海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
InnoCN 39G1R: Massive, Sub-$500 High-Refresh Gaming Monitor |
contrast |
2023-08-21 19:30:26 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
6 Ways to Fix a Disappearing Mouse Pointer in Windows |
windows |
2023-08-21 19:15:27 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Add Dynamic Lighting and Shadows in Godot |
godotlearn |
2023-08-21 19:01:23 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Fix the "This App Can’t Run on Your PC" Error in Windows 10 |
fortunately |
2023-08-21 19:01:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Announcing the Icebreaker Badge! 🧊🔨 |
Announcing the Icebreaker Badge We re starting off the week right with another badge addition Introducing the Icebreaker Badge This badge rewards those who regularly leave the first comment on other folks posts helping to break the ice and get discussions going How it worksThe best thing you can do to earn this badge is to be the first commenter on a post and leave a thoughtful engaging comment While dropping a simple nice post is a kind and welcome addition to get this badge you ll need to put more thought into your comment We re going to be keeping a particularly sharp eye on discuss posts as we really appreciate it when folks help initiate discussions there Lastly note that we will not be rewarding folks this badge for commenting on their own posts As for logistics every couple of weeks members of the DEV Team will meet up and pull data on the most frequent first commenters We ll then manually review those folks picking out who we believe have shared particularly good ice breaking comments Why did we create this badge Like the Warm Welcome badge we designed this badge to reward folks who help us create a kind warm and welcoming community Being the first to comment on a post helps encourage other folks to open up and share their thoughts too Comments are an essential part of what makes a community ーwithout you all interacting and sharing ideas on each others works this would just be a platform for publishing So we really want to reward all those out there helping to break the ice and get conversations flowing We re really siked for this badge and hope you are too If you have any ideas for badges that you think we should add or actions you feel would be worthy of rewarding don t hesitate to share your thoughts in this post Cheers The DEV Team |
2023-08-21 19:37:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Dive Into Docker part 4: Inspecting Docker Image |
Dive Into Docker part Inspecting Docker ImageThis post is going to be shorter I d like to highlight a tool that I really enjoy working with called Dive It is an essential tool when working to build and optimize docker containers Dive is a an essential tool when building or inspecting Dockerfiles This tool can help pinpoint exactly what is contained in each layer of the Dockerfile Specifically it quickly combes through the Dockerfile and tries to show wasted space Installing Diveinstallation instructionsMy preferred way to install Dive if using a mac is to use brew brew install dive Using DiveI prefer to use dive during local development of Docker containers To get started I typically just run dive image name if the image is not found locally this will take care of pulling the image from the remote repository Note tmux keybindings will get in the way I usually detach from tmux or open another terminal session before using diveRunning dive ruby It first pulls the image if it is not found locally and then we are presented with Layers Layer Details Image Details and Current Layer Contents Press to move between views In each view it presents us with a few more hotkeys that we can use to further inspect this image Looking at the Layers tab it presents us with either layer changes or aggregated changes on the right hand side You can press either or to switch between these two Before moving to the Layer Contents view I like to pick through the various Layer Details right below Layers Here it shows the command that was run to generate that layer On the