投稿時間:2024-06-06 04:06:16 RSSフィード2024-06-06 04:00分まとめ(11件)

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AWS AWS Set up permissions for creating private offers on Marketplace | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At06ZtJlg1M In this video you ll see how to set up permissions for creating private offers or channel partner private offers in AWS Marketplace Using permission sets in AWS IAM Identity Center you can provide AWS accounts with granular access to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal and manage who can create private offers and channel partner private offers For more information on this topic please visit the resources below Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing AWSMarketplace PrivateOffers PO AWSPrivateOffer 2024-06-05 18:18:23
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News AirTags used by alleged human smuggler may ultimately provide enough evidence for conviction https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/05/airtags-used-by-alleged-human-smuggler-may-ultimately-provide-enough-evidence-for-conviction?utm_medium=rss An alleged member of a Russia based human smuggling network used at least seven Apple AirTags to stalk his wife And they may be his downfall Apple AirTagIbodullo Muhiddinov Numanovich a Tajikistan citizen living in the United States is believed to have smuggled his ex wife a Tajikistani woman known only as S K in court documents into the United States After she arrived in the country Numanovich Apple AirTags to monitor her location Numanovich would hide the trackers inside S K s car placing at least seven on the vehicle between March and April According to documents seen by Media he d hidden them nearly anywhere he could including the front bumper wheel wells and side mirror casing Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-05 18:30:50
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News A new evasive Mac malware strain is stealing crypto https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/05/a-new-evasive-mac-malware-strain-is-stealing-crypto?utm_medium=rss A new type of Mac malware is masquerading as CleanMyMac or Photoshop cracks and has been stealing data from browsers and pilfering cryptocurrency wallets Here s how to stay safe New Mac malware uses AppleScript to access browser data crypto walletsAccording to MacPaw s Moonlock Lab the malware often presents itself as legitimate apps Once installed it can use AppleScript to trick users into revealing their passwords steal cookies from browsers like Chrome and Safari and self destruct if it detects that it is running on a virtual machine The script starts by getting the current username from the system along with other essential system paths for later use Then it creates a temporary folder to store the stolen data before sending it out Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-05 18:20:22
科学 NYT > Science Starliner Sets Off on 1st Flight With NASA Astronauts Aboard https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/05/science/boeing-starliner-launch After two previous launch attempts were called off the Boeing built spacecraft was headed to the International Space Station It will stay there until at least June 2024-06-05 18:59:32
科学 NYT > Science Boeing Carries NASA Astronauts to Orbit in ‘Milestone’ Starliner Flight https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/science/nasa-boeing-starliner-launch.html The launch marks a long delayed win for the aerospace giant and the next step in NASA s reliance on the private sector for its human spaceflight program 2024-06-05 18:56:46
科学 NYT > Science The Bird Flu Virus Adapted to Sea Mammals. It May Not Be Done Yet. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/health/bird-flu-mutations-mammals.html Huge die offs of elephant seals occurred after the virus gained nearly troublesome new mutations scientists found 2024-06-05 18:09:52
科学 NYT > Science ‘Hanging by a Thread’: U.N. Chief Warns of Missing a Key Climate Target https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/climate/global-warming-outlook.html His comments came as the world body s weather agency said it expected Earth to soon surpass the record high temperatures experienced in 2024-06-05 18:07:19
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【家を買うなら必須】住宅購入で絶対に知っておくべき「損をしないため」の最後の砦 - 本当に家を買っても大丈夫か?と思ったら読む 住宅購入の思考法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344891 マイナス金利,不動産バブル,最後の砦 2024-06-06 03:51:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【哲学って何?】「ずば抜けて頭がいい人」のすごい回答 - あした死ぬ幸福の王子—―ストーリーで学ぶ「ハイデガー哲学」 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344913 ハイデガー,ーストーリー,幸福の王子 2024-06-06 03:48:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「コンゴ共和国、コンゴ民主共和国ってどんな国? なぜ2つのコンゴが?」2分で学ぶ国際社会 - 読むだけで世界地図が頭に入る本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344808 コンゴ共和国,エネルギー,オリンピック 2024-06-06 03:45:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 疲労を回復?! 良質なタンパク質を含む、今が旬のすごい野菜とは - 生産者さんだから知っている そのままおいしい野菜の食べ方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344795 かんたん,シンプル,タンパク質 2024-06-06 03:43:00



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