投稿時間:2023-11-30 05:27:50 RSSフィード2023-11-30 05:00分まとめ(28件)

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AWS AWS News Blog Package and deploy models faster with new tools and guided workflows in Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/package-and-deploy-models-faster-with-new-tools-and-guided-workflows-in-amazon-sagemaker/ I m happy to share that Amazon SageMaker now comes with an improved model deployment experience to help you deploy traditional machine learning ML models and foundation models FMs faster As a data scientist or ML practitioner you can now use the new ModelBuilder class in the SageMaker Python SDK to package models perform local inference 2023-11-29 19:14:45
AWS AWS News Blog Use natural language to explore and prepare data with a new capability of Amazon SageMaker Canvas https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/use-natural-language-to-explore-and-prepare-data-with-a-new-capability-of-amazon-sagemaker-canvas/ Today I m happy to introduce the ability to use natural language instructions in Amazon SageMaker Canvas to explore visualize and transform data for machine learning ML SageMaker Canvas now supports using foundation model FM powered natural language instructions to complement its comprehensive data preparation capabilities for data exploration analysis visualization and transformation Using natural language instructions 2023-11-29 19:14:41
AWS AWS News Blog Amazon SageMaker adds new inference capabilities to help reduce foundation model deployment costs and latency https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-sagemaker-adds-new-inference-capabilities-to-help-reduce-foundation-model-deployment-costs-and-latency/ Today we are announcing new Amazon SageMaker inference capabilities that can help you optimize deployment costs and reduce latency With the new inference capabilities you can deploy one or more foundation models FMs on the same SageMaker endpoint and control how many accelerators and how much memory is reserved for each FM This helps to 2023-11-29 19:14:36
AWS AWS News Blog Leverage foundation models for business analysis at scale with Amazon SageMaker Canvas https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/leverage-foundation-models-for-business-analysis-at-scale-with-amazon-sagemaker-canvas/ Today I m excited to introduce a new capability in Amazon SageMaker Canvas to use foundation models FMs from Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart through a no code experience This new capability makes it easier for you to evaluate and generate responses from FMs for your specific use case with high accuracy Every business has its 2023-11-29 19:09:04
AWS AWS News Blog Introducing highly durable Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters with 30% price/performance improvement https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-highly-durable-amazon-opensearch-service-clusters-with-30-price-performance-improvement/ You can use the new OR instances to create Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters that use Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon S for primary storage You can ingest store index and access just about any imaginable amount of data while also enjoying a price performance improvement over existing instance types eleven nines of data durability and 2023-11-29 19:01:46
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Amazon Redshift announcements at AWS re:Invent 2023 to enable analytics on all your data https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-redshift-announcements-at-aws-reinvent-2023-to-enable-analytics-on-all-your-data/ In Amazon Web Services revolutionized the data warehousing industry by launching Amazon Redshift the first fully managed petabyte scale enterprise grade cloud data warehouse Amazon Redshift made it simple and cost effective to efficiently analyze large volumes of data using existing business intelligence tools This cloud service was a significant leap from the traditional data warehousing solutions which 2023-11-29 19:08:28
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Announcing new tools and capabilities to enable responsible AI innovation https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/announcing-new-tools-and-capabilities-to-enable-responsible-ai-innovation/ The rapid growth of generative AI brings promising new innovation and at the same time raises new challenges These challenges include some that were common before generative AI such as bias and explainability and new ones unique to foundation models FMs including hallucination and toxicity At AWS we are committed to developing generative AI responsibly 2023-11-29 19:01:55
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CodeCatalystでAmazon Qを有効化する際の設定tips https://qiita.com/kei1-dev/items/390e7a119c3d7a35c6df code,amazonq,catalyst 2023-11-30 04:13:07
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [速報] Amazon Redshift クエリエディタがAmazon Q generative SQLの新機能が発表されました(プレビュー) #AWSreInvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/20231130-amazon-redshift-amazon-q-generative-sql/ amazonqgenerativesql,amazonredshift,awsreinvent 2023-11-29 19:38:33
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [ワークショップ]「Running high performance computing applications using AWS Batch」に参加して Dask を利用したマルチノード並列ジョブを試してきた #AWSreInvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/reinvent-2023-cmp305/ ワークショップ,applicationsusingawsbatch,awsreinventreinvent 2023-11-29 19:33:52
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [速報]基盤モデル「Amazon Titan」に新シリーズ「Amazon Titan Text Lite」「Amazon Titan Text Express」がリリース #AWSreinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/breaking-titan-new-model/ amazon,amazonbedrock,amazontitan 2023-11-29 19:25:53
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [速報]大量のグラフデータを分析して傾向を見つけるAmazon Neptune Analyticsが一般提供(GA)になりました #AWSreInvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/news-ga-amazon-neptune-analytics/ amazo,amazonneptuneanalytics,amisivasubramaniankeynote 2023-11-29 19:08:01
