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エクサウィザーズ、「exaBase 生成AI」で自社独自の情報を取り込んだ生成AI環境を構築可能に | IT Leaders |
エクサウィザーズ、「exaBase生成AI」で自社独自の情報を取り込んだ生成AI環境を構築可能にITLeadersエクサウィザーズは年月日、ChatGPT拡張サービス「exaBase生成AIpoweredbyGPT」に、PDF資料や社内規程など、社内外の独自情報を取り込んだ専用の生成AI環境を構築できる新機能を発表した。 |
2023-08-21 18:20:00 |
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dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker Desktopインストール時、困りごと解決法(起動しない、docker-users) |
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2023-08-21 18:59:32 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
WorkMailの使用容量は容量が上限に達してしまい、対策と注意点を教えてください。 |
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2023-08-21 09:48:17 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
開発チームリーダーとしてやってきたことのふりかえり #devio2023 |
developersio |
2023-08-21 09:41:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Selenium WebDriverWait: Implementing The Explicit Wait Command |
Selenium WebDriverWait Implementing The Explicit Wait CommandIn the dynamic realm of automation testing achieving flawless execution and dependable results is of utmost importance As web applications grow more intricate and user centric conventional test scripts may struggle to handle asynchronous behavior and varying loading times This is where Selenium WebDriverWait emerges as a game changer WebDriverWait a potent feature of Selenium the industry standard web application testing tool empowers testers to apply intelligent delays or “waits in their scripts These waits ensure that interactions with web elements occur precisely when they are ready rather than being forced prematurely In this blog we will delve into the significance of Wait commands in automation testing and explore how Selenium s WebDriverWait elevates the efficiency and accuracy of test suites By addressing the challenges posed by asynchronous web applications network latencies cross browser inconsistencies and UI rendering WebDriverWait not only enhances test stability and reliability but also improves overall test performance In this blog we will briefly look at the concept of the Explicit Wait command in Selenium Subsequently we will look at Selenium WebDriverWait a Java class that implements the Explicit Wait command We will discuss the benefits of Selenium WebDriverWait in automation testing We ll also explore ExpectedConditions in Selenium covering its types and commonly used expected conditions We ll provide an illustrative example to demonstrate the implementation of Selenium WebDriverWait This comprehensive approach will equip you with a strong foundation in working with one of the Wait Commands in Selenium Need a great solution for cross browser testing on Safari Forget about emulators or simulators ー use real online browsers Try LambdaTest to test on safari browser online What is Selenim WebDriverWait Selenium WebDriver offers different types of Wait Commands to handle synchronization in test automation The concept of Selenium Wait revolves around pausing the execution of the script until certain conditions are met ensuring that the test proceeds only when the desired state or element is available There are three types of Wait Commands Implicit Wait CommandExplicit Wait CommandFluent Wait Command“WebDriverWait is a class in Java provided by the Selenium framework that allows you to implement the concept of Explicit Waits in your test automation scripts It allows you to define custom wait conditions and specify the maximum duration for the WebDriver to wait until the condition is satisfied It provides control and flexibility compared to Implicit Waits which are based on a fixed waiting time Selenium WebDriverWait class allows defining expected conditions using built in methods provided by the ExpectedConditions class such as element visibility element clickability text presence and many more You may check out our blog on Selenium Wait to learn in depth about the Selenium Wait commands Test your native hybrid and web apps across all legacy and latest mobile operating systems on the most powerful online Android emulator Benefits of Using WebDriverWaitThe implementation of the Explicit Wait command using the Selenium WebDriverWait class offers various benefits as listed below Selenium WebDriverWait allows your test scripts to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding ensuring that the elements are ready for interaction This reduces the chances of encountering errors or failures due to time related issues Selenium WebDriverWait is particularly useful for handling dynamic web pages where elements may appear or change asynchronously It enables you to wait for elements to be visible clickable or present before interacting with them accommodating the dynamic nature of web applications Selenium WebDriverWait offers the flexibility to define custom wait conditions tailored to your specific testing requirements You can create conditions based on JavaScript CSS or other relevant techniques allowing you to handle unique scenarios not covered by built in expected conditions Getting Started with Explicit Wait using Selenium WebDriverWait Class in JavaThe Explicit Wait is a more intelligent approach than the Implicit Wait to handle synchronization in automation testing Unlike Implicit Explicit Wait allows you to pause the program execution for specific elements until they meet the desired conditions It also provides more control and flexibility and is especially useful for waiting on dynamically loaded Ajax elements To use Explicit Wait you must utilize the ExpectedConditions provided by Selenium Let s discuss the ExpectedConditions in Selenium Webdriver ExpectedCondition in Selenium WebdriverIn automation testing ensuring that the rendering of the web page and your instructions are in sync before proceeding is essential Therefore Selenium WebDriver provided ExpectedConditions that are used for performing Explicit Waits on a certain condition These conditions are accessible in various programming languages and provide a user friendly approach to waiting for specific conditions to be fulfilled The availability of these conditions may differ based on the Selenium language bindings used Types of ExpectedConditions in Selenium JavaThere are generally four categories of Expected Conditions in Selenium Java ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt ExpectedCondition lt WebDriver gt ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt ExpectedCondition lt Alert gt We will not look at each of these Expected Conditions one by one in detail ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt This ExpectedCondtions uses the WebElement as a parameter Then the Explicit Wait is performed until the specified expected condition is fulfilled or the specified wait duration is reached When the expected condition is fulfilled it returns the corresponding WebElement a list of WebElements or other relevant information based on the core implementation of the ExpectedCondition ExpectedCondition lt WebDriver gt This allows you to wait for WebDriver related conditions to be satisfied before moving forward with your test execution Once the specified operations are successfully performed the method returns the WebDriver instance indicating that the desired conditions have been met ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt This represents a condition that returns a Boolean value It is used in Explicit Waits to wait for specific conditions to be satisfied and to return a Boolean value as a result indicating whether the condition has been met or not ExpectedCondition lt Alert gt This represents a condition to wait for the presence of an alert on a web page This type of condition is used in Explicit Waits to wait for an alert to be present Once the alert is present you can interact with it using methods like accept to accept the alert or dismiss to dismiss it We have discussed the different categories of ExpectedConditions in Selenium Java Now Let s explore some of the commonly used ExpectedConditions in Selenium Java to implement Explicit Waits Commonly used ExpectedConditions in Selenium JavaIn this section we are going to look