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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Google Pixel 6」シリーズ用のサードパーティ製ケース、早くも国内でも販売中 https://taisy0.com/2021/06/08/141473.html google 2021-06-07 16:18:44
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Designing a Successful Pilot Phase for Your Cloud Migration https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/designing-a-successful-pilot-phase-for-your-cloud-migration/ Designing a Successful Pilot Phase for Your Cloud MigrationPilot phases or pilots as we will call them from now on should be conducted to test and find the positive and negative aspects of a particular use case design pattern or application migration approach They allow you to validate the foundation of your architecture for example with a landing zone governed by AWS Control … 2021-06-07 16:08:31
AWS AWS Compute Blog Using the EC2 Serial Console to access the Microsoft Server boot manager to fix and debug boot failures https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/using-the-ec2-serial-console-to-access-the-microsoft-server-boot-manager-to-fix-and-debug-boot-failures/ Using the EC Serial Console to access the Microsoft Server boot manager to fix and debug boot failuresThis post is written by Pallavi Ravishankar a Senior Product Manager and Jason Nicholls an Enterprise Solutions Architect Failure management is a key part of the reliability pillar within the AWS Well Architected Framework But things fail and operating systems are no exception An operating system update application update a misconfiguration missing driver or incorrect security … 2021-06-07 16:17:19
AWS AWS Media Blog Case Study: RSI Affordably modernizes audio and video content management on AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/case-study-rsi-affordably-modernizes-audio-and-video-content-management-aws/ Case Study RSI Affordably modernizes audio and video content management on AWS nbsp Radiotelevisione svizzera RSI a Swiss public broadcaster needed to modernize its infrastructure Its systems were built specifically for broadcast television and were not able to adapt to the rapidly evolving media industry particularly streaming content Claranet an AWS Premier Consulting Partner developed a prototype in just weeks and a backend architecture to … 2021-06-07 16:50:56
AWS AWS Spot.io: Optimizing Cloud Infrastructure Through Secure Cost Aware Automation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Lfk1Zz1dE Spot io Optimizing Cloud Infrastructure Through Secure Cost Aware AutomationSpot io s architect walks us through how they used AWS CloudFormation IAM roles EKS Amazon Sagemaker and Amazon Aurora to build a SaaS platform that helps their customers automate a cost effective cloud infrastructure deployment on AWS The platform combines custom made machine learning models IAM roles and Amazon EKS to analyze billion data points from the Spot market and to manage thousand nodes every day This architecture allows them to securely deploy EC Spot instances in their customer s environment to predict spot instances interruptions minutes in advance and replace instances automatically Check out more resources for architecting in the AWS cloud AWS 2021-06-07 16:11:19
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Lambda で TensorFlow を使う https://qiita.com/GleamingCake/items/97710d6c1d75e8315cba AWSLambdaでTensorFlowを使う手段LambdaはECRのイメージからコンテナを展開し、その中の関数を使うことができますというわけで以下のフローで実現しますTensorFlowが使えるイメージ作成ECRにプッシュLambdaにデプロイツールDockerAWSCLIserverlesslambdaにデプロイするのに使います。 2021-06-08 01:03:59
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita graphillionとnetworkxを用いて路線図のN番目に短い経路を求める https://qiita.com/thmd9726/items/9d04512ccffd0ba69ae7 graphillionとnetworkxを用いて路線図のN番目に短い経路を求めるはじめに「鉄道路線データを可視化し、最短経路問題を解く」に、数え上げお姉さん問題を高速に解けることで有名なライブラリ「graphillion」を適用することで、以下のような路線図のN番目に短い経路を求めた。 2021-06-08 01:35:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascriptでクイズの正誤判定が機能しません。。。 https://teratail.com/questions/342766?rss=all 前提・実現したいことjavascriptでクイズアプリを作ろうと思っていたのですが、正誤判定機能がうまく働きません。 2021-06-08 01:45:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) chromeアドオンcontent_scriptsで呼び出したjsのXMLHttpRequestのstatusが404を返す。 https://teratail.com/questions/342765?rss=all chromeアドオンcontentscriptsで呼び出したjsのXMLHttpRequestのstatusがを返す。 2021-06-08 01:41:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravel api作成 データが返ってこない https://teratail.com/questions/342764?rss=all Laravelapi作成データが返ってこない前提・実現したいことlaravelでapiを作成しています。 2021-06-08 01:14:20
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) as! UIImageView でエラーが出てしまう https://teratail.com/questions/342763?rss=all asuiimageview 2021-06-08 01:02:04
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Lambda で TensorFlow を使う https://qiita.com/GleamingCake/items/97710d6c1d75e8315cba AWSLambdaでTensorFlowを使う手段LambdaはECRのイメージからコンテナを展開し、その中の関数を使うことができますというわけで以下のフローで実現しますTensorFlowが使えるイメージ作成ECRにプッシュLambdaにデプロイツールDockerAWSCLIserverlesslambdaにデプロイするのに使います。 2021-06-08 01:03:59
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Dockerfileとdocker-compose.yamlの書き方を完全に理解した(わかっていない) https://qiita.com/c6tower/items/01246d8146a1d5b7f500 2021-06-08 01:24:09
海外TECH Ars Technica Schumacher, Senna, and co-op multiplayer are new additions for F1 2021 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1770450 installment 2021-06-07 16:40:04
海外TECH Ars Technica Liveblog: All the news from Apple’s WWDC 2021 keynote today at 1 pm ET https://arstechnica.com/?p=1770163 apple 2021-06-07 16:01:30
