IT |
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Kindleストア、「インプレスグループフェア2023夏」のセール開催中 ー 3600冊以上が半額に |
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気になる、記になる… |
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2023-08-10 13:12:11 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイル、プラチナバンド割り当てが決まれば「年内に電波を発射できる」見通し |
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2023-08-10 22:09:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(5.Lambdaで分析自動化編) |
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2023-08-10 22:38:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(4.Athenaでアドホック分析編) |
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2023-08-10 22:38:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(3.データカタログ作成編(列指向)) |
目次 |
2023-08-10 22:38:26 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(2.行指向から列指向に変換編) |
目次 |
2023-08-10 22:38:11 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(5.Lambdaで分析自動化編) |
lambda |
2023-08-10 22:38:55 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(4.Athenaでアドホック分析編) |
athena |
2023-08-10 22:38:40 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(3.データカタログ作成編(列指向)) |
目次 |
2023-08-10 22:38:26 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでデータ分析基盤構築をサクッと始めてみる(2.行指向から列指向に変換編) |
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2023-08-10 22:38:11 |
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2023-08-10のJS: Lighthouse v11.0.0、Astro 2.10(View Transitions)、SharpのWebAssemblyビルド |
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2023-08-10 22:11:24 |
海外TECH |
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What Is a Smart Energy Monitor and How Does It Work? |
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How to Present PowerPoint Slides in Zoom |
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海外TECH |
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10 Ways to Fix OneDrive Sync Issues on Windows 11 |
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2023-08-10 13:02:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Como contribuir com projeto open source e apoiar a comunidade |
Como contribuir com projeto open source e apoiar a comunidadeNavegando no Universo Open Source do GitHub Do Fork ao MergeEm um mundo cada vez mais conectado e orientado pela colaboração contribuir para projeto open source no GitHub se tornou uma maneira empolgante e acessível de participar ativamente do desenvolvimento de software E para quem estáse perguntando o que éOpen Source Eu lhe respondo com o seguinte os sistemas de Código Aberto Open Source são repositórios que fornecem acesso ao código fonte permitindo que membros da comunidade contribuam mantenham corrijam criem variações e compartilhem com a condição de que suas modificações também permaneçam acessíveis como código aberto Neste artigo eu vou trazer o básico de como colaborar com algum projeto open source com um exemplo de um projeto que colaborei além de após ter feito o fork do projeto sempre deixar ele atualizado para novas atualizações dámaster principal do projeto em questão Escolha o projeto que ira contribuir e faça um fork deleEu vou dar um exemplo prático de um repositório que colaborei recentemente que éum repo onde cataloga uma variedades de recursos do front end como uma espécie de enciclopédia seja libs linguagens termos entre outros vou deixar aqui os devidos créditos ao Zhu Liang dono do repositório e também deixo o link dele caso vocês queriam colaborar acho super valido Não esquece de deixar a estrela no repositório escolhido que isso ajuda bastante como apoio para o criador Após vocêescolher qual projeto open source irácolaborar ésófazer o fork dele e vocêserálevado para outra tela de confirmação onde ele iráfazer uma cópia desse repositório para os seus repositórios onde vocêpoderáagora trabalhar nele Faça um clone do projeto forkado para sua máquinaApós isso vocêveráque o repositório jáaparece como um dos seus repos no seu perfil ele acabou de fazer uma cópia dele através do fork Feito isso vocêpode escolher de qual maneira iráclonar o repositório para sua máquina e mandar ver Jácom o projeto em sua máquina éuma boa prática vocêcriar uma branch para trabalhar nessa nova atualização que vocêiráfazer respeitando as boas práticas do GitFlow sem sujar a main ou master principal da sua aplicação git checkout b NOME DA NOVA BRANCH Após finalizar suas atualizações abra um Pr para o repositório originalApós ter finalizado tudo que vocêtinha que fazer faça seu commit e logo em seguida o push para seu repositório forkado e logo em seguida na interface do github vocêira escolher a opção de Abrir um novo Pr Ao clicar sobre essa opção émuito importante vocêverificar qual a base estásendo comparada e de qual branch eláe feito isto estando tudo certo sóclicar em Create pull request O resultado ficaráassim não precisa se preocupar com os revisores pois o dono do repositório seránotificado assim