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IT 気になる、記になる… LINEMO、「契約者向け!追加申込キャンペーン」のPayPayポイントを2,000円増額する期間限定特典を実施中(8月31日まで) https://taisy0.com/2023/08/23/175664.html linemo 2023-08-22 15:52:19
IT 気になる、記になる… Nothing、「Phone (2)」向けに「Nothing OS 2.0.2a」をリリース ー カメラ機能を強化 https://taisy0.com/2023/08/23/175662.html nothing 2023-08-22 15:27:18
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MAP推定のPythonによる実装 https://qiita.com/a_d_j_u_s_t/items/ffccb52f93fe81572361 codingutf 2023-08-23 00:13:17
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golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita gopls was not able to find modules in your workspace. への対処 https://qiita.com/39shin52/items/84301f4ccb0b7f5a1a92 snotabletofindmodulesiny 2023-08-23 00:51:14
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SAP on Azure デプロイ自動化フレームワーク - SAPシステムの作成(OS設定&SAPインストール) https://qiita.com/R3ne7/items/f5390113a617b0c28dd8 ansible 2023-08-23 00:59:28
技術ブログ Developers.IO RDS MySQLの監査ログでrdsadminのログを出力しないように設定してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/set-the-rds-mysql-audit-log-to-not-output-the-rdsadmin-log/ rdsadmin 2023-08-22 15:21:54
海外TECH MakeUseOf 4 Ways Apple Could Improve the Standard iPhone Models https://www.makeuseof.com/how-apple-could-improve-standard-iphones/ Ways Apple Could Improve the Standard iPhone ModelsThe standard iPhone models don t offer the same value they once did due to Apple s business decisions So here s how it can make them more appealing 2023-08-22 15:31:27
海外TECH MakeUseOf 4 Ways to Disable Microsoft Edge Tab Preloading in Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/disable-microsoft-edge-tab-preloading-windows-11/ windows 2023-08-22 15:16:25
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Use the Equivalent of the "ls" Command in Windows https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-is-command/ How to Use the Equivalent of the amp quot ls amp quot Command in WindowsLinux users have a wide range of commands under their belt but not all of them work in Windows Fortunately the quot ls quot command is an exception to this 2023-08-22 15:01:26
海外TECH MakeUseOf When Google Will Notify You of Removed Chrome Extensions https://www.makeuseof.com/chrome-notify-extensions-removed/ chrome 2023-08-22 15:01:25
海外TECH MakeUseOf Develop Secure E-Commerce Websites With These 8 Top Tips https://www.makeuseof.com/develop-secure-e-commerce-websites-tips/ tipscustomers 2023-08-22 15:01:25
海外TECH DEV Community Unleashing the Power of Generator Functions in JavaScript: Cooking Up Code Magic! 🎩 https://dev.to/rajaniraiyn/unleashing-the-power-of-generator-functions-in-javascript-cooking-up-code-magic-110a Unleashing the Power of Generator Functions in JavaScript Cooking Up Code Magic A Whimsical Coding Journey Ahoy devs Are you ready for a coding roller coaster into JavaScript s generator functions Buckle up because this ride is more thrilling than any amusement park attraction In this post we ll explore the wonders of generator functions and how they can make your code more elegant efficient and expressive We ll also have some fun with analogies humor and magic along the way So grab your wands keyboards and let s get started What are Generator Functions ‍ ️Generator functions are a special kind of function that can pause and resume their execution They can also yield multiple values one at a time as they run This makes them very powerful and versatile for handling asynchronous operations data streams iterators and more But let s not get bogged down by technical details Instead let s use our imagination and think of generator functions as culinary wizards in a magical kitchen Just as you can switch spells while brewing potions generator functions let you code bit by bit without overheating your CPU It s like cooking one ingredient at a time keeping things cool and tasty Here s an example of a simple generator function that yields some delicious fruits function fruitGenerator yield Apple yield Banana yield Orange yield Strawberry Create an iterator from the generator functionconst fruitIterator fruitGenerator Get the next fruit from the iteratorconsole log fruitIterator next value done false console log fruitIterator next value done false console log fruitIterator next value done false console log fruitIterator next value done false console log fruitIterator next value undefined done true As you can see the generator function yields one fruit at a time until there are no more fruits left Then it returns undefined and sets the done property to true This indicates that the generator function has finished its execution You can also use the for of loop to iterate over the values yielded by the generator function for const fruit of fruitGenerator console log fruit This way you don t have to worry about checking the done property or calling the next method manually Pretty cool right But that s just the tip of the iceberg Generator functions can do much more than just yielding fruits Let s see some examples of how they can spice up your code with some magic Lazy Loading Magic One of the common use cases for generator functions is lazy loading This means that you only load or process data when you need it instead of loading or processing everything at once This can improve the performance and user experience of your web applications For example let