投稿時間:2021-05-18 05:20:31 RSSフィード2021-05-18 05:00 分まとめ(29件)

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AWS AWS Media Blog Case Study: ITV scales and reduces costs by using Amazon EKS on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/case-study-itv-scales-and-reduces-costs-by-using-amazon-eks-on-amazon-ec2-spot-instances/ Case Study ITV scales and reduces costs by using Amazon EKS on Amazon EC Spot InstancesITV an integrated producer broadcaster and the largest commercial television network in the UK experienced a surge in viewership during the pandemic At the same time advertisers were being cautious with their spending ITV needed a way to continue offering the same high quality services to a larger volume of end users while optimizing costs to decreased … 2021-05-17 19:00:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTML,CSSでidが反映されず、調べても原因がわからず困っています。 https://teratail.com/questions/338883?rss=all HTMLCSSでidが反映されず、調べても原因がわからず困っています。 2021-05-18 04:33:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) google drive上でのzip fileの展開の仕方について https://teratail.com/questions/338882?rss=all googledrive上でのzipfileの展開の仕方について前提・実現したいこと・発生している問題機械学習を行う際にgooglenbspcolaboratoryを用いており、アップロードしたzipファイルを解凍したいと考え、以下のようなコードを書いたのですが、googlenbspdriveを何度更新してもファイルが展開されていませんでした。 2021-05-18 04:11:32
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rails-ujs が原因 (No route matches [GET]  エラー)get じゃなくて deleteしたいねん。 https://qiita.com/yuukinakamura0925/items/d4c7ee7b705c934f0e4f railsujsが原因NoroutematchesGETエラーgetじゃなくてdeleteしたいねん。 2021-05-18 04:17:31
海外TECH Ars Technica Apple Music subscribers will get lossless and spatial audio for free next month https://arstechnica.com/?p=1765499 apple 2021-05-17 19:26:23
海外TECH Engadget Paramount+ adds Brazil's top soccer league to its live sports stable https://www.engadget.com/paramount-plus-soccer-stream-brazil-brasileirao-2023-190639840.html brazil 2021-05-17 19:06:39
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles The world economy is suddenly running low on everything https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/17/business/economy-business/world-economy-shortages/ The world economy is suddenly running low on everythingA year ago as the pandemic ravaged country after country consumers were the ones panic buying Today on the rebound it s companies furiously stocking up 2021-05-18 05:39:50
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan top court holds state liable for asbestos diseases in workers https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/17/national/crime-legal/top-court-asbestos-ruling/ Japan top court holds state liable for asbestos diseases in workersThe ruling said the government was negligent in its duty to protect workers from contracting lung cancer and other diseases linked to asbestos 2021-05-18 04:52:17
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Terunofuji survives scare from Takayasu to remain perfect at Summer Basho https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/17/sumo/terunofuji-survives-scare/ championship 2021-05-18 04:15:31
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Indian variant cases in 86 council areas - Hancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57150131 health 2021-05-17 19:24:11
ニュース BBC News - Home Israel-Gaza violence: Calls to protect civilians as conflict endures https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57148097 intense 2021-05-17 19:38:02
ニュース BBC News - Home Pembrokeshire school bus crash: Car driver dies and 17 children hurt https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57142836 morning 2021-05-17 19:45:26
ニュース BBC News - Home 'Slow motion' avalanche on Ben Nevis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57151122 nevis 2021-05-17 19:11:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Danjuma gives Bournemouth first-leg win over Brentford https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57052707 arnaut 2021-05-17 19:16:50
ニュース BBC News - Home Reform petition calling for independent regulator in English football passes 100,000 signatures https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57144141 Reform petition calling for independent regulator in English football passes signaturesA parliamentary petition calling for an independent regulator in English football passes signatures 2021-05-17 19:05:08
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 挫折と左遷の連続でもヒトラーを破ったチャーチルの信念に学びたい - 左遷!あなたならどうする? https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270606 挫折と左遷の連続でもヒトラーを破ったチャーチルの信念に学びたい左遷あなたならどうする第次世界大戦でイギリス首相を務め、ナチスドイツに勝利したウィンストン・チャーチル。 2021-05-18 04:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ANA・JAL国際線旅客数は「80%超減」継続、ANAの過去最悪赤字が納得の理由 - コロナで明暗!【月次版】業界天気図 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/268850 前年同期 2021-05-18 04:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ツルハが3月売上高1割減でドラッグストア5社中最低でも、不調と言い切れないワケ - コロナで明暗!【月次版】業界天気図 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/268848 ツルハが月売上高割減でドラッグストア社中最低でも、不調と言い切れないワケコロナで明暗【月次版】業界天気図コロナ禍から企業が復活するのは一体、いつになるのだろうか。 2021-05-18 04:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 銅、鉄鉱石、木材が最高値更新、資源価格急騰の「二大要因」 - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271433 上昇基調 2021-05-18 04:32:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 企業の女性活躍を阻む「3つの問題」と「オールド・ボーイズ・ネットワーク」 - 経営・戦略デザインラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271311 2021-05-18 04:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 イスラエルが誇る対空防衛能力、ハマスの猛攻撃破 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271474 防衛能力 2021-05-18 04:26:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 企業倒産は「5月から増加に転じる」と言える理由、帝国データバンクが解説 - 倒産のニューノーマル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271310 帝国データバンク 2021-05-18 04:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 リモートワーク時代に露呈する「飾り物のポスト」「本当に大事な仕事」 - DOL特別レポート https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271309 飾り物 2021-05-18 04:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 積立投資をクレジットカード決済で始める若者が急増、カード会社の目論見とは - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271308 newsampampanalysis 2021-05-18 04:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ファーストリテイリングとニトリ「採用大学」ランキング2020!