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海外TECH DEV Community React useLayoutEffect vs useEffect with examples https://dev.to/alakkadshaw/react-uselayouteffect-vs-useeffect-with-examples-470g React useLayoutEffect vs useEffect with examplesIn this article we are going to learn about useEffect vs useLayoutEffect IntroductionReact Hooks An IntroductionSide Effects in React useEffect and useLayoutEffectII useEffectsSyntaxExample Fetching data with useEffectClean Up function in  useEffectDependency ArrayIII useLayoutEffectWhat is  useLayoutEffectSyntaxExample using useLayoutEffect to synchronise DOM changesClean Up function  in useLayoutEffectDependency array in useLayoutEffectIV Difference between useLayoutEffect and useEffect asynchronous vs synchronous Timing of executionUse Case for useLayoutEffect and useEffectV Examples When to use useEffect and useLayoutEffectExample Updating the DOM based on a state changeExample using useEffectExample using  useLayoutEffectExample Updating the DOM and Measuring the DOMExample using useEffectExample using useLayoutEffectExample Fetching user data with useEffectExample Sync the height of elements with the help of useLayoutEffectVI Best Practices and When to use useLayoutEffect and useEffectWhen to choose useLayoutEffect and useEffectTips for optimizing performanceCommon mistakes and how to avoid themVII ConclusionThank you for reading React Hooks An IntroductionReact hooks are simple JavaScript functions that enable developers to use state and other react features in functional componentsThey encapsulate re useable code in functions that can be added in components to introduce functionality that was previously available in class components into functional componentsSome common hooks include useState useEffect useContext and useLayoutEffectThe hooks enable developers to handle side effects manage local state and read and access contextThis article is provided by DeadSimpleChat Chat API for your website and appBy using Hooks developers can create a more readable concise and maintainable codebase Side Effects in React useEffect and useLayoutEffectComponents need to synchronize with external systems like setting up a server connection controlling an external library based on react state etcHere are some of the reasons why managing side effects is important in reactAbility to predict and maintain code Properly handling effects results in fewer bugs and more reliable code thus app behaves predictably and it is easier to maintain as wellAbility to Optimize performance Proper management of effects results in optimization of performance and resource utilizationCleanup functionality With proper effects hook you can easily write the code to clean up as well after the effects have taken placeSynchronization With effects hooks you can synchronize component lifecycle events with effects useEffect and useLayoutEffect are two react hooks that provide a way to perform side effects sync with component lifecycle and clean up after the effect has taken placeuseEffectuseEffect is a hook that lets you handle side effects in react Components need to connect to the network call an API or sync with a third party library or other asynchronous operations All of these are not controlled by react and hence are called external systemsuseEffect is used to connect sync and control external systems useEffect runs after the component has rendered on the screen and it can be setup to re run on every render or when some dependencies changeuseLayoutEffectuseLayoutEffect is similar to useEffect but it runs synchronously after all the DOM but before the browser has rendered anything on the screenYou can use this hook to measure or manipulate the DOM and want to ensure the changes are made before the browser repaints Understanding useEffectReact useEffect is a react hook that lets you perform side effects in react  With useEffect you can connect to external systems like connect to the network or server a third party library Syntax and Basic usageuseEffect gt write logic to handle side effect like callling an API connecting to a server or connecting to a third party library here return gt You can create a cleanup function to clean up after the effect has taken place dependencyA dependencyB useEffect has the followingA function that contains the logic to handle side effectAn optional dependency array that has dependencies listed When the dependencies change the effect rerunsAn optional cleanup function that cleans up after the effect has taken place Example Fetching data with useEffectIn this example we are going to fetch some data using an API and the useEffect hookimport React useState useEffect from react function GetDetails const data setData useState const loading setLoading useState true useEffect gt async function getInfo const response await fetch const data await response json setData data setLoading false getInfo If you want the code to run only once when mounted leave the dependency array empty return lt div gt loading lt p gt searching lt p gt lt ul gt data map item gt lt li key item id gt item title lt li gt lt ul gt lt div gt Clean Up functionAs I have already stated the clean up function is an optional function