s say you want to display some images on your web page but you don t want to load them all at once Instead you want to load them on demand when the user scrolls down or clicks a button How can you do that with generator functions Well you can create a generator function that takes an array of image URLs as an argument and yields one URL at a time Then you can create an iterator from that generator function and use it to fetch and display the images as needed Here s how it might look like A generator function that yields image URLsfunction imageGenerator imageUrls for const url of imageUrls yield url An array of image URLsconst imageUrls Cute Cat Image Funny Dog Image Adorable Bunny Image Create an iterator from the generator functionconst imageIterator imageGenerator imageUrls A function that fetches and displays an image from the iteratorfunction loadImage Get the next URL from the iterator const nextUrl imageIterator next value If there is a URL fetch and display the image if nextUrl fetch nextUrl then response gt response blob then blob gt Create an image element const img document createElement img Set the image source to the blob URL img src URL createObjectURL blob Append the image to the document body document body appendChild img else If there is no URL show a message alert No more images A button that triggers the load image functionconst button document getElementById load image button button addEventListener click loadImage Now when you click the button it will load and display one image at a time until there are no more images left This way you can serve images like a chef on demandーyour page loads quickly wowing users Elegant Data Pagination Another common use case for generator functions is data pagination This means that you split a large amount of data into smaller chunks and display them one by one instead of displaying everything at once This can make your data more manageable and user friendly For example let s say you have a table of data that contains hundreds of rows but you only want to display rows at a time How can you do that with generator functions Well you can create a generator function that takes an array of data and a page size as arguments and yields one page of data at a time Then you can create an iterator from that generator function and use it to render and update the table as needed Here s how it might look like A generator function that yields pages of datafunction dataGenerator data pageSize Calculate the number of pages const pageCount Math ceil data length pageSize Loop through the pages for let i i lt pageCount i Get the start and end index of the current page const start i pageSize const end start pageSize Yield the current page of data yield data slice start end An array of data for simplicity we use numbers const data Create an iterator from the generator function with a page size of const dataIterator dataGenerator data A function that renders and updates the table from the iteratorfunction updateTable Get the next page of data from the iterator const nextPage dataIterator next value If there is a page of data render and update the table if nextPage Get the table element const table document getElementById data table Clear the table body table innerHTML Loop through the page of data for const item of nextPage Create a table row element const tr document createElement tr Create a table cell element const td document createElement td Set the cell text to the item value td textContent item Append the cell to the row tr appendChild td Append the row to the table body table appendChild tr else If there is no page of data show a message alert No more data A button that triggers the update table functionconst button document getElementById update table button button addEventListener click updateTable Now when you click the button it will render and update the table with one page of data at a time until there are no more pages left This way you can slice and serve your data like cake making every byte a treat Communicating with Generators One of the most amazing features of generator functions is that they can communicate with their callers This means that you can send values back and forth between the generator function and its iterator This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for creating interactive and dynamic code For example let s say you want to create a simple chatbot that responds to your messages based on some predefined rules How can you do that with generator functions Well you can create a generator function that takes an initial message as an argument and yields responses based on some conditions Then you can create an iterator from that generator function and use it to send and receive messages as needed Here s how it might look like A generator function that yields chatbot responsesfunction chatbotGenerator initialMessage Yield the initial message yield initialMessage Loop indefinitely while true Get the user message from the iterator const userMessage yield Check the user message and respond accordingly if userMessage toLowerCase includes hello yield Hi nice to meet you else if userMessage toLowerCase includes how are you yield I m doing great thanks for asking else if userMessage toLowerCase includes what can you do yield I can chat with you and make you laugh else if userMessage toLowerCase includes tell me a