投稿時間:2025-03-22 04:11:45 RSSフィード2025-03-22 04:00分まとめ(11件)

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海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Another rare, functional Apple-1 has sold for $375,000 at auction https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/03/21/another-rare-functional-apple-1-has-sold-for-375000-at-auction?utm_medium=rss A collection of Apple goodies has wrapped up with a working Apple taking the top spot ーand some other items also did very well Functional Apple pulls in k at recent auctionRR Auction s Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution has wrapped up with a few items of note pulling in serious money The auction began in late February and bids were finalized on March While the auction contained over Apple and Jobs related goods there was one item that raked in the most amount of cash a fully functional Apple with an original manual It brought in which is about what RR Auction expected Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-03-21 18:28:48
海外TECH Engadget SpaceX could soon have more control over Texas public road and beach closures https://www.engadget.com/big-tech/spacex-could-soon-have-more-control-over-texas-public-road-and-beach-closures-184526421.html?src=rss SpaceX could soon have greater control over the recreational activities of South Texas residents The Houston Chronicle via Gizmodo and San Antonio Express News report that a pair of state senate bills introduced earlier this month would give officials at the likely Starbase city the authority to decide when a nearby beach shuts down for weekday launch activities Meanwhile a third bill floated on Wednesday would take the company s control a step further making it a criminal offense for people on the beach not to comply with SpaceX s evacuation orders The bills are possible because of an upcoming election that will almost certainly give SpaceX officials control of the area On May voters will decide if Starbase becomes a Texas city something Elon Musk first proposed in Given that the area near the rocket site is populated mainly by SpaceX employees after previous homeowners in Boca Chica Village moved often after being bought out by the company let s just say the election s outcome won t likely be a toss up Republican state senator Adam Hinojosa s first bill SB would let Starbase city officials assuming the municipality establishment bill passes decide when Boca Chica Beach is closed for weekday rocket tests and flights An identical bill HB was introduced in the state house by Republican Janie Lopez Cameron County officials who control the closures now would maintain control on Friday afternoons and weekends Texas state senator Adam HinojosaCampaign for Adam HinojosaMeanwhile Hinojosa s second senate bill SB would make it a Class B misdemeanor for people on the beach not to comply with Starbase s evacuation orders The freshman state senator said the bill would give the commercial spaceport quot real teeth quot to quot compel people to do the right thing quot Fittingly Hinojosa s election website touts his belief that quot we don t need more government in business ーwe need more business in government quot The Houston Chronicle reports that the FAA s Environmental Assessment shows that SpaceX has moved much of its testing to a site that doesn t require the closure of State Highway A SpaceX flight test in April closed the road for over hours while another shuttered it for nearly eight hours last June The company can close State Highway for up to hours each year for standard operations and up to more hours to address incidents like an exploding rocket On the other hand environmental groups have argued that SpaceX s activities are damaging the area Last year the Center for Biological Diversity American Bird Conservancy and other groups sued the FAA for allegedly rushing SpaceX s permitting process without a full environmental review And the Environmental Protection Agency fined the company for allegedly dumping pollutants into Texas wetlands adjacent to the Rio Grande River nbsp Craig Nazor conservation chair for the Sierra Club s Lone Star chapter testified to the state senate on Wednesday that SB would quot put beach closures directly in the hands of SpaceX quot He also expressed concern that the second senate bill could put folks who are unaware of an upcoming launch into legal trouble quot SB could potentially make a criminal out of someone who s out there and lost track of exactly what may be going on at the launch pad quot he said This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-03-21 18:45:26
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【脳科学が警告】上司の“正しいアドバイス”が部下を苦しめる決定的理由 - 優れたリーダーはアドバイスしない https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361297 アドバイス,カウンセリング,コミュニケーション 2025-03-22 03:53:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【一発アウト】ダメなリーダーがやりがちな「取り返しのつかない行動」 - 臆病な経営者こそ「最強」である。 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361223 さまざま,ダイヤモンド社,ブリヂストン 2025-03-22 03:50:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【韓国ひとり旅】韓国で「ひとり飯」するときに気をつけるべきこととは? - ゼロからわかる!楽しく続けられる! 韓国語1年生 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361358 youtuber,ひとり旅,ひとり飯 2025-03-22 03:44:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 そりゃキーエンス強いよね…「いい人を採用できる職場」が徹底的に言語化していること - 「うちの会社にはいい人が来ない」と思ったら読む 採用の問題解決 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/350516 キャリア,キーエンス,人手不足 2025-03-22 03:38:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 子どもが指示待ち人間にならないために、親がすべてを決めない。あともう1つは? - 自分で考えて学ぶ子に育つ声かけの正解 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361560 あるある,シンプル,ノウハウ 2025-03-22 03:32:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 カバンの中身でわかる認知症になりやすい人の特徴 - 1分間瞬読ドリル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361556 ゲーム感覚,ストレッチ,考える力 2025-03-22 03:29:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 世帯収入を5年で3倍を目指す。一生食っていける「究極の不労所得」 - 40代からは「稼ぎ口」を2つにしなさい https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361552 このまま,メソッド,不労所得 2025-03-22 03:26:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 税務署が怪しむ「経費の落とし方」ワースト1 - 【インボイス対応版】ひとり社長の経理の基本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361537 インボイス,ワースト 2025-03-22 03:23:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【教養としての世界史】冷戦がわかれば、今のロシアの動きがもっとわかる! - 地図で学ぶ 世界史「再入門」 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361558 カリスマ,誰も知らない 2025-03-22 03:20:00



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