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IT 気になる、記になる… iFixit、「Apple TV 4K (2021)」と「Siri Remote」の分解レポートを公開 https://taisy0.com/2021/06/01/141165.html appletvk 2021-06-01 01:56:13
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] IntelのゲルシンガーCEO、「半導体不足はあと2年続く可能性がある」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2106/01/news084.html computextaipei 2021-06-01 10:47:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] Xiaomi、4000mAhバッテリーを8分でフル充電できる200W有線システム「HyperCharge」披露 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2106/01/news080.html hypercharge 2021-06-01 10:09:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 熱狂的なファンを作り出すWeb接客ツール「チャネルトーク」について解説! https://techable.jp/archives/155612 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-01 01:00:52
TECH TechAcademyマガジン Scratchでコンテストに挑戦中!プログラミング学習を通じて成長したこととは https://techacademy.jp/magazine/57888 Scratchでコンテストに挑戦中プログラミング学習を通じて成長したこととはプログラミングとゲームが大好きな男の子小学年生から、テックアカデミージュニアのはじめてのScratchコースを受講していただき、学習したことを活かしてオリジナルの作品制作に熱中しています。 2021-06-01 01:28:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) np.einsum()の下記の式の意味を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/341497?rss=all npeinsum 2021-06-01 10:58:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 平均処理時間の計算のエラー https://teratail.com/questions/341496?rss=all 2021-06-01 10:54:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) iphone(safari)での背景画像の複数固定表示 https://teratail.com/questions/341495?rss=all iphonesafariでの背景画像の複数固定表示実現したいことはiphonesafariでの背景画像の複数固定表示です。 2021-06-01 10:50:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Git:マージ後のブランチの削除タイミングについて https://teratail.com/questions/341494?rss=all Gitマージ後のブランチの削除タイミングについて機能追加ブランチなどの削除タイミングブランチがmasterdevelopとありdevelopから機能追加ブランチを作成して機能追加ブランチの開発が終わりdevelopへマージしました。 2021-06-01 10:37:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) IndexError: list index out of rangeのエラー https://teratail.com/questions/341493?rss=all 2021-06-01 10:32:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) KivyのRecycleViewに組み込んだCheckBoxを全選択する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/341492?rss=all RecycleViewのviewclassに組み込んだCheckBoxを選択する際に別で全選択が可能になるボタンを配置したいです。 2021-06-01 10:27:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 表の中のセルを条件に合わせて表示していきたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/341491?rss=all 表の中のセルを条件に合わせて表示していきたいです。 2021-06-01 10:04:13
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker - Error response from daemon: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries https://qiita.com/shaching/items/19ddffd3ebcbc6fa4dbf Docker Error response from daemon no matching manifest for linux arm v in the manifest list entriesI got an error during building docker image in Apple Macbook Pro M Error response from daemon no matching manifest for linux arm v in the manifest list entriesSolution Added platform linux x FROM platform linux x ubuntu orARG archFROM platform linux arch ubuntu 2021-06-01 10:20:36
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Project Bonsai] Bonsaiをローカル環境で使ってみる https://qiita.com/masaya3/items/1b7df03eb87747a3a4bc AzureCliDocker学習されたBonsaiを出力するまずは、学習済みの情報を表示させ、「Train」ページから「ExportBrain」をクリックします。 2021-06-01 10:15:02
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ポートフォリオ製作中、セキュリティ対策について学んだこと https://qiita.com/dym330/items/d0b3993c35005d2a3c6b クロスサイトスクリプティングXSS概要サイト上のフォームにスクリプトタグなどを埋め込み、悪意のあるコードを実行させる攻撃対応策Railsではデフォルトでエスケープする仕様のため、意図的に解除していない限りは問題なししかし、改行の反映はデフォルトのままではできないため、以下内容にて対応simpleformathschedulecontentSQLインジェクション概要フォームなどで、悪意のあるSQL文を打つことで、データを不正に入手したり削除したりする攻撃対応策RailsではActiverecordを使用して実行していれば、Rails側で対策をしているので問題なし。 2021-06-01 10:54:18
技術ブログ Developers.IO curlでパフォーマンス測定 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/curl-benchmark/ 通信 2021-06-01 01:05:34
海外TECH DEV Community this https://dev.to/amritanshu/this-51dn thisThere is a Car class gt Car this something There is objects of Car class gt car carWhen I access Car with car gt this car this something car something When I access Car with car gt this car this something car something 2021-06-01 01:44:42
