IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Apple Music、ロスレスとDolby Atmos空間オーディオに対応 ハイレゾも追加費用なしで6月から提供開始 |
dolbyatmos |
2021-05-18 00:04:00 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
Getting started with Bottlerocket on AWS Graviton2 |
Getting started with Bottlerocket on AWS GravitonAWS Bottlerocket is a Linux distribution that has been designed from the ground up to run containers With its built in security hardening and transactional update model Bottlerocket offers improved security and operations for container infrastructure It can be integrated with container orchestrators to allow for auto update thereby reducing management and operational overhead along with improved … |
2021-05-17 15:29:05 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pandasを使ってエクセルを読み込む |
2021-05-18 00:46:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
明日までの課題が終わりません、助けてください。 |
課題 |
2021-05-18 01:00:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
明日までの課題が終わりません、助けてください。 |
明日までの課題が終わりません、助けてください。 |
2021-05-18 00:58:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
右寄せを上下中央に配置したい |
2021-05-18 00:50:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
createFileメソッドでドキュメントを作成できるかどうか |
createFileメソッドでドキュメントを作成できるかどうか前提・実現したいこと指定したフォルダの中にGoogleドキュメントを作成したいのですが、簡単に実装する方法を考えていて、フォルダクラスのcreateFileメソッドで実装可能でしょうかご教示お願い致します。 |
2021-05-18 00:37:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
構造体リストのメンバを比べてを昇順、降順ならびかえる |
構造体ポインタのメンバを引数にするとか可能なのでしょうかまた、降順についても、わかりやすい書き方がしたいです。 |
2021-05-18 00:33:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonでSeleniumで開いたページの中にあるURLを取得したい |
pythonでSeleniumで開いたページの中にあるURLを取得したい前提・実現したいことpythonでseleniumを使用し、指定したURLを開いています。 |
2021-05-18 00:24:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】新規登録のCreateアクションが完了した際、別テーブルの値も一緒に変更したい。 |
【Rails】新規登録のCreateアクションが完了した際、別テーブルの値も一緒に変更したい。 |
2021-05-18 00:04:28 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby | eachの中にeachがある時の実行順序 |
実行順序のイメージx代入y代入xygtputsy代入xygtputsy代入xygtputsend以上を踏まえてbreakを入れたコードの実行順序をもう一度考えてみると、xの時にbeachの中でxyで一回breakし終了しましたけど、今度はxの人生が始まってもう一回beachを実行され、再度xyになったら終了します。 |
2021-05-18 00:12:50 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
データベース検索data取得 |
ここで、「みられるようになった」という表現をしたのですが、それには理由があり、whereメソッドは値と取得している訳ではなくオブジェクトとして変数に格納されているわけではなくただ、指定した条件で、範囲を絞っただけなので、whereに対して特定のカラムのデータなどを取得することはできません。 |
2021-05-18 00:22:02 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Why Roblox’s definition of “games” is key to the Epic vs. Apple case |
review |
2021-05-17 15:31:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React: useState para dummies con una analogía simple |
React useState para dummies con una analogía simpleLastimosamente cuando estaba en la universidad estudiando la carrera no me enseñaron ningún framework frondend los conocimientos que tengo React los fui adquiriendo de manera autodidacta irónicamente la pandemia ayudóeste aprendizaje por el tiempo libre excedente Uno de los conceptos fundamentales para entender React es el estado Personalmente me costómucho entenderlo bien pese a que lei varias definiciones y vi varios tutoriales sentia que no entendía los conceptos del todo lo que es muy normal al principio cuando nos enfrentamos a aprender algo desde cero y mas aun por cuenta propia En la página thinkster tienen un artículo pequeño donde realizan una analogía para recordar y entender el estado de un componente en parafrasis mas o menos dice lo siguiente LOS ESTADOS DE LA MATERIAEl agua desde la primaria nos enseñan que este elemento tiene estados básicos líquido sólido y gaseoso ¿Quéfactor es el que hace que el agua estéen un estado o en otro La respuesta es sencilla la temperatura si elevamos la temperatura el agua empieza a evaporarse y si por el contrario la reducimos el agua se solidifica convirtiéndose en hielo De igual manera podemos ir alterando el estado de nuestros componentes en React para que en un momento dado actúen y hagan ciertas acciones que deseamos pero en otro momento se desempeñen de una manera distinta Recuerda que los estados y su manipulación constituyen el corazón de todo componente React un componente sin estado no hace la gran cosa son muy estáticos y poco prácticos ReferenciasSi deseas leer el artículo original te el link directoEste post lo encontre en el Curso Profesional de React de Código Facilito los respectivos creditos a ellos Si gustas puedes leer otras entradas mías que podrían ser de tu interés Desplegar app de React js en Netlify en menos de min dux・Nov ・ min read javascript netlify deploy react App de clima con React API OpenWeatherMap dux・Nov ・ min read javascript frontend react webdev Como crear un proyecto de React js desde create react app dux・Jul ・ min read javascript react spanish webdev |
2021-05-17 15:13:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Solve Any Algorithm |