at the static methods provided in the ExpectedConditions class in Java We will see how to use them in a practical way by writing Selenium Test Scripts elementToBeClickable MethodIt is a method of ExpectedCondition that waits for an element to be clickable This is especially useful in scenarios where elements may take some time to load become enabled or change state based on certain conditions Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt elementToBeClickable By locator presenceOfElementLocatedMethodThis method is used to wait for the presence of a specific element on a web page It checks whether the element is available in the DOM Document Object Model of the page or not If the element is found the method returns the WebElement indicating that the element is now ready for further interactions in your automation testing In other words it ensures that the element is loaded and can be accessed before proceeding with any actions on it Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt presenceOfElementLocated By locator visibilityOfElementLocatedMethodThis method waits for an element to be both present in the DOM and visible on the web page before proceeding with the test execution Similar to the presenceOfElementLocated Method this also checks if the element is present in the DOM of the page But this method does one thing extra as this checks if the element also has a non zero size meaning it is visible to the user on the web page or not If the element meets both conditions the method returns the WebElement indicating that the element is now visible and is available for further interactions Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt visibilityOfElementLocated By locator visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedByMethodThis method is similar to the visibilityOfElementLocatedMethod The only difference is that it waits for all elements matching a specific locator to be both present in the DOM and visible on the web page before proceeding with the test execution Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt WebElement gt visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy By locator Let s take an example to understand the above method We will implement various tests using the LambdaTest s Demo Website import org openqa selenium WebDriver import org openqa selenium chrome ChromeDriver import org openqa selenium By import org openqa selenium WebElement import org openqa selenium support ui ExpectedConditions import org openqa selenium support ui WebDriverWait import java time Duration import java util List public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds ExpectedCondition for Presence of Element Located WebElement elementLocated wait until ExpectedConditions presenceOfElementLocated By id username elementLocated sendKeys xyz lambdatest driver findElement By id password sendKeys LambdaTest ExpectedCondition for Element to be Clickable WebElement clickableElement wait until ExpectedConditions elementToBeClickable By linkText Blogs clickableElement click ExpectedCondition for Visibility of Element Located WebElement visibleElement wait until ExpectedConditions visibilityOfElementLocated By xpath id menu item a String elementText visibleElement getText System out println elementText ExpectedCondition for Visibility of All Elements Located List lt WebElement gt allVisibleElements wait until ExpectedConditions visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy By xpath id site navigation div for WebElement element allVisibleElements System out println element getText Close the browser driver quit In the above program we started by importing the necessary modules and then created a WebDriver instance e g ChromeDriver in our case to navigate to our desired website Now let s look at the different ExpectedConditions methods used in the program above program presenceOfElementLocated We waited for an element with the ID attribute “username to be present in the DOM of the webpage Once the element was found it returned a reference to the WebElement and we used the sendKeys method to input the text “xyz lambdatest into the corresponding input field Similarly we found the element with the ID attribute “password and entered the text “LambdaTest into the input field A comprehensive end to end Testing tutorial that covers what EE Testing is its importance benefits and how to perform it with real time examples elementToBeClickable This method waited for the element with the link text “Blogs to become clickable Once the element was clickable it returned a reference to the WebElement and we utilized the click method to navigate to the “Blogs section visibilityOfElementLocated We waited for an element with the specified XPath expression to become visible on the webpage Once it became visible the method returned the WebElement reference and we extracted the text of the element and printed it visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy In this case we waited for all elements matching the given XPath expression to be visible on the webpage Once all elements were visible the method returned a list of WebElement references We then iterated through the list and printed the text of each element frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToItMethodThis method is used to wait for a frame to be available on a web page and then switch the driver s focus to that frame Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt WebDriver gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt WebDriver gt frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt By locator elementToBeSelectedMethodThis method is used to wait until the WebElement is selected with a specified locator It is handy when you deal with web pages that involve user interactions such as selecting options from dropdown menus clicking checkboxes or choosing radio buttons Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt elementToBeSelected By locator invisibilityOfElementLocatedMethodThis method is used to wait for a web element to become invisible or hidden on the web page before proceeding further It continuously checks if the element is present in the DOM and visible on the page If the element becomes invisible it returns true indicating that the element is no longer visible Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt invisibilityOfElementLocated By locator textToBe MethodThis method is used to wait for the text of a web element to be equal to a given string passes as a parameter before proceeding further Method Category ー ExpectedConditionSyntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt textToBe By locator String text Let s understand textToBe method with an example public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds try wait until ExpectedConditions textToBe By xpath id newapply h Login Selenium Playground catch TimeoutException e Handle the TimeoutException finally Close the browser driver quit In the above program we use the Explicit Wait concept with Selenium WebDriverWait and ExpectedConditions textToBe method to wait for a specific element on the webpage to contain the given text “Login Selenium Playground Since the given text does not match the text located using the XPath expression in the specified time Therefore a TimeoutException is caught and the WebDriver is correctly closed after waiting for seconds Now we pass “Login to Selenium Playground as a given text In this case the given text matches with the text located using the XPath expression Therefore the WebDriver properly closed before seconds public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds try wait until ExpectedConditions textToBe By xpath id newapply h Login to Selenium Playground catch TimeoutException e Handle the TimeoutException finally Close the browser driver quit In this Appium tutorial learn about Appium and its benefits for mobile automation testing Take a look at how Appium works and see how to perform Appium testing of your mobile applications textToBePresentInElementLocatedMethodThis method is used to check whether a given text passed as a parameter to the method is present in the visible