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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] PS5の4K/120fps出力に対応した4Kテレビ、ソニーが発売 「ゲームプレイに適している」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2104/12/news144.html itmedianewsps 2021-04-12 20:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「ポケモンストア」2カ所閉店 ゴールデンウィーク後に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2104/12/news143.html itmedia 2021-04-12 20:44:00
IT MOONGIFT ことばパレット - 単語からカラーパレットを生成 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/CPFh4kTlUIw/ 言葉 2021-04-12 21:00:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AWSのコンソールの環境にルートユーザでログインできない https://teratail.com/questions/332864?rss=all AWSのコンソールの環境にルートユーザでログインできない前提・実現したいことAWSへコンソールへログインしようとルートユーザのメールアドレスを入力し、セキュリティチェックで表示されている英数字文字を入力しましたがログインすることができません。 2021-04-12 20:45:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SSL化に失敗してWordpressログイン出来なくなってしまった https://teratail.com/questions/332863?rss=all SSL化に失敗してWordpressログイン出来なくなってしまった前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-04-12 20:41:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Beautiful Soupでスクレイピングした場合のエラー解決方法 https://teratail.com/questions/332862?rss=all BeautifulSoupでスクレイピングした場合のエラー解決方法前提・実現したいこと上記のURLにあるホテルの紹介ページから、「ホテル名」「星の数」「口コミ評価」を辞書型で抽出しようとしています。 2021-04-12 20:34:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) オブジェクト上に現れる黒い四角のノイズを消したい https://teratail.com/questions/332861?rss=all オブジェクト上に現れる黒い四角のノイズを消したい前提・実現したいことUnityでDの一人称ゲームを開発している者です。 2021-04-12 20:31:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) STI化したら Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'issue_messages.type' https://teratail.com/questions/332860?rss=all STI化したらMysqlErrorUnknowncolumnxissuemessagestypexmodelnbspIssueMessagenbspとほとんど同じ動きをするmodelが必要となったので、STInbsp化することを考えました。 2021-04-12 20:24:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python3: 何らかのファイルを規定のプログラムで実行したい https://teratail.com/questions/332859?rss=all Python何らかのファイルを規定のプログラムで実行したい例えばwindowsのエクスプローラー上でtxtファイルをダブルクリックすると、自分のこの環境ではメモ帳によってファイルが開かれます。 2021-04-12 20:22:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) numpyにおいて、三次元配列の一部の配列をシャッフルした配列を作成できない https://teratail.com/questions/332858?rss=all numpyにおいて、三次元配列の一部の配列をシャッフルした配列を作成できない前提・実現したいことnumpyで三次元配列の一部をシャッフルした配列を作りたいエラーは出ないのですが、望んだ値が出ません。 2021-04-12 20:10:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [Python] mecabの拡張版辞書のインストール方法 https://teratail.com/questions/332857?rss=all Pythonmecabの拡張版辞書のインストール方法前提・実現したいことPythonAnacondamecabnbspというモジュールを使う際の拡張版辞書のインストール発生している問題・エラーメッセージmecabnbspというモジュールを使う際に辞書を同時にインストールする必要があるそうなのですが、下記のURLに載っている「拡張版辞書をダウンロード」のところで辞書をインストールできず、詰まっています。 2021-04-12 20:04:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTMLテンプレートとVSコードについて質問があります。 https://teratail.com/questions/332856?rss=all HTMLテンプレートとVSコードについて質問があります。 2021-04-12 20:01:06
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby on Rails × Shopify Customer API で顧客情報を操作してみる https://qiita.com/kazama1209/items/fea6de9dceb20203eddb SSO基盤側でのメールアドレス変更時にShopify側のメールアドレスも変更しておかないと、次回ログインする際に別人として認識されてしまいますし、ユーザー退会時も何かしらの形でShopify側のメールアドレスを書き換えておかないと、もし後に同じメールアドレスを用いて再度SSO基盤側でユーザーを作成した際、Multipassログインができなくなってしまうからです。 2021-04-12 20:32:51
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Git 紐付いているリモートリポジトリのアドレスを確認する https://qiita.com/miriwo/items/2a60a170a1220a8ff841 gitremotev 2021-04-12 20:21:02
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby on Rails × Shopify Customer API で顧客情報を操作してみる https://qiita.com/kazama1209/items/fea6de9dceb20203eddb SSO基盤側でのメールアドレス変更時にShopify側のメールアドレスも変更しておかないと、次回ログインする際に別人として認識されてしまいますし、ユーザー退会時も何かしらの形でShopify側のメールアドレスを書き換えておかないと、もし後に同じメールアドレスを用いて再度SSO基盤側でユーザーを作成した際、Multipassログインができなくなってしまうからです。 2021-04-12 20:32:51
海外TECH Ars Technica The Rolls-Royce Ghost: A magic carpet ride that costs as much as a house https://arstechnica.com/?p=1754152 carpet 2021-04-12 11:15:24
海外TECH DEV Community Fast Shopify development with hybrid Debut theme https://dev.to/bornfightcompany/fast-shopify-development-with-hybrid-debut-theme-3940 Fast Shopify development with hybrid Debut themeIn this article I will explain how I approach developing Shopify themes for clients with a budget or timeline that is not suitable for full custom development which I prefer If that is the case I love to suggest starting with a theme to lower the cost and shorten the development time Hybrid in this context means crossing a theme with fully developed features with tools for modern frontend development like ES SCSS and utilizing features like Hot Module Replacement etc To achieve this we will be using Shopify Debut theme as scaffolding tool for faster developmentThemekit development tools to interact with the Shopify platform to watch for local changes and upload them automatically to ShopifyShopify Packer bridge that allows us to develop using modern tools like Webpack for minification bundle splitting bundle analysis prefetch and easier manipulation with themekit Bornfight b creative Bornfight frontend project template for code style and rules Why Debut theme I like starting with the Debut theme because it s designed and written by the Shopify team and it s free It offers a great number of features like predictive search