IT |
InfoQ |
AWS Step Functionsに同期Expressワークフローが追加 |
AWSStepFunctionsに同期Expressワークフローが追加AmazonWebServicesAWSは先頃、Webベースのアプリケーション構築と、短時間動作する多数のマイクロサービスのオーケストレーションを容易にするために、同期synchronousExpressワークフローをサポートするAWSStepFunctionsを発表した。 |
2021-04-12 01:28:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Airbnb:ガードレールを使ってチーム全体に悪影響を与える変更を特定 |
このように、AirbnbのデータサイエンティストのTatianaXifara氏は説明する。 |
2021-04-12 01:26:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
GoogleがEventarcを一般向け提供としてリリース |
cloud |
2021-04-12 01:25:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Docker Engine 20.10リリース:cgroups v2とデュアルロギングをサポート |
DockerEngineリリースcgroupsvとデュアルロギングをサポートDockerは、DockerEngineの次のリリースを発表した。 |
2021-04-12 01:23:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
GraalVM 21.0、Javaで記述されたJVMを導入 |
GraalVM、Javaで記述されたJVMを導入GraalVMは、Javaで記述されたJVMを提供する新コンポーネントJavaonTruffleを含む、メジャーバージョンをリリースした。 |
2021-04-12 01:20:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Docker HubとJFrogのパートナシップにより、Artifactoryユーザのイメージ pull 制限を解除 |
translatedbyshojishigeki |
2021-04-12 01:18:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
ConfluentがMicrosoftとの戦略的提携を発表 |
apache |
2021-04-12 01:16:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Couchbaseで言語と開発者に使いやすいデータ構造を使用 |
couchbase |
2021-04-12 01:14:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
リモートワーク時代の会議 |
stranslatedbyshojishigeki |
2021-04-12 01:12:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
GoogleがWebSocket、HTTP/2、gRPC双方向ストリーム向けのCloud Runサービスサポートをアップデート |
GoogleがWebSocket、HTTP、gRPC双方向ストリーム向けのCloudRunサービスサポートをアップデートCloudRunはマネージドコンピューティングプラットフォームである。 |
2021-04-12 01:10:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
BBC Online は超高速なスケールのためにサーバレスを使用 |
BBCOnlineは超高速なスケールのためにサーバレスを使用先頃公開された一連のブログ投稿で、BBCOnlineの主要なテクニカルアーキテクトが、BBCOnlineがサーバレスを使用する理由とその最適化方法について説明している。 |
2021-04-12 01:08:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Raspberry Picoマイクロコントローラの実現する多様性と小型ファクタ |
RaspberryPicoマイクロコントローラの実現する多様性と小型ファクタRaspberryPiFoundationは先頃、独自に設計したPRチップをベースとする、小型で安価なマイクロコントローラボードのPicoをリリースした。 |
2021-04-12 01:06:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Microsoftがメタデータを使って、Rustや他の言語からの慣用的なWin32相互運用を可能に |
Microsoftがメタデータを使って、Rustや他の言語からの慣用的なWin相互運用を可能にMicrosoftは、あらゆる言語からWinAPIを簡単に使用できるようにするために、WinMetadataプロジェクトを立ち上げた。 |
2021-04-12 01:04:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Microsoftが音声技術のNuance買収を検討中か──Bloomberg報道 |
apple |
2021-04-12 10:01:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
MacBook Pro2台を同時充電できるチャージャー「YeeTeng」は4K出力にも対応! |
kickstarter |
2021-04-12 01:06:42 |
AWS - Japan |
-中堅・中小企業向け- やってみようシリーズ 15分で簡単早分かり構築デモ動画:Amazon EC2 で仮想サーバーを作成する |
中堅・中小企業向けやってみようシリーズ分で簡単早分かり構築デモ動画AmazonECで仮想サーバーを作成する中堅中小企業でよく使われているAWSクラウドサービスを、手早く実際に使ってみるための、簡単なデモ動画集を用意したのでぜひご活用ください。 |
2021-04-12 01:50:04 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Typescriptの絶対パスImport利用時にESLint + Prettier + import sortのAuto Formatをいい感じにする |
Typescriptの絶対パスImport利用時にESLintPrettierimportsortのAutoFormatをいい感じにする概要Typescriptの絶対パスImportを利用しているときに、ESLintPrettierimportsortの構成でAutoFormatが思った通りに並ばなかったため、その悪戦苦闘の結果を残します絶対パスImportとESLintPrettierimportsortの構成については詳細を説明しませんが、実装の参考例を貼っておきますReactTypeScript絶対パスでimportできるようにするozaki様ESLintPrettierをセットアップするといつも苦しむからちゃんと理解する年月版motch様事象こうありたいという例tsexternalinternalsiblingのグループに分離するimportColumnEntityJoinColumnManyToOnePrimaryGeneratedColumnfromtypeormexternalimportUserEntityfromentitiesUserinternalimportCorporationDbModelfromCorporationsibling現実tsから始まるinternalだと思うimportがexternalに含まれてしまうimportUserEntityfromentitiesUserimportColumnEntityJoinColumnManyToOnePrimaryGeneratedColumnfromtypeormここまでexternalimportCorporationDbModelfromCorporationsiblingやったことeslintの設定でimportinternalregexを追加する。 |
2021-04-12 10:22:40 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
交通費精算自動化スクリプト(outlookから予定抽出) |
交通費精算自動化スクリプトoutlookから予定抽出環境Windows概要背景会社の交通費精算をするとき、毎月回スケジュールを見直してEXCELにして処理担当の人に送っていました。 |
2021-04-12 10:13:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ログイン状態とログアウト状態でレイアウトが崩れてしまう |
2021-04-12 10:59:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ページ内リンク(スクロール)ページを別ページから特定の場所に移動させる |
