投稿時間:2023-11-30 03:16:32 RSSフィード2023-11-30 03:00分まとめ(20件)

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AWS AWS News Blog Amazon Redshift adds new AI capabilities, including Amazon Q, to boost efficiency and productivity https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-redshift-adds-new-ai-capabilities-to-boost-efficiency-and-productivity/ Amazon Redshift puts artificial intelligence AI at your service to optimize efficiencies and make you more productive with two new capabilities that we are launching in preview today First Amazon Redshift Serverless becomes smarter It scales capacity proactively and automatically along dimensions such as the complexity of your queries their frequency the size of the 2023-11-29 17:57:11
AWS AWS News Blog AWS Clean Rooms Differential Privacy enhances privacy protection of your users data (preview) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-clean-rooms-differential-privacy-enhances-privacy-protection-of-your-users-data-preview/ Starting today you can use AWS Clean Rooms Differential Privacy preview to help protect the privacy of your users with mathematically backed and intuitive controls in a few steps As a fully managed capability of AWS Clean Rooms no prior differential privacy experience is needed to help you prevent the reidentification of your users AWS 2023-11-29 17:52:05
AWS AWS News Blog AWS Clean Rooms ML helps customers and partners apply ML models without sharing raw data (preview) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-clean-rooms-ml-helps-customers-and-partners-apply-ml-models-without-sharing-raw-data-preview/ Today we re introducing nbsp AWS Clean Rooms ML preview a new capability of AWS Clean Rooms nbsp that helps you and your partners apply machine learning ML models on your collective data without copying or sharing raw data with each other With this new capability you can generate predictive insights using ML models while continuing to protect your sensitive 2023-11-29 17:43:40
AWS AWS News Blog Announcing Amazon OpenSearch Service zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3 (preview) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-opensearch-service-zero-etl-integration-with-amazon-s3-preview/ Today we are announcing a preview of Amazon OpenSearch Service zero ETL integration with Amazon S a new way to query operational logs in Amazon S and S based data lakes without needing to switch between services You can now analyze infrequently queried data in cloud object stores and simultaneously use the operational analytics and visualization capabilities 2023-11-29 17:40:46
AWS AWS News Blog Analyze large amounts of graph data to get insights and find trends with Amazon Neptune Analytics https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-neptune-analytics-a-high-performance-graph-analytics/ I am happy to announce the general availability of Amazon Neptune Analytics a new analytics database engine that makes it faster for data scientists and application developers to quickly analyze large amounts of graph data With Neptune Analytics you can now quickly load your dataset from Amazon Neptune or your data lake on Amazon Simple 2023-11-29 17:37:04
AWS AWS News Blog Vector search for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is now generally available https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/vector-search-for-amazon-documentdb-with-mongodb-compatibility-is-now-generally-available/ Today we are announcing the general availability of vector search for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility a new built in capability that lets you store index and search millions of vectors with millisecond response times within your document database Vector search is an emerging technique used in machine learning ML to find similar data points to 2023-11-29 17:32:59
AWS AWS News Blog Vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is now available https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/vector-engine-for-amazon-opensearch-serverless-is-now-generally-available/ Today we are announcing the general availability of the vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless with new features In July we introduced the preview release of the vector engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless a simple scalable and high performing similarity search capability The vector engine makes it easy for you to build modern machine learning 2023-11-29 17:32:32
AWS AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon SageMaker HyperPod, a purpose-built infrastructure for distributed training at scale https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-sagemaker-hyperpod-a-purpose-built-infrastructure-for-distributed-training-at-scale/ Today we are introducing Amazon SageMaker HyperPod which helps reducing time to train foundation models FMs by providing a purpose built infrastructure for distributed training at scale You can now use SageMaker HyperPod to train FMs for weeks or even months while SageMaker actively monitors the cluster health and provides automated node and job resiliency by 2023-11-29 17:20:19
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Introducing the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center’s Custom Model Program for Anthropic Claude https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/introducing-the-aws-generative-ai-innovation-centers-custom-model-program-for-anthropic-claude/ Since launching in June the AWS Generative AI Innovation Center team of strategists data scientists machine learning ML engineers and solutions architects have worked with hundreds of customers worldwide and helped them ideate prioritize and build bespoke solutions that harness the power of generative AI Customers worked closely with us to prioritize use cases 2023-11-29 17:19:26
AWS AWS Networking and Content Delivery Introducing Amazon Q support for network troubleshooting (preview) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/introducing-amazon-q-support-for-network-troubleshooting/ This blog post explores how Amazon Q the generative artificial intelligence AI powered assistant from AWS helps you troubleshoot network related issues by working with Amazon VPC Reachability Analyzer These are exciting times for cloud networking We re a long way from the days of debugging connectivity issues with ping and traceroute Now we ask questions in 2023-11-29 17:31:24
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWSを利用した運航障害中における航空会社の回復と復旧 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/airline-resiliency-and-recovery-during-operational-disruptions-with-aws/ 当たり前,航空会社 2023-11-29 17:24:20
AWS AWS Japan Blog From why to wow:空港がデータを活用して旅客体験を向上させる方法 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/from-why-to-wow-how-airports-can-use-data-to-improve-the-passenger-experience/ fromwhytowow,テクノロジー 2023-11-29 17:22:56