How to Solve Any AlgorithmThis article originally published at jarednielsen comIn Mary Oliver published Poem The Summer Day which ends with a question for the reader Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life What do you plan to do Are you going to spend your one wild and precious life solving the same problem over and over Or worse yet working on the wrong problem We want to work smarter not harder How do we do that Lucky for us there s an old school approach to problem solving that is still relevant today It s called you ll never guess How To Solve ItIn How to Solve It George Polya outlines four steps of problem solving Understand the problem Make a plan Execute the plan Evaluate the result Understand the ProblemIf you re a good developer you ll realize that the best solutions emerge from listening to your customer tell their story Many alogirthms are disguised as story problems such as the farmer who needs to get duck corn and fox across the river But He can only carry one of these at a time If left alone the duck will eat the corn and the fox will eat the duck How does he get everything across Story time User story time that is Yeah I know They re awkward They feel like work don t they But the thing is they work The format for a user story is AS A lt USER OF SOME SORT gt I WANT lt TO DO THIS gt SO THAT lt MY EXISTENCE IS VALIDATED gt In our farmer example above AS A farmerI WANT to ferry my duck fox and corn across the riverSO THAT we all live happily ever afterReframing a problem as a user story then makes it very easy to write acceptance criteria The format for acceptance criteria is GIVEN lt APPLICATION gt WHEN lt I DO THIS gt THEN lt I EXPECT THE APP TO DO THAT gt In our farmer example above GIVE three items that will eat each otherWHEN I ferry one item across the riverTHEN the other two are safe Make a PlanThe next step in Polya s heuristic is to make a plan AKA pseudocode You write pseudocode don t you Writing pseudocode is like making a sketch for a design It s your back of the envelope proof of concept It s your discovery phase your user research your market validation It s your roadmap It s also the comments for your function Just each line and there you go Execute the PlanIt s show time After all this problem understanding and plan making it s time to crack your fingers dust off the keyboard and write some code This part will be easy because why Because you wrote pseudocode All you need to do now is translate that plain language into JavaScript Python or shudder Java Then hit Enter Evaluate the PlanDid your plan work If no back to step If yes can you do better How to Solve It with Computational ThinkingThe steps above are table stakes for problem solving and can be applied to any domain If you want to turn pro you need to assimilate with the Borg and learn how to think like a computer There are four primary stages of computational thinking DecompositionGeneralisationAbstraction Algorithms DecompositionIf composing a function is the process of assembling the various components such as variable control flow and conditions then decomposition is the opposite it s breaking a problem down into smaller parts This is both the easiest and the hardest step in the process because sometimes the component parts of a problem are obvious but other times the component parts are emergent or intertwined and it s difficult to cleanly separate them How does our farmer decompose Well yes he makes compost He also thinks through the problem If there was only one item he would simply need to carry it across the river If there were two items he would need to carry one across the river then return for the second item and carry it across the river If there are three He would still need to carry one across the river but he would need to ensure that the two left behind did not destroy or should we say decompose one another In thinking through his items he sees that there is only one combination that can be safely left alone the fox and the corn The duck is the crux of the problem He sees that he must carry it across first What does he choose when he returns for the second item It doesn t matter Either can be left alone and neither can be left with the duck Do you see a pattern GeneralisationIn decomposing the farmer s problem we revealed a handful of crucial components to a solution conditional statementsrepetitionlogicAnother way of saying this is that we recognized patterns A useful question to be in the habit of asking yourself is where have I seen this or something like it before AbstractionOnce we recognize patterns we can remove the details or form abstractions What if it wasn t a farmer What if it was a lawyer With three clients who would eat each other and they needed to get across town to the courthouse Or what if it was a space shuttle transporting lifeforms to another planet and we needed to find the right combination of carbon and oxygen producers It no longer matter who or what it is What matters is that we can remove the details in order to form a conceptual model and focus on the relationships between concepts AlgorithmNow we simply need to write a series of repeatable steps to solve our problem and like above evaluate its success Where have we seen this or something like it before How to Solve Any AlgorithmYou can solve any algorithm using Polya s heuristic and computational thinking Like your health or your retirement there s no shortcut to learning how to solve algorithms Do the work Practice makes practice Give yourself an A Grab your copy of A is for Algorithms |
2021-05-17 15:04:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Platform Security Guide updated with Unlock with Apple Watch, Magic Keyboard details |