海外TECH DEV Community Let's Dive into React (Pt. 2) https://dev.to/shafspecs/let-s-dive-into-react-pt-2-3omm Let x s Dive into React Pt Downloaded NPM got snowpack ran commands and got our first React page running You can read about it here Let s continue First let s leave the keyboard alone and learn what we actually did React is a front end library for building User Interfaces UI over the years it has been improved and made powerful that we can depend on it solely for the front end of our application In the first article I mentioned that you can t just add a js or whatever to a file and call it React and the reason has been stated above it s a library not a file Next what language is used Is it JavaScript Answer is yes But a special type of JavaScript called JSX An example of JSX isconst MyComponents DatePicker function DatePicker props return lt div gt Imagine a props color datepicker here lt div gt Don t worry about what this exactly does just notice the special thing about it it s HTML JS inline we wrote HTML in JavaScript That s the basics there s more to JSX but that s for another article Now this is special it means we use just one HTML page in our own case index html link it to our entry point in our own case index jsx and keep on building from there We won t need to touch our HTML file at all for editing I mentioned entry point above what s an entry point I expect you to have knowledge of modules in JS to continue Our entry point is simply just the main module we use to connect all our React code to the lt script gt tag in our HTML file Don t understand yet We will have our index html as the main document file Note React is an SPA a Single Page Application library we will have just one HTML page we won t even need to make much changes to it and certainly no lt div gt tag or other All of those tags and JavaScript will be handled by the React files which is explained below The index js is the JavaScript that is linked to the HTML document we will then add all of our HTML JS known as JSX to the index js in functions JavaScript functions known as Components We will see a live example later To run it we use the command npm run start Now before you say Hold up why don t we just click our HTML file and run that in the browser Well that s because we wrote our JavaScript React in JSX And browsers don t understand JSX therefore we will have to compile the code to JavaScript Examples of compilers include TypeScript and Babel By running npm run start we start the compiler that automatically changes all our gibberish HTML JS JSX to understandable JavaScript this is done behind the scenes and automatically runs the HTML for us on a localhost port think of a localhost as a way to simulate your site as if it s actually on the web So that s why we can t just run our HTML file like that One more thing I ve been mentioning index js yet we renamed our file to index jsx That s due to the package we are using Snowpack It requires we name our JS files to jsx even though we refer to it in the code as js check our HTML lt script gt tag src for example When using others beside Snowpack e g Vite make sure to confirm their naming conventions So that s it for this article no coding no editing must be disappointing I m sure But now that we do have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes we can continue with less explaining to do and hopefully you get a clearer picture See you in the next one 2021-06-07 16:52:40
海外TECH DEV Community My 3 tips about Flexbox that will make your CSS better https://dev.to/melnik909/my-3-tips-about-flexbox-that-will-make-your-css-better-50g6 My tips about Flexbox that will make your CSS betterWhen I check CSS of projects I often face some mistakes that are related to Flexbox I d like to tell about them in this post so that you didn t do them justify content vs column gapI m tired to see that developers use the space between or space around value to position the grid s elements It s a bad practice that leads to incorrect displaying When people do that they don t think that number of items may be changed For example if add more elements in a grid from columns they will not be displayed at the start of the line Thus I see the broken grids There is a nice approach using the column gap property This property with Flexbox and you can just define a gap between of elements And browsers will do all the rest of the work So you ll get safe grids with any number of elements don t do this lt div class grid gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt grid display flex justify content space between or space around item width You can use this instead lt div class grid gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div class item gt lt span gt item lt span gt lt div gt lt div gt grid display flex column gap item width justify content and align items vs margin autoWhen we solve issues of alignment we like to use alignment properties such as justify content or align items But few people know these properties can lead to losing data particularly frequently when vertical alignment This is due to how these properties work This process includes the two terms The first the alignment container is an element to that you declare the alignment properties The second the alignment subject is elements that are inside of the alignment container The alignment properties affect them So there is the case when the alignment subjects sizes are larger than the alignment container s sizes In the default alignment mode it ll lead to overflow and loss of data So users will see the cropped element I created the example with the modal element to show this behavior At first the text is short But when we make it more we lose