right hand side of the screen we can see Current Layer Contents this includes the details of the files that were added removed permissions on those files and how much space these files are taking up If we over to that view it presents a few new options collapse single dir collapse all dir s Added Removed modified unmodified attributes wrapI prefer to start out by collapsing all dir s and then start digging into the layers that are showing the largest increase in file space Using Dive in a Continuous integration PipelineRunning Dive with CI true is one of the most effective ways to quickly find wasted space Example CI true dive ruby This also is something that could be plugged into a docker image pipeline to ensure that a ridiculous amount of assets or image space is not wasted Full output here CI true dive ruby Using default CI configImage Source docker ruby Fetching image this can take a while for large images Analyzing image efficiency wastedBytes bytes MB userWastedPercent Inefficient Files Count Wasted Space File Path MB var cache debconf templates dat MB var cache debconf templates dat old MB var lib dpkg status MB var lib dpkg status old kB var log dpkg log kB var log apt term log kB etc ld so cache kB var cache debconf config dat kB var lib apt extended states kB var cache ldconfig aux cache kB var log apt eipp log xz kB var cache debconf config dat old kB var log apt history log kB var log alternatives log B etc group B etc group B etc gshadow B etc pwd lock B tmp B var cache apt archives partial B var lib dpkg triggers Unincorp B var lib dpkg lock frontend B var cache apt archives lock B var lib dpkg lock B var cache debconf passwords dat B var lib apt lists B usr src B var lib dpkg triggers Lock B var lib dpkg updatesResults PASS highestUserWastedPercent SKIP highestWastedBytes rule disabled PASS lowestEfficiencyResult PASS Total Passed Failed Warn Skipped With this particular image we could go through and remove those files but in this case it does not take up a significant amount of room so it is unnecessary more configuration options Dealing with Sensitive DataDo not pass sensitive details through build arg s and environment variables into Dockerfiles during image creation Simply inspecting the resulting docker image layers will expose these secrets If a Dockerfile needs sensitive data pass it using buildx secrets mounts This can be done either with a file containing the secret value or an environment variable containing the secret First Create a file named build key with the value xyz xyzNext add this to the Dockerfile to access the secret RUN mount type secret id build key to access the secret RUN echo using build key cat run secrets build key note this is an exampleFinally when running the docker build with buildx we use the secret docker buildx build secret id build key src build key If we were to use an environment variable containing the secret the command to build would look like build key xyz xyzdocker buildx build secret id build key env build key Example of Secrets LeakingThis is a rough example because we would likely never need to add the db connection string at build time but there are a few apps that require a build license when installing packages or a way to authenticate to a remote GitHub server FROM ubuntuARG build license postgres db stringENV build license build license postgres db string postgres db stringCOPY CMD echo secret sauce secret sauce amp amp echo build license build license amp amp echo postgres db string postgres db string To see these details in an image all that is needed is the image to exist locally then run docker save lt image name gt o lt image tar gt then from inspecting the tar archive with vim I can see the layer contents tar vim version v Browsing tarfile Users kaceygambill personal ubuntu mount blog test tar Select a file with cursor and press ENTERfaceadbffccecdeefcbbfdebcc faceadbffccecdeefcbbfdebcc VERSIONfaceadbffccecdeefcbbfdebcc jsonfaceadbffccecdeefcbbfdebcc layer taraaceddbeaaebbeaadaabfddfdcb jsoneedeaeeeaaddbcfaaebcddbbecf eedeaeeeaaddbcfaaebcddbbecf VERSIONeedeaeeeaaddbcfaaebcddbbecf jsoneedeaeeeaaddbcfaaebcddbbecf layer tarmanifest jsonrepositoriesLooking at any one of those json files gives us more details about the layer Expanding faceadbffccecdeefcbbfdebcc jsonI can see a JSON object that includes the sensitive data If you haven t checked out Dive I d highlysuggest checking it out and implementing it as a check in your CI CD pipelines |
