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@IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 |
「GitHub Copilot Chat」β版公開 Visual StudioやVS CodeでAIペアプログラミングを支援 |
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2023-08-07 10:45:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JPA @ManyToOne example in Spring Boot |
JPA ManyToOne example in Spring BootIn this tutorial I will show you how to implement Spring Data JPA Many to One example in Spring Boot for One To Many mapping using ManyToOne annotation You ll know How to configure Spring Data JPA Hibernate to work with Database How to define Data Models and Repository interfaces for JPA One To Many relationship using ManyToOne Way to use Spring JPA to interact with Database for Many to One association Way to create Spring Rest Controller to process HTTP requestsRelated Posts JPA One To One example with Hibernate in Spring BootJPA Many to Many example with Hibernate in Spring BootValidate Request Body in Spring BootSpring Boot Token based Authentication with Spring Security amp JWTSpring JPA H exampleSpring JPA MySQL exampleSpring JPA PostgreSQL exampleSpring JPA Oracle exampleSpring JPA SQL Server exampleDocumentation Spring Boot Swagger exampleCaching Spring Boot Redis Cache exampleJPA ManyToOne is appropriate way for One To Many mapping in SpringIn a relational database a One to Many relationship between table A and table B indicates that one row in table A links to many rows in table B but one row in table B links to only one row in table A For example you need to design data model for a Tutorial Blog in which One Tutorial has Many Comments So this is a One to Many association You can map the child entities as a collection List of Comments in the parent object Tutorial and JPA Hibernate provides the OneToMany annotation for that case only the parent side defines the relationship We call it unidirectional OneToMany association For tutorial please visit JPA One To Many Unidirectional example Similarly when only the child side manage the relationship we have unidirectional Many to One association with ManyToOne annotation where the child Comment has an entity object reference to its parent entity Tutorial by mapping the Foreign Key column tutorial id The most appropriate way to implement JPA Hibernate One To Many mapping is unidirectional Many to One association with ManyToOne because With OneToMany we need to declare a collection Comments inside parent class Tutorial we cannot limit the size of that collection for example in case of pagination With ManyToOne you can modify the Repository to work with Paginationor to sort order by multiple fieldsJPA ManyToOne exampleWe re gonna create a Spring project from scratch then we implement JPA Hibernate Many to One Mapping with tutorials and comments table as following We also write Rest Apis to perform CRUD operations on the Comment entities These are APIs that we need to provide MethodsUrlsActionsPOST api tutorials id commentscreate new Comment for a TutorialGET api tutorials id commentsretrieve all Comments of a TutorialGET api comments idretrieve a Comment by idPUT api comments idupdate a Comment by idDELETE api comments iddelete a Comment by idDELETE api tutorials iddelete a Tutorial and its Comments by idDELETE api tutorials id commentsdelete all Comments of a TutorialAssume that we ve had tutorials table like this Here are the example requests Create new Comments POST api tutorials id commentscomments table after that Retrieve all Comments of specific Tutorial GET api tutorials id commentsDelete all Comments of specific Tutorial DELETE api tutorials id commentsCheck the comment table all Comments of Tutorial with id were deleted Delete a Tutorial DELETE api tutorials id All Comments of the Tutorial with id were CASCADE deleted automatically Let s build our Spring Boot ManyToOne CRUD example Spring Boot ManyToOne exampleTechnology Java Spring Boot with Spring Web MVC Spring Data JPA H PostgreSQL MySQL MavenProject StructureLet me explain it briefly Tutorial Comment data model class correspond to entity and table tutorials comments TutorialRepository CommentRepository are interfaces that extends JpaRepository for CRUD methods and custom finder methods It will be autowired in TutorialController CommentController TutorialController CommentController are RestControllers which has request mapping methods for RESTful CRUD API requests Configuration for Spring Datasource JPA amp Hibernate in application properties pom xml contains dependencies for Spring Boot and MySQL PostgreSQL H database About exception package to keep this post straightforward I won t explain it For more details you can read following tutorial RestControllerAdvice example in Spring BootCreate amp Setup Spring Boot projectUse Spring web tool or your development tool Spring Tool Suite Eclipse Intellij to create a Spring Boot project Then open pom xml and add these dependencies lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter data jpa lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter web lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt We also need to add one more dependency If you want to use MySQL lt dependency gt lt groupId gt com mysql lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt mysql connector j lt artifactId gt lt scope gt runtime lt scope gt lt dependency gt or PostgreSQL lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org postgresql lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt postgresql lt artifactId gt lt scope gt runtime lt scope gt lt dependency gt or H embedded database lt dependency gt lt groupId gt com hdatabase lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt h lt artifactId gt lt scope gt runtime lt scope gt lt dependency gt Configure Spring Datasource JPA HibernateUnder src main resources folder open application properties and write these lines For MySQL spring datasource url jdbc mysql localhost testdb useSSL falsespring datasource username rootspring datasource password spring jpa properties hibernate dialect org hibernate dialect MySQLDialect Hibernate ddl auto create create drop validate update spring jpa hibernate ddl auto updateFor PostgreSQL spring datasource url jdbc postgresql localhost testdbspring datasource username postgresspring datasource password spring jpa properties hibernate jdbc lob non contextual creation truespring jpa properties hibernate dialect org hibernate dialect PostgreSQLDialect Hibernate ddl auto create create drop validate update spring jpa hibernate ddl auto update spring datasource username amp spring datasource password properties are the same as your database installation Spring Boot uses Hibernate for JPA implementation we configure MySQLDialect for MySQL or PostgreSQLDialect for PostgreSQL spring jpa hibernate ddl auto is used for database initialization We set the value to update value so that a table will be created in the database automatically corresponding to defined data model Any change to the model will also trigger an update to the table For production this property should be validate For H database spring datasource url jdbc h mem testdbspring datasource driverClassName org h Driverspring datasource username saspring datasource password spring jpa show sql truespring jpa properties hibernate dialect org hibernate dialect HDialectspring jpa hibernate ddl auto updatespring h console enabled true default path h consolespring h console path h ui spring datasource url jdbc h mem database name for In memory database and jdbc h file path database name for disk based database We configure HDialect for H Database spring h console enabled true tells the Spring to start H Database administration tool and you can access this tool on the browser http localhost h console spring h console path h ui is for H console s url so the default url http localhost h console will change to http localhost h ui Define Data Model for JPA ManyToOne mappingIn model package we define Tutorial and Comment class Tutorial has four fields id title description published model Tutorial javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model import jakarta persistence Entity Table name tutorials public class Tutorial Id GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType SEQUENCE generator tutorial generator private long id Column name title private String title Column name description private String description Column name published private boolean published public Tutorial public Tutorial String title String description boolean published this title title this description description this published published getters and setters Entity annotation indicates that the class is a persistent Java class Table annotation provides the table that maps this entity Id annotation is for the primary key GeneratedValue annotation is used to define generation strategy for the primary key GenerationType SEQUENCE means using database sequence to generate unique values We also indicate the name of the primary key generator If you don t give it the name id value will be generated with hibernate sequence table supplied by persistence provider for all entities by default Column annotation is used to define the column in database that maps annotated field The Comment class has the ManyToOne annotation for many to one relationship with the Tutorial entity optional element is set to false for non null relationship model Comment javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model import jakarta persistence import org hibernate annotations OnDelete import org hibernate annotations OnDeleteAction import com fasterxml jackson annotation JsonIgnore Entity Table name comments public class Comment Id GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType SEQUENCE generator comment generator private Long id Lob private String content ManyToOne fetch FetchType LAZY optional false JoinColumn name tutorial id nullable false OnDelete action OnDeleteAction CASCADE JsonIgnore private Tutorial tutorial getters and setters We also use the JoinColumn annotation to specify the foreign key column tutorial id If you don t provide the JoinColumn name the name will be set automatically JsonIgnore is used to ignore the logical property used in serialization and deserialization We also implement cascade delete capabilities of the foreign key with OnDelete action OnDeleteAction CASCADE We set the ManyToOne with FetchType LAZY for fetch type By default the ManyToOne association uses FetchType EAGER for fetch type but it is bad for performance public class Comment ManyToOne fetch FetchType EAGER optional false JoinColumn name tutorial id nullable false OnDelete action OnDeleteAction CASCADE private Tutorial tutorial Create Repository Interfaces for ManyToOne mappingLet s create a repository to interact with database In repository package create TutorialRepository and CommentRepository interfaces that extend JpaRepository repository TutorialRepository javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany repository import java util List import org springframework data jpa repository JpaRepository import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model Tutorial public interface TutorialRepository extends JpaRepository lt Tutorial Long gt List lt Tutorial gt findByPublished boolean published List lt Tutorial gt