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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) bootstrapのサンプル結果が思い通りではない https://teratail.com/questions/341603?rss=all 発生している問題・エラーメッセージ思っている結果ではなくThisisHTMLBoilerplateが表示される。 2021-06-01 19:48:21
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyのhash配列のシンボルでの処理方法 https://qiita.com/nogizakapython/items/eb83cbd78651b968ff27 endシンボルのつけ方はnogizakacap秋元真夏ace齋藤飛鳥front山下美月front遠藤さくらになります。 2021-06-01 19:47:11
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AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS SQS、SNS、SES https://qiita.com/0511hideya/items/84b7ef0b03c09313e0bc このSQS設定により、有料ユーザーには優先的に処理するキューを設定し、無料ユーザーにはデフォルトのキューを利用することが可能です。 2021-06-01 19:01:16
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海外TECH DEV Community let, var & const explained. https://dev.to/shreyanshsinha/let-var-const-explained-1jf0 let var amp const explained Scope of varScope essentially means where these variables are available for use var declarations are globally scoped or function locally scoped The scope is global when a var variable is declared outside a function This means that any variable that is declared with var outside a function block is available for use in the whole window var is function scoped when it is declared within a function This means that it is available and can be accessed only within that function var variable outside function func var variable inside console log variable correctconsole log variable errorHere variable has global scope while variable has local function scope var variables can be re declared and re updated Eg var variable first correctvar variable second correctvar variable initial correctvariable final correctHoisting of varHoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before code execution Eg console log name var name shreyansh would be interpreted asvar nameconsole log name name is undefinedname shreyansh Another Example getName console log x var x function getName console log shreyansh is actually interpreted asfunction getName console log shreyansh var x getName shreyansh console log x undefinedx var variables are hoisted to the top of their scope and initialized with a value of undefined letLet is block scoped A block is a chunk of code bounded by A block lives in curly braces Anything within curly braces is a block let greeting Hello myself Shreyansh let value if value gt let hello hello everyone console log hello hello everyone console log hello hello is not definedLet can be updated but not redeclared Correct let greeting say Hi greeting say Hello instead Incorrect let greeting say Hi let greeting say Hello instead error Identifier greeting has already been declared However if the same variable is defined in different scopes there will be no error let greeting say Hi if true let greeting say Hello instead console log greeting say Hello instead console log greeting say Hi Why is there no error This is because both instances are treated as different variables since they have different scopes Hoisting of letJust like var let declarations are hoisted to the top Unlike var which is initialized as undefined the let keyword is not initialized So if you try to use a let variable before its declaration you ll get a Reference Error constLike let declarations const declarations can only be accessed within the block they were declared const cannot be updated or re declared This means that the value of a variable declared with const remains the same within its scope It cannot be updated or re declared However this is not true for objects While a const object cannot be updated the properties of these objects can be updated const greeting message say Hi times Wronggreeting words Hello number five error Assignment to constant variable Correctgreeting message say Hello instead Hoisting of constJust like let const declarations are hoisted to the top but are not initialized 2021-06-01 10:45:01
海外TECH DEV Community Mobile App Monetization: An Essential Guide https://dev.to/krowser/mobile-app-monetization-an-essential-guide-31f5 Mobile App Monetization An Essential GuideMobile app monetization is a must for most of today s mobile apps Given the sheer size of the mobile app market mobile app monetization has almost become a science in its own right with various tactics you can use not just to secure visibility to your mobile apps but also to make money out of them Unfortunately due to somewhat clogged market mobile app monetization has become very hard and you will need a lot of patience diligence knowledge and creativity to create an actionable monetization model one that brings revenue both long and short term During the last months we have worked with many people who were both successful and unsuccessful in monetizing their mobile apps Being a digital marketer myself mobile app monetization is one of the areas that shines the most when it comes to various marketing tactics Although this guide can t cover all the mobile app monetization models out there like I said it s incredibly complex it will give you enough insights to get you going so you can hopefully get the most out of your mobile apps In it you ll learn The importance of planning for mobile app monetization before development What the most popular mobile app monetization strategies are and how to put them to use How to break the barrier and think outside the box when it comes to mobile apps and games monetization Please feel free to leave questions in the comments section WHAT IS MOBILE APP MONETIZATION Mobile app monetization is the process of finding a suitable and sustainable bankable model that will help you earn money out of the mobile app you developed Unless you have been living under a rock for past couple of years you must have noticed that mobile app development has become a serious business Some mobile developers have become rich overnight and we all know what that means When something can turn you rich overnight everyone wants to do it This has quickly lead to market oversaturation Enormous amounts of money that some apps have brought to the table can trick inexperienced developers into thinking that mobile app monetization is an easy task but it s not Like I said numerous times on this blog developing something isn t where the work stops and modern developers should think like business developers This is the st century software market we re talking about Mobile app monetization is a difficult task and you should take it seriously if you want to achieve desired results Even then nobody can guarantee you success Mobile app monetization assumes that you have a clear understanding of what your app currently is and what you want it to be PLANNING BEFORE MONETIZATIONI hate it when I have to state the obvious as everyone will tell you to plan beforehand but this is something that can t be stated enough You need to have a plan Unfortunately a lot of people tend to overlook and underestimate the importance of planning Planning your mobile app monetization should be of utmost priority to you and it should be as detailed as possible Actually the plan itself should be so good that you could even monetize the plan itself if you wanted to A lot of developers fall into the trap of building first and monetizing after This is problematic as it undermines the importance of mobile app monetization planning It is important that you develop your mobile app monetization plan even before you actually start developing your app or in the early stages of development A lot of your app s core features will depend on the monetization plan and vice versa so it s important that you have that figured out I know that a lot of developers display certain disdain for this sequence of doing things thinking that it puts a lot of restraint upon them I call this bullshit The fact that you re trying to make money out of it means that you should start thinking like a business developer and that includes the dreaded marketing and planning Mobile app monetization plan means that you should Know your audience What does my app do What purpose does it serve Does anyone need this Why would anyone spend their time using my app How old are they What s their sex Age Know your competition How unique is my app Does my app make a difference What is the value I am adding and the others aren t Be honest to yourself Is my app really good Why would anyone spend money on it if there are free alternatives Why would anyone spend their money on it at all Having a plan forces you to look at the development process from another perspective It helps you decide how your app should look like and how it should function Knowing your audience will help you adapt your monetization model to their specific profile their wants and their needs Defining your target audience not only helps you develop the mobile app monetization strategy