AWS Database Blog |
AWS expands Amazon Managed Blockchain with Access and Query |
AWS expands Amazon Managed Blockchain with Access and QueryToday we are happy to announce the general availability of Amazon Managed Blockchain AMB Access and Query These two services expand AMB s capabilities to help developers seamlessly interact with public blockchains so they can build scalable applications quickly and securely AMB Access provides a new serverless offering for non mining full blockchain nodes With AMB Access … |
2023-07-27 15:00:53 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】Bluetoothライブラリpybluezのインストールができないときの対処法 |
bluetooth |
2023-07-28 00:24:17 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Next.js+Goでキャリアの意思決定を投稿できるサービスをつくりました |
nextjsgo |
2023-07-28 00:32:55 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Go】ログイン機能でウェブアプリを作ってみる(5) |
authregisterinitial |
2023-07-28 00:18:00 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Azure Databricks] コスト最適化のベストプラクティス(翻訳) |
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2023-07-28 00:38:17 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Azure Databricks] コスト最適化の原則(翻訳) |
azuredatabricks |
2023-07-28 00:25:05 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 7 Best Apps to Help Manage Your Keto Diet |
android |
2023-07-27 15:15:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 12 Best Meeting Minutes Templates for Professionals |
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2023-07-27 15:15:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Back Up and Restore Your Sticky Notes on Windows |
windows |
2023-07-27 15:15:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Whatcha Watchin'? 👀📺 |
Whatcha Watchin x Hey let s switch gears today and give ourselves a break from interview prep and coding chatter What shows are ya ll watching right now Futurama Based on A True Story Justified Has anyone seen Kevin Can F k Himself Follow the CodeNewbie Org and codenewbie for more discussions and online camaraderie CodeNewbie Follow The most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code Part of the DEV family |
2023-07-27 15:31:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
7 dicas para uma boa Revisão de Código (Code Review) |
dicas para uma boa Revisão de Código Code Review Revisões de código ou code reviews são uma prática essencial no desenvolvimento colaborativo e no mundo open source Elas contribuem na melhoria da qualidade do código na identificação de problemas e na no compartilhamento de conhecimento entre as pessoas da equipe Neste artigo vou compartilhar algumas dicas e boas práticas para realizar revisões de código de forma eficiente e eficaz Entenda o Objetivo da Revisão Antes de começar uma revisão de código éimportante entender o objetivo específico do processo As revisões podem ter várias finalidades como melhorar a qualidade do código identificar bugs garantir que as boas práticas de programação estejam sendo seguidas ou simplesmente aprender com o trabalho da equipe Entendendo esse objetivo vocêpode direcionar sua revisão de uma maneira mais objetiva Estabeleça Padrões de Programação Ter um conjunto claro de padrões de programação ésuper importante para facilitar o processo de revisão Isso inclui convenções de nomenclatura estilo de formatação uso de comentários e outras regras relevantes no seu ambiente de trabalho Quando todas as pessoas da equipe seguem os mesmos padrões a revisão se torna mais consistente e com menos erros causados por causa de estilos diferentes Revisão Construtiva e Educada As revisões de código são uma oportunidade para fornecer feedback construtivo e ajudar a melhorar o trabalho de colegas Éimportante manter um tom cortês e nunca usar críticas pessoais Foque em comentar melhorias específicas explicar o raciocínio por trás das sugestões e oferecer alternativas quando necessário No final do dia o todo mundo do time tem um objetivo em comum criar um código de qualidade Identifique Problemas Potenciais Durante a revisão procure por problemas comuns que podem afetar a qualidade do código Isso inclui bugs lógicos vulnerabilidades de segurança código duplicado ineficiências de desempenho e problemas de manutenibilidade Além disso verifique se as alterações propostas estão de acordo com os requisitos e objetivos do projeto Faça Revisões Incrementais Revisar grandes volumes de código pode ser exaustivo e menos eficiente Por isso érecomendável que as revisões sejam realizadas aos poucos àmedida que as alterações são adicionadas ao repositório Dessa forma émais fácil acompanhar o progresso do desenvolvimento e além de garantir que problemas sejam percebidos mais rapidamente Incentive o Diálogo e a Discussão A revisão de código éuma oportunidade para o trabalho em equipe e para a troca de conhecimentos entre as pessoas da equipe Incentive as pessoas desenvolvedoras com quem vocêtrabalha a participarem de discussões saudáveis e a explicarem suas decisões O diálogo