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [速報]Amazon DocumentDBおよびAmazon DynamoDBのベクトルサーチ機能が一般提供開始に! #AWSreInvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/vector-search-capabilites-amazon-documentdb-amazon-dynamodb-ga/ amazondocumentdb,amazondynamodb,amisivasubramaniankeynote 2023-11-29 17:57:43
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [新サービス] Amazon Braketの学習コースと専用のデジタルバッジが提供されました #AWSreinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-braket-learning-plan-and-digital-badge/ 新サービス,amazonbraket,awsreinventaws 2023-11-29 17:54:10
海外TECH Ars Technica Amazon unleashes Q, an AI assistant for the workplace https://arstechnica.com/?p=1987059 Aimed at the office Amazon Q can summarize docs and assist with programming tasks 2023-11-29 17:13:08
海外TECH Engadget December's PlayStation Plus monthly games include Sable and PowerWash Simulator https://www.engadget.com/decembers-playstation-plus-monthly-games-include-sable-and-powerwash-simulator-174319553.html?src=rss Sony has revealed the PlayStation Plus monthly games lineup for December and it s a doozy There s no clear headliner here but a trio of interesting games are about to drop including the gorgeous open world exploration game Sable and the cleaning based tour de force Powerwash Simulator First up there s Sable a game that was on everyone s radar for years before an official release thanks to the eye catching graphical style The quot coming of age adventure and exploration game casts you as the titular hero Sable as you ride a hoverbike through vast deserts and mysterious landscapes encountering the remains of spaceships and other ancient artifacts The art style is incredible and the soundtrack is by Japanese Breakfast if that s your bag and it should be The game s only available for PS Powerwash Simulator as the name suggests is a cleaning sim that has you clearing grime from just about anything you can think of from Back to the Future s Delorean to Final Fantasy VII s Midgar Most of the game however takes place in the town of Muckingham and boasts plenty of upgrade options for your power washer and the ability to play with friends via online co op The gameplay is relaxing though more complex than it lets on at first It s available for both PS and PS Finally there s Lego K Drive This is an open world driving game comprised entirely of Lego vehicles There are races just about everywhere you look and of course the ability to make your own vehicles by connecting virtual blocks There s local couch co op and online play with the latter allowing access to the entire game map Both PS and PS players can access this game It s also worth noting that some games are about to leave the service so get those downloads ready PlayStation Plus members have until December to snag Mafia II Definitive Edition Dragon Ball The Breakers and Aliens Fireteam Elite This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-11-29 17:43:19
海外TECH Engadget GM to cut spending on Cruise driverless vehicles by ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ https://www.engadget.com/gm-to-cut-spending-on-cruise-driverless-vehicles-by-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars-170857644.html?src=rss GM is massively slashing spending on its self driving vehicle subsidiary Cruise after a string of debilitating setbacks according to a conference call by company executives transcribed by TechCrunch GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra said that operations would resume in some capacity but that any plans for Cruise moving forward would be more deliberate To that end the cuts will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars in the next year This is expected to result in widespread layoffs at the San Francisco based company that currently employees nearly people Earlier this month Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt told staffers at an all hands meeting that he d have information regarding layoffs in the coming weeks but he resigned shortly thereafter along with co founder Dan Kan It looks like the entire company may get an overhaul with CFO Paul Jacobson saying in today s conference call that there would be specific restructuring information in the coming weeks after two independent safety and incident review boards finish their work These boards were instituted after a collision between a Cruise robotaxi and a pedestrian It was also found that the company s driverless algorithm had trouble recognizing children which is never good GM has invested billions of dollars in Cruise since acquiring the company in This spending has increased in recent years as the company had planned an aggressive launch in more than a dozen cities throughout the US before everything fell apart To that end GM s latest earnings report indicates that Cruise spent million in the first three quarters of The point of today s call wasn t just to offer ill tidings for Cruise Barra and Jacobson also noted that the recently penned labor deal with United Autoworkers would cost GM billion in the long term but the company remains optimistic about future growth noting an adjusted earnings of billion in and an accelerated billion share buyback program GM has also named new executives to run Cruise Mo Elshenawy was promoted from VP of engineering to co president with GM s previous EVP of legal and policy taking up the other co president role GM s CEO said that the company has a lot of confidence with what the two co presidents will do but notes that GM will be leaning in to make sure that it meets our strict requirements from a safety perspective This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-11-29 17:08:57
海外TECH Cisco Blog Gain control over OT remote access with session monitoring, recording, and termination https://feedpress.me/link/23532/16475678/gain-control-over-ot-remote-access-with-session-monitoring-recording-and-termination Learn how Cisco Secure Equipment Access gives you visibility into active and past remote access sessions lets you terminate an active session if something doesn t look right and record sessions for training or forensics 2023-11-29 17:01:49
海外TECH Cisco Blog Cisco Live 2023, Melbourne: Top 5 Highlights https://feedpress.me/link/23532/16476011/ciscolivetop5 See what Cisco data center network automation technologies will be featured in the DevNet Zone including Cisco Nexus Dashboard Cisco ACI and the latest Nexus Series switches 2023-11-29 17:00:50
科学 NYT > Science U.S. Life Expectancy Creeps Up as Covid Deaths Fall https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/health/us-life-expectancy-covid-deaths.html But the country s health has not fully rebounded from the pandemic according to new data from the C D C 2023-11-29 17:57:50



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