上部に横並びのメニューがあって、ページ内リンクスクロールページはできたのですが、作品のページがあり、クリックすると別ページにとぶのですが、この別のページでも上部のメニューは一緒で、そこをクリックしてもスクロールできていたページにとばないんです・・。 |
2021-04-12 10:47:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
supervisor |
supervisorSupervisorといいうプロセス管理ツールがありますが、これでpythonnbspを監視したいのですがうまくできません。 |
2021-04-12 10:42:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
指定した数値をその数値に該当するアルファベット前後3文字に変換 |
文字コード |
2021-04-12 10:28:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[JS,jQuery]jsTreeで下の階層をAjax通信で取得したいです。 |
こちらではLoad時にJSONデータから全ての階層を表示しています。 |
2021-04-12 10:02:37 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerの環境構築でエラー文`find_spec_for_exe': Could not find 'bundler' の解決方法 |
Dockerの環境構築でエラー文findspecforexexCouldnotfindxbundlerxの解決方法Dockerローカルでは環境構築はうまく言ってるがDockerで環境を作成する際にdockercomposerunwebrailsnewforcedatabasemysqlskipbundleを実行するとエラー文が以下のように出た。 |
2021-04-12 10:50:56 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JSP/ServletアプリケーションをAzure WebApps Tomcatの複数コンテキストにデプロイする |
ブラウザでのアクセスKudu罠ではあるのですが、この状態になると後述する手順で正しくコンテキストパス毎にデプロイしても、正しく動作してくれません。 |
2021-04-12 10:52:01 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
portsnap が更新しない場合の対処法 |
portsnapが更新しない場合の対処法以降subversionでのportsskeletonの更新が停止したので、gitへの移行作業が必要となる。 |
2021-04-12 10:13:09 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerの環境構築でエラー文`find_spec_for_exe': Could not find 'bundler' の解決方法 |
Dockerの環境構築でエラー文findspecforexexCouldnotfindxbundlerxの解決方法Dockerローカルでは環境構築はうまく言ってるがDockerで環境を作成する際にdockercomposerunwebrailsnewforcedatabasemysqlskipbundleを実行するとエラー文が以下のように出た。 |
2021-04-12 10:50:56 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
10週間の学習で制作しているポートフォリオ(未経験者) |
2021-04-12 10:33:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Effortlessly explore the nuScenes dataset with SiaSearch |
Effortlessly explore the nuScenes dataset with SiaSearch A guide to better access explore and understand unstructured sensor data for autonomous driving developmentTo accelerate the speed of autonomous vehicle adoption an increasing number of organizations and individuals are making their projects available to the public Open data is fueling commercial and technological advancement in autonomous drivingーone of most well known resources being the nuScenes dataset Developed by the team at Motional formerly nuTonomy nuScenes is one of the most popular open source datasets for autonomous driving The nuScenes dataset enables researchers to study a wide range of urban driving situations using data captured by the full sensor suite of a self driving car The first dataset of its kind nuScenes was a key player in cultivating a culture of data sharing and collaboration within the mobility industry To further advance this mission Motional recently partnered with Berlin based startup SiaSearch to introduce a completely new way to interact with nuScenesーby using a data curation platform to delve deeper into the data than ever before This guide will walk you through how to better access explore and understand the nuScenes dataset with the SiaSearch platform What is the nuScenes Dataset The nuScenes dataset is one of the largest public datasets for autonomous driving The dataset contains a rich library of meticulously hand annotated scenes collected by real self driving cars Recorded in Boston and Singapore nuScenes features a diverse range of traffic situations driving maneuvers and unexpected behaviors The dataset includes Full sensor suite beam LiDAR cameras and radars with complete °coverage urban street scenes seconds each camera images classes and attributes Accessing nuScenes data in SiaSearchTo access the data yourself you ll need to sign up for a free account on SiaSearch After creating an account you can immediately load and visualize nuScenes data within the web based GUI Now that we re all set up let s start exploring Upon loading nuScenes in SiaSearch you ll see the main dashboard which captures key features of the dataset This view lets you quickly understand the overall dataset composition as well as identify any gaps in data distribution Querying the nuScenes DatasetHaving a holistic view of the dataset while useful is not enough The ability to drill into specific subsets can uncover insights and imbalances in the