the heading and the close button We can fix it using auto margins because it uses extra space to align elements and doesn t lead to overflow Take a look at how elements are no longer lost don t do this lt div class modal gt lt div class modal main gt lt div gt lt div gt modal display flex justify content center align items center You can use this instead lt div class modal gt lt div class modal main gt lt div gt lt div gt modal display flex modal main margin auto flex items are blockifiedThere is an important feature when we use flexbox When you write display flex for the element all its child elements flex items are blockified What does it mean All flex items that are set the display property with the inline inline block inline flex inline grid or inline table values will be changed The inline and inline block will changed to block inline flex gt flex inline grid gt grid and inline table gt table So don t use the block inline and inline block values and your code will be saved clear don t do this grid display flex item display block inline or inline block You can use this instead grid display flex P S If you like these tips go to read others on my Linkedin P S S This post was written with the support of my patrons Ashlea Gable Ben Rinehart Sergio Kagiema Vlad Bazhanov Spiridon Konofaos Jesse Willard Tanya Ten 2021-06-07 16:25:40
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction To Solidity https://dev.to/gbengelebs/introduction-to-solidity-228c Introduction To SolidityIn the previous article we discussed about smart contracts and tokens In this article I will be taking a look at solidity the language for programming smart contracts Solidity is a high level programming language designed for implementing smart contracts It is statically typed object oriented contract oriented language Solidity is highly influenced by Python c and JavaScript which runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM In this article we will provide an introduction into the solidity language The first thing we need is an IDE to write our solidity code One of the most popular development environments for programming solidity is the Remix IDE and it is what we will be using in this tutorial Luckily we can access it online here SOLSolidity Files are saved with the sol extension to indicate that it is a solidity file PRAGMA The first line of a solidity file is the pragma statement It indicates the solidity version that is being used It helps ensure compatibility in code files pragma solidity CONTRACTThis keyword is used to create a smart contract By convention the name of the contract is usually the name of the solidity file Every function and variable declaration in the file will be encapsulated within the smart contract contract Test Functions and Data VARIABLESvariables are reserved memory locations to store value You may like to store information of various data types like character wide character integer floating point double floating point boolean etc Based on the data type of a variable the operating system allocates memory and decides what can be stored in the reserved memory examples of variables are integer string bool ADDRESSThis is a variable type that holds the byte value representing the size of an Ethereum address address x x MAPPING A mapping holds a reference to a value Below is the syntax They act as hash tables which consist of key types and corresponding value type pairs mapping KeyType gt ValueType mapping address gt uint public balances This maps the address variable as a key to an integer variable and assigns the mapping to a public variable called balances We can assign a value to a key adress like thisbalances keyAddress value Solidity supports State local and global variables State Variables Variables whose values are permanently stored in a contract storage contract SolidityTest uint storedData State variable constructor public storedData Using State variable Here we declared an integer variable called storedData And we assign a value to it in the constructor of the contract This value will be available throughout the contract context Local Variables Variables whose values are present only within a function Global Variables Special variables exists in the global namespace used to get information about the blockchain Common Examples are block coinbase address payable which returns Current block miner s address See the list of variables hereImage Source TutorialPoint FUNCTIONA function is a group of resuable code that can be used anywhere in your application They perform a specific task The most common way to define a function in Solidity is by using the function keyword followed by a unique function name a list of parameters that might be empty and a statement block surrounded by curly braces Functions can be specified as being external public internal or private where the default is public Public Public functions are part of the contract interface and can be either called internally or via messages Internal Those functions and state variables can only be accessed internally i e from within the current contract or contracts deriving from it Private Private functions and state variables are only visible for the contract they are defined in and not in derived contracts Functions can be declared view in which case they promise not to modify the state Read only functionsfunction function name parameter list scope returns statements Examplecontract BlogDemo function addNumbers public view returns uint uint a local variable uint b uint result a b return result In this example we named our function addNumbers it is