text of a web element or not If the given text is present in the web element it returns a boolean value true or otherwise returns false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt textToBePresentInElementLocated By locator String text Let s understand the textToBePresentInElementLocated method with an example public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds Wait for the element to contain the expected text wait until ExpectedConditions textToBePresentInElementLocated By xpath id newapply h Selenium Close the browser driver quit In this case the given text “Selenium matches with the text located using the XPath expression Therefore the WebDriver properly closed before seconds textToBePresentInElementValueMethodThis method is used to check whether a given text passed as a parameter to the method is present in the specified elements value attribute or not If the given text is present it returns a boolean value true or otherwise returns false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt textToBePresentInElementValue By locator String text titleContainsMethodThis method is used to check whether a given title text is present in the current page title or the title of a WebElement or not If the given text is present in the current page title it returns a boolean value true or otherwise returns false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt titleContains String title Let s understand the titleContains method with an example import org openqa selenium WebDriver import org openqa selenium chrome ChromeDriver import org openqa selenium support ui ExpectedConditions import org openqa selenium support ui WebDriverWait import java time Duration public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds boolean isTitleContains false try wait until ExpectedConditions titleContains Selenium Playground isTitleContains true catch org openqa selenium TimeoutException e isTitleContains false Print the result System out println Is title contains Selenium Playground isTitleContains Close the browser driver quit Output Is title contains Selenium Playground trueIn this case the given title “Selenium Playground matches the title of the webpage Therefore it returns true and the result is printed As you can see in the Output A comprehensive UI testing tutorial that covers what UI testing is its importance benefits and how to perform it with real time examples titleIsMethodThis method is used to check whether a web page title is exactly match with the given string passed as a parameter or not If the given text matches with the title of the webpage then it returns a boolean value true or otherwise false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt titleIs String title urlContainsMethodThis method is used to check whether a URL of a webpage contain a specific string or given string passed as a parameter or not If the given string is present in the URL then it returns a boolean value true or otherwise false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt urlContains String fraction Let s understand the urlContains method with an example import org openqa selenium WebDriver import org openqa selenium chrome ChromeDriver import org openqa selenium support ui ExpectedConditions import org openqa selenium support ui WebDriverWait import java time Duration public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds boolean isurlContains false try wait until ExpectedConditions urlContains automation demos isurlContains true catch org openqa selenium TimeoutException e isurlContains false Print the result System out println Is url contains automation demos isurlContains Close the browser driver quit Output Is url contains automation demos trueIn this case the URL of the webpage contains automation demos Therefore it returns true and the result is printed As you can see in the Output Now we passed the “xyz and since the URL of the webpage didn t contain “xyz Therefore it returns false and the result is printed As you can see in the Output public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds boolean isurlContains false try wait until ExpectedConditions urlContains xyz isurlContains true catch org openqa selenium TimeoutException e isurlContains false Print the result System out println Is url contains xyz isurlContains Close the browser driver quit Output Is url contains xyz false urlToBeMethodThis method is used to check whether the URL of a web page exactly matches a specific URL given URL or not If the given string exactly matches the URL of the webpage it returns a boolean value true or otherwise returns false Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Boolean gt urlToBe String url alertIsPresent MethodThis method is used to wait for an alert dialog to be present on a web page and then perform actions like accepting or dismissing the alert as part of your test flow This method is particularly useful when dealing with web pages that use JavaScript based alert boxes to show messages prompts or confirmations to the user Method Category ー ExpectedCondition lt Alert gt Syntax ExpectedCondition lt Alert gt alertIsPresent Let s take an example for better understanding import org openqa selenium Alert import org openqa selenium By import org openqa selenium WebDriver import org openqa selenium chrome ChromeDriver import org openqa selenium support ui ExpectedConditions import org openqa selenium support ui WebDriverWait import java time Duration public class SeleniumWebDriverWaitExample public static void main String args WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver Navigate to the website driver get driver findElement By xpath id next section div div div div p button click Initialize WebDriverWait with a timeout of seconds WebDriverWait wait new WebDriverWait driver Duration ofSeconds Wait until an alert is present boolean isAlertPresent false try wait until ExpectedConditions alertIsPresent isAlertPresent true catch org openqa selenium TimeoutException e isAlertPresent false Print the result System out println Is alert present isAlertPresent If alert is present handle it if isAlertPresent Alert alert driver switchTo alert String alertText alert getText System out println Alert Text alertText Accept the alert Click OK alert accept Close the browser driver quit Output Is alert present trueAlert Text Alert box In the above program we use the Explicit Wait concept with Selenium WebDriverWait to check if an alert is present on a web page It waits for a maximum of seconds for the alert to appear The result is then printed to the console indicating whether the alert is present or not If the alert is present its text is retrieved and printed to the console The alert is then accepted by clicking the “OK button As you can see in the image below Finally the code closes the web browser ensuring smooth execution of the test regardless of the presence of the alert You can also check out the article ExpectedConditions in Selenium for more detailed information and related examples Run your Jest automation tests in massive parallel across multiple browser and OS combinations with LambdaTest Read more If you would be interested in deep diving on the Wait Commands in Selenium chekck out tutorial video on our YouTube channel Limitations of Selenium WebDriverWaitSelenium WebDriverWait is a class in Java used for handling synchronization automation testing However it does have some limitations Let s explore them Limited to Web Based Applications Selenium WebDriverWait is specifically designed for web based applications and cannot be used for other types of applications For example ー Mobile Dependency on Web Elements Selenium WebDriverWait relies on web elements to determine the synchronization condition If the desired web element is not present or accessible it can cause the wait to fail or result in a longer wait time Performance Impact Using Selenium WebDriverWait excessively or with long wait times can impact the performance of test execution Therefore it is important to find the right balance between wait times and test execution speed Difficulties with Dynamic Elements While Selenium WebDriverWait can handle some dynamic elements it may encounter challenges with highly dynamic web pages where elements frequently change or are added removed dynamically Lack of Native Support for Asynchronous Operations Selenium WebDriverWait may not handle all types of asynchronous operations or AJAX requests by default Additional customization may be required to handle such scenarios ConclusionIn this article we have explored the concept of Explicit Wait using the Selenium WebDriverWait class in Java We have introduced WebDriverWait and discussed its advantages Next we dived into the Explicit Waits using the WebDriverWait class After that we discussed ExpectedConditions available in Selenium Java and provided detailed explanations with real world examples to enhance your understanding We have addressed some limitations associated with using Explicit Waits in Selenium Our primary goal with this article is to offer a comprehensive and reader friendly resource that equips you with the knowledge and guidance needed to implement WebDriverWait in your Selenium test automation projects effectively |