that can be returned from the useEffectIt is used to perform clean up after the effect has taken place this might include unsubscribing from events or releasing resources Here is an example of using a clean up function to unsubscribe from a WebSocket connectionimport React useState useEffect from react function SocketConnection const messages setMessages useState useEffect gt const socket new WebSocket wss demo piesocket com v channel api key VCXCEuvhGcBDPXhiJJUDvReDeiVjgZVRiaV amp notify self socket onmessage event gt setMessages prevMessages gt prevMessages event data return gt socket close To run the effect only once during mounting leave the dependency array empty return lt ul gt messages map message index gt lt li key index gt message lt li gt lt ul gt Clean up function Dependency ArrayIt is an optional second argument in useEffect It is an array of dependencies when these dependencies change it triggers a re run of the effectsIf the empty array is provided the effect will run only once when the component mountsIf the array is omitted then the effects run every time the component is renderedlet us consider an example import React useState useEffect from react function UserData userId const data setData useState null useEffect gt async function fetchData const response await fetch userId const data await response json setData data fetchData userId Effect runs whenever the userId prop changesuseEffects uselayoutEffectuseLayoutEffect is a react hook similar to useEffect with function that has a the side effect logic a dependency array and an optional callback function can be returned as wellThe difference between useLayoutEffect and useEffect is that useLayoutEffect runs synchronously after all the DOM mutations and before the browser repaintsThis hook can be used to measure and manipulate the DOM and when we want to ensure that the changes have been made before the browser repaints This involves use cases which might cause flickering or layout jumpsThe useLayoutEfffect should be used when necessary because it can cause performance issues because of its synchronous nature SyntaxuseLayoutEffect has a similar syntax as useEffectuseLayoutEffect gt Some effect logic goes here return gt optional clean up function dependencyA dependencyB Example using useLayoutEffect to synchronise DOM changesIn this example we are going to update the position of the tooltip based on the position of the target elementimport React useRef useLayoutEffect from react function ToolTipLocator targetRef children const tooltipRef useRef useLayoutEffect gt const targetRect targetRef current getBoundingClientRect const tooltipRect tooltipRef current getBoundingClientRect tooltipRef current style left targetRect left targetRect width tooltipRect width px tooltipRef current style top targetRect top tooltipRect height px return lt div ref tooltipRef className tipOfTheTool gt children lt div gt DOM changes in useLayoutEffectIn this example we are using the useLayoutEffect to update the tooltip s position with respect to the target element Clean Up function  in useLayoutEffectClean up function is exactly similar to the useEffect so you can just reference it in from above Just replace useEffect with useLayoutEffect Dependency array in useLayoutEffectDependency Array is exactly similar to the useEffect so you can just reference it from above Just replace useEffect with useLayoutEffect Difference between useLayoutEffect and useEffect Asynchronous vs synchronous timing of executionThe core difference between useLayoutEffect and useEffect is the timing of the execution of codewhile the useEffect is asynchronous the useLayoutEffect is synchronoususeEffect The useEffect runs after the component has been rendered and is an asynchronous hook primarily used to handle external systems like api calls or integration with third party libraryuseLayoutEffect The useLayoutEffect is a synchronous hook that runs after all the DOM mutations but before the browser layout It is mainly used for UI and it may cause performance issues as it blocks the browser from painting the UI until the effects have taken place It is used to avoid issues like flickering or jumps in the UI Use Case for useLayoutEffect and useEffectHere are some of the common use cases for both of these hooksuseEffectConnecting to a remote serverFetching data from an APIUpdating the state in response to prop changesconnecting to external third party librariesPerforming other asynchronous operationsuseLayoutEffectWhen state changes updating the DOMPreventing flickering or UI Jumps during DOM manipulationsSync DOM changes with other components or UI elements Examples When to use useLayoutEffect and when to use useEffect Example  Updating the DOM based on state changes useEffectIn this example we have a component that displays a list of items and a toggle button to show hide the visibility of the listWe can use useEffect to update the visibility of the list based on the state changesimport React useState useEffect from react function TogglableList const isVisible setIsVisible useState true useEffect gt const listElement document getElementById user list if isVisible listElement style display block else listElement style display