joke yield Why did the chicken cross the road To get to the other side else if userMessage toLowerCase includes bye yield Bye have a nice day return End the generator function else yield Sorry I don t understand Can you please repeat Create an iterator from the generator function with an initial messageconst chatbotIterator chatbotGenerator Hello I m a chatbot A function that sends and receives messages from the iteratorfunction chat Get the user input element const input document getElementById user input Get the user message from the input value const userMessage input value Clear the input value input value Display the user message on the document body const userDiv document createElement div userDiv className user message userDiv textContent userMessage document body appendChild userDiv Send the user message to the iterator and get the chatbot response const chatbotResponse chatbotIterator next userMessage value Display the chatbot response on the document body const chatbotDiv document createElement div chatbotDiv className chatbot message chatbotDiv textContent chatbotResponse document body appendChild chatbotDiv A button that triggers the chat functionconst button document getElementById send button button addEventListener click chat Now when you click the button it will send and receive messages from the generator function and display them on the web page This way you can communicate with your generator function like a friend sipping code tea State Machine Sorcery Another amazing use case for generator functions is state machine A state machine is a system that can switch between different states based on some inputs or events For example a traffic light is a state machine that can switch between red yellow and green states based on a timer How can you create a state machine with generator functions Well you can create a generator function that takes an initial state as an argument and yields the current state and the next state based on some conditions Then you can create an iterator from that generator function and use it to update the state as needed Here s how it might look like A generator function that yields state transitionsfunction stateMachineGenerator initialState Set the current state to the initial state let currentState initialState Loop indefinitely while true Yield the current state and the next state yield currentState nextState currentState Get the input from the iterator const input yield Update the current state based on the input currentState updateState currentState input A function that returns the next state based on the current statefunction nextState state switch state case red return yellow case yellow return green case green return red default return red A function that updates the current state based on the inputfunction updateState state input If the input is next return the next state if input next return nextState state If the input is reset return the initial state if input reset return red Otherwise return the current state return state Create an iterator from the generator function with an initial state of red const stateMachineIterator stateMachineGenerator red A function that updates the traffic light from the iteratorfunction updateTrafficLight Get the current and next states from the iterator const currentState nextState stateMachineIterator next value Display the current and next states on the document body const currentStateDiv document getElementById current state const nextStateDiv document getElementById next state currentStateDiv textContent Current State currentState nextStateDiv textContent Next State nextState A button that triggers the update traffic light function with a next inputconst nextButton document getElementById next button nextButton addEventListener click gt Send a next input to the iterator stateMachineIterator next next Update the traffic light updateTrafficLight A button that triggers the update traffic light function with a reset inputconst resetButton document getElementById reset button resetButton addEventListener click gt Send a reset input to the iterator stateMachineIterator next reset Update the traffic light updateTrafficLight Update the traffic light initiallyupdateTrafficLight Now when you click the buttons it will update the traffic light with different states based on your input This way you can cast a state machine spell with generator functions and transform your code into a puppet showーdance between states like a marionette Unconventional Code Odyssey The last use case for generator functions that we ll explore in this post is unconventional code This means that you can use generator functions to create code that is not typical or conventional but rather creative and innovative You can use generator functions to choreograph iteration dances orchestrate parallel tasks craft unique symphonies and more For example let s say you want to create a Fibonacci sequence generator that can generate infinite numbers in the sequence How can you do that with generator functions Well you can create a generator function that takes two initial numbers as arguments and yields numbers in the Fibonacci sequence indefinitely Then you can create an iterator from that generator function and use it to get as many numbers as you want Here s how it might look like A generator function that yields numbers in the Fibonacci