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IT 気になる、記になる… CMF by Nothing、同ブランド初のスマホ「CMF Phone 1」の存在を正式発表 ー ティザー画像を公開 https://taisy0.com/2024/06/06/200956.html cmfbynothing,cmfphone,nothing 2024-06-06 09:16:30
IT 気になる、記になる… 【セール】楽天ブックス、22,000冊以上の電子書籍を半額以下で販売中 ー 300円均一や90%オフなども https://taisy0.com/2024/06/06/200953.html kobo,sale,スーパー 2024-06-06 09:08:45
IT ロボスタ Pepperが2024年6月5日で10歳に 「老後の日」と「環境の日」にちなんだ誕生日特別動画を公開 https://robotstart.info/2024/06/06/pepper-10th-birthday.html pepper,firstappearedon,thepostpepper 2024-06-06 09:26:18
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders マクニカソリューションズ、アカマイ製品を販売、導入支援・構築・運用をあわせて提供 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/26430 マクニカソリューションズアカマイ,iaas,itleaders 2024-06-06 18:16:00
GCP Official Google Blog A new AI tool to help monitor coral reef health https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/arts-culture/a-new-ai-tool-to-help-monitor-coral-reef-health/ A researcher deploys a hydrophone on a coral reef in Sulawesi 2024-06-06 10:00:00
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技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO AWS RDS 인증서 갱신 시 재시동이 필요한 DB 엔진을 알아보자! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/ksw-aws-rds-re-start-2/ rds의인증서버전을갱신시재시동이필요한db,안녕하세요클래스메소드금상원입니다이번블로그에서는aws,엔진을알아보자 2024-06-06 09:08:20
海外TECH Engadget The best password manager for 2024 https://www.engadget.com/best-password-manager-134639599.html?src=rss We use passwords for everything From our bank accounts to free social media sites our password footprints spread all over our digital landscape But that means if you re reusing the same ones over and over again you re opening yourself up to hackers potentially finding one in a leak and getting into your most sensitive accounts That s where password managers come in They store all your credentials in one place taking the burden off of you to remember them all and even offer stronger password options to help prevent reuse in the future Yet it s a confusing space filled with extra features and security gaps that can make it hard to navigate We tested out nine of the best password managers available now to help you choose the right one for your needs Password remains our top pick for the best password manager thanks to its zero knowledge policy numerous security features and general ease of use but there are other solid programs out there to consider as well Are password managers safe It seems counterintuitive to store all your sensitive information in one place One hack could mean you lose it all to an attacker and struggle for months or even years to rebuild your online presence not to mention you may have to cancel credit cards and other accounts But most experts in the field agree that password managers are a generally secure and safe way to keep track of your personal data and the benefits of strong complex passwords outweigh the possible risks The mechanics of keeping those passwords safe differs slightly from provider to provider Generally you have a lengthy complex master password that safeguards the rest of your information In some cases you might also get a security key to enter when you log in to new devices This is a random string of letters numbers and symbols that the company will send you at sign up Only you know this key and because it s stored locally on your device or printed out on paper it s harder for hackers to find These multiple layers of security make it difficult for an attacker to get into your vault even if your password manager provider experiences a breach But the company should also follow a few security basics A zero knowledge policy means that the company keeps none of your data on file so in the event of an attack there s nothing for hackers to find Regular health reports like pentests and security audits are essential for keeping companies up to par on best practices and other efforts like bug bounty programs or hosting on an open source website encourage constant vigilance for security flaws Most password managers now also offer some level of encryption falling under the Advanced Encryption Standard AES AES bit is the strongest because there are the most number of possible combinations but AES bit or bit are still good Are password managers worth it You likely already use a password manager even if you wouldn t think to call it that Most phones and web browsers include a log of saved credentials on the device like the passwords keychain in the settings of an iPhone That means you ve probably seen the benefits of not having to memorize a large number of passwords or even type them out already While that s a great way in the downfall of these built in options are that they tend to be device specific If you rely on an Apple password manager for example that works if you re totally in the Apple ecosystem ーbut you become limited once you get an Android tablet Lujo Bauer professor of electrical and computer engineering and of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University said If you use different devices for work and personal use and want a secure option for sharing passwords with others or just don t want to be tied to one brand forever a third party password manager is usually worth it How we testedWe tested password managers by downloading the apps for each of the nine contenders on iPhone Android Safari Chrome and Firefox That helped us better understand what platforms each manager was available on and see how support differs across operating systems and browsers As we got set up with each we took note of ease of use and how they iterated on the basic features of autofill and password generators Nearly all password managers have these features but some place limits on how much you can store while others give more control over creating easy to type yet complex passwords From there we looked at extra features like data breach monitoring to understand which managers offered the most for your money Finally we reviewed publicly available information about security specs for each This includes LastPass which more experts are shying away from recommending after the recent breach For the sake of this review we ve decided not to recommend LastPass at this time as fallout from the breach still comes to light The company disclosed a second incident earlier this year where an unauthorized attack accessed the company s cloud storage including sensitive data Since then hackers have stolen more than million in cryptocurrency using private keys and other information stored in LastPass vaults These are the password managers we tested PasswordLastPassBitwardenDashlaneKeeperNordPassEnpassNorton password managerLogMeOnceBest password managers for Other password managers we testedLastPassFor a while security experts considered LastPass a solid choice for a password manager It s easy to use has a slew of helpful extra features and its free version gives you a lot But we decided not to include LastPass in our top picks because of the