The Weather Company Uses Generative AI To Improve Forecast Comprehension | Amazon Web Services |
Learn how The Weather Company uses Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Bedrock for foundation model training and inference to help deliver accurate forecasts to billion people in countries and languages Learn more about Transform your business with generative AI Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2025-03-21 20:42:44 |
Program |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
React・Vue 面倒くさい所 |
react,reactusestate,state |
2025-03-22 05:05:54 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
California bill would force ISPs to offer 100Mbps plans for $15 a month |
Like New York law Calif bill demands cheap plans for people with low incomes |
2025-03-21 20:46:27 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Severance season two review: Even before the finale, innie rights and humanity made for a stronger show |
If you think about it Severance s quot innies quot ーthe people trapped in an endless cycle of office work ーshould genuinely hate their quot outies quot ーtheir other halves who exist everywhere else While outies are free to live a seemingly carefree existence unburdened by the labor boredom and indignities of office life innies have no escape Every time they enter the elevator at the end of their shifts which triggers the switch to their outie persona innies just blink and return to the sterile hallways of nefarious biotechnology firm Lumon Industries There are no weekends or holidays there isn t even time to sleep nbsp Editor s note The Severance finale is now live but this review was written prior to the release of the final episode of the second season Meanwhile Apple confirmed today that it has ordered a third season of the hit show so we can continue to follow the stories of Lumon s finest Spoilers ahead for Severance season No spoilers for the finale quot Cold Harbor quot Severance s first season arrived as we were all reeling from the initial onslaught of the COVID pandemic and many of us were dealing with our own work life balance issues It introduced the show s core concept ーthat Lumon pioneered the ability to completely separate work and life experiences ーand it made the terms quot innie quot and quot outie quot a new cultural shorthand But the debut season also leaned heavily on the outie perspective sometimes to a fault In its second season Severance became even stronger by focusing more on the innie perspective Do they deserve whole lives or just the labor their outies don t want to deal with Are they allowed to fall in love Are they even real people AppleThese are all concepts the show previously touched on but the innie experience became all the more tragic as season two went on We watched as Adam Scott s Mark S wrestled with the dueling desires to rescue Lumon s wellness counselor Ms Casey who was revealed to be his outie s supposedly dead wife and also nurture a budding romance with fellow innie Hellie R Britt Lower John Turturro s Irving B spent the entire season nursing a broken heart after the innie he fell in love with disappeared And Zach Cherry s Dylan G ended up falling in love with his outie s wife Merritt Wever who saw the best aspects of her floundering husband through his innie Innies owe their lives to their outies but lead a tortured existence that basically just makes everything easier for outies Season two made it clear that the process of severance which involves a brain injection that splits the innie and outie personas essentially creates an adult child who only exists to work Innies have no understanding of science history or the greater world beyond what Lumon tells them And naturally the company s messaging to innies is purely focused on efficiency output and the cult like adoration of its founder Kier Eagan It s as if Apple based its entire internal culture on worshipping Steve Jobs as a god complete with archaic rituals and holy texts AppleWhile we spent less time with outies in this season the show still had a sharper take on their side of the severed experience There s a funny nod to the quot return to office quot phenomenon where Tramell Tillman s Milchick practically had to beg the outies to come back to Lumon following their innie revolt at the end of season one In our world RTO is mostly a phenomenon where executives are eager to witness their employees toiling away rather than allowing them to potentially slack off while working at home We also get a sense of what outies lose by giving up their work life to their innies When Dylan G s outie Dylan George is turned down for a basic job outside of Lumon he learns he can t count his innie s work time since he didn t actually experience it In some ways it feels reminiscent of what we could lose by outsourcing work to AI tools Severance isn t just a trap for the innies stuck in Lumon s offices their outies will also have a tough time landing a job anywhere else The only choice is to stay loyal to Lumon and its dear founder Kier until you retire Or die According to Dan Erickson the creator and showrunner of Severance this season was partially inspired by the recent Hollywood writer s strike quot We were all talking to our guilds and having conversations about workers rights and what we owe our employers and what we should reasonably expect back in return And how much of ourselves and our lives and our energy we should be willing to give up for the sake of a job quot he said in an interview on episode of the Engadget Podcast AppleWhile much of the second season was written before the strike quot consciously or unconsciously I think that the tone of that of those conversations made their way into the story quot Erickson said quot And certainly I think that they ll be on people s minds as they re watching the show Because at the end of the day it is a show about the rights of workers and what they deserve as human beings quot As I watched this season of Severance and processed the events of its explosive finale I couldn t help but be reminded of Kazuo Ishiguro s heartbreaking novel Never Let Me Go It s set in a strict boarding school where students are raised to serve one specific purpose and their own lives are devalued in the process But they still love learn and dream They have hopes and desires Every innie should be so lucky Update March PM ET This story has been updated to add an editor s note about the season finale and the confirmation about a third season of the show This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2025-03-21 20:40:55 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Perplexity AI says it would rebuild TikTok's algorithm and add Community Notes features |
Earlier this year with a TikTok ban looming Perplexity AI threw its hat into the increasingly crowded ring to take over the embattled social media company Now the maker of the AI search engine is outlining its vision for TikTok if its bid were to win out In a blog post the company made a lengthy pitch for quot rebuilding TikTok in America quot an effort that would see the AI company rebuild the app s signature algorithm add Community Notes and integrate the shortform videos into its search engine Of the many potential buyers it s not clear how seriously Perplexity s bid is being considered On Friday the Financial Times reported that ByteDance s existing US investors are quot exploring a deal alongside software giant Oracle quot in an effort to quot appease quot President Donald Trump The story also notes that ByteDance quot strongly prefers quot this arrangement Still Perplexity is making the case that it is best suited to own the platform Perplexity is singularly positioned to rebuild the TikTok algorithm without creating a monopoly combining world class technical capabilities with Little Tech independence Any acquisition by a consortium of investors could in effect keep ByteDance in control of the algorithm while any acquisition by a competitor would likely create a monopoly in the short form video and information space All of society benefits when content feeds are liberated from the manipulations of foreign governments and globalist monopolists The AI company also says it would rebuild TikTok s quot black box quot recommendation algorithm from scratch and would make the quot For You quot feed open source Perplexity also suggests it would add quot Community Notes features quot as well as the citations used by its own search engine in an effort quot to turn TikTok into the most neutral and trusted platform in the world quot That would be a significant departure from TikTok s current fact checking program which relies on international media organizations This is the first time Perplexity has publicly discussed its vision for TikTok in detail It s also notable that some of its plans ーlike open sourcing the quot For You quot feed and adding Community Notes ーfeel ripped straight from Elon Musk s playbook for X In any case the White House will likely need to make a decision about TikTok s future soon Trump s executive order that temporarily saved the app from a ban is set to expire April although the president has indicated he would quot probably quot extend it if necessary This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2025-03-21 20:04:49 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
Kilmer McCully, Pathologist Scorned for New Theory of Heart Disease, Dies at 91 |
His studies showed that a B vitamin deficiency could cause hardened arteries It took the medical profession more than a decade to catch up |
2025-03-21 20:46:34 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
Trump Administration Dialing Back Support for H.I.V. Prevention |
The move follows cuts to prevention and treatment efforts worldwide with the shuttering of U S A I D |
2025-03-21 20:08:08 |
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