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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ファミコン発売40年 任天堂が狙うハード依存からの脱却 |
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IT |
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[ITmedia エンタープライズ] 生成AIが早くも「過度な期待」のピーク期に ガートナーが2023年版「ハイプ・サイクル」を発表 |
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IT |
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[ITmedia エンタープライズ] FedExがAIプラットフォーム「」に投資 「スマートロジスティクス」の実現を目指す |
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[ITmedia PC USER] Intel、GPUステータス計測ツール「PresentMon」β版を公開 |
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2023-08-21 05:37:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is routing and how to implement attribute routing in MVC? |
What is routing and how to implement attribute routing in Asp net MVC ASP NET MVC routing is a model mapping system that is responsible for mapping incoming browser queries with specified MVC controller actions When the ASP NET MVC application is launched the application records one or more of the models with the frame route table to specify the routing engine what to do with any request which corresponds to these models When the routing engine receives a query at runtime it matches the URL of that query with the URL templates saved with it and gives the response based on a model match Properties of RouteASP NET MVC routes are responsible for determining what controller method should be run for a specific URL An URL is comprised of the following properties Route Name A route is a URL model which is mapped to an administrator A handler may be a controller in the MVC app that handles the request The name of a route may be used as a specific reference for a particular route URL model A URL model can contain literal values and variable substitutes called URL parameters When a query is made the URL is parsed into segments and placeholders and variable values are given to the query manager This process is similar to how data in query chains are analyzed and passed to the query manager In either case the information about the variables is included in the URL and passed to the handler key value pairs For query strings buttons and values can be found in the URL For routes keys are the names of reserved spaces defined in the URL template and only values are in the URL Default When you set a path you can assign a default value to a parameter The default value is an object that holds the default path values Constraints A set of constraints to be applied against the URL model to define the corresponding URL more narrowly Understand the Default RouteThe default ASP NET MVC project templates add a generic route that uses the following URL convention to split the URL of a particular query into three named segments url controller action id This trace is recorded via the RouteCollection MapRoute extension method Routing is how ASP NET MVC associates a URI with an action MVC supports a new type of routing known as attribute based routing As its name indicates attribute routing uses attributes to specify routes Attribute Routing provides you with more control over the URIs of your web application Routing is a filtering process that oversees requests and determines what to do with each request Thus we can say that Routing is a query mapping mechanism in our MVC application When an MVC application first boots up the global asax Application Start event is called Routing is a screening process that monitors applications and determines what to do with each application Example routes MapRoute Default controller action id new controller Home action Index ID Url Parameter Optional MVC supports a new routing type known as “Attribute Routing As the name implies Attribute Routing allows us to define routing above the controller s method of action Read More Best Way To Bind Partial View For Improving Performance In Asp net Mvc Enabling Attribute RoutingTo enable attribute routing we must call the MapMvcAttributeRoutes method in the route collection class during setup public class RouteConfig public static void RegisterRoutes RouteCollection routes routes IgnoreRoute resource axd pathInfo routes MapMvcAttributeRoutes We may also add a personalized itinerary in the same method This allows us to combine Attribute Routing with Convention based routing public class RouteConfig public static void RegisterRoutes RouteCollection routes routes IgnoreRoute resource axd pathInfo routes MapMvcAttributeRoutes routes MapRoute Default controller action id new controller Home action Index ID Url Parameter Optional An instance of attribute routingA path attribute is set at the top of an action method The following is an example of a Route attribute where routing is set when the action method is set In the following instance I set the route attribute above the action method public class HomeController Controller Route “Mvctest public ActionResult Index ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Attribute Routing with optional parameterWe can also set an optional parameter in the URL template by setting a query point for the route parameter We can also specify the default value using parameter value public class HomeController Controller Route “Mvctest customerName public ActionResult OtherTest string customerName ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Route “Mvctest customerName public ActionResult OtherTest string customerName ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Route PrefixesWe can also set a common prefix for the entire controller all controller action methods with the RoutePrefix attribute Example RoutePrefix “Mvctest public class HomeController Controller Route public ActionResult Index ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Route “ customerName public ActionResult OtherTest string customerName ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Using a tide sign with the Route attribute will replace the route prefix Looking to hire dedicated ASP Net developer Your Search ends here Example RoutePrefix “Mvctest public class HomeController Controller Route “ NewMVCTest public ActionResult Index ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View Defining Default Route using Route AttributeWe can also set an attribute Route above the controller to capture the default action method as a parameter Example RoutePrefix “Mvctest Route “action index public class HomeController Controller public ActionResult Index ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View public ActionResult NewMethod ViewBag Message Welcome to ASP NET MVC return View We can generate URIs using the URLs RouteUrlmethod lt a href Url RouteUrl mainmenu gt Test URI lt a gt ConclusionIn this blog we have learned about what is Routing and implementation of Attribute routing Attribute Routing provides us with more control over the URIs of our MVC web application Previous routing mode convention based routing is fully supported by this version of MVC We may also use the two types of routing within the same project |
2023-08-21 05:12:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Conditional Statements: Making Decisions in JavaScript 😎🔀 |
Conditional Statements Making Decisions in JavaScript Welcome to the fascinating world of JavaScript where lines of code come alive and make decisions for themselves Imagine a scenario where your code has a mind of its own capable of making choices and taking actions based on different conditions Well in JavaScript this is made possible through the magic of conditional statements 🪄So grab your favourite coding beverage and let s dive into the world of decision making in JavaScript The Basics of Conditional StatementsIn JavaScript conditional statements allow us to control the flow of our code based on certain conditions Think of them as the if else statements of the programming world They enable our code to make decisions and perform different actions depending on whether a particular condition is true or false the if statementThe most basic form of a conditional statement in JavaScript is the if statement Syntax if condition Code to execute if the condition is true It s like a fork in the road where the code decides which path to take based on the condition If the condition is true the code block inside the curly braces will be executed otherwise it will be skipped Simple right Let s see a real example to understand it better Imagine you re writing a program to check if a given number is even or odd Here s how you can do it in JavaScript let number if number console log The number is even Output The number is even In this example the condition number checks if the remainder of number divided by is equal to If it is the code inside the curly braces is executed and it prints The number is even Try running this code and you ll see the output as expected the else statementBut what if we want to handle the opposite case Here we can use the else statement When combined with if the else statement allows us to specify an alternative code block to execute if the condition is false Here s another example let number if number console log The number is even else console log The number is odd Output The number is odd Now our code can cover both sides of the story If the number is even it prints The number is even Otherwise it prints The number is odd Running this code will give you the expected output based on the value of the number variable Expanding the Possibilities with Else IfSometimes a simple true or false decision isn t enough We need more options more forks in the road That s where the else if statement comes to the rescue With else if we can test additional conditions if the previous ones turn out to be false It s like having multiple paths to choose from each with its own set of conditions Let s see an example let number if number console log The number is zero else if number console log The number is even else console log The number is odd Output The number is zero In this example we added another condition to check if the number is zero As the first condition is true and the number is zero it prints The number is zero Give it a try with different values of number and see how the output changes accordingly Logical Operators Combining ConditionsNow what if we want to test multiple conditions at the same time That s where logical operators come into play They allow us to combine conditions and create more complex decision making structures JavaScript offers