海外TECH DEV Community Behaviours em Elixir https://dev.to/wlsf/behaviours-em-elixir-25i3 Behaviours em ElixirAssim como Protocols Behaviours também são uma forma de manter um padrão de interface herança e atémesmo polimorfismo no Elixir Vale lembrar que Elixir éuma linguagem de programação funcional portanto não éo nosso forte o conceito de objeto classe e métodos No final sempre estaremos falando sobre módulos e funções Então de que me serve possuir uma abstração para criar interfaces em uma tecnologia como esta CenárioImaginem que vamos desenvolver uma aplicação onde a pessoa insere seus dados para consultar todos seus cartões de crédito verificar se as faturas estão em dia e inclusive gerar possíveis estratégias financeiras etc Para isso precisamos criar uma API REST que iráconsultar de diversas fontes de cartões para validar os dados e processar as respostas finais Vocêconsegue identificar um padrão nisso Se precisamos consultar mais de uma API externa para reunir os dados para a resposta final isso significa que nosso código terámuitos módulos que serão correspondentes a provedores diferentes ex Itaú Nubank etc ProblemaComo iremos mapear todos esses módulos de provedores que vamos criar dentro do nosso sistema então Como garantir que eles precisam ter uma execução semelhante retornando os dados processados da mesma forma Tendo em vista que as APIs externas podem ser distintas possuir dados diferentes e respostas diferentes isso pode se tornar um problema e pode nos levar a criar códigos aleatórios para solucionar cada tipo de API de uma forma desnecessária BehavioursCom behaviours conseguimos criar um padrão comportamental definindo uma assinatura pré exigida pelo módulo garantindo que todos os módulos subsequentes que irão herdar daquela especialidade precisarão implementar aqueles requisitos Em outras palavras considere sendo essa a nossa interface de acesso àAPIs externas defmodule Bank API do moduledoc Este módulo éresponsável por definir uma interface padrão para os demais módulos de acesso ao Banco implementarem type params map type response ok map error String t doc Este método iráacessar a base externa e retornar os dados bancários da pessoa usuária callback call params response endIgnorando os moduledocs e typespecs do nosso módulo nos resta essa callback que éexatamente o comando utilizado para definir as funções que deverão ser implementadas pelo módulo que pretende se especializar nessa API Perceba o quão genérico nossa interface ficou ela sóda a entender que éuma API de Banco com uma função de chamada Em momento algum foi especificado qual o tipo de banco ou como essa chamada seráfeita via API gRPC SOAP etc isso serátotal responsabilidade de quem for implementar essa interface Agora com nosso behaviour bem definido podemos seguir para a implementação do primeiro Client que iremos utilizar em nossa aplicação para consultar os dados defmodule Bank Nubank do moduledoc Módulo que implementa a requisição para a API do Nubank behaviour Bank API impl true def call user id id do id gt nubank url gt HTTPoison get gt case do ok status code body response gt ok response error reason gt error reason end end defp nubank url id do Application get env my app nubank url lt gt user id end a requisição acima émeramente ilustrativa O comando behaviour Bank API descreve que nosso módulo Nubank iráse especializar no Bank API logo ele deveráimplementar a seguinte função call Com isto temos nosso primeiro provedor implementado yaay ConclusãoGosto de dizer que estamos definindo padrões comportamentais com isso quando vemos que um módulo específico implementa um Behaviour jádápara ter uma ideia de quais funções ele roda qual o seu propósito como ele deve ser implementado em termos de input e output Esse tipo de padronização ajuda a escalar nosso código diminuir a curva de aprendizagem para novas pessoas desenvolvedoras e inclusive éuma ótima ferramenta para auto documentar nosso código deixa tudo mais descritivo e explícito E você o que acha de behaviours Gostaria de complementar adicionar ou remover alguma informações deste tópico 2021-06-01 01:42:39
海外TECH DEV Community Adding custom Docker containers to Appwrite https://dev.to/streamlux/adding-custom-docker-containers-to-appwrite-2chp Adding custom Docker containers to AppwriteIn my second post to dev to I ll describe how you can add your very own Docker containers to Appwrite IntroWhile exploring different backend infrastructure options at Streamlux we decided it would be best to add our own containers to the Appwrite Traefik network This way we could host completely custom web servers on the same machine as Appwrite Allowing for extremely low latency between the server and Appwrite and allowing us to have flexibility in terms of API If you haven t heard of Appwrite taken from Appwrite io Appwrite is a self hosted solution that provides developers with a set of easy to use and integrate REST APIs to manage their core backend needs From one developer to another check it out it s awesome Now let s get back to the task at hand Adding custom Docker containers to Appwrite is relatively straight forward However if you re new to Docker or Traefik it can be a bit daunting The majority of the changes we have to make will be to the docker compose yml file located in the folder where Appwrite has been installed For me it was in a folder named appwrite Next I ll go into a little more detail on the changes we will be making to the docker compose yml file but