python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
低レベルネットワークプログラミングを理解するための道具箱 |
以下のssコマンドのログでは、にちょうどタイマーがになっているが、に文字列「secondn」のパケット通信があったため、keepaliveのパケットを飛ばさずに秒にタイマーを設定し直していることがわかる秒後のタイマーが秒である。 |
2021-04-12 00:50:43 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Appiumでのテストで機械学習を使ってみた(GradCAM) |
今回、TensorFlowでCNNを利用したのだからtfkerasvisでGradCAMを利用すれば上への業務報告や、改善に役に立つのではないかとうことで前々回の題材でGradCAMGradientweightedClassActivationMappingを利用してみた。 |
2021-04-12 00:45:16 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
エンジニアと名乗るからには、ブログの自動投稿くらい実装してるよな? :) |
そんな先輩の教えを忠実に守って、はてなブログでの記事投稿で同じようなテンプレで記事を書いているものは自動で記事生成をして、自動ではてなブログに投稿してくれるようにしました。 |
2021-04-12 00:44:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PyAutoGUIを使おうとしてpyscreeze.PyScreezeException: The Pillow package is required to use this function.とエラーになる |
PyAutoGUIを使おうとしてpyscreezePyScreezeExceptionThePillowpackageisrequiredtousethisfunctionとエラーになる環境WindowsHomePythonpipPyAutoGUI結論pipinstallPillowでPillowをインストールする。 |
2021-04-12 00:43:18 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
VueとPixi.JSでアクションゲーム『ネコメザシアタック』を開発して3年目なのでソースと解説 |
せめて供養がわりにLGTM頂けると幸甚の極みです作ったものの変遷まあそんなわけで、まずはこの年間での進歩をみて欲しい年目その場でジャンプするだけの超シンプルゲームプレイURLソースコード解説記事VueとSVGを使ってシューティングゲーム『ネコメザシアタック』を作ったのでソースと解説その場でジャンプして弾メザシを発射するだけの簡単仕様VueJavaScriptのオーソドックスな構成Vueでdiv要素のCSSを操作してキャラクターを動かす方式今コミットログ見返したら週間週末回で作ったらしいまじか年目曲面角丸のステージ・ランキング・TS採用・レスポンシブプレイURLソースコード解説記事VueとCSSとTypeScriptでシューティングゲーム「ネコメザシアタック」を作ったのでソースと解説時代に乗るためにTypeScriptとCompositionAPIを採用Vue本体はまだv前回位置固定だったキャラクターたまさんが画面内を動き回る仕様に進化Firebaseで雑なランキングシステムを実装年目複数のステージ・グラフィックの進化・マルチデバイスプレイURLソースコード解説記事ここVue採用グラフィックスを超強化画面描画をCSSからPixiJSCanvasWebGLに変更デバイス・画面サイズにかかわらず同じ画面を表示できるようになったやっと変えたこと変わらないこと少しずつ採用技術を変えながら毎年新しく作りなおしているので基本的には別物なのですが、それでも「変わらないもの」って結構ある。 |
2021-04-12 00:08:40 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
正規表現クロスワードを遺伝的アルゴリズムで解こうとしてあきらめた話 |
正規表現の評価関数が、ではなく、くらい合ってる、というようなふうにできれば、いい線行くのではないかと思うのですが、それは簡単ではなさそうですし、そこまでできるなら、別の方法で答えが出せそうな気がします。 |
2021-04-12 00:02:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
YOLOをimportする際に謎のImportErrorが起きる |
YOLOをimportする際に謎のImportErrorが起きる前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-04-12 00:56:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AES-256 GCMに渡すkeyに鍵導出関数(PBKDF2など)のハッシュ値を指定する理由は? |
AESGCMに渡すkeyに鍵導出関数PBKDFなどのハッシュ値を指定する理由は以前書いた、「あるデータをパスフレーズで暗号化し、公開ストレージURLが判明すれば誰でも読み取り可能に暗号化ファイルの形式で保存し期間は無期限、あとからパスフレーズで復号して読み取るためのコード」を改修するため、「AESnbspGCM、または、ChaChaPolyを用いて、データをつのパスフレーズを用いて暗号化するライブラリ」をTypeScriptで書こうと考えています。 |
2021-04-12 00:49:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 標準入力 スペース 改行削除 |
C言語標準入力スペース改行削除標準入力からデータを入力し、そこからスペースと改行を取り除いたものを一列の文字列として表示したいのですが、うまくいきません。 |
2021-04-12 00:48:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PowerBIで前日比率を特定カテゴリ毎に折れ線グラフにするための記述方法を教えて下さい(サンプルデータあります |
2021-04-12 00:27:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
いいね機能を追加したい |
いいね機能を追加したい現状Ruby初学者です。 |
2021-04-12 00:26:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
異なるフォームのテキストを転記したい |
異なるフォームのテキストを転記したい実現させたいことログインフォームでログインした氏名を異なるフォームのテキストボックスへ転記させたいです。 |
2021-04-12 00:18:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Reactでフォームのハンドリングをしたい |
2021-04-12 00:11:31 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
wgetでhttps接続できない場合の対処法 |
aptinstallcacertificates |
2021-04-12 00:07:08 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker初心者が2日で理解したこと (1週間だけ頑張る Day2of9) |
もとはアクセスで作られているものを代替できるかのテストやらないことセキュリティ関係はザルのままどうせ社外アクセスできないnginxとかのロードバランサーどうせ大したアクセス数じゃないtestとかCIとかやりたいけど時間なさそうcssとかのデザインコードの見た目は気にするけど、使えればいいや派環境WSLonWindowsでDockerという何でLinuxを入れないのかという疑問の残る構成で行います。 |
2021-04-12 00:59:41 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
wgetでhttps接続できない場合の対処法 |
aptinstallcacertificates |
2021-04-12 00:07:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Do you often use border property to figure out and focus elements in CSS |
Do you often use border property to figure out and focus elements in CSSAre you bored to type border px solid red each time to figure out some elements or to debug them Now all you need to just add a class at the end of your element s class list that s it Add this tag into your lt head gt tag lt link rel stylesheet href question mark css gt now just add a class at the end of your element s class listfor example lt div class h w bg green gt lt to do gt lt div gt |
2021-04-11 15:29:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Making an infinite CSS carousel |
