投稿時間:2024-07-12 13:05:04 RSSフィード2024-07-12 13:00分まとめ(6件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 事業中断の想定リスク、「サイバー攻撃」が「自然災害」に次ぐ2位に浮上 帝国データバンク調査 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2407/12/news121.html itmedia,news,サイバー攻撃 2024-07-12 12:33:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] MINISFORUM、4K×4画面出力をサポートしたRyzen 7 8845HS搭載ミニデスクトップPC https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2407/12/news120.html itmediapcuserminisforumk,pcminisforumumpro,ryzen 2024-07-12 12:31:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] プライムデー目前、Amazonかたるフィッシングも増加 セキュリティ企業が注意喚起 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2407/12/news119.html itmedia,amazon,news 2024-07-12 12:26:00
IT Techable(テッカブル) 【インタビュー】エチオピアKubik、プラスチックごみを“持続可能な建材”に|アフリカの尊厳ある暮らしを https://techable.jp/archives/236870 インタビュー,kubik,アフリカ 2024-07-12 03:00:20
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders サイオステクノロジー、Elasticsearchの検索エンジンを活用したRAG構成AIシステムの構築支援 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/26581 サイオステクノロジー,elasticsearch,itleaders 2024-07-12 12:50:00
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Logitech MX Keys S review: Great typing feel and feature packed https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/07/12/logitech-mx-keys-s-review-great-typing-feel-and-feature-packed?utm_medium=rss The Logitech MX Keys S is impressive and one of only a handful of third party Mac keyboards that can truly compete against Apple s Magic Keyboard The Logitech MX Keys S is powerful something most keyboards can t say The Logitech MX Keys S has an impressively responsive feel and in my mind a much better typing feel than Apple s Magic Keyboard It also has quality of life features that are missing from the Magic Keyboard Keyboards with a Mac layout feel like a rare find but Logitech has catered to the Mac user by offering a range of keyboards with the Mac s particular modifier keys layout While some full size keyboards only have the control command and option keys on one side this keyboard has them on both Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-07-12 03:02:04



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