adding to cart with Ajax product image zoom and gallery etc basically everything you need to develop a shop with all the features It s also written quite well and offers some of the latest tricks for making ultra fast websites which is very important for any website and it s fully accessible It also comes with a large number of locales for the whole theme Since we are not using Debut because of the design its minimal looks is a feature not a bug Introducing Shopify PackerShopify Packer written by Eric Hayes is probably the best thing happened to Shopify theme development since Shopify stopped supporting Slate It s everything we all hoped for and that s a promise Packer uses Webpack with zero config to compile bundle split and minify your modern development technologies and start a server for development with hot module reloading actually working perfectly It can also create list and manipulate delete download deploy etc themes from your shop which is a lifesaver sometimes I also love using Eric s Shopify Packer because it uses SCSS Stylelint ESLint Babel and PostCSS It can analyze bundles and have multiple entry points for templates and layouts It s actually a CLI tool that s installed globally and you can start a new project or integrate Packer with an existing theme in ridiculously little time Most importantly you can easily customize all settings for the site and webpack if needed Eric also provides quick support for the packer so i would highly recommend it and also buy him a beer because he deserves one for this Standardising code with Bornfight s b creativeB creative is a modern frontend starter from Bornfight that has standardised opinionated code style and architecture for SCSS Javascript and HTML PHP Liquid It s used and contributed by multiple teams B creative integrates perfectly with Packer because it uses the same linters so we can just copy their configs and have the same style across all platforms Templates for SCSS and Javascript modules give us faster development times without having to write the same stuff over and over again Using b creative s SCSS is also future proof because it provides tools to scale the site from px or any configured base resolution to any bigger resolution and the site will look the same while still giving the ability to have the other logic for mobile resolutions How to connect all the tools to create hybrid setup Thinking about designFirstly create a new development store which will then come with a Debut theme pre installed or just install the Debut as a new theme Now you can provide the designer with the preview link so he she can look at all the stuff that it needs to style Goal here is to create a design that follows Debut themes features components and repeatable sections Integrating PackerNext thing to do is to connect Shopify Packer with the Debut theme for local development and to utilize modern development tools You can connect Packer with an existing theme or you can create a new blank theme and copy and replace Packers starter theme files from src folder with all of the Debut files you get when you download which is my preferred way This will then leave you with all of the Debut assets config layout locales sections snippets and templates along with Packers styles and scripts folder which will then be used to create new custom styles and scripts Follow Packers docs to generate API access that Packer needs to work with the themekit same process as only using themekit private app API password Next thing to do is to include Packers CSS and JS files into theme liquid and then you will load all of the assets from Debut and all of the assets from Packer You can do the same for password liquid and gift card liquid if needed You will probably want to delete the Debuts CSS file completely and only use its Javascript features because it s not likely you will need any Debuts styles Note that in order for all of the Debuts Javascript features to work you should not remove classes from the liquid files because CSS classes used by Debuts Javascript are not prefixed with js so you can just build upon the necessary sections and snippets with your new custom classes To test if you did everything correctly at this point running Packers start script should open a new local server for assets and you should see unstyled Debut theme files if you deleted the CSS file or styled Debut theme if you did not If you try to change the background color of the body in SCSS Packer should compile it and trigger Hot Module Replacement and you should see the background color changing without you reloading If that works then Packer is correctly integrated with Debut To test if all of the Javascript features from Debut are working try clicking on the search icon in the navigation bar and predictive search should work properly Try adding some dummy products to help you with testing that feature Also on the product single page you should be able to zoom the product image on hover and add to cart without reloading with Ajax If that works that means all Javascript features you wanted from Debut are working Feel free to delete all sections and snippets you don t need and which do not contain any wanted Javascript features but always