three logical operators amp amp AND OR NOT These symbols give our code superpowers enabling it to evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously Let s see them in action The amp amp AND operatorThe amp amp operator checks if both conditions are true It s like saying I want my code to take action only if both of these things are true For example let number if number gt amp amp number lt console log The number is between and Output The number is between and In this example the code checks if the number variable is greater than and less than If both conditions are true it prints The number is between and Try changing the value of number and observe the output The OR operator The operator checks if either condition is true It s like saying I m happy as long as one of these things is true For example let color red if color red color blue console log The color is either red or blue Output The color is either red or blue In this example the code checks if the color variable is equal to red or blue If either condition is true it prints The color is either red or blue Change the value of color and see how the output changes The NOT operator The operator negates a condition It s like saying Hey code please do the opposite of what this condition says For example let loggedIn false if loggedIn console log Please log in to continue Output Please log in to continue In this example the code checks if the loggedIn variable is not true If the condition is true i e loggedIn is false it prints Please log in to continue Try changing the value of loggedIn and observe the output These logical operators add a new dimension to our decision making capabilities With them our code becomes smarter and more adaptable Wrapping UpCongratulations You ve now unlocked the power of conditional statements in JavaScript You can now create code that makes decisions takes different paths and adapts to various scenarios Your code is no longer bound by a single linear path It can branch out explore and make choices Remember conditional statements are a fundamental tool in JavaScript and mastering them will take your coding skills to the next level So go forth embrace the power of decisions and let your code navigate the twists and turns of programming with confidence Who Am I I m Aswin Barath a Software Engineering Nerd who loves building Web Applications now sharing my knowledge through Blogging during the busy time of my freelancing work life Here s the link to all of my socials categorized by platforms under one place Join me to learn JavaScript Checkout the JavaScript Roadmap Series where my mission is to share my knowledge on JavaScript Learn what I know about JavaScript from any of my favourite knowledge sources MDN Web DocsWSchools JavaScript TutorialComplete Web Developer CourseJunior to Senior Developer CourseTop JavaScript Courses on UdemyJavaScript Roadmap ーThe Basics EventFreeCodeCamp Front End Development LibrariesFreeCodeCamp Back End Development and APIs Keep LearningSo keep coding keep exploring and always embrace the fun and creativity that JavaScript brings May the force of JavaScript be with you as you continue your quest to conquer the web Now go forth young Jedi and may your JavaScript adventures be filled with laughter joy and endless lines of epic code May the code be with you Thank you so much for reading my blog |
2023-08-21 05:12:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Mastering JavaScript Data Types: Unveiling the Magic! ✨ |
Mastering JavaScript Data Types Unveiling the Magic Welcome fellow adventurers to the enchanting world of JavaScript As you embark on your coding journey understanding the fundamental building blocks of any programming language is essential In this comprehensive and beginner friendly guide we ll unravel the mysteries of data types in JavaScript From primitive data types like numbers booleans strings null undefined symbols and BigInt to exploring exponential notation and the mighty typeof operator we ll equip you with the tools to wield JavaScript s magic We ll also delve into advanced data types or as they are often called data structures such as arrays objects maps and more So fasten your seatbelts embrace the wonders of JavaScript and let the coding adventure begin Primitive Data Types Unveiling the Essentials ️Numbers Numbers are the building blocks of mathematical operations and calculations let age let pi Boolean Booleans have two values true or false guiding the flow of your program let isCodingFun true let isCodingChallenging false Strings Strings empower you to work with textual data allowing communication message display and text manipulation let name JavaScript let greeting Hello world Null Null signifies the intentional absence of a value let emptyBox null Undefined Undefined occurs when a variable is declared but not assigned a value let country undefinedSymbol Symbols are unique and immutable values used as special identifiers often creating unique property keys const id Symbol id const user id abc name John Doe BigInt BigInt is used when dealing with truly massive numbers beyond the limits of regular numbers allowing precise arithmetic operations const bigNumber n console log bigNumber Output nExponential Notation Embracing the Power