opener College might be the first time you re in charge of your own finances and with new living situations new jobs and new connections you may also be expanding the amount of personal data you re putting out into the world If you could use a little help with budgeting remembering passwords or making sure everything you do online is secure here are the finance and security apps we ve used tested and ultimately recommend MintIf you re new to tracking finances getting an overview of your banking credit and loan accounts in one place can be helpful Mint is a simple and free app that does just that I tested it for our subscription guide and continue to use it The interface is intuitive and it s pretty good at correctly categorizing purchases The main features like transaction history self budgeting and goal setting are available free For per month you can have Mint cancel subscriptions on your behalf and you won t see as many ad links peppered throughout the app though I ve never found the ads particularly distracting YNABFor help creating a more formal budget a few Engadget staffers use YNAB You Need A Budget and we recommend it in our guide to student budgeting It s based around a theory that imposes four “rules to improve your money management and learning those principles now will benefit you long after graduation The browser and mobile app interfaces are pretty easy to use and YNAB has a ton of instructional content for newbies that can point you in the right direction when you re first setting up expense categories debt trackers and sinking funds It s usually per month or per year but students who can prove they re in school can get a year for free GoodbudgetBetween loans jobs and if you re lucky scholarships and financial aid a student s “extra money can be pretty limited Goodbudget translates the envelope technique to an app format earmarking your money for the things you need to pay for By visualizing what you have and what you need you can see when there s room for stuff you want like going out with friends or decorating your first apartment Plenty of graphs and sliders help map out your situation and Goodbudget also offers free online classes for those who want to get better with money granted that may be a hard sell when you re already in school The free version gives you twenty total envelopes split between expenses and goals and lets you add one bank account For unlimited accounts and envelopes the paid version is per month or per year Acorns investmentSay you indulge in an Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso for The Acorns investment app rounds up that last cents and deposits it into an investment account and over time your money grows By providing a simple app and recommending just a few different portfolios Acorns takes some of the complexity out of investing For students in particular it s also easier to invest a few cents here and there than larger chunks of cash when you re already just trying to get by The monthly plan defaults to per month with an option of a plan at sign up Both come with a checking and a retirement savings account in addition to the investment features so if you re totally starting fresh this could prove useful PasswordOur senior security reporter Katie Malone put Password at the top of Engadget s guide to password managers Like all services like this Password one helps you create unique and complex credentials for every site you use and then saves them securely so you don t have to remember them all It works across most platforms and even lets you share logins and credit card info with other people as needed which will make it easier to access any family accounts you may need while in school The security and encryption measures are top notch with a zero knowledge policy that ensures the company doesn t store your data as well as a bug bounty program that rewards ethical hackers who discover any vulnerabilities Proton VPNIf you study in public places where the WiFi is suspect a VPN can give you an extra layer of protection It s not a cure all for online security woes but VPNs do create a protected “tunnel to keep out people who may otherwise have access to your data like your internet service provider or hackers targeting public WiFi Proton VPN is the best overall option not just because it s easy to use The Switzerland based company also enforces a no log policy and their open source software continually stands up to independent audits Unlike some VPNs it didn t tank our connection speeds in our tests either Proton goes for per month to access servers in countries or you can get the free version with access to just three ProtonMailFree email services are everywhere but finding one that isn t propped up by selling your habits and history to advertisers is almost impossible And while you might get a school email address a good personal email will serve you long after access to your alumni mail is discontinued ProtonMail is focused on privacy It uses end to end encryption whereas a service like Gmail encrypts messages in transit only Proton s open source encryption methods are independently audited and since the service is supported by paid subscriptions and not advertising the company has little incentive to snoop your info Free plans give you one gigabyte of storage and allow for emails per day while a per month subscription grants GB of storage and removes email limits SignalAs a non profit there s no tech giant behind the wheel at Signal which sets it apart from most other messaging services A phone number is required for set up but that s about all the information Signal ever collects It s a favorite of journalists protestors and people living in unstable territories but students who realize their communications are no one else s business will find the app useful too Texts videos and images you send are end to end encrypted using open source protocols and you can even set messages to expire Recent additions that enhance group chats may make Signal feel a little more like other messaging apps but the core structure of the service will always be fundamentally more private than many competitors NoonlightStaying safe in college extends beyond online safety which is where apps like Noonlight come in Tinder bought a stake in the app a few years ago to help people in the event of a date gone wrong Within the app you ll find a giant white button that you press and hold in sketchy situations As long as you hold the button nothing happens Let go of it and unless you enter a secret pin to prove you re safe the police will be dispatched to your location A timeline feature lets you add names and images when you re meeting someone new The safety network allows your friends and family to request check ins and take action when they don t hear from you The free version includes all three of the features mentioned above while the per month plan adds an iPhone widget and the ability to sync with rideshare apps This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-07-20 13:00:35
海外TECH WIRED Twilight of the Mods https://www.wired.com/story/reddit-bluesky-moderation/ reddit 2023-07-20 13:15:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Mortgage rates fall for first time in two months https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66256911?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA interest 2023-07-20 13:56:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine war: Wheat prices soar after Russia threatens ships https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66253143?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA military 2023-07-20 13:43:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Banks face threat to licences over Farage account row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66254596?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA nigel 2023-07-20 13:50:34
ニュース BBC News - Home Police search for suspected lion roaming Berlin area https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66254908?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA berlin 2023-07-20 13:57:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Brianna Ghey: Teenager denies murdering 16-year-old https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-66244464?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cheshire 2023-07-20 13:06:26
ニュース BBC News - Home New Zealand 1-0 Norway: Football Ferns claim historic first Women's World Cup win https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66241739?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA New Zealand Norway Football Ferns claim historic first Women x s World Cup winCo hosts New Zealand open the Fifa Women s World Cup in stunning style against Norway as they win on the global stage for the first time 2023-07-20 13:05:42



投稿時間:2021-06-17 22:08:45 RSSフィード2021-06-17 22:00 分まとめ(2089件)

投稿時間:2021-06-20 02:06:12 RSSフィード2021-06-20 02:00 分まとめ(3871件)

投稿時間:2020-12-01 09:41:49 RSSフィード2020-12-01 09:00 分まとめ(69件)