Making an infinite CSS carouselAfter searching and struggling for many hours I still couldn t find a good guide on how to make an infinite CSS carousel There s not reason this can t be done using html and css and yet almost every guide is using javascript or css that doesn t actually work when you try it It s so simple and yet a working example is just not available so I m sharing what we ve done at Rhosys to make our brand carousel And of course you want to see the finished product first Diving into the codeHere s our simple display lt section class user cloud gt lt div class brands container gt lt div class brands carousel gt lt picture gt lt source srcset assets images s customer cloud png media max width px gt lt img src assets images customer cloud png gt lt picture gt lt picture gt lt source srcset assets images s customer cloud png media max width px gt lt img src assets images customer cloud png gt lt picture gt lt picture gt lt source srcset assets images s customer cloud png media max width px gt lt img src assets images customer cloud png gt lt picture gt lt picture gt lt source srcset assets images s customer cloud png media max width px gt lt img src assets images s customer cloud png gt lt picture gt lt div gt lt div gt lt section gt We have four images on mobile and only three on desktop To make this responsive we are using the picture tag with source and img set Img selectors didn t work so we use picture No idea why but rather than fighting with that it s easier to do this No messy x multiples or figuring out what the size of the elements should be on the screen Then we ll add some nice padding and setup to our container IMPORTANT the max width here should always been the same width as all your pictures so that means the full picture width brands container max width px margin auto padding em overflow hidden brands carousel position relative padding left margin height px overflow hidden brands carousel gt div width That s the setup which is relatively simple and here s the important setup Each picture in the carousel is of the parent brands carousel gt picture width position absolute top display flex justify content center animation carousel s linear infinite It also starts off the screen until it is time transform translateX I m going to skip talking about the first picture keyframe but every picture get s the same setup it takes N seconds to move onto the screen and stay there until the next picture moves Calculated on desktop there are three pictures so each one gets of the times on stage brands carousel gt picture nth child animation name first picture carousel animation duration s animation iteration count infinite animation delay s s transform translateX brands carousel gt picture nth child animation delay Calc s brands carousel gt picture nth child animation delay Calc s The keyframes keyframes first picture transform translateX transform translateX transform translateX keyframes carousel transform translateX transform translateX transform translateX So the main keyframe is carousel Since each image is on stage for of the time It will slide in taking of the s time to do that and stay there until the end of it s and which time it transfers out Since each image takes to enter it also has to take to leave And this almost totally works except for one thing until the of s no image is fully displayed The fix for this is a hack which shows the first image two times We ll show it on the screen to start until it leaves and at the same time we ll show it off the screen to the right until it starts We ll then delay the second animation one full round Because of this we need the first picture keyframe and this works great The keyframes for mobile keyframes first picture responsive transform translateX transform translateX transform translateX keyframes carousel responsive transform translateX transform translateX transform translateX Don t show the forth picture on desktop brands carousel gt picture last child display none On mobile we ll make some small adjustments instead of s for well have s for images each image gets of the time on stage media screen and max width px brands carousel gt picture animation carousel responsive s linear infinite brands carousel gt picture nth child animation name first picture responsive carousel responsive animation duration s animation iteration count infinite animation delay s s brands carousel gt picture nth child animation delay Calc s brands carousel gt picture nth child animation delay Calc s brands carousel gt picture nth child animation delay Calc s display block Finishing upIf you want to change the time of the full animate loop replace the s with your new full time To change how long a transition is on the screen reduce the to a smaller value and reduce the by the same amount To make any other change i e increasing the length of time the image is static you ll need to compute that based on of the total time and then recalculate the transition percentage Right now the static image is to that s of s s on the screen If you want that to be s on the screen without reducing the transition time s s Calculate the total new time s for the full animation and then new transition percentages are s s so the new keyframes would be Updating all the s gt s keyframes carousel transform translateX transform translateX transform translateX And that s it Here s a link to the code |