2023-08-21 09:31:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learning Web Development Together with a Real Project |
Learning Web Development Together with a Real ProjectLearning through tutorials alone is not enough some hands on practice is required in order to properly understand the concepts I created a project to serve as a playground for everyone who wants to learn Web Development and play around with some concepts such as React NextJS GraphQL TailwindCSS Typescript React Query Vitest and more You can find it here don t forget to leave a ️ Balastrong github stats Aggregating and displaying YOUR GitHub Stats in meaningful metrics GitHub StatsYour GitHub contributions smartly organized and visualized showcase meaningful metrics on your CVWhat s this Before stating whether this tool is useful or not it might be let s disclose its primary goal improving our skills Why our Because this tool is open source and everyone is more than welcome to contribute to it You can grab an issue at any time or join the Discord server to discuss the project and its future Nothing is set in stone so feel free to share your ideas and suggestions Technologies involvedThe app is currently based on Next js with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS actually with DaisyUI a Tailwind CSS component library We manage some data specifically from the GitHub APIs using the GraphQL endpoint and React Query There s a login feature with NextAuth using GitHub as a provider Coming soonThe plan is to also add at… View on GitHubHere s a quick overview of the project Why this project As of today it s still pretty basic because that s exactly the point building it together I already mentioned some of the technologies involved but I m planning to add more everything will be kept up to date in the README file I ve written a lot of tutorials and I think they can be helpful but the final step is always to put the concepts into practice and I think this project can be a good starting point You can use it to learn or improve your technical skills but it is also a great chance to start contributing to Open Source in a controlled environment It can help getting familiar with the process of contributing to a project between issues pull requests code reviews and so on Like I say many times in the video the goal isn t the success of the final product but rather the process of building it together I m also not necessarily an expert in all the technologies I d like to see in the project so I m also going to learn a lot from it and I really can t wait to see your contributions How to contributeIf you want to participate you can find the instructions in the README and in the CONTRIBUTING files including some instructions on how to set up the environment variables most notably the tokens for the GitHub login as we ll see later The project is open to any kind of contribution from fixing typos to adding new features so don t be shy and feel free to contribute You can do basically everything at this point for example Open an issue to report a bug or suggest a new featureAnswer or provide feedback on issues there are some open questions Comment on an issue to get it assigned so you can start working on itOpen a pull request to fix a bug or add a new feature make sure to link the assignedissue Do some code review on a pull request What is the project about Ah right I didn t mention it yet I felt what said here above was actually more important than the project itself but I guess it s time to talk about it There s a hosted version here The overall idea is that it might be useful to have some relevant data extracted and grouped from the official GitHub APIs to use it in your CV or portfolio Putting the GitHub link is already fine mandatory I would say but also adding some meaningful metrics can be a nice touch From the Homepage you ll be able to login with your GitHub Account so that your data can be pulled directly from the GitHub GraphQL endpoint As of today there s a page listing the repositories where you opened some pull requests with the state and a total counter grouped by year You can nicely display in the browser or export as JSON or text implemented a couple of days ago feat export buttons for json and text format piyushjha posted on Aug Created a generate text function and a button to export it Added a button for downloading in json format as well View on GitHub There s also a profile page with some basic data and actually a lot of space to put some more In the future we can indeed add some other combined data animations charts and so on or think even bigger and adding job postings or other related or unrelated featues If you have any idea feel free to open an issue and discuss it Speaking of communication to make things move faster we can also use Discord Do you think it s a good idea Do you have any suggestions Let me know in the comments and see you in the project Thanks for reading this article I hope you found it interesting I recently launched my Discord server to talk about Open Source and Web Development feel free to join Do you like my content You might consider subscribing to my YouTube channel It means a lot to me ️You can find it here Feel free to follow me to get notified when new articles are out Leonardo MontiniFollow I talk about Open Source GitHub and Web Development I also run a YouTube channel called DevLeonardo see you there |
2023-08-21 09:22:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source newsletter, #170 |
AWS open source newsletter August st Instalment Welcome to edition of the AWS open source newsletter an oasis of open source goodness that features the latest new projects essential reading and must view videos to quench the thirst of every open source developer This weeks edition we have new projects that help you get on top of your IAM actions a handy tool for knowing what your current AWS account service limits are from the command line a tool to help you do database migrations and some interesting and very detailed reference solutions for gaming live streaming and managing exporting of your Amazon Cognito profiles This weeks community and AWS content round up includes content from open source technologies including AWS LC Threat Composer GraphQL AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry ADOT PostgreSQL Apache Airflow Syft Apache Hudi Apache Iceberg Apache Spark collectd Grafana ODE Next js OpenZFS Cedar Powertools for Lambda and more As always don t skip the events section as there are plenty of events happening in August September which you should check out FeedbackBefore you dive in however I need your help Please please please take minute to complete this short survey For the first submissions I have some AWS Credits as a thank you Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles and projects shared in this newsletter are only possible thanks to the many contributors in open source I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to learn and build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Darren Boyd