Apple Platform Security Guide updated with Unlock with Apple Watch Magic Keyboard detailsApple has updated its Platform Security Guide providing more information about how the Unlock with Apple Watch feature in iOS and Touch ID on the iMac Magic Keyboard works Credit AppleInsiderThe company routinely updates the security guide to incorporate information about new features The Platform Security Guide contains detailed and in depth information about Apple s privacy and security mechanisms Read more |
2021-05-17 15:36:06 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Microsoft Teams is ready for 'friends and family' |
Microsoft Teams is ready for x friends and family x Microsoft Teams is well known as a competitor to Slack for workplace communications but almost a year ago the company announced it was also getting some features geared at using it with family or friends After a long preview period Microsoft is announcing that Teams is now available to anyone and free for personal use |
2021-05-17 15:45:24 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The mRNA tech we used against COVID could help us finally beat malaria |
The mRNA tech we used against COVID could help us finally beat malariaAs vaccination rates for the current pandemic continue to climb the medical community is looking ahead to turn this powerful genomic weapon against myriad other deadly diseases |
2021-05-17 15:30:45 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The UK plans to roll out an emergency alert system this year |
accidents |
2021-05-17 15:15:02 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Hot Wheels' latest RC Cybertruck puts a Cyberquad in your hand for only $100 |
cyberquad |
2021-05-17 15:00:56 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
People Behind CSR at Cisco: Hoa Tran makes a difference through community impact programs |
People Behind CSR at Cisco Hoa Tran makes a difference through community impact programsHoa Tran manages Cisco s San Francisco Bay Area Community Impact Grants CIG program and Habitat for Humanity Build Grants program and other employee engaged initiatives from the Cisco Foundation and the Public Benefit Investment PBI Team Learn more about the important work she does in CSR |
2021-05-17 15:00:50 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College Campus |
The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College CampusColorado Mesa University and the Broad Institute of M I T and Harvard have spent the last year exploring new approaches to managing outbreaks |
2021-05-17 15:01:16 |
金融 |
◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) |
保険デイリーニュース(05/18) |
保険会社 |
2021-05-17 15:34:23 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
PSJ予測統計値 |
統計 |
2021-05-17 16:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株式投資型クラウドファンディングの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株式投資 |
2021-05-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「違法な金融業者に関する情報について」を更新しました。 |
Detail Nothing |
2021-05-17 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
諸外国における保険会社のグループガバナンス等の調査について公表しました。 |
保険会社 |
2021-05-17 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
インド、英国とEUとのFTA交渉開始・再開に相次ぎ合意 |
開始 |
2021-05-17 15:40:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
第1四半期のGDP成長率は前期比マイナス1.5%、今後の持ち直しに期待高まる |
持ち直し |
2021-05-17 15:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
ASEANオーストラリア・ニュージーランドFTAが改定交渉へ、チリが参加に関心 |
asean |
2021-05-17 15:20:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
韓国政府とAIIB、共同ワークショップ開催、韓国企業のプロジェクト参加支援 |
韓国企業 |
2021-05-17 15:10:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
One year into the pandemic, Sendai schools confront the new normal |
standard |
2021-05-18 02:00:28 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
A Xinjiang solar giant breaks ranks in bid to woo the West |
A Xinjiang solar giant breaks ranks in bid to woo the WestDaqo must be careful that in defending itself it doesn t appear to be agreeing with Western human rights criticisms or failing to show solidarity with |
2021-05-18 01:20:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan urges nationals to evacuate from Gaza as conflict intensifies |
Japan urges nationals to evacuate from Gaza as conflict intensifiesThe Foreign Ministry on Sunday also raised its travel advisory to Gaza to the highest Level which warns Japanese citizens to avoid all travel |
2021-05-18 01:00:31 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Apple and Microsoft’s rivalry had cooled. Now it’s back and getting testier. |
Apple and Microsoft s rivalry had cooled Now it s back and getting testier At a virtual product launch in November for Apple s Mac reboot actor John Hodgman appeared in a nerdy ill fitting suit before a white backdrop Stop |
2021-05-18 00:55:52 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Senior LDP official calls for decision on Tokyo Olympics spectators in early June |
Senior LDP official calls for decision on Tokyo Olympics spectators in early JuneThe policy chief of the major opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan meanwhile asked the government to consider canceling or postponing the games |
2021-05-18 00:35:40 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Fleeing Wall Street, bankers head home to virus-free Australia |