feel free to skip the background section and get right into the changes BackgroundThe docker compose yml file handles the startup of all the Docker containers Appwrite consists of Appwrite uses Traefik as a reverse proxy to route incoming network requests to the correct containers When adding our own container we usually want to be able to handle incoming network requests To tell Traefik we want requests that are pointed to a specific endpoint like www mydomain com customApi to be routed to our container ChangesThe first change will be at the very top of your docker compose yml file Change providers docker exposedByDefault from false to true as shown below version services traefik image traefik container name appwrite traefik command providers file directory storage config providers file watch true providers docker true providers docker exposedByDefault true default is false change it to trueNext your appwrite service labels section needs to be updated to include traefik enable true traefik constraint label stack appwrite traefik docker network appwrite traefik http services appwrite service loadbalancer server port http traefik http routers appwrite http entrypoints web traefik http routers appwrite http rule PathPrefix traefik http routers appwrite http service appwrite service https traefik http routers appwrite https entrypoints websecure traefik http routers appwrite https rule PathPrefix traefik http routers appwrite https service appwrite service traefik http routers appwrite https tls trueSo the appwrite service will now look like this leave everything after the labels section as it is appwrite image appwrite appwrite container name appwrite restart unless stopped networks appwrite labels traefik enable true traefik constraint label stack appwrite traefik docker network appwrite traefik http services appwrite service loadbalancer server port http traefik http routers appwrite http entrypoints web traefik http routers appwrite http rule PathPrefix traefik http routers appwrite http service appwrite service https traefik http routers appwrite https entrypoints websecure traefik http routers appwrite https rule PathPrefix traefik http routers appwrite https service appwrite service traefik http routers appwrite https tls trueThat s all the changes we have to make to the appwrite configuration Now we can add our own service Here is an example Node js service definition appwrite customApi image node alpine restart unless stopped labels traefik http middlewares portainerpathstrip stripprefix prefixes customApi requests to this endpoint will be routed to our container traefik http middlewares portainerpathstrip stripprefix forceSlash false traefik enable true traefik constraint label stack appwrite traefik docker network appwrite traefik http services appwrite customApi loadbalancer server port traefik http routers appwrite customApi http middlewares portainerpathstrip traefik http middlewares sslheader headers customrequestheaders X Forwarded Proto https traefik http routers appwrite customApi http entrypoints web traefik http routers appwrite customApi http rule PathPrefix customApi traefik http routers appwrite customApi http service appwrite customApi traefik http routers appwrite customApi https middlewares portainerpathstrip traefik http routers appwrite customApi https entrypoints websecure traefik http routers appwrite customApi https rule PathPrefix customApi traefik http routers appwrite customApi https service appwrite customApi traefik http routers appwrite customApi https tls true customize the following properties based on your docker container user node working dir home node app environment NODE ENV production PORT volumes customApi home node app command npm run prod networks appwriteYou should be able to copy and paste this and then change the properties to be able to start your container properly One thing to note is the port I have it running on port so when starting your web server in your container you should start it on port If you change the port make sure you change it in all the places it s references in the docker compose yml file After you re done you can run docker compose up d to restart the docker containers that have had configuration changes You can run docker ps to view the containers and make sure your new container has started Run docker logs CONTAINER NAME to view the logs from your container Finishing notesI would love to know if you have success adding your own container to the Appwrite Traefik proxy It would be awesome to compile some example docker compose yml files to make it easier for other users Please reach out to me with any questions you have or things I missed CreditsFirst and foremost I have to give credit to Appwrite And specifically the absolutely amazing Appwrite team Go check them out and show your support for their awesome work Appwrite on DevAppwrite ioJoin the Appwrite discordAppwrite on GitHubVS Code extension maintained with ️by the Streamlux team StreamluxAnd finally if you found this post helpful I am posting today on behalf of my company Streamlux After months of hard work we ve recently released a public beta of our desktop app If you are a Twitch streamer or viewer come check out what we have in store 2021-06-01 01:24:40
