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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 脆弱性の手口、IPA「見つけたらまず開発者やIPA窓口に報告して」 コロナワクチンの架空予約巡り https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2105/18/news145.html itmedia 2021-05-18 20:26:00
IT MOONGIFT Laravel Kit - LaravelアプリをGUIで管理 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/-9fToy09fmI/ LaravelKitLaravelアプリをGUIで管理今PHPでWebアプリケーションを開発する場合、Laravelを使うことが多いのではないでしょうか。 2021-05-18 21:00:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2 インスタンスの特定の情報を収集する https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/9329720b3d1f50f08de6 reservationresponseReservationsprintreservationreservationReservationsのつ目の要素の中のさらに、Instancesの中のつ目の要素つ目のECインスタンスの情報だけ抽出。 2021-05-18 20:41:28
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ssm inventory を aws lambda / python3.8 でたたいてみた。 https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/5fba3a48cb29a6d292ee ssminventory を awslambdapython で たたい て み た 。 2021-05-18 20:37:55
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita describe 等で取得した情報を Dynamo DB に保存する https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/b769ff586e70a96f420e describe等で取得した情報をDynamoDBに保存する素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントくださいDynamoDBテーブルに入力する値を渡された関数だけをピックアップ。 2021-05-18 20:25:19
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita aws lambda で「Task timed out after 3.00 seconds」エラー https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/9abcff36daa2baa9cee9 awslambda で 「 Tasktimedoutafterseconds 」 エラー 【 Tasktimedout 】 timeout だ よ 。 2021-05-18 20:19:25
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita "errorMessage": "name 'instnaceid' is not defined" エラー https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/4d3d3096f708909e18db quoterrorMessagequotquotnamexinstnaceidxisnotdefinedquotエラー素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントください行目の【instnaceid】という文字が定義されていないよ。 2021-05-18 20:17:53
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2 を台数分リストする https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/305306b41feb8401e437 ECを台数分リストする素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントくださいECを台数分リストします。 2021-05-18 20:02:46
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pipを使い慣れた人のために向けたpoetry入門 https://qiita.com/yamadax/items/fa07028a534de1f13a6e まとめpipとpoetryの共通点よく使うrequirementstxtに相当するのはpyprojecttomlpipfreezegtrequirementstxtに相当するのがpoetrylockpyprojecttomlを作ってpoetryinstallすればパッケージがインストールされる公式ドキュメントの日本語訳poetryのみができる機能パッケージの依存関係の解消年のいつかにpipも依存解消機能強化を予定中Pythonバージョンを含めた包括的なPython環境のバージョンコントロール必要なパッケージとその依存パッケージの表現開発と本番における必要パッケージを同時に管理できるPython環境の分離機能pyprojecttomlを用いたインストールと同時に、すべてのバージョンがFIXしたpoetrylockの生成により、環境の再現性保証特に一番最後に関して公式の言葉に自信が溢れている。 2021-05-18 20:42:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita データをパスワードだけで暗号化し、ファイル化して保存することも可能なnpmパッケージを作った話 https://qiita.com/sounisi5011/items/776765e238de02f2253c Structureoftheencryptedarchiveatencryptedarchivev·sounisinpmpackagesここでその特徴を簡単に箇条書きすると、データを複数のチャンクに区切り、それぞれを暗号化することで、巨大なデータもメモリに展開せずに暗号化・復号できる以下の情報を全て含んでいるため、復号時にはパスワードだけが必要暗号化アルゴリズムの種別IVのバイナリデータ認証タグのバイナリデータ鍵導出関数が生成するべきkeyの長さkeyの生成で用いるsaltのバイナリデータ鍵導出関数のパラメーターもし行っていれば、圧縮アルゴリズムの種別これらのデータをunsignedvarintとProtocolBuffersを用いてエンコードしているため、将来の拡張にも備え、後方互換性を維持可能なはずこれを作った動機の一つは、「静的サイトジェネレーターで短縮URLを生成する時に、一度作ったURLの一覧を暗号化したファイルとしてうpしたい」というものでした。 2021-05-18 21:00:09
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita "Truth about Pi"のWriteUpと備忘録[TSG LIVE! 6 CTF] https://qiita.com/kash1064/items/6f09383d9b71fa2ed110 提供された問題コードを読むと、以下の部分で入力値に対して処理を行い、最終的に“digitの値がになったときにFLAGが出力されることがわかりました。 2021-05-18 20:18:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBA IEで該当のHPを開きボタンをクリックしたい https://teratail.com/questions/339023?rss=all 2021-05-18 20:48:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ラジオボタンでの表示非表示切替をしたい https://teratail.com/questions/339022?rss=all なのでifnbspnonecheckednbspの部分の数値を変更した場合変更した値に対応する要素にスクリプトが効いています。 2021-05-18 20:36:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravelにてビルトインサーバーをSSL化したドメインページに適用したい https://teratail.com/questions/339021?rss=all laravelにてビルトインサーバーをSSL化したドメインページに適用したい現在さくらVPSサーバーにてlaravelとreactを組み合わせたシステムを作成しています。 2021-05-18 20:31:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 初心者なので簡単な質問ですいません。cssのborderについての質問です。 https://teratail.com/questions/339020?rss=all border 2021-05-18 20:08:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) サブディレクトリの中だとPHPがうまく動かない https://teratail.com/questions/339019?rss=all サブディレクトリの中だとPHPがうまく動かないこちら、CentOSにてPHPを使ったCMSの開発をしています。 2021-05-18 20:05:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PostgreSQLでスキーマのsearch_pathが機能しない?? https://teratail.com/questions/339018?rss=all PostgreSQLでスキーマのsearchpathが機能しないスキーマ未指定publicでsubmasterテーブルを作成した後、privateスキーマで同名のsubmasuterテーブルを作成しました。 2021-05-18 20:03:24
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】閲覧履歴からおすすめ機能を実装する https://qiita.com/kaikohue0040/items/c9451951592ab296117e このデータをもとにおすすめのuserの投稿を取得したいので今回は以下のような設計にしましたが、単純に履歴を表示する機能などを実装したい場合は適宜カラムを追加しましょう。 2021-05-18 20:37:04
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者】windowsにHomebrew入れてvscodeと連携した https://qiita.com/yukirisayu/items/10cf729d0d4b0b79ba25 sudoコマンドについて③Homebrewの導入を参考にしましたrootユーザでやるとエラーになるので③の処理が必要と分かりました④ubuntu側でpathの設定こちらを参考にVScodebinが入っているpathを設定⑤VScodeのターミナルに接続FキーかctrlshiftPでコマンドパレットを表示して、RemoteWSLと入力するとRemoteWSLNewWSLWindowが出てくるのでクリック左下で接続が確認出来ればOK再起動するとターミナルにwslが増えているので選択すれば完了これで使えるようになりました。 2021-05-18 20:06:50