none isVisible return lt div gt lt button onClick gt setIsVisible isVisible gt Show Hide list lt button gt lt ul id user list gt List of items goes here lt ul gt lt div gt Here we are using the useEffect to update the show hide property of the list using the isVisible stateHere DOM update is not critical to the calculations of layout or to asynchronous operation with useEffect hook useLayoutEffectNow let us consider an example where visibility changes require a synchronous operation and we need to use useLayoutEffectConsider a component that measures the height of a panel that can collapse and we are animating the height based on the isExpanded stateimport React useState useLayoutEffect from react function PanelThatCanCollapse children const isExpanded setIsExpanded useState false useLayoutEffect gt const panelElement document getElementById collapsible panel if isExpanded const heightOfThePanel panelElement scrollHeight panelElement style height heightOfThePanel px else panelElement style height isExpanded return lt div gt lt button onClick gt setIsExpanded isExpanded gt Show Hide lt button gt lt div id collapsible panel className collapsible panel gt children lt div gt lt div gt height adjustment using useLayoutStateHere we are using the useLayoutEffect because the useLayoutEffect synchronously updates the height of the panel before the browser paintsWe need the height update to be made synchronously because otherwise it would break the UI for a little time and that would be a bad experience for the user In short where the UI would break we need synchronous effect resolution thus we use useLayoutEffect other wise we use useEffect Example Updating the DOM and Measuring the DOMWe are considering an example where we will measure the DOM and update the DOM based on the measurements useEffectWe have a component which displays a notification we need to center it horizontally in the screen We can use useEffect to measure the length of the notification bar and update its position to center it on the screenimport React useState useEffect from react function Toast toastMessage const leftPosition setLeftPosition useState useEffect gt const toastElement document getElementById toast const toastWidth toastElement offsetWidth const screenWidth window innerWidth setLeftPosition screenWidth notificationWidth message return lt div id toast className toast style left leftPosition gt toastMessage lt div gt center the toast in the center of the screenIn this example we are using useEffect to measure the width of the toast notification based on the width of the screen Since measurement and updating the position are not critical to rendering the UI on the page we can use useEffect to manage this useLayoutEffectIn this example we have a tolltip next to an input field and we want to ensure that the tooltip is propperly positioned before the browser repaintsimport React useRef useLayoutEffect from react function InputTooltip textOfTooltip const inputRef useRef const tooltipRef useRef useLayoutEffect gt const inputRect inputRef current getBoundingClientRect const tooltipRect tooltipRef current getBoundingClientRect tooltipRef current style left inputRect right px tooltipRef current style top inputRect top inputRect height tooltipRect height px TextOfTooltip return lt div gt lt input ref inputRef type text gt lt div ref tooltipRef className tooltip gt textOfToolTip lt div gt lt div gt In this example we are using useLayoutEffect to synchronously position the tooltip next to the input fieldWe are using useLayoutEffect because we need the tooltip exactly next to the input field when the page renders on the screen if the tooltip comes at a later point in time it might cause issues like UI jumps Example Fetching user data with useEffectWe are building a component that fetches the user data from an API when the component mountsimport React useState useEffect from react function UserProfile userId const userData setUserData useState null const loading setLoading useState true useEffect gt async function fetchData const response await fetch const data await response json setUserData data setLoading false fetchData userId return lt div gt Searching lt p gt Searching lt p gt lt div gt lt h gt userData name lt h gt lt p gt Email userData email lt p gt list of user details here lt div gt lt div gt Here we are using the useEffect to fetch the user data from the JSON placeholder website and render it when the component mounts We have also added userId as a dependency so when ever the userId gets upadated the effects run again thus calling the API again to update the user detailswe are also displaying the user data or a seaching indicator based on the state of the component at that point in time Example Sync the height of elements with the help of useLayoutEffectWe have elements on a page and we want to make their heights in sync with each other such that they are always equalimport React useRef useLayoutEffect from react function InSyncHeight leftColumn rightColumn const leftRef useRef const rightRef useRef useLayoutEffect gt const leftHeight leftRef current offsetHeight const rightHeight rightRef current offsetHeight if leftHeight gt rightHeight rightRef current style height