como vocêtambém consegue ver todos os prs abertos para esse repo no canto superior como na imagem abaixo Após esperar e ter seu Pr aprovado agora éa vez de atualizar seu fork com as atualizações da branch principal do projetoEstando tudo ok com seu Pr muito provável que ele seja aprovado e consequentemente mergeado como foi o meu acima Após isso vocêjáconsegue ver seu nome como colaborador do projeto em questão na página inicial dele ajudando contribuir com uma comunidade maior e melhor sempre ajudando a crescer mais ainda Após isso éinteressante vocêdeixar seu fork atualizado com a branch principal do repositório original Na sua máquina vápara a branch principal na pasta do seu repositório seja ela a master ou a main e rode os seguintes comandos Se vocêainda não tiver adicionado o repositório original como um remote esse comando faráexatamente isso git remote add upstream URL DO REPOSITÓRIO ORIGINALApós isso certifique de estar na sua branch principal e use o seguinte comando para buscar as mudanças da branch principal do repositório original git fetch upstreamApós buscar as mudanças vocêpode mesclar as alterações da branch principal do repositório original na sua branch principal usando o seguinte comando git merge upstream masterSe houver conflitos entre as suas alterações na branch principal e as alterações do repositório original o Git informará Resolva esses conflitos manualmente faça um novo commit e continue o processo E por último após mesclar as alterações do repositório original na sua branch principal local vocêprecisaráenviar essas alterações para o seu fork no GitHub usando o seguinte comando git push origin masterou se a sua principal for a main ésósubstituir pelo nome dámaster Agora vocêpode criar novas branchs a partir da sua principal e continuar colaborando como novas features fix entre outros para o projeto original sempre repetindo esses mesmo passos e deixando sempre o seu fork atualizado ResumoBom feito isso vocêjápoderáse considerar como um colaborador open source e partir para muitos outros projetos ajudando ainda mais a comunidade a crescer e se tornar melhor Lembrem se sistemas open source nem sempre precisa ser códigos assim como o exemplo que eu trouxe aqui não foi vocêpode ver uma documentação que precisa ser alterada ou um assets de melhor qualidade para aquele projeto entre infinitas possibilidades esteja de mente aberta e boa força de vontade para colaborar no mais éisso parabéns pela escolha e vamos que vamos |
2023-08-10 13:29:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web Scraping with Python: A Quick Guide to Scrape Data from Website |
Web Scraping with Python A Quick Guide to Scrape Data from WebsiteWeb scraping is a process to scrape data from a website and save it for further use This technique has become increasingly popular due to the massive amount of data available on the internet Python is most commonly used for web scraping as it provides many libraries and tools for this purpose In this blog we ll take a quick look at web scraping with Python and scrape data from website with web scraping tools Efficient Web Scraping with Python Your Quick Guide to Extracting Data from WebsitesDiscover the power of Python for efficient web scraping in our comprehensive guide Learn how to easily extract valuable data from websites and supercharge your data collection process Why Use Web Scraping Web scraping can be helpful in many ways including data analysis lead generation price comparison and much more For example if you re a data analyst you may want to scrape data from websites to perform sentiment analysis or market research On the other hand if you re a business owner you should scrape data from competitor websites to keep track of their pricing How Does Web Scraping Work Web scraping works by sending a request to a website s server which returns the page s HTML code The HTML code can then be parsed to extract the data you want Python has many libraries and tools to make this process easier such as BeautifulSoup Selenium and Scrapy Before you scrape data from a website it s essential to check the website s terms of service to see if they allow web scraping Some websites have strict policies against it and you could face legal consequences if you scrape data from their site without permission Read more Why Start Using FastAPI for Python Explore the reasons why you should start using FastAPI for your Python development projects Learn how FastAPI s speed ease of use and advanced features mayankranjan hashnode dev Getting started with BeautifulSoupBeautifulSoup is a library in Python used to parse HTML and XML files It s a popular choice for scrape data from website due to its simplicity and ease of use To use BeautifulSoup you ll need to install it by running the next command in your terminal pip install beautifulsoup Once you have BeautifulSoup installed you can start scraping data from websites The first step is to send