Jessie Wei Andrew Hopkins Greg Foster Chris Farris Stephen Jones Rotem Tamir Ivica Kolenkaš Heitor Lessa Daniel Aniszkiewicz Yasunori Kirimoto Kaxil Naik Virgil Ennes Samuel Baruffi Emmanuel Saliu Rishi Gera Hernan Garcia Parnab Basak Shubham Mehta Kevin Schwarz Eoin Shanaghy and Luciano Mammino Latest open source projectsThe great thing about open source projects is that you can review the source code If you like the look of these projects make sure you that take a look at the code and if it is useful to you get in touch with the maintainer to provide feedback suggestions or even submit a contribution The projects mentioned here do not represent any formal recommendation or endorsement I am just sharing for greater awareness as I think they look useful and interesting Toolssensitive iam actionssensitive iam actions is a crowdsourced list of sensitive IAM Actions There exists no definitive list of Sensitive IAM Actions that can lead to credential or data access privilege escalation or making resources public This repo contains a list of IAM Actions that fall into one of four risk categories Credential Exposure Data Access Privilege Escalation and Resource Exposure Make sure you read the project README in full as there is lots of additional information Also Chris Farris put together this blog post Defining the Sensitive IAM Actions provides more background on the reason Chris put this repo together aws service limitsaws service limits is a tool from AWS Community Builder Stephen Jones that fetches and displays service quotas for AWS services It uses the GetAWSDefaultServiceQuota API to retrieve information about the current setting and utilises the UsageMetric information to get the actual usage via CloudWatch atlasatlas is a language agnostic tool for managing and migrating database schemas using modern DevOps principles It offers two workflows Declarative Similar to Terraform Atlas compares the current state of the database to the desired state as defined in an HCL SQL or ORM schema Based on this comparison it generates and executes a migration plan to transition the database to its desired state and Versioned Unlike other tools Atlas automatically plans schema migrations for you Users can describe their desired database schema in HCL SQL or their chosen ORM and by utilising Atlas they can plan lint and apply the necessary migrations to the database Rotem Tamir has put together a blog post Passwordless Schema Migrations on RDS with Atlas that shows how you can use this tool with AWS IAM authentication which enables you to perform passwordless schema migrations on your Amazon RDS databases Demos Samples Solutions and WorkshopsExtended CDK WorkshopYou can now try out a new CDK workshop the Extended CDK Workshop This workshop is aimed at folk who are already familiar with CDK and will cover how you can use CDK Pipeline for application deployment importing existing CloudFormation resources and their use inside CDK and how to transform your CDK stack to other languages supported by CDK Make sure you check out the pre req s live streaming on awslive streaming on aws this open source solution is a reference deployment that demonstrates how to deliver highly available live streaming video through an integrated workflow between Elemental Cloud and AWS The solution is deployed using a CloudFormation template with a lambda backed custom resource available in both NodeJS and Python The README also provides a link to documentation that will help you get this up and running cognito user profiles export reference architecturecognito user profiles export reference architecture is an open source reference architecture for exporting user profiles group details and group memberships from an Amazon Cognito User Pool to an Amazon DynamoDB global table using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda This solution uses an AWS Step Functions workflow ExportWorkflow to periodically export user profiles groups and group membership details from your user pool to an Amazon DynamoDB global table with automatic asynchronous replication to a backup Region for added resiliency This solution is designed to provide a framework for exporting user profile and group information from your user pool allowing you to focus on extending the solution s functionality rather than managing the underlying infrastructure operation guidance for custom game backend hosting on awsguidance for custom game backend hosting on aws the AWS Game Backend Framework allows you to integrate your game clients with AWS backend services with secure scalable identity management and authentication and integrations to commonly used game platform identity providers and game engines The framework consists of three key components Custom identity component that can be deployed with AWS Cloud Development Kit Supports guest identities Steam Sign in with Apple Google Play and Facebook lightweight game engine SDK s for Unreal Engine Unity and up and Godot and a sample backend component templates to get started with backend feature development I am been meaning to play around with Godot for a while so maybe this is the excuse I need to get started AWS and Community blog postsCommunity round upEvery week I am amazed at how many great posts I come across from the community and this week is no different Great stuff please keep them coming This week I want to start with Manage Airflow connections with Terraform and AWS SecretsManager from AWS Community Builder Ivica Kolenkaš which is a must read post for anyone working with Apache Airflow who wants to improve how they manage Airflow Connections I was speaking with Heitor Powertools for Lambda guru who mentioned that this uses Powertools for Lambda under the hood which is super awesome From Apache Airflow to Cedar and this time it is AWS Community Builder Daniel Aniszkiewicz who has written Authorization and Amazon Verified Permissions A New Way to Manage Permissions Part X AVP CLI and shares details of his open source tool avp cli that helps you work with AWS Verified Permissions AVP via the command line Make sure you check Daniel s other posts on both AVP and Cedar Something a little different next with AWS Hero Yasunori Kirimoto writing Use D map library with API key function of Amazon Location Service which shows you how you can integrate open source mapping libraries with the Amazon Location Service To wrap up this section this week we have Greg Foster from Graphite who has put together How an AWS Aurora feature cut our DB costs by If you are using PostgreSQL then make sure you read this one Apache AirflowI have written in the past about setting up developer environments and tools to work with Apache Airflow Last week I took a look at a new project from Kaxil Naik director of engineering at Astronomer and all round Apache Airflow good guy Kaxil has put together airflowctl a command line tool for managing Apache Airflow projects and making it super easy to get up and running What does it do Well it helps you install and use different versions of Apache Airflow work with Variables and Connections provide live logs and more Read more about how you can get started by reading my post A look at airflowctl a tool to help developers manage Apache Airflow projects where I get you up and running using AWS Cloud as my cloud based developer IDE Note As of writing the version of airflowctl is now so make sure you grab the latest version and check the README for updates OpenZFSOpenZFS is an open source file system for high performance applications In the post Sharing data on Amazon FSx for OpenZFS across Linux and Windows clients Virgil Ennes show how to use Network File System NFS protocol version and different authentication methods available to concurrently share data stored on FSx for OpenZFS data for your Linux and Windows clients hands on SBOMAn Software Bill of Materials SBOM is a formal machine readable record of all the libraries modules and dependencies used in building a software product and the relationships between these components In this post Using SBOM to find vulnerable container images running on Amazon EKS clusters Samuel Baruffi Emmanuel Saliu