test if everything is working properly You can also remove unnecessary styles and variables from Debuts theme liquid file where you included Packers CSS and JS because you probably will not need them Also reduce the number of assets from Debut by removing the ones you don t need Integrating b creativeNext we will copy SCSS and JS architecture from Bornfight s b creative along with linter configs to achieve standardised code Best thing to do is not to change names of the Packer main entrance point files and just include b creative s files inside existing Packer files they are empty anyways Don t forget to copy the fonts folder because it s needed for including fonts with b creative Your new SCSS and JS will also need some dependencies installed which you can find in b creative s package json file under dependencies B creative comes with Bornfight s modern CSS reset to help you with developing new features Test again if everything compiles properly Now you should expect opening a new local server for assets with Packer Roboto font used as main font for testing purposes and all of the Javascript features from Debut working as tested few steps back If so now you have a Debut theme ready for modern local development with modernisation and code style from Bornfight s b creative If the designer followed the Debut s flow you will probably only need to write new styles according to design without even touching JS because you already use all from Debut This will then drastically change the time needed for development of the shop Your final structure should look something like this And if everything is configured correctly running packer start should give you this result Final thoughtsI would like to finish this article with some pros and cons of using this hybrid setup for developing new themes Pros Faster and cheaper development time when designing and developing upon the Debut theme for “projects on budget Local development with all of the featuresUsing modern tools like ES and SCSS to develop themesHot Module Replacement so you don t have to reload all the time while development Cons Slightly complex for setting up a new project because it needs multiple tools merged into oneLeaves a lot of code bloat from Debut theme mostly in Javascript that you will not useIs probably not suitable for anything else then to develop themes cheaper and with tight timeline If you need Shopify development feel free to contact us at hello bornfight com 2021-04-12 11:48:02
海外TECH DEV Community Istio - securityContext.capabilities.add - NET_ADMIN & NET_RAW https://dev.to/adaendra/istio-securitycontext-capabilities-add-netadmin-netraw-35dn Istio securityContext capabilities add NET ADMIN amp NET RAWOn my EKS cluster we tried to set up Istio and Calico together It seemed right until we deployed a service We receive these errorsspec initContainers securityContext capabilities add Invalid value NET RAW capability may not be added spec initContainers securityContext capabilities add Invalid value NET ADMIN capability may not be added We thought for a long time that it was a problem with our Pod Security Policy And all that I found on internet was related to PSP or Calico issues But not at all It was an issue with our Network Policies A port was missing to our network policy definition I found it when I randomly delete all the network policies to test I hope it will help you Don t hesitate to give some feedback to help me to improve my writing skills Thanks 2021-04-12 11:43:04
海外TECH DEV Community Coragem https://dev.to/marciofrayze/coragem-4l94 CoragemCoragem éum dos valores fundamentais da Programação Extrema XP junto com comunicação simplicidade feedback e respeito Ter coragem neste contexto não ésobre a coragem necessáriapara que um soldado consiga enfrentar uma guerra Também não ésobre agir de forma irresponsável pulando do avião sem paraquedas A questão éque ao desenvolvermos softwares vamos encarar situações que vão causar medo tanto em nós pessoas desenvolvedoras quanto em nossas clientes GestãoEntre os medos comuns das clientes estão Medo de ser enganada Medo de ter que entregar o futuro de seu produto nas mãos de pessoas técnicas que não necessariamente estarão tão engajadas quanto ela Medo de perder controle do projeto Medo de não ter suas expectativas atendidas Jáas pessoas desenvolvedoras enfrentam Medo de ficar sobrecarregada Medo de expressar opiniões Medo de informar que cometeu um erro Medo de não conseguir cumprir os prazos acordados Medo de não atingir as expectativas geradas por outras pessoas Medo de não ter as informações necessárias para finalizar o trabalho Medo de ter que se sujeitar a um cronograma em que éinviável implementar um código com a qualidade que gostaria Em um ambiente assim écomum que ambos os lados tentem levantar um muro para se proteger e o resultado tende a ser a elaboração de um processo longo complexo e ineficiente jáque cada lado parece desconfiar das intenções do outro Dia a dia da pessoa desenvolvedoraAs práticas da XP se expandem por todo processo de desenvolvimento Ela também nos auxilia com alguns outros tipos de medos recorrentes que estão mais ligado com as práticas de implementação como por exemplo Medo de fazer uma nova publicação