of Scale JavaScript allows expressing numbers using exponential notation making it easy to represent extremely large or small values const million e const billionth e typeof Operator Peering into the Unknown The typeof operator helps understand the nature of variables unveiling the true identity of data types const age console log typeof age Output number const name JavaScript console log typeof name Output string const isCodingFun true console log typeof isCodingFun Output boolean Advanced Data Types as Data Structures Unleashing the Power Arrays Arrays are versatile and powerful data structures that hold multiple values allowing efficient storage and access to elements const fruits apple banana orange console log fruits Output apple Objects Objects represent real world entities and store collections of key value pairs modelling complex relationships const person name Alice age isStudent true console log person name Output Alice Maps Maps provide an advanced way of organizing data by associating keys with values offering flexibility and efficient key value pair retrieval const userMap new Map userMap set name John userMap set age console log userMap get name Output John Data Structures Empowering Your Code In JavaScript advanced data types such as arrays objects and maps can also be referred to as data structures These structures empower you to organize and manipulate more complex information efficiently Conclusion Embrace the Magic of JavaScript Data Types Congratulations brave coding adventurer You ve now journeyed through the captivating landscape of JavaScript data types We explored primitive data types including numbers booleans strings null undefined symbols and BigInt We also delved into exponential notation peered into the unknown with the typeof operator and unleashed the power of advanced data types or data structures including arrays objects and maps Armed with this newfound knowledge you re ready to wield the magic of JavaScript and create wonders with your code Understanding data types is crucial for crafting robust applications and this is just the beginning of your coding odyssey So keep exploring experimenting and let your creativity soar high in the boundless realms of JavaScript May your code be enchanting and your journey ever thrilling Happy coding Who Am I I m Aswin Barath a Software Engineering Nerd who loves building Web Applications now sharing my knowledge through Blogging during the busy time of my freelancing work life Here s the link to all of my socials categorized by platforms under one place Join me to learn JavaScript Checkout the JavaScript Roadmap Series where my mission is to share my knowledge on JavaScript Learn what I know about JavaScript from any of my favourite knowledge sources MDN Web DocsWSchools JavaScript TutorialComplete Web Developer CourseJunior to Senior Developer CourseTop JavaScript Courses on UdemyJavaScript Roadmap ーThe Basics EventFreeCodeCamp Front End Development LibrariesFreeCodeCamp Back End Development and APIs Keep LearningSo keep coding keep exploring and always embrace the fun and creativity that JavaScript brings May the force of JavaScript be with you as you continue your quest to conquer the web Now go forth young Jedi and may your JavaScript adventures be filled with laughter joy and endless lines of epic code May the code be with you Thank you so much for reading my blog |
2023-08-21 05:10:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding Variables in JavaScript: The Var, Let, and Const Adventure! |
Understanding Variables in JavaScript The Var Let and Const Adventure Welcome fellow JavaScript enthusiasts Today we embark on an epic journey to unravel the mysteries of variables in JavaScript Variables are essential tools that help us store and manipulate data In this blog post we ll dive into the three amigos of JavaScript variables var let and const Meet the Trio var let and const var Ah var the OG of JavaScript variables In the early days var was all we had It s still in use today but its quirks and unpredictability have made way for the more reliable let and const Let s see an example to understand var s behaviour var name John function greet if true var name Jane console log Hello name console log Goodbye name greet Output Hello Jane Goodbye Jane Wait what just happened Despite the name variable being declared inside the if block var has a function level scope This means the variable is accessible both inside and outside the block let Now let s introduce the new kid on the block let It brought more predictability and block level scoping to the table With let we can limit a variable s accessibility to the block it s defined in Take a look at the following example function countdown for let i i gt i setTimeout function console log i Blast Off i i countdown Output Blast Off The let keyword allows us to create a new variable i for each iteration of the loop As a result the setTimeout function captures the correct value of i for each iteration giving us the desired countdown effect const Finally we have const short for “constant As the name suggests a variable declared with const cannot be reassigned once it s been assigned a value This immutability makes const perfect for values that should remain