aberto e a colaboração muitas vezes ajudam o time a encontrar soluções melhores além de ser uma ótima maneira de melhorar o trabalho em equipe Agradeça e Reconheça o Trabalho Ao concluir uma revisão de código não deixe de agradecer o trabalho realizado pela pessoa a qual vocêrevisou o trabalho Reconheça o esforço tempo investido e os resultados obtidos Um ambiente de trabalho positivo e de apoio éessencial para promover uma cultura de revisões de código eficazes e contínuas Em resumo As revisões de código são uma parte fundamental do desenvolvimento de software colaborativo Com a implementação de boas práticas a revisão de código se torna uma ferramenta poderosa para melhorar a qualidade do código fortalecer a equipe e produzir software de alta qualidade Ao seguir as dicas apresentadas neste artigo sua equipe estarámelhor equipada para realizar revisões de código de forma eficiente contribuir positivamente para o sucesso do projeto e melhorar a qualidade do trabalho em equipe |
2023-07-27 15:25:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Got Any Unique Use Cases for JavaScript? |
Got Any Unique Use Cases for JavaScript What are some interesting use cases for JavaScript outside of web development that you ve explored or would like to explore Follow the DEVteam for more discussions and online camaraderie The DEV Team Follow The team behind this very platform |
2023-07-27 15:11:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Code clean up using dependency injection with Hilt in Android |
Code clean up using dependency injection with Hilt in Android Table of contentsWhat we are doingThe mental modelThe Application classThe Hilt componentsHilt bindingsHilt modules Binds ProvidesScopingResources The codeGitHub Introduction I have embarked on my next app a Twitch client app This series will be all my notes and problems faced when creating this app Getting startedI wont spend any time on setting up the dependencies for Hilt You can find that in the documentation HERE What we are doingThrough the power of dependency injection with Hilt we will take our code from looking like this class DataStoreViewModel application Application AndroidViewModel application private val tokenDataStore TokenDataStore TokenDataStore application val twitchRepoImpl TwitchRepo TwitchRepoImpl To this HiltViewModelclass DataStoreViewModel Inject constructor private val twitchRepoImpl TwitchRepo private val tokenDataStore TokenDataStore ViewModel Not only does our code look cleaner but it will also be easier to test The mental model If you are unfamiliar with dependency injections then it might be hard to actually grasp what Hilt is doing Which is why I like to us this mental model Essentially Hilt will create components and anytime our code needs a dependency we can tell it to get that dependency from a Hilt component Application class Assuming we both now have the proper dependencies the next step is to annotate a class with HiltAndroidApp As it is stated in the documentation All apps that use Hilt must contain an Application class that is annotated with HiltAndroidApp HiltAndroidApp triggers Hilt s code generation including a base class for your application that serves as the application level dependency container We can create this class like so HiltAndroidAppclass HiltApplication Application Just make sure that it is declared inside the AndroidManifest xml file lt application android name di HiltApplication Android Entry points To allow Hilt to inject dependencies into our code we must annotate our classes with specific annotations A full list of annotations can be found HERE But since we want to inject code into a ViewModel we need to annotation said ViewModel with HiltViewModel IMPORTANT it is important to note that when you annotate a class with a Hilt annotation you must also annotate all the classes that rely on it with the appropriate annotation Which means if we annotate a ViewModel with HiltViewModel then we must annotate the Fragment with AndroidEntryPoint and the surrounding activity with AndroidEntryPoint The components Annotating our classes with HiltViewModel and AndroidEntryPoint generates an individual Hilt component for each annotated Android class These components will have a lifecycle tied directly to the class they are annotating A detailed diagram explaining the lifecycles can be found HERESo to create a Hilt component we simply apply the annotation HiltViewModelclass DataStoreViewModel application Application AndroidViewModel application private val tokenDataStore TokenDataStore TokenDataStore application val twitchRepoImpl TwitchRepo TwitchRepoImpl Hilt bindings Binding is a term used a lot through out the documentation So lets define it we can think of a binding as an object that informs Hilt how it should create our dependencies We tell hilt to use a binding by adding Inject constructor to the primary constructor We can now move tokenDataStore and twitchRepoImpl into the primary constructor