dataーa critical step in model building and validation SiaSearch makes every piece of nuScenes data searchable against all available and auto extracted dimensions using its intelligent search interface The platform features two ways to search for the exact sequences you want using either a visual or code interface The visual query lets you select extractors from a list of semantic attributes and driving situations while the code query functions like any API call statement would For example if we are searching for rainy weather scenes with over three cars in view you could submit the following query using the code interface vehicle following True AND precip type RAIN AND road joint True AND forward velocity gt AND num cars gt Within seconds the API returns clips that match the query attributes This makes it easy to search the entire data lake to return situations that fit the case in question From the search interface specific clips can be selected by clicking into them to reveal more details such as charts for forward velocity and acceleration profiles Curating custom training datasets from nuScenesAnother key benefit of using the platform is the ability to transform data to produce custom training datasets The flexibility of the SiaSearch platform allows you to finetune data for training and testing to see a measurable improvement in your models For example you may want to isolate the data right before or after an unprotected left turn in order to contextualize vehicle behavior The SiaSearch interface gives you the ability to adjust the length of snippets to match your requirements in just a few clicks Here are just a few ways you can use the SiaSearch to transform data Re adjust clip length by clicking on the adjust clip button in the replay viewer Easily trim or expand snippets according to your needs Add custom tags to selected segments to produce new subsets of data Leave comments for collaborators on a frame or sequence level to notify them of any questions or feedback Now that we ve selected our training samples we need to find a way to feed the data back into the computer vision model Exporting data from SiaSearchThe final step is to export your data into a format you can import directly into your model To access the export page add one or more snippets to your export list from either the search or playback pages On the export page you can review a breakdown of the selected snippets based on their associated queries as well as basic statistics to get an idea of the quantity and contents of the export When you re happy with your results you can export the raw data and or specific metadata attributes as a parquet file to feed back into your model or validation pipeline Carefully curated data is critical in the development of any great computer vision model At SiaSearch we are determined to accelerate ADAS development by empowering engineers with full access and visibility into their data If you found this article interesting please leave a comment and follow us for similar content For more information about the SiaSearch platform please check out our website at nuScenes is available for commercial use under our commercial license agreement Please reach out to nuScenes motional com to learn more |
2021-04-12 01:50:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
First Attempt at Intersection Observer |
First Attempt at Intersection ObserverThanks to Pedro I learned a cool API this week and applied it in our favorite project telescope I was assigned an issue to accomplish the new banner design which is to make the navbar appear only when the user scroll to the timeline In other word the navbar should not be showed in the banner but it should be showed when the first post is at the top of the screen To accomplish this feature I need to track the element in the current screen The API that Pedro introduced to me is Intersection Observer The basic idea of this API is to observe the element in the viewport The function isIntersecting tells you if the element that you re observing is still in the viewport It doesn t have to in the screen or out of the screen the observed percentage can be configured as well Therefore