2021-04-11 15:25:51 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
FBI foils one-man plot to blow up Amazon data center |
FBI foils one man plot to blow up Amazon data centerA man has been charged for plotting to blow up an Amazon data center in Virginia in what he believed was an attempt to take down about of the internet Announced on Friday the Department of Justice confirmed that Seth Aaron Pendley of Wichita Falls was arrested on Thursday and charged via a criminal complaint for an attempt to destroy a building with an explosive If convicted Pendley faces up to years in federal prison The man s target was an Amazon data center in Virginia which he thought provided services to the FBI CIA and other federal agencies His aim to kill off about of the internet with the explosion was to bring down the oligarchy currently in power in the United States Read more |
2021-04-11 15:58:12 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Sony plans bigger push to bring PlayStation franchises to iPhone |
Sony plans bigger push to bring PlayStation franchises to iPhoneSony wants to expand its mobile gaming efforts with job advertisements indicating it intends to adapt many PlayStation franchises to be playable on iPhone and iPad in the future The job advertisement seeking someone for the role of Head of Mobile PlayStation Studios Sony Interactive Entertainment in California The listing explains the candidate will lead all aspects of the expansion of your game development from consoles and PCs to mobile and live services but with a focus on successfully adapting PlayStation s most popular franchises for mobile The successful applicant will also be responsible for building and scaling a team of mobile leaders and will serve as the head of this new business unit within PlayStation Studios Read more |
2021-04-11 15:58:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone recovered from Taiwan lake after biggest drought in 50 years |
iPhone recovered from Taiwan lake after biggest drought in yearsAn iPhone accidentally dropped into a lake in Taiwan has been recovered one year later after the biggest drought for over years receded the water line enough to spot it The recovered iPhone Pro Max and the waterproof case via Taiwan News Facebook In March a man identified on the Bao Fei Commune Facebook Group as Chen lost his iPhone Pro Max while paddling in Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan The man wore the iPhone in a plastic waterproof pouch around his neck but lost it after falling into the water multiple times Read more |
2021-04-11 15:58:53 |
金融 |
◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) |
保険デイリーニュース(04/12) |
三井住友海上 |
2021-04-11 15:36:32 |
金融 |
生命保険おすすめ比較ニュースアンテナ waiwainews |
がん保険の新商品発売相次ぐ |
newsallrightsreserved |
2021-04-12 00:06:45 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Scores killed in Myanmar crackdown as U.N. envoy calls for ‘strong action’ |
Scores killed in Myanmar crackdown as U N envoy calls for strong action Details of a brutal crackdown in the city of Bago km northeast of Yangon took a full day to emerge as residents told of |
2021-04-12 01:56:40 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Nadeshiko Japan beats Panama as Yuika Sugasawa nets hat trick |
Nadeshiko Japan beats Panama as Yuika Sugasawa nets hat trickAsako Takakura s side put on a goal scoring clinic against the outclassed Central American side in the first international game played at Tokyo s new National Stadium |
2021-04-12 01:29:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Philip: The Queen says his death has 'left a huge void' - Duke of York |
edinburgh |
2021-04-11 15:08:55 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: UK sets new record for Covid jab second doses |
covid |
2021-04-11 15:54:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Baby found dead in Bilston supermarket car park |
mother |
2021-04-11 15:12:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Lingard scores twice as West Ham survive late Leicester comeback |
Lingard scores twice as West Ham survive late Leicester comebackJesse Lingard continues his stunning form with West Ham by scoring twice in the first half to set the Hammers on course for a crucial victory over fellow Champions League hopefuls Leicester City |
2021-04-11 15:33:11 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Leicester's Maddison, Choudhury and Perez dropped for Covid-19 breach |
Leicester x s Maddison Choudhury and Perez dropped for Covid breachThree Leicester players including England midfielder James Maddison were dropped for the defeat at West Ham for breaching Covid protocols |
2021-04-11 15:51:29 |