findByTitleContaining String title repository CommentRepository javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany repository import java util List import jakarta transaction Transactional import org springframework data jpa repository JpaRepository import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model Comment public interface CommentRepository extends JpaRepository lt Comment Long gt List lt Comment gt findByTutorialId Long postId Transactional void deleteByTutorialId long tutorialId Now we can use JpaRepository s methods save findOne findById findAll count delete deleteById without implementing these methods We also define custom finder methods findByPublished returns all Tutorials with published having value as input published findByTitleContaining returns all Tutorials which title contains input title findByTutorialId returns all Comments of a Tutorial specified by tutorialId deleteByTutorialId deletes all Comments of a Tutorial specified by tutorialId The implementation is plugged in by Spring Data JPA automatically Now we can see the pros of ManyToOne annotation With OneToMany we need to declare a collection inside parent class we cannot limit the size of that collection for example in case of pagination With ManyToOne you can modify Repository to work with Pagination the instruction can be found at Spring Boot Pagination amp Filter example Spring JPA Pageableor to sort order by multiple fields Spring Data JPA Sort Order by multiple Columns Spring BootPlease notice that above tutorials are for TutorialRepository you need to apply the same way for CommentRepository More Derived queries at JPA Repository query example in Spring BootCustom query with Query annotation Spring JPA Query example Custom query in Spring BootYou also find way to write Unit Test for this JPA Repository at Spring Boot Unit Test for JPA Repository with DataJpaTestCreate Spring Rest APIs ControllerFinally we create controller that provides APIs for CRUD operations creating retrieving updating deleting and finding Tutorials and Comments controller TutorialController javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany controller import java util ArrayList import java util List import org springframework beans factory annotation Autowired import org springframework http HttpStatus import org springframework http ResponseEntity import org springframework web bind annotation CrossOrigin import org springframework web bind annotation DeleteMapping import org springframework web bind annotation GetMapping import org springframework web bind annotation PathVariable import org springframework web bind annotation PostMapping import org springframework web bind annotation PutMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RequestBody import org springframework web bind annotation RequestMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RequestParam import org springframework web bind annotation RestController import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany exception ResourceNotFoundException import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model Tutorial import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany repository TutorialRepository CrossOrigin origins http localhost RestController RequestMapping api public class TutorialController Autowired TutorialRepository tutorialRepository GetMapping tutorials public ResponseEntity lt List lt Tutorial gt gt getAllTutorials RequestParam required false String title List lt Tutorial gt tutorials new ArrayList lt Tutorial gt if title null tutorialRepository findAll forEach tutorials add else tutorialRepository findByTitleContaining title forEach tutorials add if tutorials isEmpty return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT return new ResponseEntity lt gt tutorials HttpStatus OK GetMapping tutorials id public ResponseEntity lt Tutorial gt getTutorialById PathVariable id long id Tutorial tutorial tutorialRepository findById id orElseThrow gt new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Tutorial with id id return new ResponseEntity lt gt tutorial HttpStatus OK PostMapping tutorials public ResponseEntity lt Tutorial gt createTutorial RequestBody Tutorial tutorial Tutorial tutorial tutorialRepository save new Tutorial tutorial getTitle tutorial getDescription true return new ResponseEntity lt gt tutorial HttpStatus CREATED PutMapping tutorials id public ResponseEntity lt Tutorial gt updateTutorial PathVariable id long id RequestBody Tutorial tutorial Tutorial tutorial tutorialRepository findById id orElseThrow gt new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Tutorial with id id tutorial setTitle tutorial getTitle tutorial setDescription tutorial getDescription tutorial setPublished tutorial isPublished return new ResponseEntity lt gt tutorialRepository save tutorial HttpStatus OK DeleteMapping tutorials id public ResponseEntity lt HttpStatus gt deleteTutorial PathVariable id long id tutorialRepository deleteById id return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT DeleteMapping tutorials public ResponseEntity lt HttpStatus gt deleteAllTutorials tutorialRepository deleteAll return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT GetMapping tutorials published public ResponseEntity lt List lt Tutorial gt gt findByPublished List lt Tutorial gt tutorials tutorialRepository findByPublished true if tutorials isEmpty return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT return new ResponseEntity lt gt tutorials HttpStatus OK controller CommentController javapackage com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany controller import java util List import