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2 インスタンスの特定の情報を収集する https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/9329720b3d1f50f08de6 reservationresponseReservationsprintreservationreservationReservationsのつ目の要素の中のさらに、Instancesの中のつ目の要素つ目のECインスタンスの情報だけ抽出。 2021-05-18 20:41:28
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ssm inventory を aws lambda / python3.8 でたたいてみた。 https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/5fba3a48cb29a6d292ee ssminventory を awslambdapython で たたい て み た 。 2021-05-18 20:37:55
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita describe 等で取得した情報を Dynamo DB に保存する https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/b769ff586e70a96f420e describe等で取得した情報をDynamoDBに保存する素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントくださいDynamoDBテーブルに入力する値を渡された関数だけをピックアップ。 2021-05-18 20:25:19
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita aws lambda で「Task timed out after 3.00 seconds」エラー https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/9abcff36daa2baa9cee9 awslambda で 「 Tasktimedoutafterseconds 」 エラー 【 Tasktimedout 】 timeout だ よ 。 2021-05-18 20:19:25
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita "errorMessage": "name 'instnaceid' is not defined" エラー https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/4d3d3096f708909e18db quoterrorMessagequotquotnamexinstnaceidxisnotdefinedquotエラー素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントください行目の【instnaceid】という文字が定義されていないよ。 2021-05-18 20:17:53
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2 を台数分リストする https://qiita.com/jiro_osaka/items/305306b41feb8401e437 ECを台数分リストする素人が自分のノートとして書いてますが、改善点あれば是非コメントくださいECを台数分リストします。 2021-05-18 20:02:46
海外TECH DEV Community Roblox Developing https://dev.to/mit_pit/roblox-developing-1da9 Roblox DevelopingRoblox developing is now one of the easiest ways to earn money by putting in effort but with low risk All that really needs to happen is imagination Reasons why roblox developing is low riskRoblox is an online platform where there is no reason to spend money at allThe code of conduct is easy to follow and there are some great websites to help you DevEx or cashing out with money is easy and very efficient What to watch out for in roblox developingMany of the users online will scam you so always take payment before you submit the build or code I send screenshots then ask for pay I think robux which is quite manageableYou might want to have other platforms with your user so you can get an audience this is a great way to form a fanbase and make money with youTubeWhat skills do I need You need to be able to D model Roblox Studio where you make the games has a great interface design that can help you Another way is to make a file in blender and export it to Roblox Studio Basic coding Roblox coding is different from other coding but it s easier to understand a new code when you can code a littleTime Roblox is a platform where developers spend up to a year creating game You will have to provide updates regularly Communications skills If you wish to develop you should probably get a team together of expert D modelers Scripters GFX creators If you can do them all then go solo Many of the developers on Roblox have made millions of join today at roblox com make an account click create download the studio and boom you can create games The interface is easy to figure out but you might want to watch some videos to get started I have my own Roblox Devs orginazation that you can be sure to reach out onTwitter mit pit Roblox littlePitMit DevDevTo mit pit Message me with any questions concerns comments or otherYou can also write a reply below Have a great day DEV To community I know that was a lot to read 2021-05-18 11:29:52
海外TECH DEV Community Robots and Automation : where will it lead us https://dev.to/harshith/robots-and-automation-where-will-it-lead-us-317c Robots and Automation where will it lead usRobots have been used in manufacturing for decades and are increasingly used in all industries Robots will remain and the use of robots has both positive and negative effects on companies and employees Today robots are made available for use in a wide range of industries from food and beverages to retail manufacturing construction healthcare and education There are many technologies that enable automation of production processes but robotics is gaining in importance While there may be negative impacts on some areas of work robots and automation can also create new jobs Technology plays a role in increasing labour efficiency and robotics along with other automation technologies can lead to job losses in some industries Although there is no hard and fast definition of robotics the term refers to any physical machine that can be programmed to perform a variety of different tasks Although there are many different types of robots today most of the robot work is done in manufacturing where a variety of manual tasks are performed more efficiently and consistently than in humans This has led to concerns that automated processes that are capable of performing certain tasks with a precision and accuracy that surpasses humans at much higher speeds will make many jobs redundant By the Federation of Robotics predicts up to million new robots will be working in factories around the world Robots will never replace humans and automation will only change the jobs that humans do but I think people need to take the time to understand how automation can