sequencefunction fibonacciGenerator a b Loop indefinitely while true Yield the first number yield a Calculate and swap the next two numbers a b b a b Create an iterator from the generator function with two initial numbersconst fibonacciIterator fibonacciGenerator Get the first numbers from the iteratorfor let i i lt i console log fibonacciIterator next value As you can see the generator function yields numbers in the Fibonacci sequence endlessly until you stop asking for more This way you can venture into coding unknowns with generator functions and choreograph iteration dances orchestrate parallel tasks craft unique symphonies and more Embrace Generator Magic Generators aren t just code blocks they re magical wands They can help you create elegant efficient and expressive code that can handle various scenarios and challenges They can also help you unleash your creativity and imagination and make your code more fun and enjoyable ‍ ️ Crafting Digital Spells Code conjurers that s a wrap With humor and magic we ve explored generator functions and how they can spice up your code with some magic We ve seen how they can help you with lazy loading data pagination communicating with generators state machine and unconventional code We ve also learned how to create and use generator functions with some examples and analogies I hope you enjoyed this whimsical coding journey and learned something new and useful Keep your wands keyboards ready for more coding adventuresーevery line of code is a spell Tricks in hand go weave your JavaScript magic 🪄If you liked this post please share it with your friends and fellow developers And don t forget to follow us for more programming tutorials and examples And also have a look my Portfoliocode‍together Githubconnect LinkedIn 2023-08-22 15:15:59
海外TECH DEV Community CSS Lube: Highly-optimized CSS Interpreter https://dev.to/artxe2/css-lube-highly-optimized-css-interpreter-2nl5 CSS Lube Highly optimized CSS Interpreter IntroductionThe landscape of CSS paradigms has seen a constant evolution marked by the rise of popular CSS In JS libraries like styled components and emotion However in recent times there has been a notable shift in focus towards CSS libraries that emphasize zero runtime approaches such as Tailwind CSS and vanilla extract These libraries are garnering attention for their promise of improved performance However CSS Lube challenges the notion of relying solely on build time for achieving optimal performance What is CSS Lube CSS Lube is Highly optimized CSS Interpreter It is makes improved your developer experience by implement any designs directly in markup and immediately reflect feedback In addition CSS Lube parses HTML documents at runtime and render styles so it can completely replace style files that become bloated whenever updated with a byte byte on gzip js file Looking at the PageSpeed Insights score table below you ll be able to guess the performance level of the CSS Lube even considering the margin of error Benchmark CSS Lube What s the difference One of the key things about lube is that it s a zero buildtime css Luberary More than half of the CSS Lube code is the part that defines shorthand and the actual logic is less than kb With syntax and various optimizations that can be completely converted to css with just a simple string replacement CSS Lube was able to achieve the same level of performance as zero runtime css in js with this small bundle size VS Traditional wayUtility first CSS is much better in terms of maintenance and developer experience than semantic CSS VS Existing CSS In JS librariesThis is enough Css Lube is incredibly fast VS Tailwind CSSThere are no additional learning curves except for a few syntax and shorthand All styles are available without write custom and all changes are immediately reflected in the development phase You can easily switch to dark mode using basic media queries Build time is much faster because no additional steps are required to build VS vanilla extractIt is much more productive using various convenient shorthand without having to write a separate ts phrase Overall CSS Lube aims to eliminate various constraints from the convenience of utility first and to achieve the same level of performance as zero runtime performance based on zero build time SyntaxLet s take a quick look at the syntax of CSS Lube If you want to find out more please see the Syntax CSS Lube Basic lt div class bg primary w calc em h bd px solid red br gt background var primary width calc em height em border px solid red border radius em lt div gt Selector lt div class w ta center gt div target bgc red div nth of type n bgc blue gt lt div gt blue lt div gt lt div class target gt red lt div gt lt div gt blue lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class bgc yellow gt yellow lt div gt lt div gt Media Query lt div class sm amp lg c red gt media min width px and max width px lt div gt lt div class container md fs px gt container min width px lt div gt lt div class dark amp min width px fs px gt container prefers color scheme dark and min width px lt div gt ConclusionCSS Lube challenges existing CSS paradigms with highly optimized syntax and performance based on runtime methods Enjoy enhanced developer experience with no custom no restrictions and zero buildtime CSS Lube Highly optimized CSS Interpreter 2023-08-22 15:02:15