leftHeight px else leftRef current style height rightHeight px leftColumn rightColumn return lt div className InSyncHeight gt lt div ref leftRef className column left gt leftColumn lt div gt lt div ref rightRef className column right gt rightColumn lt div gt lt div gt Here we are using useLayoutEffect to measure the height of both the colums and then set the height of the smaller column to match the height of the taller columnwe have also added both the column variables in the dependency array such that whenver the height of any of these colums changes then the useLayoutEffect will run again Best Practices and When to use useLayoutEffect and useEffect When to choose useLayoutEffect and useEffectuseEffect runs asynchronous and does not cause any performance issues and thus should be the default choice whenever you want to deal with external systems such ascalling an APIupdating DOM based on state changesconnecting with a remote serverconnecting with third party libraryOnly for things that might cause an UI issue such as flickerring or UI jumps if the operation or connection with the external system is performed asynchronously then useLayoutEffect should be useduse the useLayoutEffect in the following scenariosWhen measuring or manipulating the DOM you need to make sure that Changes are made before the browser repaintsEffects must be in sync with the component rendering to avoid momentary breaks in UI rendering Tips for optimizing performanceuse the dependency array to control when the effects runsAvoid performance resource intensive tasks in useLayoutEffect as this would slow down the UI rendering whenever the effect re runsProperly run the clean up function when the effects have run As not performing proper clean up might result in bugs or memory leaksTry to encapsulate complex logic in custom hooks Common mistakes and how to avoid themNot managing the dependency Array Remember these points with regard to the dependency arrayAlways state the reactive values in the dependency array when reactive values change the effect will re runLeaving the dependency array empty will result in the effect running only once when the component mountsNot providing the dependency array results in the effects running every time the component reruns Overusing useLayoutEffectOnly use the useLayoutEffect where it is necessary defaulting to useEffect whenever possible As useLayoutEffect is synchronous it may cause performance issues and it is render blocking as well So to avoid performance issues always default to useEffect Always list reactive values in the dependency arrayWhenever you are using component values that are reactive always list them in the dependency array This ensures that whenever these values change the effect will runNot running the clean up function properly or not running the clean up function at allClean up function is an important part of the effects after the effects have taken place always free up the resources and clean up Not doing the cleanup properly may cause bugs or memory leaks ConclusionI hope you liked the article Thank you for reading This article is brought to you by DeadSimpleChat Chat API for your website and app 2023-08-23 00:52:37
海外TECH DEV Community Exploring The Benefits of GraphQL Code Gen https://dev.to/tnodell/exploring-the-benefits-of-graphql-code-gen-22gd Exploring The Benefits of GraphQL Code GenGraphQL is the leading method of querying APIs in modern web development Yet developers face a common challenge using GraphQL managing the types and structures of the data returned by their queries Dealing with undefined values and casting partial types to make the Typescript compiler happy is frustrating Or constructing types for each kind of response But there s a solution that alleviates this pain boosts development speed and enhances code quality GraphQL Codegen This powerful open source tool automates the generation of code for GraphQL APIs GraphQL Codegen produces types queries and hooks from the GraphQL schema No more manual repetitive coding or uncertainty about types In this post we ll explore how GraphQL Codegen works and how we use it in our open source tool Graphweaver to facilitate a silky smooth developer experience So let s dive in and uncover how this tool is reshaping the way we build applications When I started using GraphQL as a React developer one of the things that frustrated me was that I didn t know the type of data that is being returned from my query My Typescript types were all empty unless I was casting the type of the response Which meant I had to maintain a separate types definition file on the frontend But this did nothing to solve the problem of what was being returned in the query In the past a partial solution to this was to use partial types everywhere client side As a result we d have to check for undefined throughout our codebase losing the benefits of a typing system For example const GET TODOS query getTodos todos id description assignee id firstName lastName const data useQuery GET TODOS const todos data todos as Partial lt Todo gt const firstAssigneeFirstName todos assignee firstnameThis creates a couple of gross code smells First we have to cast the Todo type because we don t