be applied to everyday life There are many types of automation ranging from fully mechanical to non mechanical from human centric to machine to machine MM and even from machine to human Robotics is an engineering branch that encompasses several disciplines that design build and use robotic machines Software automation is one of the most common types of automation that is found online but there are a lot of different types of software and software as a service SaaS applications everywhere be it software for automation or software as a service If you are an entrepreneur you may be wondering whether automation and robotics are right for your business If not then you should probably look at it because it is one of the most important aspects of automation in the future If you can imagine even one or two tasks that are repeated then they are probably good candidates for automation Some of the tasks in your company are currently done by human employees and are repetitive or boring Traditionally automation is a very broad category that refers to any software machine or device that is designed to perform tasks that are normally performed by humans Automation means using computers software machines or other technologies to do a task that would otherwise be done by human workers Meanwhile robotics and process automation RPA refer to computer software that can be used like a human or to software agents software robots As workers become more expensive and the skills gap grows automation technology provides alternative employment opportunities to industry and business leaders Robots are able to perform tasks that are otherwise dangerous for human workers and to perform monotonous tasks RPA is used to automate a variety of tasks such as more efficient and less labor intensive back office processing which is more intensive than human labor This is not to say that robots will completely replace human workers but automotive production is becoming more complex competitive and individual There are currently more than automakers in the US according to IFR and by this sector will account for of all robot installations Tempo Automation does this by developing software to streamline the prototype process for electronics and robotics manufacturing The company specializes in rapid prototyping and offers developers the ability to produce a working model in just three days and design it in less than two weeks with a development time of at least three hours Tempo Automation software is used by companies in the aerospace medical and manufacturing industries and provides full visibility of the prototype process keeping them informed of production processes and expected costs New Samsung S Edge g releases with great discount Leading engineers along the way with partners such as Honeywell Kudan and Mechaspin as well as partners from the aerospace medical and manufacturing industries Robotic Process Automation RPA is a technology that enables employees and companies to configure computers software and robots to capture and interpret existing applications such as transaction processing data manipulation triggering reactions and communication with other digital systems Excuse me for my mistakes I am trying my best to provide you the most useful information Find you again Want a cleaning robot at home cheap Best 2021-05-18 11:23:02
海外TECH DEV Community Various methods for Python String Comparison https://dev.to/hrishikesh1990/various-methods-for-python-string-comparison-41fj Various methods for Python String ComparisonIn this short tutorial let us look at the various string comparison methods in python We also look at the various edge cases limitations and caveats This tutorial is a part of our initiative at Flexiple to write short curated tutorials around often used or interesting concepts Table of ContentPython String ComparisonString Comparison Operators and is and not is Limitations and Caveats Python String ComparisonPython string comparison is very common and is often used as a condition for loops Python also comes with a few handy inbuilt operators to facilitate this However before we dive into the methods we have one important concept to touch upon All the data in your program are represented as objects and every object has the following properties Identity Id One may think of identity as the address of the memory in with the data is stored The other two properties are Type and Value Type is the data type of the object and Value is the value that the object stores Python tries to save memory by re using Id for objects with the same value I have added an example below this makes python string comparison much faster and easier Also please be vary of these terms as each operator uses a different comparison method String Comparison OperatorsOut of the multiple methods that could be used to compare strings in python I ve explained two of the most commonly used methods below Note that all these methods return a boolean true or false and The and are commonly used relation operation in python string comparison Both these operators compare the Unicode values of all the characters in the string one by one and then return a value In case you aren t familiar with Unicode values it essentially means that strings get converted into a Unicode this helps maintain a uniform code irrespective of the language the programmer uses You can read more about this here So based on these values you each character of a string is compared Using