HiltViewModelclass DataStoreViewModel Inject constructor private val twitchRepoImpl TwitchRepo private val tokenDataStore TokenDataStore ViewModel This might look nice but it does not work yet and that is because we have not defined any bindings to tell Hilt how to create these dependencies depending on your needs simply adding Hilt and adding the Inject constructor annotation may be all you need Try running your app and see if it crashes or not If your app crashes then you need to create more specific bindings and we can do so through Hilt modules Modules As previously mentioned Modules are used to create more specific bindings which Hilt will use to create our dependencies To create a module we need to create a new class and annotate it with specific annotations Module and InstallIn Module defines class as a module InstallIn ViewModelComponent class abstract class ViewModelModule The InstallIn annotation is used to define which Hilt component our module is installed in These modules will then provide Hilt with information on how to create bindings For our ViewModelComponent class states this module will be stored in the ViewModel Component Inject interface instances with Binds The whole point of a module is to give Hilt the appropriate information so that it can create bindings which is then used to create an instance of the appropriate dependency For my code I want Hilt to inject an interface TwitchRepo We can inject interfaces with Binds like so Module InstallIn ViewModelComponent class abstract class ViewModelModule Binds abstract fun bindsTwitchRepo twitchRepoImpl TwitchRepoImpl TwitchRepo With the Binds annotation we create an abstract function and give it two pieces of information The function return type This tells Hilt what interface our function provides instances of The function parameter This tells Hilt which implementation to provide With this new dependency that we have created inside our module we have told Hilt that anytime a ViewModel needs an instance of TwitchRepo it should instantiate TwitchRepoImpl and pass it to our code Notice How I stated That anytime a ViewModel this dependency is only available in a ViewModel due to the Component hierarchyNow that we have the basics we can get a little more complicated Inject instances with Provides Along with Binds we can also use another annotation called Provides inside of our modules Generally we will use the provides over binds annotation for two reasons we do not own the class we want Hilt to instantiate or we want to provide more details to Hilt Ultimately the code will look like this Module InstallIn SingletonComponent class object SingletonModule Singleton Provides fun providesTwitchClient TwitchClient return Retrofit Builder baseUrl addConverterFactory GsonConverterFactory create build create TwitchClient class java Singleton Provides fun providesTokenDataStore ApplicationContext appContext Context TokenDataStore return TokenDataStore appContext As we have mentioned earlier InstallIn SingletonComponent class means that all of these dependencies will be stored in the SingletonComponent As per the component hierarchy this means our these dependencies will be available to all of our code Now we need to talk a little about how this is scoped Scoping In documentation and blog posts you will constantly see the quote By default all bindings in Hilt are unscoped This means that each time your app requests the binding Hilt creates a new instance of the needed type So even in our SingletonModule every time Hilt creates an instance TwitchClient or TokenDataStore it will be a new instance Which is not what we want In order to fix this we need to scope our dependencies to the SingletonComponent This is done with the Singleton annotation This tells hilt to only create TwitchClient and TokenDataStore once and reuse the same instance It is worth pointing out that the Singleton annotation should only be used if it is necessary for your code to function which it is for mine I only want one Retrofit instance and TokenDataStore is a Datastore which only allows one instance Resources Google s dependency injection documentationHilt s documentation ConclusionThank you for taking the time out of your day to read this blog post of mine If you have any questions or concerns please comment below or reach out to me on Twitter |
2023-07-27 15:02:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
How to find the best gaming console for you in 2023 |