declared as public view Which means it does not modify any contract state It just adds two numbers together It returns an integer and it does not take in any parameters function with multiple return Parameters contract BlogDemo function addNumbers public view returns uint sum uint product uint a local variable uint b sum a b product a b This function will return both the product and sum require keyword The require keyword in a Solidity function guarantees validity of conditions that cannot be detected before execution It checks inputs contract state variables and return values from calls to external contracts If I wanted to execute a function only if a particular condition is met I add the required keyword contract BlogDemo uint value uint value function addNumbers public view returns uint sum uint product require value gt value is not greater than uint a local variable uint b sum a b product a b This function will only execute if value is greater than value if the condition is not met It will return the error message is not greater than ModifiersModifier allow control to the behaviour of a function They can be used in a vareity of scenarios Like for example checking who has access to a function before executing that function contract Test address testAddress constructor testAddress msg sender Check if the function is called by the owner of the contract modifier onlyOwner if msg sender testAddress The function body is inserted where the special symbol appears in the definition of a modifier So if condition of modifier is satisfied while calling this function the function is executed and otherwise an exception is thrown We can then use this function modifier as a condition checker in other functions For example to only execute the function if it is called by the sender Can only be called by the owner cause I am using the onlyOwner modifier function test public onlyOwner ConstructorsA constructor is an optional function declared with the constructor keyword which is executed only upon contract creation Constructor functions can be either public or internal If there is no constructor the contract will assume the default constructor contructor public contract SolidityTest uint storedData State variable constructor public storedData Using State variable Events An event stores arguments passed to it in the transaction logs of the blockchain If you want to store something like transfer information You could do so using an event Event Syntaxevent Transfer address indexed from address indexed to uint value To write to an event You emit that event To write to event Transfer I emit it using the following syntax Emit an eventemit Transfer msg sender receiverAddress msg value In this article we have explained some common syntax and terms in the solidity language In the next article in the series we will be building our own smart contract using solidity and deploying to the Binance Smart Chain 2021-06-07 16:18:18
海外TECH DEV Community Corre tus tareas recurrentes con Sidekiq https://dev.to/webdox/corre-tus-tareas-recurrentes-con-sidekiq-3nj1 Corre tus tareas recurrentes con SidekiqEn Webdox utilizamos Sidekiq como nuestra plataforma para procesar tareas asíncronas Sidekiq utiliza hilos threads para manejar varias tareas al mismo tiempo en un mismo proceso Tenemos muchas tareas que ejecutamos de forma asíncrona con Sidekiq por ejemplo El envío de notificaciones por correo la reindexación de contratos la generación masiva de contratos y el inicio de la firma electrónica de cada contrato masivo etcSidekiq se puede usar de forma gratuita y de forma paga Cuando usamos la forma gratuita hay ciertas funcionalidades que no se incluyen y una de estas es ejecutar CRON JOBS Con esta funcionalidad podríamos tomar una tarea de Sidekiq y ejecutarla recurrentemente cada cierto tiempo con Cron jobsAfortunadamente existen Gemas que funcionan como plugins de Sidekiq y en Webdox utilizamos una para ejecutar tareas recurrentes de forma gratuita su nombre es Sidekiq SchedulerA continuación un pequeño tutorial de cómo utilizar Sidekiq Scheduler Instalación y ConfiguraciónAgregamos la gema en nuestro Gemfile Gemfilegem sidekiq scheduler y Ejecutamos bundle installCreamos un Worker de Sidekiq el cual se ejecutarácada cierto tiempo hello world worker rbrequire sidekiq scheduler class HelloWorldWorker include Sidekiq Worker def perform puts Hello world endendPara configurar la periodicidad del Worker modificamos el archivo de configuración de Sidekiq un apartado de Scheduler config sidekiq yml schedule hello world cron Runs once per minute class HelloWorldWorkerY corremos Sidekiq bundle exec sidekiq C config sidekiq ymlUna vez iniciado Sidekiq veremos como se imprime Hello world cada minuto T Z TID ownzir INFO Running in ruby p revision x darwin T Z TID ownzir INFO See LICENSE and the LGPL for licensing details T Z TID ownzir INFO Upgrade to Sidekiq Pro for more features and support T Z TID ownzir INFO Loading Schedule T Z TID ownzir INFO Schedule empty Set Sidekiq schedule T Z TID ownzir INFO Schedules Loaded T Z TID ownzir INFO Reloading Schedule T Z TID ownzir INFO Loading Schedule T Z TID ownzir INFO Scheduling hello world cron gt class gt HelloWorldWorker queue gt default T Z TID ownzir INFO Schedules Loaded T Z TID ownzir INFO Starting processing hit Ctrl C to stop T Z TID ovvhmpo HelloWorldWorker JID afedefc INFO startHello world T Z TID ovvhmpo HelloWorldWorker JID afedefc INFO done sec T Z TID ovvhmpo HelloWorldWorker JID dcbcbebfcfaae INFO startHello world T Z TID ovvhmpo HelloWorldWorker JID dcbcbebfcfaae INFO done secAdemás tenemos la opción de visualizar las tareas recurrentes en el panel de administración de Sidekiq si realizamos la sgte configuración config rurequire sidekiq web require sidekiq scheduler web run Sidekiq WebPor último recomendamos utilizar la página CronTabGurú para cuando necesitemos configurar la periodicidad de las tareas recurrentes con la sintaxis de Cron Jobs Tener en cuenta que la sintaxis de cron jobs que utiliza Sidekiq Scheduler tiene una sección extra en la parte de adelante la cual nos permite configurar los segundos 2021-06-07 16:18:11