The is a python string comparison method that is used to check if the value of both the operands is equal And this is the most common method used to check equality s flexiple print id s Output s flexiple print id s Output s flexiple print id Output print s s output Trueprint s s output FalseThe operator returns True and False respectively Also notice how the Id of s and s is identical however bear in mind that the Id function will return a different number for you Using The is another python string comparison operator that is used to check if the values of the operands are not equal Basically the inverse of and the code makes it pretty straightforward to understand s flexiple s flexiple s flexiple print s s Output Falseprint s s Output True is and not is The is and not is operators are also quite similar to and respectively However is and is not compares to the Identity id of the objects and returns true only if they share the same identity One could argue that the identity of the object remains the same but this is not the case when working with immutables When the object is given another value the memory allocated changes giving it a new id This is something you need to keep in mind while using is and is not Using is s flexiple s flexiple s flexiple print s is s output Trueprint s is s output FalseUsing is not s flexiple s flexiple s flexiple print s is not s output Falseprint s is not s output TrueNow let s look at how the Identity id changes when the value is changing s flexiple print id s Output s flexiple print id s Output Now let us update ss flexi print id s Output So as soon as the value in s changes s stops referring to s Limitations and CaveatsPython string comparison operators can only be used to compare objects of a similar type A best practice is to use when working with immutables 2021-05-18 11:19:09
海外TECH DEV Community 10 Things You Need To Know About Automation In Marketing https://dev.to/harshith/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-automation-in-marketing-nfk Things You Need To Know About Automation In MarketingAutomation is a word that gets thrown around quite a bit in the marketing world But what does it actually mean And how can you implement automation in your own business For ten things you need to know about automation see this article Automation is a word that gets thrown around quite a bit in the marketing world But what does it actually mean And how can you implement automation in your own business For ten things you need to know about automation see this article What is automation Automation is the process of removing human beings from a repetitive or mundane task which is then completed by a computer or robot Often referred to as “lights out production automation is used in manufacturing but it can be used in virtually any field The impact of automation on the global traditional retail and online eCommerce sectors is undeniable There are numerous ways that companies are utilizing technology to make their businesses more efficient with vision tracking inventory control and online services as the prime examples It isn t uncommon for a small online retailer to generate tens of millions of dollars a year As we move forward into the future of the “robot economy and the adoption of these technologies by consumers becomes more and more common companies need to be asking the question of how they can best place their businesses in the technological age Simply put how can companies automate their operations Silicon Valley has long been criticized for its role in perpetuating what is referred to as the “man vs machine dichotomy This view is held by many in society who share the belief that the machines will always out work the human work force ーwhich is a disastrous idea for those of us who seek to operate in a more humane manner While it s true that many advancements in technology have lowered the bar for what humans can achieve the automation of manufacturing in particular has created tremendous value Today these technologies provide more jobs for humans improve productivity save lives and lower costs for companies It makes economic sense and companies have started integrating them into their business models Simply put knowing how to put your products in the warehouse or how to deliver them to the customer at the end of the day depends on a thriving robotics sector Without this logistics food distribution retail and many other manufacturing sectors will be unable to function How can you use automation I love automation because it saves me from so much hassle I love it so much I even wrote a book about it called The Power of Automation Automation has been a huge part of my success as a blogger Automation has also been a huge part of my business I like to think about business using the rule as a way of understanding what has worked in the past and what similar campaigns can be made to work in the future Here are ten simple but important things automation does for me Benefits of Automation in Your Business Here are some of the benefits automation has brought me More time to focus on other important things in my business Extra time to manage other parts of the business such as social media posting email etc Faster development on new projects and marketing efforts greater creativity in all of my marketing efforts both in terms of content and layout More budget for more projectsMore time to focus on other important things in my business It s the little things