a request to the website and get the HTML code You can do this using the requests library For example import requests url response requests get url html content response content Next you can parse the HTML code using BeautifulSoup Here s an example from bs import BeautifulSoup soup BeautifulSoup html content html parser Now that the HTML code is parsed you can extract the data you want BeautifulSoup provides many methods for finding elements in the HTML code such as find and find all For example titles soup find all h for title in titles print title text In this example we re finding all the h elements in the HTML code and printing their text Getting Started with SeleniumSelenium is another popular Python library for web scraping tools It s a browser automation tool that can interact with websites and scrape data from websites The main advantage of using Selenium for web scraping is that it can handle JavaScript which is often used to load dynamic website content To use Selenium you ll need to install it by executing the succeeding command in your terminal pip install selenium You ll also need to download a web driver for the browser you want to use For example if you use Google Chrome you ll need to download the ChromeDriver Once you have Selenium and the web driver installed you can start scraping data from websites Here s an example from selenium import webdriver url driver webdriver Chrome driver get url titles driver find elements by tag name h for title in titles print title text driver quit In this example we re using the Chrome web driver to visit the website and find all the h elements on the page The find elements by tag name method finds all the parts with the specified tag name Getting Started with ScrapyScrapy is a robust Python framework for web scraping It s one of the excellent web scraping tools It s often used for large scale web scraping projects providing many features and tools to make the process easier and more efficient To use Scrapy you ll need to install it by following the command in your terminal pip install scrapy Once you have Scrapy installed you can start creating your scraping project Here s an example import scrapy class ExampleSpider scrapy Spider name example start urls def parse self response titles response css h text getall for title in titles yield title title In this example we re creating a Scrapy spider called ExampleSpider that will scrape data from website The CSS method finds elements on the page and extracts the text The getall method gets all the text from the elements WebDrivers and BrowsersWe have seen the most used web scraping tools to scrape data from the website Here every web scraper uses a browser because it requests to connect to the terminus URL Using a regular browser is recommended especially if you are new to it You can use a headless browser later once you ve experienced it Also it will be helpful for the next complex task In this blog we use Chrome web browser for all the processes and it s the same for Firefox Let s get started with a preferred search engine called webdriver for Chrome Now the final step is you will need to find a good coding environment Many options exist but Visual Studio Code or PyCharm are the best options We will use PyCharm for newcomers Now on PyCharm right click on it and select New gt Python file You can name it anything you want Using and Importing LibrariesNow let s put all the pipes we created into use like below import pandas as pd from bs import BeautifulSoup from selenium import webdriver You may see them as gray but don t accept it as this will remove unused libraries We should start now by defining the browser driver webdriver Chrome executable path c path to windows webdriver executable exe OR driver webdriver Firefox executable path nix path to webdriver executable Choose a URLNow we have to pick the URL that we want to use to scrape data Selenium needs the connection protocol to be provided and always attach https on the URL like below driver get Building Lists and Defining ObjectsYou can create an object easily by typing a title and a value Object is results brackets make the object an empty list We will store our data here results We can make more objects like the ones below Add page source to the variable content content driver page source Load the contents of the page and its source into BeautifulSoup class which analyzes the HTML as a nested data structure and allows it to select its elements using various selectors soup BeautifulSoup content Extracting Data from Web ScraperIn this section we will process every small section and add them to the list Loop over all elements returned by the findAll call It has the filter attrs given to limit the data returned to those elements with a given class only for element in soup findAll attrs class list item Now let s visit the URL on a real browser You can press CTRL U on chrome and choose view page source You can find the