海外TECH DEV Community Must-Have Skills for Developers in 2021 https://dev.to/krowser/must-have-skills-for-developers-in-2021-2aao Must Have Skills for Developers in Whether you are already an experienced developer or just starting out if you want to become really good in this industry you need to constantly sharpen your skills to stay relevant Whether you are already an experienced developer or just starting out if you want to become really good in this industry you need to constantly sharpen your skills to stay relevant Here are some of the most valuable skills for developers to tackle this year Of course you won t need all of them and this list isn t complete But it should give you a good idea of what to learn next or what to improve on Practice Coding Every DayPractice coding every day ーeven if it s just for minutes This will help you learn the best development practices and grow your skills It will also help you stay in top form and master new technologies Learn To Be a Good Communicator Both Written and Spoken You don t need to speak English like a native speaker but you do need good enough communication skills to help clients understand what you are saying Whether it s in meetings emails or even on the phone you don t want to lose a client because they couldn t understand your words Also writing clean code is an essential skill that will make you stand out from other developers Practice Object Oriented Design PrinciplesEven if you just started programming learning OOP will give you many benefits over time It will also make it much easier for you to read other people s code which is essential when working with other developers and your team members Improve Your Problem Solving SkillsSoftware development is a complex field You ll be exposed to many different problems and tasks during your career Make sure you can solve them effectively by learning how to think like a developer Learn How To Use Design Tools Such As Photoshop Sketch and IllustratorGood looking websites and apps are essential if you want to create high quality products that users love While it s possible to learn how to design using tutorials and YouTube videos most of the time you will need some formal training in this area when you start working on real projects Keep Learning New Technologies and LanguagesDon t get stuck on one stack Learning new languages and frameworks will help you stay employable in this industry If you have had the same stack for a long time then there is a good chance that your skills will become obsolete over time Always try to stay up to date with the newest technologies used by top developers around the world Learn at Least One Scripting Language e g Python Scripting languages are useful for automating repetitive tasks Even if you don t want to become a full time developer scripting can make your life easier as a software engineer Learn How To Write Clean and Maintainable CodeYou will have to spend lots of time reading other people s code If the code is not clean then it will be very hard for you to understand what s going on So you must write clean and readable code yourself One way to improve your coding skills is by writing unit tests e g by using JUnit This will help you catch bugs early in the development process Also try to keep your methods short so it will be easier to read them later when you need to come back and fix something in the project that you wrote months ago Be Able To Think Ahead and Plan Out How a Feature Should Work Before You Start Developing ItIt takes time to go from writing an initial idea for a feature product bugfix to having that feature ready on the market You need to be able to think ahead and make sure that everything fits together properly during this whole process and also after This includes planning with your team members asking users what they want talking with stakeholders about their requirements etc Don t just start coding things without thinking first Learn How To Implement Security Measures ProperlyThere is a lot of information out there about security and it s easy to get confused and overwhelmed Make sure that you don t just focus on the obvious things like “make sure your password is strong enough and learn more about security threats and how to fix them Don t Be Afraid To Ask QuestionsAsking questions is a great way to learn One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume that you know everything Many developers tend to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness but it s actually a sign of strength If you don t understand something ask someone who does and then try to figure it out yourself as well This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic in question Learn How To Work With Different Environments Mac Linux Windows You don t have to become an expert in all platforms but you should know how they work and what their pros and cons are Also knowing how different development environments work will allow you to save time when switching between them For example developing an Android app on Windows or Mac will force you to change your