投稿時間:2024-07-12 15:22:48 RSSフィード2024-07-12 15:00分まとめ(3件)

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IT ロボスタ 『AI博覧会 Summer 2024』生成AIやLLMなど注目の講演を紹介 NVIDIA・Google Cloud・PFN・AWS・住友生命・戸田市・横須賀市ほか https://robotstart.info/2024/07/12/ai-hakurankai2024-seminar.html aismiley,cloud,firstappearedon 2024-07-12 05:39:13
AWS AWS Episode 3: Increasing Software Development Productivity - Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IN0_KMPG08 In this series learn about productivity tools powered by generative AI for developers business intelligence engineers and decision makers looking to leverage generative AI We will dive deep into Amazon Q a generative AI powered assistant designed to give you immediate and relevant information based on your content your code or even external sources of information such as AWS documentation The series will feature Amazon Q Amazon Q Business Amazon Q Developer and Amazon Q in QuickSight We will also share more opportunities for you to get free AWS training on Amazon Q and generative AI 2024-07-12 05:27:52
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JSで全角or半角のローマ数字を全角アラビア数字に変換した https://qiita.com/Roberto-Gaccho/items/7940d8ef53d1d2aab6d1 hoge,アラビア数字,ライブラリ 2024-07-12 14:51:44



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