but it also allows you to market it accordingly Users not only spend their money but also Users influence others They can become ambassadors of your brand They can amplify your social media presence You will have to model your mobile app monetization strategy according to your target audience The difference in tolerance threshold when it comes to ads varies greatly across various demographic groups For example using ads is ok if you are developing a casual app aimed at teenagers but common reason alone tells you that this isn t the brightest idea to have glittery ads flying all across your serious BB app Knowing your audience and your app game will help you make easier development decisions and ultimately it should make it easier for you when you face the hardest question of all should you go free or paid PAID VS FREEDeciding whether you should go free or paid is probably the biggest mobile app monetization decision you will face It s a decision that will have profound impact on how the app behaves on the market and it influences how your app or game will behave in terms of available features As I mentioned in the previous chapter this should be an integral part of your mobile app monetization strategy and needs to be decided upon even before you really start developing your app game There are two reasons to do this Choosing the model beforehand will help you adapt your app game to the needs of the model of your choosing The mobile app monetization model you choose will have tremendous impact on the core features of your app game and will dictate the way it s used or played and developed Make your life easier and figure out the mobile app monetization strategy on time It s a two way relationship that shows just how important preparation is Each one of these model has its strengths and weaknesses and the sheer amount of available mobile app monetization models just makes the decision harder Not only is every model fundamentally different in terms of how it s used not every model fits every mobile app or game If you want to get the most out of your mobile app or game you will have to use the right monetization model for the right kind of product Disclaimer There are no strict rules regarding mobile app monetization as every app or game is unique and draws unique crowd with unique preferences and unique consumer behavior Most of monetization strategies are purely anecdotal and you should make the decision with a grain of salt You are welcome to experiment and see what works for you My oppinions laid out in this article are based on the analysis of hundreds of various mobile apps and games and while some of the strategies might not work for you they are strategies that work for most people most of the time Luckily for you this decision isn t hard as it used to be The sole reason everyone is going for the free to use business model these days Let s look at the numbers As of this day according to appshopper out of top grossing iPhone apps only eight of them are paid apps Among those seven apps only two crack the top list and only Minecraft Pocket Edition barely cracks the top The fact that most of apps and games nowadays are free to use doesn t mean that you should automatically opt for the free model True it is the most popular mobile app monetization model at the moment and it will probably remain the most popular for a very long time but paid model will not go down without a fight It s still a go to model for many apps and games especially high quality ones No matter how much momentum the free to use model gains there are still thousands and thousands of paid apps and games some of which are making serious money Don t be fooled by various top ladders While it s hard for paid apps and games to enter that company these days it s hard to enter that company in the first place even for free apps This exclusive company shouldn t be discouraging It should inspire you to join it Proceed cautiously and be smart picking the model that works the best for you CHOOSING PAIDAs I already mentioned paid apps aren t the go to model nowadays There are various reasons why this is so If you look at your average user the lifespan of average app or game is very short They often install numerous apps and games at once give it a shot get bored quickly and delete them The mobile app market has become cluttered with thousands and thousands of apps that make it hard for average developer to monetize a paid mobile app Unless your name is PewDiePie the chances of you cracking the top spot of Top Grossing Android Apps are rather slim Unless your name is PewDiePie the chances of you cracking the top spot of Top Grossing Android Apps are rather slim Source Google playSimply put users just don t want to pay money for something that they will use casually for a day or two and delete it afterwards not unless they get really high levels of utility from it While most of authors tend to call the paid model dead I disagree with this statement as there are numerous apps that prove otherwise It is true that this monetization model isn t as viable as it used to be but it s too early to call it dead The real question you should be asking yourself here isn t “is the paid model dead but “is the paid model the best model I can use to monetize my mobile app or game The answer as always is it depends If you ask me there are two questions one must have in mind when considering paid mobile app monetization model Is my mobile app providing users with enough utility Am I providing the users with a new and innovative concept that is fun and or engaging enough that they would be willing to pay for it If the answer to at least one of these two questions is YES it would be wise for you consider the paid model It doesn t mean that you should use that model but you should at least consider it First of all let s consider the pros of this model in relation to free model The biggest advantage of this model is direct revenue No unnecessary complications You develop an app put a price tag on it and reap the fruits of your labor Financially this model is very predictable making it easy to calculate the time it takes to cover the expenses The perceived value of your mobile app or game is higher You aren t bothering the users with ads and various “pay to advance models It s all there Pay and use the without distractions If it s a mobile game we are talking about especially a multiplayer based one you don t have to deal with users bitching about “OMG this game is so PW the paid crystals are so op OMG The more popular the free model becomes the less of a paid market competition you have making it easier for you to improve your ranks among other paid apps or games Bear in mind that going paid means you ll have to develop a quality product The quality of your product will be a judged a lot more than the quality of a free mobile app or game After all the users paid for finished product so it s perfectly normal that they expect it to look and behave like it s finished Their patience threshold concerning various bugs is inversely proportional to the amount of money they paid for the app or game If you re not going to make absolutely sure that the quality matches user standards don t even think about going paid Now let s see what it takes to successfully monetize a paid app First let s take a look at eight paid apps that somehow crawled their way into the top and see what do we have there Minecraft Pocket Edition You know what this isPurify Blocker Most popular premium blocker for Safari on iOSFacetune Portrait amp selfie photo editorBloons TD Tower defense gameTrivia Crack Ad Free Ad free version of a popular quiz gameGrindrXtra LGBT social networkCrystal Content blocker for iPhone amp iPadPlague Inc Strategy and simulation gameTrue this is a small sample but looking at top grossing PAID apps enables us to put things in perspective and see the bigger picture Here are some of my conclusions concerning monetization for those who wish to pursue paid model PAID IS GREAT FOR MOBILE GAMESPaid model goes relatively well with mobile games especially mobile ports of big name PC or console games It is a good monetization option to consider if you are developing a high quality mobile game that provides players with quality bug free gameplay and content that most of other mobile games can t provide This is a suitable monetization mode for serious games or just for games that offer an innovative concept to the player Since developing such games usually takes a lot more time effort and resources going paid is a good way to recoup the losses It s not a good monetization strategy to use with casual games as they are called “casual for a reason and an average casual player isn t really too keen on paying for a game that will most likely be deleted in two days Also various free to play monetization tactics are better when