workflow since the process is quite different from using Linux or Ubuntu Practice Pair Programming Regularly With Your Team Members or Others Pair programming means two people working together on one computer at the same time ーone person sitting behind the keyboard writing code while the other person observes and gives feedback suggestions code reviews etc Pair programming has many benefits including a better understanding of the problem domain sharing knowledge and ideas between team members faster debugging etc It also allows developers to get comfortable with each other through regular communication and helps team members build trust towards each other which greatly improves teamwork Understand Design Patterns SOLID Principles and Object Oriented Design Patterns You don t have to know every single pattern by heart but understanding what they are will help you a lot as a software developer Object oriented design patterns are used repeatedly in different frameworks and technologies so understanding them will be extremely useful for your job as a software developer The SOLID principles guide us when writing code Single responsibility principleOpen closed principleLiskov substitution principleInterface segregation principleDependency inversion principleLearn How To Deal With Change as a Software DeveloperWhen working on new projects or even when working with existing code bases things change from time to time and not always because we want them to You need to constantly adapt to these changes if you re going to continue being productive in this business If you cannot handle change well you will eventually get stuck with outdated skills that won t help you much anymore Learn How To Put Yourself in Other People s ShoesThis is a beneficial skill in the software development industry You need to learn how to see things through your client s eyes and try to understand what they want or need You need to communicate with them and make sure you deliver what they want Learn About Business Processes and Soft SkillsIt doesn t matter if you work for yourself or for another company You must understand business processes and soft skills like communication time management problem solving and more These are all crucial skills that will make you stand out from other developers who don t know anything about this stuff Learn How To Deal With DeadlinesEverybody knows that projects sometimes run late and deadlines are not met As a developer you need to learn how to meet deadlines by setting smaller checkpoints in your projects that you can check off as you go This will help you be more efficient and get the job done on time Learn How To Learn New Technologies FastAs mentioned before developers need to stay relevant and learn new technologies quickly This means learning new languages and learning about new frameworks or libraries that can help you solve problems more efficiently It s not only important that you know about the technology but also why it s better than the others If you don t understand something or there is something that isn t clear to you ask questions Don t be afraid of looking stupid because if someone doesn t understand something they will never fully master it 2021-06-07 16:09:47
海外TECH DEV Community Building an Accessible Reveal-Card https://dev.to/link2twenty/building-an-accessible-reveal-card-3c56 Building an Accessible Reveal CardRecently I found myself craving to make something interesting So I sat down and scrolled through dribbble to see if there was anything on there that I d like to make I came across a card that could be swiped to reveal some action buttons and set to work As you ve no doubt gathered I ll be building a reveal card I have no idea if they have an official name in this post but I must preface this with I m not an Ay expert I like to think I have some idea what I m doing but I could well have got some of this wrong If you notice something wrong or want to ask questions about why I ve done certain things feel free to leave a comment and I ll get back to you This is what I ll be making It works with mouse touch keyboard and I hope screen readers read from it correctly too The structureFor the structure which we will later describe in HTML we ll need a base that can be tabbed to a layer for options or buttons in our case and the info card that sits on top of the options obscuring them until we slide them out of the way For ay think the base should also have aria expanded to indicate the section can be expanded also the buttons should have aria hidden on them or a wrapper to prevent screen readers from reading them I think something like that matches my description but really doesn t look great as of yet Which neatly leads us on to styling The lookFor the look I ll be sticking to a quite material design which means we ll use open sans fonts buttons are transparent circles that become translucent on mouse over and we have a box shadow on the while thing Quite simple when you explain it like that really isn t it Here s the SCSS Whilst this now looks passable there are a few things to consider the card is white but behind it needs colour too and we really should let potential users pick from a few colours the default outline is ok but it different across browsers and doesn t really look that great and finally other than the cursor changing there s no real indication to the user that the panel slides Adding variantsYou may have noticed in the above SCSS I was using BEM which is just a style guide In BEM when you add a variant you use followed by the variant name So let s add success info and warn as our three colour