since our goal is to show the navbar when the user scrolls to the timeline and the first post is at the top of the screen In other word the navbar should be showed when the banner is totally gone We put the observer to our banner In this PR I move lt navbar gt into lt main gt so that I can separate it from the lt Banner gt Moreover to add props for lt Banner gt and lt navbar gt in order to share the result of intersection observer After moving the position of navbar I also need to add navbar to about page and search page because all pages used to share the navbar when it was in the banner header The other changes that needed to make is the CSS styling of navbar in about page In about page lt a gt uses a certain color from our palettes Once we move navbar to about page the navbar will be applied with these color because navbar icons all have lt a gt in their links By adding another styling setting to lt svg gt the color can be overridden I m still thinking if there is a better way to do so since the original styling for navbar should not be overridden and the solution should not be overridden to correct It was an amazing experience to work with something new Thanks to Pedro and Dave s help and suggestion in this PR The initial thought was actually using React context However it is too complicated to use and since we only need to share the state with one component we can do it without using context But I m definitely gonna check out more practices of React context |
2021-04-12 01:15:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Turn Anything Into A Form Field With React Hook Form Controller |
Turn Anything Into A Form Field With React Hook Form ControllerCover image photo by Chris J Davis on UnsplashReact Hook Form has quickly become my favorite library to wrangle forms of all shapes and sizes mainly for its great developer experience The second screencast on their home page nicely illustrates how to integrate it into a standard form using the magic of register to connect each field When using native lt input gt components it s pretty simple to get up and running But in the real world we often don t work with vanilla inputs Popular UI libraries often abstract and wrap any underlying form elements making it hard or impossible to use with register Sometimes we want to delight our users with a custom interactive component like rating a product with actual star icons instead of a boring select box How can we connect these to an existing form without messy logic Enter the ControllerThe library exports a lt Controller gt component which was made for exactly this purpose It allows us to connect any component to our form enabling it to display and set its value To use it you ll need the control object returned from useForm instead of register Also as usual you ll need a name to tell the form which field we are controlling Finally the render prop is where we place our component Controller syntaxconst control useForm return lt Controller control control name myField render Custom field component goes here gt Making the Field ComponentWhy is it called Controller It could be because our field component needs to be a controlled component In a nutshell a controlled component is one that gets and sets its current state via props In the case of a form field that state is the field s current value lt input gt is one example of a component that can be controlled We tell the input what its current value is and we give it a way to tell us when that value should be changed lt input gt as a controlled component in a standard React formconst val setVal useState return lt input type text value val onChange e gt setVal e target value gt Here we see the two props required to make our field component work with the Controller value It should show the current value of the field onChange It should be able to tell the Controller when a change to the current value is made These also happen to be two of the properties handed to us by the render function Its signature includes a field object which has value and onChange among other things It doesn t make much sense to use the Controller for a basic input but here it is for illustration purposes Using