that make a difference If your minutes per task piece of paper has changed quite a bit you may find time to dedicate to more important items in your business Likewise if your daily rate has changed quite a bit then you might want to reassess where automation can make a big difference in how you do business Extra time to focus on other parts of the business such as social media posting email etc As the old clichégoes the difference between doing and making is the difference between making something valuable and not Of course there will always be a need to manage social media and email etc but taking time on a regular basis to focus on them will only make a difference for you What are the benefits of automation We live in a world where automation is becoming the norm It s no longer a luxury it is the norm Everything is becoming automated from cars to coffee machines Automation is the future of the workforce Automation for the most part is a good thing Under automation we can use resources more efficiently discover new areas to expand into and take on new roles due to the roles changing However let s talk a little more about what it means to automate a process With automation we are talking about elements of a process that no human can do on their own Things like software maintenance software updates repetitive tasks are things that can be automated So automation then could mean anything from automating a coffee machine to automating a customer support call Now I m not going to try and convince you that software is going to replace you In fact you likely have a work ethic that is greater than mine I just think the automation of certain processes can help reduce your workload especially now that more people expect us to do things like identify a virus or fix an email Without automation humans still take up those roles and therefore jobs will need to be created to help take care of those repetitive tasks That creates a whole host of new roles like customer support sales and support for customer support Another benefit of automation is the more efficient use of the resources you have Generally if you can automate something the cost is split between the human user and the machine If there is a process that is covered by automation then an almost split can take place All of the resources time and costs of setting up and running an automation tool are then being taken care of by the machine Want more Check out the article I wrote on How to get started on automation in your business Are there any drawbacks to automation There are some drawbacks to automation For example the more automated your business becomes the less human interaction you re going to have with your audience The more automated your business becomes the less human interaction you re going to have with your audience It s all about balance Another drawback to automation is that some aspects of customer service like the human touch depend on consistency That tells you something If you make your automated parts fail sometimes then your business is going to have echo chambers where repetitive automation will help it get bad feedback from customers again and again If your automation relies on a lot of approval processes constantly then every customer interaction is going to require the approval of a human and that becomes harder and harder as the business becomes more automated The good news is that to get your automation right you need to know two things size of your audience and social proof These are factors that help a lot when automating your marketing Here are some things that you can use to validate that an automation is going to work for your target audience One of the very first steps of your automation is picking out measurement tools This is something you should probably start thinking about before anything else because if you automate something without any measurement you re just going to have a big pile of money sitting in the bank instead of actual profits to be made or conversions to be had There are a handful of choices out there the strategy that splits the difference for a wide audience of businesses is the Hubspot journey map This gives a pretty clear overview of your current industry competition and the major driving factors for your business to make changes They provide analytics on the accounts that are generating the most data and where you can optimize your marketing content and advertising to reach as many prospects as possible How can you overcome the drawbacks of automation Automation can make your life easier but it can also take away some of the joy of the creative process For example instead of playing around with different colour schemes for a website header you could just have an app that does it for you The drawbacks of automation include In other words automation is very convenient but it also has its limits The question then is What do you actually do with automation in your business We see it all the time in the marketing world We have streamers like Adam Taggart on Fullscreen What are their hard skills Both are quite impressive Adam shines when he has his own things to talk about or is leading a conversation about some topic He also has a habit of bringing up what he has on his mind without filter It pulls the information into focus and turns dull meetings into something entertaining Technically he might be a robot at heart ーa disembodied spirit channeling his thoughts Nonetheless he does an amazing job