constant throughout the program Let s see an example to understand const better const pi pi Oops We can t do that console log pi Output TypeError Assignment to constant variable As you can see attempting to reassign a value to a constant variable results in a TypeError So choose const when you want to make sure a variable retains its initial value throughout the program Scoping Where Art Thou Variable var s Scope As we saw earlier var has function level scope It means that a variable declared with var is accessible throughout the entire function regardless of where it s declared Let s have another example function printNumbers for var i i lt i setTimeout function console log i i printNumbers Output Oh no Why did it print all sixes The issue here is that the setTimeout function runs after the loop has completed and by that time the value of i is already All the setTimeout functions access the same variable resulting in unexpected output and by that time the value of i is already All the setTimeout functions access the same variable resulting in unexpected output let s Block Scope Now let s bring in the hero of the day let With let we can achieve block level scoping making our lives easier Let s modify the previous example function printNumbers for let i i lt i setTimeout function console log i i printNumbers Output Voila This time each setTimeout function captures the value of i for its corresponding iteration thanks to let s block level scoping We get the expected output showcasing the power of let const s Immutable Scope The scope behavior for const is similar to let The key difference lies in the immutability of const variables Once assigned their value cannot be changed However remember that const does not make objects or arrays immutable it only prevents the reassignment of the variable itself Pros and Cons Choosing the Right Variable var Pros The function level scope can be advantageous in certain scenarios Compatibility with older JavaScript versions Cons Unpredictable behaviour due to hoisting and function level scoping Increased potential for bugs and unintended variable sharing let Pros Block level scope provides more predictable and manageable code Helps prevent accidental variable sharing and promotes encapsulation Better error handling with Temporal Dead Zone TDZ restrictions Cons Compatibility issues with older JavaScript versions const Pros Immutable variables ensure the initial value remains constant Improves code readability by signalling the intention for constant values Helps prevent accidental variable reassignment Cons Requires careful consideration as variables cannot be reassigned Limited use for values that need to change dynamically Conclusion Congratulations on completing this thrilling adventure through the realms of variables in JavaScript We explored var let and const learned about their scopes and discovered their pros and cons Remember choosing the right variable depends on the context and requirements of your code Who Am I I m Aswin Barath a Software Engineering Nerd who loves building Web Applications now sharing my knowledge through Blogging during the busy time of my freelancing work life Here s the link to all of my socials categorized by platforms under one place Join me to learn JavaScript Checkout the JavaScript Roadmap Series where my mission is to share my knowledge on JavaScript Learn what I know about JavaScript from any of my favourite knowledge sources MDN Web DocsWSchools JavaScript TutorialComplete Web Developer CourseJunior to Senior Developer CourseTop JavaScript Courses on UdemyJavaScript Roadmap ーThe Basics EventFreeCodeCamp Front End Development LibrariesFreeCodeCamp Back End Development and APIs Keep LearningSo keep coding keep exploring and always embrace the fun and creativity that JavaScript brings May the force of JavaScript be with you as you continue your quest to conquer the web Now go forth young Jedi and may your JavaScript adventures be filled with laughter joy and endless lines of epic code May the code be with you Thank you so much for reading my blog |
2023-08-21 05:08:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introduction to JavaScript: The Fundamentals You Need to Know |
Introduction to JavaScript The Fundamentals You Need to KnowGreetings fellow code adventurers Today we embark on a journey to explore the mystical land of JavaScript Brace yourself for an exhilarating ride through the fundamentals of this magical language Whether you re a beginner taking your first steps or a seasoned developer looking to refresh your knowledge this blog will be your trusty guide So grab your favourite coding beverage and let s set off on our JavaScript quest The Force of JavaScript Imagine JavaScript as the Jedi Master of the web development world With its powers you can transform dull web pages into dynamic and interactive experiences that rival the Millennium Falcon s hyperdrive JavaScript adds life to HTML and CSS making your websites dance sing and even perform a lightsaber duet It s the force behind modern web applications and the secret sauce that gives them their magic Variables The Infinity Stones of Data Storage In JavaScript variables are like Infinity Stonesーpowerful artifacts that hold the key to the universe