ファストリ1位は前年4位の大学 - 就活最前線 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271230 ファーストリテイリングとニトリ「採用大学」ランキングファストリ位は前年位の大学就活最前線コロナ禍の前に行われた年卒の採用。 2021-05-18 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ファーストリテイリングとニトリ「採用大学」ランキング2020!【全10位・完全版】 - 就活最前線 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271222 情報通信 2021-05-18 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 佐川急便が中国製EV導入の衝撃、日の丸自動車が家電の「二の舞い」になる懸念 - 今週のキーワード 真壁昭夫 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271307 二の舞い 2021-05-18 04:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 銚子電鉄、社長が自ら「運転士」を兼ねる台所事情 本業は税理士、3度目の挑戦で技能試験に合格 | ローカル線・公共交通 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/427131?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 技能試験 2021-05-18 04:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog How to do network traffic analysis with VPC Flow Logs on Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/networking/how-to-use-vpc-flow-logs-in-gcp-for-network-traffic-analysis/ How to do network traffic analysis with VPC Flow Logs on Google CloudNetwork traffic analysis is one of the core ways an organization can understand how workloads are performing optimize network behavior and costs and conduct troubleshootingーa must when running mission critical applications in production VPC Flow Logs is one such enterprise grade network traffic analysis tool providing information about TCP and UDP traffic flow to and from VM instances on Google Cloud including the instances used as Google Kubernetes Engine GKE nodes You can view VPC Flow Logs in Cloud Logging export them to third party tools or to BigQuery for further analysis But as it happens with powerful tools VPC Flow Logs users sometimes don t know where to start To help we created a set of guides to help you use VPC Flow Logs to answer common questions about your network  This post outlines a set of open source tools from Google Cloud Professional Services that provide export analytics and reporting capabilities for multiple use cases  Estimating the cost of your VPC Flow Logs and optimizing costs Enforcing that flow logs be generated across your organization to comply with security policiesExporting to BigQuery and performing analytics e g doing cost analysis by identifying top talkers in your environment and understanding Interconnect utilization by different projectsAll of these tools and tutorials are available on GitHub Let s take a closer look at each of these use cases Estimate the cost of your VPC Flow Logs and optimize log volume Before you commit to using VPC Flow Logs it s a good idea to get a sense of how large your environment might get so as not to get caught off guard by the cost You can estimate the size of VPC Flow Logs prior to enabling logging in your environment using the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage You can view the estimated logs size generated per day via the subnet editing interface in the Cloud Console If you want to estimate costs prior to enabling Flow Logs on multiple subnets projects or an entire workspace this Cloud Monitoring sample dashboard can estimate the size of your flow logs based on your traffic volume and log usage   If needed you can reduce the size of your VPC Flow Logs using a different sampling rate This has a relatively low impact on the accuracy of your results especially when looking at traffic statistics such as top talkers You can also filter logs according to your needs further reducing log volume   Enforce Flow Logs use across your organization VPC Flow Logs provide auditing capabilities for the network which is required for security and compliance purposes many organizations mandate that VPC Flow Logs be enabled across the entire organization  To help we created a script which uses Cloud Functions to enforce VPC Flow Logs in all the networks under a particular folder The cloud function listens on a Pub Sub topic for notifications about changes in subnets You can find an overview and Terraform code here Perform analyticsIf you want to perform cost analysis on your VPC Flow Logs we also created a tutorial and Terraform code that show you how to easily export VPC Flow Logs into BigQuery and run analytics on them Specifically these scripts answer two different questions Understand Interconnect utilization by different projects This Terraform code and tutorial describe and provide a mechanism for analyzing VPC Flow Logs to estimate Interconnect attachment usage by different projects They are intended to be used by the network administrator who administers the landing zone an environment that s been provisioned and prepared to host workloads in Google Cloud VPC Flow Logs capture different flows to and from VMs but this script focuses only on egress traffic flowing through the Interconnect as shown by red arrows on the diagram The reason the script only focuses on egress is because you are only billed for traffic from the VPC towards the Interconnect unless there is a resource that is processing ingress traffic such as a load balancer Click to enlargeIdentify top talkers This Terraform code lets you analyze VPC Flow Logs to identify top talker subnets to configurable IP address ranges such as on prem internet specific addresses and more Get started todayOf course these are just a few use cases for this tool which range from security use cases to performing cost breakdowns and estimates If you want to request a specific capability do feel free to contact us and ask The same goes for any specific analytics that you ve created for VPC Flow Logsーwe d be thrilled for you to contribute them to this repository To learn more check out the VPC Flow Logs documentation We d like to thank the many Google Cloud folks who have made this possible Alfonso Palacios Anastasiia Manokhina Andras Gyomrey Charles Baer Ephi Sachs Gaspar Chilingarov and Xiang Shen 2021-05-17 19:30:00



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