know what a todo is from the query The type cast as Partial lt Todo gt is also a Partial which means we also have to handle anything in Todo being missing such as the assignee Alternatively we could create a new type that explicitly Omits or Picks the exact type returned by the server But this creates overhead in the form of keeping these types in sync with what s being requested Any changes to the query or component cascade into maintaining the correct type The solution is to automatically generate your types from the GraphQL schema AKA GraphQL Codegen GraphQL Codegen helps automate the process of writing code for GraphQL APIs By looking at a GraphQL schema we can generate code for our types queries and React hooks This means that developers can save time by not having to manually write repetitive code GraphQL Codegen also helps with type safety and consistency It ensures that the code is strongly typed and can be easily updated when changes are made to the API This leads to faster development cycles and fewer bugs in production Because GraphQL document fields are already typed it s pretty annoying to try to keep your types in sync with them on the client That s why GraphQL code generation is so valuable The gold standard for this process is GraphQL Code Generator How GraphQL CodeGen WorksGraphQL Code Generator is an open source tool that generates code from your GraphQL schema It s highly configurable for your environment with a schema first approach The GraphQL schema serves as the contract between the frontend and backend of a GraphQL API It defines the data types relationships and operations that clients can perform on the data Using this GraphQL Code Generator can determine the types queries and mutations on the frontend Generating the Typescript types from the GraphQL schema occurs in a two step process First GraphQL Codegen looks at the types as defined by the schema Then it creates a JSON data structure via the introspection query provided by GraphQL This describes the relationship between your types and queries Using this JSON GraphQL Codegen creates the Typescript types with a templating engine This iterates through the custom JSON and creates the types and hooks that your frontend uses In practice this looks like Installing the packageSetting the configurationExecuting the Codegen scriptGraphQL Code Generator can not only create frontend typings but can create the backend resolvers from the GraphQL schema as well This magic happens in the configuration const config CodegenConfig schema https localhost graphql documents src tsx generates src gql preset client schema identifies the URL for the GraphQL schema endpoint documents define where your queries mutations arguments etc are The generates key describes the location where your types will output And the preset is your template for what kind of output you expect In GraphQL Code Generator plugins handle the parsed GraphQL schema and describe the expected output For example the Typescript plugin generates the base Typescript types Presets are groups of plugins for common configurations such as the client preset which includes the Typescript plugin The client preset is configured for optimal usage with React or Vue and for GraphQL clients like urql and Apollo Presets are opinionated and designed to get you up and running quickly GraphQL Code Generator is a powerful and fast tool for solving the problem of managing types from a GraphQL API This is not solely limited to frontend web development but can generate your resolvers from the GraphQL schema as well This approach is schema first where developers can configure what they want their Codegen to output via a YAML file The presets and plugins are defined in the YAML file Unfortunately there are some limitations to having a schema first approach to creating a GraphQL API The generated code can be complex and hard to customise and this philosophy has some inflexibility when custom logic is required that is not supported out of the box by the schema How We Use GraphQL CodeGen In GraphweaverWe use GraphQL Code Generator in our project Graphweaver Graphweaver is a open source tool that allows you to connect multiple data sources from databases to rest APIs to Saas Platforms and expose those as a single GraphQL API As a part of this process we generate the GraphQL schema from the data source From the schema we then generate the types queries and hooks for the frontend Let s go on a whirlwind tour of how we do this in Graphweaver It all starts with our source of truth in the data source For this example let s imagine a Postgres database as our datasource Following up with our Todos example above Create the Assignees tableCREATE TABLE assignees id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY first name VARCHAR last name VARCHAR Create the Todos tableCREATE TABLE todos id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY description TEXT assignee id INT FOREIGN KEY assignee id REFERENCES assignees id Insert sample data into AssigneesINSERT INTO assignees first name last name VALUES John Doe Jane Smith Insert sample data into TodosINSERT INTO todos description assignee id VALUES Complete project A Review documentation Once