it comes to casual games but I ll talk about that later It enables ad free complete gameplay that is mandatory for a game that takes itself seriously Imagine playing Silent Hill and having ads popping out every couple of minutes That wouldn t be so fun and scary don t you agree If the game you are developing is being played just for fun or for a quick time killing having paid content and or ads isn t so bothersome for the casual player Again as I mentioned before this is a decision you will have to make by yourself but if you are looking to develop an immersive quality game that offers exceptional GAMING experience going paid seems like a good decision Top grossing paid games for Android Note how most of these games offer extended and high quality gameplay with various features not found in free mobile games Top grossing paid games for Android Note how most of these games offer extended and high quality gameplay with various features not found in free mobile games Source Google playTEST TEST TEST TALK TALK TALK In case you decide going paid absolutely make sure your app works exceptionally well and is well tested as there is no room for errors and bugs Compared to free apps and games paid ones are much more review dependent meaning that your paid app or game will be judged by the reviews more than apps and games that are free to use Make sure do everything it takes to get the best possible reviews Also make sure to talk to your audience Answer their complaints Acknowledge their praises Create a culture where the users know that you are listening to them and that you are willing to admit and correct your mistakes If someone downloads a free app and finds it shitty he has relatively low incentive to write a review because it was free so who cares right If someone pays for an app and finds it shitty expect a shitstorm of biblical proportions to be heading your way Free app developers do get second chances Paid app developers don t Remember the users are ambassadors of your app game Treat them that way PUT A LOT OF EFFORT IN PROMOTIONMake sure to provide them with as much valuable material as possible Include attractive screenshots vivid descriptions gameplay footages etc If you expect users to pay in advance at least make their decision easier Work on your promotion You should provide users with as much relevant and valuable information as possible Put that limited amount of space to best use for promotion Not a lot of users decide to spend money on apps and games compared to free variations and they will make sure to gather as much information as they can Go out there and help them MAKE SURE THAT PAID MODEL IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST MODEL IF YOU RE DEVELOPING A SOCIAL APPBe careful when developing social apps as the paid app strategy isn t the best you can use when dealing with this kind of apps It does work pretty well with social apps that aim at specific target niche group but that s the only case of paid model being good model for paid apps that I can think of Let s say you are developing an app aimed for Harley Davidson owners Yeah sure you could charge for that Maybe you are developing an app that only rich kids or fishermen will use Charging for the app would be a good idea You are targeting a specific group here a group that expects a good value for money so as always make sure to provide them with specialized and relevant content in case you decide to go paid Specific target groups expect specific utility from your social app so in order to make them pay use that to your advantage and include features that other social apps don t have If there is a reason for them to pay for a social app that they will benefit from professionally for example they will trust me Let s say you are developing a social app targeting hunters for a group that gives big amount of cash for various tools that make hunting easier and more enjoyable paying for a social app that connects them with other hunters and provides them with relevant content is a bargain Specific target groups that benefit greatly from specific features of your apps will pay but bear in mind that most of social apps rely on monetizing large numbers of users So if your goal is to develop new Instagram don t even think about going paid Choose free instead BB APPS AND PAID MODEL FIT LIKE A GLOVEIf you are developing some kind of a BB app paid is usually the way to go especially if it s a niche BB app we re talking about Almost all if not all of its users will use it ease or improve their own business and they won t be counting every penny nor do they have time or patience to fuck around with various ads and payment options Keep it simple keep it useful and keep it relevant PAID MODEL USUALLY ISN T THE BEST FOR BEGINNERSIf you are just starting out paid model probably isn t the best for you as modern users are suspicious about new developers on top of being reluctant to spend money That being said if you are sure that your app or game has potential and is going to be high in quality feel free to go paid but for the most part new and inexperienced developers should make their apps and games free and pursue some other mobile app monetization options Once your name gains some weight to it it will be easier for you to go paid as your name will start selling itself CHOOSING FREEAs I already discussed going free is the go to mobile app monetization model for most developers In a world where well everyone has a smartphone apps have become a sort of fast moving consumer goods so it s not surprising that most of the users just don t want to paid for something that they use casually or something that can easily be replaced with a free alternative Consider this why would anyone want to pay for your flashlight application even if it costs just cent if they can get one for free What Your flashlight app is ad free Don t make me laugh See as I mentioned before it s all about the kind of content you re offering and the amount of utility users are getting from it If the app they are downloading is used for fun like an app that mimics the sounds of guns being fired the users aren t likely to be bothered by various ads The same goes for ultra casual games which they play just to kill some time If you plan on developing a casual Tetris rip off monetizing it by putting a price tag on it isn t the best idea Sure you could get a download or two but the majority of users don t get the level of utility needed to make them pay nor do they seem to be bothered by ads or paid content in games such as this As a general rule of thumb if you are aiming at casual heterogeneous userbase go free Now that we have that figured out let s see what “going free actually means Going free is one of the two most popular mobile app monetization models out there First model the paid model is a natural model of monetizing stuff and has been discussed in the previous chapter Rather paradoxically the most popular way of making money out of mobile apps and games is to make them free Going free means to offer your app or game for free and then use certain strategies to make money out of it Here is where the fun starts The sheer amount of variations can sometimes be overwhelming but I ll try to cover the basic and most popular ones FREEMIUMFreemium mobile app monetization model is based on offering apps and games for free but charging for certain features Users have access to basic app s and game s features but in order to access all of the features they have to pay Now what do we mean by “accessing all the features Well that varies drastically from one app game to another Some apps and games just offer a slight glimpse of its possibilities and charge for almost anything Other apps and games charge just for particular cosmetic content Some apps especially games offer everything for free provided that you grind meticulously enough Candy crush saga freemium mobile app monetizationCandy Crush Saga is a perfect example of how freemium model is executed You are free to play the game and you can finish it without spending a dime but you can purchase various powerups additional lives and similar At this point freemium is the king and seems to be the most popular mobile app monetization option worldwide The reason is simple casual users gamers get their share of casual usage and those who are in need of higher amounts of utility well they pay for it If there was a certain mobile app monetization model I d advise you to stick to freemium would be that model Before you decide to go freemium make sure that you realize that freemium isn t a goldmine Developing an app and blindly deciding to charge for some features isn t how freemium is supposed to be done Quality freemium mobile app monetization as any other monetization model requires you to think of a strategy and stick to it Again there are no monetization