closet class where the data is nested For example lt h class title gt lt a href gt This is a Title lt a gt lt h gt Now let s get back and add the class we found in the source Change list item to title Now we will process all the class titles for all like below name element find a for element in soup findAll attrs class title Now let s see our loop lt h class title gt lt a href gt This is a Title lt a gt lt h gt Exporting Data to CSVNow we have to check whether the data is assigned to the right object and move to the array correctly To check this we can use print Also for is used for it So far our code will look like the below driver webdriver Chrome executable path nix path to webdriver executable driver get results content driver page source soup BeautifulSoup content for a in soup findAll attrs class class name a find a if name not in results results append name text for x in results print x So now we will remove the print loop and move movie data to a CSV file df pd DataFrame Names results df to csv names csv index False encoding utf Best Practices Web Scraping with Python Programming LanguageWeb scraping can be a powerful tool for extracting data from websites Still it s essential to follow best practices to avoid breaking websites and respect the terms of use Here are some best practices for web scraping with Python Respect the website s terms of useSome websites prohibit the scraping of their data Before scraping a website check its terms of service to see if it s allowed Use a User Agent headerWebsites can block scraping requests if they see them coming from a bot To avoid this set a User Agent header in your scraping requests to identify yourself as a human user Don t scrape too quicklyScraping too many pages can strain the website s server and slow it down for other users To avoid this add delays to your scraping code and be mindful of your request rate Cache dataScraping the same data multiple times can strain the website s server and slow it down for other users To avoid this cache the data you scrape to reuse later without making additional requests to the website Be mindful of privacySome websites may contain personal information you don t have permission to scrape Make sure only to scrape data that you have permission to use and be mindful of privacy laws and regulations Use APIsMany websites provide APIs allowing you to access their data more structured and efficiently If an API is available consider using it instead of scraping the website directly Monitor your codeWeb scraping tools can be brittle and break easily when websites change To avoid this regularly monitor your scraping code to ensure it s still working as expected By resulting these best practices you can confirm that your web scraping projects are efficient respectful and compliant with legal and ethical standards Final WordsWeb scraping with Python programming language is a powerful tool for scrape data from website Whether you re a data analyst business owner or anyone looking to gather information from the web Python provides several options to make the process easier and more efficient With the correct web scraping tools and techniques you can easily scrape data from websites and put it to use in your projects If you require more help with this domain or a related domain why not reach out to a python developer to handle complex situations and ease stress Like share and comment Share with the needed ones Thanks for reading Read more An Introduction to SQLite with Python Quokka Labs for Quokka Labs・Dec sql python beginners programming |
2023-08-10 13:01:59 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
NuPhy Field75 Wireless Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review: Not your ordinary mechanical keyboard |
NuPhy Field Wireless Mechanical Gaming Keyboard review Not your ordinary mechanical keyboardMechanical keyboards today typically sport similar designs with one stand out feature The NuPhy Field Wireless Mechanical Gaming Keyboard however comes with various components that differentiate it from the competition NuPhy Field Wireless Mechanical Gaming KeyboardNuPhy keyboards are no stranger to being reviewed here on AppleInsider But while the ones we have reviewed haven t been drastically different from one another the Field is on a whole other level Read more |
2023-08-10 13:54:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple will not buy Disney, no matter how often it hears that it will |
Apple will not buy Disney no matter how often it hears that it willThe rumor that Apple will buy Disney is old enough to buy an overpriced beer at EPCOT And after Disney s Bob Iger appeared to hint that he might sell of parts of the company we re right back with more analysts saying that Disney s future may depend on it Are you ready to see an Apple logo on the front of Cinderella s Castle The rumor that Apple will buy Disney is as old as the iPod And you d think that analysts would have figured out by now that it isn t going to happen Read more |