海外TECH Engadget 'Knockout City' is free for new players until they reach level 25 https://www.engadget.com/knockout-city-free-trial-new-players-013016013.html?src=rss_b2c knockout 2021-06-01 01:30:16
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 年金改革ウォッチ 2021年6月号~ポイント解説:将来見通しの発射台(積立金の初期値) https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=67892?site=nli 方向性初期値の平滑化と算定基礎の見直しこのような状況を考慮して、同部会は年の将来見通しに関する報告書で、積立金が金融情勢の影響を受けやすいことが長期的な観点で財政を評価する上での攪乱要因ノイズとならないよう、積立金の初期値に平滑化した値を用いるなどの工夫が必要だと述べている。 2021-06-01 10:55:33
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 高齢者の移動支援に何が必要か(下)~各移動サービスの役割分担と、コミュニティの変化に合わせた対応を~ https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=67891?site=nli 目次ーはじめにー地域の好事例兵庫県丹波市のデマンド式乗合タクシー市の概要新たな移動サービスの概要と導入経緯計画策定と運用におけるポイント今後の課題ー地域の好事例神奈川県秦野市のボランティア送迎市の概要新たな移動手段の概要と導入経緯計画と運用におけるポイント今後の課題ー好事例から見える示唆高齢者等の移動ニーズの把握と施策への反映交通と福祉の連携ー「幹線交通ー生活交通ー福祉交通」を実現する上での今後の課題各移動サービスの役割分担による地域交通ネットワーク全体の利便性と持続性確保一層の高齢化による利用者の属性変化に合わせた対応全庁的な対応と首長のリーダーシップも必要ー終わりに前稿「高齢者の移動支援に何が必要か上生活者目線のニーズ把握と、交通・福祉の連携を」では、地域公共交通ネットワークの再構築と維持が進まない要因として、交通事業の実施主体による移動ニーズの把握が不十分であることや、自治体の交通部局と福祉部局の連携が不足していることを挙げた。 2021-06-01 10:15:29
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 家族計画の変化に見る、新型コロナの少子化への影響(3)-将来持ちたい子の数の減少について- https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=67885?site=nli さらに、将来的に持ちたい子の数が減少した人の男女別の特徴として、女性は家事育児の負担が大きくなると、将来的に持ちたい子の数が減少するのに対して、男性は、子どもが人以上いたり、仕事量が減ったり、在宅勤務をすると、将来的に持ちたい子の数が減少する傾向が見られた。 2021-06-01 10:12:47
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles French investigators probe ex-Nissan chief Ghosn in Lebanon https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/06/01/business/corporate-business/carlos-ghosn-questioned/ French investigators probe ex Nissan chief Ghosn in LebanonThe year old faces scrutiny centering on alleged improper financial interactions with Renault Nissan s distributor in Oman among other issues 2021-06-01 10:16:51
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan to tighten border controls for travelers from Vietnam and Malaysia https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/06/01/national/vietnam-malaysia-restrictions/ Japan to tighten border controls for travelers from Vietnam and MalaysiaThe government is on high alert for a coronavirus variant identified in Vietnam thought to be a hybrid of strains first found in Britain and 2021-06-01 10:11:09
ビジネス 電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース 中国618商戦直前、ウェビナー「中国消費から考える中国ビジネスのこれから」開催(参加者募集) https://dentsu-ho.com/articles/7787 jdcom 2021-06-01 10:01:01
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 【Amazonタイムセール中!】3千円台のパソコン台や2千円台のパソコンケースなど https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/06/amazon-timesale-0601-1.html amazon 2021-06-01 10:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 晴天の支笏湖に太公望 チップ漁解禁 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/550304/ 解禁 2021-06-01 10:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 疑惑の版画、6割が偽作 専門機関鑑定で120点 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/550302/ 専門機関 2021-06-01 10:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 陸上、サニブラウンは10秒25 米国で19年以来のレース https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/550292/ 陸上 2021-06-01 10:02:35
技術ブログ Goodpatch Blog UXデザイナーのマインドセットを学ぶGoodpatch流の新卒UXデザイン研修|Blog|Goodpatch グッドパッチ https://goodpatch.com/blog/ux-training-newgrads bloggoodpatch 2021-06-01 01:03:28
海外TECH reddit The Toronto Maple Leafs have been eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs after losing to the Montréal Canadiens in 7 games https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/npikxx/the_toronto_maple_leafs_have_been_eliminated_from/ The Toronto Maple Leafs have been eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs after losing to the Montréal Canadiens in games submitted by u EliminatorBot to r hockey link comments 2021-06-01 01:33:28
ニュース THE BRIDGE Googleマイビジネス一元管理クラウド「カンリー」運営、4.6億円をシリーズA調達——累計調達額は5.3億円に http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/FEEq56LeCM0/canly-series-a-round-funding Googleマイビジネス一元管理クラウド「カンリー」運営、億円をシリーズA調達ー累計調達額は億円にチェーン展開する飲食店や小売店を対象とした、GoogleマイビジネスやSNSアカウントの一元管理サービス「カンリー」を提供するカンリー旧社名Lerettoは日、シリーズAラウンドで約億円を調達したと明らかにした。 2021-06-01 02:00:17



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