models that allow you to sit back do nothing and watch your bank account skyrocket If you think such a model exists I think you should stop doing this before it s too late To successfully launch a freemium monetization model you should fine tune your app or game in a way that you find a right balance of free and paid content Put too little free content and you ll have a hard time convincing the users to buy premium content Put too much free content and most of them will see the value of paid content as negligible and you won t earn anything There are couple of options you can chew over if you decide to go freemium •If you are aiming at making a social app for heterogeneous userbase your revenue will most likely depend on its size I would advise you make all the basic features free to use and leave premium only for those features that serve as cosmetic features Let s say you are making a photo sharing social app Leave all the basic functions free but charge for content such as having custom visual templates or something like that The main obstacle you ll be facing here though isn t the monetization model itself it s pretty straightforward but your ability to draw a large enough userbase Good luck with that •Don t overdo it If you ever downloaded a freemium game you know just how frustrating it can be if the game requires you to pay for every life star candy mushroom or whatever you collect in the game Sure Candy Crush is doing the same and they are doing just fine but let s be honest here you are not making a new Candy Crush game Try to find a good balance between various elements Don t charge for every single breath they take while playing your game Make it challenging and engaging enough that it encourages casual play but requires payment for those who want to spend more than or whatever minutes with it •If you are making a mobile game please avoid the “pay to win model meaning you should avoid the kind of monetization that makes your game beatable only if you pay for certain features items etc It s true that there are some players willing to spend large amounts of money just to beat a game or be better than others if the game is multiplayer but they are not really so common On top of that once players place a “PW label on your game it s almost impossible to shake it off That usually results in huge drop of player experience and leads to drop in active playerbase Instead of going PW make all necessary features obtainable with enough grinding but offer a chance to pay for them if players don t want to spend time grinding As for various cosmetic improvements and features put a price tag on them as they are not an integral part of user experience IN APP ADVERTISINGFor the last few years freemium mobile app monetization model has been extremely popular and it rightfully remains so In App Advertising comes in as a close second What In App Advertising does is that it removes the price tag from your mobile app or game thus making it free to use The monetization part consists of you making income through various ads being displayed to users using your app or playing your game The ads are usually for other apps and games This model is popular as it is fairly simpe to set up and use Also this is one of the safest and easiest methods to generate revenue as mobile apps and games are a perfect way to collect enormous amounts of user data making the ads very effective On the other hand apps and games that use in app advertising are among most popular as they usually offer all features for free at the cost of rather small nuisance that ads are Compared to freemium model that gives you free gameplay but charges for extra lives in case you want to play some more or you can wait for hours for your life to replenish in app ad monetization model works like a glove as it gives you unlimited gameplay in exchange for a few ads That s what I call a bargain Personally I believe that this model is going to be the most popular model BY FAR in the near future especially as the advertising part gets more subtle and better integrated Like with other mobile app monetization models in app advertising is not a goldmine True it s simple it s popular but it s not a goldmine It s usability and effectiveness depends on various factors such as active userbase how engaging the apps are and how many ads are displayed during a session Here are some general tips regarding the in app ad monetization model •Make sure that the ads displayed are as relevant to the user as possible Let s be honest here people don t like advertisement If they really have to go through advertisement help them by making sure that the ads they are getting are relevant Nobody wants to play a medievalesque RPG running around slaying demons while being shown ads for prostate pills So unless you want your app game to become tiresome really fast make them relevant •Choose the ad placement and timing wisely The ads shouldn t be placed in a matter that they are too distracting especially if it s a game we are talking about You don t want ads to interrupt users players when they really don t want to be interrupted Basically you ll have to take care of WHERE and WHEN do you place ads both of whom are equally important There is no specific answer to this question as it depends on the features and layout of the app game If you re developing a mobile game try to display ads during the completion of a certain level quest during “game over screen during saving game or similar game elements that don t have to do a lot with the gameplay itself Try to avoid ads being displayed during the gameplay because it can alter the gameplay experience so hard that you risk losing playerbase due to your game being overly irritating •The more user data you can gather the more effective the ads will be This is especially true for social apps as they usually require specific user data in order to register and use the app itself User data can be collected in mobile games as well but not as easy and precise as in case with mobile apps By collecting relevant user data it s easier for the ads to target specific audience thus making them more effective •In app in game advertisement works wonders for both microapps games and large complex games apps This may seem paradoxical at first but think about it If we are talking about microapps such as flashlight apps or microgames such as Flappy Bird ads are basically your only source of income Your app or game isn t complex enough that people would pay for it well Flappy Bird was an exception but you get the deal nor do they have enough complex features to make them freemium In case with microgames this is especially true Microgames are usually fast paced with player restarting a lot and dying a lot The game over screen shown so often in microgames is a perfect place to place ads as they are not tiresome nor do they alter gameplay in any way Large complex apps are another case of ad friendliness This requires a good marketing strategy though Going free allows you to reach large audience who will be more than willing to use your app play your game for free This requires a lot of tinkering as the costs of development are probably very big but if used smart and subtle a lot of ads can be placed inside apps and games without driving users away Flappy Birds monetizationFlappy Bird this microgame classic is a great example of a game worth displaying ads in Players will die A lot Why not display some ads during the game over screen OK WHAT DO I DO In case you read the whole damn article thinking “when is he finally going to shut up and tell me what to do I m very sorry but there are only two answers I can give you and none of them will be really satisfactory as you heard them before I don t knowIt dependsI guess these weren t exactly the kind of answers you wanted to see but that s the only honest answer I can give Anyone saying otherwise is either a mobile app monetization god or a liar The sole purpose of this giant ass article was to explore some of the most popular methods of monetization in order to get a grasp of turning lines of code into cash While I am no developer I am marketer who for the purpose of this article analyzed countless of various mobile apps and games and this is what I have learned The more I explored the more I started to realize that there is no such thing as the universal approach as not every app and game is the same They all have serve different purposes and have distinct features that make some monetization models suitable and some utterly useless You can use this guide as a source of valuable information and you will probably do good as it analyzes what the most successful mobile games and apps used as their go to monetization model But if you truly wish to reach the highest levels of monetization you will need to sit your ass down and think What does my app