2023-08-10 13:32:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
A17 specifications leaked ahead of iPhone 15 Pro release |
A specifications leaked ahead of iPhone Pro releaseA new leak from a generally reliable source says that the A processor in Apple s iPhone Pro will come with GB RAM The forthcoming iPhone Pro has previously been rumored to come with GB RAM ーalthough so was the iPhone Pro the year before Now a new leak from Unknownz aka URedditor says the new iPhone range will again include only GB RAM Apple A t Coll Read more |
2023-08-10 13:39:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Nine thoughts about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ blockbuster finale |
Nine thoughts about Star Trek Strange New Worlds blockbuster finaleThe following article discusses spoilers for “Hegemony and Star Trek more generally Bloody hell I ve repeatedly said that Strange New Worlds exudes a special sort of confidence this season The cast and crew are working as a seamless whole knowing that the conviction at which you sell is just as important as the quality of what s being sold The team has raised their floor and ceiling in equal measure and even the worst episode was bad because of what it said not because of how it said it “Hegemony is a finale that aided by the early commission of season three acts as one part victory lap and one part set up for what follows The powers that be at Paramount didn t signal ahead of time that this episode would end on a cliffhanger In fact Henry Alonso Myers screenplay is a brilliant feint suggesting the episode will wrap up on a satisfactory if brisk ending before the rug pull in its final moment You d be forgiven for not noticing the different transporter energy when the survivors were beamed away on your first watch Myers script and Maja Vrvilo s direction is permeated with a low level feeling of dread that suits the needs of both the Alien esque horror and the raised stakes of a finale Strange New Worlds has been smarter about setting up and paying off its threads than you might expect “Among the Lotus Eaters saw Ortegas feeling sidelined after getting bumped from an away team which forced her to accept her role as the ship s pilot Here she finally gets her wish to go on a mission but her initial enthusiasm is sapped when she realizes she s more or less out of her depth Her scene with Dr M Benga where she admits she s leaving the role of action hero to the captain underscores this The fact she s one of the crewmembers taken by the Gorn at the end adds a darker weight to her finally getting her wish granted Michael Gibson Paramount Montgomery Scott s voice only cameo in last season s finale was a neat hat tip to fans with a basic fluency for Star Trek I guess it was just too tempting not to follow up on that this time with Martin Quinn as the young engineer It s gratifying to see an actual Paisley born Scot playing the role and an amusing fact that he s the second actor after Simon Pegg who has paid their dues playing roles in various British comedy shows If Quinn hangs around I can t wait for Trek completionists to watch Limmy s Show and Derry Girls to watch his early work much like when I watched Brent Spiner on Cheers and Night Court I don t want to harp on about the limitations a prequel imposes because we all know the score now It may bend the edges of Trek s established narrative but Strange New Worlds can never escape its eventual destination Young Kirk Young Spock Young Uhura Young Chapel Young Scotty and Young Dr M Benga will all be here around and alive to turn into their counterparts You can t put any of those characters in jeopardy or base your episode around asking that question because we already know who is safe That s why the emotional beats of Spock s dramatic rescue of Chapel worked perfectly but asking the question of her survival did not The show was smart enough to only leave the issue lingering for the first act before we saw Chapel working to stay alive Notice she also gets to do an EVA in a proper spacesuit after her emergency leap in “The Broken Circle But I can only speak as a “fan so maybe it worked better for those mainstream viewers who have made Strange New Worlds one of the biggest shows on streaming TV Michael Gibson Paramount Back in the s Pike and Kirk were the same character with the serial numbers filed off both drawn from the same template of rugged mid s masculinity Two fisted thinking men of action as comfortable on the back of a horse as they were quoting poetry or discussing naval history This lack of distinction wasn t really an issue back then or even now until Strange New Worlds made the conscious decision to let Kirk lurk on the periphery of Pike s narrative It meant the production team needed to retrofit Pike as different from his successor helped by Anson Mount s gravitas and easy