and Rishi Gera present an approach of using SBOM to find container images running in your Amazon EKS cluster that have vulnerable software component inside The solution components address some of the key considerations in using SBOM like automatic generation of SBOM for container images centralized storage for SBOM inventory and the ability to search through the inventory quickly when you need to This is a must read this week folks hands on Big Data roundupWe had a few posts last week on some of your favourite open source data projects Use a reusable ETL framework in your AWS lake house architecture explores some of the challenges building out your lake house architecture and integrating it into your source systems Apache Hudi Apache Airflow Optimizing performance of Apache Spark workloads on Amazon S outlines the step by step process to optimize Apache Spark jobs on Amazon EKS and Amazon S Apache Spark Implement a serverless CDC process with Apache Iceberg using Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Athena provides a solution to handle incoming semi structured datasets from source systems and effectively determine changed records and load them into Iceberg tables Apache Iceberg Other posts and quick readsGetting Started with CloudWatch agent and collectd looks at how to do a basic setup of collectd an open source daemon for data collection and the Amazon CloudWatch agent on an Amazon EC Linux instance sharinf some examples of what you can do with this data on CloudWatch dashboards and alarms hands on Centralized AWS Observability with Grafana Cloud for Monitoring Analytics and Optimization shows you how you can easily integrate AWS services with the Grafana Cloud now supporting over AWS services hands on Running high fidelity ODE simulations in AWS RoboMaker provides a tutorial on how to create a Docker image from an ODE sample application Robot Vacuum Sample and deploy it as a simulation job in AWS RoboMaker hands on Manage case insensitive data in PostgreSQL discusses different options to deal with the case insensitive data in PostgreSQL and their use cases pros and cons hands on SSG vs SSR in Next js Web Applications Choosing the Right Rendering Approach explains the key differences between Server Side Rendering SSR and Static Site Generation SSG when to choose one over the other and how to deploy either approach using AWS Amplify hands on Quick updatesApache AirflowAmazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA is a managed orchestration service for Apache Airflow that makes it easier to set up and operate end to end data pipelines in the cloud Apache Airflow version introduces important security updates and bug fixes that enhance the security and reliability of your workflows This update also brings improvements such as better handling of stuck tasks ability to add notifications to DAGs with notifiers and an improved user interface featuring a graph tab in the grid view Hernan Garcia Parnab Basak and Shubham Mehta have put together a must read post on this update Introducing Apache Airflow version support on Amazon MWAA that provides more details on the new features you can start using as well as sharing info about the in place upgrade PostgreSQLAmazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Beta is now available in the Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment allowing you to evaluate the pre release of PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL You can deploy PostgreSQL Beta in the Preview Environment that has the benefits of a fully managed database making it simpler to set up operate and monitor databases PostgreSQL Beta in Preview Environment also includes support for logical decoding on read replicas AWS libcrypto AWS LC and over PostgreSQL extensions The PostgreSQL community released PostgreSQL Beta on August that enables logical replication from standbys and includes numerous performance improvements PostgreSQL also adds support for SQL JSON constructors and identity functions more query types that can use parallelism introduction of using SIMD CPU acceleration and the pg stat io view that provides statistics on I O usage The Amazon RDS Database Preview Environment supports the latest generation of instance classes that are retained for a maximum period of days and are automatically deleted after the retention period Amazon RDS database snapshots that are created in the preview environment can only be used to create or restore database instances within the preview environment You can use the PostgreSQL dump and load functionality to import or export your databases from the preview environment AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry ADOT Last week saw the general availability of the Kubernetes attributes processor in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry ADOT collector ADOT is a secure production ready AWS supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project With this release customers can use the ADOT collector to enable filtering and correlation use cases with Kubernetes specific metadata such as a namespace or pod Customers can now use the Kubernetes attributes processor in the ADOT collector At collection time when using receivers such as the StatsD receiver X Ray receiver or the OpenTelemetry Protocol OTLP receiver you can configure the Kubernetes attributes processor in the pipeline to enrich the telemetry signals with Kubernetes specific metadata You can then at analysis time use this metadata to enable the filtering of traces and metrics from Kubernetes workloads For example in Amazon Managed Grafana you can filter traces and metrics by Kubernetes namespace or pod Further the Kubernetes specific metadata can be used to aid correlation in observability destinations including Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus Amazon CloudWatch AWS X Ray and Amazon OpenSearch You can configure and deploy the latest version of the ADOT collector by using AWS CloudFormation templates the AWS Command Line Interface kubectl commands or the ADOT EKS add on GraphQLAWS AppSync is a managed service that makes it easier to build scalable APIs that connect applications to data With AppSync API developers can write resolvers to define the business logic that connects their AppSync GraphQL and Pub Sub APIs to data Now developers can use JavaScript to write their unit resolvers pipeline resolvers and AppSync functions that are executed on the AppSync JavaScript APPSYNC JS runtime With JavaScript support for unit resolvers developers can now handle single data source access patterns in JavaScript with a single resolver Developers can continue to handle complex access patterns and mix Velocity Template Language VTL functions along with JavaScript functions in a pipeline resolver AppSync provides two NPM libraries to simplify local development aws appsync eslint plugin to catch and fix problems quickly during development and aws appsync utils to provide type validation e g when using TypeScript and autocompletion in code editors To test their business logic developers can use AppSync s evaluate code API command Dive deeper by checking out this post from Brice Pelle AWS AppSync now supports JavaScript for all resolvers in GraphQL APIs who shows you how to get started AWS SAMOn a related note was new that AWS Serverless Application Model AWS SAM now supports building serverless GraphQL APIs with AWS AppSync You try this out for yourself by checking out the post from Kevin Schwarz AWS SAM now supports GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync AWS SDK for JavaAWS SDK for Java team announced last week the latest addition to the AWS SDK for Java x the Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S Cross Region Client feature With this new feature you can effortlessly access Amazon S buckets in different AWS Regions by using a single client configured for cross region access Join us as we explore the possibilities and convenience offered by this exciting enhancement Read more by checking out this post from John Vegas Introducing S cross region support in the AWS SDK for Java xGitLabYou can now use your