2023-08-21 19:11:56 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Nuclear War Could End the World, but What if It’s All in Our Heads? |
decision |
2023-08-21 19:17:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Mason Greenwood: Manchester United striker will leave club after internal investigation |
Mason Greenwood Manchester United striker will leave club after internal investigationMason Greenwood will leave Manchester United following an internal investigation after police dropped charges of attempted rape and assault |
2023-08-21 19:34:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Hawaii wildfires: The red Lahaina house that survived Maui fires |
structure |
2023-08-21 19:26:25 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国がデフレスパイラルに?「恒大集団」破産申請で深刻化する中国経済8つのリスク - 加藤嘉一「中国民主化研究」揺れる巨人は何処へ |
中国がデフレスパイラルに「恒大集団」破産申請で深刻化する中国経済つのリスク加藤嘉一「中国民主化研究」揺れる巨人は何処へ中国経済を取り巻く環境が劇的に変化している。 |
2023-08-22 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国の統計、操作か不備か その両方かも - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2023-08-22 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【北海道苫小牧東高校】華麗なる卒業生人脈!ノーベル化学賞の鈴木章、作家の馳星周、元アイスホッケー女子日本代表の大澤ちほ… - 日本を動かす名門高校人脈 |
北海道苫小牧 |
2023-08-22 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【小児科医が教える】オーガニック食品を選ぶ理由とは? 世界とのズレを感じる「日本の親の回答」 - 医師が教える 子どもの食事 50の基本 |
食品 |
2023-08-22 04:41:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
科学技術でも対中「デカップリング」 米で推進の声 - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2023-08-22 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】 お願いごとが下手な人の末路・ワースト1 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 40代を後悔せず生きる言葉 |
【精神科医が教える】お願いごとが下手な人の末路・ワースト精神科医Tomyが教える代を後悔せず生きる言葉【大好評シリーズ万部突破】誰しも悩みや不安は尽きない。 |
2023-08-22 04:38:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
小型株ファンドの怪、テック株巨大化の陰で - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2023-08-22 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【データは語る】定年後に仕事を選ぶとき、もっとも大切にすべき「超意外なポイント」とは? - <定年塾シリーズ>自分に合った「小さな仕事」の見つけ方 |
【データは語る】定年後に仕事を選ぶとき、もっとも大切にすべき「超意外なポイント」とは自分に合った「小さな仕事」の見つけ方定年後の「仕事」として、自分にはどんな仕事が向いているのか、そして、その仕事をどうやって見つければいいのかなどを考えていく本連載「自分に合った【小さな仕事】の見つけ方」。 |
2023-08-22 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【神様が味方する人の考え方】 「幸せな人」がやっている「正義感・使命感」を手放す生き方とは? - ありがとうの奇跡――神様・人・モノが味方になる習慣 |
【神様が味方する人の考え方】「幸せな人」がやっている「正義感・使命感」を手放す生き方とはありがとうの奇跡ー神様・人・モノが味方になる習慣年の発売以降、今でも多くの人に読まれ続けている『ありがとうの奇跡』。 |
2023-08-22 04:32:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【5分で英語力アップ】「珍しい、例外的」を英語でどう言う? - 5分間英単語 |
【分で英語力アップ】「珍しい、例外的」を英語でどう言う分間英単語「たくさん勉強したのに英語を話せない……」。 |
2023-08-22 04:26:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
職場で「受け入れられる人」と「疎まれる人」の、小さいけれど“決定的な違い”とは? - 影響力の魔法 |
だから、相手の「理性」に訴えることよりも、相手の「潜在意識」に働きかけることによって、「この人は信頼できる」「この人を応援したい」「この人の力になりたい」という「感情」を持ってもらうことが大切。 |
2023-08-22 04:23:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
どうしても好きになれない「苦手な部下」へのベストな接し方とは?【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - 優れたリーダーはみな小心者である。 |
部下 |
2023-08-22 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「退職金」は定年間際からでも「手取り」を増やせる! - 知らないと大損する!定年前後のお金の正解 改訂版 |
「退職金」は定年間際からでも「手取り」を増やせる知らないと大損する定年前後のお金の正解改訂版定年前後の決断で、人生の手取りは万円以上変わるマネージャーナリストでもある税理士の板倉京氏が著し、「わかりやすい」「本当に得をした」と大人気になった書籍が年の制度改正に合わせ改訂パワーアップ「知らないと大損する定年前後のお金の正解改訂版」として発売されます。 |
2023-08-22 04:17:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
20代女子、株式投資で人生が激変! 希望を失った会社員人生が一転、世界が広がり悩みが消えた♡ - 女子株 |
株式投資 |
2023-08-22 04:14:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
【痔の予防・改善】まずは3カ月、実践したい対策 おしりにやさしいシャワートイレの使い方は? | 「病気」と「症状」の対処法 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2023-08-22 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
青春18きっぷ「東京ー大阪間」快適な移動時間帯は 所要時間や乗り換え回数を調べてわかった | 旅・趣味 | 東洋経済オンライン |
乗り換え |
2023-08-22 04:30:00 |