How to find the best gaming console for you in There is no such thing as the quot best video game console quot but figuring out which one is right for you is more in reach There are seven systems that you could reasonably call “current gen and others such as Valve s Steam Deck further muddying the waters Engadget staffers play games on pretty much every console you can think of and a few that you might not have thought about for a very long time For some gamers nothing but the highest specced system will do others just need the cheapest way to play the latest games maybe you value portability over everything or maybe you haven t played in years and are looking for a system that would be the best buy for your family to enjoy together There are endless use cases for a games console and that s why we ve put together this article We ve reviewed and evaluated every console in here some more than once and tried to categorize the “best gaming console for specific needs You ll find picks in here with all of the big players represented and two best quot high end consoles quot each for different reasons We hope by the end of this guide you ll be much closer to deciding on the console with the perfect specs and functionality for you Best high end console PSThe PlayStation delivers the most stunning graphics and seamless performance of any current gen gaming console Sony stuck with the traditional hardware upgrade cycle for the PS significantly improving processing power and visual fidelity over the previous generation and introducing a new gamepad packed with immersion mechanics The DualSense Sony s latest controller is a standout feature It offers intense and precise haptic feedback along the grips and has adaptive triggers meaning tension in the R and L buttons changes as players equip various weapons and tools This is something that the Xbox Series consoles simply don t have Meanwhile the PS offers a library of console exclusives including God of War Ragnarök Returnal the Demon s Souls remake Insomniac s Spider Man series every The Last of Us game and re release and a litany of Final Fantasy titles PlayStation Plus Premium the highest tier of Sony s monthly subscription service adds cloud streaming freebies and a catalog of games to download at any time Premium costs a month or annually and there are cheaper tiers with fewer perks in the Plus ecosystem The PS may look a little funny sitting next to your TV but truly it s what s inside that counts And hey that s why companies like dbrand exist Jessica Conditt Senior ReporterBest high end console Xbox Series XThe Xbox Series X is the most powerful gaming console on the market and together with a Game Pass subscription it gives you an almost endless library of titles to dive into including launch day Microsoft releases While we d still like to see more exclusives on Xbox there are major titles on the horizon like Starfield Redfall and the revamped Forza Motor Sport PC gamers may also appreciate cross purchases between Windows and Xbox titles as well as the ability to stream games from the cloud using Game Pass Sure Sony still has a stranglehold on big budget narrative games but the sheer wealth of offerings on Microsoft s platforms ーincluding small indies classic franchises and a ton of great games via EA Play included with Game Pass for PCs and Ultimate ーis staggering It used to be that you d have to stick with the same console all of your friends are using but these days the availability of cross play multiplayer on most titles makes that consideration moot If you want to play Call of Duty with your friends it doesn t really matter if you get an Xbox Series X or PlayStation So the best advice now Base your choice on the exclusives you d like to play as well as the potential subscription benefits If you want to see where Master Chief goes next or are just tired of paying full price for first party games and some indies you ll probably be happiest with a Series X and Game Pass Devindra Hardawar Senior ReporterBest budget console Xbox Series S Game PassThe Xbox Series S packs enough power to play the latest and greatest games but it truly shines as a semi portable Game Pass machine The Series S is a compact console that does not have a disk drive and it typically costs though it s frequently on sale for to This little rectangular baby can play games at resolutions higher than p though it won t hit K and it s less powerful overall than the Series X The Series S also has less storage space than its big sibling and this is its main drawback That s where Game Pass comes in A Game Pass Ultimate subscription unlocks cloud streaming on the Series S as well as PC and mobile devices allowing players to dive into a large library without downloading anything Game Pass Ultimate is a month with the first month for Microsoft has the most reliable cloud network in the business and it s committed to releasing all of its big new Xbox Game Studios titles on Game Pass day one Sony has yet to make such a promise with in house launches on PlayStation Plus Even without Game Pass the Series S is the cheapest way to participate in the Xbox console ecosystem and it ll play every game the Series X can You might just have to delete downloads as you go J C Best for local multiplayer Nintendo SwitchIt s a pity that the rise of online multiplayer meant the death of local options for most gaming consoles ーthat is except for the Nintendo Switch Chalk it up to Nintendo s legacy It s a