em produção Medo de refatorar um trecho do código Medo de apagar um trecho de código morto Medo de atualizar a versão de uma biblioteca ou framework Este sentimento pode causa uma reação paralisante e não agimos quando deveríamos Mas existem momentos em que o medo pode nos levar a realizar ações inconsequentes Em situações adversas épreciso ter coragem para não agir atéentender melhor o que estáacontecendo para então encontrar a melhor forma de solucionar o problema que estamos enfrentando Por exemplo se o sistema estiver instável e não conseguimosainda encontrar a origem do problema às vezes precisamoster coragem para continuar nossa investigação sem tomar nenhuma atitude precipitada que pode agravar ainda mais a situação ou mascarar a real origem que pode se manifestar novamente em outro momento Assim evitamos aqueles diálogos do tipo Pronto Voltou a funcionar Ótimo O que vocêfez Várias coisas O que Ahhh várias coisas Mas qual era o problema Não sei Mas qual alteração resolveu o problema Não sei Mas o problema pode voltar a acontecer Não sei Jápresenciei situações onde as desenvolvedoras estavam fazendo várias alterações arriscadas direto em produção sem saber se aquilo tinha chances de corrigir o problema jáque não não haviam ainda identificado a causa E no fim descobriam que era uma falha na infraestrutura ou em outro sistema ou qualquer outra coisa que estava fora da visão do time e que nenhuma das ações realizadas tinham relação com a origem do problema Precisamos de paciência e coragem para analisar com calma asituação antes de tomar alguma ação ConclusõesUma boa forma de combater estes medos éutilizar as práticas da Programação Extrema Elas vão permitir que tenhamos mais coragem para refatorar o código do sistema melhorar o design expressar nossas opiniões abertamente etc Para entender mais sobre Programação Extrema recomendo a leiturados seguintes livros Extreme Programming Explained Kent Beck Cynthia Andres Planning Extreme Programming Kent Beck Martin Fowler Extreme Programming Vinicius Manhães Teles 2021-04-12 11:25:14
海外TECH DEV Community A different approach to frontend architecture https://dev.to/quochuytlbk/a-different-approach-to-frontend-architecture-38d4 A different approach to frontend architecture image source This article aims to introduce a frontend architecture for applications built with Vue React Svelte etc that is easy to reason about and has high maintainability If you are building a medium large application and often find yourself wondering about where things should be this article might be of use to you The benefits of a good architectureBefore diving into any technical stuff let s solve a small problem first image source In the image above can you tell me how to replace the stapler with a tape at a glance Some of you might come up with an interesting way to do so but for most of us we can t immediately figure out how to solve this problem It looks like a mess to our eyes and it confuses our brain Now look at this image source Can you now immediately tell me how to replace the stapler We simply have to untie the string connected to it and put the tape in its place You need a near zero mental effort to do it Imagine all the items in the images above are modules or parts in your software A good architecture should look more like the second arrangement The benefits of such an architecture are Reducing your cognitive load mental effort when working on the project Making your code more modular loosely coupled thus more testable and maintainable Easing up the process of replacing a particular part in the architecture The common frontend architectureThe most basic and common way to separate a frontend application nowadays can be something like this There is nothing wrong with the architecture above at first But then a common pattern emerges from this kind of architecture where you tightly couple some parts of the architecture together For example this is a simple counter application written in Vue with Vuex lt template gt lt p gt The count is counterValue lt p gt lt button click increment gt lt button gt lt button click decrement gt lt button gt lt template gt lt script lang ts gt import computed from vue import useStore from vuex export default name Counter setup const store useStore const count computed lt number gt gt store getters count const increment gt store dispatch increment const decrement gt store dispatch decrement return count increment decrement lt script gt You will see that this is a quite common pattern in applications written with Vue and Vuex because it is in Vuex s guide Actually it is also a common pattern for React with Redux or Svelte with Svelte Stores Example with React and Redux import React useCallback from react import useSelector useDispatch from react redux export const CounterComponent gt const count useSelector state gt state count const dispatch useDispatch const increment gt dispatch type increment const decrement gt dispatch type decrement return lt div gt lt p gt The count is count lt p gt lt button onClick increment gt lt button gt lt button onClick decrement gt lt button gt lt div gt Example with Svelte and Svelte Stores lt script gt import count from stores js function increment count