of keeping his audience engaged and interested Adam is a wizard at driving sales To show just how good he is at this I recorded a video about SEO and sent it out to my students Adam reviewed it commented and then emailed me back with the link I copied the video into an email and sent it to one of his clients Two hours later he wrote back and said that he thought it was brilliant Did you know that there are promo codes in Facebook Messenger right now worth of your first order That s just one of many promo codes in the Messenger app How did these promo codes get into your brand Maybe you have a Messenger account and if you sign in and need to solve a problem you can use the app to ask for help And when someone answers you you can click a button to share that it s you that the person is messaging and point them to your own messenger Automation makes Everything simple Example A Robot Cleans your house Dont have it link if you want one Irobot Amazon India I have provided my Followers a free Ebook in my last Post do check it out and claim you copy 2021-05-18 11:02:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple dips below Samsung in annual smartphone customer satisfaction index https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/18/apple-dips-below-samsung-in-annual-smartphone-customer-satisfaction-index?utm_medium=rss Apple dips below Samsung in annual smartphone customer satisfaction indexApple has fallen below Samsung in customer satisfaction among U S consumers for the first time in years according to the results of a new consumer satisfaction index Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderSamsung s retained an American Consumer Satisfaction Index score of in the same score it had a year prior However Apple s score dropped year over year to landing it in a three way tie with Motorola and Google Read more 2021-05-18 12:00:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Music on Android will support Lossless, but not Dolby Atmos at launch https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/18/apple-music-on-android-will-support-lossless-but-not-dolby-atmos-at-launch?utm_medium=rss Apple Music on Android will support Lossless but not Dolby Atmos at launchAndroid users who subscribe to Apple Music won t get all of the benefits of Apple s new additions as it will include support for Lossless audio but not Dolby Atmos at launch Announced on Monday the long rumored lossless audio streaming for Apple Music is arriving in June included as part of the existing subscription While Apple is making its Lossless Audio streams available across more than just its own product line those using Android smartphones and tablets to listen won t get all of the benefits Android users will benefit from the introduction of lossless tracks to the service but it won t include Dolby Atmos according to MySmartPrice There is no sign on when Dolby Atmos support will be included on Android at this time but it won t be there when the changes go live in June Read more 2021-05-18 11:37:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Vietnam orders Foxconn, Luxshare to close factories over COVID outbreak https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/18/vietnam-orders-foxconn-luxshare-to-close-factories-over-covid-outbreak?utm_medium=rss Vietnam orders Foxconn Luxshare to close factories over COVID outbreakApple suppliers Foxconn and Luxshare have been forced to shut down their factories in northern Vietnam following a coronavirus increase in the region Fears of an increase in COVID outbreaks has already caused supply chain firms in Taiwan to expect MacBook Pro constraints Now the government in Vietnam has ordered two of Apple s major suppliers to close down because of a coronavirus surge According to Bloomberg the Vietnamese government has told both Foxconn and Luxshare to shut down The companies are now reportedly beginning to suspend operations to comply Read more 2021-05-18 11:31:43
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Gloves could detect how you roll your finger or grip a hammer https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/18/apple-gloves-could-detect-how-you-roll-your-finger-or-grip-a-hammer?utm_medium=rss Apple Gloves could detect how you roll your finger or grip a hammerThe rumored Apple Glass could take advantage of force sensing gloves with a collection of sensors used to detect hand movements including typing on a virtual keyboard and how the user grips physical objects An example of VR gloves by ManusOne of the main problems with virtual reality is that it requires the creation of alternate interaction systems As the user is effectively blind to the local environment they have to use handheld controllers to interact with the virtual landscape Read more 2021-05-18 11:11:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Future MacBook Pro, iPhone hinges could automatically adjust flexibility https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/18/future-macbook-pro-iphone-hinges-could-automatically-adjust-flexibility?utm_medium=rss Future MacBook Pro iPhone hinges could automatically adjust flexibilityApple wants MacBook Pro and foldable iPhone lids to move smoothly when you open them but then be rigidly strong supports for the display ーand automatically adjust to what you need We ve already come a very long way since the PowerBook hingeApple has applied for patents concerning every imaginable use of hinges ーfrom smart rings through iPad keyboards and even on to the Apple Car It also has a huge number of patents regarding hinges on MacBook Pro but now it has a new one to do specifically with rigidity and flexibility on larger devices like laptops or potentially an iPhone fold Read more 2021-05-18 11:05:49