bring to the table Am I copying someone Is someone copying me Are these features revolutionary Who is my audience How much money do they make Will they pay Are they going to crush their smartphones at the first sight of ads popping out Are they crazy enough to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars for additional wheat in my cute farming simulation Do I have to have ads Maybe I can put the “donate button Are ads really the best solution for my soon to go viral micro game Am I working on this alone Are there other people working for me Can I afford to risk These are just some of the questions you will have ask yourself even before you type the first line of code Choosing the right mobile app monetization strategy for your mobile app or game requires such a relativistic answer that it s simply impossible to provide a unified monetization strategy No matter what I tell you to do you will still need to adapt your mobile app monetization strategy to the specific attributes of your app game Think about your users Become an user and learn how to think like a user Now how do you get out the most of them How to make them pay From my perspective I d like everything to be free to use But you shouldn t give a shit about me I am your user so what Sure we all like solidarity If you are a gamer you know how irritating monetization can sometimes be But you are not a gamer now You are an developer Maybe you have mortgage Maybe you recently got married and need to pay for the ceremony Gamer solidarity won t feed your kids you will so stop giving things for free Just stop it It is possible to provide good user gamer experience while making money out of it You just have to think You don t have to be a scumbag developer to feed your kids the same way you don t have to rob banks to feed your kids You just have to think Think about core functions of your apps Does your app game depend on large numbers of users players Think about how you can make the users recommend it to their friends Maybe luck plays important role in deciding whether people can pass a certain level in your game How about including some paid power ups to help those who aren t patient or lucky enough Find their weak spot If you aren t content with acting like a predator you are probably not too interested in making a living selling mobile apps and games Yes you should act like a predator and that s perfectly ok Just don t make the users think that you are trying to rip their guts off don t try to rip them off in the first place The only way of keeping both sides satisfied is to act like a predator with silk gloves The more time and effort you put into it the less you can afford to act like a “good guy It s easy to say that gameplay matters when you are a gamer but if you are employing developers each of whom requires a hefty sum you will have to do whatever it takes to get them paid That s what being a predator is all about It doesn t mean you should use scumbag tactics it means you should be as tactful prudent and wise as possible to ensure long term returns Successful mobile app monetization means you should Know and analyze your audienceProvide valuable content and experienceKeep them satisfiedReward them for investing timeDon t ruin their user experienceUse monetization that provides value to usersDon t rip them offIf you succeed at this I have absolutely no doubts that your mobile app or game is going to be successful Congratulations you made it and I am happy for you WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD As I have highlighted numerous times throughout this article paid apps aren t in the best sport right now and that s likely to continue during next couple of years However I do think that paid apps and games are poised for a comeback It s not going to be big enough to make paid apps and games reach the headlines but I do think that users are slowly beginning to realize that free apps and games are usually costing them much more than paid apps although that cost adds over time and isn t visible at first This has a lot to do with various scumbag monetization models out on the market True these models are popular for a reason but their effectiveness depends on general level of computer and Internet literacy that is unfortunately still quite low As the time goes on this won t be the case The industry is slowly running out of various scumbag tactics which if you ask me is a good thing This will rebuild the trust in the industry The image of mobile app and game industry as money grabbing scumbags has gone too far While I don t care what that means for casual games and apps it has most certainly made some developers quit on interesting ideas due to fear of not making enough money to cover the costs of development The less popular various scumbag tactics are the higher the content quality has to be in order to draw audience to it and I don t need to explain why this is a good thing While I don t think that paid mobile apps and games will ever again be a dominant force they used to be I do think that we are approaching the end of a scumbag era and that s wonderful Free model is here to stay which isn t a bad thing since it seems that most of the free monetization tactics seem to favor the production of good and useful content that is monetized using subtle and often useful from user s perspective monetization technique 2021-06-01 10:40:59
海外TECH DEV Community Copy and Paste Emoji ✂ 👍 https://dev.to/emojipedia/copy-and-paste-emoji-4kk3 Copy and Paste Emoji Are you looking for emoji symbols you could copy and paste to another website or appOnline ️Emoji Keyboard for PC tablets and smartphones Copy and paste every emoji with no apps requiredEmojis are supported on iOS Android macOS Windows Linux and ChromeOS Copy and paste emojis for Twitter Facebook Slack Instagram Snapchat Slack GitHub Instagram WhatsApp and more Our new mobile friendly web app provides a simple beautiful copy and paste emoji keyboard interface WITH search and auto copy technology What are Emoji and where are these used Emoji are emoticons smileys and ideograms used to express emotions in websites or electronic messages With the use of them users convey a certain emotion which creates an emotional impact for the receiver These characters or images are very popular on social media websites and messaging apps like Instagram Facebook Twitter Google Hangouts Snapchat iMessage Whatsapp and others You can also notice emojis used on Snapchat Trophies Currently Emoji symbols are supported on all major platforms including OS X iOS Windows and Android What is Copy amp Paste Emoji service Originated from Japan now Emoji symbols are popular in all major operating systems social websites and messaging apps Each Emoji has the same code and meaning however visual appearance can vary by platform We know some websites and apps support Emojis however users are not provided with Emoji keyboard to easily use them on their systems What is more have you ever needed Emoji for PC That is the problem we are trying to solve with our website We have collected all Emoji symbols in one place for you to easily copy and paste them wherever you want What is an Emoji Emoji is a digital symbol that is used mostly in electronic conversation to send feelings emotions or ideas Emoji was initially discovered in Japan The Shigetaka Kurita realized that there were some missing elements of human emotions and feelings that are not expressed with letters and numbers in text messages Shigetaka Kurita took inspirations from a weather report then he created initially symbols He called that new creation an Emoji Emoji means picture and Moji means characters He was released that emojis in mobile phone companies NTT Docomo in Emoji is used to represent the facial expression ideas and feelings Now Emoji used in every social media platform and emoji makes communication better than text An emoji is a visual representation of an emotion object or symbol Emoji can are in modern communication apps such as your smartphone s text messaging or social networking apps such as Facebook Instagram Twitter and Snapchat To access your library of emoticons in any app tap the smiley face icon on the keyboard This will reveal a library of emoticons organized into categories On iOS your most recently used emoticons are displayed followed by emotive images animals creatures food sports activities motor vehicles technology equipment hearts symbols and flags The categorization is a bit convoluted and not well organized Often it might be difficult to find an emoticon you want Apple promises to make this easier in the next version of iOS by activating words into emotions by just tapping them 2021-06-01 10:33:10