you have a Postgres or MySQL or SQLite database with this up and running it s easy to connect to Graphweaver and generate the entire backend and GraphQL for a project First initialise the project npx graphweaver latest initThis pulls down the latest version of Graphweaver from NPM and starts a new project The cli will ask you for a name and what kind of database is being used After you cd into the project and install the dependencies you can run another command to generate your backend npm graphweaver latest import postgresqlThis import command line tool takes the database and does its code generation to create the files for our backend entities and files Currently it supports Postgres MySQL and SQLite databases In this case running the import command opens a database connection to Postgres fetches the database schema and builds metadata about the database Then it generates the entity files schema files resolver files and index files Finally it closes the connection and logs out what has been created It s quite handy to not have to do this manually A full tutorial on connecting a database can be found here Whether we created this manually or with the import tool we create the data entities schema entities and resolvers Then you can pnpm start your project which kicks off the remaining code generation When you initialise a new Graphweaver instance all the resolvers are passed into Graphweaver The resolvers contain metadata about the entities and we use this to populate the TypeGraphQL metadata storage Using this we generate the types queries and mutations using GraphQL Code Generation The result of this process entity types export type Todo typename Todo id Scalars ID output description Maybe lt Scalars String output gt assignee Maybe lt Assignee gt type Maybe lt TodoType gt Hooks which you can use like any other Apollo hook export function useGetTodosQuery baseOptions Apollo QueryHookOptions lt GetTodosQuery GetTodosQueryVariables gt const options defaultOptions baseOptions return Apollo useQuery lt GetTodosQuery GetTodosQueryVariables gt TodosDocument options And the return types from queries export type GetTodosQueryHookResult ReturnType lt typeof useGetTodosQuery gt So getting back to our original example code We can rewrite to const GET TODOS query getTodos todos id description assignee id firstName lastName const data useGetTodoQuery const todos data todosconst firstAssigneeFirstName todos assignee firstnameWhere our data todos are now typed from our React Hook useGetTodoQuery We no longer have to cast the type Although we do have to handle the data itself being undefined during a loading state or error What s more is that if we change our query then our types update when we restart the server or have the Graphweaver watch command running Say we don t need to see the lastName of the assignee any more the Graphweaver cli removes that from the response type A file is generated next to each component component generated which contains the types that the query is using A complete example of what s generated can be seen in one of our example repos on GitHub With a few commands Graphweaver generates the backend components schema resolvers and more As the project progresses Graphweaver automatically updates types based on query changes ensuring type consistency Ultimately Graphweaver empowers developers to craft APIs that seamlessly amalgamate diverse data sources into a single cohesive GraphQL interface This results in a more efficient and structured development experience SummaryGraphQL Codegen is a tool that automates the process of writing code for GraphQL APIs by generating code for types queries and hooks from a GraphQL schema It saves time improves type safety and consistency and can be used for both frontend and backend development While there are limitations to a schema first approach we re using it in Graphweaver to provide a code first solution for developers looking to get started quickly But we also provide the flexibility to extend their API in any way they can code We re big fans of using GraphQL Codegen in our projects Get started using Graphweaver to generate your code from your database with our documentation to get you up and running in under minutes If you enjoy Graphweaver please give us a star on GitHub 2023-08-23 00:34:56
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ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 英語で話しかけられて「黙ってニコニコ」は絶対ダメ…意味がわからない時に使える"最強のお助けフレーズ" - 中学英語レベルだから覚えやすい https://president.jp/articles/-/72596 kadokawa 2023-08-23 10:00:00
マーケティング MarkeZine 環境と生活者双方の利益を追求する「い・ろ・は・す」のブランド戦略 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/43082 環境と生活者双方の利益を追求する「い・ろ・は・す」のブランド戦略年の発売から一貫して環境保護と向き合い続けてきた日本コカ・コーラのナチュラルミネラルウォーターブランド「い・ろ・は・す」。 2023-08-23 09:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA パートナー様限定 Google Cloud 認定資格取得 促進キャンペーン のご案内 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/training-certifications/google-cloud-certification-campaign-for-partners/ GoogleCloudパートナー企業に所属している方現在有効なGoogle CloudCloudの認定資格を一つも持っていない方年に“パートナー様向けGoogleCloud初めての認定資格をとろうキャンペーンに応募していない方応募方法応募期間内に下記応募フォームよりお申し込みください。 2023-08-23 02:00:00



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