a basic input in a Controller though you can just use register here const control useForm return lt gt lt Controller control control name myField render field gt lt input field gt Equivalent to lt input value field value onChange field onChange gt gt lt gt Note if you re using React Hook Form V or earlier the function signature here is slightly different value and onChange are instead top level properties of the argument looking like the following instead V or earlierrender value onChange gt lt input value value onChange onChange gt Real Examples Using a UI library Material UICheck out the full example on Code SandboxMany projects use form inputs from popular UI libraries like Material UI The problem is that any lt input gt components are usually hidden from us so we can t use register to connect them to our form This is where Controller comes in Often they will use the same value and onChange props we re used to seeing If this is the case we can simply spread the field object into the component Using a Material UI TextField component lt Controller control control name myTextField render field gt lt TextField field gt gt Sometimes the props are not named the same For example Checkbox accepts its value as checked instead of value This means we can t easily spread field into it but the result is still fairly easy to put together Using a Material UI Checkbox component lt Controller control control name myCheckbox render field value onChange gt lt Checkbox checked value onChange onChange gt gt Building from scratch a five star rating fieldCheck out the full example on Code SandboxWe ve all probably used the ubiquitous widget that allows us to rate anything by clicking on a row of star icons Thankfully if we are just able to create a controlled component we can cleanly fit it into the rest of the form Let s pretend we have a simple StarIcon component that renders a single star icon It accepts a active boolean prop that tells it whether the icon should be filled in or not and it can be clicked to fire an onClick handler If we use the value and onChange props as provided by the Controller s field we can construct a line of stars like so Our controlled five star field componentconst FiveStarField value onChange gt lt gt lt StarIcon active value gt onClick gt onChange gt lt StarIcon active value gt onClick gt onChange gt lt StarIcon active value gt onClick gt onChange gt lt StarIcon active value gt onClick gt onChange gt lt StarIcon active value gt onClick gt onChange gt lt gt Since we re using the usual props we can simply pass this into the Controller with render field gt lt FiveStarField field gt ConclusionUsing lt Controller gt and a properly controlled component you can make pretty much anything into a form field compatible with React Hook Form The field can be as simple or fancy as you want with any logic encapsulated in it as long as it does these two things Receive and render the current value state of the field commonly through the value prop Call a function when that value should be updated commonly through the onChange prop |
2021-04-12 01:02:43 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Parents, Stop Talking About the ‘Lost Year’ |
adults |
2021-04-12 01:20:18 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
2021年のホテルの市場動向-ターゲット層は国内観光客、求められる積極的な運営姿勢 |
しかし、世界において国際観光客数がコロナ禍前の水準に戻るのは年末との予測があることに加え、訪日外国人客数の回復は、世界の平均的な回復時期よりも、遅れるかもしれない。 |
2021-04-12 10:54:35 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cyclone Seroja: Storm makes landfall in Western Australia |
australiastrong |
2021-04-12 01:20:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Alibaba accepts record China fine and vows to change |
commerce |
2021-04-12 01:24:58 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonタイムセール中!】47%オフの体幹トレーニング用スライドボードや32%オフの自動ハンドソープディスペンサーなど |
amazon |
2021-04-12 10:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
シカ衝突事故が増加傾向 釧根管内 少雪が影響か |
増加傾向 |
2021-04-12 10:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
氷濤まつりの氷、冷凍保存し活用 東京の物産展で6月展示 |
物産展 |
2021-04-12 10:02:12 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
松本まりか、熊川哲也が鳥羽周作シェフの絶品料理を味わう ハインツWeb動画公開 |
松本まりか |
2021-04-12 01:30:40 |