GitLab com source repository to build test and deploy code changes using AWS CodePipeline Connect your GitLab com account using AWS CodeStar Connections and use the connection in your pipeline to automatically start a pipeline execution on changes in your repository Videos of the weekCDK Patterns The Good The Bad and The UglyEoin Shanaghy and Luciano Mammino from AWS Bites dive into the world of CDK Patterns building blocks that can transform how you build and deploy your cloud applications They walk you through what CDK Patterns are where to find them and why you ll want to use them Threat ComposerBack in episode I featured a project called Threat Composer also shown on Build on Open Source S The tools was featured in this talk at re Inforce and will help you look at what might go wrong as you build your threat models The tool aims to help you brainstorm and consistently compose useful examples with the time you have available AWS LC FIPS certification journey and how it s used on AWSAWS LC is an open source cryptographic library from AWS AWS LC is integrated into foundational components to make it easier for organisations to use FIPS validated cryptography in their applications Learn how AWS is planning to deploy AWS LC FIPS to AWS and discover the benefits of the migration Designed for developers and security experts this video provides the knowledge and skills you need to use AWS LC in your own applications Open Source BriefNow featured every week in the AWS Community Radio show grab a quick five minute recap of the weekly open source newsletter from yours truly Check out the playlist here Build on Open SourceFor those unfamiliar with this show Build on Open Source is where we go over this newsletter and then invite special guests to dive deep into their open source project Expect plenty of code demos and hopefully laughs We have put together a playlist so that you can easily access all sixteen of the episodes of the Build on Open Source show Build on Open Source playlist We are currently planning the third series if you have an open source project you want to talk about get in touch and we might be able to feature your project in future episodes of Build on Open Source Events for your diaryIf you are planning any events in either virtual in person or hybrid get in touch as I would love to share details of your event with readers Developer eXperience and serverlessSigma Technology Cloud Malmö Sweden August th pmThe AWS Skåne Meetup features a great line up as always but of interest to open source developers will be the session on Powertools for AWS Lambda that none other than Heitor Lessa will be delivering and our good friend and AWS Community Builder Lars Jacobsson who will be demonstrating his tool samp cli If you are in the area make sure you reserve your spot You can find more on the meetup page for Developer eXperience and serverlessRADIUSS AWS Tutorials Learn how to use a modern HPC software stackOnline throughout August Check out this series of online tutorials happening throughout August demonstrating how to use several GPU ready projects in the cloud and on premises Follow along on your own EC instance provided No previous experience necessary Lots of open source technologies are covered in this series so if you are looking to get started in this space check out the details on the information page Learn how to use a modern HPC software stack Brenden Bouffler has also put together a great blog post Call for participation RADIUSS Tutorial Series that dives deeper into some of these topics and provides further information Developer Webinar Series Open Source At AWSOnline th September am pm AESTAs part of the Developer Webinar series we are delighted to showcase three sessions that look at open source on AWS We have Aish Gunasekar who will be talking about Leveraging OpenSearch for Security Analytics I will be doing a talk on Cedar in my session Next generation Authz with Cedar and to wrap things up we have Keita Watanabe who will be looking at Scaling LLM GenAI deployment with NVIDIA Triton on Amazon EKS The sessions are technical deep dives and there will be Q amp A as well Jump over to the registration page and sign up and hope to see many of you there Building ML capabilities with PostgreSQL and pgvector extensionYouTube th September pm UK timeGenerative AI and Large Language Models LLMs are powerful technologies for building applications with richer and more personalized user experiences Application developers who use Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL can use pgvector an open source extension for PostgreSQL to harness the power of generative AI and LLMs for driving richer user experiences Register now to learn more about this powerful technology Watch it live on YouTube Build ML into your apps with PostgreSQL and the pgvector extensionYouTube st September pm UK timeThis office hours session is a follow up for those who attended the fireside chat titled Building ML capabilities into your apps with PostgreSQL and the open source pgvector extension Others are also welcome Office hours attendees can ask questions related to this topic Application developers who use Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL can use pgvector an open source extension for PostgreSQL to harness the power of generative AI and LLMs for driving richer user experiences Join us to ask your questions and hear the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the pgvector extension for PostgreSQL Watch it live on YouTube Open Source Summit EuropeSeptember th st Bilboa Spain Open Source Summit is the premier event for open source developers technologists and community leaders to collaborate share information solve problems and gain knowledge furthering open source innovation and ensuring a sustainable open source ecosystem It is the gathering place for open source code and community contributors You will find AWS as well as myself at Open Source Summit this year so come by the AWS booth and say hello from the glimpses I have seen so far it is going to be awesome Find out more at the official site Open Source Summit Europe OpenSearchConSeattle September Registration is now open source OpenSearchCon Check out this post from Daryll Swager Registration for OpenSearchCon is now open that provides you with what you can expect and resources you need to help plan your trip CDK Day Online th September Back for the fourth instalment this Community led event is a must attend for anyone working with infrastructure as code using the AWS Cloud Development Kit CDK It is intended to provide learning opportunities for all users of the CDK and related libraries The event will be live streamed on YouTube and you check more at the website CDK Day Open Source IndiaOctober th NIMHANS Convention Center BengaluruOne of the most important open source events in the region Open Source India will be welcoming thousands of attendees all to discuss and learn about open source technologies I will be there too doing a talk so I would love to meet with any of you who are also planning on attending Check out more details on their web page here All Things OpenOctober th th Raleigh Convention Center Raleigh North CarolinaI will be attending and speaking at All Things Open looking at Apache Airflow as an container orchestrator I will be there with a bunch of fellow AWS colleagues and I hope to meet some of you there Check us out at the AWS booth where you will find me and the other AWS folk throughout the event Check out the event and sessions speakers at the official webpage for the event AllThingsOpen CortexEvery other Thursday next one th FebruaryThe Cortex community call happens every two weeks on Thursday alternating at UTC and UTC You can check out the GitHub project for more details go to the Community Meetings section The community calls keep a rolling doc of previous meetings so you can catch up on the previous discussions Check the Cortex Community Meetings Notes for more info OpenSearchEvery other Tuesday pm GMTThis regular meet up is for anyone interested in OpenSearch amp Open Distro All skill levels are welcome and they cover and welcome talks on topics including search logging log analytics and data visualisation Sign up to the next session OpenSearch Community Meeting Stay in touch with open source at AWSRemember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