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use Siri to read a web page in iOS 17 https://appleinsider.com/inside/siri/tips/how-to-use-siri-to-read-a-web-page-in-ios-17?utm_medium=rss In the latest iOS update Apple has introduced an enhanced Siri feature that allows the virtual assistant to read web articles aloud Here s how to get started Use Siri to listen to webpages in iOS With Siri s new capability users can now have articles read to them transforming their iPhones into personal storytellers It s not just a tool for convenience but a gateway to making digital content more accessible for everyone including those with visual impairments or those who prefer auditory learning Read more 2023-11-29 19:19:54
海外TECH Engadget Netflix is adding the GTA Trilogy to its games library on December 14 https://www.engadget.com/netflix-is-adding-the-gta-trilogy-to-its-games-library-on-december-14-190357966.html?src=rss Netflix continues to bet big on gaming The streamer just announced that Rockstar s Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy The Definitive Edition will hit its platform on December The game will be free to play for Netflix subscribers like the rest of its library Each of the three titles included in the collection have been updated for mobile These games include the iconic Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto Vice City and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas They ll be playable via the Netflix app but also available as standalone apps on Android and iOS The gameplay s a bit dated by modern standards but Grand Theft Auto III basically invented the open world genre and the sequels further refined the model Many players actually point to San Andreas as being a high watermark for the series even outpacing more recent titles In any event this trilogy can hold you over until the eventual release of Grand Theft Auto VI To that end the forthcoming Rockstar sequel should be getting a trailer any day now Netflix has been snagging all kinds of games for its ever growing library from the massively popular roguelike Hades to the equally popular uh roguelike Dead Cells The platform s library also includes Braid Death s Door Katana Zero and other hit indies The company s also developing its own games thanks to snatching up developer Night School the team behind Oxenfree and Afterparty This acquisition has already borne fruit as Oxenfree II Lost Signals released earlier this year to wide acclaim Incidentally the sequel isn t stuck on Netflix as it s also available on Nintendo Switch PS PS and PC via Steam So the streamer might not be using games as just a way to lure in new subscribers Netflix could be in it for the long haul Beyond Oxenfree II other original games to hit the platform include Slayaway Camp Netflix amp Kill and a whole lot of titles based on pre existing TV shows There s a game based on the recently canceled fantasy epic Shadow and Bone and forthcoming titles inspired by Money Heist and The Dragon Prince among others This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-11-29 19:03:57
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 見直すべきはハードルが高過ぎる基準改正案-快筆乱麻!masaが読み解く介護の今(95) https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20231129103404 ハードル,masa,介護保険施設 2023-11-30 05:00:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 JA共済が“自爆営業”を禁じられて大幅減益!「1500億円減益」の衝撃試算 - Diamond Premium News https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333198 ja共済,diamondpremiumnews,保険事業 2023-11-30 04:55:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 難関なのに理系大学・学部進学率が低い中高一貫校の1位は?【理系進学コスパ良い&悪いランキング】 - 新・理系エリート https://diamond.jp/articles/-/332473 エリート,ランキング,中学受験 2023-11-30 04:50:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 《地図でわかる》ハマスを駆り立てた中東情勢の大変貌【池上彰・増田ユリヤ】 - 池上彰と増田ユリヤの世界最前線 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333181 イスラエル,ガザ地区,サウジアラビア 2023-11-30 04:45:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【3分でわかる】佐藤優が歴史解説「イスラエルとハマスが和平を結べない決定的理由」 - 佐藤優「次世代リーダーの教養」 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333171 イスラエル,イスラム教,スンナ派 2023-11-30 04:40:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 役職定年後も生き生き働ける人は「出世への執着」とどう向き合っているか《Editors' Picks》 - Editors' Picks https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333216 editors,xpickseditorsxpicks,エピソード 2023-11-30 04:35:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 イスラエルへのテロを主導する、ハマスとはどのような組織なのか? - 日々刻々 橘玲 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333118 イスラエル 2023-11-30 04:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 立教大学・中原淳教授の書籍が、“オンライン読書会”の参加者に伝えたこと - HRオンライン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/332712 立教大学,イベント,オンライン 2023-11-30 04:25:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【83万フォロワーの英語系YouTuberが教える】 英語で「トム・クルーズは、カッコいいよね」はなんて言う? - バカでも英語がペラペラ! 超★勉強法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/330387 フォロワー,tarosac,youtube 2023-11-30 04:22:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ノルマ未達の心に刺さる「癒しの言い訳」4選 - ろくでもない英語の言い訳300 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333212 英語表現 2023-11-30 04:19:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 資産18億円! 87歳、現役デイトレーダーの「貧しい幼少時代」 - 87歳、現役トレーダー シゲルさんの教え https://diamond.jp/articles/-/331412 ウォーレン,ダイヤモンド社,デイトレーダー 2023-11-30 04:16:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 米医療保険シグナとヒューマナ、合併交渉中=関係筋 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333267 医療保険,ヒューマナ 2023-11-30 04:13:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 職場にいる「いつまでもミスを引きずってしまう人」と「メンタルの切り替えが上手な人」の決定的な差とは - 1秒で答えをつくる力 お笑い芸人が学ぶ「切り返し」のプロになる48の技術 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/333204 いつまでも,お笑い芸人,かまいたち 2023-11-30 04:13:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【整体プロが教える】冷えてカチカチの「骨盤」は悲鳴をあげている。不調になる前に知っておきたい、一瞬でポカポカになるワーク - すぐできる自力整体 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/332387 カチカチ,メソッド,ロングセラー 2023-11-30 04:10:00



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