company that s always prioritized the simple beauty of playing with your friends and family on the couch Be it four players racing against each other locally in Mario Kart or diving into an assortment of mini games in Mario Party you can have a blast using a single Switch hooked up to a TV It s a cinch to connect other controllers to let your friends join ーsomething they ll likely have on hand if they have their own Switch And since it s a portable console you can always play against others over local networks giving you the beauty of being together with friends while also having your own private screen Just try doing that with a PS D H Best couch portable Valve Steam DeckThe idea of a portable console that s primarily used at home might feel counterintuitive but this is actually how a lot of people prefer to play video games and the Steam Deck helped prove it The Steam Deck came out in February and quickly emerged as a popular PC portable for people who wanted to spend time away from their desks but not their Steam libraries It s a chunky handheld gaming console with dual analog sticks and trackpads standard face buttons bumpers and triggers four rear clickers and a inch LCD touchscreen It s big and strangely beautiful and plays most PC games just fine The Steam Deck starts at and tops out at making it relatively affordable in the world of PC portables The Steam Deck is a little too big and battery sucking to be a must have carry on while traveling but it s perfect for cuddling on the living room couch with a supportive pillow and power outlet nearby J C Best for first time gamers Nintendo Switch LiteNintendo has a history of making tank like portable consoles and the Switch Lite is no exception It s just as fast as its larger sibling but since it has integrated controls you won t have to worry about any Joy cons flying away if it s dropped The Switch Lite s inch screen and smaller frame always makes it easier for tiny hands to hold something I ve found particularly useful as my four year old daughter is finally getting into video games There s a wide variety of child friendly content available on the Switch but we d recommend diving into the classic of library Nintendo titles via the console s online service Kids will ultimately figure out Minecraft on their own but it s up to the older generation to instill the value of proper platforming with Super Mario Bros D H Best handheld gaming console for commuting Nintendo Switch LiteThe Switch Lite is by far the cutest handheld gaming console on the market today and this is just one reason it s ideal for use in public The Switch Lite is a tiny lightweight handheld with a inch LCD touchscreen and basic gamepad buttons and it s sold in a variety of colorways and special editions It feels natural to pull out while on the bus riding the subway in a waiting room or just hanging out at a cafe bar or park It s a low profile portable that offers a library of engaging games from Nintendo and beyond including exclusive franchises like The Legend of Zelda Pokemon Mario Kart Smash Bros Bayonetta Animal Crossing and Kirby In comparison to the standard Switch the Lite model is sturdier for everyday commutes because it doesn t have detachable controllers and it takes up less space in your bag It s also about cheaper than the larger Switch at J C Best for air travel Nintendo SwitchThe Switch s hardware may be showing its age but it s still the best way to get some gaming in during long flights Having a inch screen or inches with the pricier Switch OLED in your hands makes it easy to ignore annoying seat neighbors countless delays and all of the other indignities of air travel The Switch should also survive for several hours of gameplay and it s easy to charge for longer journeys While the Steam Deck may be tempting it s also so large it ll likely fill up much of your backpack The Switch can still fit alongside your computer and other gear and its game library is so vast you ll never be left wanting for things to play D H Best retro gaming console for nostalgia Retroid Pocket The Retroid Pocket is an accessible streamlined emulation machine that s capable of handling games from the sixth generation down that s anything up to the GameCube and PlayStation It can even run some PSP games apparently but at this point you re just getting greedy The Retroid Pocket brings classics like Super Mario RPG Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy IX and so many others to modern audiences and they all look better than ever What s more the Retroid Pocket is an Android based handheld gaming console which means it also works as a hub for cloud streaming through services like Xbox Game Pass Ultimate This little device is tinier than a Switch Lite and it has a inch LCD touchscreen that s smaller than Nintendo s latest handheld but bigger than the screen of a classic Game Boy for what it s worth What s most astonishing about the Retroid Pocket is its price just J C Best console