charm And the first season finale made it clear that Pike s reluctance to shoot first and ask questions later was his tragic flaw One that Kirk didn t have which made him a better leader to take the Enterprise on its next set of missions But Anson Mount s paternity leave and reduced shooting schedule meant there wasn t time to examine the fallout from “A Quality of Mercy in any detail After all he now knows his desire to find a peaceful solution single handedly started a war that wiped out the Federation He also knows he has to remain true to his principles or else he could pollute the timeline and not be in the right place to save future Spock s life The fact he s unable to make a decision in the cliffhanger is entirely congruent with the journey Pike has been on but it s clear the steps leading to this moment would have been explored far more had Mount been available “Hegemony then is the show s first real chance to look at how Pike has tried to grow into Kirk s mold despite how ill fitting he finds it In his first talk with Admiral April he advocates a policy of shooting first but not long after he s thinking about trying to find a peaceful solution It s those two competing urges that paralyze Pike in the finale knowing there are lives on the line whatever he does But again you have to praise the production team for trusting the audience will keep up with what happened in the previous season It s not great that Strange New Worlds can only do so much to put clear water between Pike and Kirk You can t make Pike look too old fashioned or useless without alienating him from the audience especially given his forthcoming ultimate sacrifice But go too far the other way and you make Pike a dove in comparison with the more hawkish Kirk which to me feels like the wrong message to be sending Michael Gibson Paramount It s hard to know how long Strange New Worlds will run for or what the plans are for its future You could easily argue it never needs to end so much as just swap out characters until you ve rebuilt the ensemble Every generation of Paramount executives harbors a desire to get a do over on Kirk and Spock in the hope their name recognition alone will carry a series But I m curious if that s something people would actually want I m not sure I do but then my dream would be an original series set in Trek s present with no legacy characters at all And I know that s something of a minority opinion compared to all those folks who want yet another run on the nostalgia treadmill set in the safety of Trek s past If nothing else at least Strange New Worlds has kept its fan service to a minimum and tried as best as it can to set out on its own path At the end of my season one finale review I wrote “Whisper it friends but Strange New Worlds might actually be good That was a fair line at the time since the show took a while before clicking into a high gear Since then however more or less every episode has improved upon the last to produce a second season with barely any weak notes We don t need to whisper anything now Strange New Worlds is the best live action Trek of the streaming era This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-08-10 13:00:46 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
School Tech Trends: Making Sense of AI, Security, and Future IT Workforce |
School Tech Trends Making Sense of AI Security and Future IT WorkforceDoes the rapid growth of artificial intelligence AI and the increasing need for security have you wondering how to make the best use of technology in learning Hear from CIsco s education experts as they explore the key trends in school technology that they re seeing globally and in the U S |
2023-08-10 13:25:41 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire Working Group Two |
Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire Working Group TwoCisco announces intent to acquire Working Group Two to boost its service edge deployment and API first strategy for application development partners Enterprise customers and Service Provider partners |
2023-08-10 13:25:18 |
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株式会社スカイキャピタルに対する行政処分について公表しました。 |
株式会社 |
2023-08-10 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Lauren James: England forward given two-game Women's World Cup ban after red card |
Lauren James England forward given two game Women x s World Cup ban after red cardEngland forward Lauren James is given a two match ban by Fifa for her red card in the Women s World Cup game with Nigeria |
2023-08-10 13:48:02 |
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BBC News - Home |
David Hunter: Cyprus prosecutors appeal against manslaughter conviction |
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2023-08-10 13:48:16 |
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No 10 suggests UK still EU member in tweet gaffe |
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2023-08-10 13:05:41 |