australians |
2021-05-18 00:34:04 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Forget the vaccine patent waiver |
countries |
2021-05-18 02:00:34 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Lessons from Britain: The old way of politicking no longer applies |
Lessons from Britain The old way of politicking no longer appliesThe recent remarkable electoral events in the U K have big implications for British politics But they also contain important lessons that should be of interest |
2021-05-18 00:04:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Variant fears could delay England's 21 June easing review |
contact |
2021-05-17 15:22:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Thousands head off for overseas holidays |
early |
2021-05-17 15:53:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Anti-Semitism surge deeply disturbing - Robert Jenrick |
semitic |
2021-05-17 15:43:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pembrokeshire school bus crash: Car driver dies and 17 children hurt |
morning |
2021-05-17 15:52:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tears, fury & broken bones and bikes: that'll be the Giro d'Italia's first week done, then |
Tears fury amp broken bones and bikes that x ll be the Giro d x Italia x s first week done thenBBC Sport takes a look at the biggest talking points from the opening stages of the Giro d Italia |
2021-05-17 15:40:08 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
広島・菊池涼ら3選手が陽性 PCR検査 |
小園海斗 |
2021-05-18 00:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
緊急事態初日、人出減る すすきの駅22.7% 大通駅6.3% |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-18 00:02:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Meet the inspiring folks behind Google Cloud Public Sector |
Meet the inspiring folks behind Google Cloud Public SectorAt Google Cloud being a strategic partner is part of our DNA Whether it s listening closely to our customers helping to build team skills for innovation or simply being there since we know the cloud is we get excited about working hands on with customers to deliver new solutions As we look to solve decades old challenges with new technologies in workforce productivity cybersecurity and artificial intelligence machine learning we know that we are only as good as the people behind the technology Today we re proud to spotlight a few of the inspiring folks behind Google Cloud Public Sector and celebrate their recognition in the industry Melissa Adamson Head of Government Channels at Google Cloud has been named to the highly respected Women of the Channel list for This annual list recognizes the unique strengths leadership and achievements of female leaders in the IT channel The women honored this year pushed forward with comprehensive business plans marketing initiatives and innovative ideas to support their partners and customers Melissa was brought on to build the Public Sector channel from scratch The initial focus was building the channel for the US government team and has since expanded to include education Canada and Latin America Having a career background at both Microsoft and Accenture Melissa leveraged her extensive professional network to build the organic partnerships needed to accelerate the Public Sector partner ecosystem This helped her drive two key wins US Postal Service and PTO and personally recruit top cloud partners in the industry Melissa loves card games and is learning a new language Todd Schoeder Director of Global Public Sector Digital Strategy was recently featured in the “Top Cloud Executives to Watch in by Wash Exec Recognized for his work in helping customers navigate through the impact of COVID and developing innovative solutions to meet mission challenges he says “New partnerships are required to solve for the problems of the future Challenges that were previously thought of as insurmountable too risky or expensive are actually quite the opposite ーas long as you have the right partner that is working in your best interest with you Josh Marcuse Head of Strategy amp Innovation received his second Wash Award for leading a digital transformation team that works to drive the development of public sector solutions including cyber defense smart cities and public health Josh has launched services to support collaborative team operations including Workspace for Government and an artificial intelligence based customer service platform to support remote work needs His work also includes leading Google Cloud s partnerships with organizations to improve data sharing in the public health community contact tracing activities and supporting research efforts across national laboratories Like Melissa Josh was brought on to build a new team dedicated to strategy and innovation This team s purpose is to bring an intense focus to public sector mission outcomes and the public servants who own them Josh spent a decade pushing digital modernization and workforce transformation at the U S Department of Defense and co founded the Federal Innovation Council at the Partnership for Public Service and now brings that domain expertise to supporting government workers who are driving digital transformation Join us in celebrating these folks for their leadership and contributions |
2021-05-17 17:00:00 |