2023-08-21 09:06:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
State Management with Redux |
State Management with Redux IntroductionState management is a crucial aspect of front end development especially in larger applications where maintaining a consistent and predictable state becomes challenging Redux a popular state management library provides an elegant solution to this problem In this article we ll delve into what Redux is how it works and how to implement it in your projects Understanding ReduxRedux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications primarily used with frameworks like React It helps manage the state of an application in a centralised and organised manner making it easier to debug test and reason about the application s behaviour At the core of Redux we have three key principles Single Source of Truth Redux stores the entire application state in a single JavaScript object called the store This centralises the state and simplifies the process of tracking changes State is Read Only The state within the Redux store cannot be directly modified Instead to make changes you dispatch actions that describe what happened These actions are plain JavaScript objects containing a type field and optional payload data Changes are made by Pure Functions To specify how the state changes in response to actions you define pure reducers Reducers take the current state and an action and return the new state This ensures predictability and traceability of state changes Setting Up ReduxTo get started with Redux you ll need to install the necessary packages npm install redux react reduxNow let s dive into the implementation Create a Store First you ll need to create a Redux store using the createStore function provided by Redux store jsimport createStore from redux import rootReducer from reducers const store createStore rootReducer export default store Define Reducers Reducers define how the state changes in response to actions Each reducer typically handles a specific portion of the state reducers jsconst initialState count const counterReducer state initialState action gt switch action type case INCREMENT return state count state count case DECREMENT return state count state count default return state export default counterReducer Combine Reducers If your application has multiple reducers you can combine them using the combineReducers function reducers jsimport combineReducers from redux import counterReducer from counterReducer const rootReducer combineReducers counter counterReducer export default rootReducer Connect Redux to React To connect your React components to the Redux store you ll use the connect function provided by the react redux package Counter jsimport React from react import connect from react redux const Counter count increment decrement gt return lt div gt lt p gt Count count lt p gt lt button onClick increment gt Increment lt button gt lt button onClick decrement gt Decrement lt button gt lt div gt const mapStateToProps state gt return count state counter count const mapDispatchToProps dispatch gt return increment gt dispatch type INCREMENT decrement gt dispatch type DECREMENT export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps Counter ConclusionRedux is a powerful state management library that promotes a predictable and structured approach to handling state in front end applications By following the principles of a single source of truth read only state and pure functions Redux simplifies the complexity of state management in larger projects To explore more about Redux check out the official Redux documentation Incorporating Redux into your React applications can significantly enhance maintainability and scalability Remember mastering Redux takes practice so don t hesitate to experiment and build projects to solidify your understanding References Redux Official DocumentationReact Redux |
2023-08-21 09:03:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into the Moon |
Russia x s Luna spacecraft crashes into the MoonRussia s first attempt to land on the Moon since has ended in disapppointment Ten days after its August th launch Russia s state run space agency Roscosmos confirmed its Luna spacecraft had spun out of control and rammed into the Moon quot The apparatus moved into an unpredictable orbit and ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon quot Roscosmos explained in a statement The organization initially reported the incident as an quot abnormal situation quot before sharing news of the crash nbsp Luna was headed to the south pole to find water ice and spend a year analyzing how it emerged there and if there was a link with water appearing on Earth It was also set to test drive technology and examine the regolith the soil covering moon rock The plan was for it to remain in the moon s orbit for five days before touching down on August st Luna took a range of images pre crash including one of the Zeeman crater near the lt oon s south pole Welcome to the other side of the moon Russia s Luna has shared first pics of lunar surface they show Zeeman crater on the moon s far side The ultimate goal is to land on the moon s South Pole in search of water Looking forward to new amazing photos from space pic twitter com kRlnJBFLwMーRussia Russia August If successful it would have been the first craft to land on the south pole ーa title that may now go to India Russia was racing to beat India whose spacecraft launched on July th and is expected to land on the Moon on August rd Countries across the globe are gearing up for their own moon missions Currently the United States plans to have humans orbit the Moon in and land on it in China Japan Mexico Canada and Israel are among the other nations with active plans to reach the Moon This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-08-21 09:35:42 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
介護事業所向けの生産性向上セミナーを開催 厚労省-課題の洗い出しや実施計画の作成法などをレクチャー |
介護事業 |
2023-08-21 18:42:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
入札公告等を更新しました。 |
公告 |
2023-08-21 11:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
今週のレポート・コラムまとめ【8/15-8/21発行分】 |
今週のレポート・コラムまとめ【発行分】研究員の眼nbsp負の数についてそのー負の数は日常生活の中等でどのように使用されているのかーnbsp負の数についてそのー負の数を巡る歴史等はどうなっているのかーnbspーWeeklyエコノミスト・レターnbsp「モノ不況」と世界経済の底堅さnbsp・年度経済見通し年月nbspQE速報月期の実質GDPは前期比年率の高成長ー実質GDPの水準はコロナ禍前のピークを上回るnbspー不動産投資レポートnbsp不動産投資市場動向年第四半期物流施設とホテルへの投資が増加、投資戦略は賃収増に変化nbsp「新築マンション価格指数」でみる関西圏のマンション市場動向関西圏の新築マンション価格は過去年で上昇。 |
2023-08-21 18:02:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cost of living: Chip shop's £1 meal for struggling families |
making |
2023-08-21 09:16:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Chris Evans: Radio DJ reveals skin cancer diagnosis |
listeners |
2023-08-21 09:36:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nadine Dorries has 'abandoned' Mid Bedfordshire voters - council |
bedfordshire |
2023-08-21 09:45:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Asake pays tribute to Brixton Academy crush victims at return gig |
brixton |
2023-08-21 09:50:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cincinnati Open: Novak Djokovic wins title by beating Carlos Alcaraz as rivalry intensifies |
Cincinnati Open Novak Djokovic wins title by beating Carlos Alcaraz as rivalry intensifiesNovak Djokovic says his rivalry with Carlos Alcaraz is similar to the one he shared with Rafael Nadal after a classic final |
2023-08-21 09:11:51 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
NTTドコモが家計簿アプリ「スマー簿」を24年1月に終了 - 不景気com |
携帯通信 |
2023-08-21 09:06:21 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
改めて問う、F-16はウクライナ反攻にどう役立つのか |
2023-08-21 18:20:03 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
エクサウィザーズ、「exaBase 生成AI」に社内外の独自情報を取り込んだ生成AI環境を利用できる機能を提供開始 |
aipoweredbygpt |
2023-08-21 18:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
東急田園都市線、クレカのタッチ機能/QRコードによる乗車を8月30日より開始 |
実証実験 |
2023-08-21 18:30:00 |