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New iPhone 15 charging cable rumored to be a bit longer than before https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/08/22/new-iphone-15-charging-cable-rumored-to-be-a-bit-longer-than-before?utm_medium=rss New iPhone charging cable rumored to be a bit longer than beforeA new leak suggests that not only is the cable that will ship with iPhone braided but it may be longer as well Image Credit KosutamiSan on XThe iPhone has been all but confirmed to be the first of Apple s smartphone lineup to switch to USB C rather than its proprietary Lightning port Now a leaker suggests that Apple will include a meter ーnearly feet long ーwoven USB C to USB C cable in the iPhone box Read more 2023-08-22 15:25:03
海外TECH Engadget The best iPads for 2023: How to pick the best Apple tablet for you https://www.engadget.com/best-ipads-how-to-pick-the-best-apple-tablet-for-you-150054066.html?src=rss The best iPads for How to pick the best Apple tablet for youApple s iPad lineup is both more interesting and more complicated than it s been in years After last year s launch of the th generation iPad and the M powered iPad Pro Apple now sells three tablets in the inch range that pack broadly similar designs but have key differences when it comes to internal components and accessory support The inch iPad remains for sale but seemingly targets a different market than its “next generation successor of the same name which comes in at a higher price The iPad mini is still doing its thing too If you re confused about which may be the best iPad to buy you re not alone There s always a chance Apple introduces new tablets later this year but for now this buying guide will break down the pros and cons of each current model detail how they compare to one another and help make your decision a bit easier with our top picks for the best iPad Best for most iPad AirOf the six iPad models currently on sale the iPad Air is the closest to being universally appealing We gave the most recent edition a review score of It has the same elegant and comfortable design language as the iPad Pro while costing less with a bright sharp and accurate inch display surrounded by thin bezels and flat edges It comes with a USB C port similar to what you d find on a MacBook and many other non iPhone devices and while it s not a Thunderbolt connection as on the iPad Pro simply being able to charge the Air with the same cable you use with your other gadgets is a plus Apple refreshed the Air in with its M system on a chip which is the same silicon found in the entry level MacBook Air This isn t Apple s newest SoC but it s still more than powerful enough for virtually any task you can throw at it and an increasing number of iPadOS features are exclusive to M series chips The iPad Air is also compatible with Apple s best accessories including the second generation Pencil stylus and the excellent Magic Keyboard just like the inch iPad Pro These add a good bit of cost to the bottom line but for digital artists or frequent typers they re there The middle of Apple s iPad lineup is a bit congested If you need more than the Air s default GB of storage you might as well step up to the inch iPad Pro which starts at GB and packs a better Hz display and M chip for not much more than a higher capacity Air The display on the iPad Pro is better too The newer inch iPad isn t bad either but with its non laminated display and lacking accessory support it s a harder sell unless you see it on deep discount Still while it s not cheap the iPad Air is Apple s best blend of price and performance for most Best budget iPad th generation If you can t afford the Air or if you just don t use your tablet heavily enough to warrant spending that much get the th gen iPad instead Starting at for a GB model ーand regularly available for less than ーit s by far the most wallet friendly way into iPadOS While its hardware is an obvious step down from the models above it s still more than capable for the essentials We gave the th gen iPad model a review score of in This is the only “current iPad to follow Apple s older design language It s just a tiny bit thicker and heavier than the th gen iPad and iPad Air but its wider bezels mean there s only enough room for a inch display Like the th gen iPad that screen isn t laminated and more susceptible to glare though it s just as sharp There s a Home button located on the bottom bezel that also houses a Touch ID fingerprint scanner and the device charges via Lightning port rather than USB C Its speakers don t sound as nice either but it s the only iPad to still have a headphone jack and its MP front camera is fine though it s not landscape oriented as on the th gen iPad The th gen iPad runs on Apple s A Bionic chip which is the same SoC used in s iPhone series It s not as fluid or futureproof as the M but it s still quick enough for casual tasks In terms of first party accessories the tablet supports Apple s Smart Keyboard and first gen Pencil stylus Those are less convenient than the company s newer options but they re serviceable In the end it s all about the price The th gen iPad is the most affordable model in Apple s lineup and those savings go a long way toward papering over its issues Best for one handed use iPad mini nbsp The iPad mini is exactly what it sounds like the small