海外TECH DEV Community Free Flutter Templates 2021 https://dev.to/pablonax/free-flutter-templates-2021-2hm0 Free Flutter Templates In this article you will finally find your BFF s And by BFF I mean the Best Free Flutter Templates of course Enjoy it and write in the comments which ones you liked the most Personally my favorite is the Tip Calculator Template Restaurant App UI KIT Flutter template appI like to read reviews before going to a restaurant or read the menu in advance This is a very useful feature in modern reality because you will definitely never make a mistake This kit can be used to create applications faster to save your time There is nothing unnecessary in this template the code is completely clean The template is easy to customize you can change the objects as you require Also the template is created in a dark and light style which has become the most relevant recently among all applications   Swiggy Restaurant APP UI Kit template appAnother useful app that brings restaurants closer to consumers When the Cavid pandemic began the titans of the delivery services stood up to protect psychological health and the national economy So this Flutter template can also be your savior with it you will save time because you won t have to create everything from scratch There are more than screens in this set that you can easily customize as you want A clean code and a detailed description will allow you to understand the structure of this template even if you don t have any knowledge in the field of coding   Flutter Folio mobile ios android desktop windows macos linux web template appThis is not just a template it is a template for getting experience in working with Flutter If you are a beginner Flutter developer or designer then this will be a great opportunity to try Flutter as a tool This application works for all operating systems and it is very easy to install so that any user can handle it You can train yourself in creating a website fill your hand and then send the link to your friends or family Gif Finder Using GIPHY API template appGif is a bitmap format for graphic images Gif finder is a convenient way to search for images Sometimes ordinary emojis are not enough to express your emotions and then GIFs come for help This format for transmitting emotions humor or just cute pictures with cats has become so popular that now with this template you can put the search for GIFs in your own messenger Flutter Travel App Concept This template is appropriate for any operating system therefore using this template is as easy as booking a hotel room But we remind you that to work with Flutter templates you need some knowledge in the field of programming In order to use this template properly you need to have a good understanding of Dart Flutter Task Planner App DesignAfter long holidays or just some failures it is always difficult to start active work There are several motivational theories to beat procrastination but I believe that the most effective solution is the user friendly Task Planner App With this app it s possible to view schedule and manage tasks as well as see projects that are being worked on The nice color palette of this design perfectly copes with its task it pleases the eye but does not distract from the really important things Be careful this is only a design No backend Flutter eBook AppUseful reading reading good books expands a person s horizons enriches his inner world makes him smarter and has a positive effect on memory Reading books increases a person s vocabulary contributes to the development of clearer thinking which allows you to formulate and express thoughts more lucidly It also has a great effect on the sense of humor which in the modern world is put on a par with the ability to communicate So that s why applications for reading books are most relevant in today s reading society Apps like Apple Books Amazon Kindle or Bookmate have been on the market for a long time and show excellent results This template is in no way less than the book giants Everything brilliant is quite simple Like this template There is nothing superfluous in the interface Books are downloaded from public domain sources Users of the app can read online or download books to use the app for example in flight The app also has a dark mode to make it easier to read at night   Flutter Tip Calculator App Source CodeIf you often go to restaurants with friends then you are probably tired of the frequent calculation of tips for a general check It is for this case that the tip calculator template was developed Very simple fast and most importantly convenient FlutterFoodybiteFor gastronomic aesthetes an application template for finding restaurants and cafes has been developed Using the function of division into categories you can easily find something that will suit your taste Bon Appetit FlutterFurnitureAppUIThere is such a science as ergonomics this is the science of convenience about the organization of the working space for a comfortable and effective work of the employee based on the physical and psychological characteristics of the human body In today s world of freelancing and distance learning ergonomics is becoming a part of everyone s life After all it is very important that your workspace meets all the requirements of this science Therefore not only the furniture should be comfortable but also the application for its purchase This template is made extremely comfortable With a little knowledge of the Dart language you can easily customize this template and make a quality product for your consumer FlutterGrocery ShoppingAppUIGrocery stores have long migrated to the web Instead of hauling heavy bags home it s much easier to order a delivery And also just don t create the app yourself from scratch but use a template Moreover the author of this template reports that only a couple of fingers are needed for successful use Flutter login kitSometimes one finished piece of work can make life much easier So I recommend you take a closer look at this login template In a ready made application the login is the first thing the user sees so you can t make a mistake here Trust the professionals and ready made solutions to your problems  FLUTTER TODO APPThis application is perfect for everyone who does not sit on the neck of their parents and earns honest work The built in calendar lets you schedule events set reminders and make you more efficient day to day If you are concerned about the issue of procrastination in the world and you want to create your own convenient application for tracking tasks then this is your choice  FLUTTER NEWS MOBILE APPNews doesn t stay fresh for long That is why you need an app that will keep the whole world in the center of events Whether it s sports news politics or just a forecast of an impending storm In today s world it is important to be one step ahead And with this template you will be one step ahead of your competitors After all while they are developing their app your app is already working for you  Flutter movies appWhat movie should I watch tonight It s not on Netflix and it s not on HBO So everything will be in your own streaming service E commerce Complete Flutter UIProbably everyone has ever thought of creating their own brand or clothing store so that they no longer spend hours looking for the perfect pair of trousers in the shopping center But not many people succeeded But if you are one of those lucky ones then you probably need a stylish and user friendly e commerce app I strongly recommend that you use this template to start active sales as soon as possible Flutter ecommerce appAnother awesome free and very beautiful template for an ecommerce app Bright colors are perfectly complemented by a white background on which any thing will look even more attractive E commerce App UI FlutterEveryone can sell products but not everyone can do it nicely This template is made quite original Here everything is taken into account so as to show the product at the right angle The main feature of this template is that the background of each product favorably emphasizes the color and texture of the product itself Flutter firebase shopping appThis is the most versatile template for e commerce With this template you can sell anything from club T shirts to car parts The concise design does not distract with flashy colors or pictures from the products so that the customer can easily navigate in the app This template is for those who know what they need Flutter Blog AppGreen in psychology today means growth development prosperity stability new beginnings Therefore it is perfectly suitable for the design of a blog application Learn new things live long and prosper 2021-06-01 10:26:40