variants Because we re using SCSS we can easily just add the variants to our material slide styles like so material slide position relative margin em border radius px box shadow px px rgba px px rgba overflow hidden amp success background color BE color fefefe amp info background color DA color fefefe amp warn background color BCC color fefefe I ve stated the background colour and the text colour so if someone wants to add a new variant to the code they can follow the pattern and add a better contrast colour if they need one Nice outlineNow this is quite an interesting topic lots of Ay purest say the default outline should be left alone and for a long time I agreed with that but over the years I ve considered alternatives and I think as long as you let the user know they have focus of your element it s ok to be a little adventurous The method I ve been using for a while now is to use a box shadow in an after which has opacity until the element is focus visible Again we add this to the material slide styles amp after content border radius px position absolute top right bottom left pointer events none box shadow inset px fefefe inset px B inset px fefefe opacity amp focus visible outline none amp after opacity The outline is made of three lines a two white ones sandwiching a blue one this helps with keeping the outline noticeable on top of different colours Gesture hintsFinally for the styles I don t think it s obvious when you see a card that it can be dragged even if you cursor changes to grab I had a think about this for a while and decided that if someone hovers over the card we should move it over by px just so show that the card moves To do this I simply added the transform to hover inside material slide info amp hover not material slide options user control transform translatex px You ll also notice there is material slide options user control this is a class we will be adding with JS so let s move on to that now The functionalityWe ve made it to the final part adding some JS to make the whole thing function Mostly this will be event listeners with a little bit of state management For the listeners we ll want to listen for keyboard events mouse events and touch events State managementFor this I will just have an object which contains all the variables I need then I will update and check against that object as I need to const state isActive false isOpen false isOpenLast false startPos null currentPos null Event listenersI ll need to listen for mouse down move leave and up to keep track of how far the card has been dragged I ve also decided to add double click to open an close fortunately there is a event for that For keyboard support I ll just need to listen of key up and for touch I ll listen for touch start move end and cancel which are basically the same as mouse but slightly different because of multitouch Sign offWell there we have it we ve made a cool little sliding panel that we can hide buttons behind We ve made it so a keyboard user can use it and so that a screen reader can read it I was thinking I might do another part to this series where I convert this to a React component and put it on Git NPM would there be any interest for that Thank you for reading to the end I hope you got something from this and as I said at the top of the article feel free to leave any comments or come shout at me over on twitter Thanks again ‍ ️️️‍ ️‍ ️ 2021-06-07 16:00:38
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GCP Cloud Blog Google Dataflow is a Leader in The 2021 Forrester Wave™: Streaming Analytics https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/dataflow-leader-forrester-wave-streaming-analytics-report-2021/ Google Dataflow is a Leader in The Forrester Wave Streaming AnalyticsWe are excited to announce that Google has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave Streaming Analytics Q report Thank you to our strong community of customers and partners for working with us to deliver a customer focused product We believe Forrester s recognition is an acknowledgement of our leadership across an integrated set of capabilities that rely on data to drive transformation We were also honored to be named a leader in The Forrester Wave Cloud Data Warehouse Q  Forrester gave Dataflow a score of out of across different criteria and according to the report “Google Cloud Dataflow has strengths in data sequencing advanced analytics performance and high availability Google Dataflow s sweet spot is for enterprises that have a preponderance of real time data generated on Google Cloud Platform or wish to simplify all data processing by using a single platform that unifies both streaming and batch jobs  Harnessing the power of real time dataThe speed with which businesses are able to respond to change is the difference between those that successfully navigate the future and those that get left behind In order to accelerate their digital transformation reimagine their business and leverage the power of real time data  today s data leaders require a streaming analytics platform that provides both depth and breadth   Cloud Pub Sub and Cloud Dataflow based on more than a decade of experience in internet scale systems for Google s own needs provide customers with a reliable scalable performant platform In addition we ve designed these products for ease of use to make streaming analytics accessible to more users which is why customers such as Sky and others from across all industries use Dataflow to run streaming analytics workloads out of across key streaming analytics criteriaWhile Forrester gave Dataflow a score of out