iPad It s easily the shortest xx inches and lightest pounds for the WiFi model of every current iPad with an inch display that s more comfortable to operate with one hand We gave the iPad mini a review score of in Its design follows closely after that of the iPad Air squared off edges thin bezels no Home button a Touch ID sensor in the power button stereo speakers solid cameras and a USB C port Its display is technically sharper but otherwise gives you the same max brightness lamination anti reflective coating and wide color gamut It doesn t have a “Smart Connector to hook up Apple made keyboards but it does support the second generation Apple Pencil The mini runs on Apple s A Bionic SoC the same as the one in s iPhone phones This is technically faster than the chip inside the th gen iPad model and again more than powerful enough for most tasks though it s a step behind the laptop grade M or M chip The mini has an MSRP of for the GB model and for the GB model That s a lot though in recent months we ve seen both SKUs available online for up to less If you specifically want a smaller tablet ーwhether it s to easily stuff in a bag use with one hand or treat like a high end e reader ーthis is the only option Apple sells and the best tablet in its size range period Best for power users iPad Pro inchThe inch iPad Pro exists in something of its own realm within the Apple tablet lineup It starts at for GB of storage which is more than the M MacBook Air That s well beyond what anyone needs to pay to do the vast majority of iPad things and quite a chunk of change for a platform that still has issues with laptop style productivity But the inch iPad Pro is the best pure piece of tablet hardware that Apple makes We gave the latest iPad Pro a review score of in November The display here can get brighter than the Air s and it has a Hz refresh rate the Air is limited to Hz The inch Pro s Liquid Retina display is more of an upgrade than the inch model though as it s the only iPad to use mini LED backlighting which can deliver higher peak brightness improved contrast and a generally more realistic image Beyond that the new iPad Pro runs on Apple s newer M SoC which isn t a huge upgrade over the M chip in real world use but offers more performance overhead going forward The iPad Pro has the same MP rear camera as the Air but adds a MP ultrawide lens and an LED flash plus a LIDAR scanner for AR apps The MP front cameras meanwhile can take shots in portrait mode Beyond that the Pro has a faster Thunderbolt USB C port more robust speakers and Face ID support With its latest refresh it can now recognize when an Apple Pencil is hovering above the display and preview would be inputs There are more storage options going all the way up to TB with the TB and TB models doubling the RAM from GB to GB at a super high cost It also works with all of Apple s best accessories It s a powerhouse and if you do want to use an iPad more heavily for work the roomier display on the inch Pro should make it the most amenable option for all day laptop style use You ll want to add a keyboard to get the most out of that but if you re spending this much on an iPad to begin with that may not be as big of a deal Like the iPad mini this is very much a niche device It s prohibitively expensive and its hulking size makes it less portable than other iPads Certain creatives have made it work as a Mac laptop replacement but for most iPadOS still makes multitasking and other computer y tasks more convoluted than they d be on a similarly priced MacBook It s only a minor upgrade over the previous model too Still as a tablet the inch Pro is deeply powerful This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-08-22 15:30:05
海外TECH Engadget Microsoft will bring PC Game Pass to NVIDIA's GeForce Now on August 24th https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-will-bring-pc-game-pass-to-nvidias-geforce-now-on-august-24th-151526248.html?src=rss Microsoft will bring PC Game Pass to NVIDIA x s GeForce Now on August thMicrosoft is acting on its promise to bring PC Game Pass to NVIDIA s GeForce Now service The companies have announced that Game Pass and Microsoft Store titles will be available to stream on GeForce Now starting August th Not every title will be playable right away but this will give Game Pass subscribers access to releases like Deathloop and No Man s Sky through NVIDIA s platform The two companies have been forging a partnership for a while Microsoft struck a deal with NVIDIA in February to bring Xbox games to GeForce Now for years and the first title Gears arrived in May Bethesda s first games including Doom Eternal and the Wolfenstein reboots surfaced earlier this month In that sense PC Game Pass just expands the selection further The pact was announced as part of Microsoft s bid to get regulatory approval for its purchase of Activision Blizzard In theory this shows that Microsoft won t have unfair dominance over cloud gaming The company also plans to sell Activision Blizzard game streaming rights to Ubisoft to address UK officials concerns and has been signing smaller cloud deals in recent months It may seem odd to access one streaming service s games through another but there may be advantages GeForce Now is aimed at enthusiasts who want maximum visual quality and reduced lag with the Ultimate tier supporting K at frames per second If your PC and internet connection are up to the task Game Pass might shine on GeForce Now where it would otherwise be limited This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-08-22 15:15:26