海外TECH DEV Community A Deep Dive Into Kubernetes Schema Validation https://dev.to/datreeio/a-deep-dive-into-kubernetes-schema-validation-39ll A Deep Dive Into Kubernetes Schema Validation Why run schema validation How do you ensure the stability of your Kubernetes clusters How do you know that your manifests are syntactically valid Are you sure you don t have any invalid data types Are any mandatory fields missing Most often we only become aware of these misconfigurations at the worst time when trying to deploy the new manifests Specialized tools and a “shift left approach make it possible to verify a Kubernetes schema before they re applied to a cluster In this article I ll address how you can avoid misconfigurations and which tools are best to use TL DRRunning schema validation tests is important and the sooner the better If all machines local developers environment CI etc have access to your Kubernetes cluster run kubectl dry run in server mode on every code change If this isn t possible and you want to perform schema validation tests offline use kubeconform together with a policy enforcement tool to have optimal validation coverage Available toolsVerifying the state of Kubernetes manifests may seem like a trivial task because the Kubernetes CLI kubectl has the ability to verify resources before they re applied to a cluster You can verify the schema by using the dry run flag dry run client server when specifying the kubectl create or kubectl apply commands which will perform the validation without applying Kubernetes resources to the cluster But I can assure you that it s actually more complex A running Kubernetes cluster is required to obtain the schema for the set of resources being validated So when incorporating manifest verification into a CI process you must also manage connectivity and credentials to perform the validation This becomes even more challenging when dealing with multiple microservices in several environments prod dev etc Kubeval and kubeconform are command line tools that were developed with the intent to validate Kubernetes manifests without the requirement of having a running Kubernetes environment Because kubeconform is based on kubeval they operate similarly ーverification is performed against pre generated JSON schemas that are created from the OpenAPI specifications swagger json for each particular Kubernetes version All that remains to run the schema validation tests is to point the tool executable to a single manifest directory or pattern Comparingkubevalkubeconformkubectl dry run in client modekubectl dry run in server modeNow that we covered the tools that are available for Kubernetes schema validation let s compare some core abilities misconfigurations coverage speed test different versions support CRD support and docs Misconfigurations coverageI donned my QA hat and generated some basic Kubernetes manifest files with some intended misconfigurations and then ran it against all four tools Misconfig Toolkubeval kubeconformkubectl dry run in client modekubectl dry run in server modeAPI deprecationCaughtCaughtCaughtInvalid kind valueCaughtDidn t catchCaughtInvalid label valueDidn t catchDidn t catchCaughtInvalid protocol typeCaughtDidn t catchCaughtInvalid spec keyCaughtCaughtCaughtMissing imageDidn t catchDidn t catchCaughtWrong Ks indentationCaughtCaughtCaughtConclusion Running kubectl dry run in server mode caught all misconfigurations while kubeval kubeconform missed two of them It s also interesting to see that running kubectl dry run in client mode is almost useless because it s missing some obvious misconfigurations and also requires a connection to a running Kubernetes environment Benchmark speed testI used hyperfine to benchmark the execution time of each tool First I ran it against all the files with misconfigurations seven files in total and then I ran it against Kubernetes files all the files contain the same config Results for running the tools against seven files with different Kubernetes schema misconfigurations Results for running the tools against files with valid Kubernetes schemas Conclusion We can see that while kubeconform kubeval and kubectl dry run client are providing fast results on both tests while kubectl dry run server is working slower especially when it needs to evaluate files ー seconds for generating a result is still a good outcome in my opinion Kubernetes versions supportBoth kubeval and kubeconform accept the Kubernetes schema version as a flag Although both tools are similar as mentioned kubeconfrom is based on kubeval one of the key differences between them is that each tool relies on its own set of pre generated JSON schemas Kubeval instrumenta kubernetes json schema last commit f on April Kubeconform yannh kubernetes json schema last commit af on May As of today May kubeval only supports Kubernetes schema versions up to while kubeconform supports the latest Kubernetes schema available today ー With kubectl it s a little bit trickier I don t know which version of kubectl introduced the dry run but I tried it with Kubernetes version and it still worked so I know it s available in Kubernetes versions The variety of Kubernetes schemas support is especially important if you want to migrate to a new Kubernetes version With kubeval and kubeconform you can set the version and start the process of evaluating which configurations must be changed to support the cluster upgrade Conclusion The fact that kubeconform has all the schemas for all the different Kubernetes versions available ーand also doesn t require minikube setup as kubectl does ーmakes it a superior tool when comparing these capabilities to its alternatives Other things to considerCustom Resource Definition CRD supportBoth kubectl dry run and kubeconform support resource type CRD while kubeval does not According to kubeval docs you can pass a flag to kubeval to ignore missing schemas so it will not fail when testing a bunch of manifests for which only some are resource type CRD Documentation Kubeval is a more popular project than kubeconform and therefore its community and documentation are more extensive Kubeconform doesn t have official docs but it does have a well written README file that explains pretty well its capabilities The interesting part is that although Kubernetes native tools like kubectl are usually well documented it was really hard to find the necessary information needed to understand how the dry run flag actually works and its limitations Conclusion Although it s not as famous as kubeval the CRD support and good enough documentation make kubeconform the winner in my opinion Comparison summaryItem Toolkubevalkubeconformdry run clientdry run serverMisconfigurations coverage Benchmark speed test Kubernetes versions support CRD support Documentation Now that you know the pros and cons associated with each tool here are some best practices for how to best leverage them within your Kubernetes production scale development flow Strategies for validating Kubernetes schema using these tools️Shift left When possible the best setup is if you can run kubectl dry run server on every code change but you probably can t do it because you can t allow every developer or CI machine in your organization to have a connection to your cluster So the second best effort is to run kubeconform Because kubeconform doesn t cover all common misconfigurations it s recommended to run it with a policy enforcement tool on every code change to fill the coverage gap Buy vs build If you enjoy the engineering overhead then kubeconform conftest is a great combination of tools to get good coverage Alternatively there are tools that can provide you with an out of the box experience to help you save time and resources such as Datree whose schema validation is powered by kubeconform During the CD step it shouldn t be a problem to have a connection with your cluster so you should always run kubectl dry run server before deploying your new code changes Another option for using kubectl dry run in server mode without having a connection to your Kubernetes environment is to run minikube kubectl dry run server The downside of this hack is that it s also required to set up the minikube cluster like prod same volumes namespace etc or you ll encounter errors when trying to validate your Kubernetes manifests GRATITUDEThank you to Yann Hamon for creating kubeconform it s awesome This article wouldn t be possible without you Thank you for all of your guidance All the schemas validation tests performed against Kubernetes version  Because kubeconform is based on kubeval they provide the same result and run them against the files with the misconfigurations kubectl is one tool but each mode client or server produces a different result as you can see from the table Server mode didn t mark the file as valid exit code but the error message is wrong Kind pod doesn t support dry run All benchmark test performed on my MacBook Pro with a GHz Quad Core Intel Core i processor Disclaimer self promotion here 2021-06-01 10:24:16