of in criteria the product achieved the highest possible scores in areas that are top of mind for our customers We continue to be focused on solving problems that matter to you For example just in the last month we announced Dataflow Prime and Auto Sharding for BigQuery two new auto tuning capabilities that bring efficiency and simplicity to your streaming pipelines  Dataflow achieves highest score possible in strategy With Google organizations gain an industry leading product and a partner that has the vision and strategy to help you tackle new business challenges and provide delightful experiences to your customers In summary we are honored to be a Leader in The Forrester Wave Streaming Analytics and look forward to continuing to innovate and partner with you on your digital transformation journey  Download the full report The Forrester Wave Streaming Analytics Q and check out these smart analytics reference patterns To learn more about Dataflow visit our website and get to know the product by taking an interactive tutorial You can also watch recordings from the Data Cloud Summit event May where we provided an in depth view of new product innovations in Dataflow and other data analytics products Related ArticleGartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems names Google a LeaderGartner s first ever database management systems DBMS Magic Quadrant MQ names Google Cloud a Leader Read Article 2021-06-07 16:45:00
GCP Cloud Blog Node, Python and Java repositories now available in Artifact Registry https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/application-development/artifact-registry-adds-node-python-and-java-repositories/ Node Python and Java repositories now available in Artifact RegistryAs a developer you need a secure place to store all your stuff container images of course but also language packages that can enable code reuse across multiple applications Today we re pleased to announce support for Node js Python and Java repositories for Artifact Registry in Preview With today s announcement you can not only use Artifact Registry to secure and distribute container images but also manage and secure your other software artifacts  At the same time the Artifact Registry managed service provides advantages over on premises registries As a fully serverless platform it scales based on demand so you only pay for what you actually use Enterprise security features such as VPC SC CMEK and granular IAM ensure you get greater control and security features for both container and non container artifacts You can also connect to tools you are already using as a part of a CI CD workflow  Let s take a closer look at the features you ll find in Artifact Registry giving you a fully managed tool to store manage and secure all your artifacts  Expanded repository formatsWith support for new repository formats you can streamline and get a consistent view across all your artifacts Now supported artifacts include Java packages  using the Maven repository format Node js packages using the npm repository format Python packages using the PyPI repository format In addition to existing container images and Helm charts using the Docker repository format  Easy integration with you CI CD toolchainYou can also integrate Artifact Registry including the new repository formats with Google Cloud s build and runtime services or your existing build system The following are just some of the use cases that are made possible by this integration Deployment to Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Cloud Run Compute Engine and other runtime services CI CD with Cloud Build with automatic vulnerability scanning for OCI images Compatibility with Jenkins Circle CI TeamCity and other CI tools Native support for Binary Authorization to ensure only approved artifact images are deployedStorage and management of artifacts in a variety of formatsStreamlined authentication and access control across repositories using Google Cloud IAMA more secure software supply chainStoring trusted artifacts in private repositories is a key part of a secure software supply chain and helps mitigate the risks associated with using artifacts directly from public repositories With Artifact Registry you can Scan container images for vulnerabilitiesProtect repositories via a security perimeter VPC SC support Configure access control at the repository level using Cloud IAMUse customer managed encryption keys CMEK instead of the default Google managed encryptionUse Cloud Audit Logging to track and review repository usageOptimize your infrastructure and maintain data complianceArtifact Registry provides regional support enabling you to manage and host artifacts in the regions where your deployments occur reducing latency and cost By implementing regional repositories you can also comply with your local data sovereignty and security requirements Get started todayThese new features are available to all Artifact Registry customers Pricing for language packages is the same as container pricing see the pricing documentation for details To get started using Node js Python and Java repositories try the quickstarts in the Artifact Registry documentation Node js Quickstart GuidePython Quickstart GuideJava Quickstart GuideVideo Overview using Maven in Artifact RegistryRelated ArticleHow we re helping to reshape the software supply chain ecosystem securelyWe re sharing some of the security best practices we employ and investments we make in secure software development and supply chain risk Read Article 2021-06-07 16:30:00



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