with a large streaming game library Xbox Series X or S For console gamers Microsoft s Game Pass subscription has been a revelation For a month you can play hundreds of games including all of Microsoft s first party software as well as major titles like Monster Hunter Rise and A Plague Tale Requiem Even better Microsoft owned titles are available the day they re released Bump up to the Game Pass Ultimate tier and you ll also get access to cloud gaming which lets you stream select titles to your phone computer and even some TVs The sheer variety of content on Game Pass makes it hard to stomach paying full price for a game ever again Sony s response to Game Pass amounts to an evolution of its PlayStation Plus service Its highest tier quot Premium quot offering costs a month and it also gives you access to a large library of titles and cloud streaming But Sony isn t adding first party titles to any PS Plus tier the day they launch ーyou ll either have to pay full price or wait until they get added to the rotation Until Sony caves having release day access to titles makes Game Pass the obviously better subscription service D H This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-07-27 15:30:23 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony has sold over 40 million PS5 consoles |
Sony has sold over million PS consolesIt didn t take long for Sony to cross another PlayStation milestone The company confirms it has sold over million PS consoles since the system s debut in November That s roughly million units sold since the start of the year That unsurprisingly doesn t top last year s holiday sales when Sony moved million PSs in one quarter However the company says inventory is finally quot well stocked quot and keeping up with demand ーyou might not have to wait for stores to get fresh supplies The PS reached the million mark in its first eight months However it also had the benefit of launching during a holiday when many people were stuck at home during the early pandemic ーit became Sony s fastest selling console to date The tech giant is now is getting closer to that pace even in the post holiday period when demand tends to drop The company had shipped over million PSs as of early and nearly million PSs as of Nintendo meanwhile had moved nearly million Switches as of the end of Those leads aren t surprising given the extra years of sales involved but they suggest Sony has a while to go before it eclipses both its all time best figures as well as the current gen competition How that momentum changes isn t clear A redesigned or upgraded console isn t guaranteed to arrive in the near future At the same time the game catalog is improving More PlayStation games are PS only including upcoming blockbusters like Spider Man Sony is also going into late with a few potential system selling accessories including PlayStation VR and the Project Q streaming device There s no guarantee Sony will continue to enjoy rosy sales but the ingredients are there for a strong year This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-07-27 15:00:40 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Creating Economic Impact Through Digital Innovation and Industry Collaboration |
Creating Economic Impact Through Digital Innovation and Industry CollaborationCisco hosted its th international higher education study tour with many lessons learned that can be brought back to Australia and around the globe |
2023-07-27 15:22:50 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN is Integrated with Microsoft Sentinel |
Cisco Catalyst SD WAN is Integrated with Microsoft SentinelIntegrating Cisco Catalyst SD WAN with Microsoft Sentinel gives enterprises a comprehensive security solution Along with MITRE ATT CK coverage organizations benefit from intelligent security analytics threat intelligence integration security orchestration and automation automated response playbooks enhanced visibility into user behavior and seamless integration with the broader security ecosystem |
2023-07-27 15:00:58 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融安定理事会による暗号資産関連の活動・市場及びグローバル・ステーブルコインに関するハイレベル勧告等を公表しました。 |
金融安定理事会 |
2023-07-27 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sinéad O'Connor died at home in London |
connor |
2023-07-27 15:26:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sgt Matiu Ratana shooting: Killer Louis De Zoysa will never be freed |
london |
2023-07-27 15:15:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Niger coup: Captive President Bazoum defiant after takeover |
chief |
2023-07-27 15:45:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Croydon tram crash: Operators fined £14m after seven people killed |
crash |
2023-07-27 15:06:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Gatwick strikes called off by ground staff |
walkout |
2023-07-27 15:06:55 |
Azure |
Azure の更新情報 |
Updated default TLS policy for Azure Application Gateway |
appgwsslpolicy |
2023-07-27 16:00:05 |