update n gt n function decrement count update n gt n lt script gt lt p gt The count is count lt p gt lt button on click increment gt lt button gt lt button on click decrement gt lt button gt There is nothing inherently wrong with these In fact most of the medium to large applications out there are probably written like these They are the recommended ways in the official guides tutorials However everything is a trade off So what are the advantages and the disadvantages of this pattern The most obvious benefit is probably simplicity But for that what have you sacrificed You have tightly coupled the stores to the components Now what if one day your team finds out that Redux is not the best fit for the application anymore probably because it is overly complicated and wants to switch to something else Not only will you have to rewrite all your stores you will also need to rewrite the logic of the React components that have been tightly coupled to Redux The same problems happen to all the other layers in your application In the end you cannot easily replace a part of your application with something else because everything has been tightly coupled to each other It would just be better to leave it be and rewrite everything from scratch But it does not have to be that way A truly modular architecture can allow you to replace your React Redux application with React MobX or Valtio or even crazier React Vuex or Vue Redux for whatever reason without impacting other parts of your application So how do we replace a part of our application without impacting the rest or in other words how do we decouple every part of our application from each other Introducing a different approachThe characteristics of the layers are as follows Presentation This layer is basically made of UI components For Vue they are Vue SFcs For React they are React Components For Svelte they are Svelte SFCs And so on The Presentation Layer is directly coupled to the Application Layer Application This layer contains application logic It knows of the Domain Layer and the Infrastructure Layer This layer in this architecture is implemented via React Hooks in React or Vue Hooks in Vue Domain This layer is for domain business logic Only business logic lives in the Domain layer so there is just pure JavaScript TypeScript code with no frameworks libraries whatsoever here Infrastructure This layer is responsible for communications with the outside world sending requests receiving responses and storing local data This is an example of the libraries you would use in a real world application for this layer HTTP Requests Responses Axios Fetch API Apollo Client etc Store State Management Vuex Redux MobX Valtio etc Applying the architectureIf you apply this architecture to an application it looks like this The following characteristics are referred from the above diagram of the architecture When you replace the UI library framework only the Presentation amp Application layers are impacted In the Infrastructure layer when you replace the implementation details of the store e g replacing Redux with Vuex only the store itself is impacted The same goes for replacing Axios with Fetch API or vice versa The Application layer does not know about the implementation details of the store or the HTTP Client In other words we have decoupled React from Redux Vuex MobX The logic of the store is also generic enough that it can be used with not just React but also Vue or Svelte If the business logic changes the Domain Layer will have to be modified accordingly and that will impact the other parts in the architecture What is more interesting about this architecture is you can even further modularize it CaveatsEven though the architecture can decouple the parts of your application from each other it does come with a cost increased complexity Therefore if you are working on a small application I would not recommend using this Don t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut For a more complex application this architecture might probably help you achieve something like this image source An exampleI have built a simple counter app that demonstrates the merits of this architecture You can check the source code here In this application I have included Vue React and Vue with Vuex Redux MobX Valtio and even localStorage They can all be replaced without impacting each other Follow the simple instructions from the README file and try switching a part of the application with another one I know I m using a sledgehammer to crack a nut but building a complex application is a little bit out of the question for me right now However at Linagora we are trying to apply this architecture to one of our projects Twake Console which is going to be open sourced soon Please look forward to it Questions amp discussions are more than welcomed 2021-04-12 11:08:59