org springframework beans factory annotation Autowired import org springframework http HttpStatus import org springframework http ResponseEntity import org springframework web bind annotation CrossOrigin import org springframework web bind annotation DeleteMapping import org springframework web bind annotation GetMapping import org springframework web bind annotation PathVariable import org springframework web bind annotation PostMapping import org springframework web bind annotation PutMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RequestBody import org springframework web bind annotation RequestMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RestController import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany exception ResourceNotFoundException import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany model Comment import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany repository CommentRepository import com bezkoder spring hibernate onetomany repository TutorialRepository CrossOrigin origins http localhost RestController RequestMapping api public class CommentController Autowired private TutorialRepository tutorialRepository Autowired private CommentRepository commentRepository GetMapping tutorials tutorialId comments public ResponseEntity lt List lt Comment gt gt getAllCommentsByTutorialId PathVariable value tutorialId Long tutorialId if tutorialRepository existsById tutorialId throw new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Tutorial with id tutorialId List lt Comment gt comments commentRepository findByTutorialId tutorialId return new ResponseEntity lt gt comments HttpStatus OK GetMapping comments id public ResponseEntity lt Comment gt getCommentsByTutorialId PathVariable value id Long id Comment comment commentRepository findById id orElseThrow gt new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Comment with id id return new ResponseEntity lt gt comment HttpStatus OK PostMapping tutorials tutorialId comments public ResponseEntity lt Comment gt createComment PathVariable value tutorialId Long tutorialId RequestBody Comment commentRequest Comment comment tutorialRepository findById tutorialId map tutorial gt commentRequest setTutorial tutorial return commentRepository save commentRequest orElseThrow gt new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Tutorial with id tutorialId return new ResponseEntity lt gt comment HttpStatus CREATED PutMapping comments id public ResponseEntity lt Comment gt updateComment PathVariable id long id RequestBody Comment commentRequest Comment comment commentRepository findById id orElseThrow gt new ResourceNotFoundException CommentId id not found comment setContent commentRequest getContent return new ResponseEntity lt gt commentRepository save comment HttpStatus OK DeleteMapping comments id public ResponseEntity lt HttpStatus gt deleteComment PathVariable id long id commentRepository deleteById id return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT DeleteMapping tutorials tutorialId comments public ResponseEntity lt List lt Comment gt gt deleteAllCommentsOfTutorial PathVariable value tutorialId Long tutorialId if tutorialRepository existsById tutorialId throw new ResourceNotFoundException Not found Tutorial with id tutorialId commentRepository deleteByTutorialId tutorialId return new ResponseEntity lt gt HttpStatus NO CONTENT ConclusionToday we ve built a Spring Boot CRUD example using Spring Data JPA Hibernate Many To One relationship with MySQL PostgreSQL embedded database H We also see that ManyToOne annotation is the most appropriate way for implementing JPA One To Many Mapping and JpaRepository supports a great way to make CRUD operations custom finder methods without need of boilerplate code Custom query with Query annotation Spring JPA Query example Custom query in Spring BootIf you want to add Pagination to this Spring project you can find the instruction at Spring Boot Pagination amp Filter example Spring JPA PageableTo sort order by multiple fields Spring Data JPA Sort Order by multiple Columns Spring BootHandle Exception for this Rest APIs is necessary Spring Boot ControllerAdvice amp ExceptionHandler example RestControllerAdvice example in Spring BootOr way to write Unit Test for the JPA Repository Spring Boot Unit Test for JPA Repository with DataJpaTestYou can also know Validate Request Body in Spring Boothow to deploy this Spring Boot App on AWS for free with this tutorial dockerize with Docker Compose Spring Boot and MySQL exampleway to upload an Excel file and store the data in MySQL database with this postupload CSV file and store the data in MySQL with this post Happy learning See you again Further Reading Secure Spring Boot App with Spring Security amp JWT Authentication Spring Data JPA Reference Documentation Spring Boot Pagination and Sorting exampleFullstack CRUD App Vue Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleAngular Spring Boot exampleReact Spring Boot exampleSource CodeYou can find the complete source code for this tutorial on Github Using OneToMany instead JPA One To Many Unidirectional exampleMany to Many JPA Many to Many example with Hibernate in Spring BootOne to One JPA One To One example with Hibernate in Spring BootYou can apply this implementation in following tutorials Spring JPA H exampleSpring JPA MySQL exampleSpring JPA PostgreSQL exampleSpring JPA Oracle exampleSpring JPA SQL Server exampleMore Derived queries at JPA Repository query example in Spring BootDocumentation Spring Boot Swagger example with OpenAPI Caching Spring Boot Redis Cache example |
2023-08-07 01:26:10 |
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