海外TECH DEV Community Do you have a YouTube channel? If so share it here https://dev.to/bobbyiliev/do-you-have-a-youtube-channel-if-so-share-it-here-5f82 Do you have a YouTube channel If so share it hereDo you have a YouTube channel Please share a link to it here so that we all can see it and watch some of your videos Thank you I will start Here is the link to my channel Feel free to share your feedback 2021-06-01 10:18:48
海外TECH DEV Community I made 100 more CSS loaders for your next project https://dev.to/afif/i-made-100-more-css-loaders-for-your-next-project-4ioa I made more CSS loaders for your next projectnot not but Yes a new collection and a total of CSS loaders This time I am going to rely on more elements to create the loaders No I am joking still only one lt div gt per loader nothing more PS I wanted to make it clear that all what I am sharing is my own work done from scratch It s not a listing of other people works it s not a collection of CSS loaders picked from different places I only share what I have done To be used for free of course Let s go Table of contentThe Classic IIIThe Dots IIIThe Hypnotic IIThe Bars IIThe Spinner IIIThe Dots vs The BarsThe NatureThe TimeThe Shapes IIIThe HungryThe DiscordThe Ben The Classic III The Dots III The Hypnotic II The Bars II The Spinner IIIThe last spinner is detailed in a Stack Overflow answer I gave The Dots vs The BarsThey start as friends but To be continued The Nature The Time The Shapes III The Hungry The DiscordSomeone challenged me so I had to do it It s not a perfect replicate but close enough The BenA last one for the fun I added a click handler to avoid the spoils Click and wait until the end A small joke to remind you that even if you use a loader your website need to be fast and yes Ben is done with pure CSS I am not using any image I know it s crazy That s it I hope you enjoyed this rd collection If you want more don t forget to If you have some funny or crazy ideas of loaders you want me to do leave a comment I don t do only loaders if you want more fun more underline overlay animations The upgraded CSS collection Temani Afif・Apr ・ min read css webdev beginners codepen 2021-06-01 10:15:30
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python (Part 2.1: Python strings) https://dev.to/lorenzofelletti/how-to-build-a-regex-engine-in-python-39a2 How to Build a RegEx Engine in Python Part Python strings IntroPrevious episodes recap We want to build a RegEx Engine In the first episode we briefly spoke about the grammar we want to recognize In the second episode we built the lexer the first of three components we need the others are the parser and finally the engine This episode is kind of a spin off as it isn t much centered on the RegEx itself as we will explore Python strings using the project just as an excuse to learn something new Dear Py thonAaagh…Python strings…The problem with what we created so far is that a string in Python by default treats the as an escape Thus in our implementation the lexer can t read then the following character and finally decide the meaning of it For example if we escape for whatever reason the letter c we will get the correct output an ElementToken with char field c but for the wrong reason But if we escape the escape character writing we will note an unexpected behavior The scanned tokens vs the expected ones The hole between b and c is a t while we wanted a The scanned tokens vs the expected ones The hole between b and c is a t while we wanted a Why is this happening Is there a bug in the Lexer implementation we have done so far The answer is no there s no bug in the implementation The problem is that Python escaped the escape character for us so our lexer read as one character a backslash and our lexer will escape the next character But this is not the behavior we wanted We wanted to escape a backslash not the character following the escaped backslash Luckily it is not difficult to fix this behavior and we have at least two ways to do this First WayThe first way is to simply pass the lexer a raw string instead of a string To do this it is sufficient to prefix the string with an r lexer scan r ab tc Doing this way unfortunately the user must remember to pass a raw string instead of a string to the lexer whenever needed Second WayThe problem with the first solution is that the user may forget about this particular and his regex will show unexpected behavior Maybe we should prevent it and automatically and always interpret the string as raw thus preventing this strange behavior to ever happen To achieve this we should build a function that “convert our string representation to raw and call it right away before the lexer does any processing To do that we should do something like this def str to raw s raw map r b r a r f r n r r r t r v return r join i if ord i gt else raw map get ord i i for i in s In this way the passed regex is “converted“to a raw string and interpreted as raw The problem with this approach is that it is extremely hacky as you should extend raw map to include every possible escape sequence This solution would be very specific on the particular Python implementation something you should generally avoid whenever possible ConclusionThe first solution is most likely the one you want because of how hacky the second is but you re free to implement the solution you prefer or find a better one on your own Resources How to create raw string from string variable in python ーStack Overflow ーStack OverflowCover by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash 2021-06-01 10:12:16
海外TECH DEV Community Create a sticky aside in pur CSS https://dev.to/clementgaudiniere/create-a-sticky-aside-in-pur-css-3e3h Create a sticky aside in pur CSSHello everyone today I propose you a tutorial to realize a sticky lt aside gt only in CSS that is to say without javascript or other framework Aside tags allow you to present something next to another element such as an article In our example the aside will present the author of the article To do this we will use a property that is not widely used and underestimated in CSS the position sticky You re ready to go Let s codeTo begin we will set up our HTML In our example I decided to add a header to show the flexibility of the technique The page content is between the lt main gt tags the article is between the lt article gt tags finally the aside is between the lt aside gt tags You see HTML contains a very wide variety of useful tags which are often replaced by lt div gt with different classes So our HTML base looks like this lt header gt lt span gt LOGO lt span gt lt header gt lt main gt lt article gt lt Content of the article gt lt h gt Title lt h gt lt p gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Nam consequat mi non ultricies interdum erat neque pharetra nisi a tempus nunc risus quis ex In hac habitasse platea dictumst Cras nisl ligula malesuada sed facilisis eu tincidunt in libero Integer tempor malesuada justo non fermentum ante vehicula sed Nunc sagittis porttitor nunc Etiam dictum consectetur facilisis Maecenas ex nisl ullamcorper rutrum mattis vitae aliquet id erat Cras pretium mi vel ultrices sollicitudin Phasellus quis ipsum a felis accumsan rhoncus quis vel mi In a enim ligula Fusce ut mauris rutrum ultrices massa et ullamcorper nibh Quisque aliquam eleifend ultricies Praesent eu tempor enim Nunc vel augue laoreet rutrum quam sit amet malesuada massa lt p gt lt article gt lt aside gt lt Content of the aside gt lt aside gt lt main gt Now that you have your HTML base you still have to apply some style to it header font size px font weight font family sans serif position fixed top width background color rgba backdrop filter saturate blur px max height px z index padding px px px main zoom width max width px margin px auto px auto main h text align center main p text align justify main after clear both main before main after content display table article padding px width px max width background transparent important margin px article h margin top aside top px background rgba padding px px max width overflow auto z index aside h margin aside svg width px max width display block margin auto aside infos auteur h font size px text align center aside infos auteur span display block padding px px px article aside float left However if you test this code you will see that the aside is not fixed Indeed by default the position value is relative To see a sticky aside you need to use the position sticky property So in our CSS we need to add some code to our aside aside position webkit sticky position sticky As you have seen you have to use the position webkit sticky and position sticky because some browsers don t fully support this method yet But with the webkit it should be fine You can see the final result here I hope this tutorial helped you create your sticky aside on your webpage feel free to give me feedback in the comments 2021-06-01 10:02:25
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