海外TECH DEV Community What is Redux ? Simply Explained! https://dev.to/codebucks/what-is-redux-simply-explained-2ch7 What is Redux Simply Explained Hi there It s been a while I have created anything I was getting lot s of messages to create tutorials on Redux So here it is I have spent many days to make this tutorials more simple and easy to understand If you prefer to watch video then here it is else you can keep reading Now let s dive in before going into what is Redux Let s see why we needed Redux in the first place The ProblemLet s say as a root component you have app js file in your project and in the component tree the first layer contains components and in the nd layer there are two child component of nd component Here you have fetched the data from an API and you save it in the state of nd component You can use this data state in child components by directly passing them downwards Now the problem occurs when the neighbor component which is want to access that data state So the problem is when multiple components that need to share and use the same state This can be solved by “lifting up the state to the parent component So you can lift state from nd component to the app js file and then you can use this state in the rd component But that does not help always because in large application there are many states needed to be used in many different components so it is not the best practice One way to solve this problem is to take state outside of the component tree and set it as centralized So that any component in the tree can access and update the state without worrying about it s hierarchy in the tree This is the basic idea behind Redux a single centralized place to contain the global state in your application and specific patterns to follow when updating that state You can use redux to store the state and you can use it to any component without worrying about the hierarchy Now let s see how application works normally in react without redux Consider this action as a trigger to update the state and when state gets changed then view updates the UI with new state For simple counter application when we increment counter value then increment event goes to state and state updates new value then view re renders ui based on the updated state So let s see what happens when you use Redux In the redux there is a function called reducer This reducer function takes two arguments first is the state itself and second is the action object Action object can have a type of action like increment and any data that wants to modify the state Now based on previous state value and action type redux calculates new value for state and updates it These all things happens inside the redux store you can say it as any centralized database for state management Then when view get new state value it re renders the UI Let me show you another example of how redux works As you can see here this is a simple gif which explains how redux works you can find it on the official redux documentation Now using this UI you can either deposit or withdraw money when we click the deposit button click event goes to event handler based on event event handler dispatches an action with the type as deposit and any details needed in the payload property This reducer accepts two things state and the action object Previous value of state is and action is for deposit so the reducer will update the new state by depositing amount you can see in the UI balance it changed from to Redux by definitionIt is a Predictable State Container for JS Apps It is Predictable gt because it helps you write applications that behave consistently and can run in different environments client server and native Centralized gt because of this feature we don t need to lift state to parent components and we can use state from any component we want due to this centralized behavior Debuggable gt There is an extension called Redux DevTools which is an excellent tool to debug Redux applications Using this tool you can see when where why and how your application s state changed Flexible gt because it works with any UI layer and has a large ecosystem of addons If you re confused about anything related to this topic feel free to ask me Thanks For Reading and Supporting Feel free to visit my YouTube channel CodeBucksFollow me on Instagram where I m sharing lot s of useful resources code bucks 2021-04-12 11:06:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News UK NHS coronavirus app update blocked for breaking Apple, Google rules https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/12/uk-nhs-coronavirus-app-update-blocked-for-breaking-apple-google-rules UK NHS coronavirus app update blocked for breaking Apple Google rulesAn update to the UK s coronavirus contact tracing app has been blocked because it breaks rules about collecting location data The UK s COVID contact tracing appThe UK has attempted to update its controversial COVID contact tracing app to coincide with the relaxation of lockdown rules in England and Wales The new version would reportedly have asked users to upload venue check ins thereby sharing location data Read more 2021-04-12 11:14:43
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GCP Cloud Blog JA 株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー:データ分析基盤の構築でリアルタイムなデバイスデータの収集・分析を実現。コロナ禍の安心・安全なイベント開催に貢献 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/customers/dena-building-data-analysis-infra/ また、木村さんは、「COCOA動作状況チェッカーを使ってデータを取得し、COCOA導入率測定器でデータを見える化できたことで、今後運営側も意識して来場者にCOCOAのインストールを促すことができます。 2021-04-12 12:00:00



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