海外TECH Engadget Arturia's Acid V is a Roland TB-303, without the headaches https://www.engadget.com/arturias-acid-v-is-a-roland-tb-303-without-the-headaches-150035249.html?src=rss Arturia x s Acid V is a Roland TB without the headachesI ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what would be the next vintage synth to get the Arturia emulation treatment At this point the company has tackled many of the most iconic synths in history and spent much of last year focused on its original creations like the Augmented series Pigments Fragments and Dist Coldfire We did get a version of the Korg MS in May of as part of V Collection but otherwise things have been pretty quiet Well I feel slightly embarrassed because there was a pretty obvious gap in Arturia s lineup I had overlooked The Roland TB Arturia Acid V is probably one of the simpler instruments the company has made in recent years In part because the original is a reasonably simple instrument It s a bass machine ーmonophonic with a single oscillator a db lowpass filter and an envelope generator to manipulate the filter That s kind of it What made it special was its odd squelchy sound that when paired with the slides in its sequencer produced something totally unique and became the core of acid house hence the name Acid V nbsp ArturiaAs usual the company does a solid job bringing the TB s physical interface into a virtual space But we all know Arturia can t stop there There s the customary advanced tab This is where you ll find the three modulation sources which go well beyond your standard LFO the dedicated effects section where you can combine up to four effects and the sequencer The sequencer on the is part of what granted it squelchy super powers it was also notoriously annoying to program Thankfully Arturia recognizes that it s and there s no need to saddle its VST with some arcane step logic puzzle in the name of authenticity There s a pretty straightforward piano roll interface with toggles under each step for slide accent and vibrato Across the top you can shift individual notes down an octave up an octave or up two octaves to get that signature jump that almost any good bassline has nbsp ArturiaOn the left you can lock the sequencer into a particular scale to simplify things add swing change the sequence length up to steps and even generate random sequences You can easily shift sequences up or down a note chromatically or to the left and right to change the note order And there s even a polymetric option that allows you to change the sequence length of the notes slides vibrato and accents individually This gives you a lot of power to build something that s constantly evolving especially if you re taking use of the full steps Oh and if that s not enough there are different playback modes so you can pingpong through a sequence play it backwards or just bounce around randomly nbsp Arturia didn t save all the upgrades for the advanced tab though The main instrument has added a few welcome amenities including a sub oscillator with three selectable waveforms which gives the Acid V more oomph than the original ever had Next to that you ll find the vibrato controls and then the dedicated distortion circuit One of the most common tricks used on the was to overdrive it into oblivion and Arturia puts algorithms at your fingertips for doing that Some are better than others For example the crusher is fine but there s a better bit crushing option in the effects section And the destroy algorithm fails to live up to its name Still the tape soft clip and overdrive are excellent ArturiaAcid V goes a step beyond typical modern amenities There s a little arrow over the name of the instrument in the top right hand corner and if you click that you re in effect opening the machine Here you ll find virtual trim pots for adjusting things like the pulse width of the square wave the cutoff range of the filter the pitch tracking off the filter clipping level and even a bass boost knob Of course all the features in the world don t matter if the instrument sounds terrible But there was never much concern about that honestly Arturia has been in the game for a long time now delivering excellent quality plugins that a misstep would be a true shock at this point nbsp I ve never played an original TB but I did briefly own a Behringer clone and I ve tested the Roland Boutique TB The Acid V compares pretty favorably to those Being an actual analog synth Behringer s TD does sound slightly warmer than Acid V and the TB but in the context of an actual song I think you d be hard pressed to tell the difference between the three And as much as I love a good piece of hardware if I had to choose between the three I d probably opt for Arturia s plug in just because it s so much easier to use and has infinitely more sequencing versatility nbsp Arturia Acid V is available now at an introductory price of Or you can get it free when you buy the entire V Collection for though you re probably better off waiting for that to go on sale This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-08-22 15:00:35
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