high profile data breaches it has experienced over the past couple of years KeeperKeeper met a lot of the basic criteria we tested for like autofill options and cross platform availability We liked its family plan options too that can keep your whole household secure But we didn t think its extra features like the encrypted messaging app added much value Plus it has a self destruct feature after five incorrect login attempts which despite adding extra protection could be a recipe for disaster for casual users EnpassEnpass works well as an affordable password manager That includes an inflation beating lifetime access pass instead of a monthly payment for users really committed to the service Still it was confusing to set up across devices and because Enpass stores data locally as opposed to in the cloud we struggled to get started with it on mobile NortonA familiar name in security we were excited to test out Norton s password manager While it s free its features seem underdeveloped It lacked password sharing account recovery and complex form filing tools that come standard in many of the other password managers we tested LogMeOnceLogMeOnce comes with a wide range of premium tiers from professional to family that include different levels of storage and features But when we tested it lacked some basic cross platform availability that other password managers had already like compatibility with Mac and Safari Password manager FAQsWhy use a password manager Using a password manager can enhance your online security They store all of your complex passwords and autofill them as needed so that you can have unique strong passwords across the web without remembering each of them yourself In many cases unique passwords are your first defense against attack and a reliable manager makes it easier to keep track of them all Are password managers percent safe Password managers are a secure way to store your credentials Experts in the field generally agree that the benefits of accessibility when storing complex passwords outweigh the possibility of attack like what happened with LastPass But with any service it can vary from provider to provider You should look out for zero knowledge policies regular security audits pentests bug bounty programs and encryption when choosing the right secure password manager for you How do password managers work Think of password managers like virtual safe deposit boxes They hold your valuables in this case usually online credentials in a section of the vault only accessible to you by security key or a master password Most of these services have autofill features that make it convenient to log in to any site without needing to remember every password you have and they keep your credit card information close for impulse purchases But given that passwords are one of the top ways to keep your online identity secure the real value of password managers is staying safe online It s just not possible without a password manager to have unique long and hard to guess passwords Florian Schaub an associate professor of information and of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan said Common guidance states that secure passwords should be unique with the longest number of characters allowed and uppercase letters lowercase letters numbers and special characters This is the exact opposite of using one password everywhere with minor variations depending on a site s requirements Think of how many online accounts and sites you have credentials for ーit s an impossible task to remember it all without somewhere to store passwords safely no a sticky note on your desk won t cut it Password managers are more readily accessible and offer the benefit of filling in those long passwords for you Who are password managers for Given their universal benefit pretty much everyone could use a password manager They re not just for the tech savvy people or businesses anymore because so much sensitive information ends up online behind passwords from our bank accounts to our Netflix watch history That s the other perk of password managers safe password sharing Families friends or roommates can use them to safely access joint accounts Texting a password to someone isn t secure and you can help your family break the habit by starting to use one yourself Lisa Plaggemier executive director at National Cyber Security Alliance said Streaming is the obvious use case but consider the shared bills file storage and other sites you share access with the people around you as well What if I forget my master password Forgetting a master password won t necessarily lock you out for good but the recovery process varies from provider to provider Some services give you a security key at sign up to enter when you log into new devices It can also be used to securely recover your account because it s a random string of keys stored locally that only you have access to Other services however have no way to recover your vault So creating a master password that you won t forget is important How can I make a good master password A good master password should be unique with the longest number of characters allowed and uppercase letters lowercase letters numbers and special characters Experts often recommended thinking of it like a passphrase instead of a password to make it easier to remember For example you can take a sentence like My name is Bob Smith and change it to Myn misBbm th to turn it into a secure master password that you won t forget This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-06 09:01:26
科学 NYT > Science SpaceX Starship Launch: When and How to Watch the 4th Test Flight https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/science/spacex-starship-fourth-test-flight.html Elon Musk s moon and Mars rocket reached space in March but on Thursday SpaceX aims to see the spacecraft survive atmospheric re entry 2024-06-06 09:04:01
科学 NYT > Science Five Takeaways: How a ‘Greenlash’ Could Transform Europe’s Vote https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/climate/europe-election-climate.html After years of political consensus on the transition to cleaner energy a backlash appears to be building as prices rise and right wing candidates gain ground 2024-06-06 09:03:27
科学 NYT > Science How Wombats May Save Other Animals From Wildfires https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/science/wombats-burrows-forest-fires.html They build extensive burrow networks and don t seem to mind when other woodland creatures use them as flameproof bunkers 2024-06-06 09:00:55
医療系 医療介護 CBnews GMP調査を原則実地で、新薬・後発薬の新規品目-厚労省方針 条件付き承認制度も見直しへ https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20240606174246 メーカー,医薬品医療機器等法,厚生労働省 2024-06-06 18:11:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 インド総選挙は予想外の接戦、モディ政権3期目へ https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=78741?site=nli asean,doingbusiness,indialliance 2024-06-06 18:23:09



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