of data They let you store and manipulate different types of information Here s a sneak peek at some of the JavaScript data types ️⃣Numbers Remember Neo from The Matrix JavaScript handles numbers just like himーdodging bullets and performing mathematical operations with grace Whether it s calculating the distance between galaxies or dividing the universe s mass by zero JavaScript has got your back Just be careful not to create a black hole in your code ️⃣Strings Ah stringsーthe language of love and code JavaScript treats strings like magical spells that can conjure up anything you desire Need to greet your users with a catchy message JavaScript s got your back It can concatenate slice and even reverse strings faster than Quicksilver runs Say goodbye to boring text and hello to exciting wordplay ️⃣Booleans If you ve ever watched The Terminator you know that the future of your code depends on making the right decisions Booleans in JavaScript act like trusty sidekicks determining whether something is true or false They help you build branching paths in your code ensuring that your application doesn t go rogue like Skynet Embrace the power of booleans and let your code choose wisely ️⃣Arrays Just like assembling a team of Avengers JavaScript arrays allow you to gather multiple pieces of data into one epic lineup Think of an array as Tony Stark s Iron Man suit capable of storing different data types in an ordered fashion You can access individual elements by their indices and even modify them Assemble your data heroes and let them save the day ️⃣Objects Objects in JavaScript are like treasure chests that hold valuable information Picture yourself as Indiana Jones exploring the depths of the web with your trusty object Objects can contain properties like a character s name and methods like a character s superpowers They allow you to organize and encapsulate related data making your code more powerful than the Holy Grail Control Flow Making Decisions with Style In the realm of JavaScript making decisions is as important as choosing the right lightsaber color Here are a couple of tricks to help you navigate the control flow ️⃣Conditionals Think of conditionals as your own personal Gandalf guiding your code through treacherous paths With the power of if statements you can execute blocks of code based on specific conditions It s like having a code bouncer that only lets the right conditions enter the party But remember be careful with your logic or your code might feel as confused as a hobbit in Mordor if isJedi useLightsaber else console log The Force is not strong with you young padawan ️⃣Loops Loops are like time machines that allow you to repeat code until a certain condition is met They give you the ability to automate tasks and keep your code running smoothly Whether you choose the classic for loop or the adventurous while loop JavaScript loops will make you feel like Bill and Ted traveling through time and rocking your code for let i i lt i console log I m gonna loop loop loop until I drop Functions Unleashing Your Superpowers ️In JavaScript functions are the superheroes that save the day providing modularity and reusability to your code Just like the Avengers functions come in different shapes and sizes function sayHello console log Hello world The above function will greet the world every time it is called Functions can also accept arguments and return values making them as versatile as Deadpool s arsenal They allow you to encapsulate logic perform complex calculations and even create your own custom superpowers Conclusion Congratulations brave JavaScript adventurer You ve travelled through the fundamentals of JavaScript from variables and data types to control flow and the power of functions Remember JavaScript is a language of endless possibilities waiting for you to create your own digital masterpiece Disclaimer The references to pop culture movies and emojis are meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as actual code syntax Always follow the official documentation and best practices while coding May the magic of JavaScript be with you Who Am I I m Aswin Barath a Software Engineering Nerd who loves building Web Applications now sharing my knowledge through Blogging during the busy time of my freelancing work life Here s the link to all of my socials categorized by platforms under one place Join me to learn JavaScript Checkout the JavaScript Roadmap Series where my mission is to share my knowledge on JavaScript Learn what I know about JavaScript from any of my favourite knowledge sources MDN Web DocsWSchools JavaScript TutorialComplete Web Developer CourseJunior to Senior Developer CourseTop JavaScript Courses on UdemyJavaScript Roadmap ーThe Basics EventFreeCodeCamp Front End Development LibrariesFreeCodeCamp Back End Development and APIs Keep LearningSo keep coding keep exploring and always embrace the fun and creativity that JavaScript brings May the force of JavaScript be with you as you continue your quest to conquer the web Now go forth young Jedi and may your JavaScript adventures be filled with laughter joy and endless lines of epic code May the code be with you Thank you so much for reading my blog |
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