海外TECH Engadget Lamborghini plans to launch its first fully electric car before 2030 https://www.engadget.com/lamborghini-will-go-fully-electric-in-the-second-part-of-the-decade-114537409.html Lamborghini plans to launch its first fully electric car before Lamborghini stands out from other supercar makers for a lack of EVs or hybrids but the Italian automaker has finally unveiled its electrification plans 2021-05-18 11:45:37
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Apple Music adds lossless streaming to its entire catalog https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-apple-music-adds-lossless-streaming-to-its-entire-back-catalog-112022150.html The Morning After Apple Music adds lossless streaming to its entire catalogToday s headlines AT amp T s WarnerMedia is merging with Discovery Apple Music adds Dolby Atmos and lossless streaming starting next month Samsung teases its next generation of flexible displays 2021-05-18 11:20:22
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi Physical programming for children with visual disabilities https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/physical-programming-for-children-with-visual-disabilities/ Physical programming for children with visual disabilitiesWhen Stack Overflow conducted a survey of software engineers it found that of their respondents were blind ーa far higher percentage than among the total population Yet it is far from easy for young people with visual disabilities to engage in learning programming in school In this month s seminar Dr Cecily Morrison The post Physical programming for children with visual disabilities appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2021-05-18 11:11:32
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Multi-Stage Docker Builds for AI Object Detection https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5302892/Multi-Stage-Docker-Builds-for-AI-Object-Detection detection 2021-05-18 11:39:00
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Climate change: Ban all gas boilers from 2025 to reach net-zero https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57149059 energy 2021-05-18 11:15:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Climate change: Ban all gas boilers from 2025 to reach net-zero https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57149059 energy 2021-05-18 11:15:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Roy Hodgson: Crystal Palace boss to leave at end of season https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57155593 flight 2021-05-18 11:13:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Universities keeping lectures online into autumn term https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-57150071 lectures 2021-05-18 11:14:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Fury ordered to fight Wilder again, placing proposed August bout with Joshua in doubt https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/57151854 Fury ordered to fight Wilder again placing proposed August bout with Joshua in doubtTyson Fury is ordered to fight Deontay Wilder for a third time casting doubt over a proposed August fight with Anthony Joshua 2021-05-18 11:50:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Harry Kane: Tottenham left reeling by reports England striker wants to leave the club https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57154386 Harry Kane Tottenham left reeling by reports England striker wants to leave the clubTottenham are left reeling by reports Harry Kane wants to leave the London club but insist their focus is on finishing the season 2021-05-18 11:13:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Will I still have to wear a mask in shops? And other questions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-51176409 covid 2021-05-18 11:07:39
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 人との間に「健全な境界線」を引く方法|他人を気遣いすぎてしまう人に https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/234940mylohas-miyako-tsumita.html 著者 2021-05-18 21:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ 株式会社ロッテ : Chromebook が働き方改革と DX 推進の要に。全社員分 2,600 台を導入。 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/customers/lotte-chromebook-dx/ まだ教育が足りていない部分もありますが、今後は従来型のシステムに依存せず、Chromebookだけで業務が完結させる脱VDIを目指していきたいと思っています。 2021-05-18 12:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小2男児はねられ死亡 横浜の市道、30歳男を現行犯逮捕 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/545300/ 横浜市金沢区富岡西 2021-05-18 20:09:11
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌の感染者、中央区で突出 若い世代中心に拡大 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/545028/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-05-18 20:06:58
北海道 北海道新聞 神戸市、死者まとめて121人公表 感染急増で業務に遅れ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/545287/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-05-18 20:06:04
GCP Cloud Blog JA 株式会社ロッテ : Chromebook が働き方改革と DX 推進の要に。全社員分 2,600 台を導入。 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/customers/lotte-chromebook-dx/ まだ教育が足りていない部分もありますが、今後は従来型のシステムに依存せず、Chromebookだけで業務が完結させる脱VDIを目指していきたいと思っています。 2021-05-18 12:00:00



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